Which acrylic brushes are better to choose: little secrets of choosing the right one. How to choose an acrylic paint brush? Acrylic brush set


Repair is a long and very troublesome business, and in addition it is costly. Today the choice of materials in construction stores huge, which means that the scope for imagination has no boundaries. Despite this, the paint never loses its relevance. Radiator batteries and pipes, wall panels - all this requires annual renewal. Therefore, you will have to be a little painter as well. To get the job done quickly and efficiently, you need good paint brushes. And, of course, you need to decide on the material. It can be varnish or enamel.

Goods for the painter

It can be difficult for the layman to imagine how many of them there really are. Paint brushes differ not only in size. And if until now you have used the only one to perform all types of work, then after reading the material everything will change. So:

  • Flywheels (KM) - huge and fluffy, made of natural fiber with the addition of synthetics. I have a round shape and are widely used on large surfaces and for whitewashing. The diameter is about 60 cm, and the length of the hairs reaches 180 mm. They tolerate contact with any solvents, perfectly withstand temperature extremes and are not afraid of hot water.
  • Maklovitsy (KMA) - often used to These are wide, rectangular brushes for paint, which are based on natural horsehair and nylon. This allows the coating layer to be evenly applied. Hair length 100 mm, used for applying adhesive or casein material.
  • Handbrakes (KR). Small and round, they are great for covering windows or pipes. Consist of pure bristles and horsehair. The middle is empty so that you can accumulate paint.
  • Paneled - very reminiscent of the paint brushes that we used in childhood, in drawing lessons. Diameter 6-8 mm, they are used to outline contours.
  • Radiator.
  • Paint Flat (KF) - wide and flat, made of nylon and badger hair, it is used to eliminate smudges.
  • Synthetic flat (KP) - artificial. Inexpensive and functional, it is perfect as an assistant in repairs. They ideally apply formulations diluted with water. A universal option to paint any surface, and sizes can be selected.

Using different piles

Synthetics, at first glance, is an ideal option. It is cheap, works great on any surface, wear-resistant. In fact, painters know that quite a lot depends on the material chosen. Bristles made of natural materials absorb the composition well and evenly distribute it over the surface. It is slightly rough to the touch. But on some surfaces, it will leave villi, and the brush wears out quickly.

Synthetic paint tools are made of polymers and have a small thickness. They are excellent for applying water-intensive paints, since such hairs do not absorb the material. This is also justified from an economic point of view.

What do you need to know?

High-quality brushes have a number of properties, but the main functional element is the pile. The longer its length, the more composition the tool absorbs. Therefore, the less often you will need to dip it in the jar. The hairs are not always straight, which allows even better absorption and even treatment of the surface.

Not only the length is important, but also the elasticity of the hairs. If they are not flexible enough, then a large amount of material will remain on the pile. Another rule - the larger the surface area, the more voluminous the brush is. For ceilings and walls, wide, rectangular specimens are needed, and for tables and windows, small ones with various handles are needed.

So the same and so different

At first glance, it is very difficult to choose the best brushes for paint. What are, we have listed, but it did not become easier from this. But a professional consultant will certainly help. Today, for each type of work there is a special tool. There are kits for working with varnish based on synthetic resins, for painting with liquid wax or working with compositions based on water-based emulsion.

The main recommendations regarding the choice of brush are as follows. You need to be attached to the material with which you will work. Later, among the varieties with the desired pile, you will select those that fit in size. If you plan to do varnishing, then it is better to purchase a tool not with synthetic, but with natural hairs. It will be ideal for formulations that include a solvent. The secret is that these hairs have a porous structure and can absorb much more composition.

If you have to work with water-based compositions, then natural pile, on the contrary, is not recommended here. It will lose its shape after the first application. Synthetics absorb less paint, but manufacturers are doing everything to bring its functionality closer to natural.

How to clean a brush from paint?

