Scenarios for the day of the bank employee. Theatrical scene on the day of a bank employee. from Svetlana Timoshenko


For serious banking professionals, it is useful to arrange corporate events from time to time. This type of joint vacation allows each employee not only to take a break from daily work and “recharge dead batteries”, but also helps to improve mutual understanding with colleagues from neighboring departments or branches.

Below we share with you the key secrets, thanks to which your corporate party for bank employees has every chance to earn a high rating in the eyes of the guests invited to it.

Secrets of a classy corporate party for banking employees

Room decoration

When it comes to the Day of the Banker, which is celebrated in Russia in December, most often corporate parties for bank employees are arranged in cafes, restaurants or other closed premises. You can decorate inside balloons and ribbons in the corporate colors of your financial institution. Tablecloths or napkins on tables, fabric covers on chairs, etc. can be matched in the same colors.

corporate program

If time permits, a corporate program for bank employees can be developed individually, taking into account the age and other characteristics of employees. And if there are only a few days left before the event, then you can use one of the proposed ready-made scenarios. Typically, a corporate program includes several parts:

  • Official plus entertainment part. At the beginning of the evening, the assembled guests are congratulated by the representatives of the leadership. And in between the congratulations of the first persons, invited pop artists and dance groups perform in front of the guests.
  • Interactive part. After the first block, it's time to raise guests from the tables, inviting them to participate in various competitions. For example, several teams are asked to temporarily count the number of paper bills in a glass jar or coins in a bag. Or collect piggy banks placed on the tables, smash them and find money hidden in one of them for a "rainy day".

Corporate photo session

Try to invite a professional photographer to a corporate party for bank employees. During the event, he will take a series of personal and joint photographs, which, after processing, can be framed and hung in the bank's office, or published on the pages of the official website.

Technical support

An important point at a corporate party for bank employees, as well as at any other event, is the availability of properly working audio and video equipment. It depends on it how high-quality the sound of music on the dance floor or the demonstration of videos on the big screen (if it is provided for in the program) will be.

State budget professional

educational institution

Moscow region

Zhukovsky Industrial and Economic College

Scenario of an extracurricular event

"Banking Hour"

Specialty - 080110.02 Controller of a savings bank

Compiled by: Novgorodova S.E.,

master of industrial training


year 2014

Professional educational game

"Banking Hour"

Goals and objectives of the professional cognitive game:

1. Development of interest in the received profession

2. Improving the quality of knowledge of students in subjects

3. Education of collectivism, friendship, partnership, mutual understanding

4. Development of logical thinking, cognitive activity

5. Education professional activity, professional ethics

The game "Banking Hour" is held as an extracurricular event with the aim of repeating and consolidating the material covered, generating interest in the profession, developing professional interest. To play the game, the group is previously divided into 2 teams.

Before the game, each team is given a task:

Select the branch of the bank they will represent;

Choose a manager;

Prepare a greeting for the opposing team.

A jury of three people is selected to conduct the game.

The jury put points on the control sheet. Each contest is worth a certain number of points. After each competition, the jury announces the points and comments on them.

Game progress:


Today's extra-curricular event will be held in the form of a professional educational game "Banking Hour". All competitions are compiled on the topics of special subjects. Competitions will be evaluated by a jury specially created for this game.

You have been given homework:

Divide into two teams;

Select the branch of the bank that you will represent,

Choose your bank manager

Prepare greetings for the opposing team.

For the greeting, each team can earn from 1 to 5 points (the jury will evaluate creativity and originality of greeting).

Team 1.

Business sharks

Team 2.

Business woman

1. competition "Fill in a valuable form"

Despite the fact that banks are fully equipped with a software and hardware complex, and all necessary documents are printed out automatically, a bank employee must know how to draw up a valuable form manually.

Two participants from each team are invited for this competition. They need to fill out a savings certificate form and a savings book based on a task card. For this competition, each team can earn 1 point for the correct execution of details in valuable forms.

