The origin of the Simmental breed of cattle. Simmental cow: conditions and prospects for breeding. The nutrition of the Simmental breed should include


When choosing a cow breed for home or farm keeping, it is necessary to pay attention to such criteria as excellent adaptation to the climate, unpretentiousness in care, and excellent productivity. All these qualities are present in the Simmental cow. In order for a cow to give high-quality milk, it is necessary to provide her with suitable housing conditions.

Appearance and characteristics of the Simmental breed of cows, pros and cons

Only knowledge of the external qualities of this breed will allow you to purchase an animal of pure breed. In height, the cow can reach 150 cm, and the length of the body is 160 cm. It has a wide bone, powerful muscles. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve proportionality of all parts of the body. You can find out how long a chicken lives without a head.

but appearance can be described as rude. Animals have a wide withers, which harmoniously merges with the back. The back smoothly passes into the lower back and sacrum. The presence of a wide croup in a cow affects the development of its reproductive system. Therefore, she belongs to and will be able to give a lot of milk.

What the Ayrshire breed of cows looks like can be seen from.

The straight limbs are set correctly, the hooves are pink. Sometimes you can see cattle with such a disadvantage as the setting of the hind legs, reminiscent of the setting of elephants.

The neck of cows is short, gradually turning into a deep sternum. Bulls can still boast of having dewlaps. The udder at and Simmental is large, has a rounded shape, as well as elastic skin. Sometimes you can meet females with uneven development of the udder. The presence of large teats allows you to get the shape of the udder in the form of a cone or cylinder. What a Jersey cow is is indicated in.

On the video - Simmental breed of cows:

The Simmental breed is characterized by a coarse, large head and a large forehead. Purebred cows have a nose and scales in a light pink color scheme. The horns are white or yellow-brown in color. The breed is presented in a fawn or cream-colored color scheme. However, today you can see cows with red coloration. What is the price of cow cow Holstein breed, you can find out by going to .


Simmental cows, like, have a large number of positive qualities. Such animals do not require special attention, they have a quiet and friendly character. Thanks to a strong immune system, they never get sick. In addition, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • when breeding cows, you can get high-quality meat and milk;
  • small cubs do not require special attention in terms of food, so you can save money on purchasing expensive feed;
  • if you provide the animal with good nutrition, then per day its weight will increase by 1 kg;
  • perfectly adapt to any climatic conditions;
  • can be used for crossing with other breeds;
  • good health and quiet character.


The main disadvantage of this breed is that they have a large number of bones in the meat. As a result of this pulp, not so much is obtained. If breeding Simmentals, or at home, then you need to take into account the fact that the next generation of animals will have certain disadvantages in terms of appearance.

Content Features

The process of caring for these animals is no different from keeping other breeds, such as. The cow needs regular food and drink. In addition, it must be driven to the pasture, where it can refresh itself and saturate the body with the necessary vitamins.

The number of milkings depends on the particular female. To answer the question, you need to know that for large and mature cows you need 4 milkings, but young ones can only be milked 2-3 times a day. The best option would be if the milking process occurs at the same time. Then the animal will be able to easily assimilate such a regimen. You can milk a cow by hand or using a special machine. Such a breed tolerates milking much more easily than other cattle.

In summer, the cow can be located on the street. To do this, it is necessary to equip her with a canopy. In the warm season, she can even spend the night there.

In winter, it should be in a heated and well-ventilated room, where there is a constant temperature regime. In addition to the fact that there will be a Simmental cow in the barn, the presence of other animals is also possible.

This article states. For those who want to breed, in addition to cattle, also poultry.


It will be possible to buy a cow of this breed for 50,000 rubles (it costs the same).

The brand name "Simmental breed" belongs only to cows with ancestral species relationships with the bovine from the Bernese Oberland.

The breeding characteristics of the breed were formed from the number of Gothic cattle as a result of centuries of interspecific crossing and natural selection.

Steel selection criteria dignity currently existing Simmentals and a sign of the breed:

  • small stature, overweight torso on short legs;
  • milk productivity (60%);
  • ability to adapt;
  • complaisant disposition;
  • good health, disease resistance.

Breed bred in 84 geographic regions and makes up a quarter of the number of cattle held on the books of registration.