After you have finished the work, you need to take care of the tools used. Someone thinks that they just need to be thrown away. But this is too wasteful. Much better to wash and save them. To do this, carefully wipe the brush on a paper or cloth towel. The more composition you can remove, the better the laundering process will be.

The second step is the use of a solvent. Do not forget that the choice should be made in accordance with the characteristics of the composition used.

  • Brushes for watercolor and latex, that is, all that are produced on a water basis, are perfectly washed with ordinary water. The only rule is that they must not be allowed to dry out.
  • White spirit allows you to cope with oil formulations.
  • suitable for shellac.

The third step is to rinse again in water and pat dry with a towel.

For interior decoration and as a hobby

They are not always used only to cover the panel with an even layer. If you want to decorate your room with a bright image, then you need to choose the right paint brushes. The nylon tool is best solution for artists who prefer acrylic. It is synthetic and comes in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. The main advantages are:

  • Elasticity - the material from which the bristles are made does not break and is very flexible. This allows you to apply smooth and clear strokes. It is very convenient and perfect even for a beginner.
  • Durability - if you take a natural bristle brush, you will quickly understand what the problem is. Painting and coating surfaces with acrylic involves the need to immerse the instrument in water. Therefore, the pile deteriorates and falls out. But the artificial one continues to serve.
  • Easy to care for - nylon tools are very easy to clean from acrylic, which dries and crumbles. But a brush with natural bristles has a porous structure and is much more difficult to clean.

Rich choice

But which brushes for acrylic paints to choose for a particular job, you will have to decide directly on the spot. Flat, synthetic tools allow you to apply wide strokes due to the thick and long pile. Round - used for painting and painting. Oval synthetic are more often used in painting. They are close to flat in functionality, but change line thickness more easily. Contour brushes are flat, with short bristles. They are needed for applying small details and drawing.

Oil paint brushes

The main requirement for them is increased rigidity, which is due to the specifics of working with oil. A kolinsky pile tool is considered the best choice. The cost of kolinsky brushes is the highest of all, but the costs are offset by high performance properties. It is made from natural materials and pile. As a result, the brushes listen well, with their help you can not only apply an even layer, but also make a pattern or pattern. Unfortunately, the product from the column is very delicate. Even portrait painters note that it can not be used on all canvases. Flax, for example, will very quickly erase its delicate villi. Therefore, when carrying out repairs, most often for oil paint, combined brushes made of natural and synthetic bristles are taken.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the choice is not as simple as it might seem. You will have to take into account the nature of the work to be done, its scale, as well as the coverage that needs to be updated. The material chosen as a coating will also play an important role. Therefore, first think over all the details, and then go to the store. Then success in a difficult task will definitely be ensured for you.

Any professional artist will tell you that in order to create a real masterpiece, it is very important to carefully choose not only paints, but also canvas, and even workplace with the right lighting, and the main tool for work - brushes - you need to choose especially diligently.

The numerous variety of brushes that can be observed on the modern market is caused not only by the difference in the availability of raw materials for manufacturers and consumer opportunities of the population, but also by the variety of techniques and paints that each artist chooses according to his own taste. Everyone decides for himself which acrylic brushes are best, however, there are some brushes that are not at all suitable for acrylic painting.


When choosing a brush for any type of paint, it is important that the tool lies well in the artist’s hand, being, as it were, an extension of it, and at the same time has a certain strength, which will save it with prolonged or inaccurate use. For more durability it is advised to choose those brushes that are equipped with a solid metal clip- this has no chance that it will unbend over time.

If the material of the pen depends only on the convenience of the artist himself, then the material of the hair bundle is critical to obtaining the expected result. In particular, most masters generally prefer brushes made of natural hair, however, they are not used when working with acrylic-based paints. The fact is that the polymer part of the dye, very quickly solidifying at the base of the hair bundle, in as soon as possible causes the product to become unusable, which makes it impossible to draw with it.

A possible solution to the problem could be the constant presence of the hair bundle in water, however, such conditions are destructive for natural hair.

Most experts agree that novice artists working with acrylic need, first of all, synthetic brushes, in particular nylon ones. They are much less susceptible to the harmful effects of acrylic, which, when solidified, causes individual hairs to lose elasticity, but they also need to be handled carefully, in particular, be sure to wash thoroughly after each drawing session.

With proper care, such a tool can serve its owner for a long time, but by professionals it is still not considered a universal tool for drawing. To expand the number of artistic techniques used for painting, brushes based on natural bristles are most often used.

Why nylon?

Although the arsenal of an artist who has been painting with acrylic for a long time and fruitfully, there are likely to be brushes from other materials, beginners are almost always advised to use nylon first. It makes sense to understand why this particular material, and not any other:

  • High elasticity and resilience. It should be noted that nylon brushes are usually considered to be a middle ground between hard and soft brushes, and therefore are regarded as versatile and well suited for any beginner artist, not just those who paint with acrylics.

  • Due to these properties, the hair bundle leaves clear and smooth strokes on canvas, while the material withstands repeated bending quite well and does not break, which is very appropriate in the case when its owner has not yet decided on the optimal pressing force.

It is noted that brushes of this type, in principle, are much easier to draw, although they do not leave much room for artistic maneuver.

  • High resistance to water. The specificity of protecting the hair part of the brush from the harmful effects of quickly hardening acrylic lies in the active use of water, and synthetic materials, unlike natural hair, endure constant exposure to water much better. Since the hair tuft will quickly deteriorate without regular rinsing, the ability to stay in water for a long time is key for acrylic tools.

  • Ease of maintenance. No matter how optimized for the use of acrylic nylon is, the polymer part of the paint still sticks to it, however, here, too, a synthetic brush has a clear advantage, namely: the smoothness of its bristles. In natural hair, the bristles have a certain roughness, which is why it is quite difficult to clean them from pieces of frozen acrylic. In the case of nylon, the acrylic can dry, but this happens on the surface of the bristles without a good bond with them, so just a good rinse of the tool is enough to make it usable again.

Choice of shape and stiffness

The choice in favor of nylon as the material of the hair bundle does not mean that the final verdict has been made - after all, you need to choose at least a few tools in order to achieve various artistic effects. To do this, preference is given to brushes of different shapes and elasticity:

  • The most versatile choice in terms of shape is a round brush, but due to its versatility, it does not allow any effect to be performed with the highest quality.
  • Brushes with flat hair tufts are created for more convenient painting of large solid areas.

  • Contour brushes are somewhat similar to them, but their beam width is much smaller, so artists often use them to draw color transitions.
  • A tricky tool is the cat's tongue brush - wide but with a very pointed end that makes it round and flat at the same time, but for a beginner it is usually too difficult to work with it properly.

  • Finally, linear brushes are distinguished by their increased length and are used, as a rule, for writing calligraphic texts.
  • As for elasticity, here the tools differ, depending on the needs. Soft pile is best suited for neat, fine contouring and other fine details. Rigid products are chosen more often for a relief pattern, as well as for applying large, bold strokes.

It should be noted that differences are also observed in the size of the pile. Each manufacturer indicates the size as a number from 1 to 14-16, however, practice shows that for different manufacturers the same brush number can correspond to a different actual size of the hair bundle.

For this reason, choosing a tool by size should be done not so much by number, but by eye.


Even constantly keeping brushes in water when working with acrylic does not guarantee 100% purity of the hair bundle after the end of the session, and if the paint dries completely, the tool can be safely thrown away. Therefore, every time after use, it is necessary to clean the product, even if it is made of nylon:

  • First of all, the pile must be carefully wiped with a special cloth or at least a piece of thick paper.
  • After that, the hair bundle is soaked in clean water - the tool must be turned several times to make sure that the water has penetrated everywhere.
  • Wet hairs are again wiped with a dry cloth, and then lathered with ordinary soap so that it even gets under the clip and carefully washed again, now under running water.

  • The brush is considered washed only when the water flowing from it looks completely transparent.
  • After that, the pile must be dried naturally, but before that it must be wiped dry. In this case, it is necessary to give the hair bundle the correct shape for it, because if it dries in a disheveled form, then it will be quite difficult to correct the situation.

How to clean the brushes if they are dry after painting, see the next video.

Acrylic paint basics

Brief technical information: Acrylic is a paint consisting of three main components. Pigment, synthetic binder (acrylic polymer emulsion) and water. The latter is especially important for us. Acrylic paint dries as soon as water evaporates from it. That is why at first it is difficult to adapt to them - they dry very quickly both in work and on the palette. It is worth remembering that acrylic paint becomes darker when it dries.

Tools and materials
Acrylic paints can be found in jars and tubes.
One of the advantages of acrylic is that a huge number of additional artistic media can be used in combination with it. Here it is worth stopping and talking about another important point - fresh acrylic is easily removed with water. For dried paint, solvents are needed (! after working with acrylic, rinse the brushes thoroughly with water! Acrylic that has dried in the brush can ruin the brush forever!).

Keep your paint working.
Since acrylic paint dries very quickly, squeeze it out of the tube a little at a time. If you're using a regular plastic palette, buy a spray bottle to spray water onto the paint, dampening it.

If possible, buy special brushes for acrylic paints. They come in different shapes, sizes and textures. Usually, these are synthetic or nylon brushes. When working with acrylic paints - from frequent immersion in water, the brush may deteriorate. Natural brushes do not need to press on the canvas. You need to draw with the tip, as if on weight. At first it will be unusual, but when you get used to natural brushes, you will become their true connoisseur.

Wipe off the brush.
Keep a paper towel or washcloth nearby and dry the brush every time you wash. Then drops of water will not go down the rim and fall on the drawing, leaving blots.

Important properties. Generalization and something new.

And so, we have already said that acrylic paint dries very quickly. And this is its big advantage.
In addition, uncured acrylic is easily removed with water, while dried acrylic is resistant to water. This can be very useful because it allows you to apply a second coat of paint without the risk of destroying the first.
Acrylic paints allow you to work in layers - unlike oils and watercolors, their top layer is usually not transparent, and the bottom layer is not visible - this can be convenient when you need to correct some minor flaws. Or when you need to put a bright picture on some kind of background.
Acrylic paints are unpretentious to neighbors. They can be combined with oil and watercolor. And use it on almost any surface.
Acrylic does not smell. And in the process of work it does not emit any fumes that interfere with breathing, as in working with oil. And this is also an important plus))
Acrylic can be applied as a very liquid (like watercolor), and a thick layer - like oil. Moreover, it will still adhere well to the surface and not spread - the reason for this is its high elasticity.
Acrylic will not crack or fade.

Beginning of work

Pick a good spot. As with most things, painting is best done in natural light. Get close open window or in a room that has a lot of natural light. You'll be able to see little nuances in your brush strokes and colors that you wouldn't be able to see in any other light.

Lay out all your materials. Every artist has a different approach to organizing their materials, but it's best to arrange them however you like before you start. Fill the jars with water, take out the brushes and paints you want to use, and place the palette in the most perfect place. You may also want to wear a bathrobe or an old shirt.

Find a light source. The color changes depending on how the light falls on it, so before you start drawing, determine the position of the main light source. Pay attention to this throughout the drawing process. You should use lighter colors near the light source and darker ones away from it. It may seem elementary, but determining the light source before starting work will help your colors to position themselves properly.


Cover the painting with a layer of varnish. Although not required, many artists prefer to cover the painting with a layer of varnish to set the acrylic paints. This helps the paint chemically bond to the canvas and better protects the paint from damage.

Clean your brushes and work area. Be sure to wash your brushes immediately after you finish using them. Acrylic paint can seriously damage and ruin brushes if left to dry on the bristles. Wash the bristles of the brushes with soap and cold water until the water runs clear (warm/hot water will fix the paint on the brushes). Wipe the paint off the desktop and wash the water cans.

Save unused paint. Acrylic paint will keep for several months in a tightly sealed container, so if you have any leftovers save for later.

Leave the painting to dry. Place the painting somewhere where it can dry out in 1-2 days. Acrylic paints have a very short drying time, but need to be placed where they won't be disturbed so they can dry properly.

Purpose of brushes:


Combines hairs of different lengths for the best maneuverability: make bold strokes with the wide part of the brush and thin with the edge of the brush.

If you want to learn acrylic modeling, we recommendbuy a brush for acrylic on the FRENCHnails official website.

  • The bundle of pile is quite dense and is assembled from hairs of various lengths, which allows to achieve the effect of a capillary mesh. The required amount of liquid is absorbed into it and at the same time it stands out well when dipped into a jar of powder. As a result, due to the increased fluidity of the monomer, balls of ideal texture are created.
  • Due to the increased elasticity, after each laying out the substance on the nail plate, the beam returns to its original state.
  • Thanks to the needle-sharp tip, you can create a neat and even smile line. With it, you can work with small balls of mass.
  • The pile before the release of the tool for sale is impregnated with special compounds that prevent the sticking of powder particles to the hairs. To do this, before the first use brush you need to gently knock out on the finger of your hand, shaking off the dust from the dried product. After that, it will become soft again.

Features of the form of brushes for acrylic

According to the shape of the base, round, oval and flat models are distinguished.

  • Round products are distinguished by a thickened belly and a thin tip. This is a classic form, the most popular when working with loose material. A lot of liquid is accumulated on it, because the balls of the substance become more fluid. The sharp end is optimal when drawing a clear, even smile line and laying out small amounts of plastic mass.
  • The oval instrument also has a dense, massive belly, but the tip looks like a dome. It is convenient for them to apply a thin layer of material near the cuticle and make a jacket.
  • The flat model is good for a liquid mixture. It will not absorb a lot of liquid and thus will not dilute the substance even more.
  • miniature brush ideal for small nails and acrylic modeling of elegant elements.

When choosing, pay attention not only to reviews craftsmen, but also in the appearance and materials of the instrument.

  1. Take a closer look at how elastic the beam is and how dense its base is. Density affects the amount of monomer absorbed and the uniformity of its release during simulation.
  2. The firmer the handle, the better. The ideal option would be a wooden one, but you can also purchase a cheaper model with a plastic handle.
  3. in form and appearance good onesacrylic brushes(especially round ones) should look like a candle flame. They should not have pits, bulges and pile sticking out in different directions.
  4. At good models there is no seam in the attachment that holds the hair bun. Our advice: choose a product with a solid metal clip. They are much more reliable (the pile will fall out less often) and look prettier. The hairs must be well glued at the attachment point so that you do not lose them during work.
  5. To work with acrylic material, purchase products from 5 to 10 sizes. Models No. 8 are especially popular - with their help you will quickly lay out 2-3 balls.
  6. Focus on the dimensions of the purchased brushes . Too big will badly affect the quality of the procedure - you will get tired and will not be able to quickly work with the tool. Moderate size - the key to a comfortable sitting of the product in the hand.

Do not try to save money on the tool. Expensive options often last much longer than cheap ones, which can quickly thin out or fluff up. A high-quality product can become an assistant for as long as half a year, even if the master is very busy.

Depending on the type of pile, the characteristics of the tool will change.

  1. Products made from soft marten, kolinsky or sable wool are considered the best for extensions. But also the price they have the highest.
  2. Squirrel models are a little worse - they are not so elastic, the hairs sometimes break. But with proper skill, they can also make magnificent nails. The squirrel tools are useful for modeling, rendering miniature elements, and conveying a translucent tone.
  3. Rigid, well-flexible synthetic brushes very convenient for applying large strokes in the relief technique.

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