2. competition "Counting cash"

A bank employee must correctly and quickly count the cash received from the client so as not to create queues. And also correctly form the packaging of banknotes. The whole team takes part in this competition, everyone will have their own task: to count banknotes, change coins, sort and pack banknotes according to the denominations of each denomination. For this competition, each team can earn from 10 to 15 points (the number of points is selected based on the accuracy of the calculation).

3. competition "Warm-up"

The facilitator reads the questions to both teams in turn. Questions are compiled on the topics of the special disciplines being studied.

For each correct answer, the team can bring additional points to their piggy bank. Correct answer- 1 point.

4. competition "Signs of solvency of banknotes"

Every bank employee is required to know the signs of solvency of banknotes.

To carry out this competition, one participant is selected from the team, who needs to be told all the security elements and signs of the solvency of banknotes.

For the implementation of this competition, the team can bring to its piggy bank from 20 to 25 points (depending on the accuracy and number of named signs).

5. competition "Get a loan"

For this competition, each team can earn from 15 to 20 points (the number of points is selected based on the accuracy of the calculation and execution

loan documents).

A bank employee must understand the bank's loan products. Be able to draw up and calculate the optimal loan for any client.

Two people from a team take part in this competition, each will have their own task: advising a client on a loan, filling out a loan application.

Control sheet:



"Business Sharks"


"Business woman"

Fill in valuable


Cash counting


Warm up




Apply for a loan


At the end of the game, the jury announces the final number of points and names the team that scored the most points.

The winning team will be awarded prizes.

Characters: Young man, Employee 1, Employee 2, Employee 1, Employee 2, Employee 3, Cashier 1, Cashier 2. There is a screen in the center of the site, from which all the actors come out. A chair in front of the screen. The leader comes out.

Good evening! As you know, bank employees do not produce goods. They produce services and in this respect are not much different from other customer service establishments. Which sometimes leads to funny situations. The story that we are about to tell you could well have happened in any bank, except, of course, ours. And if anything seems familiar to you, I assure you, these are completely random coincidences.

On the a sign “... bank” appears on the screen and the name of the department: “Department for work from clients." Two employees come out.

employee 1. What would you like to wish your native bank?

employee 2. Somehow I didn't think of it.

employee 1. And here I guessed.

employee 2. Curious.

employee 1. I wish to attract a real billionaire here, and that he ...

Employee 2. All capital entrusted to us.

Employee 1. Yes, and that he ...

employee 2. Interest asked little.

employee 1. That's right, and that he...

Employee 2. Remained our customer for a long time.

Employee 1. How do you know everything?

Employee 2. So who among us does not want this?

A breathless worker runs in.

Employee 1. Girls, oh-very important

information. Ko-lo-bok is rolling towards us!

Employee 1. And the chicken Ryaba, well?


Employee 1. No need for irony. Nicholas

Vasilyevich Kolobok, one of the largest oil magnates in Western Siberia...

He came to us to open a representative office and place orders.

Looking for a suitable bank to work with.

employee 2. What are you!

employee 1. But that! So, be on the lookout... Chao! (Exits.)

employee 2. Looks like wishes have come true.

employee 1. All hands on deck!

To the music with backup, one verse of the song is performed to a suitable motive.

Someone likes about Ivan the Fool. well but they read “Kolobok” to me at night. At the window he stood chilled, Yes, he disappeared somewhere for dinner. Since then, years and centuries have passed, Kolobka has always condemned the people. But the memory of Kolobok lives in him, How he disappeared on a narrow path. Chorus. Always light in decisions, Koloboks are running around the world. And if you look from under your hand, So these are our men.

Employee 1 and Employee 2 remain on the site. A young man enters.

Young man(very timidly). Hello!

Employee 1(timidly, after a pause). Hello. If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Kolobok?

Young man. Not really. That's what they called me at school. How do you know?

employee 2. How. Such a famous person.

Young man. I? Well, what are you...

