Everything that is not done is for the better. Why do they say so: "Everything that is not done - everything is for the better!"



Personally, I think that always and in everything you need to look for a share of positive and joy. Not always, what seems to us terribly scary, offensive and unfair, is such. Yes, there are always exceptions. But there is no point in focusing only on the fact that everything is “bad” and “wrong”. Everyone goes through their own lessons in life. And there is no need to be afraid of them and run away from them. It happens that they hit us painfully, but after all, all this is lived through, passes through the soul and heart and thoughts, and comes out at the right time with already drawn conclusions and acceptance of the situation. There is no need to pre-paint the scenario of the development of events in your head - all the same, everything will turn out in a negative way. We are always ready to think of the worst. We can't think of anything better.

One and the same "problem" is lived by an individual in his own way, no one decides, except for ourselves, how exactly we will overcome the formed barrier. And no one will decide for us how to accept the current "not such" situation. What happens to you happens only to you. No one will ever be able to look at the world through your eyes, see what you see, and understand it the way you understand. Making mistakes isn't scary. After all, on the other hand, you will know that you tried, you were able or were able to overcome the fear of error. If you want to live without a load of problems, insults and missed opportunities - everything is in your hands, do not listen to anyone but yourself.

We will never know everything in advance. Yes, and there's nothing to it. Create and create your life yourself, with your positive thoughts and cherished desires! A positive attitude and desire are the main engines of all processes!

And .. everything that is done and done is for the better. The best is inevitable! ;)

Two traveler angels stopped for the night in the house of a wealthy family.
The family was not hospitable and did not want to leave the angels in the living room. Instead, they were laid to sleep in a cold basement. As they were making the bed, the elder angel saw a hole in the wall and patched it up.
The next night they came to spend the night in the house of a very poor but hospitable man and his wife. The couple shared with the angels some of the food they had and told the angels to sleep in their beds where they could sleep well.
In the morning after waking up, the angels found the owner and his wife weeping. Their only cow, her milk was the family's only income, lay dead in the barn.
The younger angel asked the elder - how could this happen? The first man had everything, and you helped him.

Nothing in this world happens by accident. Paulo Coelho, "Veronica Decides to Die" - this is how I wanted to name my article for the first time, but something stopped me. After all, this is not my life credo. I have one saying that helps me live. I'm not exaggerating, it's actually true. And it sounds like this: “Everything that God does not do is all for the better!” People understand it differently: someone sees in it an attempt to justify their idleness; someone shouts that there is no God, why are you referring to him; someone, like me, sees in any act and any chance meeting - a true fishery.

Please do not throw stones and slippers at me, because I want to tell all of you about what happened in my life and how it relates to accessories. Get comfortable, I'm starting ....

I don't even doubt it. Tested on myself many times. Everything that is done is done for the better. I can't believe it or not - it's simply impossible. “For the better” in itself is a loose concept and often and directly opposed to each has its own ... which excludes the possibility of a “common good” and the meaning of the phrase is completely lost ... I believe) but !! I’m not sure that always and everything is the work of God) everything good is from GOD, and everything bad is from ourselves! Anecdote: Everything that is done is for the best ... But not necessarily - to yours))) Hmm ... Does this loafer do at least something? Sleeping, it seems ... I believe ..))))))) apparently ... it was necessary ... Nothing in this world happens by chance.

Jacob! Ah, how long ago that was. Remember or dig deeper into memory? Well, for example, how a dog tries to bury delicious bones. Or maybe still decide and remember? I haven’t had time to set myself up to remember how here I am, young, healthy, perky and at 27 years old, already having a daughter of 5. All the years before that she lived with her mother, for two reasons. I was addicted until the age of 17. At the age of 20, she could not leave because of a debt in the bank for the purchase of a cow (mother's whim). And at 21, when I had to move out to my husband's family, I didn't move out. She looked into her mother's eyes and it seemed that there was sadness and regret in her eyes. “It’s a pity to leave her alone,” she said to everyone. Lived by the principle; “There can be many husbands, but only one mother.” And only now, admitting everything to myself, I understand that it was not a pity for her, but it was convenient for herself. Look after the child, cook dinner.

True, for everything for this it was necessary to pay obedience, endure her demands, such as, gave birth and sit with the child. For once, he will let go to the cinema.