This type of cow came to our country 2 centuries ago through the "advanced" landlord farms, which actively distributed this breed in the Tula, Smolensk and Voronezh regions. Simmental cows have become the basis of breeding work to develop highly productive dairy breeds.

reference: Cattle on the globe is represented by two and a half hundred breeds, according to which 3 types of classification have been created. Simmental cows are the first in the top ten meat and dairy products.


  1. The visual assessment of the features of a species always begins with the suit. Simmental skin is thick, often straw-colored with a pink tint, large white spots. Less commonly, cows have red-motley sides. Specifies a color:
    • climatic growing zone;
    • conditions of detention and feed;
    • breed purity.
  2. The head is large, wide, on a thick (medium length) neck; with sharp light horns (modern Simmentals, even bulls, more often hornless); characterized by a white or pink nasal mirror;
  3. The body is heavy, but proportional, on a strong skeleton; with a deep but wide chest (bulls have a developed dewlap). The height of the cows (at the withers) is 1.35, the bulls are 10 cm higher;
  4. The withers and muscular wide croup rest securely on straight short legs. A feature of the species is the "elephantiasis" of the hind limbs;
  5. The cow's udder is large, cylindrical, with noticeable differences in the development of the front and back; nipples are long, wide.

Interesting: A product made in Switzerland from the milk of Simmental cows has also acquired brand status as Emmental cheese. His circle weighs 75 kg, or even 130. This is the main element of the Swiss fondue.

A photo

Photo of the "Simmental" breed of cows:


These cows justify their meat and dairy purpose with a profitability of 100%:

Important: In breeding Simmentals, you cannot be sure that the next generation will appear without defects in the exterior. Interspecific crossbreeds do not lose the signs of the breed when blood is less than 50%.

Care and feeding regimen

Rules for the care of cattle include:

It is calculated:

  • according to the old: for 1 feed unit - 1414 kcal (according to the nutritional value of 1 kg of oats);
  • according to the new one: for 1 ECU (energy feed unit) - 10 MJ of metabolic energy (4.2 J = 1 cal).

For highly productive animal feed is selected individually. The diet of Simmental cows consists of:

  • succulent feed (pasture forbs or sowing grasses; silage - crushed fermented mixture; vegetables and root crops);
  • roughage (hay, straw, threshing waste of cereals and legumes);
  • grain concentrates (bran, cake, meal);
  • vitamins (E, D, A), minerals - Ca, Mg, P, Zn, Na, Se, NaCl; both the deficiency and the excess of these elements matter.

Important: In pregnant cows, with an increase in metabolism by 25%, the need for protein increases, which is supplied in the diet by bean hay, silage, haylage. Excess protein can complicate childbirth.


Cattle have a set of diseases inherent only to them:

However, for the Simmental breed only mastitis is a serious danger which may be caused by:

  • udder defects;
  • low landing of the case;
  • violations of milking rules;
  • injury and infection of the udder;
  • retention of the placenta;
  • endocrine disorders in the body.

Along with drug treatment, an important role is played by disease prevention:

  • prevention of udder hypothermia;
  • exclusion of injuries, infection;
  • compliance with the rules of feeding and care.

Simmental cows are a good choice for private or farming. Even interbreeding with other breeds, they dominate, passing on to their offspring the best qualities of universal productivity.

Useful video

Species features and characteristics of the "Simmental" breed of cows in the video below:

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For cattle farmers, it is very important to get the maximum benefit from the animal. It is good when the animal as a result gives a lot of milk and meat. To satisfy such a desire, it is only necessary to carry out right choice breeds. With regards to these characteristics, the first breed that you should pay attention to is the Simmental.

Those who do research in the cattle breeding industry do not have a specific opinion about how the Simmental breed of cows appeared. There are two opinions on this matter. Some experts believe that this breed originated from wild aurochs, which were crossed with Helvetian cows. Another opinion is that the Simmental breed is a descendant of the cows of the Scandinavian peninsula, namely those that were brought to Switzerland in the 5th century.

Another name for the breed is Bernese. This is due to the fact that in the valley in which the cows lived, a river called Simma (Bern) flowed. Considering that in Switzerland one of the most advanced industries is the production of high-class milk, cheese and beef, Swiss scientists have taken care to create a suitable breed of cows with high productivity.

