Scenario of the New Year's, youth ball "New Year's fun". The scenario of the New Year's carnival for high school students "At the ball at the Snow Queen The scenario of the New Year's masquerade ball for high school students is modern


Abstract of the work: This development will be useful for senior class leaders or students who independently prepare the script for the New Year's holiday. The number of participants in the scenario is calculated for the entire class. Fragments were selected as assignments for other classes New Year's fairy tales, movies and clips.


1. Old woman

2. Santa Claus

3. Snow Maiden

4. Director

5. Assistant

6. Scheherazade

7. Cinderella

9. Little Red Riding Hood

11. Snow Queen

12. Cop

13. Stepmother

14. 1-daughter

A stretcher with an old woman (felt boots, a shawl, a long skirt, shaggy) is brought onto the stage. They leave her and leave. She's shaking all over, sick, old. He looks around the room with a contemptuous look, closing one eye.


Old woman: - Oh, what is it? You again? What, my dears, did you want a New Year's concert? Did you come to see the show? And I've been watching this show for 2000 years. How tired I am of this soap opera ... (gets up) And now, my dears, I will perform my last swan song for you.

(Ballet is dancing.) Oh, and it has worn me out… And where is my remote control? (pulls out) What do we have there on the first channel?

He switches the TV, there the Snow Maiden gathers at the mirror, singing.

Snow Maiden: (to the music of the song "Wonderful Neighbor")

The snow is white today

It's light all around,

I put on gloves

I'm warm in my winter coat.

I'm going to the winter holiday:

There will be games, there will be laughter,

There will be fairy tales, there will be dances

Happy holiday for everyone!

Old woman: (makes faces, grumbles at the Snow Maiden.) -Look, you sang, dressed up, dressed up. Ugh! Going to the party, I'll see who you will look like when it's all over (continues to grumble)

Screensaver News.

The announcer announces.

Dear residents of the country! We invite you to take part in the casting of New Year's programs on all channels of our television. For the first time, the new year will be truly popular. Age and gender of participants is not limited. We need fresh ideas, extraordinary personalities. May the new year be truly unforgettable.

Old woman: That's it. This is what I need. And it's the same every year. Some faces on the screen, no matter what channel you turn on, it's the same everywhere. My time has come too. And then all sorts of Snow Maidens sing ahead of time. The country is waiting for other heroes and Heroines.


Director: No, it's impossible. This is a conspiracy. You decided to kill me? What competition? Who came up with all this? Who needs it? What are the new heroes? What programs and films? Where to get so many new heroes? Should they be from the people? Bullshit. When can we train them? What about rehearsals? There is very little time left before the new year.

Assistant: But this is an order from above .. People's television wants ...

Director: Is it from God from above? No, this cannot be allowed. You have to trick everyone somehow. We need to make sure that new faces sing old songs and play in traditional films. What is the new year without "Blue Light" without "Irony of Fate"? Yes, and fabulous wickedness should also be present at the holiday. What is your opinion on this matter?

Assistant: You asked to pick up material and invite people. I did everything…

Director: What? What is it? Are you suggesting this to me? your place in kindergarten mass entertainer..

Assistant crying..

Director: You understand me, everyone. what you picked up is completely outdated .. Snowflakes, snow maidens .. The viewer expects modernity, avant-garde from us. Twenty-first century in the yard, my dear! Well, why don't you dress up your snowflakes .. in steel structures. This would be advanced. Well, what else do you have?

Assistant: We must pick up New Year's films with a magical ending, a fairy tale plot. After all, the New Year, everyone wants to believe in a miracle ...

Director: Well, show your fairy tales ...

NUMBERS FROM CLASSES Fairy tales ("Frost", "Cinderella", "12 months")


Santa Claus: Tell me, son, where is it ...

Director: What! Ugliness! Outsiders in the studio. Take out quickly...

Assistant: Maybe not?

Director: Do you think this is a new face? It is hopelessly outdated. What year does it all begin with? Let him wait in the dressing room. Maybe his time will come. And you, my dear, continue. Fairy tales are good .. But for children of a fair age, adult fairy tales are also needed.

Assistant: There are options with films ...

NUMBERS FROM CLASSES New Year's films ("Carnival Night", "Irony of Fate", "Home Alone")


Director: Well, they surprised me. And the faces are new and the films are pleasant... And yet... There is nothing so avant-garde... Maybe... No, too abruptly..

Assistant: Maybe...

Director No, too childish..

Assistant: Can you still click on some of the traditional heroes?

Santa Claus: Tell me, granddaughter ..

Assistant: Be patient, grandfather ... We will invite you to the casting.

Santa Claus Casting? What are they about?

Director: It's all a creative crisis... It's time to leave... There are no ideas.. The whole grid is still empty.. How to surprise people... I'll go to the devil's grandmother...


Director: Where am I? Who you are?

Snow Queen: I am the Snow Queen. You are in my mansions.

Director: Oh, I'm not here for you. You're not a fucking grandma, are you?

Snow Queen: Am I a grandmother? Yes, you are crazy ... I will freeze you.

Director: Do what you want, I don't care. It’s better to freeze and sit out with you than to expose yourself to those ...

Snow Queen: It's not my style to help. But it seems to me that we can find a common language with you ...

Director: What are you talking about now?

Snow Queen: I have long wanted to take a place on television. And not just for the new year. And you can arrange it. That's where we'll get along.

Director: And in what role, if I may ask, would you like to appear in the New Year's program?

Snow Queen: I dream of changing my place of residence. Move from your cold fairy tale to a warmer fairy tale. Well, here ... Cinderella would suit me ...

Director: Do you want to become Cinderella? How wonderful? Truly New Years. From what. I'm probably the most omnipotent right now. You are welcome.


Stepmother: Where are you? Hey Cinderella! Ay!

Can't you hear me calling you! (includes Cinderella)

I had to look again...

Don't you dare contradict me! Be silent!

1st daughter:

You sit idle all day long!

2nd daughter:

Well, my mother and I already managed everything:

1st daughter:

Powder your nose

2nd daughter:

curl curls...

Did you starch your shirts?

Be quiet! I know your trick!

There is dirt in the kitchen, and dampness in the hall ...

Remember what I say -

I will punish you severely!

We won't take you to the ball!

