Breeds of dairy cattle productivity. Dairy cattle direction of productivity. Characteristics of the Holstein breed


For the amateur Agriculture any cow is just an animal. The average person will not see the differences between the breeds. Whoever is engaged in growing them solely for the sake of milk knows - the one that has an elongated body, poorly developed muscles, long (compared to other legs), large udder - a representative of those that are called dairy cow breeds. There are more than ten of them in total. Each has certain advantages over others, a special percentage of milk fat and, of course, its quantity.

General rules for raising dairy cows.

There are many dairy cows in our fields. This is a fairly calm animal. It is mostly standing, it does not like to make long transitions. A favorite place is a meadow rich in herbs, where a dairy cow carefully eats around the territory around her, slowly moving in the direction known only to her. And although this animal can be safely attributed to the herd, a dairy cow will not run after the rest, it is not known where.

It was created by nature, grown by man for one purpose - to produce milk. Therefore, of all cattle, this cow has the most developed digestive system, heart and lungs. On the day she can eat up to 100 kilograms of grass, and give milk for two milkings up to 25 liters.

Farmers claim that it is a pleasure to raise such cows. The main thing is that there is enough food for her, no more special conditions are needed. It is believed that of all - it is the strongest in health. On the territory of our state, the first of the dairy breeds was bred - the Kholmogory breed.

The most common breeds of cows.

It is known for certain that the Kholmogory breed appeared on the territory of the present Arkhangelsk region as early as the 18th century. There are two versions of its origin:

  1. The local breed was crossed with the Dutch. This mix gave excellent results. It was enough to bring new cows to the pasture, to prepare a lot of hay for the winter and - that's all - an abundant amount of milk was provided.
  2. There is no participation of Dutch cows in this breed and never was. The animal is strong and healthy due to the fact that for centuries its ancestors lived in this area, where there are severe winters and, at least short, but rather hot summers.

Whatever it was, but these cows are quite muscular, with a heavy, rough skeleton. Representatives of the breed are white with large black spots and a narrow muzzle. One cow is capable of producing up to 5,000 kilograms of milk per year. An adult individual weighs from 450 to 550 kg.

Dutch breed. She is over 1000 years old. Its representatives are the cattle that can be called the progenitor of all cows. The gene of this breed is present in all dairy species known to scientists. Milk yield, although not the highest, is quite impressive - up to 6000 kilograms per year.

By appearance very similar to Kholmogory, however, the nature of the spots is more accurate along the contours. In modern breeding, pedigree Dutch cows are used to improve other breeds.

It is from the USA and Canada. Representatives of this breed appeared in the 17th century, and here it was also not without the Dutch. The breed is distinguished not only by high milk yields, but also by a large percentage of fat content in finished milk - 3, 8 - 3.9%. For a year, one cow of American origin can milk up to 7,000 kilograms. At the same time, such cows have a high live weight, young animals grow extremely quickly, and the animals do not get sick.

Black-and-white breed. One of the youngest breeds. For dairy production in the second half of the 20th century, Soviet scientists actively crossed Dutch cows with the local most milking representatives of cattle. The result is a fairly viable animal, with fairly large milk yields. However, throughout the former USSR there are many black-and-white cows, but they differ from each other. Therefore, there is a black-and-white

  • Central part of Russia
  • Siberia
  • Ural

The differences between them are insignificant, mainly in the size of the animal. By the way, this is one of the most quickly adapting animals from the cattle family.

. The most common animal in the industrial regions of Donbass, the Rostov region and the southern Urals. A sort of milk version without much effort. The progenitors of these cows are those that grazed on the territory of Independent Ukraine from time immemorial. Soviet scientists crossed them with their cows Western Europe. These dairy cows are by no means champions in milk yield, but, nevertheless, they give from 3,000 to 4,500 kilograms of milk per year.

Such a milky beauty comes in different shades - from light red to dark cherry.

Yaroslavl cow. The best dairy breed in the territory of modern Russia. Basically - these are black cows, but there are Yaroslavl black-and-white and red-and-white. It is profitable to keep such cows. They eat a little, but in a year the owner of one such 500 kilogram cow can sell or process at least 6,000 kilograms of milk.

The Yaroslavl cow, like other dairy cows, has an elongated body, but the legs are rather short. She also differs in that her front nipples are wider apart than the back ones.

Aishir dairy breed.
The cow of this breed is precocious. The first calving may already be at the age of two. The ideal climate for her is the one in the northern part of Europe and America. The red-and-white suit in various variations and a medium-sized skeleton are the main external differences from others. By the way, these dairy cows also give good meat to their owner. Already a year, the calf weighs up to 290 kilograms. A healthy heifer gives milk up to 4500 kg with an average fat content of 4%.

Brown Latvian dairy breed. Bred by Soviet breeders as a cow for purely dairy production, now it is more meat and dairy. However, its appearance is classic for cows that are kept for milk. The color is red, with black ears, legs, cheeks and lower neck. During the year you can milk more than 4500 kg. The palatability of the dairy product is one of the highest in our country.

The homeland of these individuals is the Middle Urals. Ancestors are local cows crossed with Dutch and Kholmogory. For dairy production, they are indispensable for high, long-term productivity. Such a cow is capable of bringing calves and giving good milk yield up to 20 years.

Representatives of the Tagil breed give their owners milk with a fat content of up to 5.5%. Record holders are known who gave more than 9,000 kilograms of milk per year. On average, an ordinary dairy cow of the Tagil breed pleases the farmer with fatty products in the amount of 4,500 kilograms per year.

Jaser breed of cows. Appeared in the second half of the 19th century on the French island of Jersey. It was brought to Russia from Denmark after the Second World War. The color of the animals is from fawn to dark brown. Of all the cows, the Jeyser is the most aggressive and rather whimsical. In Russia, it is bred only in some areas of the Moscow region, and then only because it gives the fattest milk - up to 9%.

In America, they raised a record holder who managed to give more than 11,000 liters of milk in a year; in the Russian Federation, an ordinary representative of this breed is milked for 12 months by 5,500 - 6,000 kilograms with a fat content of more than 6%.

How to choose the most dairy cow.

A healthy cow that can give a lot of milk and a good offspring is evaluated when buying in appearance. She has

  1. Elongated body, slightly flattened on strong high legs. The head, even in appearance, is light, small
  2. Thin, mobile neck with a lot of folds
  3. Flat back. The ribs are oblique, between the last two the distance is 6 centimeters
  4. The abdomen is homogeneous, not hanging below the knee joint. Hooves are straight, tapering upwards

But most importantly, dairy cows have a characteristic udder. It is voluminous and smooth. When probing, seals and irregularities should not be felt. When milking, the milk must run in a uniform stream, for which you should not make any special efforts.

An anatomically correctly built animal passes about half a liter of blood through its udder to produce 1 kg of milk. Milk wells in healthy cows, through which blood passes, are located at the junction of the udder with the body. Therefore, good large milk veins are a sign of high productivity of the cow.

But here it is worth calculating the age very carefully. A large udder with large veins can serve as a signal that the animal is already at a respectable age. The cow must walk some distance with a brisk, even step. Her gaze must be clear. Well, a veterinarian will be able to determine a more accurate age of a dairy cow by the horns, more precisely by the rings on them. A healthy cow is the calmness of the owner.

Milk, sour cream, cottage cheese - you can list indefinitely. Products that are of great value in the human diet appear on our table thanks to cattle. Dairy breeds of cows are used not only for their intended purpose, they are often used for beef production, despite the small yield of meat from the carcass.

Features of the dairy direction

Breeds of dairy cows and meat cows belong to the same species, but the differences between them are significant. Their productivity is due to different physiological characteristics and characteristics of the exterior.

As a rule, dairy cattle have:

  1. Lean body type with poorly defined muscles.
  2. An elongated body in the form of a triangle with a base at the back. This can be seen when looking at the cow from above or from the side.
  3. High legs.
  4. Straight back.
  5. Long, mobile neck (often with skin folds).
  6. Light skeleton.
  7. The most important thing is a large udder with large nipples and protruding veins.

Dairy cattle are distinguished by a calm and balanced disposition. Cows are adapted for stall, pasture and mixed content. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems are well developed.

To obtain large milk yields, a cow must be fed in a balanced way, providing nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Milk production reaches its maximum after 5-6 calving. Depending on the breed in cows in the first lactation, productivity is about 60% of the average milk yield recorded in the number of cattle.

Dairy breeds: an overview

Dairy breeds of cows with narrowly focused productivity are distinguished primarily by high milk yields. In some representatives of cattle in this direction, they exceed 10 tons of milk. The average annual productivity is in the range of 3–5 tons.


The origins of the Ayrshire breed lie in the area of ​​the same name in Scotland. Cattle are widespread in Eurasia, North America and Australia. This dairy cow was officially recognized as an independent breed back in 1862.

Cattle perfectly adapt to harsh climatic conditions. That is why cows dominate in Finland, displacing the local dairy varieties. The population, which is bred by Finnish breeders, is also distinguished by excellent productive characteristics: the average annual milk yield is about 8.57 tons of milk. At the same time, the qualitative characteristics are quite high: protein content - 3.44%, fat - 4.28%.

Cows are distinguished by a slightly shortened body, lyre-shaped horns and red-and-white coloring. The mass of an adult productive individual is 590 kg. Body type is typically milky.


There are real centenarians among dairy cattle. Dutch cows have been bred pure for several centuries or used to breed numerous zoned breeds.

There are three types:

  • Frisian. Dairy cattle, characterized by black and motley colors. The type is widespread and is considered the most characteristic of the Dutch breed;
  • Groningen. Predominantly white-headed cattle of red or black color;
  • Meuse-Rhine-Iselskaya. Differs in elegant red-and-white coloring.

Cows have a typical dairy conformation. Actually, they laid the foundation for the selection of this direction in different countries.

Cows weigh up to 750 kg. Bulls are large, up to 1 ton. Annual milk yields are 4.5 tons. Fat content is 3.5–4%, protein is within 3.5%.


Holstein cows are widely known in the world. Among cattle, there are several types of animals that differ in productivity. At the same time, each country has its own indicators. This situation is associated with different priorities in breeding. With the adaptation of cows to local conditions, changes inevitably occurred in the exterior, the ability to produce milk and build muscle mass.

On the territory of Russia they breed:

  • black-and-white. Dominant color. Cows produce about 7.34 tons per lactation, with a milk fat content of 3.8%. For comparison: in Israel they receive more than 10.0 tons of milk yield. At the same time, the fat content is approximately 3.7%;
  • red-and-white, giving about 4.15 tons of milk with good indicators of the specific gravity of fat (3.96%).

Cows weigh up to 750 kg, males often reach 1200 kg.


Among the cattle with the fattest milk, the Jersey breed stands out. Milk yield, compared to highly productive breeds of cows, is also small - 3–3.5 tons per year. But the fat content is 5–6%, often this figure reaches 7%. Due to this, cattle have yellowish milk, with well-visible fat globules. When lagging behind, it quickly divides into different factions. Cream and skim milk form a clear boundary.

Dairy cows are not large: the weight of an adult female is 360–400 kg, and that of a male is 600–700 kg. The breed was bred by purposeful selection on the basis of fat content in England, on the island of the same name - Jersey. As a genetic material, local cattle of the Norman and British varieties were used. The first stud book appeared in 1866.

In many countries, and in the post-Soviet space, in particular, Jersey bulls are used to increase the fat content of dairy products of local cows. At the same time, the meat is of poor quality and is not in demand.

The breed is distinguished by a short muzzle with a wide depressed forehead. In general, the constitution is milky. Most often, cows are red. There are light brown individuals in the population. There are both light and dark spots and marks.

Red steppe

The red steppe breed of cows has over two hundred years of breeding history. The cows of the Ukrainian steppes served as the basis for breeding. Already in the 70s of XX, the characteristics of this breed of cattle were improved by crossing with Danish and Angler producers. Red steppe perfectly adapts to arid climate, unpretentious in content.

Despite the breed belonging to dairy cattle, they have tasty meat. A cow usually weighs 470–520 kg. Bulls are large, up to 900 kg. At good feeding milk yields are stable, amounting to 3.5–4 tons with a protein of 3.2–3.5% and an average protein content of 3.7–3.9%.

At the same time, the Red Steppe owes its name to the breeding area and the prevailing color in the population. The breed is common in arid, steppe regions. All cows are red, sometimes the chest or neck is marked with white spots.


This is one of the native Russian breeds of dairy cattle. The native breed was formed by the efforts of folk selection. Ever since the 16th century. three main types of dairy cows are known, bred in the Dvina district and called Kholmogory:

  • black;
  • black-and-white;
  • white.

In the XVIII century. for the first time, an attempt was made to cross with Dutch cows, but it did not bring success due to rather severe weather changes and climate features. Therefore, in the XIX century. they continued to be crossed with Dutch and Holstein cattle. Already in 1927 a studbook was registered. Subsequently, the breed was periodically improved by the gene pool of the Friesian population of Dutch cows.

The Kholmogory breed is distinguished by high growth, a proportional milky physique with strong bones, a deep chest and a wide, slightly raised sacrum. The population is dominated by black-and-white coloring. There is a black and white suit, as well as red-and-white and black.

Cows reach 590 kg, bulls - 950 kg. For a year, you can get about 3.5-4 tons of milk, while the average fat content is at the level of 3.6-3.7%. The maximum content of proteins is 3.4%.


A fairly young dairy breed of cows that appeared in the middle of the 20th century. In the breeding farms of the Soviet Union, the East Frisian and Dutch cows were crossed, as a result, they received highly productive dairy cattle. A distinctive feature of the breed is the possibility of obtaining delicious beef.

Live weight in cows reaches 650 kg, bulls - up to 900 kg. At the same time, milk yields are about 5 tons (per year). Products are fatty, 3.7–3.9%, with a high content of protein compounds, up to 3.2%. There are often records in the population when cows produce up to 8 tons of milk.

The appearance of representatives of the black-motley breed of cattle can be described as milky. Cows are distinguished by an elongated head, short neck, gray horns. The udder is unequally lobed, cup-shaped, the posterior pair of teats are located close to each other.

The name "Black-and-white" was a consequence of the prevailing coloring in the population. Cows with a different suit are not found.


Slightly angular Yaroslavl cows have an average body size and a milky constitution: the body is elongated in length, thin bones, low legs. The breed is dominated by individuals with a black color. On the body there are characteristic white spots that mark the "glasses" (marks that highlight the eyes), the tip on the tail, the lower part of the legs, and the stomach. The head is also often white.

The breed is aboriginal, bred back in the 19th century, registered in 1924. Subsequently, in breeding, the gene pool of the Holstein and East Frisian breeds was used.

Cows of medium size - in the range of 450–550 kg. Among the bulls there are real giants weighing up to 1.2 tons, although the average weight is 700–900 kg. The Yaroslavl breed is used for beef production. The meat has an acceptable taste. The calves are growing fast.

The main productivity is dairy. Cattle provide 2.7–3.5 tons of milk yield. At the same time, considerable records were recorded in the breed. With intensive feeding and good purebred material, milk yield increases to 5.5 tons per year. One of the cows showed a record 11.59 tons of milk per year. It should be noted that the high specific gravity fat in dairy products, it is fixed within 4.5%. Protein reaches 3.7%, the lower limit is 3.4%.

Comparison table of productivity

All breeds of dairy cows have their own advantages and, of course, are not without drawbacks. For example, in Russia it is recommended to grow local, well-adapted varieties, or crossbred animals. Purebred Europeans do not always take root, and show good productivity in harsh climates.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the duration of lactation, and, therefore, the average daily milk yield depends directly on the conditions of keeping and feeding. Genetic predisposition does not have a significant impact on these indicators, it all depends on the physiological characteristics. The lactation period can reach up to 300 days, the lower limit - 200 days is extremely rare.

To decide which breed of cows to have in the farmstead, you can take the following information as a basis:

Name of cattle breed Fat content, (%) Protein content, (%) Average annual milk yield, (t) Possibility of breeding in Russia
Ayrshire 4,28 3,44 8,57 +*
Dutch 3,5~4 3~3,5 4,5

Holstein cow breed. Including:



Jersey 5~6 4 3,0~3,5
Red steppe 3,5~4,0 3,7~3,9 3,2~3,5 +
Kholmogorskaya 3,6~3,7 3,3~3,4 3,5~4,0 +
black-and-white 3,7~3,9 3,2 5,0 +
Yaroslavskaya 4,4~4,5 3,4~3,7 2,7~3,5 +

* - subject to acquisition in the breeding farms of Russia. Such animals are fully adapted to the local climate and are in fact a local variety of the breed.

Despite the fact that in recent years the number of cattle has been inexorably reduced, the dairy livestock sector is still one of the most profitable. By choosing a cow for the household and providing it with appropriate care, you can forget about low-quality butter and milk, tasteless cottage cheese or surrogate cheese for a long time.

Cattle breeding is a kind of agriculture, the profitability of which has been proven for centuries. It is beneficial to breed both meat and dairy cattle breeds. The latter provide permanent profit even with a small number of herds. But in order for cattle to generate income, it is important to choose breeds that show the best results in specific conditions.

The main feature of the dairy type of cattle is high milk yield, significantly exceeding the indicators of meat and mixed types.

In addition to productivity, dairy breeds also differ in appearance. The body of individuals is elongated, the legs are proportional, and the neck is mobile. The muscular system of breeds, as a rule, is weak, but the digestive system is well developed. The udder area also stands out brightly. This body structure contributes to rapid feed conversion and accelerated production of the main product - milk. For normal performance, dairy breeds require a large amount of feed. On average, an individual eats a centner of fresh grass per day.

In addition to productivity, dairy cattle have other advantages. These breeds are calm and passive. On the pasture they are engaged in eating food, without making long transitions. Koovs move a little, and the main task of the farmer is to provide fodder for the herd. To the conditions of keeping the breed undemanding.

The livestock industry has bred many breeds. But the herd should be selected according to climatic indicators. Cows bred and living in the same area give the best milk yield.

Video - Overview of dairy breeds

Ayrshire dairy breed

A true industry leader and silver medalist in milk yield among dairy types. The Ayrshire breed was bred 200 years ago. Scotland is her homeland.


The Ayrshire breed has a compact build. The constitution is classical with narrow shoulders and pelvis, slightly elongated. The average height of both males and females reaches 125 cm. The female weighs 470 kg on average, and the males are heavier - 700-800 kg.

Exterior features:

  1. Flat and wide back.
  2. The skeleton is thin-boned, the joints are flexible. However, the muscles are developed enough to graze on the slopes of mountains and highlands. The hooves are strong.
  3. The chest and dewlap are narrow.
  4. Legs are straight, not too long.
  5. The head is proportional. The horns are directed to the sides.
  6. Neat, cupped udder with supple skin. Nipples are cone-shaped, wide. This structure allows the development high speed mechanical milking. The average figure fluctuates around 2 kilograms per minute.
  7. The color is brown with white and red markings.

The Ayrshire breed produces relatively small calves. The weight of one cub is 20-30 kg, so the birth is normal. During the first year of life, the calf multiplies its mass tenfold. Maturity comes early. Already in two years the cow is suitable for mating.

cow productivity

In terms of productivity, the Ayrshire breed goes hand in hand with another leader in production. It is inferior to Holstein only in terms of the number of milk yields. The taste of milk from a Scottish cow is much better. The fat content of the product is average - 2.3-4.2%. Milk has a lot of protein. On average 3.4-3.5% protein. The high quality of the product allows it to be used in baby food, so the breed is indispensable in dairy production.

It is noteworthy that high milk yields persist, regardless of the age of the animal. Even older cows are able to keep the bar at 7 thousand kilograms of milk per year.

The meat value of Ayrshire is not too high, but farmers call it satisfactory. The slaughter yield is 50% by weight. Rapid weight gain is also appreciated.

Pros and cons of the breed

Like any breed, the Ayrshire cow has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages noted longevity and endurance of animals. The breed consumes an average amount of feed, and the level of milk production is maintained regardless of the time of year. The content of the airshirka is not demanding. But it can hardly bear the heat.

Intolerance to high temperatures is the main disadvantage of the species. The Scottish woman is also called a cow with character. Each individual is endowed with a temperament. There are shy or very active specimens.

Brown Latvian breed

The breed was bred in Latvia, where even today 90% of the livestock is made up of the brown species. Official registration took place in 1947. In Russia, the Latvian breed is not very popular and occupies only 5% of the livestock. Breeding to improve the species is ongoing today.

Appearance Features

The brown breed is a strong and well-knit cow with a compact, heavy build. Body length is average. Height at the withers is 130 cm. The weight of females ranges from 500 kg, bulls are much heavier and grow up to 800 kg. The constitution of the species is harmonious. The breed rarely suffers from vices.


  1. The physique is correct, proportional.
  2. The skeleton is thin, the muscular system is developed. The limbs are strong.
  3. The head and neck are somewhat elongated.
  4. The color is brown with a smooth dark transition on the abdomen and limbs.
  5. The horns are white, directed forward and slightly curved.
  6. The udder is bowl-shaped, well developed. The nipples are well shaped and positioned comfortably.

Calves are born with an average weight. The 40-kilogram cubs quickly gain weight and mature. The female can be given for mating as early as 11 months.

Milk yield indicators

Brown breed females develop rapidly, but their milk yields are uneven throughout their lives. Thus, 10,000 liters of milk per year are considered a record. After the first birth, the cow gives only 35% of the possible, but with subsequent calving, the figures increase.

With age, the fat content of the product also increases. The initial figure is 4.1-4.3%, but over time, the percentage of fat increases to 5%. The protein content of the product is moderate - 3.5%. Milk yield is satisfactory and amounts to 1.7 kg per minute with mechanical milking.

The meat indicators of the breed are average, and the yield is 50%. The taste of meat is tender and juicy.

Features of care

High productivity of the breed is possible only in good conditions. The main factor is the high quality of feed and its quantity.

The downside of the species is its whimsical diet. The Latvian cow is fed with balanced feed, which necessarily includes silage and vegetables. Dilute the diet with roughage.

The breed is undemanding to the conditions. In the pasture, she will need thick grass and shelter from the rain. Like the Ayrshire species, the brown does not tolerate heat. In the heat, its productivity decreases, and the livestock becomes lethargic.

Calf Premix Prices

Premix for calves

Angler dairy breed

This variety was bred in Germany, and brown cows from the Baltic coast participated in the selection. The first data on the breed have been known to history since the 17th century. AT Soviet Union The breed was introduced in the 1960s. The species took the lead as local cows could not produce 5,000 liters of milk in their life cycle. The quality of the product was also praised.

Appearance Feature

Anler breed, or angel breed, has a rather heavy look. Due to this constitution, the species is sometimes referred to as a meat and dairy type. The growth of an individual is about 130 cm. Females weigh half a ton, and males exceed this mass by half.

External data:

  1. Massive elongated body with a wide straight back.
  2. Strong compact neck with folds.
  3. The head is proportional, with white horns turned forward.
  4. The skeleton is strong, but thin-boned. The skeleton is strong, with a wide thoracic region.
  5. Short legs with pronounced knots of the joints.
  6. Cup-shaped udder. The nipples are positioned correctly, the skin is elastic with visible veins.
  7. The color of the cow is dark red, sometimes turning into cherry shades.

The weight of a newborn calf is 35-37 kilograms. As a rule, heifers are lighter than bulls.

View indicators

The productivity of the breed is impressive, and the breeders are proud of the performance. They note a quick weight gain, and even young animals give good milk yield.

For a year, a cow brings more than 5 thousand kilograms of milk. The product has a record fat content of 5%. At the same time, the protein content is optimal - 3.7%. The taste of the product is excellent. Milk of the angel breed is recognizable due to its sweetish aftertaste.

Slaughter weight exceeds the average dairy breeds - 55% of live weight.

Nuances of breeding

The breed is perfect for both home breeding as well as for large farms. The angelic cow is unpretentious in its diet and does not require special conditions. The menu mainly includes combined mixes. In summer, green fodder is given without restrictions.

Farmers note that the only negative is the nuances of character that appear in individual animals.

Dutch dairy breed

The first mention of the ancestors of the Dutch breed dates back to the 18th century. The progenitors of today's record holder were weak and not particularly productive. But careful selection work has turned the Dutch into the leader of domestic cattle breeding.

Description of the breed

The modern Dutch breed is a strong animal with strong muscles. Adult females grow up to 600 kg, and the mass of males can exceed a ton. Height - 132 cm.


  1. Trunk with correct proportions and a wide and low sternum. The back is straight.
  2. Wide sides with pronounced ischial tubercles. Rounded waist.
  3. The limbs are short and strong.
  4. The head is elongated. The neck is wide at the base.
  5. The suit is black and white, mottled.
  6. The udder is in the shape of a regular bowl with developed lobes and well-set teats.

A calf is born weighing 35 kilograms. Weight is gaining actively. The young female is ready for the first insemination at about 15 months.

Species records

The productivity of the Dutch breed is known all over the world. Milk records of individual individuals reach 5 thousand kilograms during the lactation period. The average fat content of milk is 4.16%. Medium protein product.

A distinctive feature of the species is the lethal output. The resulting mass is 60%. The meat is good quality and tastes great.

High productivity more than covers the disadvantages of the breed. And there are enough shortcomings in breeding.

Significant disadvantages of the breed

Farmers call the fearfulness of the livestock the main drawback. Cows shun strangers and have a hard time with veterinary examinations.

Aggravates the situation and reduced productivity during times of severe stress. Appetite disappears, and with it milk yield decreases.

These cows are so unstable that they can suffer while on a leash. Therefore, they are kept in a spacious stall.

The breed has no special dietary requirements. The usual combination menu suits the Dutch.

Holstein dairy breed

The selection of the species is carried out both in Europe and in the West. The phenomenal productivity was also enjoyed by domestic farmers. Today it is the leading breed worldwide.

Distinctive features of the breed

The Holstein breed is distinguished not only by its productivity, but also by its bright exterior. The species has a classic coloration with a black and white combination of spots and a regular physique. Sometimes there are black suits.

Under normal conditions, females reach 7 centners, and males grow by 900 kg. In an exceptionally favorable environment, the breed easily goes to the record. Then cows weigh 9 centners, and bulls - 1200 kg. The growth of an adult animal is about one and a half meters.

Distinctive features:

  1. Deep wedge-shaped body.
  2. Bulky shoulders and an acute-angled sacrum.
  3. Large neat udder with a raised seat. The skin is elastic, the setting of the nipples is comfortable.
  4. The limbs are proportional, set evenly.

Milk yield and meat indicators

The Holstein breed is the absolute champion among dairy species. But the success of breeding is determined by the quality of conditions and climate. So, in a warm environment and with a high-quality feed base, you can achieve 100 centners of milk during the lactation period. For example, such milk yields were recorded in Israel.

The products are of good quality. The fat content and protein content of milk are optimal - 3%. On Russian farms, the fat content of products is somewhat higher, but the milk yield is lower.

It is noteworthy that red and white spotted individuals give less milk, and its fat content is 1% higher than that of black ones. The record was given by a cow in the 80s, giving 25 thousand kilograms of the product. Predictably, its fat content was 0.2% below the average for the breed.

Holsteins are characterized by precocity, so gobies that are not intended for breeding are sent for meat. The weight gain is satisfactory. In a year, a bull grows up to 700 kg. The yield is small, but 55% of the live weight is paid off by the high quality of the product. The beef is lean and juicy.

Favorite pros and cons

The Holstein breed has its advantages and disadvantages. However, the pluses still bring the view to the leaders of production.

Table number 1. Advantages and disadvantages of the Holstein breed.

Dairy Cattle Care

In spite of individual characteristics, all dairy breeds of cattle require compliance with certain conditions of detention.

Farmers call the first rule separate content depending on the physiological state. So, with a joint stall of milking, calving and ready-to-calving individuals, the productivity of the herd is significantly reduced. However, the care of livestock is simplified.

To achieve maximum profitability, the herd is divided into five groups, which include milking, early and late milking, prenatal and puerperal individuals.

In the warm season, grazing is practiced. This allows you to reduce the cost of effort and improve the livestock. Individuals consume an unlimited amount of green food, and the quality of milk increases.

In winter, the herd is kept in a stall. The most important factors become:

  1. Regular disinfection and cleaning.
  2. Quality ventilation.
  3. Balanced diet.
  4. Occasional short grazing in an open paddock.

livestock ration

The menu of milking and pregnant individuals is different. During the dry period, heifers are fed combined feed, which consists of silage, hay, straw, cake, bran. Coniferous bran is added as an additive. The amount of feed varies depending on the physiological period.

Seasonal herbs, fruits and vegetables are also added to the diet at different times. The menu includes alfalfa, lupins, carrots, beets, barley flour.

The drinking regime in warm weather is about 70 liters of liquid. In cold weather, one individual consumes about 50 liters of water per day.

Milking process

The productivity of the livestock depends on the state of the udder for the correct implementation of milking. Therefore, they approach milking thoroughly, observing all the rules.

Step by step instructions for the milking process

Step 1.

Immediately before milking, the udder is washed with a special solution and dried with a towel. The nipples are also treated with an antiseptic. You can use a cleaning device for this.

Step 2

Next, produce a massage. The procedure helps not only to increase the flow of milk, but also to check the health of the udder. Begin the procedure with light strokes. First, clean palms are passed along the udder on the right lobe. Then also rub the left. After that, transverse movements are performed. They are designed to drive milk to the nipples, so they are performed more vigorously.

Step 3

The first drops of milk are put into a separate container and a visual analysis is made.

Step 4

Milking a cow by machine or manually. On home farms, machines are increasingly being used to simplify the process. At the same time, the time consumption is significantly reduced.

Prices for milking machines for cows

Cow milking machine

Step 5

After milking, the udder is treated with an antiseptic. Its composition helps the channel close and also destroys microbes on the skin of the udder.

The frequency of milking depends on the physiological state of the cow. Calving females are milked every three hours. After a few weeks, go back to normal.

Video - Milking cows using the machine

Cattle is a profitable agricultural business. A dairy herd will bring regular arrivals even with a small number of livestock, if you choose the right breed and follow the rules of care.

Dairy breeds of cows , unlike fellows of other directions, they differ both in external qualities and in addition. They have a well-developed udder, digestive system, and heart muscle. But at the same time, they have predominantly weak muscles and a pronounced skeleton. Also, the meat of dairy breeds of cows do not have such an elongated body. Different breeds of this direction have their own, certain degree of fat content of milk and the volume of the resulting product per year. The best dairy breeds of cows will be described in this article.

The best dairy breeds of cows are determined not only by the quantity of the product obtained, but also by its quality, as well as the complexity of maintenance, feeding and care.

  • Holstein dairy breed cows is considered the best among other representatives of this direction. It appeared in America, although there is an opinion that Holland is its homeland. The first quality that stands out is compatibility. This species can be easily crossed and improved, as it is easy to "correct". The udder has a large udder, the color is white to black, a patchy spot. The weight of cows is from 700 to 750 kg, and the champions reached 1 ton. The annual milk yield reaches an average of 7-8 tons.
  • Ayshirskaya Dairy was bred in the 18th century in Scotland. It has a remarkable red-and-white coloring. It differs in that from the age of 2 it begins to give milk. The backbone is not large, it often starts up both for the sake of milk and for the sake of meat. They give 4.5-7 tons of milk per year with a fat content of 4-4.3%. The amount of the product depends on the conditions of detention, climate, feeding. Of the shortcomings, it is important to note that it is difficult for the species to adapt to a new climate for it, they do not like drought and heat. Best of all, they take root in the northern part of America and Europe. Cows have a very extraordinary character - they are shy, sometimes aggressive.
  • Dutch- the oldest of the existing dairy breeds and the most common in the world. Breeding cows of dairy breeds are a rarity. And it is to them that the Dutch belongs. She appeared naturally, and not through crossings. There are several subspecies that differ in color, but the most popular is black and white. Outwardly, it is similar to Kholmogorskaya, but this spot is located less chaotically. In some cases, the weight can reach 800 kg, but more often it does not exceed 500 kg. Annual milk yield - 4-6 tons, fat content - 3.6%.

  • Angelic or Angler breed can produce up to 5.5 tons of product per year with a fat content of 4.2-5.2%. Such a female weighs about 500 kg. Like other dairy breeds of cows, this one does not require complex maintenance, and the cost of feeding quickly pays off with the milk received.
  • Jersey breed cows were bred in the 18th century in England. It is known for being able to easily withstand any climate. But sometimes it is aggressive and requires special maintenance, so it starts up more often on large farms. Color from fawn to brown, less common red, gray and black. The sizes are small, an adult individual weighs up to 400 kg. It is characterized by a small amount of milk - 3.5 tons per year. But the quality of the product is excellent! Milk is thick and slightly yellow. The average fat content is 6-7%. Because of this, cream is immediately collected from milk, which is highly valued both in the homeland of the species and beyond.

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  • - the best representative of a dairy cow in Russia. Outwardly, almost completely black, with the exception of a few white spaces. Sometimes a reddish tinge is mixed with the black color. External Features- short limbs and strongly spaced nipples on the udder. Weight - 400-500 kg. It gives up to 6 tons of excellent milk with a fat content of 4-4.5% per year.
  • appeared relatively recently. They brought her to the USSR in 1959, and now she is very popular in Russia. Its weight does not reach 500 kg. But the main advantage is that it easily adapts to different climate conditions. It can produce 5.5-8 tons of milk per year, depending on the climate and the quality of the content. The black-and-white cow is inferior to the Yaroslavl cow, except perhaps for the quality of the resulting product.

  • Kholmogorskaya the cow, despite the milk "specialization" has a well-developed musculature. The skeleton is strong, the head is narrowish. The color is white with large black spots. Weight about 550 kg. It can give 4.5-5 tons of milk per year, but the figure depends on the content. If the animal is not taken care of, the content will not pay for itself, as, indeed, in the case of the content of any kind of animal.
  • Red steppe differs in independence. It requires almost no effort. She grazes herself, does not get smeared much, like some other dairy breeds of cows. Thus, you can get milk without much effort. Representative weight up to 500 kg. It gives about 4 tons of high-fat product per year - 4-5%. Of the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning weak muscles and bones.

Depending on the choice of a calf or an already mature cow, the breeder may receive a lot or a little milk. And then, respectively, expand or completely close the start-up business. What to look for when choosing?

  1. Appearance. Dairy breeds of cows are very different from meat breeds. They have an elongated body, a straight back, a dry, small head, many folds on the neck, thin limbs, a voluminous cup-shaped udder, and veins on the udder itself are clearly visible.
  2. Age. The first six years of life are the most productive in these animals. At the same time, they give the first milk from 2-3 years.
  3. Milk quality. It is advisable to check the quality and that the cow gives before buying. This is done either to taste, or through a special analysis in the laboratory.

In addition, it is important not to forget about the correct maintenance of an already selected cow. If the care or feeding is of poor quality, then the milk yield will be poor.

Interesting facts about the productivity of cows

  • In 1983, a Holstein cow produced 25 tons of milk in 10 months! For a breed of dairy cows, this is a record.
  • Although the Jersey breed is considered not very productive - 3.5 tons of milk per year. But in Russia, breeders manage to get 5 tons per year from her with a fat content of 7%! Perhaps the reason is climate or nutrition - there is no exact, scientific explanation for this.
  • 211 tons of milk for 20 years of life was produced by a representative of the Holstein breed. This is still a record number.
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