How much does a quail grow before slaughter. Slaughtering quails at home: where to start? Manual method of slaughtering quail


Quail meat attracts many with its unique vitamin composition and is a dietary product. More and more consumers are convinced that such meat is superior in taste to, for example, chicken meat. In this regard, quail breeders asked themselves the question: how to properly slaughter the birds, and then butcher it? Although the procedure is unpleasant, it is not so difficult.

They are most often taken for slaughter, whose age is approximately 5 weeks. The maximum age of the bird should not exceed two months. This is due to the fact that older individuals have tough meat, and there is no point in their further breeding. Both females and males are suitable for slaughter.

Attention! During fattening, males and females are best separated. It is advisable to take care of this during the selection of quails: immediately place the birds in and start fattening.

Another condition that must be observed when is their appearance and well developed chest and thigh muscles. The skin color of the selected individuals should not escape from the breeder. It should be dark pink.

Fattening selected wards: requirements and principles

Birds are selected and what to do next? It is imperative to provide a full 4 meals a day to both females and males. It is recommended to include millet, corn and nettle, steamed peas and feed fat. So that the quail does not feel bad from a sharp change in diet, new "dishes" should be introduced gradually over 3-4 days.

In intended for fattening, there should be 30-50 heads of birds. Temperature regime - 20-24 degrees of heat. Now your main assistant is twilight. With such lighting, the birds quickly gain the necessary mass and behave more calmly.

Quail slaughtering technique

It will not be difficult to slaughter quails for those who have had another bird at least once in their lives. But if such a case did not take place in your biography, it's okay. Everything will work out, just study carefully step by step instructions.

  1. First of all, the bird must be properly fixed in a special funnel, which has a conical shape. It is very easy to make it from ordinary tin, and then fix it on the table.
  2. Be sure to place a container under the funnel. All the blood from the carcass will drain there.
  3. Now cut off the head between the second and third cervical vertebrae. As a tool for this action, you can use large scissors or a garden pruner. Who is more comfortable.
  4. It is recommended to leave the headless carcass in the funnel for 40-60 seconds. This is necessary so that all the blood is glass.
  5. We put the finished carcasses in a bucket (or basin) and cover with a lid. If there is no cover, then you can take gauze.
Important! So that the intestinal contents do not spoil the meat, it is advisable not to feed the bird 6 hours before slaughter. But it is necessary to drink water - this way you can avoid ruptures of internal organs.

There is another way to slaughter a bird - in a horizontal position. So in the villages chickens or geese are slaughtered. The bird's head is placed on a wooden block and cut off with an axe.

Scalding and plucking of finished carcasses

The process of plucking carcasses can be facilitated if they are scalded beforehand. For half a minute, quails need to be immersed in a container of hot water. The optimum water temperature is 55 degrees.

There are two ways to pluck: manually or with a plucking machine. Your choice is manual plucking, then you must definitely prepare dishes for feathers (basin or pan). You need to start plucking from large feathers of the tail and wings. And then the breast, sides and other parts. If there are small hairs left, they can be scorched with a burner or plain paper.

If there are a large number of birds for slaughter, then it is wiser to use a perosemny machine. It can be bought in a store, but its approximate cost is about 30-35 thousand rubles. But you can also make such a machine with your own hands.

We will need:

  • old washing machine "Baby";
  • removable fingers made of cone-shaped rubber - length-90 mm, seat-18-19 mm;
  • drill;
  • step drill 20 (or simple);
  • slotted screwdriver;
  • key for 36.
  1. Using a 36 wrench and a flathead screwdriver, we disconnect the activator from the washing machine. Now we need to make a plate for attaching the pen fingers to the activator. The material for the plate is plastic reinforced with aluminum foil. The diameter must be looked at by your activator, as they may differ.
  2. We drill holes for the fingers at equal intervals. To begin with, we insert our fingers into each of them and fasten the plate to the activator.
  3. We drill holes for the hammer fingers on the washing machine. We also use a step drill at 20. If we go in a checkerboard pattern, then the check in the walls is 65, in three rows.
  4. We install the activator in the washing machine. The mounting of the pen fingers is important when we insert them into the holes on the washing machine. It is necessary to ensure that the finger fits snugly into the hole and stands at the stop.
  5. After all the hammer fingers are installed, the last step remains - to make a hole at the bottom of our structure so that feathers and water can freely exit the machine.
Important! In the washing machine, you need to put the toggle switch so that it only works to turn on the engine.

Our picking machine is designed and ready to use. Now we need to figure out how the bird is cleared of feathers.

The working process of the picking machine

  1. First of all, you turn on the “newly made” pick-up machine in the outlet.
  2. The bottom of the drum on which the activator is installed starts to rotate.
  3. We “send” the carcasses to the drum. Due to the centrifuge, they begin to rotate and, thanks to the rubber picking fingers, the birds get rid of feathers.
  4. In the hole made at the bottom, water flows along with feathers.
Attention! While the quails are spinning in the machine, be sure to pour hot water over them. She will wash the feathers and take them out of the structure.

Another quick method for plucking quails

It is not always possible to quickly pluck a large number of quails by hand, but there is no and will not be a picking machine on your farm? There is another way to make this process fast.

Attention! This method is not suitable for those who exhibit. With this method, quails become unmarketable and lose weight.

They do it like this:

  1. The head is cut off with a knife or large scissors and the legs and wings are cut off for one joint.
  2. Leave the carcasses for a while to drain the blood.
  3. They put the bird on its back and cut the skin on the breast a little with the tip of a knife.
  4. They pry the skin with two fingers and with a sharp movement of the hand remove the skin from the whole carcass at once.

Butchering and gutting

The carcasses are feather-free, and we are already at the finish line. It remains only to butcher and gut the quail. How and in what order should this be done?

  1. First of all, we cut off the legs, and then proceed to the internal organs.
  2. Longitudinally cut the abdominal cavity and the annular.
  3. We remove the stomach, liver and heart.
  4. In the neck region, we remove the trachea and esophagus with the help of an incision.
  5. We cut off the neck in the place where it connects to the breast.
  6. After cutting the carcass, it must be thoroughly washed and put aside for storage.
Reference! Sometimes, for the convenience of gutting, a special spoon is used. It looks like a regular one, but has a wide slit at the end. Such a device is inserted into the incision on the abdomen, to the maximum depth. Inside the carcass, gently turn the spoon along its axis and carefully pull it out. Using this method, we do not damage the carcass, and it does not lose its presentation.

The process of slaughtering and further preparing the birds will be difficult for impressionable people. Such work requires skill, which you will definitely acquire over time. In the meantime, you need to mentally prepare yourself for the fact that

On the quail fattening most often selected in three cases:

When weak chicks are born, they are usually quails with weak or gnarled limbs and other defects;
--- when, when examining grown chicksit turns out that there are more males or females than necessary;
--- when the quail has passed the peak of its egg production and it is advisable to replace it with a young bird.

On the fattening it is best to place the cages in rooms with a temperature of 19-23 ° C. Mode
lighting is one of the main factors of technology quail fattening. It is necessary to use low light, or even better, just darken the cages for quails. When fattening quail for meat in the first three weeks, you need to maintain round-the-clock low lighting. After that, intermittent lighting is used for females: one hour of light, two hours of darkness, the light is soft and muffled; for males, daylight hours should be reduced to 8 hours, and the light is also dimmed. In dense twilight, males hardly fight, move less, and, consequently, spend less energy and eat food quite willingly. During this fattening period, it is necessary to double the diet of quails (if on average 3 g of feed is consumed per quail per day, then when fattening quails, it is necessary to pour 5.5 - 6 g per bird). During the period fattening females and males are placed in different cages. In each cage, 30-40 quails can be planted, the area allocated per bird for fattening is approximately 9 cm2.

Weak chicks atquail fattening taken at the first culling-inspection after hatching. Quails with defects are kept separately, their paws are previously tied with simple threads. At the end of five days, the threads are removed, freeing the paws, otherwise, with further growth of the chick, the threads will cut into the paws, and this will cause loss of appetite and pain, which will affect the result of quail fattening. Since these quails can be weak, the first days they are watered and fed directly from the hands, until they are at least a little stronger. The diet of the chicks consists of cottage cheese, sifted compound feed , curdled milk, as well as steep mashed eggs.

At the end of the first week, all strong and surviving chicks are transplanted into a darkened cage with personal compartments (limiting any movement of the quail), which allows them to be fattened from 23 to 26 days (the quail carcass reaches a weight of 80-100 g, the meat of such a quail is tender and juicy ). With longer fattening, about 2 months. the meat becomes coarser, but the weight of the carcass at slaughter can reach 250-400 gr.

Second option quail fattening like this: birds are grown on a simple diet for up to 1.5 months. Then they are fattened with a fattening ration for about 10-12 days in a cramped cage restricting movement, while the live weight of the bird reaches about 200 g. The fattening time is largely determined by the growth period of quails from birth to an adult, which on average ends by 55-58 days after it. birth. It is not advisable to increase the fattening period beyond this period. Do it right fattened quails a layer of subcutaneous fat is felt on the sternum. The average result with simple fattening looks like this - average weight two month old quails egg breeds about 235 g, meat breeds around 390

Quails are selected for fattening at the end of the intensive egg-laying period - this usually happens after 11-12 months, when their egg production drops.

Feeding is carried out in the same way way , as in males. Quails are slaughtered for meat when a live weight of 215-345g is reached.

Quail feeding during fattening.

Quails are fed ad libitum, three to four times a day. In the morning and evening, they additionally give a green mixture (corn, nettle, millet) with a small addition of fodder fat (fuzu or technical fat).

As practice has shown, excellent results are shown by fattening quails with such a diet: 20 percent of boiled peas plus 80 percent of special compound feed for broiler chickens. It is impossible to transfer the quail feeding ration directly to the fattening ration. Birds can become seriously ill. Usually the rations are changed gradually over three to four days. An example of a change in feeding: on day 1, give 65% of the old feed, and 35% of the new, on the second day 50% of the old feed 50% of the new, on the third day 40% of the old, etc., and thus gradually replace the old quail feeding diet new.

Slaughter of quails after fattening.

The bird is slaughtered in a specially equipped place. The bird's head is cut off with a large sharp knife or hatchet. After the blood drains from the carcass, the wings and the paws are cut off with a knife or large scissors along the first joint. Then the carcass is taken with the neck away from you, belly up. The thumbs of both hands put the carcasses on the abdomen, and the remaining fingers hold the back from below. With a quick movement of the thumbs in opposite directions, the skin on the abdomen diverges, and then it is easily removed with a “stocking”. Then comes the gutting of the carcass, this can be done even with a finger. Very soon a skill will appear and all actions for slaughtering and gutting a carcass will take no more than 20-30 seconds.

After slaughter, we treat quail like with a chicken carcass - they pluck it. And the processing of one carcass can take from 15 to 30 minutes.

Currently, breeding quails at home is becoming an increasingly popular business. There are many reasons for this, but first of all, among them it is worth noting the meat of these birds, which is distinguished by excellent dietary qualities. At the same time, its receipt makes mandatory such a procedure as slaughtering quails: unpleasant, but at the same time necessary for each of their owners. As for its implementation, it is much simpler than it seems at first glance, which will be discussed below.

As a rule, individuals are sent for slaughter, whose age is relatively small: about forty days, although more is possible. The key condition here is high level development of the muscles of the chest and thighs of birds, without which their slaughter can hardly be considered justified. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the quail to be slaughtered must have a clearly visible keel of the chest. Also, attention is paid to the skin of such birds, the shade of which should be close to dark pink.

Before slaughtering quails, their owner needs to take into account several important conditions, the list of which is as follows:

  • birds selected for slaughter must be placed in separate cages;
  • it is necessary to feed quails according to a program that allows you to maximize the amount of meat;
  • the best food option is about 4 times a day, with the obligatory content of corn, millet and nettle;
  • it is recommended to add special fat to the diet of birds: fuz.

Before quails are slaughtered and cut, it is recommended to feed the birds for a half month.

It is also noteworthy that a few hours before the slaughter, they stop feeding the pets. This is due to the fact that food fragments from the stomach and goiter of birds during subsequent cutting can come out, staining the meat.

Delivery of quails and their slaughter

For transportation of birds to the place of slaughter, it is necessary to use special boxes made of plastic. One such container should contain at least a dozen heads (preferably one and a half). In order not to damage the quails, they should be planted in boxes carefully - best of all, clasping the birds in the back area. As for the actions that the procedure for slaughtering quails provides for, their order can be found below:

  • the birds are carefully removed from the boxes;
  • before slaughter, quails are fixed in a head-down position;
  • the solution of the problem under consideration is carried out by means of a conical tin funnel, the size of which is determined by the size of the birds (many detailed videos are devoted to how to make it with your own hands);
  • under the quails prepared for slaughter, a container is placed, which is needed to collect blood;
  • the subsequent operation is cutting off the head in the area between the 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebrae of the bird.

As for the device with which quails can be slaughtered in the described way, large and well-sharpened scissors can be such. Also, many poultry farmers advise using an ax (this option involves the use of a wooden deck).

Following actions

As soon as the slaughter of quails is completed, several more important operations must be carried out. To begin with, the carcasses should be scalded, placing them in a large container with an average of 10 pieces. It is also reasonable to add that the water temperature should not be too hot (its optimal value is 55 ° C). This procedure must be carried out within half a minute, and then you should pay attention to the following actions:

  • plucking (manually or by means of a pen-removing machine);
  • removal of the hind limbs of birds (at the level of the tarsal joint);
  • evisceration of carcasses, which should be preceded by two incisions: a longitudinal one in the belly area and an annular one in the cloaca area.

The last point is worth considering in more detail. It should be noted that on this topic you can find a lot of training videos, and therefore the procedure in question should not be considered particularly complicated. So, cutting quails is done as follows:

  • first, the stomach, heart and liver are taken out;
  • then, through an incision in the neck, the trachea and esophagus are removed;
  • the third step is to cut off the neck: at the point where it joins the chest cavity.

The procedure following the butchering is washing the carcasses, especially thorough from the inside. This should be done without haste, using water heated to 30 ° C.

Cooling and storage

In the event that quail meat is not used for consumption immediately, then it is cooled in order to preserve it. To do this, use containers with water, the temperature of which tends to zero. As a result of heat transfer, the carcasses will cool, and the water, on the contrary, will heat up, as a result of which it must be changed periodically. As soon as the temperature of the meat in the chest area of ​​the slaughtered birds drops below 4°C, they can be pulled out of the container, and then hung up to dry. The final stage is the packaging of carcasses in cellophane or other material suitable for this purpose, and their placement in metal trays or other containers. With regard to storage, it provides for compliance with temperature regime from 0 to 4°C, or about -8°C, if the carcasses need to be frozen and thereby save them for a long time, and not for 1-2 days.

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Quail meat is an excellent source of protein, rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, and not least, quail is a rather unpretentious bird, which can be bred even in a city apartment. Some difficulties may arise only when it comes to slaughtering a bird. Not all novice poultry farmers have encountered this procedure, so it is important to study the issue in more detail with the help of our article.

Preparation for slaughter

For slaughter, male quails are usually taken, which, due to their age, can no longer be normal producers, and females that have left the active egg-laying phase (after 8–9 months).

Important! The greatest amount of nutrients is stored in quail meat if steamed.

Such females stand out for their unpresentable appearance, but their meat is quite suitable for consumption. But you should hurry up with slaughter, as over time less and less fat remains in the quails.
It is not recommended to feed the bird before slaughter - this will complicate its subsequent cutting.

Quail slaughter at home

When carrying out slaughter at home, you should prepare everything you need in advance: this procedure is rather dirty, and if you forget something, you will have to wash your hands, perhaps clean yourself of feathers, in order to go for the right thing.

To slaughter quails you will need:

  • sharp knife or scissors;
  • cutting board;
  • hot water (60°C);
  • running cold water;
  • a container for draining blood;
  • napkins and hand towels;
  • rags for wiping dirty waste;
  • dessert spoon, sharpened along the contour of an oval.

For convenience, you can make such a device: cut off 1/3 of the top plastic bottle, cut off the neck, slightly grabbing the wall around it. You will get a kind of funnel, into the wide socket of which the bird is inserted in such a way that the head sticks out of the hole where the neck was located.


The procedure itself is quite simple, it is more difficult to properly scald the bird and gut it:

  1. Prepare a container where the blood will drain (large pot, basin, etc.).
  2. Insert the quail into the funnel, using well-honed scissors or a knife, cut off the head with a sharp movement (if using a knife, hold the funnel firmly on the cutting board).
  3. Place the funnels with the carcasses in the basin, paws up, to drain the blood.

Try to do everything abruptly, without shaking your hands, so as not to cause torment to the bird.

Did you know? Exist« Itoxic» quail. For quite a long time, the cause of poisoning with quail meat could not be found out: this is the consumption of pikulnik seeds by birds, which is harmless to quail, but dangerous to humans. In addition, plant alkaloids tend to accumulate in the bird's body.


Scalding any bird is a very important point. If the water is too hot or the carcass is in normal temperature water for too long, you will spoil the appearance of the quail. When you try to pull out the feather, the skin will begin to peel off in pieces. If the water is not hot enough or the bird stays in it for a short time, the pores will not open as they should.

So, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. In hot water (60 ° C), dip the quail 10 times for 1 second.
  2. Check if the carcass is well scalded: the feather should be easily pulled out of the wing.
  3. Put the carcasses on the oilcloth spread on the table, put a container at the bottom to drain the water. If you put quails in a dish, they can be digested in water that has drained from them, which will adversely affect the quality of the meat.
  4. When the water is glassy and the carcass is cool enough, cut off the legs at the knee joints, and begin to peel off the main feathers.
  5. Pay special attention to the plumage under the wings and under the legs. Properly scalded quail is cleaned quite easily.
  6. After removing the main plumage, the carcass should be washed under running cold running water.
  7. After the carcass is washed, especially carefully inspect the back - there may be remnants of feathers, the so-called hemp. They are well removed by scraping with a knife against the growth of the feather.


When gutting quails, you need to follow a simple algorithm:

  1. We cut off the tail, make a small incision on the abdomen.
  2. We insert a specially sharpened spoon into the incision, thrust it all the way along the spine, turn it 180 ° - thanks to the sharp edges, it will easily cut the entire liver. We take out a spoon with the insides.
  3. Near the neck we find 2 veins sticking out of the body. One of them is easily pulled out, we take it out and throw it away. The second is the esophagus, you need to be careful with it: if you fed the bird shortly before slaughter, food remained in the goiter.
  4. If the goiter is empty, then it just needs to be carefully removed so as not to damage the carcass, it is possible through an incision in the abdomen.
  5. If the goiter is full, you will have to get it through the throat in such a way as not to tear and prevent food debris from spilling.
  6. We wash the carcass again, remove the remaining feathers.

Video: Cutting quail

Important!Quail meat contains B vitamins and folic acid, which strengthen the nervous system and are involved in endocrine processes, vitamins D and A, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of bone tissue. Also, quails have a lot of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system, and vitamin K, which helps calcium absorption, blood clotting and cell metabolism.

Meat storage

For better preservation of carcass meat, rinse several times with cold (as far as possible) water. After that, they are dipped once in a towel and put in bags of 4-5 pieces, which are put in the freezer.
If you cut quails in winter, it is frosty outside and there is an opportunity to go out into the yard, you can use this method: pour very cold water over the carcass several times until a crust of ice appears on it. Then wrap the carcasses in paper for 4-5 pieces.

Next, paper bundles are placed in boxes, sprinkled with hay. Such boxes can be stored in the cold at -9°C and below.
Chilled quail meat is stored at + 4-5 ° C for up to 14 days if it is wrapped in aluminum foil. In popular and very convenient plastic containers, the shelf life at the same temperature is only 48 hours. If you want to keep the meat for several months, use the freezer.

In terms of dietary qualities, only turkey and chicken breast can be compared with quail meat. Due to the extremely low cholesterol content, this meat is recommended for recovery after vascular and heart surgery, for sports nutrition and the growing body of children.

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