Santa Claus himself invited us!

1st daughter:

There will be a prince!

2nd daughter:

What a douche he is!

Well, what are you doing, my friend?

Work, don't waste time!

Millet, peas sort out.

Let's go, daughters, it's time for us ...

We will dance until the morning! (leave)

Cinderella is left alone. She is sitting near the tree.

It's almost midnight... Silence...

Cinderella sits alone...

This midnight New Year!

What does he bring to Cinderella?

Cinderella: So I got ... And what didn’t fit in my fairy tale? And where is this magician who turned everything upside down? He must have run into the woods.


DIRECTOR (Walks through the woods) How lightly he got off ... And what is this?

Little Red Riding Hood with a Bunny: Finally, everything has changed. For so many years I have been communicating with the wolf. I'll be pissed off soon...

Bunny: I'm glad you chose me. We'll live well. Let's pick cabbage. People are going to the show.

Little Red Riding Hood: Cabbage?

Bunny Well, loot ... People have not seen such a circus for a long time.

Director: Oh. What is this inconsistency?

Little Red Riding Hood and Bunny: We are your vanguard!

The director runs...


Director: What strange animals and heroes. Who came up with all this?

King: Hello, my dear! Who it? Where are you heading?

Director: I am a television director. Where I'm going I don't know.

King: And the director! I've already seen this too.

Director: Yes, this is the tsar from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession." Here are miracles.

Tsar: Yes, I am John Vasilyevich. Do you know this one, dude?

Director: Yes, Your Highness, I heard a lot. Let's stick together, otherwise we'll be lost.

King: Come to my palace, unfortunate stinker. I will treat you notably, do you want black caviar, do you want overseas caviar - eggplant? And there will be dances and songs.

Director: Why not go. I have nothing to lose.



Assistant: Everyone left me. The director has fled. Now all the responsibility lies with me. Something needs to be done...

Santa Claus: Honey, is it time for me yet?

Assistant: Wait, grandfather. I'll try without you.

Santa Claus: Well, try, honey, try.

Assistant: That's what's missing... An unusual beauty contest... I'll call everyone now

(Servants bring in Scheherazade on a stretcher)

(East Dance).

Scheherazade: Hello, dear viewers! I am very glad to see you on our New Year's competition. After all, this is not just a competition, but a new step towards a brighter future. According to the Eastern calendar, 2014 is the year of the horse. To appease her, you should arrange a big feast with masquerades, practical jokes, smiles on faces, everything should be beautiful. Therefore, take away ... (looking for words) this (shows on a stretcher)! So, now everything is beautiful and we begin! First, second, third, etc. enters the stage ... I go out. Me. And only me.

Assistant: Oh dear! You are a queen of queens .. Star of the East ... But we have a Beauty contest. What about the other participants?

Scheherazade: What others? In the dispute for the crown of beauty, I have no equal ... Who competes with me? Now I will order my servants to cut off the head.

Assistant: Some kind of Middle Ages ... How to chop your head? I still need it. I'll try modern methods fight this madness. Hello police!

Policeman: Hello! Sergeant Sidorenko! Called?

Assistant: Yes, they called. Have us here harassment personality loom.

Policeman: Okay, we'll figure it out. Who is oppressing whom? Now let's make a protocol.

Assistant: She!

Scheherazade: Am I... I'm nothing.. I have nothing against her..

Assistant: Yeah, I immediately spoke in modern language.


Assistant: Well, everything ended well. Something made me want to hold a beauty contest ..

Father Frost. Honey, are all the experiments over?

Assistant: Grandfather, what are you attached to? Well, sit still. I still need to create a Blue Light. And the people are gone. Where do they go .. (The old woman appears)

Assistant: Yeah, it seems that people have responded. Madam, do you want to participate in the Blue Light?

Old woman: Why did I come here? Of course I want.

Assistant: In what genre will you show yourself?

Old woman: And easier? Genre?

Assistant: Well, sing, dance, recite?

Assistant: Great! What you need. And there are people from the people?



Director: Check mark! Here I am again… How are we doing? I suffered...

Assistant: Yes, everything is fine .. There is already a blue light ..

Director: To be honest?

Assistant: Yes, something like that ...

Santa Claus: Well, did you feel something? Maybe it's time for me?

Director: Oh, here's what you need ... Grandpa, where are you?

Santa Claus: Yes, I'm here, on the bench, I crouched ...

Director: Well, let's be weird ... And I'm tired ..

Assistant: The New Year is already trembling

At our doorstep!

It's snowing outside the window

And spinning strictly!

Let the silver sparkle

On a fluffy tree!

And in the hearts let good

Fire up loudly!

Santa Claus: This is our way! Well, I call the snow maiden! Let's have fun. (calls on the phone)

Snow Maiden: Walked along the forest path

I sang songs

Suddenly behind a snowy veil


So I think you have

New Year's celebration.

Santa Claus: And I came from a good fairy tale

Start playing, dancing

Get into a round dance.

Let's celebrate the holiday of the Christmas tree together

long-awaited new year

The school arranges not only holidays for kids, but also for high school students. However, this category requires a special approach. After all, high school students are no longer children, they are adults who consider themselves adults. To interest them, you need something completely special, with a twist. That is why, as new year holiday a masquerade ball is offered. It will be interesting for high school students for many reasons. Primarily - dances that are very fond of young people at all times.

The very principle of being at the ball - faces are covered with masks, which contributes to relaxation and a free atmosphere. In addition, a lot of good joke contests are also expected, which will maintain the atmosphere of the holiday. The scenario of this New Year's masquerade ball can be successfully used for young children, and, conversely, for young students.

General plan of the event

Some points must be agreed in advance. This applies to both the preparation of the event itself and the notification of guests. Despite the fact that, most likely, the participants will be familiar with each other (it is unlikely that the ball involves the presence of students from different schools), it is necessary to follow all the basic rules. This will help create an atmosphere of mystery of a real masquerade ball.


  • Ball hostess.
  • The leader is her assistant.
  • Father Frost.
  • Group of Snowflakes-stewards.
  • High school students.

Sample Plan

The whole event is divided into three blocks, the main part of which, of course, will be dancing. The first is a greeting and introductory part, without which no holiday can do. The second is the main part. It lasts about half of the time allotted for the ball. The third is, in fact, the end of the masquerade. However, there will also be games and compulsory dances.

