Everyone gets me the way they deserve. Everyone gets what they deserve: the boomerang of life


The war started by Japan was completely different from the one that was in the reality of the fallen.

Having attacked Port Arthur from the sea, the Japanese unleashed a war against Germany, and having landed troops in Korea - with Russia. Their goal was to regain control of Manchuria and Korea, which were heavily influenced and partially occupied by Russia.

Nicholas II foresaw a conflict with Japan and prepared for it both diplomatically and militarily (a lot was done: an agreement with Austria and improved relations with Germany provided the Russian rear; the construction of the Trans-Siberian railway and the strengthening of the fleet provided a material opportunity for struggle), however in Russian government circles, the hope was also strong that fear of Russian power would deter Japan from a direct attack. This did not happen.

Germany reacted unequivocally to the Japanese attack on its colonies in China: it sent two squadrons of warships to the Far East and began to prepare the transfer of additional troops to Port Arthur and Qingdao. There was only one way to get there: along the Trans-Siberian railway. But the road was already used at full capacity, transporting troops and weapons from the center of Russia to the east.

Russia did not have free railway wagons, steam locomotives, teams of machinists for the transport of German goods. The German proposal to use their rolling stock did not take into account the different railway gauges in Russia and Europe. Germany began to urgently remake its steam locomotives and wagons, adapting them to Russian railways. But it took time, and the war was on now. Germany sent part of the troops by sea on transport ships under the protection of their ships. But this is a very difficult, expensive and long journey around Africa.

So far, there has been no direct collision of Japanese troops and warships with Russian ones since the beginning of the war: Vladivostok is a freezing port, the Japanese could not physically approach and shoot the Russian fleet located there, wintering. The Japanese troops landed in Korea could not begin military operations against Port Arthur due to their small number. Moreover, it no longer belonged to Russia. The Kwantung Army preparing for the landing, having appeared in Manchuria, would certainly come into contact with the Russian troops and could besiege Port Arthur. But the landing of this army was planned by Japan only in the spring.

Thus, a difficult situation developed in China: Japan conducted military operations against Port Arthur only from the side of the sea with its navy. There were no ground Japanese troops there yet, there were few German troops there, clearly not enough to resist the Japanese army if it landed on the Kwantung Peninsula, and the Russian troops, being on their territory, had not yet been attacked by Japan, since it was winter . At the same time, Germany could not ensure the timely delivery of its troops to the area of ​​military operations due to the lack of transport resources.

Relying on a secret treaty with Russia on mutual assistance, Germany asked her to involve Russian troops in the defense of Port Arthur together with the German units located in our country until the delivery of its troops to the theater of operations in the required quantity.

Russia did not object to this. Russia could not help Germany with its navy, as it was locked in Vladivostok by ice.

As always happens, when one fortress is defended by its owners and the Allied troops attracted by them, even before the entry of these troops, disagreements arose over who obeys whom, who defends what, etc.

Despite this, part of the Russian ground troops was transferred by rail from Vladivostok to Port Arthur. Now it has accumulated enough troops for defense.

Already in May, the Japanese army landed on the Kwantung Peninsula, laid siege to Port Arthur and advanced to Manchuria, where it came into contact with Russian troops. Fighting began. The railroad to Port Arthur was cut.

In late spring, transport ships carrying German troops approached Port Arthur, guarded by a squadron of their ships. Russian warships from Vladivostok also approached there. Together, they ensured the landing of German troops from transports without loss. Japanese attempts to prevent the landing of troops failed.

A protracted war at sea began: the Japanese guarded their transport ships delivering ammunition and equipment to the Kwantung Army, and the allied naval forces tried to prevent this. The lack of a unified leadership also had a negative effect here: the admirals of each of the fleets "pulled the blanket over themselves."

In the middle of 1904, a Russian squadron of ships from the Baltic Sea and another German squadron approached Port Arthur. The advantage of the combined Russo-German forces at sea became overwhelming. In the summer, three general naval battles took place, as a result of which the Japanese naval forces were defeated.

Without support from the sea, the supply of the Kwantung Army practically ceased. The army was left without ammunition and equipment.

By the end of the summer, a large contingent of German and Russian troops was able to transfer to the theater of operations in the Port Arthur region and Manchuria by the Trans-Siberian railway, which immediately took part in the hostilities. Although there was no advantage in the number of combined forces over the Japanese, the availability of ammunition, more advanced weapons and good supplies made it possible to defeat the Kwantung Army by October.

The combined navy organized a complete blockade of Japan from the sea, stopped all civilian ships carrying military and dual-use products there.

In December, Japan entered into negotiations with Russia and Germany on the issue of concluding a peace treaty. Peace negotiations continued for two months, and in February a peace treaty was concluded.

Japan's losses in the form of indemnity, territory, rights and additional obligations exceeded 100 billion Russian gold rubles. It also failed to return loans to Western banks, amounting to about fifty billion rubles. As a result, the yen exchange rate collapsed ten times against the gold ruble. A wave of bankruptcies of banks lending to Japan swept through the West.

In strict accordance with the concluded loan agreements, in March 1905, the corporation fully paid off for the loans received, transferring interest and returning loans in yen for a total amount of about 250 million gold rubles. Recall that the amount of loans was 1.5 billion gold rubles. Thus, the profitability of this financial operation amounted to 600 percent!

Creditor banks did not even begin to sue, trying to sue at least something from the corporation, the loan agreements were drawn up so well by both parties. Four of the twelve banks participating in the pool could not withstand such financial losses. And they were immediately absorbed by their partners.

Work on the development of the found diamond deposit on the Onega Peninsula began in the early spring of 1904 and continued throughout the year: a well was drilled to a great depth, powerful water monitors were installed that eroded the rock under high pressure, and pumps pumped the resulting water suspension (pulp) to the surface. A processing plant was built, where ore was supplied, and where diamonds were selected. So far, all of the above has worked in experimental mode: the parameters of the water supply, the strength of the jet were determined, skills were acquired by monitor operators, options for pumping out suspension and selecting diamonds were tested.

Already at the stage of pilot operation of the field, good results were obtained, confirming that the found field is very rich. The first batch of 300 diamonds was sent in autumn 1904 to the capital.

A settlement was also built on the site of a diamond pipe. It was named "Forest". Here were mounted Finnish houses in the amount of 25 pieces, where geologists, mine surveyors, technicians, and other employees lived. The remaining 25 houses were intended for the development of the second explored deposit, located 20 kilometers from Lesnoy. Several houses were empty and were intended for guests. One house was allocated for a radio station. The entire village was radio-equipped and electrified. For the workers, log barracks equipped with stoves were erected. Two bathhouses were built, a separate building for a dining room with a kitchen, a shop was opened, a wooden church was erected and a first-aid post was opened. Powerful pumps and diesel-electric generators were installed in a separate barrack. There were workshops and a warehouse of fuel and lubricants. The number of people living at the mine, including security, was already approaching 200 people. According to calculations, when the mine goes into commercial operation, it will have a continuous work cycle, which will require three shifts of 110 people in each shift, of which half are women involved in the processing plant. Therefore, the workers were mostly married couples, which made it possible to solve many domestic issues. The salaries of all people working at the mine were high in order to compensate for the numerous domestic inconveniences, isolation from the "mainland".

The transition of the mine to the industrial mode of operation was expected in the spring of 1905.

On July 30, 1904, a joyful event took place in the family of Emperor Nicholas II: after the birth of four daughters, a son named Alexei was born. Unfortunately, the prediction of Professor Alexei Gennadievich Sokolov regarding the prince's illness with hemophilia was justified. It was a very big state secret.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, the elder sister of the Empress, immediately after the birth of Tsarevich Alexei met with the Empress and spoke about Professor Sokolov's warning about the possible illness of the Tsarevich.

– How long have you known about this? the Empress asked.

- In 1896.

And she didn't tell me anything! I didn't warn you!

“Well, think about it, how could I tell you that? You have daughters. If a boy were born, then I would say, as I say now. At least for so many years you lived in ignorance, without being ill, in advance, with a soul about a son who, if born, may be sick with a hereditary blood disease!

- What to do?

- Immediately invite the professor here, this is a wonderful person, he is also the archpriest of the Church of the Martyr Tatiana at Moscow University. He will examine the baby, give the necessary recommendations. Alexey Gennadievich has been searching for drugs for hemophilia for more than ten years, and has some success. He is the only person in the world who is professionally versed in this disease and knows how to alleviate the suffering of patients.

“Summon this professor immediately. I will warn my husband about this.

The professor arrived in the capital immediately after a telephone message from the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. Concerned parents were waiting for him in Tsarskoe Selo, where the woman in labor was.

Having examined the baby, Aleksey Gennadievich immediately saw the symptoms of this disease: the baby's navel was still bleeding, and it was not possible to stop the bleeding. Then a long conversation took place with the imperial couple, in which he spoke about the disease, its consequences, methods of treatment, medicines. He advised to assign an "uncle" to the prince, who would constantly be with him, carry him in his arms, watch the games, and, if possible, avoid injuries and bruises, which, with such an illness, can be deadly. He spoke about his research and work on drugs for this disease.

- Alexey Gennadievich! Tell me plainly, will the prince live a full life, or will he just exist, tormented daily and waiting for death? the emperor asked.

- With care and following my instructions, he will live a normal life, learn, grow up, be able to have a family. After all, I continue to work on finding a cure, there are already encouraging results. If luck will accompany me, and a cure will be found, then everything will be much simpler.

Do you need any help in this matter?

- Help is needed not so much for me as for the Medical Faculty of Moscow University: we need new laboratories, equipment, chemical materials and reagents. I built the laboratory in which I work at my own expense and equipped it with the necessary equipment. But time goes by, the equipment becomes obsolete, the area of ​​the laboratory is limited. If you can help I will be very grateful.

- I'll see what I can do for you. Would you like to move to the capital and continue your research here?

- I think it's unreasonable. A team of researchers has been created in Moscow, working towards one ultimate goal. It will be very difficult for me without them, and it will be very difficult for them without me.

– How often can you come to the capital to inspect the prince?

- The main thing is to carefully follow all my instructions. And I can come monthly and, of course, immediately if necessary.

After the professor left, the empress said to her husband:

What an extraordinary person he is! I feel very comfortable next to him: peace and tranquility are poured around him! He can soothe with a word, which is very important for a doctor. What a blessing that in Russia there is a specialist in this disease! I believe that everything will be fine with Alexey!

- Give it to God! - answered Emperor Nicholas II and crossed himself.

The research divisions of the corporation, formed in 1903, by the end of the next year, were strengthened, replenished with specialists and scientific equipment, and were already actively working on the tasks assigned to them.

The Automotive Research Institute (NIIA) of the corporation is located not far from SMZ, on lands along the Slavyanka River, purchased by the corporation a few years ago. A large brick three-story building was built there, which housed the design offices: for engines, for hulls and chassis, for gearboxes and electrical equipment of cars. Technologists were also located there. The three-story building was adjoined by experimental workshops for the creation and testing of developed samples, warehouses and a special building, which only the chief specialists had the right to enter with passes signed by the manager, whose role was played by Pyotr Ivanovich himself. This building was carefully guarded by the "security guards" of the corporation and consisted of several large rooms, in each of which there was a car "transferred" from the future: UAZ, Volvo, Ford Focus, a truck crane and a wheeled excavator. Around them, along the walls, there were metal racks, on which the units and blocks taken from these cars for study were stored.

UAZ was already completely disassembled. Finished detailing its nodes. Technologists developed technological maps and transferred them, along with drawings, to pilot production for manufacturing.

According to the plans of Peter Ivanovich, in 1905 the UAZ should be reproduced in full. Of course, it’s not a fact that he will go right away, but it will be a huge step in the automotive industry of that time.

First of all, they were engaged in reproducing the engine and chassis of the car. A prototype engine has already been manufactured and tested.

The Research Institute of Aircraft Engineering (NIIS) of the corporation was located in Moscow, not far from Moscow University. Zhukovsky Nikolai Yegorovich, a well-known Russian mathematician, the founder of aviation in Russia, became the head of the NIIS. Simultaneously with his work at NIIS, he continued his scientific and teaching activities at the university.

In 1904, Zhukovsky discovered the law that determines the lift force of an aircraft wing. Identified the main profiles of the wings and propeller blades of the aircraft. Developed the vortex theory of the propeller.