Employee 1. AND not only in the North.

Young man. Yes, what are you! In the North, almost no one knows me either. At least I live there.

employee 2. You will be modest, Mr. Kolobok. So, we are listening to you carefully.

Young man(blushing and pale). I don't even know how to start.

Say it at you are being served... umm... a certain kind?

employee 1. The widest range of services. Active and passive operations. Do you want something special?

Young man. No, I need something better. more traditional

Employee 2. Understandable. Perhaps you would like to make a contribution.

Young human (thinking). Contribution?.. Contribution of what?

Employee 1. The contribution of your savings.

Young man(after a pause). Thanks! Thank you!

employee 2. For what?

Young man. For the gentle name of my need. I apologize for the details. I am already 30 years old, and I have never made a ... contribution of savings.

Employee 1. In your position, this is not necessary. Others do it for you.

Young man. But sometimes you still want to. And then I was invited to dinner by a nice woman. I'm afraid she'll laugh at me if she finds out I never did it.

Employee 2. A good woman won't laugh. A good woman will help.

Employee 1. And there are many such women in our institution. They will explain everything, explain: what, where and why. In general, they will serve you at the highest level.

Employee 2. So don't worry. Your contribution will be accepted without any ridicule.

Young man. Thank you. Excuse me, but where will it be received?

Employee 2. At the box office.

Young man. At the register? (Co-images.) Ah! .. Well, yes, of course, at the box office. Thanks! Thank you for another nice title. I would never have thought that in such a specific institution such high level culture.

Employee1 . Thank you for your high rating as well. By the way, since you are our guest, would you like to use another very traditional service?

Young human. No, what are you. God bless you with one.

employee 1. It's about credit.

Young man. About credit?.. In what sense? Literally or figuratively?

employee 2. Of course, in direct.

Young man. And what, it can be done on credit? ..

employee 1. Everything can be done on credit. What our valued customers enjoy.

Young man (after little pause). You know, I like you more and more. Such nice, kind people. I was terribly afraid when I came to you.

employee 2. So will you take out a loan?

Young man. Why not?

employee 1. Wonderful... (Employee 2.) Colleague, take Mr. Kolobok to the credit department.

employee 2. With pleasure.

Young man(bows to Employee 1). Thank you very much.

employee 1. All the best!

Employee 2 and Young Man leave. Employee 1 happily rubs her palms, calls on the phone.

Hello, credit?.. Don't faint, Kolobok is rolling toward you... (With pressure.) Kolobok is the true name of a true oil tycoon from the Far North. Very nice uncle. True, a little weird. But who among the rich does not kink? So don't miss out on your benefits... How is it, what is a pledge?.. And deposits, and drilling, and wells! Well, thank God, it came. Good luck!

The second verse is performed to the music.

In Russia, which century, here and there,

That seedy bitch is all scraping.

And then, pouring milk into flour,

Everyone interferes and bakes koloboks.

And, of course, the men of Russian places -

These are the same koloboks - here are those cross!

It doesn't matter where to go and the abyss,

So it beckons to fall into the fox's mouth.

Always easy in decisions

Koloboks are running around the world.

And look from under your hand

So these are our men.

The sign "Credit Department" appears on the screen. On stage Employee 2, Employee 2, Employee 3 and Young Man.

Employee2. Colleagues! Let me introduce you, the guest of honor of our institution - Mr. Kolobok! Please love and respect! (Exits.)

Employee2. We have heard, we have heard, Mr. Kolobok. Have a seat. How do you feel about us?

Young human. Amazing! An institution with such a complex profile and such an amazing culture. Like in the Hermitage. You are just great!

Employee3. Thanks. (Opens folder.) So, would you like to open a loan with us?

Young man. Not that he wanted to. I was persuaded to do it by your dearest ladies. I thought: why not?

Employee2. And they did it right. I'm sorry, but the rules oblige us to ask you a few questions. Young man. I'll be honored

Employee3. Where is your field located?

Young human. My place of birth: the city of Kogalym, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Employees 2 and 3 look at each other meaningfully. Employee 2 writes.

Employee2. Thanks. Next question: do you have drilling rigs?

Young man(very perplexed). Drilling rigs?

Employee3 . Well, yes. You know who are drilling. (Makes rotational movements with his hand.)

Young man. My God! How lovely! What a high concern for the moral sense of the visitor. In such a place! With such problems! (Grabs Employee 2's hand.) Let me, let me shake your hand!

employee 2. Forgive me, for what?

Young man. For this beautiful term: oil rig! True, it is somewhat unexpected, and yet it is better than calling such things by their proper names. Cleaner, thinner, more moral! Write: yes! There is a drilling rig!

Employee 2 (writing down). Amazing. And the last question following from the previous one. The number of active wells you have drilled.

Young man(descending). Alas, gentlemen. What is not, is not.

employee 3. How did it happen?

Young man(with a sigh). That's how. Shy by nature. Otherwise, why would I come to you.

employee 2. But then you'll have to lay the rig.

Young man. Do you mean invest?

employee 3. No, just for-lo-live.

Young man. But why lay-to live? Laid down for the winter. And I, sorry for the detail, I will invest it.

Employees 2 and 3 look at each other.

employee 2. Okay. Let's put it this way: "to invest for a loan" - will it suit you?

Young man. Great shaping! Lord, how nice it is to be among educated, intelligent people. employee 3. Mutually. Kindly sign here and here. Young man. With pleasure. employee 2. Thanks. If you allow me, I will personally escort you to the cashier. Young man. I'll be honored.

The young man and Employee 2 leave. Employee 3 looks into the folder.

Employee 3. Yes!

The third verse is performed to the music.

Going on a long journey, do not be sad:

Everything we, baby, are a little koloboks. Having laid a path-path with a tablecloth, We will slide down to the edge of the Earth. Call me, distant fate, Wave after me, hut, shutters.

Where red-haired dresses flash, Koloboks are rolling right there. Chorus. Always light in decisions, Koloboks are running around the world. And if you look from under your hand, So these are our men.

On the screen there is a sign "Cashier

the Department". Cashier 1 and Cashier 2 are on stage. Employee 2 and a Young Man enter

employee 2. Dear ladies, let me introduce you to our distinguished guest, the owner of large oil fields, Mr. Kolobok.

Cashier 1 and Cashier 2 applaud.

I personally brought him to you with the lowest request to serve the highest class. Allow me to take a break. All the best! (Exits.)

Cashier 1. We are listening carefully.

cashier 2. Mr. Kolobok, what's the matter with you?

cashier 1. You feel bad?

Young man(shy). Sorry. I just wasn't ready for the two of you.

cashier 2. And we don't interfere with each other.

Cashier 1. Each has its own area of ​​work.

cashier 2. We have a specialization.

Young man(swaying). Oh!

Cashier 1 and 2 rush to him and try to support him. (Almost screams.) Don't touch me! TO Assir 1 and Cashier 2 run back.

How can you not understand, I can not. Let one of you come out.

Cashier 1. For God's sake. Just tell me who?

The young man sobs. Cashier 1 and 2 rush towards him.

Young man(through sobs). I cannot make such a decision.

cashier 2. Why?

Young man. You are both very beautiful.

cashier 1. I do not know what to do.

cashier 2. Come on, you go out, and I

I will calm him down.

Cashier 1. OK. I'll be at the door. If so, scream. (Exits.)

The young man sobs into Cashier 2's chest, who strokes him.

Young man. Sorry. You see, I am 30 years old, today I had to make my first savings contribution. Agree that this is not an easy thing to do.

cashier 2. May be. But he is not worth your tears.

Young man. And that's just a reaction. I suddenly introduced the three of us and realized that I can’t live without love.

cashier 2. What can't you do?

Young man. Make a savings contribution.

cashier 2. Why?

Young man. You are good, you are a professional. And how can I imagine that a storm of an unloved person, a drilling rig right there ... (Waving hand.) Eh, what can I say. (Suppresses sobs.)

cashier 2. You must be having problems at the field.

Young man. I haven't been there in twenty years. And I came to you in vain. (Takes a breath, wipes away tears.) So tell me, what should I do?.. Like in the movies. Strongly request that you accept my contribution.

cashier 2. Why demand. I will accept it. However, as you please.

Young man(enthusiastically). And at first you sharply refuse me, and then you lose control over yourself and warmly agree. So what?

cashier 2. In truth, we were not taught this. But the leadership asked for you. You can also try.

Young man. Let's!

cashier 2. Let's!

Young man(steps back 2 steps, pointing). Stand right here. And most resolutely refuse me. Deal?

cashier 2. Deal!

Young man(sharply raising his voice). You should! You simply must accept the contribution of my savings!

cashier 2. I don't owe anything to anyone!.. For nothing and never!

Cashier 1 runs in, perplexed.

Young man. Accept, as dear, and this very minute!

cashier 2. Never! Your savings will never fall into my safe!

All the actors run in, except Employee 1, and stop in bewilderment.

Young man. How else will they get there!

cashier 2. No matter how!

"They'll get in!""Never!" The young man abruptly embraces Cashier 2 and kisses him.

Cashier 2 hits him on the back with his fists, but the blows get softer and softer until they turn into gentle strokes.

employee 1. Fir-trees-sticks, what shall we do?

employee 2. rejoice

employee 2. Why?

employee 3. If a respected client fell in love with our cashier, his heart and money will be registered in this room for a long time.

cashier 1. Yes, you, actually. He will choke her! (Knocks on the young man's back.) Mr Kolobok! (The young man shrugged it off.) Mr Kolobok!

The couple breaks away from each other and stands with their eyes closed, coming to their senses.

Young man. I would ask you not to call me that again. My name is Kolya Lobkov. Nikolay Vasilievich Lobkov. And Kolobok was teased at school.

The theme of Beethoven's fate sounds, the employees freeze.

employee 1. Kolya Lobkov?! But you are from the North!

Young man. From the Northwest. Komsomolsky prospect, 34 "A".

The theme of fate is growing.

employee 2. Excuse me, but what about your Kogalym field?

Young man. I was really born in the city of Kogalym.

The theme of fate is growing.

Employee 3. Sorry! And the drilling...

Young man. Let's not talk about it in front of women. Guys, I feel so good with you. Who would have thought that such nice, subtle and warm-hearted people work in such a specific institution. You know what (pointing to Cashier 2) I will take this girl with me. She still So young. Agree, she has no place, I beg your pardon... in a brothel.

The theme of fate is growing.

Everything. What?!

Young man. She doesn't belong here!

employee 2. Excuse me, Mr. Kolya, why on earth did you give our bank such an unflattering definition?

Young man. When I had known problems, I contacted to friend and he gave me this address. I tell him, but what about the sign ""? And he says: “This is a conspiracy so that the institution is not closed.” Accordingly, everything is expressed there. Debit-credit, balance-buldo. So it all turned out. In general, I am very grateful to all of you.

The theme of fate is growing.

Employee 2(with a threat). What is the last name


Young man. What?

Everything. What is the friend's last name?

Employee 1 runs in.

Young human. His last name, and here he is.

Everyone looks at Employee 1.

employee 1. Hello, who have not seen!

Employee 2(ominously). Hey!

employee 1. What are you?

employee 1. Yes, here. We want to introduce you to the oil tycoon.

employee 1. Ah, Nicola, that's great! Having fun?.. Come on guys. The usual joke.

What professions are involved in working with money? These are accountants and bank employees. And very soon both of them will celebrate their professional holidays. And of course they will walk, celebrate and hold corporate parties. And we offer you our contests for your holiday. Contests for the day of the accountant and bank employee will be the best and most fun moments of your party. Contests are designed for people who love excitement, love money and adore their work. So arrange a cool party for your friendly team, and they will raise all your indicators for the year several times.

1. Competition - The best employee of the month.
The essence of this competition is to identify the best employee of the month, well, or any other period of time. It needs people who want it. On the table in front of each participant are piles of coins with a face value of 10 and 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5 and 10 rubles. But each coin is in a separate pile. Team members should start counting the money in each pile, and then add up all their calculations, so to speak, to balance. The one who first, and most importantly, accurately says the amount in each of his piles and the total, is declared the winner of the competition. In order for the presenter not to count the coins after the players, it is better to put the same number of coins on each table, for each participant.

2. Competition - Money in the bank.
And again, we need everyone to participate in the competition. Again, jars or glass containers are placed on the tables. But such that you can put your hand in them and move it into the jars. Paper money of any denomination is placed in each jar. And the more bills, the more fun. The participants are blindfolded and, having put their hand in their jar, they must determine by touch how much money is in the jars. Whoever says more accurately will be the winner. Well, if someone guesses the exact amount, he can take the money for himself.

3. Competition - Money for free.
This is a team competition. Determine the number of people in the teams. For this competition, you need to buy counterfeit banknotes of your country's bank in advance in souvenir shops. And it is important to buy an even number, for example, 10 banknotes of 10 rubles, 10 banknotes of 50 rubles, 10 banknotes of 100 rubles, 10 banknotes of 500 rubles and 10 banknotes of 1000 rubles. Each team is pulled on a rope, on which, again, your purchased money is hung on a rope. And each team needs to hang the same amount of money to be fair. Money should be hung in a mess. Each team member is blindfolded in turn and given scissors in their hands. And they come to the rope and cut off two or one bills. Just make sure that after all the participants have cut off the money on the ropes, banknotes should remain hanging, otherwise there will be a draw in the competition. That is, if there are 5 people in the team, and bills weigh 20, then each cuts off 3 bills. And thus, each team will have 15 bills, and 5 will hang on the ropes. The team with the most money wins. If there is a draw, then one more participant can be launched so that they cut off one bill each. And it is important that in the competition they do not tell each other, let them remember where, what bill weighs.

4. Competition - Emblem of money.
This competition can be held both in teams and by one person. And for the contest, you can use both real money and bought in souvenir shops. The essence of the competition is to lay out on the table with the help of money, or rather, come up with the emblem of your holiday. It could be a person, it could be a circle, it could be anything. Whoever makes the most beautiful and original emblem wins. And if the money is real, then according to tradition, you can take it for yourself.

Characters: Klotilda Kuzmovna - the head of the bank, Ivan Vasilyevich - her deputy, Katya and Dasha - young professionals, bank clients in video clips.

The song "Money, money" sounds. Katya and Dasha are dancing. Klotilda Kuzmovna enters.

Klotilda Kuzmovna. What kind of dancing during working hours?
Dasha. Klotilda Kuzmovna, we won the tender!
Klotilda Kuzmovna. This is some nonsense. What tender?
Kate. In the opinion of the entire population of the city ... (title) our bank is the best!
Dasha. After completing the survey...
Kate. In general, sociological studies have shown that our bank is the coolest, most stunning bank in the world!
Klotilda Kuzmovna. So in the city or in the world?
Dasha. Yes in the world, in the world, of course!

They continue to dance and involve Clotilda Kuzmovna in the dance.

Klotilda Kuzmovna. Answer me, dear young professionals who have successfully graduated from the financial institutions of our vast country, answer me, young ladies, do you happen to use Apiphytotonus?

Everyone stops, the music stops.