Decorations and accessories

Everyone present at the ball must be required to wear a mask. Organizers need to ensure that there is a substantial supply of these necessary accessories. Mandatory decorated Christmas tree in the back of the hall or stage (you can arrange a temporary podium). Also need chair with high back, designed to look like a royal throne.

The main part of the hall is free, as the main event is dancing. Along one wall are tables with drinks - lemonade and water. On the other - tables with chairs, so that the participants have the opportunity to relax.

First block

There is a way to make an event interesting before it even starts. To do this, you just need to prepare invitation cards and hand them to each prospective guest. The initiative group undertakes the preparation, and even teachers can do the distribution before the lessons. You can also entrust this to the prefects or the student committee.

Meeting with guests

At the entrance to the hall those who come are met by snowflakes-stewards. Those guests whose faces are open are given a mask. The girls have a special "palace scroll" - a notebook where they write down the names, titles and achievements of the guests. Of course, this must all be fictional. Achievements guys come up with themselves too. It can be anything. For example, someone remembers the fairy tale “About the Snow Queen” by heart, and someone has a medal for first place in the New Year's sprint race. It is on this scroll that guests will be introduced to the Hostess of the ball.

Declaration of rules

After all the guests have gathered, the host enters the impromptu stage - the chamberlain, who is also the assistant to the Queen, or the host, who can be the main maid of honor. The host asks for silence and reads out the “Rules”, which everyone in this room must strictly observe. Then he expresses his gratitude for coming to the celebration. The rules boil down to the fact that guests are required to stay in good mood, participate in all games and be sure to dance. All are banned negative emotions, refusal of fun and participation in the proposed entertainment and removal of masks. Those who do not follow the rules can be punished by the Queen herself. Punishment - solo dance, song, any performance.

First dance

The host or one of the Snowflakes announces that the Queen is delayed, and invites them to finally hold the first dance. So that young men and women are not shy, at first a trained team can perform, performing a real waltz first, and then something youthful and incendiary. It is on youth modern music in the hall that the lighting is reduced and the guests join the dance. Lighting should not be too weak. It is enough to extinguish only a few lamps.

Second block

The main part, which is filled with jokes, fun, music and movement. Only at some moments guests will be able to sit down.

Arrival of the hostess of the ball - the Snow Queen

When the music subsides, the presenter again enters the stage and announces that the Snow Queen herself will now arrive. This is a slightly eccentric person. She comes from a real Andersen fairy tale, so the rules in her palace are a little old-fashioned. The queen cannot be argued with and so on. Fanfares sound and the queen enters the hall, accompanied by a retinue (all the same Snowflakes). She walks through the line of guests, smiles and even nods to some. It is advisable to insert some phrases. For example, “Oh, what a beautiful Mask!” or "Knight, I don't know you yet." All this time unobtrusive music plays.

Acquaintance with the hostess

When the hostess of the ball takes her throne, she tells the assistant to introduce her to the guests with the announcement of all titles and titles, and also expresses a desire to get acquainted with the guests themselves. The presentation of the Queen should be magnificent and beautiful. At this time, she herself depicts several steps, and her snowflake ladies-in-waiting perform a prepared dance. When the turn of acquaintance with the participants comes, the presenter takes out the already familiar “palace scroll” and begins to read out all the information about each guest that was said at the entrance. When a name is announced, its owner stands up and bows to the Queen.

Potpuri dancing with competitions

After meeting, the hostess says that she is a little tired, because there are so many guests today. So they have to entertain her. As entertainment, several contests are announced in a row.

  • potpuri dancing. Everyone or just a group of children can participate. The essence of the competition is to adapt as naturally as possible in movements to the music that will be offered. To do this, they let out a "cut" of very different songs - youth and fast, slow and classical dance melodies.
  • Classic. Only those who are familiar with the movements of famous dances are called - cancan, waltz, tango and so on. The couple with the best performance wins.

Speech by a visiting magician

A small respite for the guests comes when, after the competitions, the presenter asks everyone to sit down and respect the visiting magician from distant lands, who specially came to congratulate the Queen and her guests on the holiday of the New Year, honored all over the world. The magician demonstrates his many skills - shows tricks. He receives well-deserved applause, the approval of the Mistress and promises to come exactly one year later for the next holiday with new spells.

dance time

When the magician leaves, the Queen reminds that the venerable public was invited not just to a masquerade, but to a real ball, so everyone should dance. The music begins to sound, the light becomes not so bright and the time for dancing begins. After each melody, the presenter tells what or to whom it is dedicated. In addition, he may announce "white" or some other dance.

Third block

The holiday is slowly coming to an end. Here everyone remembers that they have gathered on the occasion of the New Year and congratulations are heard.

Arrival of the Snow King - Santa Claus

The music subsides and the presenter says that another late guest, whom everyone has already been waiting for, should arrive now. He talks about how he is called by different names depending on where exactly he comes - Santa Claus, Mikalaus, Papa Noel, Youllu-pukki and so on. In our country, everyone knows him under the name of Santa Claus. The King of Winter enters the hall and loudly greets everyone. He says that he will not stay here for long, because they are waiting for him at many more balls and holidays.

New Year's quiz

One of the final competitions is a quiz offered by Santa Claus. There should be 13 blocks, each with the same number of questions. Accordingly, there will be 12 participants, and the 13th block is designed to determine the winner if someone has the same number of correct answers. Questions should be simple. For example, which month is the smallest, but not in duration (May) or is it possible to bring water in a sieve (you can carry frozen water - ice) and so on. Ideally, there should be 12 winners who receive small souvenir gifts. It can be a horseshoe for good luck, a doll, a car, mittens and more.

Happy Holidays

After the quiz, the Winter King and the Snow Queen congratulate all guests on the upcoming holidays, wish a lot of interesting and unusual things in the New Year, fulfillment of desires, successful completion of studies, and so on.

Removing masks and saying goodbye

Before the last dance at the New Year's Masquerade Ball, all participants will be asked to take off their masks and show their real faces.

The dance is at the choice of the public. Traditionally, it is a waltz, but young people may choose something else, such as one of the popular New Year's songs. After that, the owners of the palace thank the guests for a wonderful evening and express their hope that another such holiday will be held next year.

(Scenario of a youth ball).

The hall is festively decorated. In the center of the room is a tree. It stands on a large hemisphere, on the surface of which the contours of continents and oceans are plotted. A sham, brightly painted palace was installed. It houses the Disco Leader.
Cheerful music sounds. Leading, dressed in fancy dress, walk around the hall. They hand out badges with the image of Santa Claus to the guests. On the badge is the number that is needed to participate in the "Merry Mail"

Description of the game "FUN MAIL":
There is a table in the hall, on which lies pre-prepared pieces of paper and pencils. Any participant in the ball can write a “message” to another participant and pass it on to the postman. Postmen take letters only with indication of return numbers.

The guests have gathered. The music subsides.

HOST: Good evening!
New Year's Eve,
Like a snowflake, light and short-lived!
Waiting in all houses to meet you,
Rejoicing, meet on the threshold.

LEADING: Attention! The time has come
Open New Year's ball!
Calling the calling sound of the signal
Guests in an elegant bright room
Smiling faces,
Light flows in the eyes of happiness -
Come to us to have fun
We are New Year's greetings.
Here is the first waltz already sounds -
The lights are shining. Ball is open!

(The leader of the disco takes the floor. There is a dance program of 2 dances.)

HOST: With round dances of sparkling snow, lace of frost on the branches of birches,
blue transparent ice on the rivers, with piercingly bright short sunsets, winter has come. And along with the beautiful winter, one of the most wonderful holidays comes to us - the New Year, the holiday of hope, the triumph of dreams, the fulfillment of desires, the holiday of gifts and surprises.

LEADING: Let's start with gifts. Pay attention to the ceiling. To him
Attached is a large box with the inscription "Surprise Ball". Whoever guesses what is in the box will receive it along with a surprise.

(The presenter helps the participants with leading questions. The prize draw is underway.)

HOST: Friends, by your joyful faces, cheerful mood, I see that you are well prepared for the New Year's ball. Wonderful costumes and mysterious masks flicker everywhere. Soon Santa Claus will arrive at the ball, and believe me, he is the best connoisseur of New Year's fashion. Santa Claus will determine the owner of the most elegant, most fabulous costume that makes its owner unrecognizable, and will present the main prize of our masquerade ball.

(The program continues with a small dance block, during which the hosts distribute inflatable balloons of 2 colors to the dancers, for example, red for boys, yellow for girls.
Proverbs and sayings are written on small pieces of paper. The beginning of the proverb is on one sheet, the end is on the other .. The leaflet with the first part of the proverb is embedded, for example, in a red ball, with the end in yellow. When the leaves are inserted, the balloons are inflated and tied. At the command of the host: "Salute!" all at the same time pierce their balls and take out leaflets with texts from them.
Each young man must find among the girls the one who will have the second part of his proverb. The couple who made up their proverb first are rewarded with souvenirs.
One dance composition sounds.)

LEADING: Friends! Your ability to dance is beyond doubt. I think that the time has come to invite those without whom there is no New Year's ball.
Let's invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden together.

(Participants call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. They solemnly enter the hall.)

SANTA CLAUS: We meet joyfully today
Merry Christmas holiday.
And let everyone be closer together
Fun, dancing, games, laughter!

Throws serpentine and confetti into the hall.

SNOW MAIDEN: Put on your masks
Start dancing together.
To call everyone to fun
New Year's Carnival!

(Dance block.)

SANTA CLAUS: Now let's find out which of you
AT fun games the most dexterous!

(In the hall, two small artificial fir trees are installed on stands. The distance between them is 1-1.5 m.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Imagine that there are only a few minutes left before the New Year, and these Christmas trees have not yet been decorated. Perhaps there will be two dexterous people in the hall who will quickly dress them up. The one whose tree looks prettier will win a prize.

(Those who wish are there. Toys made of cardboard, papier-mâché, cotton wool are laid out on tables 5-6 steps from the Christmas trees.)

SNOW MAIDEN: But my mission is not easy. There was a short circuit in the room where your Christmas tree stands and you will have to decorate it in the dark.

(The Snow Maiden blindfolds the participants in the competition.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Perhaps someone will hang their toys on a nearby Christmas tree, but the competition is still won by the one whose Christmas tree is more elegant.

(The game “DRESS THE CHRISTMAS” is underway. It is followed by a dance block of 2 songs.)

SANTA CLAUS: Come on, come on! Who wants to win a prize?

(In the hall, scales are installed above them with the inscription “lucky weight - 96 kg.)

SANTA CLAUS: Everything is very simple. Stand on the scales, if your weight matches the lucky weight - 96 kg., you will become the owner of the prize.

Santa Claus holds his own competition. The winner is awarded a prize.

SNOW MAIDEN: Now hurry up
play the lottery,
Because in the lottery
You can experience happiness!

(Several series of tickets have been prepared for the lottery (twenty numbers each, their number can be adjusted depending on the number of people present at the ball). The Disguised Host depicts an organ grinder. The organ grinder is replaced by a colorfully painted box. A cutout for a hand is made in its upper cover.
The organ grinder pulls out lottery tickets from the box and hands them to the guests. Plays the lottery Snegurochka. She announces the title of the episode and takes out a card from a spinning drum that says "Father's Generosity". Cards are made of thick paper, folded into a tube. The holder of the ticket with the named number receives the main prize, and the holders of the remaining numbers receive consolation prizes.
For example, the Snow Maiden says:
– “We play the series “Hello, Winter!” Ticket holders of this series approach the stage.
The Snow Maiden takes card No. 7 from the drum. The one who has a similar ticket receives the main prize - a Santa Claus doll, the rest - a pine cone.)

Bon appetit series.
The main prize - a children's kitchen set, the rest - for drying.

Series "Zoological".
The main prize is a teddy bear toy, the rest - a candy each.

Series "Love the theater".
The main prize is two tickets to the theater, the rest - theater posters.

Series "Cleanliness is the key to health."
The main prize is a bath broom, the rest - a toothbrush.

Series "It's necessary for everyone."
The main prize - a doorknob, the rest - a large nail.

"Remember Me" Series.
The main prize is a postal set, the rest - a pencil.

"Don't be late" series.
The main prize is an alarm clock, the rest - a toy clock.