On November 15, 1905, Zhukovsky read the report "On Attached Vortices", which laid the theoretical basis for the development of methods for determining the lift force of an airplane wing. In 1906 it was published as a separate scientific work.

Nikolai Egorovich attracted his associates and students to work at NIIS. The corporation opened unlimited funding for scientific work in the field of aviation to him. At NIIS, a design and technology bureau and pilot production were also formed.

Strong business ties were established with NIIA, since many of the works of these organizations were suppressed, and in order to eliminate parallelism in work, for example, in engine building, there was a constant exchange of scientific and design information.

Ignat was appointed representative of the corporation in NIIS, who settled in Moscow with his young wife, acquired his own house not far from his parent, and headed one of the divisions of NIIS.

Zhukovsky was glad to involve Ignat in scientific work. He really lacked experienced accountants. As the scope of scientific work expanded, the number of calculations increased by an order of magnitude. Ignat, using a poorly functioning but "live" laptop, helped him in this as much as he could. He understood that the laptop would soon "take a long time to live", so he organized a group of mathematicians from the graduates of the mathematical faculty of Moscow University who developed applied mathematical methods, and involved them in calculations.

He has been bothering Sasha for a long time with a request to restore the laptop with a broken display screen, or, in extreme cases, try to use the screen from Ignat's laptop, combining it with the working hardware of Sasha's laptop. Recently, the only working laptop increasingly freezes and crashes. Unfortunately, it was very difficult to assemble one working device from two faulty devices, since they had different manufacturers, and therefore different components and parts. But if the irreparable happens and Ignat's laptop finally fails, Sasha promised to restore one working laptop out of two faulty ones.

The last direction that the corporation declared was the exploration of minerals. Petr Ivanovich attracted his acquaintances from the Mining Institute to work at the Research Institute of Geology (NIIG), asking the well-known geologist Alexander Petrovich Karpinsky to head it. Starting from 1905, the corporation annually financed three exploration expeditions, both in Russia and in other countries.

Thus, the corporation "Russian Capital" has taken a leading position in Russia and the world in a number of the most promising areas of science and technology.

The capital of the corporation by the middle of 1905 amounted to about four billion gold rubles.

A lot has been done, but not all of the goals set have been achieved.

Although Russia won the war against Japan, the revolutionary movement did not die out, the workers and peasants continued to protest with economic and political demands. Cardinal decisions were needed, one of which was the introduction of parliamentarism in Russia.

After the end of the war, nothing prevented this, only the political will of the authorities was needed.

Emperor Nicholas II was presented with documents explaining the need for political changes in the country. Pyotr Aristarkhovich and Alexander worked a lot on them. They argued that the best way out of the political impasse leading to a revolutionary explosion in Russia is to transfer part of the power to public organizations, as is done in other countries of the world where parties are allowed, there is a real political struggle. "It is better to give up part of the rights and powers than to lose everything as a result of the revolution" - this is the main conclusion that the readers of this document could draw.

The creation of the State Duma, in which people's deputies, representatives of all-Russian political parties should sit, is the path of Russia.

These ideas had many opponents in the circle of the emperor. But the decisive word, outweighing all other opinions, was expressed by Patriarch Vladimir, who uncompromisingly supported the idea of ​​developing parliamentarism. "This is the only thing that can avert the death of the monarchy, the fratricidal civil war, the loss of the homeland by many citizens of Russia." And his word was heard.

At the end of 1905, Decrees were issued allowing the formation of parties in Russia that did not have in their Charter a declaration on the seizure of power by force of arms, the formation of the State Duma, its structure, rights and obligations, and the mechanism of interaction with state power. A gateway to exit the discontent of the people was formed.

In 1905, Alexander and Lena turned 58, Alexei - 53, Nastya - 50, Pyotr Ivanovich - 35, Nadezhda - we will not even remind anyone how many.

The period of formation of popadans in a new world for them was ending. Serious things awaited their family ahead: penetration into the global financial elite and winning a worthy place in it, countering the impending world war, preventing a revolution in Russia, and further developing science, technology and technology. They had to go through incredible difficulties, losing relatives, friends, friends along the way, to know betrayal, the bitterness of defeat and the joy of victory.

Chapter 1. Three years later. 2

Chapter 2 eight

Chapter 3 fifteen

Chapter 4. Activity on all fronts. 23

Chapter 5 31

Chapter 6 40

Chapter 7 48

Chapter 8 54

Chapter 9. World Exhibition and Olympic Games in Paris. 62

Chapter 10 68

Chapter 11 75

Chapter 12

Chapter 13 95

Chapter 14 103

Chapter 15 109

Chapter 16 118

Chapter 17 125

Chapter 18 133

Chapter 19 141

Chapter 20 148

Greetings to the readers of the site “Your own Psychologist”! Question from Allah: Does a person get what he deserves in life, or not?

Quite right, Alla, in the end, a person by fate always gets only what he deserves.

But sometimes there are nuances. These are not exceptions, there are no exceptions in the Law of Justice! But there are many forms, additional factors, how this Law is implemented, because of which it may not be obvious to many people. Let's look at a few examples.

  • But first, I suggest you carefully read the main article on this topic -

Law of Justice how it works

1. Sometimes a person deserves much more good than he really gets in life. It's just that he himself does not accept this good, repels the Good, does not let it into his destiny. He is hindered by Self-restraints, such as: “I am not worthy”, “I need to be more modest”, “I can get by”, etc. When a person is very worthy in many ways, but he himself does not consider himself such. But, again, these are his internal programs, what he believes in, so in the end everything is fair - he gets exactly what he really believes in. And as soon as he gives himself the right to something more, to accept Good, Success, Prosperity, his life will change for the better.

2. There is also a situation when a person seems to be good, but troubles, blows of fate and bad luck just pour down on him from above. This is also true, but not obvious to most. The reasons may be different:

BUT) The accumulated negative karma of the past accumulated and went over the edge to pour out on the head of its owner. In this case, you need to start raking, apologize, close debts, in general, work on yourself. If a person is able to understand the essence of what is happening, you can rake up the rubble yourself, and if it’s difficult on your own, there is not enough knowledge, then it’s better to do it with or with.

AT) And it happens that a person sits too long in the sandbox, grows as a fifth point to one familiar place, and does not want to go up to higher goals, peaks. Then the Higher Powers begin to stimulate him with troubles, cataclysms, to drive him out of the warm hole, so that he moves, thinks about the future, about the Soul and its Tasks. This is also true - a person must realize his potential in life, the purpose of his Soul, and not vegetate, wasting life and the allotted time.

WITH) Another option is when a person is good, but toothless, weak, does not want to fight, is not ready to fight for his happiness. One of the principles of the Law of Justice “Sooner or later, a person loses what he either does not appreciate or is not able to protect”. In other words, this principle is “Only he who fights wins”, and whoever gives up at the first test and abandons the goal - loses, loses and is left with nothing. Also fair! In this case, the Higher Powers create excitement in a person’s life, throw up various kinds of trials in order to awaken strength in him, the fighting Spirit, the desire to fight and win, to protect what God has given, and not to be a passive amorphous weakling who only loses everything.

3. When a person is negative, as they say "bad person". It happens that punishments are delayed for certain reasons. When does this happen?

  • when certain non-light Forces vouched for him - they took him on bail, they cover for some time, delaying retribution, pushing back the time of execution, so to speak)),
  • or there is no one who could put the villain in his place, restore justice, punish. Then the Higher Forces allow his negative activity. Why? Because people themselves must fight against Evil, and not just rely on Heaven. And in this case, the villain acts outrageously until those around him get tired of his excesses, and until the hero appears who takes responsibility and rewards the villain according to his deserts,
  • there are other reasons.

But, in the end, everyone will still get exactly what they deserve. On Earth, during life or in, after death, this is the second question.

The essence of the work of the Law of Justice is as follows: 80 percent of a person's life, everything that happens to him is determined precisely by his programs, and not by what is in his head or what he thinks about himself. And most of the problems that happen to a person, which, as he believes, fell on him unfairly, are attracted precisely by his subconscious (old beliefs, negative programs, the past).

Therefore, the key to changing yourself and your destiny is not to know a lot and reason correctly, but to learn how to practically change the programs of your subconscious, go to the internal root causes of troubles, change the negative beliefs of your subconscious to positive ones!

Why is it that not all people are able to understand and accept this? Because most people are closed to their subconscious, closed to themselves! They do not want to know the truth about themselves, especially if it is very different from their inflated conceit. They lack two important qualities of a Spiritual Student - this is in front of them and. The vast majority of people are afraid to find out something bad, negative about themselves, especially to admit they were wrong, and even if they need to apologize to someone.

And the one who is sincere in front of himself and fearless in front of the Truth - learns to correct the mistakes of his subconscious, achieves all the best in life and becomes the favorite of the gods!)))

And if you have a desire to learn how to work with your subconscious, with your beliefs, you can get the help of a Mentor or a Spiritual Healer.

Important factors that determine success in life are luck and luck. Others rely on fate. There is also an opposite opinion, based on the laws of the Universe: everyone gets what he deserves. The easiest way to understand this rule is in relation to other people. Man himself chooses the attitude to his environment. Kindness evokes a reciprocal feeling of empathy, while aggression provokes the instinct of self-preservation and protection.

We can say that everyone gets me the way they deserve. We determine what kind of attitude this or that person deserves from our side. However, the principle of cause and effect in life is much broader than simple interpersonal relationships.

boomerang law

The boomerang is an ancient weapon that was directed towards the enemy, and then returned to the hands of the owner.

The same law was formulated by Newton as part of his discoveries in the field of physics. Newton's law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The principle of karma

In yoga and other teachings, there is the law of karma, which, in fact, is the same boomerang principle, but adapted not to physics, but to human life. Any act, word, emotion, thought is a boomerang that a person directs into the world. Every minute, millions of boomerangs leave, fueled by the emotions and feelings of people. All of them will make a circle within the framework of the Universe, and each will return to its source - to the person who launched it, because each will receive what he deserves. The time span may be one day, a year, a decade, or even a lifetime, but the boomerang will return.

The teachings based on the idea of ​​reincarnation determine different living conditions in which people are born, with different karma. A person who lives in hatred and anger towards the world, who offends the people around him, cannot count on a worthy living in the next life, because everyone will get what he deserves. According to the law of karma, he will be born in poor conditions, will not have parental care, and he will have to overcome many difficulties in order to atone for past misdeeds that have returned like a boomerang in the next reincarnation.

Bad karma is not a punishment for a person, it's all just the consequences of his actions. Turning a glass upside down, a person is not offended by the fact that water is pouring out of it, and he does not consider wet trousers a punishment. So it is in life - by directing negativity into the world, a person simply receives it back.

How to earn happiness?

The logical question is how to earn grace and good fortune, a good attitude from other people. The point here is in the model of thinking and the feelings that a person directs into the world. Joy, love and acceptance of the world in all its diversity will return with joy and success, because everyone will get what they deserve.

A person has the ability to analyze the situation, set goals and direct resources in this direction. Therefore, having for the purpose of receiving goods, one should give to the world that which is most desirable. Having looked at your life, after an honest analysis of its various aspects, you can easily identify sinking zones. First of all, one should admit to oneself that the present state of affairs is the result of previous behavior and thinking. Falling zones help to more accurately determine the main negative boomerangs that have returned to a person and become a stopper in his further development.

In order to stop the action of the boomerang, you should stop it. Having found the source, having felt the handle of the boomerang in your thoughts and feelings, you need to stop them and restart them, filling them with joy and love. This does not mean that in the same second life will change, but a start will be made.

You need to start moving towards happiness and well-being from yourself, a deep understanding of your own actions and cause-and-effect relationships on the path of life.

acceptance of the world

Everyone gets the reality that he deserves and believes in. It is thoughts and faith that determine many life events. This is how the human brain works: first of all, it searches in the world around for those moments that will confirm its worldview even to the detriment of truth. If you search, you will definitely find everything you need, but at the same time, many nuances that matter are lost from sight. Thus, we get a subjective view of the world, filled with thoughts and beliefs of a particular person, because everyone has what he deserves.