Everything that God doesn’t do is all for the better!… My husband and I have been married for 5.5 years, we’ve known each other for exactly the same amount of time, and we’ve been working on our baby for the same amount of time… For the first year, we thought that “it’s not scary, it doesn’t work out, so it’s too early ". In the second year, they began to think “why exactly is this with us, and what is the problem”, but only I went to the doctors. Once my mother went to the monastery to one old woman for her prayerful help in her needs, and she took me with her, saying, “you will ask her prayers for you and for giving you children.” I went…. To my mother, the old woman agreed to her prayerful help, and she said to me: “What kind of children, what are you talking about? The world is coming to an end, you need to save your soul, and you want to drag unfortunate children into this hell!! You need to repent and get ready!!!” Three months later my husband was diagnosed with azoospermia, ie. complete absence of spermatozoa… During the year, they treated as best they could, urologists, andrologists, prostatitis, sores, nerves and tears… After the first trip to the old woman, it passed.

Everything that is done, everything is for the best

Each of us has heard this expression. Someone believes, someone argues convincingly that this is not so. There is no point in persuading. In any case, it is best to give examples. Here is one such example from my life, and I want to tell you.

Since we are on the Internet, communication takes place through computers, then an example on this topic, in my opinion, will be quite indicative and understandable to most.

The story begins in mid-March. Who remembers, at this time there was a chain of failures in the server equipment. What the reason is, that's another story, but several fairly large participants in the Russian segment of the Internet could not fulfill their obligations. Simply put, they stopped working.

The most famous of them is the Smartresponder mailing service, which was not there at all for about two weeks. Smaller companies also got it, among them is the company on which I host this site.

For about a week, it was impossible to access the site, neither the support service nor the phones responded, in short - silence. Maybe one of you fell for this period, saw the coveted inscription that the browser cannot display the page.

Basically, nothing bad happened. Well, there was a failure in the equipment, that's why it is a technique to break down. It is necessary to repair, and restore data from backup.

I didn't stress about it. I just waited until the technical work was over, at the same time I read reviews about the work of hosting companies, looking for a more reliable option for the future.

And, of course, the cherished moment has come, the hosting has earned, the data has been restored. It would seem that the misunderstanding has been eliminated, you can continue to work further.

But, not everything is as simple as it sounds in theory. No one promised an easy life. This and other projects were restored, but their performance caused genuine surprise.

The design disappeared on one site, links stopped working on another, the third one stopped loading altogether. The overall download speed dropped to a minimum, reminiscent of the Internet of the nineties.

In short, I will not go into unnecessary technical details, but the situation is not a fun one. Those who maintain sites will understand me, it's one thing to fix a site of ten pages, it's quite another thing to fix a site of 500 pages. I tried to restore from my backups, and tried to negotiate with technical support, but nothing. Something managed to be corrected, but the overall picture was not encouraging.

I am not too strong in the technical side of the issue, I took ready-made engines for my sites. I used the two most popular ones - Joomla and WordPress, and on the support forums, as a rule, all the advice came down to one thing - you need to buy a dedicated server, then these systems will work quickly, reliably and stably.

But, something told me that there is a simpler and less expensive solution. Well, what's the point in additional investments, if the work is already unstable, then what will happen next? We need to look for another solution, another approach.

Complicating the process, as a rule, is not the best way out, the right solutions should always be sought in the opposite direction, in the direction of simplification. Breaking down the situation into components, you can always find a way to change one thing that will drastically affect the whole process.

What are the components of my situation?

  • First- this is hosting, with not the best speed and stability.
  • Second- this is the engine on which I made my sites.
  • Well third- not too good my technical background in PHP programming.

What options can be found here?

  • First- is to invest in a dedicated server, host your sites on it, and continue to depend on the unpredictable consequences of the equipment, and at times increase the cost.
  • Second- change the engine, find an option that would not be demanding on hosting, and would work easily and stably under any conditions.
  • Well third, to engage in a close study of the programming language, to understand all the technical intricacies of the work yourself.

Which of these options is the easiest? I don't think it's hard to guess. Naturally - the second. We need to find a fundamentally different approach to creating sites, not cumbersome, clumsy tools with a lot of files and all sorts of additional bells and whistles, but a simple, lightweight, elegant solution.

A desire is formulated, a direction is indicated, the only thing left is to find information. And, of course, this information came. The correct process differs from the incorrect one in that the necessary links appear as needed.

“Quite by accident” I found a site where its owner, under the pseudonym Maestro, offers a completely free, easy, fast and not resource-demanding solution. Engines for the site, under the general name Rumba. The engine itself is less than a megabyte, no databases are needed, which load the server, elementary control, the highest speed. Which is what was required in point two of my plan.

Not only that, I've had a lot of fun reading the support forum for this engine. Among the participants - a respectful, correct attitude towards each other. Calmly and intelligibly explains all the necessary points. No show-offs and fingers like a fan, no tricks for pumping money, everything is explained calmly, in detail, with a good sense of humor.