Series "New Year at the Gates".
The main prize is a calendar, the rest - a small calendar.

Series “To keep the body and soul young”.
The main prize - a mirror, the rest - a piece of toilet soap.

(After the lottery - a dance block.
Beautifully decorated boxes are brought into the hall and placed in a conspicuous place. These are the gifts of the Fairy of Joy. Those wishing to receive a gift must answer one of the following questions:
What is the name of Santa Claus in Germany (or some other country)?
(Santa Claus).
Since what year is the New Year celebrated in Russia?
(since 1699).
When does the new millennium begin?
(since January 2001.)
Who wrote the wonderful fairy tale about the granddaughter of Santa Claus?
(A.N. Ostrovsky).
The mini quiz is over, the gift boxes have been handed out.

SANTA CLAUS: Each box contains various items.
You will see them now. (For example, one contains a toy guitar and a shawl, another contains an accordion and a Russian shirt, the third contains a spear and a drum, etc.) For each of these sets, a corresponding phonogram has been selected. After opening the box, you must perform a dance or musical number using the set of items you got. Thus, your numbers will make up the program of an impromptu concert.
While you're getting ready, we'll dance.

(After the dance block, the participants of the impromptu concert show their numbers. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden give them prizes.)

SNOW MAIDEN: I think, Santa Claus, it's time to choose the owner of the best costume.

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden approach the participant in the most beautiful costume and reward him with a memorable gift. The disco host announces a dance in his honor.)

SANTA CLAUS: Thank you friends! It's time for us to leave. Saying goodbye, I want to once again congratulate you on the New Year.

SNOW MAIDEN: Happy New……. year!

SANTA CLAUS: We wish you a lot of happiness, joy, smiles and songs!

SNOW MAIDEN: May every month, day and hour of the New Year bring you good and good!

SANTA CLAUS: May a streamy spring come to you after a severe snowstorm. May great success come to you with hard work.

SNOW MAIDEN: Let the merry summer warm the earth with the sun! Let friendship warm you! Let love warm!

SANTA CLAUS: Let there be a beautiful autumn full of golden leaves! May your home be full of happiness, smiles and songs!

SNOW MAIDEN: And then the snow carousel will spin again, the lights of the Christmas trees will sparkle and you will say to each other: “Happy New Year, friends! With new happiness!"

SANTA CLAUS: We know it will!

SNOW MAIDEN: We know that everything you dream of will come true. We believe he will be happy - the upcoming New Year!

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden leave the hall. The dance block continues.)

HOST: Dear friends! Our meeting has come to an end. We say goodbye to you and wish you all the most beautiful and unique.

LEADING: Let the star of your youth burn brighter, bring with it purity and joy of love, faith and hope in all the best and kindest. Happiness to you!

(The final waltz sounds.)


It hangs here not in vain

This calendar sheet.

Let it fill the old and the small

Carnival tonight!

The program of the evening is attached to the wardrobe grate. Wishes are decorated on the contours of balls, crackers, snowflakes.

On the mirror is the contour of a carnival costume, it is sealed with colored paper. In such a mirror you can see yourself in a carnival costume.

Hanging poster:

Put on your masks.

Start dancing together

To call everyone to fun

New Year's carnival.

Reprises and wishes:

1. A face without a smile is a mistake

Long live laughter and smiles!

2. Let there be our common enthusiasm

Everywhere always bail.

For youth to win the argument

With despondency, laziness, boredom!

3. Who loves songs, games, jokes

Riddles, dances, jokes

And who is bored with dancing -Hurry to the New Year's ball!

4. Everyone will like your mask

Come bolder, beauty!

Young man, are you thinking?

Come on, take it from the lady

What? Coat!

5. Who loses time makes a mistake.

Who will hurry will not be sorry.

Show a smile along with your ticket.

Welcome - the way is open.

Before entering the hall - a sign:

If you go to the right, you will enter the snowy hall,

If you go to the left, you will find dancing.

If you go straight, you will find fun.

The hosts invite guests to undress, hand over New Year's emblems, in the center of which is a number. The guys will need it to participate in the New Year's mail. Before the start of the dance program - mass competitions.

2. Contests:

1. Competition "Sherlock Holmes".

The children are offered a photo of a little girl (boy). From this photo, find an adult girl (boy) at the ball. The winners receive tokens.

2. Competition "Musical puzzle"

So that the songs are sonorous and cheerful

You could read one verse

You read one verse

And the other three, as you can see, are not.

The children are given cards on which one line of famous songs is written. Whoever has one line must find the guys who have cards with the other three lines of the song. The four who collected the first and sang the entire verse to the host receive tokens.

3. "Old gramophone"

Here the children can just sit and listen to old music.

4. New Year's postman.

Guests can send a greeting card, telegram, letter to any of the guests present at the ball (by the number of his emblem).

5. Lottery.

Hurry up to play the lottery as soon as possible,

Because in the lottery you can experience happiness.

6. Competition "Do you know?"

One half of the proverb is written on the cards. We need to find the other half.

7. Competition "What would it mean?"

Come up with an original answer to an incomprehensible drawing.

3. Music from the movie "Carnival Night" sounds and milestones are invited to enter the hall.

It's time to open the doors!

Come in, friends, come in!

Happy new year to you, with new happiness!

New cases to you and new discoveries!

Let your laughter flow like an immeasurable sea.

Let there be no end to songs and jokes,

And let it be like these open doors

Today your hearts will be opened.

My friends! Joyful hour is coming

We solemnly invite you to the hall.

New Year's Eve starts now!

4. Everyone goes into the hall. The program is led by two hosts.

1st host: Good evening friends! Good evening!

Happy New Year!

2nd Host: Happy New Year! These magic words cheer up,

eyes light up with joyful fire. Faces glow with a smile and we are clean

hearts say "Happy New Year"

1st: Friends dance, sing, laugh!

Fill the room with fun!

We open the ball with a waltz! (waltz sounds).

2nd: New Year is the best holiday. Holiday of miracles, magic, fairy tales.

Fairy tales, they awaken love for everything good, kind and dislike for everything

cunning and evil.

(The lights go out and, against the background of the music “Hello, winter guest,” Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter. The light turns on).

D.M.: Happy New Year, friends, congratulations.

