Intellectual game "Birds are our friends". Development of an extracurricular event "Intellectual and educational game" In the world of birds "". Grade 3 Intellectual creative game in search of birds


Litvinenko Olga Anatolyevna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Tashlinskaya secondary school", Orenburg region, Tulgansky district, s. Tashla.
Material Description: April 1 is the holiday "Day of the Birds", so this material can be useful to many teachers, and the script is also intended for organizing summer holidays for children in the school day camp and for extracurricular activities at any time of the year. Age category - primary school students. The development can be useful for both primary school teachers and educators additional education, counselors, educators.
Target: development of the intellectual sphere of students.
to expand students' knowledge about the diversity of birds, about folk signs;
give an idea about the varieties of birds, the origin of the names of some birds;
to instill love and respect for the native nature;
broaden the horizons of students;
develop ingenuity, observation, speed of reaction, eye, courage;
to cultivate comradely mutual assistance, tolerance, collectivism.
Features of team formation: the number of teams depends on the number of children (from 2 to 4 teams), the teams should have no more than 10 people (mandatory: boys and girls different ages); the team independently chooses a captain, comes up with a name on the topic, draws emblems.
Game conditions.
Each detachment receives its own itinerary, which indicates the travel plan for the stations, and an evaluation sheet. According to the route sheet, the children go to their stations. Arriving at the station, the units perform tasks that are evaluated in points.
At the end of the game, the results are summed up, a summary table of the journey through the stations is compiled.
Rewarding on the line of winners and participants.
- Come on, guys, let's go with you ... for miracles! Yes, yes, for miracles!
When you walk along the forest path,
Questions overtake you in a crowd.
One "why" rushes between the trees,
Flies through the fields for an unknown bird,
Another bee climbed into a flower,
And the third - a frog jump into a stream.
Let's go, my friend, along the path together
Look for answers under the green tent.
- And the theme of our journey is hidden in a riddle:
Dreaming of a spider at night
Miracle Yudo on a bitch:
Long beak and two wings
Arrives - things are bad.
And who is the spider afraid of?
Guessed? This is … (bird).
- Yes, today we will devote to the birds. Birds have long attracted the attention of man. People admired their bright plumage, their bold, swift flights, melodic singing. Watching birds, people expanded their knowledge. Undoubtedly, the first thoughts about aeronautics, the desire to learn how to fly were born when looking at birds.
Birds are everywhere - above us, around us, far away, nearby. You can meet them in the forest, and in the field, and on the river, and in the mountains. There are a lot of birds in nature. Only in Russia there are more than 760 species. Just to look at all the birds, a lifetime is not enough. But those who live in the forest or in the field near your home, you need to know.
- They make noise, clamor, shout from morning to evening. Birds talk to each other and to us. Let's listen. (A recording of bird voices sounds.)
- Different birds give voice in different ways. From the sounds they make, the names of many birds were formed.
"Sin-sin!" - the tit whistles.
“Chi-chi! Chi-chi!” - the siskin echoes her.
"Gra-gra!" - the rook appears.
"Square-square!" - starlings sing.
- And now we will find out how the names of other birds were formed.
(Prepared students make reports. Their stories are accompanied by illustrations or a presentation.)
1.Name robin suits the bird that greets the morning and evening dawns with a song.
In the thicket of the forest near the clearing
Glad for the evening.
European robin bird
The song was sung at dawn.
2.Jay, or redstart. This bird is named so for its red tail, which trembles all the time. It seems that it flashes with a spark, shines, which is why the jay was called the redstart.
3.Finch. Why is this bird called that? Because it's chilly? It turns out that the finch is not at all afraid of the cold and arrives in early spring, when there is still snow on the fields. Yes, and flies away in late autumn in a cold, chilly, as the people say, time. For the fact that this bird flies and flies in a chilly time, and they called it a finch.
4. The name of the bird crossbill came from the old Russian word "klestit", which means "squeeze, squeeze, squeeze." The beak of this bird is bent crosswise, it is as if squeezed, compressed.
5.waxwing. In ancient times, in the Russian language there was the word "svirest" with the meaning "whistling", "squealing". The name of the bird waxwing and the name of the musical instrument flute are related words.
6. Surprisingly the origin of the word "heron". It comes from the verb "chapati", that is, to move slowly, formed from the onomatopoeic "chap". It is almost impossible to walk quickly through swampy terrain: your feet get stuck in the mud. And the dirt underfoot seems to be talking: “Chap-chap! Chap-chup!" Hence the verb "chapati". But after all, the bird is called a heron, and not a chaplya? The fact is that in some villages, instead of the sound [h], they pronounce [ts]. In the word "heron" the sound [ts] is fixed in the language and is considered the correct literary variant.
7. Why bullfinch given such a name? Because we see the bullfinch only in the snowy season. With the first snow, bullfinches come to us, and in the spring, when the snow melts, they fly north to their native lands.

Now listen interesting information about the life of birds.
1) A family of starlings destroys 350 caterpillars, beetles, snails per day.
2) The smallest bird of our coniferous forests - the kinglet, destroys from 8 to 10 million small insects per year.
3) During the summer, the cuckoo destroys 270 thousand large caterpillars and May beetles.
4) The family of swallows - about a million insects.
5) The flycatcher destroys at least 50 thousand flies in 2 months.
6) long-eared owl is able to eat 10 voles per day, and the owl-owl eats 1200 rodents a year. If we take into account that one mouse eats 2-3 kilograms of grain a year, and a gopher - 16, then each owl saves tons of bread.
7) Buzzard (hawk) eats mice and voles: in 50 days it eats at least 265 rodents.
8) Larks, buntings, greenfinches, goldfinches peck seeds and fruits of weeds, thereby reducing the weediness of the fields.
- And now, dear guys, let's break into teams. Each team must choose a commander, come up with a team name and an emblem related to the theme. Receive route and evaluation sheets. So on the road! I wish you all good luck!

Station 1. "Find the Birds"
Students are given a text to read first.
- Eight birds lurk in the text, find their names.
How many words the team finds, so many points will be received.
Eight birds.
The girl set up canteens for the birds. Water crow came in, cleaned in the corner rubbish Oka fit here comfortably, voob more goal oh place. Fed here large birds flask soy, ka neck. Another dining room - you juice, l better for small birds check, and hell it - the branches of a tree. You just have to run to flattery Nitse, ina che rosary I can’t feed, I can’t get a feeder.
(Answer: crow, magpie, goldfinch, jay, falcon, coinage, crossbill, tap dance. The correct answers are highlighted in the text.)
Station 2. "Know the Birds"
- Can you recognize birds by their characteristic features? Connect the signs and names of birds with arrows. How many correct answers, how many points the team gets.
On the card:

When the answers are checked, the teacher makes short reports about birds, if possible accompanying the story with pictures or photographs of birds.
Bird - fisherman (cormorant).

The cormorant dives perfectly to a depth of 5 m and swims so fast under water that it is difficult for even the most dexterous fish to escape from it. Each bird eats 700-800 g of fish per day. Cormorants steal fish from nets, hunt it near the coast and in the sea, exterminate it when it goes to spawn.
The bird is a carpenter (woodpecker).

Woodpeckers hollow out the bark of trees for hours, taking out insects from there. That's why they say: "He worked like a woodpecker."
Forest cat (oriole).

Oriole really knows how to scream like a cat. And before a thunderstorm, the oriole usually sits on the top of a tall tree among dense greenery, making sounds reminiscent of playing a flute.
Bird - builder (swallow).

Oriole and swallow are considered the most skillful builders. Nests of swallows - salangans or swifts - salangans are edible. They are built from saliva. Soup is made from these nests.
Bird - acrobat (nuthatch).

The nuthatch climbs trees. In search of food, it deftly moves along the trunks and branches of trees, often upside down or even upside down.
Feathered soloist (nightingale).

No wonder they say about this bird: “In the forest orchestra, he is the first violin - the most reverent, the most sonorous.” Among useful insectivorous birds, nightingales occupy one of the first places, since they destroy insect pests in large numbers.
Night predator (owl).

Owls swallow mice whole.
Frivolous mother (cuckoo).

He does not make his own nest, he throws eggs to others. Although some types of cuckoos hatch their own eggs.

Station 3. "Bird Talk".
Solve bird conversations (connect with an arrow). How many correct answers, how many points the team gets.
On the card:

(Answer: geese cackle, nightingales whistle, cranes scream, ducks quack, crows croak, swallows chirp, doves coo, tits squeak, owls hoot.)

Station 4. "Bird food".
The birds need our help. Which one of you feeds the birds in winter? And what do you feed them? (Listen to the children's answers and complete the story.)
Seeds of various plants are suitable for feed: hemp, sunflower, melon, pumpkin, watermelon, zucchini, dandelion, thistle, horse sorrel, nettle, quinoa.
Sunflower seeds are the best food for bullfinches, tits, nuthatches, sparrows.
Millet and millet are loved by siskins, carduelis, sparrows, waxwings, oatmeal.
Watermelon and melon seeds - food for tits, nuthatches, woodpeckers.
Brooms of quinoa, nettle, burdock are best stuck in the snow at the feeders or hung next to them. Tap dances, bullfinches, siskins, goldfinches, tits will flock to this food. Bullfinches willingly eat seeds of horse sorrel, maple, ash, linden.
Berries of mountain ash, elderberry, bird cherry are very fond of bullfinches and waxwings.
Birds love dried apples, grated carrots, dry insects, dried mushrooms (especially wormy ones).
And dry bread crumbs of wheat bread will always find their lovers. And rye crumbs are not suitable for birds, especially in cold weather. They turn sour in the goiter of a bird, which can lead to its death.
Titmouses, in addition to seeds, are very fond of pieces of raw unsalted lard.
Remember! For birds, salt is poison!

Your task is to sort out the seeds for birds in 5 minutes (mixed seeds of sunflower, mountain ash, watermelon, melon, bird cherry). Evaluation is at the discretion of the teacher from 1 to 10 points, depending on how many seeds will be sorted out.

Station 5. "Who am I?"
Students are shown illustrations or a presentation with images of birds (nuthatch, bullfinch, chaffinch, swallow, woodpecker, owl, sparrow, crane, tap dance, tit, siskin, jackdaw, jay, heron, etc.). The task of the children is to guess the name of the depicted bird. How many birds are guessed, so many points the team gets.

Station 6 Feed the Birds(Gym).
This competition is similar to Hit the Target. A bucket or basket is placed at a distance, you need to hit it with a small ball. If you hit, then "feed the birds." Each participant is given 3 attempts. One hit counts as one point. As a result, all the points scored by the team are summed up.

Station 10. "Know the bird."
- According to the verbal description, the team must guess what kind of bird it is. How many birds are guessed, so many points are received.
1. Look at this small, sparrow-sized bird and think: well, what is so special about it? Inconspicuous, gray, only the tail is a little reddish ... And in the evening or at night, come here - and you will stop in your tracks when you hear her song ... She spills in every way. (Nightingale.)
2. It climbs branches like a parrot, and clings with its paws, and with its beak, even if it hangs down with its tail, even upside down - it doesn’t matter to him. He is busy with one thing: he is husking seeds from cones. And for this he has a special beak: the lower and upper halves intersect at the ends. (Crossbill.)
3. You can’t confuse her with anyone. She is always chirping, jumping from branch to branch, making noise, when she sees someone, she twitches her tail. When it flies, its white and black wings flap, and when it sits, its white belly glows. (Magpie.)
4. You hear it all the time: it creaks in damp meadows - creak-creak, creak-creak. Or pulls: derg-derg, derg-derg. And it lets it close, at the very feet, sometimes it creaks and twitches. But it's not visible! You to him, and he away from you. And even if the leaf trembled, even if the blade of grass swayed. (Dergach.)
5. Look, what a beauty! And the size of a starling or a little more. Very secretive and cautious bird. It settles high in the trees, not everyone succeeds in getting close to it to examine it. Her song is beautiful - a sonorous short whistle. But if he sees danger, he screams like a cat that has been stepped on. (Oriole.)
6. This bird will be able to protect its offspring in case of danger. She stretches her neck and hisses like a snake, so that anyone who wants to get to know her better loses all desire. Who wants to meet a snake! (Wryneck.)
7. Bird of the crow family of the passerine order. The plumage is loose, reddish-gray; the tail is black, on the wing there is a blue spot with black spots, on the head there is a crest with black spots. Useful in the destruction of insects; makes stocks of acorns for the winter, which contributes to the resettlement of oak; at the same time, it harms, ruining the nests of small birds. (Jay.)
8. This bird lives mainly in forests. In winter, it is often found near dwellings. Useful for killing insects in gardens and forests. The plumage is dense, fluffy, yellow breast. (Tit.)
9. Songbird. In spring and summer, plumage of adults is black, with a bright metallic sheen. In autumn, after molting, it is covered with white specks - these are the light ends of the contour feathers, which are erased by spring, and the specks disappear. Juveniles are black-brown in color with a lighter throat. The beak is yellow, sharp and rather long. Noticeable to humans, the arrival of these birds means, especially for city dwellers, the onset of spring. (Starling.)
10. Bird of the suborder swifts of the long-winged order. The wings are long and narrow. The plumage is dark brown or blackish. The nests of this bird consist of plant materials glued together with saliva, or from one hardened saliva (the so-called swallow nests); in China, people eat these nests. (Salangan.)
11. A bird from the order of passerines. The head is large, the beak is on top with a hook and a tooth in front of the top, the tail is long. The plumage is loose, often gray tones in combination with white and black, less often with red. Avoiding continuous forests, it settles in the forest-tundra, on the edges of the forest, in glades, in the steppe or desert with thickets of shrubs or individual trees. Some of them store food by impaling prey on knots or thorns. (Shrike).
12. The size of a starling, an elegant bird. The plumage is pinkish gray. The throat and the stripe from the beak to the eye are black, the forehead is reddish. The wings are black with wide white and narrow yellow stripes; on the head is a large crest; at the end of the tail there is a transverse yellow stripe. Distributed in the north of the forest zone from the Kola Peninsula to Kamchatka. The song is gentle "sviriri-sviriri". (Whistle).
13. It is known that the largest bird living on earth is the African ostrich. It reaches 2.5 meters in height, weighs about 135 kilograms. It is clear that such a bird cannot fly because of its height and mass. But there is also among the flying the largest bird. Attention! Question!
Name one of the largest flying birds. (Albatross.)