If you do not judge what is happening, but accept reality as it is, then the situation changes. You no longer have to prove anything, all that remains is to enjoy life and the world, to help the people around you. Everyone will get what he deserves, respectively, you should do good in the name of the world, people, your own well-being and happiness.

Many of us ask ourselves questions that we cannot answer. For example, why do some have the best, while others have a life somersault? Why does someone have a strong family and children to be proud of, while others are either single all their lives, or suffer from their husband. Or why some people have super strong health, while others, if they don’t get sick all the time, then get into situations that you just can’t get into. Why do some have a wonderful job, a business with huge money, while others survive as best they can, in poverty?
You will find the answer to these questions in today's article.

Photo: artfile.ru

Stop for a moment, do not ask unnecessary questions to anyone, but ask yourself why YOU are faced with these particular circumstances and conditions of life. Look at all this from the outside and try to analyze how it happened that your life is developing in a certain way at the moment. Think about why this state of affairs causes discontent?

The answer here is quite simple: we live the way we deserve. Therefore, do not complain. You got what you deserve.

And you should not express claims to others, because each person controls his own destiny. You have that family, that job and that prosperity that you deserve. Did a powerful wave of protest rise up inside you at this phrase? This means that you are in “your own truth”, like each of the people to a greater or lesser extent. And if you don’t do anything about it, if you don’t manage to overpower yourself and try to evaluate your life from the outside, objectively, then there’s no need to talk about any changes in life.

"My own truth".

All people, to a greater or lesser extent, are in "their own truth", regardless of the level of development. What it is? These are personal views, opinions, values ​​that have become ossified to such an extent that they have already formed a blank wall in front of a person, making it difficult to see the true state of things or something new in life. These are patterns of thought and action that a person blindly adheres to regardless of the situation and is often unwilling to recognize the possibility of going beyond these limits.

We receive everything on our own merit.

What are these abstract words, you ask, and in what way can merit be measured?

Human dignity is, let's say, a gradual holistic development, which includes the development of both inner maturity and purity, as well as wisdom. We do not determine the measure of our own dignity, it is done for us. So get angry: I deserve it, why didn't they give it to me? Or trying to get what you want thinking you deserve it is a waste of effort. This is the same as borrowing an expensive car, and after a while smash it. The car is no more, but the debt remains.

Here the question arises: why did this happen? Because he didn't deserve to have a car. According to some parameters in life, a person lasted only a C grade, but you need at least a B plus, so that they still give the car. Or, imagine a vessel that you have substituted for the Universe (or God, if you believe in it) to be filled with this or that goodness. And this vessel has two walls, but one does not. Or two high, and one barely five centimeters from the bottom rose. Then they will “pour” these five centimeters ... What to do? Develop those inner qualities that you lack to get what you want. How to find out what these qualities are? Here it is better to turn with your problem to the Master, Mentor, psychologist.

We are born in this world to develop and change. If this does not happen, then the Universe pulls a person into the "backyard" of life and leaves him just to live out his life. To understand the level of your development, it is enough to look around. The society in which we find ourselves and situations that indicate to us the state of things in our lives directly or indirectly - all these beacons constantly tell us about our shortcomings, mistakes, mistakes, and so on.

Everything in this world is in balance.

This concept seems too ephemeral and vague, but it can be compared to scales. One of them is inside you and the other is outside. What and how much fit inside will affect some changes with a certain force already in the outside world - these are the laws of systemology.

For example, the father constantly told the girl that it was dangerous to communicate with boys, trying to protect her out of the best of intentions. As a result, as an adult, a girl is afraid to start relationships with men, without knowing why, she feels insecure in relationships with them, and quickly falls into the role of a victim. She will most likely get a man who will use it. In any case, because of the attitudes that she was provided with in childhood, now in life she will have to experience some difficulties in relations with men.

Or, a person lives according to the principle of the following principles: few people can be trusted, anyone can set up and seek their own benefit, the world is cruel, you need to survive. This means that in life he will come across precisely those people who are prone to hypocrisy, lies, cruelty, greed, and so on. He simply will not see because of "his truth" that there is another life where you can negotiate, where there is support and friendliness.

It can also be explained like this:

Do you know the theory about the holographic nature of the world? Most scientists take its essence as a rule. To explain the meaning of this theory, you can use the words of Hermes Trismegistus: "What is above is the same below."

Regardless of any beliefs, you will have to come to terms with the fact that in order to change the world around you, you must start with yourself. It makes no sense to change profession, get angry at your family, resent the lack of a normal salary, and so on.

Try to accept the circumstances in which you find yourself. They show the level of your development. The current conditions of life can be called the starting point in a long path of development at the beginning of which you are. Based on them, you need to understand in which direction to move on in order to achieve your goals, what to work with, what to pay special attention to.

A worthy person is always grateful for what he has. By learning to accept and appreciate your life as it is now, you become ready to receive more. And nothing else.

By making efforts on yourself in various spheres of life, you will always receive a response from the world. Each step will be rewarded with a result that is proportional to the efforts and forces spent. This is the measure of merit. At times it may seem that you get too little for hard work, but this is not so. Remember that not a person determines the measure. If the result does not live up to expectations, then your return on work was not enough.

On the way to a better life, you will learn to be aware of your desires and needs, find the right solutions to problems, as well as the right ways to achieve your goal. Over time, you will understand what you really deserve, and what else you need to do to get it. An objective analysis of one's own actions is the key to understanding the laws of the universe. From now on, you will feel the relationship between the efforts made and the benefits that the Universe measures for you.

Hi all!

Let me tell you a story about the fate of one person. Now I spoke with a friend on the phone, remembered him, talked about him. In general, I will start from the beginning.

They called him, but why they called him, he is still called Vitalik. Vitalik was born in an ordinary Russian family, in one of the districts of the region. His father left him and his older sister Vitalik with his mother almost after his birth. They lived poorly, modestly, the mother did her best for the children. The eldest daughter grew up as a smart, docile girl, but Vitalik ... from childhood was registered in the children's room of the police (that's what it was called then, in my opinion), at the age of 17 he was put behind bars for the first time for robbery. I got stupid, sat with friends drinking, I wanted to drink more, of course there was no money, they went with the whole gop company and attacked some guy ... It seems to me that even Vitalik himself does not remember how many prison terms Vitalik had. So often he went to jail. Sit down - get out. According to the principle of "stole - drank - in jail." The articles were all small, then theft, then robbery, then theft. He sits for a year and a half - he will spend two days at liberty, at best, and again behind bars. Because in our country, if you steal, drink, then be sure to go to jail. A thief should be in jail, remember?

Vitalik was a very bad person. He deceived people, including the closest and dearest. He stole money from his mother, of course, when he was free. He drank almost relentlessly, even in prison. And again he deceived people. Even in prison, he deceived people. Corresponded with women, deceived them. I asked for money, they sent it. Vitalik did a lot of bad things in his life. The last time I heard about him, Vitalik stole goods from close friends with whom he was sitting at the same table an hour ago. Rat. No. Such a rat. Small, frail, like a spider, he was always looking for someone to fool, deceive, throw.

Since Vitalik was almost constantly in a state of alcoholic intoxication, he also drove a car in the same state. More specifically, cars. Which he stole. With my friends, with my sister's husband, with just ordinary people ...

Nothing was a lesson to Vitalik - neither permanent prison sentences, nor threats of "necessary" people, nor "hit" on money, nor mother's tears. But sooner or later everything ends. And Vitalik paid the price.

Drunk as usual, he stole a friend's car. On the track, he lost control, flew into a pole. The result - a trepanation of the skull for a severe brain injury, a damaged bladder. Vitalik became disabled. And it's not even 40 years old. His legs are gone, he sits at home, instead of a bladder - a catheter and a bag. Once we talked with his mother, and she gave him the phone. Crying, asking why God didn't take me? It would be better to take than such a life. I was silent for a while, and then answered: “Even God does not need people like you. So he made you so that you would not harm anyone else. Because God sees everything.

A week later, his sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is currently in a critical condition in the hospital. Mother has been gone for almost two years. Died of a heart attack. Brought it...

And now poor Vitalik is sitting and crying, Lord, why do I need all this ....

For that. People, think about your actions. After all, be human. Not animals with instincts and desires. Then, perhaps, God will not send you such a punishment as Vitalik.

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