May our carnival please you.

Snow.: I want a sonorous, happy

Children's laughter was heard everywhere.

For the girls to be beautiful

For young men to be wise.

D.M.: Let's have some fun, friends,

We can’t be sad on the Christmas tree.

Get closer and closer.

Music, play more fun.

We invite everyone to the traditional round dance around the Christmas tree.

(Everyone leads a round dance and sings “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).

Snow.: We invite you to the dance "Polka - congratulations."

(Polka music. They dance with D.M. There are 16 jumps around the Christmas tree. At the expense of 1-2 claps to the left, at the expense of 3-4 claps to the right. They go to the Christmas tree and say; “Oh, what a Christmas tree!”. Standing at the Christmas tree at the expense 1-2 claps to the left, at the expense of 3-4 claps to the right. They go from the Christmas tree and say “Beautiful Christmas tree.” 4 steps to the Christmas tree and say “Happy New Year!” From the Christmas tree 4 steps and say “And we wish you all success! ".

1st: How not to dance today?

Dance more, out of the norm

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

(We dance modern rhythms (3 dances)).

2nd: The most timid and not bold

In the whole world the dance is white,

But let today at the ball

Don't be sad no one in the corner.

Let your eyes shine brighter than the stars and lights,

Invite, girls, guys to dance. (White tango).

(While the guys are dancing, a barrel rolls out onto the stage, a hammer is brought out.)

1st: Attention attention!

The competition "Knowledge for a barrel" is held.

(Contest winners receive tokens).

Dance tunes are playing. During the dances, games are held: “They don’t dance in a hat” - a girl and a boy have hats on their heads. They break up any couple by handing them the hat. Whoever has a hat left with the end of the music, he performs the game task (both a girl and a boy).

During the modern dance, the hosts bring out a lot of balloons and explain that the dance will continue as long as all the balloons are in the air. As soon as the ball, at least one, touches the floor, the dance is over.

Lottery by series:

1. Series "Frosty" - (the main prize is a toy Santa Claus, the rest - snowflakes), 10 tickets.

2. The series "Everyone needs it" (the main prize is a doorknob, the rest are nails, buttons, etc.) - 10 tickets.

3. Series "Golden Childhood" (the main prize is a chocolate candy, the rest - colored peas) - 10 tickets.

4. A series of "Bon appetit" (the main prize is a baby spoon, the rest - napkins) - 10 tickets.

5. Series "Surprise" - a cake for all 10.

Surprise Competition:

a) guess the weight of the cake

b) guess the filling of the pie

c) Guess the number of sweets in the vase

d) how many pages are in the book

e) guess the weight of the package

e) on which page the bookmark.

Games are played while dancing:

1. Dance with a prize.

In the girl's hand is a prize. She is invited by two young men. With one she goes to dance, the second gives the prize. He is invited by two girls. With one he goes to dance, the other gives the prize. Etc. The prize goes to whoever has the prize left after the end of the music.

2. Tape chooses a pair.

In the hands of D.M. ribbons. He clenched them in his fist. The guys take either end of the tape. D.M. releases the ribbons and the guys dance with the couple who have one ribbon.

1st: Well, here are my friends, it's time to say goodbye

With the January wind flew to us.

And again we say "Goodbye"

To my good and great friends.

D.M.: And at this hour of farewell

To all dear and dear, to you, friends

We say: "Goodbye,

See you again. We wish you happiness!

Questions for the competition "Knowledge for a barrel"

1. What is twice two? (4).

2. How much is three times three? (nine)

3. Name the tallest grass. (bamboo).

4. What house in our village stands at the intersection of the median and the parallel? (any).

5. How many nails does a well-shod horse need? (not necessary because she is savvy).

6. Where do Siberian cats come from (from South Asia).

7. In which work is the hero assassinated three times and only the fourth time he dies? (kolobok).

8. What do linen paintings by Leonardo da Vinci have in common? (paintings are painted on linen).

9. As the name of the hero of Chekhov's story "Horse Surname" (Ovsov).

10. When was Santa Claus born? (over 2000 years ago)

11. Why do they put up a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve? (spruce is a symbol of eternal life).

12. Residents of which country eat one grape with each stroke of the clock (in Cuba).

13. In which country has it become a tradition to throw away old furniture in the New Year? (Italy).

14. In which country at midnight all the lights go out for 3 minutes and it's time for New Year's kisses? (Bulgaria).

15. What is the name of the bird that does not lay eggs, but hatches from them? (rooster).

With the tokens won, you can "buy" sweets in the New Year's cafe.


To download material or !

Place of work: MOBU secondary school No. 20 MO Korenovsky district, Korenovsk,

Krasnodar region.

Position: English teacher

New Year's fairy tale "In search of the Snow Maiden"

Song: New Year (disco accident)

One day the hour comes

Everyone is looking forward to their arrival.

And the miracle happens again

And it's a miracle 0- New Year!

For the fact that you are so glad to meet,

For the kindness of open eyes

We want to give you a gift -

Let's give the show to you now!

Music sounds

Voice: Ah, this magical holiday - NEW YEAR! Everywhere smells of olives, tangerines and pine needles! The festive atmosphere permeates everywhere. It is reflected in shop windows and on the faces of passers-by. Everyone is preparing for the New Year, and especially on television.

But more on that later. And now we are going to the fabulous forest….

Music sounds.(). Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Leshy play cards and argue.

Baba Yaga: And I tell you: a wonderful duet - Gurchenko and Moiseev! Jack…

Kikimora: How beautiful! You look - pah! Lady…

Baba Yaga: I would like to be like Lyudmila Gurchenko!

Goblin: Honey, how many braces do you need to do - there are not enough ropes!

Baba Yaga: Dreaming is not bad! Bito!

Kikimora: Yeah, it's bad not to dream!

Baba Yaga: Stop arguing. Let's sing our favorite.

Together ( sing a song to the motive "I've lost my mind" gr. Tattoo)

We're crazy, we're crazy

We need a shake, we need a shake

kikimora : And nobody in the forest, absolutely seriously

The situation is help, the situation is sos!

We can't find anyone in our neighborhood, So we'll hang out with you alone!

Goblin: How lousy in the soul, I'll scream now

I'm not in the mood, I don't want anything.

Baba Yaga: This boredom is poison gas for us.

Even the new outfit does not please our eyes!

Together : We're crazy, we're crazy

We need a shake, we need a shake!

Goblin: Well, if this is the case, I'm ready, yagula, to make you an offer! Decided! Let's get married!

Baba Yaga : Nice couple! Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? Monster!

Goblin : Well, why am I not a groom? Yes, I'm just - Bruce Willis! (Konstantin Khobensky)

(sings a song to the tune "I am a chocolate bunny")

Baba Yaga: Ugh! What an abomination! Whether business I! Beautiful girl! I would have a groom, so a groom!

(sings the song of Baba Yaga and the goblin).

Goblin: Yah you! (with a wave of his hand he leaves in offense)

Baba Yaga and Kikimora:Go go play fight! Good riddance.

At this time, Santa Claus appears on the horizon!

kikimora : Look! The devil is carrying someone to us.

Baba Yaga: (looking). Kashchey or what? ...

Kikimora: Did he change his image?

Santa Claus appears.

(sings to the motive of the song "Belle")

Chest, compress the chest longing and grief

Yes, it is clear to be unhappy is my lot.

For so long I brought a good holiday to people,

Everything turned upside down, and the white light is not nice.

My heavy cross will have to be carried to the end,

I can't find my former happiness.

Oh, woe to me, because people will not understand me,

Why did the Snow Maiden run away to Hollywood?

And after death I will not find peace.

I'll hang myself. No, I'd rather leave....

Father Frost: I did not expect this from the Snow Maiden! She left me, old man. How can I appear in front of people without her? Eh! I'll go where my eyes look!

Baba Yaga and Kikimora: Father Frost!

Baba Yaga: Hello dear! Are you tea, lost?

kikimora : Haven't seen you for a thousand years...

Baba Yaga: Did Ali come on business or how?

kikimora : Do you need our help? To bewitch some Baba snowy?

Baba Yaga: What's not funny? Lost your gifts?

Kikimora: No, he drove them to Santa Claus at a bargain price!

Baba Yaga: What are you, he would have been happy then!

Father Frost : Enough! Enough! The snow maiden left me ....

Baba Yaga and Kikimora. How?!

Father Frost. She escaped to Hollywood, to television.

Kikimora (sympathetically): How are you going to live without the Snow Maiden now?

Baba Yaga : My finest hour has come!(whispers)

Can we get off?

(Baba Yaga and Santa Claus sing a dialogue song)

Baba Yaga: I've been waiting for you, I've been waiting for you

You were my crystal dream.

I'll steal you, I'll steal you

Well, what is criminal here?

Father Frost: I don’t dream about those, I don’t dream about you either,

And we can't do anything.

'Cause you and I don't love each other

And between us, and between us, a white blizzard.

Baba Yaga: Well, why-oo-oo-oo?

Father Frost: Because you can't, because you can't

Because you can't be beautiful like that in the world.

Baba Yaga: Well, to hell with you!

Father Frost: Stop mocking you! It's so hard for me!

Kikimora: Wow, nervous! Well, nothing, nothing. (Seats him at the table) Now we will make you a massage ...

Baba Yaga : Relax, calm down, you look, we'll think of something.

Baba Yaga with Kikimora(sing a song to the motive "My Bunny")

You are our snowball, we are snowflakes

You are our ice, and we are ice

You are our skis, and we are sticks.

You are our hill, and we are holes.

You are our tree, we are toys.

You are a wick, we are crackers.

Your grief is ours too

Don't be sad, we will help... You are our Frost!

Chorus: Listen to us, Santa Claus,

And don't hang a red nose

And do not hang, and do not hang a red nose!

You will find the Snow Maiden, you will find happiness again
And you will bring a magical holiday to people!

Father Frost: Where can I find her?

Baba Yaga and kikimora: Where where, on television, of course.

Baba Yaga: I have an old plane carpet from Hotabych here. We will send you there now.

(They put Santa Claus on a plane carpet. They wave after him. The light goes out. The song “Firs” by Verka Serduchka sounds.)

Part 2. On television.

Snowflake dance

Director (assistant):No, It is Immpossible! This is a conspiracy! You decided to kill me? What is it? I ask what is it?

Assistant (scared):You asked me to prepare materials for the New Year's program. I selected...

Director (aggressively:What? Are you suggesting this to me? Your place in the kindergarten is a mass entertainer, and it is unlikely that they will take you there.(to the audience) Mediocrity! Around mediocrity! Who will understand the subtle soul of an artist?

The assistant is crying. During the conversation, the TV presenter sits down and pays no attention to anything. The make-up artist preens her, and the Illuminator randomly tries to arrange lighting fixtures (different lamps, floor lamps).

Director ( softens, goes up to the assistant, puts his hand on her shoulder, puts her handkerchief in, wipes her nose, calms her down).

You understand: everything you picked up is completely outdated. Snowflakes, snow maidens. Brrr, what vulgarity! The viewer expects modernity, avant-garde from us. Twenty-first century in the yard, my dear! Well, why don't you dress up your Snow Maidens...

Assistant (timidly) Snowflakes….

Director (nervously)It doesn't matter... into steel structures. This would be advanced. A sort of advanced snow maiden, you know. Okay, what do we have next?

Assistant: We must select New Year's films with a magical, fairy-tale plot. After all, New Year's...

Director: Well, okay, let's show your fairy tales.

At this time, the make-up artist comes up to the director and begins to preen him. Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts and addresses the Director.

Father Frost: Tell me, son, where is it ...

Director (not listening)What! Ugliness! Outsiders in the studio. Withdraw quickly!

Assistant, make-up artist and Illuminator bring Santa Claus out.

Director: Are we finally going to start today?! Idlers! Why do I have to do everything alone? Assistant) What's next for us?

Assistant: Fairy tales.

Director: Oh yes. We'll see. Get started.

Assistant (holding a video cassette) No. 1 - "Cinderella" (Director ) All fairy tales in a new interpretation. The competition "An old fairy tale in a new way" begins. An example of the fairy tale "Cinderella".

Sounds like music from some Latin American television series. The heroine is dancing in the background. The girls change posters with the titles of the film. TV presenter comments on the text.

TV presenter: Grazia International TV Company presents Charles Perros' film "In the name of the love of the Wild Cinderella". The script was developed by Ruy Barbossa together with Camille Borbossa and Pierre Borbossa. The director of the painting is Julio Borbos. Heroes of the Film: the stepmother Cruella, the first sister - Svinella, the second sister - Durynda and the Wild President of a very distant and very banana republic, Sye President.

In the previous episodes, we saw: There was a terrible night on which the owner would not kick the dog out of the house (roar and noise behind the scenes) Lilo was like a bucket (someone pours water from a bucket into a basin) On this terrible night, a masked man made his way through the streets . He left a package at the gate of the convent of St. Genevieve. Merciful nuns found a tiny girl in this bundle. She screamed so wildly (phonogram of Vitas) that they called her Wild Cinderella (To the audience) You don’t see anything, because that night it was very dark. The grown-up Cinderella left the monastery and went to earn her living in a rich family.

Svinella, Durynda and Wild Cinderella appear. They speak Spanish, a nonsensical jumble of words. TV presenter translates.

Swinella: Buenos dias, charmatos muchachos.

Durynda: Buenos Dias (to Cinderella)

Swinella: Dikos Cinderella! Podika tukokos I don’t know kukokos.

Durynda: Prinisikas tokos don't know what.

TV presenter: Cinderella. Come here. Cinderella, do it. Cinderella, do that. Nasty Wild Cinderella.

Crull's stepmother appears and shakes an envelope.

Cruella: Diaz, amigos. Prejidento! Uno momento!

Svinella: Oh! Presidentos!

Durynda: Oh, Sonos Presidentos! Oh amore!

Cinderella is crying.

TV presenter: Sterwell's stepmother announces that the president's son wants to find a lover and invites all the girls in the country to a disco. Durynda and Svinella express stormy delight. Cinderella was not invited, so she cries. Next you will see:

A girl appears with a poster that says: Episode 20358. Disco.

On stage Svinella, Durynda, Wild Cinderella, President, Son of the President. The son of the President declares his love to Cinderella.

Son of the President: Dikos Cinderella! Amore! Amore! Amore! I love you…

Cinderella (dreamy) Amore…

The President appears. He is horrified.

The president: Diaz son is impossible! Cinderella dikos is your sistras!

TV presenter: My dear son Julian Giacomo Alejandro Juanito Fourteenth! It's impossible. I must tell you a terrible secret. Many years ago I was in love with a beautiful girl. Wild Cinderella is the fruit of this love. Is she your sister!

Enter Sterwell.

The president: Cruella! Diaz, amore!

TV presenter: Sterwell dear! Is it really you, love?

Cruella: Diaz doches, Cinderella Dikos!(hugs Cinderella).

TV presenter: Cinderella! My dear daughter! How long have I been looking for you!

Svinella and Durynda: Diaz Sistras!( hugging Cinderella).

TV presenter: Dear sister! How we love you!

Son of the President: Padre! You're non mia padre! Madre Mia has spoken!

TV presenter: The son of the President reveals to his father a terrible secret truth. He is not the President's son. This secret was revealed to him by his mother, escaping with a traveling banana merchant.

Everyone hugs and cries. Music sounds. A girl appears with the inscription: End of 20358 series.

Anchorwoman: End of episode 20358.

Director (stomps feet indignantly)What are you showing me?! Another Argentine TV series? No, I won't survive this!(grabs his heart).

The assistant gives him medicine. He drinks it. Everyone is fussing around the director.

Director: (grimacing painfully): Okay, let's next!.

At this time, Santa Claus appears again and turns to the illuminator, who unsuccessfully tries to adjust the lighting.

Father Frost: Tell me, granddaughter, where are you here ....

Illuminator: Don't bother, grandfather. You see, the man is busy with business. Without me, everything will fly here, everything will fall apart, everything will plunge into darkness and there will be no New Year's program. Go to yourself, go, grandfather.

Santa Claus sighs and leaves.

Director : So what do we have next?

Assistant: Pop star Veronica accompanied by a children's choir of boys.

Director: Well, original, fresh. Run.

The song of the bunny boys is being performed.

Jump right, jump left

To put it bluntly: tired

But our physicist is the Gray Wolf,

He clicks with a magazine, yes clicks.

He wants us all to surrender

Without tails to meet the year.

If you start with a tail,

That, alas, you will not live.

The hares are shaking their tails

Not with hands, not with feet,

If we don't wait,

That. Alas, we are not sure.

Come on, let's grow together

And from the Wolf, they ran.

He won't eat us anyway

The district won't allow it.

Director: Well, that's nice. The truth of life is reflected. It will go on air.(singer) Fabulous! Divine!(blows her kisses).

Santa Claus approaches the make-up artist.

Father Frost: Help me baby.

make-up artist: Calm down, grandpa! Now I'll make a handsome young man out of you!

She takes him by the arm and leads him backstage.

Director: What else do you have?

Assistant: The program "New Year's dances without stars."

Director: Not bad. Announce.

TV presenter: (already changed outfit) Dear viewers. Your attention is invited to an unforgettable, exclusive number of the program "Dancing without stars". On the stage - . Hello.

Alibaba dance.

Director: How tired I am. Are there many more?

Assistant: Snow Maiden beauty contest.

Director: (snapping)How interesting! Well, where are they?

The Snow Maidens appear. Girls dressed in modern style. They walk around the stage. But the director doesn't like them. He does not hide his disapproval - snorts, closes his eyes. Suddenly, a real Snow Maiden appears in a beautiful outfit. She looks around confused.

Director: (jumps up in delight) Here! What you need!(Running up to the Snow Maiden) What naturalness, grace, beauty! (Hugs her around the waist). What modeling agency are you from, honey?Takes her aside) . Do you know honey? I have great connections. So what are you doing tonight?.

Snow Maiden: I don't understand what you are talking about. What agency? I am a Snow Maiden. And I want to go back to the fairy forest, to my grandfather. There is very little time left before the New Year.

Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost: Granddaughter, finally! And here I was completely lost. Been through this.

Director: Wait! Didn't understand. Are you real?

Together: They are real!

Father Frost: Of course real! My granddaughter and I came to wish you a Happy New Year. After all, the New Year without us is like winter without snow!

Director: Fine! Let's go celebrate the New Year!

Final song. (Snowflake)

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