Competition 11. "Magic Square".
A table with letters is drawn on a piece of paper. The task of students: in a certain time (3-5 minutes) to find and cross out the names of birds. And the remaining letters will tell you what kind of bird "hid" in the magic square. For each word found, the team receives 1 point, and for the word made up of the remaining letters - 5 points.

Answer: cuckoo, starling, eagle, heron, rook, parrot, nightingale, woodpecker, peacock, goose.
A swallow "hid" in the square.

Competition 12. "Musical".
Children are given cards with songs (verse or chorus), but they omit the names of birds. The task of the children is to guess the missing words, name the words from which song and perform the song. For guessing the words in one song, the team gets 2 points, for guessing the name of the song - 1 point, and for the performance of another 3 points.

By the road... by the road...
He screams, worries, an eccentric:
"Ah, tell me, whose are you, ah, tell me, whose are you
And why, why are you coming here?" (Chibis. "Chibis by the road")

Though a small bird
I..., I...,
Bright feathers on me
On the head, on the back.
Shadow-shadow, shadow-shadow, shadow, zvin.
Shadow-shadow, shadow-shadow,
Shadow-shadow, shadow, zvin, shadow. (Titmouse. "Titmouse".)

Lived with grandma
Two funny...
One is grey, the other is white
Two funny... (Goose. "Two merry geese.")

... hearing a voice
I remember forgotten goodbyes
Three perches, birch bridge
Over a quiet river without a name ... (Robins. "Robin")
… , … ,
do not disturb the soldiers,
Let the soldiers
get some sleep... (Nightingales. "Nightingales".)

And I want, and I want again
Run on the roofs, ... drive,
Teasing Natasha, pulling her braid,
Ride around the yard on a scooter. (Doves. "Childhood")

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers
From the bloody fields that did not come,
Not in our land once perished,
And turned into white ... . (Cranes. "Cranes.")

The day sparkles with joy
Beckons me into the distance
I need a rainbow
merrily ringing,
By the river under the willow
I hear...
The happiest
This morning I!
The happiest
This morning I!
The happiest
This morning I! (Nightingale. “The sun came out”)

Station 13. "Mysterious".
- Guess riddles.
How many riddles are guessed, so many points the team receives.

Everything chirps and spins,
She doesn't sit still
Long-tailed, white-sided
thieving …
On the sand by the river
Like snowballs
What kind of bird, guess what!
Easy to guess...
Scarlet bottom and black tail
The sparrow is bigger
The thick beak spread out in breadth -
How beautiful...
The chicks are screaming hoarsely
Their beaks stick out in the nest,
Hidden their thick crown,
Lives here…
At night in the groves and forests
Hooting brings fear
Terrible wild cry and strong,
So screams a huge ...
Blacker than all migratory birds,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Pinching on the heels -
Run without looking back.
Not a king, but in a crown,
Not a rider, but with spurs.
Appeared in a yellow coat -
Farewell, two shells!
naughty boy
In a gray coat
Drifting around the yard
Collects crumbs.
A distant sad call is heard,
Repetition of two syllables.
Birch forest, edge,
Sitting on a bitch...
blue wings beauty
Can't see in the forest
Flutters briskly through the knots
With a sharp hoarse cry...
Arrives with ice
Wagging its black tail
Black and white narrow ponytail
At the graceful…
He is very dexterous on the turnip
Trembling tenacious heads,
Throwing seeds on the floor
Violent bird...
The air is cut without effort,
Like sickles crooked wings.
Flashes - you can't see
It just flies...
The snow is melting, the rooks are flying,
Rays blind everyone's eyes,
What rings like a bottle?
Singing a song... (Oatmeal)

Station 14. "Find your soul mate."
(Can be done in the gym.)
Children are given cards with syllables (one card for one child). The task of the children is to write the names of the birds so that all the cards are used and line up. How many words are composed, so many points the team receives. For example, be-kas, shche-goal, soy-ka, fi-lin, tea-ka, etc.

Station 15. Bird Science.
- Pisces is studied by the science of ichthyology, dogs by cynology, mushrooms by mycology, but here is the name of the science that studies birds, we will find out by completing the following task: your teams will receive letters from the name of the science and the same number of mathematical examples, by solving the examples, you will find out the location letters in a word. For a correctly guessed word, the team receives 5 points, as well as for each correctly solved example, one more point.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Target: the formation of the foundation of environmental, cultural literacy and the corresponding UUD in younger schoolchildren.



  1. To form environmental literacy of children in the study of the nature of their native land.
  2. Expand practical activities students on the study and protection of birds in the Astrakhan region.
  3. To study additional material from the scientific and educational literature and Internet resources.


  1. To instill love for the native land, to cultivate the desire to cherish and protect "our smaller brothers."
  2. Observe the rules of moral and ethical behavior in the world of nature and people.
  3. Learn to do good.


  1. To develop in children the need to communicate with nature and the outside world.
  2. To develop in children a sense of responsibility for our feathered friends.

Type of extracurricular activity: intellectual game.

Methods and methodological techniques: Game, research (problem-search method), project method, ITC.

Research stages:

  1. Creation of a problem situation.
  2. Study.
  3. Information exchange.
  4. Organization of information.
  5. Linking information.
  6. Summing up, reflection.

"The only way that leads to knowledge is activity"
B. Show

In the new educational standards, there is a strengthening of their focus on the results of education as a system-forming component of the design of standards. The learning process is understood not just as the assimilation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that make up the instrumental basis of students' competencies, but also as a process of personal development, gaining spiritual and moral experience and social competence.

The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, conceptually based on ensuring that the learning activities of students correspond to their age and individual characteristics.

The priority goal of school education is to develop the student's ability to independently set learning goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements, in other words, the ability to learn.

In order for students' knowledge to be the result of their own searches, it is necessary to organize these searches, manage students, and develop their cognitive activity.

The child is an explorer by nature. An indefatigable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to observe, experiment, independently seek new information about the world are traditionally regarded as the most important features of children's behavior. Research, search activity is the natural state of the child, he is tuned to the knowledge of the world. And how great is his desire to know his native land!

It all started with a walk in the school yard. The children paid attention to the fact that they did not hear the birds singing in the school yard. We asked them: “What should be done so that the birds fly into the school yard and delight us with their singing?” They offered to make feeders, hang them up and feed the birds. Sparrows, pigeons, and titmouse began to fly to the feeders. The guys are very inquisitive and decided to find out what other birds live in our region, why some are listed in the Red Book. A lot of research work has begun.

The children were divided into two groups. One group studied the life and habits of wintering birds, and the other - migratory ones. The guys named their teams not by chance either. November 12 we celebrated the day of birds - the day of Zinovy ​​​​- Sinichkin. Sinichkin's day, Sinichkin's holiday. This day is considered the beginning of the all-Russian cultural - environmental action"Feed the birds!" On this day we hung the feeders and wanted to involve everyone in this good deed. Therefore, we held the action "Feed the Birds" and in honor of the holiday "Titmouse Day" we named the team "Titmouse". On November 12, we started working on the project "Birds of the Astrakhan Region"

And on April 1, ornithologists around the world celebrate International Bird Day. The beginning of this holiday was laid in 1906, when the International Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed. Bird Day appeared in Russia in 1926. Birdhouses are hung on this day, so the team that studied the life and habits of migratory birds named their team "Starlings". On this day, we completed the work on the project.

As a result, a large research work the children learned that birds are a class of vertebrates that have mastered the air environment for life. This left a special imprint on their external and internal structure. There are over 8,600 bird species on Earth today. 789 species of birds are registered in the fauna of Russia. The bird fauna of the Volga delta and the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain contains 298 species. 72 species of birds are listed in the Red Book of the Astrakhan region.

From scientific and educational literature and from the Internet, children learned what birds live in our region, why they are on the verge of extinction and how to help the birds. We found out what birds like and all winter from the school window we watched how cheerfully the birds fussed around the feeders. They compiled the Red Book of Birds of the Astrakhan Region, which included 72 species. The guys prepared messages, reports, made crafts, created projects, prepared presentations. The children suggested that the presentation of the project "Birds of the Astrakhan Region" be held in the form of an intellectual game "Birds are our friends" to once again remind everyone that we are responsible for nature, for our "little brothers"

The changes taking place in modern society require the accelerated improvement of the educational space, the definition of the goals of education, taking into account state, social and personal needs and interests.

In this regard, the developmental function of training becomes a priority, which should provide:

This is one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: to introduce students to the variety of birds; with oral folk art dedicated to birds; educate respect for birds and the environment.

Event progress

Salemetsizderme құrmetti қonakaktar, mұғalіmder men okushylar.

Today's game is dedicated to birds, because without bird chirping the world would be boring. It is hard to imagine a spring without starlings, a sea without seagulls, a grove without nightingales. And how many pests are destroyed by birds! That is why we dedicate this meeting to them, our feathered friends.

History reference.

Every year on April 1, the world celebrates International Bird Day. Bird Day began to be celebrated at the beginning of the 20th century. But the return of migratory birds, signaling the onset of spring, began to be celebrated long before Bird Day was officially recognized. According to an old custom, on this day it was supposed to bake larks from dough and sing special “chants”. From here originates the tradition of hanging up birdhouses, titmouses, eggplants and other bird houses in the first days of April.

In 1902, the "World Convention for the Protection of Birds" was drawn up in Paris, which was signed by more than a dozen states. It entered into force on December 12, 1905. Since 1906, the world began to celebrate the official Bird Day.

This holiday is held in many countries: in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, New Zealand, Estonia, Uzbekistan.

In Kazakhstan, Bird Day has been held for the seventh time since 2006. The first bird of the year was a rare steppe oystercatcher - a lapwing, in 2007 - a barn swallow, in 2008 - a Siberian Crane, in 2009 - a lark, in 2010 - an ordinary starling, in 2011 - a great tit, in 2012 - a steppe eagle, a goose was chosen as a bird of 2013 - Lesser white-fronted pussycat.

What do you know about this bird?

Lesser white-fronted goose is a small goose from the family of ducks, found in the northern part of Kazakhstan during migration. The white-fronted goose is very similar to the white-fronted goose, which is a hunting species in Kazakhstan. In flight, it is difficult to distinguish them, only by their voice - in a goose, it is high and squeaky.

According to ACBK, over the past 30 years, the number of Lesser Lesser White-fronted Lessers in the country has decreased by almost 7 times. Currently, the white-fronted goose is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Today, in honor of Birds Day, a KVN game will be held among students in grade 7.

It's time to introduce the teams. Please on stage. Team 7 "A" class, team 7 "B" class. Teams, introduce yourself.

(Teams are introduced)

Thank you. And so, the beginning of the game.

1. Competition "Find out the riddle"

(teams receive sheets with unfinished riddles (you can use a slide). For each riddle correctly completed and guessed, the team gets 2 points. (The number of stars corresponds to the number of missing words)

1. Leaves fall from aspens,
Rushing in the sky sharp *
(Wedge; Flock)

2. Without hands, **
Hut built
(without hatchet; Nest)

3. I swam in the water,
Yes ** !
(Dry remained; Goose)

4. All migratory birds are blacker,
cleans the arable land from *.
(Worms; Rook)

5. Carpenter's sharp chisel
Builds * with one window.
"I'm knocking on wood,
Get the worm *!"
(House, I want; Woodpecker)

6. Flying all night -
Gets mice.
And it will become * -
Sleep flies to *.
(Light, hollow; Owl)

7. So important she walks through the swamp!
And the marsh living creatures run away.
After all, if * cannot hide,
That * no one will help!
(frog, frog; Heron)

8. She sits on a branch in the forest,
One * she insists,
She counts the years for all of us
*she loses hers
( "Coo-coo" , chicks; Cuckoo)

9. Wears a gray vest,
But the wings -**.
You see, twenty couples are circling
And they scream: ***
(Color black, Carr! Carr! Carr; Crow)

10. Tail with patterns,
Boots with *,
Songs *,
Time counts.
(Spurs, sings; Rooster)

11. And does not sing,
AND ***.
Why is he considered a bird?
(does not fly; Ostrich)

12. ***, but it doesn’t come out of the swamp.
(crying in the swamp; Kulik)

Thanks guys.

2. Competition "Homework"

Each team prepares several proverbs and within 5 minutes the participants must name as many proverbs as possible and explain their meaning.

(proverb with explanation - 3 points, proverb without explanation - 1 point)

Possible variants of proverbs.

1. The little bird sang early, no matter how the cat ate it!
2. Writes like a chicken paw
3. The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it
4. The nightingale is not fed with fables
5. Chickens are counted in the fall
6. Eggs don't teach chicken
7. A goose is not a comrade to a pig.
8. Each bird has its own habits.
9. Good for a bird in a golden cage, and even better on a green branch.
10. A raven will not peck out a crow's eye
11. The word is not a sparrow, you won’t catch it flying out
12. A bird is visible in flight
13. It's not a falcon, it won't fly away
14. Money is like birds, they fly and fly
15. Like a bird lives: does not sow, does not reap
16. The bird is red with a feather, and the man with his mind
17. The cuckoo praises the rooster for praising the cuckoo.
18. Wet chicken, but also rooster
19. Youth is a bird, old age is a turtle!
20. In words - an eagle, in fact - a wet chicken

Well done guys, you got the job done. The floor is given to the jury for summing up the preliminary results.

3. Contest "Collect a bird"

(For the competition 5 points)

Participants are given an envelope with puzzles and the team that quickly collects and names the bird will receive 3 points. The answer sheet is handed over to the jury

. (Shykyldak kaz)

While the team members collect the bird, I invite the audience to play too and even help the teams.

Game with spectators

Spectators are divided into fans of 7 "A" and 7 "B" classes, the points they earn are added to the points of the teams. (For each title 0.5 b.)

What fairy tale is this bird from?

Birds are found in many fairy tales, we will now recall some of them.

Answer options: Galchonok Khvatayka. (Uspensky E. Uncle Fyodor, cat and dog), parrot (Oster G. Exercise for the tail), nightingale (Andersen G. Kh. Nightingale), goose (Lagarlef S. Niels' wonderful journey), golden cockerel (Pushkin A. S. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel), Raven (Andersen G. H. The Snow Queen), an owl (Milne A. Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all), a swallow (Andersen G. H. Thumbelina), a sparrow (Chukovsky K. Tarakanishche), a swan (Andersen G. H. Wild swans. Ugly duckling). DuckTales; Madagascar; Lost and found; Parrot Kesha; A bag of apples; Adventures of Woody; Winnie the Pooh and others; Smeshariki; Escape from the chicken coop; Thumbelina; Rio: Hen-Ryaba.

The performance of task 3 of the competition is checked. (Jury's word)

4. Competition "Competition of captains"

The captains competition will consist of two different tasks. (first for knowledge, second for attention)

First task. Question to captain 7 "A":

1. How is the word penguin translated? (Answer: wing - hairpin)

Question to captain 7 "B":

2. What bird floats in its nest like on a ship? (Answer: grebe)

Second task. Guess the bird from the fragment of the image.

1. (answer: owl)

2. (answer: duck)

Well done, and we continue our game.

5. Competition "Continue to accept"

(each respondent gets 1 point)

  1. The owl screams ... .. (to the cold)
  2. Titmouse starts to squeak in the morning .... (wait for frost)
  3. A chicken stands on one leg .... (to a cold)
  4. Sparrows bathe in dust .... (to rain)
  5. Lapwings scream in the evening .... (to clear weather)
  6. Ducks played out .... (to the rain)
  7. The bird is knocking on the window .... (letter)
  8. Hear the croak…. (bad sign)
  9. A stork flew over the house ... (a child will be born)
  10. The goose hides its beak under the wing ... (to the cold)
  11. The bullfinch chirps under the windows (for the thaw).
  12. Pigeons coo, cuckoos cuckoo (for warm weather).

The word of the jury for summing up the preliminary results.

6. Competition "Changeling"

It will be necessary to rearrange the letters in these words in such a way that the names of the birds listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan are obtained. Submit your results to the jury.

Game with spectators

You have one more attempt to help score points teams.

1. Fold the pickpocket with the pronoun - You will get a bird with black plumage. And the same trick with a shorter ending will make another bird blacker than the night.

Answer: Thief + she = crow; thief + he = raven.

2. The first one is lying on the ground, The second one is pouring into the Volga. A whole bird is called.

Answer: Sor + Oka = forty.

3. I visit the ocean, I break ships there. If you assign a letter, I will fly in the air.

Answer: Reef - neck.

4. Full of grains, bending down ... Swap the letters - This is a bird winding in the sky.

Answer: Kolos is a falcon.

Well done, the next competition is to guess the bird from the description.

7. Competition "Guess the bird by description"

I offer you pictures of birds. After 5 sec. it is necessary to raise the picture where the desired bird is depicted (if not - 0, if yes - 1 point).

  1. The biggest bird in the world? (Ostrich). (slide number)
  2. The heaviest and largest bird of the steppes. Listed in the Red Book? (Bustard). (slide number)
  3. This bird is the smallest in the world, can it pollinate plants? (Hummingbird). (slide number)
  4. The meat and eggs of this bird are unique products, they were served as a delicacy to Ivan the Terrible, in Japan - to children. What bird are you talking about? (Quail). (slide number)
  5. Of all the birds, she had the most ridicule. They called her stupid, pathetic, they even tried to exclude birds from the army. The mind of this bird has long been the lowest division on the scale. Name this bird. (Hen). (slide number)
  6. This bird does not build nests and does not incubate chicks. Name her? (Cuckoo). (slide number)
  7. Which bird can move up and down a vertical tree trunk? (Nuthatch). (slide number)
  8. Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill). (slide number)
  9. Is this bird called a feathered cat? (Owl). (slide number)
  10. Is this bird called a rattler? (Magpie). (slide number)
  11. Which bird has scales instead of feathers on its wings? (Penguin). (slide number)
  12. What city is named bird of prey? (eagle). (slide number)

Well done, are you tired? Let's get some rest. And while you are resting, I will tell you about the birds in the heraldry of Kazakhstan. It's no secret that birds are a favorite theme, flags, coats of arms, seals, emblems. Pay attention to the slides. (presentation)

Next contest, topsy-turvy.

8. Topsy-turvy contest

Each team receives an envelope. This envelope contains riddles and letters. You need to guess the riddle and form the answer from the letters. Let's see which command will execute faster! (Which team completes the task faster gets 5 points, the jury sets the points for the second team at its discretion)

RELO He is building a house on the rock.
Isn't it scary to live there?
Though beauty is all around
But such height!
No, the owner is not afraid
Roll down a steep cliff -
Two mighty wings
At the owner…. (answer: eagle)

Game with the audience "The birds have arrived"

While the guys are working, I will play the game “Birds Have Arrived” with the audience. I name birds. If you hear not the name of the bird, then you can clap, stomp. (for spectators of the 5th grade)

Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts ...
What is wrong? And who are the flies?
Birds flew in: pigeons, martens ...
Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins, mosquitoes, cuckoos...
Birds flew in: pigeons, tits, jackdaws and swifts,
Lapwings, siskins, storks, cuckoos, swans and ducks -
And thanks for the joke!

Thanks guys.

Command responses

While the jury is summing up the results of the latest competitions, I invite you to participate in the auction. Who will list more candy names with "bird names"?

Answer options: Balaban, swan song, blue bird, cheerful crane, crane, golden pheasant, flamingo, white-sided magpie, swan geese, marvelous bird, bird's milk, golden comb cockerel, crow's feet, swallow, petrel, gull, pelican, pockmarked chicken.

Well, let's ask the jury to announce the results of the game and name the winners!

Winner's reward ceremony.

Jury word.


Zhas dos, bіz senі құttyқtaymyz!
Omir boyi tabigatta ayalap otip,
Ony saktau ushin kolynnan kelgennin
Barlygyn zhasaytynyna senemiz!

We congratulate you, our young friend!
We believe that you will carry through your whole life
Love for nature and do everything
It's up to you to save it.

Thank you for your attention. See you soon!

Intellectual game on the theme "Birds".

(8-11 grade)

biology teacher

MBOU "Plekhanov secondary school"

    Slideshow "What kind of bird am I?"

Mobility, beautiful plumage, discordant singing - all this makes birds a wonderful decoration of nature. It is no coincidence that many lines in the poems of Pushkin and Nekrasov, as well as the wonderful creations of artists and composers, are dedicated to birds. Everyone is familiar with Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived", the romances "The Lark" by Glinka, and "The Nightingale" by Alyabyev. Scientists have calculated that about 100 billion birds are now living on the globe, which 20 times more than humans. And this alone indicates their great and varied significance in the life of our planet.

    Blacklist (presentation slides)

Today we will talk about birds. Many of them may surprise us, trust me.

Did you know that monuments are erected not only to poets, generals and heroes, but also to the most common birds for us.

Once, a very long time ago, even before our era, the warlike tribes of the Gauls attacked Rome. They surrounded the Capitol - a fortress on the highest hill. At night, the Gallic invaders decided to climb the steep slopes of the hill and kill the inhabitants of Rome, who hid in the Capitol ...

The defenders, extremely exhausted, slept. Even the guard dogs fell asleep. And to be the inhabitants of Rome destroyed, if not for ... GESE!

No sooner had the enemy appeared on the walls of the fortress, when suddenly the geese began to cackle, so loudly that the defenders were on their feet in a moment. They bravely rushed to the treacherous Gauls and defeated their army!

So they say since then: "Geese saved Rome."

For this, the grateful Romans declared geese sacred birds and erected a large monument to them.

You see: such common birds, as geese are also capable of performing heroic deeds, for which they have a monument.

Competition 1. "Ascended to a pedestal"

Monuments to birds are evidence of good feelings and gratitude of a person to his friends and helpers. Cast from bronze, sculpted from marble, they adorn the streets and squares. And each of these unusual monuments has its own interesting and instructive story.

What bird are you talking about.

1 The submarine's lifting system and communications were damaged. With the help of a torpedo tube, a bird was released into the wild to deliver a message about the accident. The crew was rescued soon after. The bird was awarded the highest military award and forever enrolled in the crew of the boat. This happened in 1942 in England. A monument was erected to the bird. Name her. (Pigeon)

2. In the besieged city, people were dying of hunger. When they put a bird on the fortress wall, the enemy decided that there was still a lot of food in the city, and lifted the siege. It happened in Germany in the 16th century. Grateful people erected a monument to the bird. What is this bird? (Rooster)

1. In 1850, a bird was first imported to America, which soon settled down there. It so happened that in the suburbs of Boston insects multiplied strongly. Caterpillars greatly increased in number and began to cause serious damage to crops. A bird came to the rescue - it destroyed insect pests. As a token of gratitude, the residents erected a monument to her in the central park of the city of Boston. Name the bird (Sparrow)

2. 2 monuments were erected to this bird in honor of saving crops from locusts: one in the USA, UTA, and the other in Australia. After all, she saved people from starvation. What is this bird? (Gull)

Competition 2. "Warm-up". In three minutes, each team must answer the maximum number of questions. Jury, it's time!

Questions for Team 1

1. Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker)

2. Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (At the penguins)

3. What feeds the fieldfare chicks? (Insects)

5. Who is called "water sparrow"? (Olyapka)

6. Why do birds swallow stones? (With their help, they grind solid food)

7. Where does the tit build a nest? (In the hollow of a tree)

8. Why does a goose come out dry from the water? (Bird feathers are greased)

9. What bird is popularly called a thief? (Magpie)

10. Who does not have life, but raspberries? (At the robin)

Questions for Team 2

1. What do a bird and a ship have in common? (Keel)

2. Which bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird)

4. Do our migratory birds nest in the south? (Not)

6. Which bird brings out chicks in the rain? (Swan)

7. Which birds dig nest holes? (Swallows)

8. What is the name of a man-made bird house? (birdhouse)

9. The name of which poisonous forest plant is associated with the name of a bird? (Crow's eye)

10. Name the bird - a symbol of Russia. (Eagle)

Competition 3. We play hide and seek.

Better mental exercise

No for adults and children:

Who plays hide and seek with us,

He gets smarter.

Task: If you add the words, letters in the word in an appropriate way, then you will get the names of all known birds.

1. Skin ==

2. Nougat ==

3. Skin + thief + he =

4. slide + and + tail ==

5. Kushka + shooting range ==

6. Funnel + Siso ==

7. paddle + oh ==

8. Bay + o + thief ==

9. Spike ==

10. Spindle - but + t ==

11.Three + f + s ==

12. Coward + sa ==

13.Bulog + b ==

14. Rod + horse - b ==

Game with spectators.

1. What birds spend the night in the snow? (black grouse, capercaillie).

2. What is inside bird bones? (air).

3. How many chambered hearts do birds have? (four).

4. Which bird's chicks do not know their mother? (cuckoos).

5. Do our birds build nests in distant countries? (No).

6. Which birds do not fly? (penguins, ostriches).

7. Does the chick breathe in the egg? (Yes).

8. What do storks eat? (fish, frogs).

9. Which birds turn white for the winter? (partridges).

10. What is more terrible for birds in winter - cold or hunger? (hunger).

11. Which bird breeds in February? (crossbill).

Competition 4. Feathered musicians.

Everyone knows that birds are wonderful singers and musicians. Listening to songbirds, you can write an opera. Russian composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov used the voices of birds in music more often than others. In the opera “The Snow Maiden” in the choir and dance of birds there are voices of a cuckoo and a white-browed thrush, and in the recitative of Spring there are whistlings of a bullfinch. The beginning of the Strauss waltz “Tales of the Vienna Woods” almost coincides in rhythm with the alarm signals of the male finch (an excerpt from the work sounds). Now you have to listen to the recordings of bird voices and determine which of the birds these songs belong to and find these birds on the slides.

Competition. Mystery stories.

Can you recognize birds by their description?

Competition 5. "Bird portraits".

1 team. Poets dedicate their poems to this bird, the people of the song ... It is a pleasure to watch how it proudly cuts through the water surface with a wide chest, majestically carrying a graceful head ... (swan).

2 team. This is a large bird, weighing 3 kg, wingspan 2 m ... The face is a flat disk, half of which is occupied by expressive eyes ... It easily turns its head 270 around the vertical axis ... (eagle owl).

3 team. This bird is found only in tropical forests ... The weight of an egg is only 2 mg ...

Pollinates flowering plants. (hummingbird).

4 team. It has a long neck, short legs carried back ... Wide wings help to dive perfectly ... No wonder in ancient times, having tamed this bird, people made this feathered fisherman their assistant (cormorant).

5 team. This is the largest bird, weighing up to 90 kg ... Flightless with powerful legs (African ostrich).

6 team. The appearance of this bird is very diverse. A small body rests on high legs - stilts, which makes it possible to consider it the longest bird in the world.

Lives along the shores of the Caspian Sea, some lakes of Kazakhstan ... This is a miracle - an unblown rose bud (flamingo).

1 team. A sedentary little bird jumps on the ground in short jumps, dives into the snow and bathes ... With its bright plumage against the background of white snow, it decorates gardens and parks in winter ... This bird is the first herald of winter ... It got its name from the word "snow" (bullfinch).

2 team. Migrant, only in the south leads a sedentary lifestyle ... Together with rooks, they walk through the fields, collect insects, their larvae, worms from the ground ... They willingly occupy artificial nesting places - birdhouses (starlings).

3 team. One of the most beautiful (the male is bright red) and most distinctive of our birds. He has many unusual things. Not only does her beak “back to front”, she brings out the chicks in the middle of winter, in severe frost, so she cannot die “humanly”. Her body is so saturated with resin in old age that for many years it does not rot. (crossbill)

4 team. This bird obtains food for itself by running under water, along the bottom of clean rivers and streams. For this, they also called her a water sparrow. And she has everything for it. There is a coccygeal gland, like all waterfowl, to grease the feathers, and the “ears” are closed with a special valve when diving. At a time when other birds are cold and hungry, she lives happily ever after. (dipper)

5 team. The vision of this bird is special. Her eye can choose from the field of view only the information that it needs in this moment, and does not notice the other. One of the US aviation firms invented an electronic eye that can determine the direction and speed of an object, its shape and size. The “eye” can, for example, recognize a bomber and a missile and not notice other flying objects. (pigeon)

6 team. It is also called a killer whale. So people expressed their love for this bird. It is easily recognizable by its long pointed wings and long forked tail. This is a bird of the air. She rarely and reluctantly sinks to the ground, and to rest she sits on thin branches or wires. She even drinks water and bathes on the fly, rushing over the water and scooping it up with her beak. Looking at them frolicking in the sky, we think they are playing. In fact, they tirelessly catch small midges, flies and mosquitoes that fly in the air. (martin)

Competition 6. "Let's sing." Songs about birds are sung in turn.

Competition 7. Quiz.

Questions are asked to teams in turn. (Question - 1 point)

2. This bird can fly the fastest and longest of all - three years without stopping. (Swift)

3. The name of which bird is the constellation? (Swan, etc.)

4. What city is named after the bird? (Eagle)

5. Is there bird's milk? (Doves, penguins)

6. Which bird, according to the proverb, constantly praises its habitat? (Sandpiper)

7. The song of what famous bird of our region attracted the attention of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov to create the melody of the recitative of Spring in the opera The Snow Maiden? (Bullfinch)

8. What kind of birds arrange kindergartens? (Penguins, ostriches)

9. What pollinating birds do you know? (Hummingbird)

10. The bird is a symbol of peace and purity. (Pigeon)

11. All the beauty of this bird is in its tail, which resembles a musical instrument: its long extreme feathers are curved in the form of a musical instrument, and between them, like strings, the thinnest white feathers are stretched. (lyrebird)

12. In the 50s, the Chinese began to destroy sparrows because they pecked a lot of grains of rice. What did it lead to? (To the mass reproduction of pests that sparrows used to destroy. As a result, harmful insects caused damage many times more than sparrows.)

13. Villagers never throw away shells from chicken eggs; pre-chopping, they again feed it to chickens, pigs. Explain why. (The shell contains calcium and other elements needed by the body for bone and shell formation.)

14. What is the peculiarity of the eggs laid by birds on bare rocks? (They are angled)

15. Extinct, wingless, giant bird. She was almost as tall as a giraffe, feeding on leaves from the top of the trees. (New Zealand moa.)

16. This bird is the namesake of the great Russian writer. (Gogol)

17. What bird eggs were used in ancient times in the Mediterranean countries as vessels for wine? (ostrich eggs)

18. These birds are depicted on the coat of arms of New Zealand, they are protected by the state, and we gladly enjoy fruits with the same name. (Kiwi)

Competition 8. "Pantomime"

One member per team. The opposing team names the bird to the participant, which he must portray, and his team to recognize.

Competition 9. "Connoisseur of the Russian language". Explain why such sayings about birds have developed:

Gray-haired as a harrier.

Like water off a duck's back.

Came out dry.

Deaf chick.

Worked like a woodpecker.

Hurled like an owl.

Game with spectators.

2. What bird names are associated with color? (green, spotted, black woodpecker, flamingo).

3. What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal? (nests).

4. Why do starlings and jackdaws sit on horses, cows, sheep in spring? (pluck out wool from animals to build a nest).

5. What do little birds do when they see an owl? (gather in flocks and raise a cry)

6. What do birds make up for the lack of teeth? (pebbles, glass in the stomach).

7. What birds do not sit on trees, the ground, although they fly? (swallows, swifts).

8. Large American bird of prey (condor).

9. When is the sparrow's body temperature lower in winter or summer? (same).

10. Which songbird can dive and run underwater in search of food? (dipper).

11. Eggs and meat of which birds are used in the treatment of many diseases? (chicken).

Competition 10. "People's signs"

1. The bullfinch sings in winter - in the snow, blizzard and slush.

2. Black grouse and partridges hide in the thicket - wait for the snowstorm.

3. The cuckoo cuckoos on a dry tree - to frost.

4. Sparrows chirped together in winter - to the thaw.

5. The titmouse sang in March - the spring warmth is telling fortunes.

6. A sandpiper flew in from across the sea, brought spring out of the gate.

7. Thrush to bad weather - screams sharply.

8. When the hoopoe sings in the spring, it's time to sow the bean.

9. Jackdaws fly in flocks - in the rain.

10. If a lark builds a nest in a hole, it will be a dry summer, and if it is on a hillock, it will be wet.

11. The nightingale sang - spring began to wane, and summer to increase.

12. Early swallow - for a happy year.

Conclusion. Jury word. Song Request.

"Bird Flicker"

Vygolova Iraida Ivanovna,

MBU DO "House children's creativity" with. Karagay Perm Territory

Scenario of an intellectual and creative game

"Bird Flicker"

Explanatory note

The game was held as part of the Feed the Birds municipal action.

Target: attracting the attention of students to the problems of protecting wintering birds in our region.


To expand the knowledge of young schoolchildren about the biological diversity of wintering birds,

develop creative and organizational skills students,

Contribute to the formation communicative competencies schoolchildren,

Involve students in the winter feeding of birds.

Members– a team of 5 students in grades 3-4 (from the same or different grades).

Preparing for the game. The team must have a name and a captain. The participants of the game need to know the species composition of birds wintering in the Perm Territory, the features of their life activity, the rules for organizing winter feeding of birds. To participate in the game, it is necessary to prepare a creative report on the participation of the team in organizing the feeding of wintering birds.

Equipment: tables and chairs for each team, computer, projector, screen, handout for 2, 4, 6 rounds, a set of cards with the words "YES" and "NO" for each captain, score sheets and answers for the jury.

Game progress

Greetings from the host, introduction of teams, jury.

Warm up. Question answer

Each team is invited to answer 1 question for 1, 2 and 3 points. If a team cannot answer or answers incorrectly, the question goes to the opponents.