The author himself has been leading this project for many years, the engines are constantly updated. It can be seen that he is an expert in this matter of a fairly high level. But, most importantly, in my opinion, the Maestro loves his job, and he understands perfectly well that for a good result, for a good level, regular and painstaking work is needed. What he successfully implements.

Little juicy detail. When I saw the page loading speed, at first I could not believe my eyes. It was 0.02 seconds. Every engine has a counter. How do you like this result?

The only thing left is to thank the Maestro, and to implement their projects on Rumbe. Which I successfully did.

If earlier this site occupied about 80 megabytes, today it is 4, and then more than half is a visual editor that I installed for ease of use.

« Estimate, yesterday there was a tin. It started with the alarm not ringing. I opened my eyes 15 minutes before running out of the house. I jumped up. I smoke with one hand, I wash my face with the other, I pull on my right lower jeans. Eyes painted. I leave the bathroom, the cat has diarrhea. While cleaning-soap, the eye dripped. Washed "double two". Got dressed. Fought with the zipper on the jacket. Leaving the house, I can't find the keys. After five minutes of searching, I realized that I was late for the work bus. She waved her hand. I drank some coffee. Flipped the whole thing. Called a taxi. I come to work. Half of my colleagues don't. The bus got into an accident. There were no casualties, but there are enough injured. That's for sure, what is being done is being done for the better ...»

So, what is done is done for the better. What do you need to know in order for this rule to always work? In general, how true is this statement?

Certainly it works. But not always and not for everyone. It has its own distribution area. In other words, there are those whom life loves and pampers. But how do you get among them?

It is no secret that every, even a minor event that happens to us affects our future life. But, unfortunately, these changes do not always suit us. And if you really want the rule “what is done is done for the better” to work, do not rush to draw conclusions from the situation.

Believe me, the universe does not want to spend a lot of energy on you just to make you feel spiritual comfort. Therefore, the very flow of life always tries to lead to the shortest and most productive path, to find the shortest path to the goal. The main thing is not to interfere.

If something happens and you are unable to change it, do not waste your life energy on resistance and frustration. Think: “Everything that is being done has already happened. Is it worth my nerves?". Learn from the situation a lesson and, taking into account the experience gained, live on. And as a calm and variety, do something useful for yourself.

Remember, any event is caused by ourselves, our actions, thoughts, aspirations and beliefs. And the brighter and purer the impulse to what is happening, the more favorable the result will be for us. Moreover, no matter how thorny this path will be.

Again, drive thoughts of possible failure and all sorts of doubts away and as far as possible. After all, everything that is being done now is for the better. Any doubt is an opportunity to cling to the negative and plunge into it with your head.
Therefore, in a period of change, it is better to always think about good things on extraneous topics. And if it doesn’t fit into your head, even if you crack, think about what you are doing at the moment. In any case, this will block access to negative thoughts.

You must not only believe that everything is done for the best, you must take it for granted.

Consider the situation. For example, you love to draw, your mental images are full of beauty when you take up brushes. And work is only a means of earning money, including for these same brushes. But over time, you have less and less energy left for creativity. And what will you end up with?

Or, gradually, you will begin to treat drawing as a child's play, and will only occasionally remember it with a touch of nostalgia. Or you will enter a phase of dissonance. Life itself does not accept this. This is unnatural. And if you don't change anything, things will start to change on their own.

Don't be surprised if you get fired. It will be just a proposal from life to start doing what you love, or at least change the situation, do at least something.

The period of confusion and emptiness is better, as already mentioned, to dedicate yourself to your darling. Start up. YOU are the creator of your own happiness. Get Started. Even if you are within four walls and do not know where to start, START moving forward. Take a relaxing bath, start exercising every morning, try some unusual table recipes, don't forget about walking in the fresh air. Let yourself always look fresh, light and energetic. Because now you have plenty of time. But remember, during this period your thoughts especially need constant monitoring. No hard feelings for life. No complaints. No nerves. Fate also knows how to be offended.

Of course, in such a situation it is not easy to maintain peace of mind. But the habit of always smiling is the first step towards success. And if now you dare to accept the changes, life itself will begin to help you and contribute to development in every possible way. And then you will be convinced that what is being done is being done for the better.

Remember, problems are not a problem, but just another step in a long chain of life. Both joys and sorrows - this is all our life, with its own lessons of overcoming.

Believe me not a single life test fell on us by accident. Whatever is done, everything is aimed at making us better. Everything is happening and striving for the best. And the sooner we ourselves learn to turn everything for the better, the easier it will be for us in life.

Never regret what happens. Always remember that everything is really done for the best. Even in a situation where you yourself are to blame, is there any point in regretting? Much more important to try to correct or apologize. It's never too late to apologize. And this is also a step for the better. Although now we are not talking about our mistakes, but about life lessons.

So here it is don't regret what happened. And just try to look at the situation from the outside and realize everything. The thing is, life has a habit of repeating lessons until we learn them. This applies to even the smallest things. For example, while we are irritated by lies, we will constantly encounter them. As soon as we understand that no one owes us anything, including telling the truth, and we stop experiencing irritation, lies will disappear from our range.

Or maybe it will, but we will not react to it. Any such change in ourselves is also for the better.

And finally, it's always nice to win. And it's doubly nice when you win yourself. After all, whatever one may say, these are the most difficult victories. And if life gives us a chance to overcome ourselves, is it not for the best?

Well, if it's really hard. Repeat like a prayer It won't always be like this". Think back to a time when you already came out victorious. And then you said: What is done is done for the better". So it will be this time. Do not doubt!

Failure happens to everyone. Someone endures them steadfastly, while other people get very upset, they give up and lose the desire to do anything. If you belong to the second category, this post is just for you. We firmly believe that whatever is done is for the best. Try to pull yourself together and see the good in every situation.

Every failure is a colossal experience

No one succeeds unless they have experienced failure. And even if everything in his life is going great from birth, the very first failure will deprive such a lucky one of his vitality. If you periodically encounter difficulties, then you should thank fate. Now you know how to solve many problems - you are not afraid to move on. Difficulties harden us, and hardly anyone will deny it.

This is what the most successful people have.

Look at the rich, famous and talented people. We often think that everything in their lives is wonderful and smooth. But just spend one evening reading the biographies of those who seem lucky to you. You will be surprised to find out what obstacles they had to go through to achieve success. Many of these people have repeatedly gone bankrupt and started from scratch, have been unemployed for years, and become objects of ridicule. Some of them lost loved ones or underwent serious treatment. There is not a single person in life whose life would be perfect and absolutely happy. Remember: if others have overcome difficulties, you can too.

Another failure. Your actions?

Something unpleasant happened again and are you ready to deal with it in the usual ways? It can be just despondency and doing nothing, a desire to feel sorry for yourself endlessly, attempts to cry into someone's vest. Or do you withdraw into yourself, start to seize failures, wash them down with alcohol? We know very well: none of those methods work. They don't help, they only make things worse. The ideal option to knock bad thoughts out of your head is to give a task to your body. Go in for sports, do hard physical work, go hiking. Give your brain the opportunity to free itself, drive away all thoughts from yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Stop waiting for instant results

If you want to achieve something and you are constantly not getting what you want, stop and think: maybe you want to get something in an instant that takes a whole year to achieve? In those circumstances that depend slightly on you, do not set yourself a strict framework. Don't say, "I'm doing a good job, so I'll be promoted next month." In this case, not only you decide. Say to yourself, “I did great this month. Next time I will work even better so that the boss has a reason to promote me when he needs a deputy. By formulating your expectations in a completely different way, you do not set limits on your brain, you do not violate them, and you are not disappointed.

Sometimes a small dream is more important than a big one.

This point is somewhat similar to the previous one. If you set yourself the goal of losing 20 kg, then with a high probability this is a road to nowhere. The long-awaited result does not come in any way, failure happens again. Break your dream into several small ones, start your journey with the desire to lose 5 kg and tighten some part of the body a little. In a month, you will be able to check the “done” box next to such a goal - then you can safely set the next one. By small steps, your goal will be achieved - and no unnecessary frustration.

Find a saving hobby

If you are a calm person, you will need something that causes a surge of emotions, an adrenaline rush. For example, take up rope jumping. If trouble happens again in your life - just go and get another boost of energy. Such a shake-up will give strength to survive the trouble and move on.

If there are so many upheavals in your life, choose something opposite for yourself - try to learn the art of calligraphy. When you need to feel sorry for yourself and get upset, you will calmly sit over a notebook and draw beautiful letters. This not only calms and distracts, but also helps to acquire an additional useful skill. There can be many options for a hobby, but the essence is the same: your life should not revolve around the same problems - dilute it with new colors every day.

Our mistakes are our path to a better life

Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Remind yourself often that only through trial and error can you truly find your way. And on this path you can not do without defeats, problems, troubles. It is they who make you that warrior who will surely win a significant victory in the future.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation