The height of the fence for walking chickens. Pen for chickens with their own hands. Drawings, diagrams, tips from A to Z with photos and videos. Wrapping the paddock with clear plastic


The organization of a household requires the construction and arrangement of not only large structures, but also small ones designed for medium-sized animals, such as chickens, ducks, rabbits, and even dogs. In the summer, when animals need walking, it becomes necessary to provide such walking, at least to fence off some open-air area so that the animals do not scatter around the yard.

But this is not enough to ensure normal conditions of detention. In this article, we will look at how to build a summer canopy for small animals so that they can hide from the sun and rain, and at the same time we will see how best to equip a walking area for chickens, rabbits, ducks, turkeys and other animals.

What will be the canopy and the walking area?

Before you start building a canopy for chickens, rabbits and other living creatures with your own hands, and even more so provide a place for walking, you need to carefully plan everything. Of course, we do not suggest making a drawing of a structure, since it would be ridiculous to draw something for such a simple project. But a simple sketch can be sketched.

First, let's define the goal. We need to provide a safe place where animals can be in the summer. In this case, we are talking about a fenced plot of land, part of which will be occupied by a canopy. Under a canopy, we will build perches for chickens, if other animals are kept in the range, then places for them. We will not enclose a canopy for the dog, we will simply build it next to the booth so that the dog in the summer does not hide from rain and sun in a stuffy kennel, but sits under a canopy.

Note! A chicken pen with a canopy can be built from light steel or metal plastic pipes ok, so that it can be simply moved from place to place where there is fresh, untrodden and uneaten greens.

Sheds for chickens and rabbits are best built in a well-ventilated place on a sufficient area, where low grass grows and there is an area with loose and soft soil. In the diet of chickens and rabbits plant foods. Therefore, both of them love fresh grass and not only the one that you specially picked and brought to the pen for them. But also one that can be pinched and pecked right in the place of growth. Chickens like to row the ground in search of insects, it is not considered too good if there is only solid soil in their walking area.

Decide for yourself with the total size of the fenced area, but its total size should be at least 4 times larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe canopy. The more animals it contains, the more
building area. It is better to build feeders and a drinker under a canopy so that the remnants of food do not deteriorate from rain, and rainwater does not get into the drinker. It is better to make a canopy single-sided, and direct the slope outside the corral so that rainwater flowing down the roof does not stagnate inside the paddock.

Organize the walk so that there is not only a canopy nearby, but also warm chicken coop so that on a cold night the bird can enter the room. A chicken coop is a place where a bird is constantly kept and gets used to this place. Accordingly, if she is pulled out of her usual nests and moved to a summer paddock, without the opportunity to return to the chicken coop, egg production will decrease, in addition, the hens will not be able to sit on the nest, and moreover, the chickens begin to get sick more often, and this is completely unacceptable. Conclusion - do not tear the paddock and the chicken coop apart.

Note! Making a chicken coop and walking together is very profitable, since part of the fence will fall on the wall of the chicken coop, which means less material will be needed, and the chicken coop itself, or rather its wall, will become the support for the canopy, which will also result in material savings.

It is better to tighten the walking place with a net not only around the perimeter, but also from above, since poultry sometimes strives to “stand on the wing” and fly out of the corral. There is also a danger from birds of prey, which can eventually drag small animals in the form of clings, goslings, turkey poults, etc.

The organization of walking and the construction of a canopy for rabbits has its own individual characteristics:

  • in this case, it is not enough just to enclose the perimeter of the walking of rabbits, you need to deepen the fence by 50 cm so that the rabbits do not undermine it and crawl out;
  • rabbits will have to be fenced off in separate parts and kept separate from each other, so they will not constantly fight over females. The same requirement is true for the canopy.
  • separate walking will require the manufacture of separate feeders and drinkers in each department.

When building a canopy for a dog with your own hands, you can do:

  1. a booth and a canopy with a sunbed;
  2. you can limit yourself to only a canopy and a sunbed;
  3. and you can immediately make a booth, and a sunbed, and a canopy, and an aviary where dogs can run freely.

A doghouse is needed mainly in winter, when extreme cold forces the animal to hide in shelter. The dog house must be closed and insulated on all sides and have a reliable roof so that the animal is comfortable in severe frost. The booth is made of wooden bars and boards and is insulated with special heat-insulating materials, and a litter spreads inside. The booth can be heated, but in the opinion of experts, this is already an overkill, only for some "heat-loving" breeds this is relevant, in general, dogs tolerate winter well on the street.

A booth for a dog is not all, you need to make a canopy over the booth so that the animal can be in the fresh air in the summer, and the rains do not wet it and the sun does not burn. A place under a canopy can be fenced with a special cage for a dog, but if the animal is accustomed to a chain, then you can do without a cage or aviary.

Within the framework of this paragraph, we should also mention canopies for large cattle. The construction of such structures will take much more time and materials, in addition, sheds for cattle have a number of features:

  • before building a shed for livestock with your own hands, you need to calculate its area based on the number of heads;
  • the height of the shed for livestock should not be less than 2.2 m;
  • sheds for cattle should be built no closer than 15 m from residential buildings, choose a place taking into account legal requirements;
  • sheds for livestock are built at a sufficient distance from sources drinking water(20 m).

Here are all the main wishes regarding walking and sheds for small and large domestic animals. Consider individual conditions and you can draw a sketch, and then proceed to the implementation of the project.

What will we need?

It's time to start building a summer shed and running small pets. It is better to talk about the construction of an object on specific example, so we decided to discuss the manufacture of a summer shed for chickens and the organization of walking for them. In the picture below you can see a sketch of a chicken coop, a canopy, and an open summer range, we will bring all this to life with our own hands. In our case, the "winter road" for chickens has already been erected, so we present the calculation of materials and a description of the work only for a canopy and walking.

Let's start by preparing all the necessary materials, we need:

  • 2 rolls of galvanized chain-link mesh in order to enclose a canopy and paddock - in 1 roll 10 m, width - 1.8 meters;
  • square steel profile 50x50 for poles - 6 pcs. 2.3 m;
  • 1/3 sheet of corrugated board, which will go to the roof of the canopy, a sheet of 1.5x6 m. You can take something else as a material for the roof. What exactly? You can read about this in the article.
  • a two-meter piece of board 20 mm thick and 100 mm wide;
  • the most common steel corner 25x25x14x1.5 mm - 4 pcs;
  • thin steel wire 1 m and bolts.

From the materials, it seems, everything, now about the tools. Nothing special in this case is required, all structural elements are made, so to speak, “on the knee” using the simplest household tool with their own hands. We will take:

  1. pliers;
  2. drill;
  3. screwdriver with a set of heads;
  4. grinder;
  5. wire cutters;
  6. shovel;
  7. a hammer;
  8. roulette;
  9. building level and pencil.

How to make a canopy for animals?

We will begin to build a canopy for chickens, to which the chicken coop will adjoin. We repeat once again that we chose the location of the canopy and open range for a reason. In this case, the bird itself will choose where to spend time in the "winter road", under a canopy or in an open range. In extreme cases, in the summer, you can always block the entrance to the chicken coop, leaving access only to the shed and paddock, but you will decide this yourself during the operation of the building. So, let's get to work.

  • According to the sketch, we measure with our own hands the area surrounding the chicken coop and determine the boundaries of the canopy and open range;
  • At the corners of the area that will take the paddock, we dig in square pillars 50x50 mm to a depth of 0.5 m.
  • Before entering the chicken coop, according to the sketch, we dig in two pillars with our own hands to a depth of 0.5 m.
  • We drill two holes in the upper parts of the canopy supports and fasten the corner on which we will fix the roof.
  • On the opposite side, on the wall of the chicken coop, 20 cm above the supports, we fasten a similar corner with our own hands.
  • We lay the roof with our own hands and put it on special mounts with heads that have rubber gaskets.

Note! Do not overtighten the fasteners of the roof, otherwise you can break the tightness of the roof.

  • Now it remains to stretch the chain-link mesh with your own hands along the perimeter of the paddock and around the supports of the canopy and secure it with wire. With the same mesh, we will cover the paddock entirely from above in order to protect poultry from predators.
  • It remains only to make a gate and you can finish the job.