1 point

Without hands, without an ax a hut (nest) was built

This bird can climb tree trunks with its tail forward (nuthatch)

If you believe the saying, this bird can replace forest radio, newspapers and even TV (magpie)

Blind during the day, sighted at night, catches mice, not a cat (owl)

The smallest bird of our forests (yellow-headed kinglet)

What bird breeds in the winter cold? (crossbill)

2 points

What bird can dive and run underwater? (dipper)

Spinning, chirping, busy all day (magpie)

Which bird has the longest tongue? (Woodpecker)

What bird is named after the dance? (tap dance)

What large Red Book bird from the Owl-like order lives on the territory of the Karagai region? (owl)

How many degrees can an owl turn its head? (270°)

3 points

I don’t like to live idle, I get up at one o’clock, then I plant cedars with my beak, then oaks in the deep forest (jay)

It flew in the forest, it fell into the water - it didn’t gurgle (bird feather)

What frightened bird is afraid of a bush? (crow)

Which order of birds has the largest number of species? (passerines)

Against hundreds of birds, one hawk is enough? (sparrows)

Which bird from the Corvidae family, living on the territory of the Perm Territory, makes up to 6 thousand pantries for the winter and remembers the location of each (nutcracker)


Creative report on participation in the Feed the Birds campaign. Evaluation criteria: initiative, the level of participation in the action of all team members; artistry, quality of performance; content - from 0 to 3 points, maximum - 15 points.

The fourth is redundant. Cross out the extra word and explain why (5 minutes). The task is performed on a special form.

1) fried sunflower seeds, rowan berries, bacon, white bread crumbs (bird food is on the list, they cannot be fed with fried seeds);

2) nuthatch, sparrow, redstart, bullfinch (all birds except redstart are wintering, redstart is a migratory bird);

3) a lot of people, a lot of trees, a convenient approach, protection from the wind (these are the conditions for the location of the feeder; where there are many people, the birds will be afraid to sit on the feeder);

4) December, May, November, February (the months when birds should be fed are indicated, feeding is not carried out in May, because birds can get their own food)

5) black grouse, woodpecker, bullfinch, titmouse (black grouse, everyone else can fly to the feeder)

6) every day, several times a day, once a week, as it turns out (birds should be fed every day)

5. Competition of captains"Verifier"

The captains take the stage. With the help of cards on which the words "Yes" and "No" are written, they agree or disagree with the statements proposed to them, receiving 1 point for each correct answer.

Do you believe that:

The woodpecker's tail serves as a prop (yes)

With its massive beak, the grosbeak can crush hard seeds and bones (yes)

Kinglet is the smallest bird in our country (yes)

The tit weighs 10 grams (no)

For a day, a tit eats as many insects as it weighs itself (yes)

Sparrow prepares food for the winter (no)

Both males and females sing at the bullfinches (yes)

The crow's nest is shaped like a ball. (No)

Ladle and oatmeal are tits (no)

Crested tit, or grenadier, can eat the seeds of conifers (yes)

6. Get to know the bird

Guess the bird by the description of its tail. Run time - 5 minutes, all

7. Bird folklore

Finish the proverb. The facilitator reads the first half of the proverb, the participants finish it on the pieces of paper

The word is not a sparrow (you won’t catch it if you fly out).

The titmouse bird is not great, and that one (remembers its holiday).

An old bird is not caught with chaff).

Better a titmouse in the hand (than a crane in the sky).

Frightened crow (afraid of the bush).


Teams are invited to answer several questions that require a full answer. 1 minute to prepare. The first team to raise their hand answers. In case of an incorrect or incomplete answer, the question passes to the rest of the teams.

Why is it necessary to protect and protect birds? - up to 8 points

birds are an integral part of natural communities,

exterminate countless insect pests,

birds of prey feed on weakened animals and are orderlies in nature,

destroy rodents;

they themselves serve as food for other animals;

birds that feed on fruits and seeds contribute to their distribution;

some birds are commercially hunted;

With their beauty and singing, birds bring aesthetic pleasure to a person.)

How should you behave so as not to harm the birds? - up to 5 points

Don't go close to bird nests

Don't make noise in nesting areas

Don't destroy bird nests

Do not touch the bird's eggs in the nest - the bird, smelling a foreign smell, will leave the nest

Do not bring home chicks that have fallen out of the nest (you did fall too when you were learning to walk!). The chick in your house will feel fear and, most likely, will die, but in the forest he is at home, and his parents and friends help him learn to fly.

What can you do to help the birds? - up to 4 points

In winter, bird feeding

In the spring - hanging artificial nests

In summer - arrangement of drinking bowls, baths

Planting bushes and trees in the area

Why is it necessary to organize winter feeding of birds? – 1 point

Not enough food

What are the basic rules for organizing bird feeding in winter? - up to 4 points

Feed every day

Preferably at the same time

Better in the morning

The feeder should be placed protected from the wind, inaccessible to cats.

Summing up the results of the game and rewarding. The winners and runners-up are the teams with the most points.

Information sources:

Ageev I.G. Cheerful biology at lessons and holidays: Toolkit. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 352 p.

Extracurricular work in biology. Grades 3-8 / Comp. ON THE. Kasatkin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004. - 160s.

Nature calendar. Compiled by E.N. Chalov. - Perm: Publishing House "August", 2006. – 46 p.

Sorokina L.V. Thematic games and holidays in biology: Methodological guide. – M.: TC Sphere. 2004. - 96 p.

Appendix 1

Jury materials



Within 5 minutes you need to find the names of 12 birds. Words can be arranged in a straight line, zigzag, top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, right to left.

Tit, woodpecker, sparrow, blue tit, nuthatch, bullfinch, tap dance, magpie, jackdaw, Muscovite, jay, waxwing, tit.

Rules for feeding wintering birds

The fourth is redundant. Cross out the odd word and explain why (5 minutes)

roasted sunflower seeds, rowan berries, lard, white bread crumbs

the list contains food for birds, roasted seeds should not be fed to them

nuthatch, sparrow, redstart, bullfinch

all birds except the redstart are wintering, the redstart is a migratory bird

many people, many trees, convenient approach, wind protection

these are the conditions for the location of the feeder; where there will be a lot of people, the birds will be afraid to sit on the feeder

December, May, November, February

the months are indicated when birds should be fed; in May, feeding is not carried out, because. birds can get their own food

black grouse, woodpecker, bullfinch, titmouse

black grouse, all the rest can fly to the feeder

every day, several times a day, once a week, whatever

birds should be fed every day

6. Get to know the bird

The final statement of the game "Bird Trouble"

Criteria for evaluating competitions

Teams, leader, OS

Round 1. Warm up.

Round 2. Puzzle

For each correct answer - 1 point,

Round 3. Creative report on participation in the Feed the Birds campaign

Criteria: initiative,

the level of participation in the action of all team members; artistry, quality of execution; pithiness

Each criterion is scored from 0 to 3 b

Round 4. Rules for feeding wintering birds

For each correct answer - 1 point

Round 5. Captains competition

For each correct answer - 1 point

Tour 6. Whose portrait?

For each correct answer - 1 point

Tour 7. Bird folklore

For each correct answer - 1 point

Tour 8. Ambulance

Sum of points


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