At the same time, it was important that the animals were distinguished by high rates of productivity with regard to both dairy and meat areas. The development of the breed took place over many centuries. Animals grazed in alpine meadows, eating rich herbs.

The first representatives of the Simmental breed were unproductive, but over time, these animals became an excellent meat and dairy breed of cattle. Now the Simmental cow is found on 5 continents. As for Russia, it came here in the 19th century.

Characteristics and external data with photographs

With regards to the characteristics of the breed, first of all it is worth noting that it is classified as a universal species. This breed is not in vain in demand, because it belongs to both the dairy breed of cows and meat.

The detailed characteristics of the Simmental breed are as follows:
  1. A feature of the exterior of such an animal is, first of all, its color, which can vary between fawn and red.
  2. The animal has a powerful skeleton, well-developed muscles and udder.
  3. The color of the nasolabial mirror, eyelids, tongue and hooves is light pink.
  4. The udder has a cup-shaped appearance, the shape of the nipples on the udder is cone-shaped.
  5. The skull is characterized by a well-developed frontal lobe.
  6. The chest is deep.
  7. The mass of an individual that has reached the age of three is 500-600 kg, bulls reach 1 ton in live weight.
  8. The dimensions of the animal in height at the withers are 140 cm, the width of the chest is 70 cm, along the oblique torso is 160 cm.

Regarding milk yield, how much milk such a cow gives depends primarily on the feeding and habitat of the animal. The average indicators of this characteristic are 4-5 thousand kilograms for the period of one lactation. At the same time, the average percentage of fat content in milk is 4.1%; there are no somatic cells in it. The amount of protein in dairy products averages 3.4%.

Important. On average, a cow can live 10-12 years.

Simmental cows reach a live weight of 600 kg.

Pros and cons of the breed

Those who have encountered the content of such a breed of cows say that animals have many virtues. Scott is very obedient and understands what they want from him. If you provide them with good conditions of maintenance and care, then the animals will show many of their worthy qualities.

The pros and cons for this breed are as follows:

  1. Cattle are distinguished by good physical activity and appetite. Animals have a strong immune system and quickly adapt to different living conditions.
  2. It is convenient to feed such animals on pastures, as they prefer to eat roughage.
  3. The interval between calving is short, and there is a high probability that two twin calves will be born at once. This allows the livestock to increase in a very short time.
  4. The process of childbirth is quite easy, the young are not prone to mortality. After birth, calves do not require special conditions regarding feeding and maintenance. They are also able to easily adapt to any conditions.
  5. The younger generation is unpretentious, in one day they are able to gain weight in the amount of one and a half kilograms.
  6. Milk has good taste and quality characteristics, despite the fact that milk yield is also very high.
  7. This breed can be used in breeding to achieve the goal of increasing meatiness and milkiness.

Young growth of the Simmental breed can gain up to 1.5 kg of weight per day.

As for the shortcomings, the farmer is unlikely to have to face them if he ensures the proper maintenance and care of these animals. However, there are situations that the farmer cannot influence. They concern individual cows, which may have a disproportionate udder, incorrect positioning of the legs and a sagging back.

Another disadvantage of this breed is that when breeding them for meat, you may encounter the fact that it contains a large number of bones. If you want to breed this breed at home, subsequent generations may have some shortcomings with regards to the exterior. Otherwise, there are no problems with this cattle.

Care and maintenance

Any farmer knows that the whole process of care and maintenance can be divided into several points. These are the conditions in which the animal is kept and its diet.

With regards to the rules of care that the Simmental breed needs, they are as follows:

Important. If the Simmental breed is found in the northern regions, then a manure cushion can be used for barn bedding. This will help improve the level of temperature and microclimate in the winter.

Feeding Simmental cows

To provide high level productivity of livestock of a given breed, it is necessary to draw up the right diet that will meet certain requirements.

The diet should be:

  1. The most varied.
  2. Corresponding to the period.
  3. be appropriate for the purpose of breeding the animal.
  4. period of physiological development.

To calculate the diet of animals, two methods are used: the old and the new.

They are the following:

  1. The old way: 1 feed unit is equal to 1414 kcal, which corresponds to 1 kg of oats in terms of nutritional value.
  2. The new method is a calculation where 1 energy feed unit is equal to 10 MJ of the energy component.

Simmental cows must have roughage in their diet

Highly productive animals need individual selection of feed.

Simmental nutrition should include:

  • succulent fodder, namely, pasture forbs, sowing grasses, vegetables and root crops;
  • roughage, waste from threshing, cereals and legumes, hay and straw;
  • cereal concentrates such as bran, meal, cake;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes. Vitamins A, D, E, minerals selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc are needed.

Important. Pregnant cows need a 25% increase in the protein content of the diet after an increase in metabolism occurs. Protein for them will provide legume hay, silage and haylage. However, an excess amount of protein can lead to complications during childbirth.

Calf care

The process of breeding this breed is quite simple, it can be carried out in a natural way and artificially. Newborn calves do not need any special care measures. After birth, the young immediately rise to their feet. Babies weighing up to 50 kg are born.

Simmental calves do not need special care.

Mostly passes without complications. An adult cow is able to give birth on her own, without outside help, while, as soon as the birth is over, she recovers in a short period of time, and then she provides decent care for her calf. She has a very well developed maternal instinct. The calves themselves have high levels of survivability and calmly endure any conditions of detention. They can be fed artificially.

The Simmental cow breed is one of the most ancient. It is versatile, has both excellent meat and dairy characteristics. Simmental bulls gain weight very quickly. Their meat has a pleasant taste, so farmers often take them for fattening. Simmental cows produce excellent fat milk, which is perfect for making cheeses. They give birth to strong calves and have stable lactation. Simmental cows are very hardy and easily adapt to any conditions of detention.

History of the breed

Work on Simmental cattle began as early as the 5th century. The breeders were Celtic farmers, the ancestors of modern Swiss. The name of the animals was given by their homeland - the Simmental Valley. Breeders wanted to get cattle that would be adapted to grazing in highlands and have good milk production. However, it was only in the 19th century that higher milk yields were obtained from cows.

Up to this point, the Simmental cattle breed was distinguished by a strong physique, but mediocre milk production. Cows were in excellent health, so many peoples sought to add their blood to their local cows. For example, Simmentals were used to create breeds: Bulgarian Red, Fleckfie, Montbéliarde, Hungarian Pied, etc.

In the 19th century, serious work was carried out on cattle in order to obtain higher milk yields. And the breeders finally achieved success. In the middle of the 19th century, Simmental cattle was brought to Russia. Here, too, work was carried out to improve the qualities of the breed. It has been acclimatized for many republics Soviet Union. Even photos of the Simmental breed of those times have been preserved. Currently, these cows are very popular in Russia. Simmentals are also bred in other countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan.


The Simmental cattle breed is characterized by a strong skeleton and proportionate physique. Animals have well-developed muscle tissue, thick skin, strong skin.

Description of the Simmental breed:

  • Calves at birth have average weight from 34 to 42 kg, their mothers from 550 to 590 kg, their fathers from 850 to 1100 kg.
  • The height at the withers in bulls is 138-145 cm, in cows - from 133 cm.
  • Animals are predominantly red with white color.

Simmental cattle are unpretentious, have excellent adaptive qualities. This breed was distributed on the territory of most regions of Russia. Simmental cows will feel great both in the cold Urals and in the hot south. These cows are most often covered from the first time, the number of successful fertilizations is kept around the 93% mark. Also, in 5% of cases, pregnancy in cows is multiple. Calving is most often easy, especially if the bull's semen was picked up by an experienced livestock specialist.

Growing features

The Simmental breed is very hardy and perfectly adapts to any conditions. Thanks to these qualities, calves are born healthy and strong. Milk from Simmental cows is very nutritious, which contributes to the good development of young animals.

Calves of this breed are raised both on suction and separately from their mother. If the farmer decided not to separate the baby from the cow, then after giving birth they are left together. The calf can be suckled up to 9-10 months. If the baby is planned to be fed manually, then after birth he is placed in a separate house.

Farmers usually try to introduce heifers to grain early, as it is very important to develop the rumen effectively. This will allow the cow to produce more milk in the future. Gobies are most often introduced to grain a little later. In general, they can be sucked for a very long time and are practically not interested in concentrated feed.

Simmentals for meat

This breed in animal husbandry is considered universal. Simmental cattle is able to please the owner with both good milk productivity and excellent meat gains. But each individual has a more pronounced tendency to one of the directions. For example, there are cows that give very little milk, but large and hardy calves are born from them. Then we can say that it is this animal that is best kept for meat purposes.

Simmental calves usually give good weight gain. Large and strong bulls subsequently grow out of them. The weight of many record holders in the Simmental breed is more than a ton. In order to get such large bulls, they need to be well fed. Usually animals are offered haylage, silage, concentrates, grain. They should always receive a balanced diet. If the Simmental bull is fed with low-calorie food, then his weight gain will be small.

Simmentals of dairy orientation

This breed of cows is unique in its versatility. Simmental calves can be raised not only for meat, these cows, with proper care, can show high milk production. It is very convenient that cows adapt perfectly to any climate. Many breeds shed milk in the heat, and Simmentals retain milk yield. They are less sensitive to certain diseases than other animals.

Milk from Simmental cows has a high fat content, it produces a lot of cottage cheese, cheese, butter. They make amazing sour cream out of it. Farmers who keep such cows at home say that it is not uncommon for more than 1 liter of cream to settle in a jar. But the more productive a Simmental cow is, the more she eats. On one hay and water, good milk yields from this cow cannot be obtained.

To increase milk productivity in the diet of Simmental cows include cake, meal, barley. If the owner cannot independently draw up a nutrition plan for his cow, then he can buy ready-made feed. Simmentals, which show high productivity, must include premixes in the diet.


The Simmental breed can hardly be called precocious, usually their first calving occurs at 2.5-3 years. The average milk yield is from 3000 to 5500 liters of milk per lactation. Outstanding cows are more productive. Cases have been recorded when Simmental cows gave up to 12,000 liters of milk per lactation. Of course, such productive cows are rare, and they require special care. The milk of these cows is balanced in terms of protein, which is why it is so tasty. Fat content usually ranges from 3.8% to 4.5% in different animals.

In a private economy, Simmental cows produce 15-17 liters of milk at the peak for the first lactation. After the second calving, cows increase their milk yield and show productivity of over 20 liters per day. But we are talking only about cows of the Simmental breed, which have a dairy orientation. If a cow has a pronounced meat body type, then, most likely, even with good feeding the owner will receive from her a maximum of 10 liters of milk per day.

Breed advantages

The advantage of Simmentals is their natural endurance. They are less susceptible to disease than most breeds. This cattle perfectly adapts to any living conditions. Simmental bulls with proper feeding will always please the farmer with high weight gain. Cows show good milk production and stable lactation.

Simmental cattle have an affectionate and obedient disposition. Animals are patient, calm and peaceful. They can be pastured in a herd on free range, but they will also feel comfortable in a farm environment. Strong immunity allows you to use cows for a long time. Not infrequently, Simmental cows at home lived up to 15-17 lactations.

This breed often gives birth to several calves at once. This quality allows the owner to get a good financial profit. Simmental calves will not stay long with the owner, most likely they will be bought soon after the announcement is made. The population likes strong and large young animals. Also, calves can be raised for meat on their own and make a profit after slaughter.

Cons of the breed

As with any productive animals, Simmentals should have only high-quality feed in their diet. Only a balanced diet will help them maintain high productivity. If the farmer cannot provide this and feeds the Simmental cattle with hay and water, then he will not see milk or meat from these cows. Animals will show good milk yields and gains only if the diet covers all needs.

Simmental cows sometimes have physical defects, such as weak legs. If this is not a problem for a light village cow, then for animals that weigh about a ton - a sentence. Also, this breed has a sagging back, which negatively affects the work of internal organs. Cows have a vicious form of the udder, underdevelopment of the lobe, hair growth on the mammary gland.

The Simmental cow breed originated in Switzerland. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say the exact date when this breed was bred, since breeders have been working on the breed for more than one hundred years. It is known for sure that Simmentals appeared in the vastness of Russia already in the 19th century.

It is noteworthy that this breed was very popular in Soviet times. This is due to the fact that such cows are unpretentious in food and do not require special conditions for maintenance and care. This breed can be perfectly kept both in the household and on a large farm.

The history of the origin of the breed

- This is one of the oldest varieties, which originated almost from wild representatives. The first attempts to breed this breed were made in the distant Middle Ages. It was then that the French tried to cross the wild tour with a working cow. However, those cows were very far from modern Simmentals.

A significant contribution was made by Swiss scientists, who, in the end, brought out this variety.

It is noteworthy that cattle received their modern look already in the 19th century. It was during this century that laws were passed to improve pastoralism. Thus, only large and healthy animals that had strong bones were chosen for divorce.

Centuries-old selection has given its Benefits. This type of cattle has high both meat and dairy indicators. In addition, it is resistant to various pathologies and diseases.

What are the advantages of the Simmental breed?

  • This breed belongs to the meat and dairy type, that is, it is able to produce both meat and milk of good quality.
  • With good fattening of young animals, you can get a big gain.
  • A distinctive feature of the Simmental breed is its precocity.
  • Such cows and bulls acclimatize very well and get used to new conditions.
  • The Simmental breed of cows has good immunity and is able to perform hard work.
  • The skin of animals of this breed is highly valued.

However, before you get such a cow or bull, you should also pay attention to limitations. So, the main ones are:

  • The Simmental breed of cows requires care, otherwise it will begin to degenerate.
  • Feed such animals should be only high-quality hay.
  • Cows and bulls of this breed have the wrong setting of the limbs. In addition, they have a sagging back.
  • Cows may have a poorly developed anterior part of the udder.

Characteristics of external data

It is noteworthy that representatives of this breed are quite large. With properly selected nutrition, cows of this breed can weigh more than 600 kg, if we are talking about a 2-year-old lady. But Simmental gobies can gain weight up to 1 ton.

If speak about colors skin, then it can be fawn or fawn-colored. But translated individuals may have a black and white color.

The main features of the breed:

  • small and forward-curved horns;
  • strong constitution;
  • the neck may be sagging;
  • large head;
  • round and big belly;
  • long tail with a fairly thick brush at the end.

Features of cattle

Despite the fact that the cow has an impressive size, it has a calm and complaisant character. Therefore, breeding them is quite simple.

It is noteworthy that the Simmentals will Great feel themselves in any corner of Russia, as they tolerate both heat and cold very well. In addition, they can go without water.

It should be noted that with good care, cattle can produce about 5 thousand liters of milk during the lactation season. The life expectancy of such cows is 10-12 years.

The weight of an animal directly depends on its age. By themselves, such cows are large and dense.

The height can be 135 cm, and the length of the body is 160 cm.

It should be noted that at birth a small calf can weigh about 45 kg.

What is the milk production of this breed?

The zone of residence determines how much milk a cow will give.

On average, during the lactation period, one cow can bring from 3 thousand to 5 thousand kg of milk.

The fat content of such milk is 3.8%.

Features of Simmental calves

It should be noted that this type of livestock is characterized by high growth rates and high daily weight gain. By 15–18 months of his life, a bull with good nutrition can reach a mass of 500 kg. Simmental calves are quite strong, and pathologies are extremely rare. At birth, weight can be between 36–45 depending on the sex of the cattle.

How to keep livestock?

Cattle of this breed require enhanced nutrition, especially in the winter season, since it is during this period that there is a lack of vitamins. In the summer, Simmentals are best taken to the field, where they can enjoy meadow or field grasses. In addition, one should not forget that they need feed hay and fodder.

If we talk about the winter maintenance of livestock, then it should be noted that cows need to be fed hay, corn leaves, oats and wheat.

Animals should always be fed to the full, but should not be overfed. It is best to feed 2-3 times a day.

It should be noted that overfeeding can be fraught with poisoning, severe emaciation or even death. Do not feed the animal with young corn or freshly cut hay. Speaking about the diet of calves, it should be noted that they must be left either with the cow, or transferred to a separate diet.

To understand that the cow is already full, you should look at her sides: they should be rounded, and the udder should be filled with milk.

How widespread is this breed of cows?

To buy cattle of this breed in Russia is very easily. It is noteworthy that only near Moscow there are several dozen farms where you can buy such a cow or bull.

It should be noted that Simmentals in Russia are used mainly for improvements local breeds. So, the local Sechenovskaya variety of meat and dairy cattle was bred. However, today it has practically disappeared. Most pure simmentals can be found in Bashkiria, Voronezh or Belgorod regions.

As a result, it should be noted that Simmentals are a very old variety of cows. It is noteworthy that they are meat and dairy. Consequently, they give milk and meat of equally good quality.

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