Summing up, we note that the canopy is a rather useful structure, which is useful not only for keeping cattle, but also for keeping chickens, rabbits and even dogs. Many will say, they say, the dog has a booth, and the rabbits have cages, why do they need a canopy? A canopy is needed in order to ensure that animals are outdoors in relatively spacious conditions. The booth and cages will come in handy in the cold season, and the canopy in the warm. We have discussed in more or less detail how to make a canopy and paddock for chickens, we hope this information will be useful to you. Good luck!

As winter approaches, it's important to insulate your chicken coop: lay a thick layer of fresh straw, cover the windows with clear plastic, keep the house well ventilated, lay bales of straw along interior walls for insulation, and curtain nesting sites with curtains to keep eggs from freezing. However, it is equally important to winterize the chicken pen.

Chickens need fresh air and exercise all year round, so you can safely lure them out of the coop at any time, except for strong windy weather. Birds will become much healthier and more resilient if they spend a lot of time outdoors instead of crowding in a chicken coop.

There are cases when chickens have to be transported from a warm climate zone to a colder one. In doing so, they can experience a real shock. But if you do everything right and prepare the chicken coop and pen well for winter, the birds will feel great.

Wrapping the paddock with clear plastic

It is known that chickens are quite frost-resistant birds. But I noticed that a strong wind causes them particular concern. The protective plastic will block the wind and also prevent snow from getting in. If you have a small paddock, you can wrap it all the way (except for the top - you don't want your paddock to collapse under the weight of a snow cap!). If the corral is large, wrap it on only one side - preferably the one from which the wind blows more often.

Since my pen is quite spacious, I wrapped it only on the northeast side and in the corners. The result was a U-shaped wind protection. I also wrapped plastic around the part of the pen next to the chicken coop exit, which is covered with a solid roof. Thus, it turned out to be an excellent protected area right a few steps from the chicken coop.

Plywood, pallets, tarps, and even bales of hay or straw can also be used for wind protection, but I still prefer clear plastic.

It transmits the sun's rays well, so the chickens in the pen are light and cheerful. In addition, it retains heat inside, creating a greenhouse effect. Use only very strong transparent plastic for wrapping the corral, as the thin one is likely to tear in strong gusts of wind.

The advantage of a tarpaulin is the presence of eyelets. You can screw large hooks into the fence posts and use carabiners or large rings to secure the tarp to the sides of the paddock and simply remove it when spring arrives. In addition, in calm weather, you can roll up the tarpaulin and fasten it to the upper hooks, and lower it again when inclement weather sets in.

Covered areas

Since the top of your pen is most likely open, provide the chickens with areas under a canopy. A doghouse or just a small area under a roof is a great option. Chickens really like to nap in the booth during the daytime. warm bedding from straw.

Thatched paths

Chickens don't like to walk in the snow. Thatched paths will encourage them to move around the paddock more on sunny winter days, as well as keep their paws from freezing while walking. Raking the old straw out of the chicken coop, I scatter it around the pen and form paths out of it.

Stumps and logs in the paddock

After the chickens leave the coop and enter the pen, they will appreciate the stumps, logs or just tree branches prepared for them - so they do not have to stand on the cold ground with their paws.

If you lean spruce branches against the fence of the pen, the chickens will use them not only as a perch, but also as a shelter with a canopy where they can hide from the gusts of wind.

Dust baths

Fill the tub with a mixture of sand, dry soil and wood ash.

Then install it either in a chicken coop or in a pen if there is an area under a solid canopy.

A nutritious treat to lure birds out of the coop

So, your paddock is protected from wind and snow with plastic or a tarp; paths are lined with straw; there are several logs on which the chickens are comfortable to sit; their favorite dust bath is installed, and now there is only one thing left - to lure the birds out of the chicken coop. Sunflower seeds or mealworms work best!

I hope my simple tips will help your chickens spend more time outdoors in the winter in the pen - this will not only have a beneficial effect on their health, but will also help you keep the chicken coop clean longer!

Warm beautiful chicken coop - video

Surely most chicken breeders want their birds to be as comfortable as possible to live and grow. And for this, you can’t do without walking for chickens - a specially designated place designed for the chickens to stay in the fresh air.

But how to build it correctly in order to take into account all the nuances and provide the birds with sufficient freedom? You can find out about this by reading this article.

Today, as in former times, this is a very popular occupation among farmers and ordinary citizens. Such birds provide meat and eggs, which provide their owners with food and money well. But for the successful keeping of chickens, breeders must remember that it is important for these birds to feel free and light.

Why is walking so important for chickens? In another way, this structure is sometimes called a corral. This is the very limited space in which the owners release the hens for a walk. The more they walk, the more:

  • saturated with oxygen;
  • pluck green grass enriched with ;
  • They receive vitamin D from the sun, which is so essential for the production of calcium in the body of chickens.

Therefore, the role of such a corral cannot be underestimated. And it’s not at all necessary to spend money on acquiring it, it’s enough to know how you can build it yourself and you can safely get down to business.

Free-range chickens and an aviary - the pros and cons

As a rule, chicken breeders provide them with one of two places for festivities:

  • in fact, walking, which is discussed in detail in the article;
  • , which has, for example, the appearance of a cell.

Of course, both bird spaces have their advantages and disadvantages. Still, free-range pluses are much more.

  • More space for the hens, they feel free in the corral.
  • From a mobile lifestyle in free range, chickens bring better and tastier eggs.
  • Rapid growth of individuals in the wild.
  • Open air and green fresh grass - hence, the cost of.

In the aviary, chickens cannot roam like that, so their paws are weakening. They become not as cheerful and prolific as with a free lifestyle.

This "closed" type of breeding is used mainly in poultry farms.

But, free range has its drawbacks:

  • Chickens can jump over the fence. In order to avoid this, you just need to provide a higher and more solid partition so that the chickens do not finally break free.
  • There is a risk that several individuals can be “dragged” by flying past predator birds.
  • Chickens can even get sick from contact with wild birds.

Knowing all the pros and cons of both ways of keeping farmers, it is recommended, nevertheless, to stop their attention on breeding chickens in the wild, especially since they can make special place is not difficult.


To get a high-quality and durable paddock, you can not do without good building materials. Some of them can be found on your own farm, but you will have to buy something.

However, the cost of these materials will not be commensurate with what would have to be incurred by acquiring a ready-made paddock. At the same time, no one is responsible for the 100% quality of the finished structure available for sale, and it is not known how long it can serve the breeder.

The paddock can be built from wood, cement, galvanized mesh, corrugated board and other simple small materials that will serve as a means of fastening the main components.

The mesh is especially suitable for the construction of a mobile range for birds. Actually, it will be the basis for it.

For a portable pen, you will need to stock up:

  • a roll of galvanized mesh;
  • metal corners;
  • wooden boards;
  • fasteners;
  • connection material (wire or special ties).

The appearance of worms in chickens can have very sad consequences. How to get rid of this scourge, read.

How to DIY

Necessary tools and materials

In order to build a stationary range for chickens, the following basic materials and tools are needed:

  • wooden bars for support;
  • wooden boards;
  • material for processing bars (bitumen, antiseptic, durable cellophane, etc.);
  • broken brick or rubble;
  • cement for the foundation (optional, at the request of the master);
  • material that will serve as a barrier wall (galvanized mesh with a rod spacing of no more than 1.5 cm, remnants of corrugated board and similar materials);
  • metal corners;
  • rods, wire;
  • nails and hammer.
Such a paddock is installed together with, so that the birds can go out of it immediately onto the street and walk within the territory of the corral.

Step-by-step instruction

Stationary paddock

Before you start building a pen for chickens, you need to decide what should be the result. And for this, it does not hurt to develop a plan on which to indicate all the dimensions of the future structure, as well as what the paddock will consist of.

Such a plan will serve as a kind of support for the subsequent thinking through the steps, how best to use the available space and materials. In addition, it will significantly save time for the builder.

After completing the work on the scheme, you can begin to translate the idea into reality:

  1. You need to decide on the place where the finished building will be located. This should be an area that is moderately lit (not under the scorching sun), where there is fairly dense and clean vegetation and contact with other animals and birds, as well as people, is minimized. So the chickens will be most comfortable walking, and they do not risk getting sick.
  2. The next step is to prepare the site for construction. To prevent chickens from digging tunnels in the ground and escaping, you need to build a foundation. To do this, you can dig a small hole around the perimeter of the paddock and put logs in it, and then fill it with concrete, or fill this area with rubble. You can also lay a metal mesh on the ground, but this is a less safe way to equip the foundation.
  3. After the foundation is ready, it is necessary to install the support pillars (take wooden beams for this). This will ensure the strength of the frame. Before installation, it is better to treat them with an antiseptic, bitumen, or wrap those parts that go into the ground with a film.
  4. Previously, under the supports, you need to dig holes with a depth of at least 50 cm. The height of the enclosure will then reach two meters.
  5. Then you need to weld the corners to the support bars, near the ground. The future walls and ceiling of the corral will be attached to them, which will serve as a galvanized mesh.
  6. The net must be started to be pulled from above, and then go to the sides of the paddock. It is better to install it with overlaps, because over time the mesh material may disperse - unwanted holes will appear. Connect the edges of the mesh with steel wire. Nails will also work, but they should be as short as possible so that later the chickens do not get hurt on them. Part of the mesh walls can be replaced, for example, with corrugated board, but it is not recommended to completely make a structure out of it so as not to “close” the birds from the outside world.

The stationary law for birds is ready!

Portable paddock

Many farmers will also be interested, but how to build a portable paddock?

For him, you do not need to make a foundation, it will be enough to make a metal frame from corners and mesh. The mesh should also be stretched from above, and then on the sides, overlapping, leaving an allowance of 20 cm. A mobile canopy can be attached to such a paddock, in case of scorching sun or rain.

And in order to finally modernize such a design, you can attach wheels to it. Then it will not be portable, but a mobile bird pen. In general, everything is limited only by the imagination and skill of the master!

In general, when arranging a paddock, you should be guided by the following tips:

  • Don't forget to build a sloping roof over a certain part of the pen so that the birds can hide from the bright rays of the sun, rain and birds of prey.
  • It is not recommended to install a paddock without a foundation. Otherwise, they might get there.

Every farmer wants his farm to bring results. When purchasing chickens, I want them to rush well and at the same time look great: they are healthy, beautiful and meaty. But few people realize that the main guarantee of successful keeping of chickens is the correct preparation of conditions for keeping. For breeding chickens, it is very important to equip the corral at the very beginning. After all, chickens need fresh air and walks in nature, if it is not possible to send them to walk on their own in the country, then you should definitely build a corral.

Why do you need an aviary

Often, the owners tend to breed chickens, knowing full well that their site is small, and on it, in addition to the chicken coop, they will also need to place a garden for which they do not want to build a separate fence. And these poultry will certainly want to feast on plantings, following their natural instincts.

There are a number of key points that explain why a paddock is needed:

  • in addition to food, for good nutrition, it is necessary that the diet of each chicken contains fresh grass, beetles, worms;
  • there are a lot of predators that can encroach on chickens, the corral will become a reliable defense against them;
  • it is absolutely impossible to keep birds in a cage or a closed chicken coop, they need to ensure freedom of movement;
  • it is not always possible to control the weather and hide chickens from rains and strong winds in time, and a special canopy in the paddock will help the birds hide from adverse natural disasters.

As you can see, a fence for walking chickens is one of the primary buildings that are necessary for successful keeping. To minimize the cost of arrangement, you can build a paddock yourself.

Important! A chicken is a bird that needs certain conditions to lay an egg. In the dark, even if the time has come for the bird to drift, it will not sit down and will wait for daylight hours.

Features and types of paddock

Chicken pen

A standard paddock is a fenced area with a net or a metal grate, in which a gate is made for the owners. It is best to place the pen near the chicken coop to ensure that the bird can freely exit the chicken coop right for a walk.

Chickens love to walk freely, and not sit in a cage. Therefore, you should not save space by choosing a territory for a paddock. To ensure proper comfort, each head should have at least 2 square meters. m. Without fail, where the paddock will stand, grass must be present. It is also better to put the corral in a calm, quiet place, away from people, so that excess noise does not reduce egg production.

There are several options for pens that you can do with your own hands.

Mobile structures

Such mobile structures are used to provide chickens with fresh grass and outdoor walks. These are compact small structures that are closed on top with a net or canopy so that birds do not fly over the walls of the barriers.

Such paddocks are equipped with handles and wheels, so that when moving there are no difficulties. There are mobile structures that do not have wheels. They are inconvenient in that only two people can carry such pens.

The main disadvantage of portable enclosures is the inconvenience, which is due to the fact that every day it will be necessary to distill the chickens from the paddock for walking to the chicken coop for the night. How to teach chickens to go into the chicken coop in the evening for the night is more friendly, everyone guesses, but it takes more time. Therefore, in order not to carry adult chickens, they organize a small chicken coop for the night next to the corral, in which there is a place to rush.

Designs can be rectangular, square or triangular.

Stationary pens

Stationary paddocks are distinguished by the fact that they can be used all year round. They are mounted directly to the chicken coop, and the chickens go for a walk on their own. If you plan to keep chickens meat breeds, then you can use enclosures without a roof, about 1.5 m high, since birds cannot fly high.

For simple chickens, the structure is made about 2 m high and covered with a net that will freely allow daylight to penetrate. Also, the top is closed if it is necessary to protect the bird from predators, because they are able not only to carry away young animals, but also adults.

Stationary pens

Chicken aviary requirements

Many try and build pens, but sometimes the question arises why chickens do not go out into the aviary from the chicken coop to the street.

To prevent this from happening, the chicken pen must meet certain requirements:

  • bird safety;
  • reliability and strength of materials;
  • full compliance of the area with the number of birds that will be placed in it;
  • inaccessibility to predators.

Naturally, the frame must be strong and reliable. When connecting structural elements, especially when using wire, it is important to ensure that sharp protruding parts do not fall into the inside of the pen. About such sharp parts of the chicken can simply get hurt.

Do-it-yourself construction of a stationary corral

A stationary pen for chickens is a capital structure. by the most simple option will become a mesh fence. When organizing a canopy for chickens, many troubles can be avoided, in the form of predators, precipitation, debris and fallen leaves. There can be many design ideas. But in any case, before construction, a detailed diagram should be drawn up, as well as a drawing should be drawn, which will subsequently help to assemble the structure.

Important! It is best to build a stationary pen on the east side, so the bird will receive the necessary amount of vitamin D. In addition, the bright morning sun is not too hot.

Necessary materials

When building a stationary corral, you will need:

  • boards;
  • Slate;
  • Grids;
  • Cement;
  • Sand;
  • Straw;
  • Wire;
  • Construction tool.

Main stages of construction

Do-it-yourself construction of a stationary corral

The answer to the question of how to make a pen for chickens will be a description of the main stages of construction. First you need to start building the foundation. Soil is removed along the edge of the perimeter of the future building to a depth of 30 cm. Then a layer is poured, about 10 cm thick, of sand, pebbles and lime. Then a small formwork is created and cement mortar is poured. It should be left for 21 days to solidify. In some cases, stationary aviaries for summer walking of chickens are constructed using metal pipes dug into the ground and a net. Such a construction is much more profitable in financial terms, but using the foundation will protect against predators who can get into the chicken coop by digging.

The floor covering should be made of natural materials. There are several options. You can use dried boards. You can also make a floor from natural grass. But its sowing requires regular mowing of the lawn, as well as cleaning up dry residues in the fall.

To organize the walls, it will be necessary to fix wooden beams in the foundation, then they are attached to the grid of rowan grouse or other mesh material. If a stationary foundation is not used, then the grid should be buried in the ground to a depth of at least 20 cm so that predators cannot get through and the chickens themselves do not get out by digging.

Modern chicken coop

You can also build a roof that will not be superfluous in such a design. For this, it is better to use as a frame profile pipes. Metal pipes are dug in along the perimeter, to a depth of 1 m. If a foundation is used, then frame pipes should be installed at the pouring stage. The distance between the pipes should be about 2 m. If there is no foundation, then after installing the pipes, the pits are first covered with rubble, and then poured with concrete and allowed to dry for 21 days.

The finished paddock for chickens is additionally attached to the walls of the chicken coop, so there will simply be no need to move or move it. It is important to provide a door in one wall. It should be fastened to the curtains in the wall and closed with a reliable deadbolt.

Then the rafters should be installed. For each fastening, metal corners are welded, holes are drilled in each of them.

Wooden rafters are screwed with self-tapping screws. Now you can mount on the rafters roofing material. It can be a regular slate.

Construction of a mobile paddock

Such a corral is used in the summer, it is especially relevant for raising young animals. When the temperature drops, the birds in it will feel uncomfortable.

Construction materials

To build a mobile aviary for chickens with your own hands, you will need to purchase:

  • Boards with parameters 3x10 cm;
  • Bars measuring 2x4 cm;
  • Slate;
  • Net;
  • Nails and screws;
  • Construction tools.

Building step by step

Construction of a mobile paddock

To make such a corral, you will need to perform the following sequential steps:

  1. Construction of the side walls. Future side walls should be made of boards. For those with a shorter length, the upper corners should be cut at a slope of 60 degrees, and the lower ones at an angle of 30 degrees. When you connect them, you get an intersection. The transverse boards are connected to the longitudinal ribs. The final step will be the tension of the mesh, it is fixed using staples.
  2. Frame assembly. The upper parts of the future frame are connected to each other using self-tapping screws. To connect the bottom of the walls, crossbars are used, in which the ends are pre-cut at an angle of 30 degrees.
  3. Fastening special spacers. To further strengthen the structure, spacers should be installed in the middle of the frame, in which the edges are also cut off by 30 degrees. Often these spacers are used as a perch.
  4. Sheathing and roof. The third part of the perimeter surface is sewn up with slate. This is necessary so that the chickens can hide from bad weather and strong sun. The slate is attached to the side walls and is well fixed. Part of the roof is also covered with slate.

Mesh selection

One of the main elements that are used in construction is a metal mesh. Therefore, it is subject to the greatest number of requirements. First of all, it should be reliable protection, especially from predators that can get inside.

To implement a chicken aviary, preference should be given to nets with a wire cross section of at least 3 square meters. mm. To prevent rats from entering the aviary, a mesh should be chosen in which diagonal holes should not exceed 2 cm.

There are several options that can be used to make a chicken aviary.

Wire mesh

According to many, this option may be suitable for making a corral. But, in fact, this is not a reliable protection, since, if desired, raccoons, foxes and other predators break it very easily. Yes, and often chickens can crawl out into the holes in the grid, made in the form of a hexagon measuring 2.5-5 cm.

Wire mesh

On a note. The only use of fine mesh is to cover the top of the chicken pen to protect the birds from hawks and other flying predators.

Welding wire mesh

Welded or reinforcing mesh is the most acceptable option when creating a chicken pen, as it is able to protect the bird from any kind of predators.

But there are also certain disadvantages:

  • High price;
  • It is difficult to work mechanically, as it is very rigid;
  • It takes a long time to cut.

There are several types of such a grid. There are reinforcing mesh according to the size of the cells: ¼, ½, 1 inch.


This is another option that can be used to set up a chicken coop and create a pen. The grid the chain-link happens to different sizes of cells.

To equip a bird yard, it is not enough just to build it.

Experienced poultry farmers, thanks to their experience, are advised to go for little tricks to make the chicken aviary more comfortable and original:

  1. To make it comfortable for chickens to walk in cold weather, the aviary can be sheathed with transparent plastic or polycarbonate, but it should not be too thin so as not to be torn by the wind.
  2. For the comfort of the birds, install basins with a mixture of sand and ash in the pen, in which the birds will bathe and clean their feathers.
  3. As a perch, you can use spaced stumps around the paddock.
  4. Chickens do not like to walk in the snow, so in the cold of winter, you should line their path with straw for comfort.

Even if there is not too much space on the site, you can still raise chickens. If you approach this issue correctly, then the birds will feel very comfortable, and the owners themselves will get the desired result.

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