Katya and Dasha."Apiphytotonus"? What is it?
Klotilda Kuzmovna (furious). They passed the tender! Best in the world! Get my papers in order! In the computer, you just won’t see until you get to the right information!
Katya and Dasha (showing disk). Here!
Klotilda Kuzmovna. What's this?
Kate. These are historical materials.
Dasha. This is a documentary.
Kate. This is what the clients of our bank say.
Klotilda Kuzmovna. Interesting ... Perhaps worth a look. Invite Ivan Vasilyevich to me.
Ivan Vasilievich (appearing). Yes, Klotilda Kuzmovna?
Klotilda Kuzmovna. Here the youngsters are conducting an experiment, we must see.
Ivan Vasilievich. Always ready. I really love experiments.

Video clip. Sidorov's client is on the screen.

Sidorov. You can't imagine what happened to me this week! Now I will calm down and in more detail ... I really love money. They love me too, but not very much. They come to me in large numbers and quite often. But they leave even more and more often. What I just did not do. Notice, I reached the point that for a young month I opened my wallet and whispered spells, even, excuse me, howled at the moon, but this is purely in the order of fantasy, on my own, in a conspiracy for money it is not said about it, I myself came up with hopelessness . Tried to store in a stocking, but it's so uncomfortable. Why am I not at the bank, you ask? But he didn't believe it. Didn't trust. Did not understand. All exhausted. And I had a dream. An angel with wings, such a pretty face. Looks a bit like my grandson. And the music is so heavenly. No, no, don't think about it! I'm out of my mind. It's just such a dream. It sounds like music, an angel, of course, sits on a cloud and asks so casually: “Do you know what a bank is?” “I know,” I say. “No, you don't,” he says. - The Bank is Divinely Actively Increasing Capital. And disappeared into the clouds. Here I woke up. There are four words in my head: Divinely Actively Increase Capital. Bank! I understood: this is a sign from above. Now no problem, no stockings, no moon! My money is in your bank, my dears. I love you! Sidorov.
Klotilda Kuzmovna. You know, great! What do you say to that, Ivan Vasilyevich?
Ivan Vasilievich. I didn’t understand in which bank he slowed down with his troubles?
Kate. Yes, in ours, in ours.
Klotilda Kuzmovna. Well done girls! And you, Ivan Vasilyevich, slow down as always. No activity, no study of the clientele.
Ivan Vasilievich. Why study it? The client is either there or he is not.
Dasha. The client must be loved, and he will love you.
Ivan Vasilievich. I am out of that age.
Klotilda Kuzmovna. Then think about how you would not leave our bank! Girls, what else do you have?
Kate (joyfully). Studio "Klondike" continues to show the plot. Say the clients of our bank. Or "Bank through the eyes of a client."

Video clip. New Russian appears on the screen.

New Russian. You are all awesome, girls! I wrecked my car and bought a new one. You gave me a chance to stay afloat. Interest is normal. The main thing is that everything is coolly arranged, without rigmarole. And the bank is reliable, like me.
Klotilda Kuzmovna (scared). This is one of the most dangerous clients.
Dasha. He's not going anywhere.
Kate. We saved him!
Dasha. This is not forgotten.
Ivan Vasilievich. We do not have a bank, but some kind of clinic. Rescuers: Chip and Dale rush to the rescue.
Klotilda Kuzmovna (laughs). I like. It makes you so excited. You are changing right before your eyes.
Ivan Vasilievich. Yes, you know, all numbers, numbers - professional ... All feelings have dulled.
Kate (with delight). And that is not all! The following video clip deserves special attention.
Dasha. Attention to the screen!

Video clip. The waltz of Mendelssohn sounds, the newlyweds are on the screen.

Groom. Our wedding took 120 thousand.
Bride. This is the most beautiful wedding ever! Thanks bank!
Ivan Vasilievich (contritely). Yes, a wedding at the cost of 120 thousand ... Poor young people! When will they pay off?
Newlyweds (joyfully). In just two years.
Klotilda Kuzmovna (contritely). Ah, dear Ivan Vasilievich, it seems to me that you should work in a funeral parlor.
Dasha. Klotilda Kuzmovna, he will improve.
Kate. We'll take over him!

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation