Doesn't do for the better. "Everything that is done is done for the better." How true is the statement


Whatever is done is for the best!

But the Russian proverb is right!!! Everything that is done is for the best!

There are no wrong directions in life. Any path leads you to your goal. And if now you understand inside yourself that you are not doing something, that this is not something, not YOUR, someone else's - in fact it is not so ... You are moving exactly where you need to! But only if you really do something, and do not sit still and expect something from life - a miracle, a chance, an opportunity, and you yourself do not hit a finger on a finger.

Every action takes you where you need to go. Even if you don’t see now and don’t understand where and why. And it really doesn't matter. What matters is moving forward.

Now why is this so? In fact, every action you take develops you and embeds a bunch of knowledge and skills - the skill of setting and achieving goals, the skill of making decisions, the ability to get along and negotiate with people, the ability to overcome failures, and so on. Even if you are now engaged in an unloved business, you still develop it all in yourself. Whatever you do, you learn to understand yourself, you grow personally, you improve yourself ...

For what??? So that when the moment comes, use these skills to achieve YOUR GOAL. Everyone knows the expression - when the student is ready - the teacher comes. The same goes for YOUR goal. When you become ready for its realization, the opportunity for it comes to you. But if you don’t do anything, don’t move anywhere, don’t develop, just do the same thing, this opportunity will never appear, which means you will never reach your goal. And you will never live the way you want.

Here's a real example for you - Steve Jobs, the creator of Apple. While still a student, he enrolled in a calligraphy course that had nothing to do with anything. Just signed up - I wanted to. It would seem why and for what? But then this knowledge was put into the computer font system and now the whole world uses these fonts, information about which Steve Jobs received in calligraphy courses. And for you, the conclusion is simple - Any path leads you to your goal.

If you need more examples, read the biographies of successful people. They all went bankrupt, did the wrong thing, but eventually came to an understanding of their goals with the baggage of the necessary skills and knowledge and made a sharp leap forward. So wherever you are now, whatever you do, you are preparing to achieve your goal. Even if you still don’t see it on the horizon and have no idea what kind of goal it is ... This understanding will definitely come!

But it will come only to those who will go forward, act and develop! Instead of complaining about life, the government and employers and sitting on TV or on social media. networks - so you definitely won’t find your goal. So today you have added a solid plus to motivation! Take action! Now you know that Any path leads you to your goal!

Updated 01 Dec 2013. Created Nov 25, 2012

Every person at least once in his life heard: "Everything that is done is done for the better." Or in this performance: "Everything that God does, everything is for the best." People usually hear this phrase in childhood from their mothers or grandmothers, but they do not reflect on the validity of this statement. They remember, and so their relationship with this folk wisdom ends or, rather, is interrupted exactly until the time when they have to independently enter the battlefield with life. And then they will be able to answer the question of how much God arranges human life for the better. In the meantime, while modern children are growing up, we will take a look at the interpretation of the phrase “Everything that is done is done for the better” in various philosophical and religious traditions.


Why are Christians convinced that God does everything for the best? Because, from the point of view of believers, everything in life is either a reward or a punishment (test). God tests a person with punishment, and the servant of God becomes better. Therefore, one way or another, everything that is done is done for the better. If a person believes in God, then in any case he wins: happiness falls on him - he enjoys life, he suffers - he becomes better, morally purer and generally closer to the Lord.

Indeed, what could be desperately bad in earthly life if it is only a prelude to heavenly life? Everything plays into the hands of a person in one way or another. Therefore, one can even say: "Everything that is done leads to the best." Yes, but this opinion had objections, primarily from the side of common sense. Voltaire spoke on his behalf.

Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

The 18th century French philosopher wrote Candide, or Optimism. In this absolutely beautiful and infinitely wonderful work, Voltaire ridicules, among other things, metaphysics, especially the optimism of Leibniz, the quintessence of which can be considered the famous quote: "Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds." In the philosophical story of the French philosopher, there are two main characters - Candide and his teacher Pangloss. The story is structured in such a way that many adventures and trials fall on the heroes, but Pangloss never loses heart and constantly repeats: "Everything is for the best." He says this even when he is left without an eye as a result of misadventures.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)

Voltaire died in France, 10 years later A. Schopenhauer was born, and, strangely enough, he also did not like Leibniz and his “pink” optimism. And in retaliation, he came up with his own aphorism: "This world is the worst possible world" - implying that everything here changes only for the worse. Why is that? Because reality, according to the German philosopher, is controlled by the evil and ruthless World Will, its task is only one - to be reproduced in human beings and thus exist forever.

In the world of A. Schopenhauer, existence has only one content - suffering. Man is closed in it, he is a prisoner of life. The tragedy of human existence lies in the fact that it is not followed by any otherworldly continuation. The life task of a person is interpreted by A. Schopenhauer as the awareness of one's slavery to being and the adoption of a decision on the purposeful destruction of the will to live (another name for the World Will). Proceeding from this, Schopenhauer favorably treated both suicide and the mortification of the flesh, for the weaker the human body, the less will it have to live. The ideal death for the hero of philosophy A. Schopenhauer would be death from starvation in absolute poverty. So it goes.

The reader will probably be interested to know how the venerable Mr. Philosopher himself lived. Do not worry about him, he lived perfectly: he ate well, slept well. He was very sensitive to his health and, according to the assurances of A. Camus (a French philosopher of the 20th century), A. Schopenhauer could talk about suicide while sitting at the dinner table.

When the first irrationalist was asked why he did not follow his own instructions, he answered that sometimes a person’s spiritual heat is only enough to show the way, but he no longer has the strength to go along it. A witty answer, and you can't argue. This is how Schopenhauer invented an alternative to popular wisdom, which says: "Everything that is done is done for the better."

Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 - 1980)

It's time to open the cards. Behind the formulation examined here lies an ordinary fatalism. This term is known even to those who are not particularly fond of philosophy. Fatalism means the predestination of everything that happens in the world with a person. Accordingly, such a worldview forms a person who is submissive to fate. It is this type of person who believes that everything is done for the better.

Fatalists are opposed by voluntarists. The latter believe that there is no predestination, everything depends on the willpower of a person (hence the name). Existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre belonged to such people. He simply could not believe that God does everything for the best, since in his worldview system God is dead. The death of the Almighty happened already in the 19th century, Nietzsche announced it.

J.-P. Sartre argued that there is no predestination in man. He himself is fully responsible for himself, he is his own personal “project”, and there are no higher powers over him. He is the only one. God, according to Sartre, did not die without a trace and not painlessly for a person. As a legacy to his son, the Almighty left a "hole in the soul", which a person has to fill during his life and thereby take place.


Let us digress from the West and turn to the East. For the Buddha, there was only one predestination - this is the dependence of a person on his actions. An ordinary person lives in samsara, i.e. in the constant cycle of birth and death. We remind you that, according to Buddhism, a person is reborn again and again until he reaches nirvana (from Sanskrit - "extinction") - liberation from the endless circle of rebirths and, accordingly, the suffering associated with them.

The existing world is filled with suffering. And, in principle, nothing good awaits a person in him if he does not realize the truth that life is suffering, this is the first step towards liberation. Then other "noble truths" should be assimilated: the desire to live gives rise to suffering; it is possible to achieve a state of complete indifference to what is happening - it is called nirvana; the middle road leads to nirvana, which lies between asceticism (mortification of the flesh) and hedonism (the desire for constant and unrestrained pleasure). Thus, if the Buddha said that everything that is not done is done for the better, his quotes could sound like this: “You will achieve nirvana only if you realize that life is suffering, you need to give up your desires and embark on the middle path” ; “If you are already on the path of enlightenment, then everything is for the best.”

Is it worth blindly submitting to fate, God or chance (God-Chance)?

The Buddhist "middle way" can be quite easily applied in everyday life. Fatalism and voluntarism are the facets of life. Everyone chooses for himself who he is - a puppet in the hands of higher powers or a being endowed with will and able to decide his own destiny, to be its master.

For someone who does not want to decide anything, but prefers to go with the flow, fatalism is quite suitable, and he can say: "Everything God does is for the best." True, fatalism can be different, it can express certain thinking after the fact. For example, a person struggled with fate all his life, and then submitted to it, and he considers his entire life path as the fulfillment of a higher predestination.

Voluntarism, on the contrary, is for those who do not want to surrender to the mercy of God or fate.

Thus, depending on the choice of the party in this dispute, a person decides for himself whether the statement placed in the title of the article is true or not.

A small bonus for readers who do not know Latin, but would like to show off some expression. So, the phrase “everything that is not done is done for the better” in Latin sounds like this: Omne quod fit, fit in melius.


Personally, I think that always and in everything you need to look for a share of positive and joy. Not always, what seems to us terribly scary, offensive and unfair, is such. Yes, there are always exceptions. But there is no point in focusing only on the fact that everything is “bad” and “wrong”. Everyone goes through their own lessons in life. And there is no need to be afraid of them and run away from them. It happens that they hit us painfully, but after all, all this is lived through, passes through the soul and heart and thoughts, and comes out at the right time with already drawn conclusions and acceptance of the situation. There is no need to pre-paint the scenario of the development of events in your head - all the same, everything will turn out in a negative way. We are always ready to think of the worst. We can't think of anything better.

One and the same "problem" is lived by an individual in his own way, no one decides, except for ourselves, how exactly we will overcome the formed barrier. And no one will decide for us how to accept the current "not such" situation. What happens to you happens only to you. No one will ever be able to look at the world through your eyes, see what you see, and understand it the way you understand. Making mistakes isn't scary. After all, on the other hand, you will know that you tried, you were able or were able to overcome the fear of error. If you want to live without a load of problems, insults and missed opportunities - everything is in your hands, do not listen to anyone but yourself.

We will never know everything in advance. Yes, and there's nothing to it. Create and create your life yourself, with your positive thoughts and cherished desires! A positive attitude and desire are the main engines of all processes!

And .. everything that is done and done is for the better. The best is inevitable! ;)

The principle of "everything is for the best" works.

At least, I have not yet had a single situation that did not work.

Everything that is taken away from you, everything that is not given to you, everything that does not happen as you would like, that you even destroy yourself - all this passes and is replaced by something much more correct and good for you. And then, of course, you can lose it again. And something better comes along.

For example, an upsetting break in relations later turned out to be really correct and useful - much better relations came. The breakup of the next ones was also beneficial - if there hadn’t been a painful parting once again, then there wouldn’t have been a much better story later.

Or a large debt, which was formed by a coincidence of seemingly unfavorable circumstances, and had to be repaid - thanks to him, new projects were built many times faster and not only the debt was repaid, but life became much easier and more pleasant further, suddenly new opportunities appeared, which was not there before.

And after all, at the moment when something happens, you don’t know why this or that situation is better for you - than it’s good that you missed the train, the sale of what you really wanted ended, you didn’t go to university, or ended up in accident.

The path is often very long. It is forgotten what led to what, what the chain was, and how it all began. Or awareness is not enough to understand and appreciate the full scope of what happened, this whole chain of events from and to.

For example, it’s like this for me - a few years after the events ended, I now consider all the worst that happened to be the main blessing for me. It was it that moved me most of all in an unexpected, but very good direction. I like where I ended up.

There can be a lot of reasons for “bad”, unpleasant events, the same esoteric ones - spoiled karma with something, the universe wants a new lesson to pass, an old lesson not to pass, you wanted something too much, clung or was afraid, or just implicitly wanted it is this self — this destruction and change.

But the fact remains. The most correct, effective is to perceive any situation “everything is for the better” and with humor.

Unless, of course, you are adequate, draw conclusions, take responsibility, work, improve your life, develop and move forward.

And not just sliding into a hole, saying "everything is for the best" - so it all may not work.

At the same time, being in the situation is not easy. It is often very painful when you are inside this tornado, you experience here and now emotions about the loss, a lack of understanding why this is happening to you, because yesterday it was good. You just need to wait out this moment and continue to act actively in all directions, look for solutions and comprehend what is happening. It is possible that they want to tell you from above what lessons you have not learned, or you need to radically change something in your life.

I began to consciously apply “everything is for the best” as a principle for handling situations, and not just as a folk saying with .

This is the fifth rule “The ability to give thanks for everything: both for good and for bad”.

I'll quote it here in full:

“Thanks to the good, we strengthen it, and thanks to what we consider bad, we transform it into a positive.

All non-positive events are low frequency, and gratitude is a high frequency vibration.

Thus, by giving thanks for the bad, we do not interact with the negative and do not allow it to settle in our lives. And if we learn to be grateful for events that we don’t like, then over time we will be able to realize that good always comes through bad things.

When we are not ready to accept the positive (categorical or emotionally dependent on what we bet), we are given the opportunity to clear through troubles. And this is not masochism at all, but the understanding that we are given a chance to realize something that we did not understand before. After all, God does not have “bad” and “good”, God has everything useful, it is important that it be in its place and perform its function.

Seraphim of Sarov said that it is very good for an ordinary person, unconscious before death, to get sick for a couple of years, because the soul is cleansed through the fact that the claims, attachments, condemnations of the surrounding people are removed, and thus the person falls into higher frequency vibrations. Also, troubles are given to us, indicating where we need to change our attitude. And after the changes, become more successful, rich and happy.”

All his rules are about conscious, positive, grateful or just even (without distortions), i.e. the most effective perception of reality.

Also, Alexander often says that in some situations, good can only come to us through bad.

“Depending on what level you are at, you will be given:

- or false information (in order for you to do the right thing);
- or information for which you are ready (and you will ALWAYS need to act!);
- or the information you need, but if you do NOT use it, then the good will come to you through the bad.

And here is another tip from Alexander Palienko:

And join Stodnevka - this is the best environment for conscious changes in life for the better! I have been in Stodnevki for 4 years already and my life has changed significantly during this time in various directions.

I could only regret that Stodnevka had not appeared earlier. But I can be glad that I gathered myself and joined it immediately, without wasting time in vain.

“If you want to be rich and successful, and get good things not through bad things - spend more energy on humor at a time when the situation does not give you pleasure. Joke about it.

Because if we begin to condemn what we used yesterday in our lives and it was normal for us, we destroy today’s: “yesterday’s” becomes poor quality and ineffective for us. However, we had it because of the correspondence to our energy.

When we arrive in some sad village and we don't like everything about it, we need to start thinking creatively about how we would like it to be. This "creative" will save us, so that we do not take on other people's problems and do not work out this village. For example, they did not restore roads in it with their energy.

Condemnation is rejection. Condemning - we finance changes, which means that in our life there will be “this village and its broken roads”, while everything will be fine in the village itself.”

And more from Alexander:

« Happiness is the state you are in no matter what happens. This is the emitter that generates events.

If you begin to depend on events, then it is not easy for you to be happy.

A happy person is one who is happy no matter what happens, and then, in the likeness, the corresponding events begin to happen for him.

There has been a lot of talk about moving into a new dimension. We measured everything by length, width, height. And now it comes to the fore how much Love is in this.

You need to understand that the most dangerous thing now is information. Because even if we are talking about love, and at the moment of talking about love, we do not have love, we are pushing people into an even greater state of fear.

And this means when we read literature in which you need to do very well and qualitatively in order to be happy, which describes the most accurate events that can lead us to happiness, but it does not contain the internal state of the person who gave this information , then this information, it always requires fullness, takes away our vital energy in order to be realized, and the future is always realized on emotions, which means that the first thing that is done is our emotions are activated - no matter what, and then the good begins to come through the bad.

It is written in Eclisiaste that "knowledge plunges into despondency", and it is not written why. There is only one reason - knowledge should always be less than love. Or love should always be more than knowledge.

When there is more love, then love harmonizes knowledge, and brings us into a state of happiness. When we have a lot of knowledge, we, not possessing love, cannot harmonize the structure of this knowledge, we become arrogant, and say “we know more than you”, and how to be in these situations. Or we become discouraged because we don't even know how we can make this world happy.

So, any information always needs a supply of love in order to structure and harmonize it.

If we do not have a reserve of love, we have more knowledge, then they use our life, and do not correctly enter life in order to be realized here in physics.

And it turns out that when we read empty books, even about very good things, they lead to troubles and problems in our lives.

The Bible says “speak from the excess of feelings”, because feelings, emotions shape our future.

If you speak and write correctly, but there is no inner feeling, the state that you are experiencing, then these words will only create trouble, problems, difficulties for other people who read this, because they will begin to be attracted to something that would it happened. They do not have the emotional state to produce this in their lives, and this requires energy. Where does energy come from? From health, from business, from family relationships.

The Benefits of Difficult Situations for Us

Various unexpected and undesirable situations give us a lot:

- They increase capacity - the ability to lose more and receive more, i.e. move to the next level. And this means that in the future we will get a chance for larger changes in life. It is perfectly.

- They train the spirit, an effective attitude to life. Stimulate to think, realize, change, learn to switch quickly. It's like a simulator, without it, the disease will begin, the muscles will atrophy, the strength will go away. Everything in life will never be perfect. But the good news is that starting from some level of spiritual and material leveling, problems will turn into just interesting tasks, fear will turn into curiosity, excitement.

“They give you the opportunity to claim greater power. . Spirit, strength are the basic concepts in stalking (Castaneda, etc.)

- They throw us into major changes, give us the opportunity to get them in a rush, very quickly, if before that we were afraid for a very long time or did not find time for them. But relaxing and accepting everything is one of the most difficult moments.

Esotericism and psychology

I believe in both esotericism and psychology, and I try to combine them. The practice of accepting the situation as it is and accepting everything for the best works in both interpretations.


Gratitude, calmness, acceptance, positive, humor increase the frequency of vibrations. The high frequency equalizes everything - what is happening, the future, karma, it forms new good events. By staying on a low frequency wave, you stimulate the attraction of new bad events.

Sometimes the good can't come to you except through the bad.

The “bad” that happens (and it can only be so in your current perception) is usually always compensation for the past or the future. For what was not right, not correct in your past action or perception, or for your not being ready to perceive current information, for not being ready for changes, growth, for the lack of your energy to build the right, right future for you now.

The universe, God has no duality - there is no black and white, bad and good, everything is equal, fair. Everything is to your advantage in your current situation.

Treating everything as a game is the most correct state. Level up like a character, from level to level.

The Universe insists that you go through some situation, learn a lesson, change your perception of the situation and behavior. If you don't pass now, you'll face the same thing again.

Remove categoricalness, be flexible in accepting situations, do not overreact emotionally. And then there will be no illnesses that could be caused by these psychosomatic reasons. Alexander Palienko often says that haste is at the head of all problems. Wanting everything to be the way I want it right now, as quickly as possible. From haste comes categoricalness and other emotional and energy distortions.


Accepting a difficult situation as it is allows you to truly look at the situation you are in. Perhaps somewhere you should work on important resources - Work, Economy, Image, Family.

When we are in internal dissonance - we try to pass one thing for another, then often we just get into some kind of accident, unpleasant situation, because everything inside is aimed at resolving this dissonance, and such a "turmoil" occurs.

If you solve situations based on the internal locus of control - relying as much as possible on what exactly you yourself can do right now to solve the situation, so that you feel better, then such an attitude and successful solution straightens the locus more and more. And straightening the locus, finding such a way of solving problems that is accompanied by the preservation and increase of self-esteem, gratitude and respect for people and situations - all this then affects all subsequent situations very favorably, and even forms good situations.

Your energy, all your promises, your communication become less hungry, looking for someone to blame. And then you automatically become more pleasing to everyone around and to yourself too - people intuitively perceive you better, as stronger, they rate you higher. Self esteem is still growing.

You focus more on the fact that “so, let's assume that everything is for the best, but what exactly should I do now?” instead of "It's all terrible, I don't want to, who's to blame?".

Humor and ease of attitude to situations make us more charming, gratitude, separation of boundaries, an internal locus make our significance higher in the eyes of other people.

My yesterday's story

Not for the first time I notice that when I try to talk about something in a blog, then some kind of tin comes to me, which was not there before. It’s like the universe is saying “you write about it so easily, come on, if you poke your nose into such a situation, can you follow those wonderful positive rules that you write about.” By the way, it dunks quite a bit, but compared to ordinary life, it is noticeable.

Therefore, I don’t like to write about something in the vein “I have learned, now I do it this way, do everything the way I think”, but sometimes, of course, it slips, and then it’s as if they immediately give the situation for verification.

Yesterday I wrote a draft of this post and went with my child to Saigon to get new passports. And there, in the early morning in a crowded and safe-looking park, where my grandparents played sports around, my favorite Kindle e-reader was very unpleasantly pulled out of my hands.

In general, the universe is like that with popcorn - yeah, it’s ready to apply the principle, well, let’s apply it) And nothing has ever been stolen from me in my life. And what to do if nothing can be done? I sit and think that everything is for the best, but in the first half hour of the situation I am emotional, I can’t come to terms and accept it. Angry that everything could have gone smoothly and successfully on this trip, but it didn't. That usually everything is fine - for what and why is such an out of the ordinary event, but I didn’t seem to break any special rules?

Then, of course, I imagined that if they asked me - what are you ready to lose now, if you definitely need one of what is in your hands - your phone, your child, a bag with documents and everything, a backpack with other documents or Kindle ?) Of course, Kindle is the lesser evil. If he had stolen the bag, I would not have been able to calmly go and pick up my passports, a long story would have begun with their restoration. Then I just remembered how Alexander Palienko said “through bad comes good”. I remembered how I had recently lost my beloved expensive sports jacket, but I accepted that it was a hint that I needed to buy something new, and indeed, I love the new one much more, and I am very happy with this replacement, although I had to invest financially. Gradually let go.

What am I talking about - not the first time I come to the conclusion that you have to be very careful with self-confidence. When you think that you have passed the lesson, that you are the smartest, ready for anything, and you teach others how to live, this is very thin ice. And it's not just about blogging.

Now I'll write all this, and something else will arrive)

But I, as a researcher, describe the principles that are of interest to me, and, perhaps, will be of interest to others.

Plus, whatever happens

It all started with the fact that a friend sent me a little therapeutic fairy tale (the author is listed at the end), and I decided to write my thoughts on this topic.

« Matthew principle.

She remembered a joke that a friend had told the other day.

A new Russian came to the store to hand over the New Year's garland.

- Does not work? the salesperson asks.

- Why? It really works, he replies.

- What's the matter then?

The buyer sighed and replied:

- Not happy.

That's how it was with her: everything seemed to be fine, but nothing pleased. And a strange thing, but every month the problems only accumulated.

First, a pipe burst in the bathroom, and it flooded the neighbors from below. Then they scratched the fender of her jeep. Then a friend's puppy ruined her new Italian shoes while they were drinking tea in the kitchen. Well, when the picture suddenly fell in the middle of the night and almost knocked it down, SHE realized that somewhere she had clearly messed up.

When she told her colleagues about this in the morning, Sveta's marketer just shrugged her shoulders:

“The Matthew principle, dear.

- In terms of? She didn't understand.

- Well, the Bible says: "... whoever has, to him will be given and will be multiplied, and whoever does not have, what he has will be taken away from him."

- Who will take it?

- Well, who-who? - like a little one, Sveta answered and she raised her eyes to the sky.

– And what to do?

Light sighed.

- Plus.

- What? She didn't understand.

- All! she answered. - Both good and bad.

SHE would have forgotten about this strange principle, but after a couple of minutes the guard said that they had scratched the second wing. And then she decided that it was worth trying this Svetkin's law ... Therefore, when the director criticized her new project at lunchtime, she calmly replied:

“Fortunately,” and left the office.

Added on.

Then I decided to do something nice for myself - I went to my favorite cafe. After 10 minutes, the secretary called: “Come back. The boss decided that one of the competitors was interested in your project, so he urgently put it into development.

Until the end of the week, SHE answered all minor problems: “It counts”, “Plus”, “Fortunately”. And, gritting her heart, she accepted larger ones: “Well, it’s good, and this is in the piggy bank”, “Everything is for the better.”

And what is strange, but in some incomprehensible way, this principle of Matthew worked. Because somewhere it was taken away, but at the same time some new opportunities opened up. And where SHE did not expect at all.

And when Misha suddenly decided to leave her ... she was not even surprised.

“Do you really care that I’m packing my things right now?” he asked indignantly.

“Don't give a damn,” SHE replied, “But you are for a civil marriage, you are not ready for children, and you don’t even want to introduce me to friends. Then I have a question to myself: “Why do I need you like that, if I am for a relationship, I want children and usually the soul of the company?” Therefore, your departure, Misha, fortunately.

He went nuts from such words and even stopped packing things, but SHE had already begun to help him, pulling out the second suitcase ...

Sveta was right: Matthew's principle worked, and now no one cut off pieces of what she had. On the contrary, where there was little, something was added from somewhere. If there were problems, then as a lesson or a reminder: do not do bad things to others - it will definitely come back. But still, there were more good things. Many times more. It’s just that whoever notices what he already has, it will be given and will be multiplied.”

Veronika Kirilyuk

Receive daily short posts on the topic of self-development and personal effectiveness, improving life:

Failure happens to everyone. Someone endures them steadfastly, while other people get very upset, they give up and lose the desire to do anything. If you belong to the second category, this post is just for you. We firmly believe that whatever is done is for the best. Try to pull yourself together and see the good in every situation.

Every failure is a colossal experience

No one succeeds unless they have experienced failure. And even if everything in his life is going great from birth, the very first failure will deprive such a lucky one of his vitality. If you periodically encounter difficulties, then you should thank fate. Now you know how to solve many problems - you are not afraid to move on. Difficulties harden us, and hardly anyone will deny it.

This is what the most successful people have.

Look at the rich, famous and talented people. We often think that everything in their lives is wonderful and smooth. But just spend one evening reading the biographies of those who seem lucky to you. You will be surprised to find out what obstacles they had to go through to achieve success. Many of these people have repeatedly gone bankrupt and started from scratch, have been unemployed for years, and become objects of ridicule. Some of them lost loved ones or underwent serious treatment. There is not a single person in life whose life would be perfect and absolutely happy. Remember: if others have overcome difficulties, you can too.

Another failure. Your actions?

Something unpleasant happened again and are you ready to deal with it in the usual ways? It can be just despondency and doing nothing, a desire to feel sorry for yourself endlessly, attempts to cry into someone's vest. Or do you withdraw into yourself, start to seize failures, wash them down with alcohol? We know very well: none of those methods work. They don't help, they only make things worse. The ideal option to knock bad thoughts out of your head is to give a task to your body. Go in for sports, do hard physical work, go hiking. Give your brain the opportunity to free itself, drive away all thoughts from yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Stop waiting for instant results

If you want to achieve something and you are constantly not getting what you want, stop and think: maybe you want to get something in one moment that takes a whole year to achieve? In those circumstances that depend slightly on you, do not set yourself a strict framework. Don't say, "I'm doing a good job, so I'll be promoted next month." In this case, not only you decide. Say to yourself, “I did great this month. Next time I will work even better so that the boss has a reason to promote me when he needs a deputy. By formulating your expectations in a completely different way, you do not set limits on your brain, you do not violate them, and you are not disappointed.

Sometimes a small dream is more important than a big one.

This point is somewhat similar to the previous one. If you set yourself the goal of losing 20 kg, then with a high probability this is a road to nowhere. The long-awaited result does not come in any way, failure happens again. Break your dream into several small ones, start your journey with the desire to lose 5 kg and tighten some part of the body a little. In a month, you will be able to check the “done” box next to such a goal - then you can safely set the next one. By small steps, your goal will be achieved - and no unnecessary frustration.

Find a saving hobby

If you are a calm person, you will need something that causes a surge of emotions, an adrenaline rush. For example, take up rope jumping. If trouble happens again in your life - just go and get another boost of energy. Such a shake-up will give strength to survive the trouble and move on.

If there are so many upheavals in your life, choose something opposite for yourself - try to learn the art of calligraphy. When you need to feel sorry for yourself and get upset, you will calmly sit over a notebook and draw beautiful letters. This not only calms and distracts, but also helps to acquire an additional useful skill. There can be many options for a hobby, but the essence is the same: your life should not revolve around the same problems - dilute it with new colors every day.

Our mistakes are our path to a better life

Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Remind yourself often that only through trial and error can you truly find your way. And on this path you can not do without defeats, problems, troubles. It is they who make you that warrior who will surely win a significant victory in the future.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation