Chickens of egg meat breeds which is better. The best breed of chickens is egg meat. Other meat and egg breeds of chickens


Large, fast growing chickens meat breeds in one season they are able to provide families with juicy healthy meat, and chickens egg and meat breeds in addition, they will replenish the poultry breeder's diet with a fresh egg. Modern meat and egg-meat orientations are all attracting more and more attention from the owners of personal farmsteads. These birds are strong, early maturing, hardy enough and easily adapt to keeping in summer chicken coops.

The characteristic features of poultry grown for meat are large sizes, strong bones and a balanced character. In terms of egg production, many breeds of hens of universal, meat-and-egg specialization are almost as good as laying hens of egg varieties, and meat hens are good hens. To increase productivity, poultry farmers today actively use crosses - hybrid offspring from well-known breeds, taking better signs from both parents.

For example, to obtain many crosses of broiler chickens, representatives of the well-known and beloved breeds in Russia, the white Plymouth Rock and the meat Cornish, were used.

The Cornish meat breed of chickens or Cornish is an old variety of chickens, bred in the first half of the 19th century, widely known not only in Great Britain, but throughout the world in the middle of the last century. Poultry gained popularity due to its ability to produce excellent meat crosses.

Today, white chickens of the Cornish breed are bred for this purpose on an industrial scale. If we talk about the use of birds in frequent farms, then they are quite early, but, like all meat breeds, they give very few eggs.

From one white female per year, you can get 100 - 130 large brownish eggs. A colored bird brings an egg with a bright brown or mottled shell.

The American bird from Plymouthrock State first became known in the second half of the 19th century. The progenitors of modern meat breed chickens were representatives of the breeds Brahma, Langshan, Kokhinkhins and other varieties that are less known today.

To date, Plymouthrock chickens can have one of eight acceptable colors. Industrially, white livestock are most often bred, and bright representatives of this meat variety also perfectly settle down in private farmsteads. The popularity of a rather old breed is supported by the unpretentiousness of birds, their pronounced meat orientation and rapid growth. Already in two months of life, chickens from the union of Plymouthrock and Cornish chickens can grow up to 1.8 kg.

Adult roosters weigh up to 4.5 kg, and chickens about 3.5 kg. For a year laying hens give about 170 large light brown eggs.

Widely known - this is not a meat breed, as many beginner poultry farmers think. These crosses are offspring from interbreeding pairs of birds of the Plymouthrock and Cornish breeds. Sometimes other meat breeds are introduced into the program for obtaining broiler chickens, for example, Jubilee Kuchinsky, Brama or Kokhinkhin. Such chickens show record meat productivity, but do not pass on their qualities to their offspring, therefore they are kept only until they gain commercial weight and are slaughtered.

Obtaining the meat breed of Brahma chickens dates back to the middle of the century before last. American birds were bred from Asian fighting chickens, Kichinchins and other varieties. An extremely large bird turned out to be so interesting that after 10-15 years they learned about it in the Old World. And until now, chickens of this breed are extremely popular both in large industrial farms and among farmers.

Several varieties of Brama chickens are grown in the world, the photo clearly shows the differences in the color of these birds, as well as the unusual features inherent in the breed and determining its direction as decorative and meat.

By modern standards, Brahma roosters can weigh up to 5 kg, and chickens about 4.5 kg. Females are excellent hens, and in a year they can produce about 120 brown eggs weighing up to 60 grams.

Worthy of becoming an adornment of a private courtyard, the breed of chickens quickly adapts to any conditions of detention, is picky and tolerates winter well. The bird does not need large walking areas, does not fly and ideally coexists not only with other breeds of chickens, but also with other types of domestic animals.

The Chinese breed of chickens in Russia began to gain popularity quite recently, but in the middle of the century before last, it managed to serve the peace between Great Britain and the Middle Kingdom. Thanks to their magnificent plumage and extremely large size, the birds were successful not only among peasants and culinary specialists, but also among the owners of country estates, where Cochinchina chickens were grown as ornamental chickens.

Representatives of this meat breed quickly and very actively gain weight. Roosters grow up to 6 kg, chickens are a couple of kilograms lighter. At the same time, the bird rushes well, giving 120 eggs per year with a brownish shell and a bright yolk.

If at first the Cochinchina chickens were predominantly black or blue, today white and beautiful fawn birds are bred on the farms. Chickens of the meat or egg-meat breed are picky, calm, accommodating with other birds. However, poultry farmers need to ensure that their pets do not overeat, otherwise they are at risk of obesity.

To breed the domestic breed of chickens, Kuchinsky Anniversary breeders used representatives of the best varieties of egg and meat-and-egg directions. The result was a bird with decent egg production and good meat productivity. Truly versatile chickens have become a godsend for owners of small private farms and farmsteads raising poultry for personal needs. For a year, Kuchinsky laying hens produce up to 240 eggs, and the adult population grows up to 3-4 kg of live weight.

At the same time, the quality of the meat of the Kuchinskaya Yubileinaya breed is better than that of industrially bred broiler chickens. The bird is not capricious, easily endures both heat and winter cold, is not picky when choosing a diet and is early.

A characteristic feature of this breed of chickens is the difference in the color of males and females, so you can easily divide the herd even at a daily age.

Among the breeds of chickens of meat and egg-meat orientation, there are both giants and dwarfs. Breeders who received red white-tailed chickens in the UK used a natural mutation, which manifested itself in the fact that the legs of the birds were much shorter than those of their ancestors. Chickens of meat-and-egg specialization do not exceed 1.7 kg in weight and produce 150 brown eggs annually.

Mini meat chickens are very popular in Europe. They consume less feed, which has a positive effect on the cost of both meat and egg products, and are also unpretentious and easy to maintain. Today, in addition to the traditional red and white coloration, you can see birds dressed in white, black and red, gray and black feathers, with chintz and smoky colors.

Inside the breed, mini meat chickens are not bred, but are used to obtain fast-growing crosses that retain parental habits. They eat little and actively gain weight.

The Faverolles chicken breed has become widespread in France since the beginning of the last century. The bird gained fame due to its original appearance and amazing quality of meat. Excellent consumer qualities of poultry are still appreciated. Chickens of meat and egg breeds grow at an enviable rate, reaching 3-4 kg of live weight, and at the same time give up to 180 brown eggs weighing at least 60 grams.

With excellent meat productivity, unlike other breeds of this direction, Faveroll chickens are distinguished by a thin skeleton. They quickly adapt to seasonal temperature fluctuations, are calm, but can gain excess fat.

French meat-and-egg chickens Maran are not very familiar to Russian poultry farmers, and in Europe these birds are popular due to high speed growth, amazing plumage colors, bright, almost chocolate eggs and decent meat quality.

Adult birds are quite large. A rooster can weigh up to 4, and a chicken up to 3 kilograms. At the same time, laying hens give to the table up to 150 extremely large eggs weighing up to 80 grams per year. The uniqueness of the breed of chickens lies in their coloring. The breed standard stipulates that birds can have white, black, wheaten, cuckoo or variegated, and golden cuckoo plumage.

Beautiful silvery birds with decent egg and meat productivity were bred in the Russian south. The Adler breed of chickens has a silver Colombian color and begins to rush from the age of six months. For a year they give from 170 to 200 cream eggs. Birds raised for meat, of course, are inferior to the original meat breeds of chickens, but they are also quite weighty. The rooster grows up to 4 kg, and the chicken up to 2.8 kg of live weight.

Decent egg production in laying hens of the Adler breed of chickens lasts for 3-4 years, which allows you not to change the herd every year to collect a large amount of valuable dietary eggs.

Black-and-white Pushkin chickens received the status of a breed not so long ago, but they have already won sincere respect from poultry farmers. Some even call this variety of meat-and-egg birds the best for personal farmsteads. And there is every reason for such an opinion. First of all, the chickens of this meat-and-egg breed are distinguished by their endurance and rapid acclimatization to any, even the most severe conditions.

They are unpretentious, they find food on their own, they are early maturing and stand out against the background of their relatives with high egg productivity.

Roosters weigh up to 3 kg, chickens are lighter per kilogram. In a year, a laying hen can produce about 220 eggs with a light cream or white shell. Chickens of this breed are distinguished by the fact that, with a relatively modest weight, they give a well-fed, attractive carcass.

The old American breed of chickens Amrox has a characteristic "cuckoo" color, and according to the standard, each feather should end with a dark stripe. The broader black markings on the plumage make females appear darker than males.

Having appeared in Europe, meat-and-egg chickens have established themselves as excellent laying hens, producing up to 220 eggs annually, as well as good meat birds. An adult rooster grows up to 4.5 kg, a chicken is lighter per kilogram. Amrox chickens have a calm disposition, quickly get used to new conditions of detention and grow well.

An old breed originally from Romania was originally called the Transylvanian Hollowneck. But after the improvement of the infusion of new blood, the indication of the origin disappeared, and the bare neck chickens spread throughout the world.

The name of the bird was due to the complete absence of any traces of plumage on the neck. On the rest of the body, the feather also grows unevenly, and some parts of the body are bare, like the neck of birds. With such an original appearance, the bare neck chicken is a meat-and-egg variety that regularly produces up to 150-180 eggs annually and grows up to 3.5 kg in weight.

The domestic breed of chickens Moscow Black belongs to the meat and egg direction and enjoys the well-deserved love of the owners of small farms and household plots. The characteristic qualities of the breed include unpretentiousness in the choice of feed, the possibility of keeping even in regions with a harsh climate, resistance to common diseases. poultry, as well as decent meat and egg productivity.

Already at the age of four months, Moscow black hens begin to lay and produce up to 250 light brown or cream eggs per year. Egg production persists in winter.

Adult roosters and hens are not as well-fed as their meat relatives, but they show good performance for poultry. The live weight of a rooster leaves 3.5 kg, chicken - 2.5 kg.

Collection of chickens of different breeds - video

The egg breed of chickens was created in order to increase egg production, and not to obtain meat. There are several breeds bred by the business executives themselves, for example, the Ushanka breed, a variety of which was the Russian earflap, Ukrainian and South Russian.

In addition to the "folk selection", the "group" of chickens with high egg production consists of the Leggorn breed, bred in the 19th century by Italians. The Fayumi Egyptian chicken strikes the imagination with the antiquity of its roots and its hitherto unknown origin.

The ancient ancestors of modern chickens, ornithologists consider wild Banking chickens, which are still found in Asia, India and Vietnam to this day.

Egg breeds of chickens

The most common and sought-after breeds of egg hens are the following representatives of the group, which are distinguished by high egg production and unpretentiousness.

Ushanka, chicken "universal"

A representative of the egg breed of chickens, which can also be attributed to the meat and egg group. Representatives of this breed can hardly be called large, the average bird weight is 2.5 kg. Egg production average 185 eggs of medium and small size per year. The weight of one egg does not exceed a mass of 55 grams. The Ushanka breed begins to lay late, only by the age of six months it gives the first eggs.

Ushanka is called so, for a kind of "whiskers" over the lobes and a crested beard. The color of chickens is brown and variegated black. The breed perfectly tolerates bad weather and frost, as it was bred in harsh, not laboratory conditions.

Breeders did not squabble over the bird, and indiscriminate crossing with chickens of other breeds did not lead to an increase in productivity, but, on the contrary, began to transfer the breed from egg to meat. If we compare the care of earflaps and egg crosses, then crosses, once in conditions where earflaps show an average egg production, will not be laid at all, so the bird is perfect for novice farmers who are not ready to devote “24 hours a day” to the bird.

The bird of this breed is unpretentious, winters well in unheated rooms, does not need high-quality feed. It is often found as a dominant species in rural farmsteads, along with Leghorns and Russian Whites.

Andalusian chicken

Hens with an unusual color, find themselves only in private farmsteads, since the breed is not used on an industrial scale, due to the low (opinion of industrialists) egg production.

Young growth begins to rush at the age of six months, with eggs of 55-62 gr. The productivity of eggs is 185 pieces per year. Andalusian chickens can also be used for meat, the weight of chickens reaches an average of 2.7 kg. The instinct for incubation is underdeveloped, but it is possible to obtain a brood with a high survival rate. However, in order to get numerous offspring, it is better to use an incubator.

Leghorn breed

When it comes to Leghorn chickens, many of you already have an idea about the appearance and abilities of this breed, due to its extraordinary prevalence. Leghorns come in different colors: golden, brown, brown-and-white, and spotted.

All are united by a large, falling crest of a bird. The birthplace of the breed is considered to be Italy, or rather Italian, folk selection. Thanks to the work of breeders based on this breed, and other auxiliary ones, egg crosses have been obtained to date.

Leggorn carry about 210 eggs per year, weighing 57-62 grams. Young hens rush from the age of four months. The weight of the chicken is 1.6-2.3 kg., The roosters weigh half a kilo more.

The breed flourished in our country in the 20th century, when a large batch of Leggorn birds was imported.

Aracuana, tailless breed

The main distinguishing feature of Arakuan is "taillessness", chickens have a barely noticeable tail and a green-blue color of eggs. The weight of chickens of this breed reaches 2.2 kilograms. Egg production reaches 166 pieces, weighing about 58 grams. They do not differ in good health and strong bones. They do not tolerate moisture and drafts. They require careful care and a varied diet with the presence of a vitamin-mineral complex.

mini egg breeds

Mini-egg chickens appeared as a result of mutations and "indiscriminate folk selection." Thoroughbred mini Leggorns and Rhode Island are not egg crosses, but carry the dwarfism gene.

It is noteworthy that the mass of carcasses reaches the weight of a “normal chicken”, and they seem to be dwarfed due to short legs. The mass of eggs is 58 gr-62 gr., with a number of 220 eggs per year.

Dwarf Rhode Island has a brown color, with a purple tint. The tail is black, with green tints, the plumage is densely stuffed.

Pygmy Leghorn these are “low” chickens of different colors, from brown to black, with variegated patches and different overflows in feathers.

Russian white

Russian white breed egg hens, was bred by selective selection and crossing of Leghorn chickens with local rural breeds, so the birds of this breed inherited the best qualities from Leghorns.

Russian white chicken gives average eggs up to 60 grams, during the year such a bird lays about 200 eggs. The main features of the Russian white chicken are a slightly hanging comb and a white color. From Leghorns, the breed inherited a weak presence of the instinct for incubation of eggs.

With age, the egg production of the Russian breed decreases from 244 eggs per year to 210. Therefore, prolonged maintenance is considered inappropriate. The advantages of "Russian" birds include good immunity, resistance to frost, they are unpretentious and hardy, even unheated rooms in private courtyards are suitable for keeping them.

Description of meat and egg breeds of chickens

The most versatile in terms of egg and meat orientation are chickens, which, in the course of active selection, inherited the best qualities from two groups of egg and meat. Meat and egg chickens have a good-natured character and good immunity, they are unpretentious and versatile, the average egg productivity is about 180-210 pieces per year, this category is also a source of meat. Birds of this breed are weighty grow in weight about 4 kg. The instinct for incubation is well developed.

Mother hens take care of the offspring for about one and a half months. The muscle mass of the breed is developed, however, with a lack of vitamins and minerals, or poor feeding, chickens tend to lose weight and reduce egg production. The meat quality of the carcasses is high. The meat and egg breed is highly valued among farmers; in the industry, preference is given to artificially bred meat and egg crosses.

Quite popular birds of meat and egg breed in rural circles are:

Moscow breed

Birds that do not tolerate drafts and high humidity in the chicken coop were bred at the Bratsevo factory under the guidance of the Moscow Agricultural. institute. The Moscow breed is distinguished by black plumage, a large head, a straight thick crest, and a medium beak with a black tint. The mass of birds is on average 3.7 kg., Due to well-developed muscles.

The viability of birds is satisfactory, but incomparable with birds of "folk selection", Moscow chickens need a varied diet, balanced with vitamins and minerals.

Pullets begin to lay eggs from the 5th month of life, reaching 235 pieces per year, weighing 62 grams. The disadvantages include "lack of good luck" in incubation and absent-mindedness in driving a brood. When laid in an incubator, it is possible to obtain sufficiently viable offspring, with almost 100% hatch. The nature of the breed is calm, suitable for a closed type of keeping, however, with strict observance of all prescribed standards for keeping birds in captivity.

The Moscow breed of chickens is demanding on heat; the place where young individuals are kept must be heated.

New Hampshire, breeding breed of poultry

The birthplace of this bird is one of the American states, where the first chicken of this breed was obtained by selective crossing of Rhode Island chickens in the 30s. New Hampshire has been blessed with "breeding parents", excellent egg production and amazing vitality.

The first chicken arrived in the country in the 50s and immediately found its niche and "admirers". Egg laying of chickens is manifested at the age of six months. Eggshell milky beige.

The “hen” instinct is satisfactory, the viability of the brood is about 87%. The plumage has a light brown and brown variegated color. The Hampshires are relatively calm.

Hampshires are divided into two groups, egg orientation (layers) and meat (broilers). Their weight reaches 4.5 kg. Egg weight 63 gr., with a productivity of about 210 eggs per year.

Sufficiently hardy and productive group of birds. Popular since the 70s. Eggs from chickens of the Kuchin breed are large in size, about 65 grams, with a productivity of about 210 eggs per year. In order to obtain birds of this breed, the following breeds became the object of selective selection and crossing: the brown species of Leghorn, improved by the selection method of Plymouthrock and Rhode Island.

This breed is widely used by agricultural producers to obtain high-quality meat and eggs. The positive and important features of this category of birds include the resistance of Kuchinskaya to various kinds of colds and to the variability of weather conditions. Birds tolerate both cold and exhausting heat tolerably, but this does not mean that Kuchinsky chickens do not require care.

The weight of the chicken is about 3.2 kg., the rooster is 4 kg. The plumage of chickens is quite bright and “smart”, the color is golden, red, mottled.

The viability of the brood is 97%, mother hens are caring "mothers" and lead chicks up to 2-3 months. Young animals with the right diet quickly gain weight and grow. Young laying hens begin to rush by 5 months. The bird has a friendly, calm character, quickly gets used to the owner, unpretentious in content.

Plymouthrock chickens

The bird, originally from America, has a meat orientation, is often a success at exhibitions. In addition to meat characteristics, it has excellent egg-laying abilities. The weight of chickens on average fluctuates around 3.7 kg. The color is different, from white, motley and brown. The beak of the birds is short, orange, the eyes are large, the tail is short and wide. The nature of the breed is calm, not conflict. The hens are balanced and ready for long-term incubation, they have a developed parental instinct.

Egg production occurs at the age of six months and is 175-185 large eggs per year. Eggs are beige, rough. Full maturation of laying hens occurs at 7-8 months, during this period, with good care, egg production can be increased to 195 eggs per year. The color of the brood largely depends on the color of relatives. Meat and eggs of the Plymouthrock breed are of high quality and excellent dietary characteristics.

Egg laying of chickens of this category occurs at the age of six months. Young eggs are medium, about 57 grams, light in color, by the age of one year, the egg production increases to 240 pieces per year, and the egg weight increases to 68-70 grams. Average weight one bird is about 2.7 kg. Barbeziers are demanding on a diet that should contain a vitamin and mineral complex. To improve the egg production of these birds, the lighting in the chicken coop should be at the level of 15-17 hours a day.

The nature of the birds is calm, prone to "flying". The color of the chickens is black with blue tints. The backbone is powerful, the birds have strong high paws, due to them they seem “a head higher” than their relatives. Chickens do not tolerate dampness and frost, so the presence of a warm, dry chicken coop is necessary for their maintenance.

The meat productivity of Barbezier is excellent, dietary orientation.

The content of chickens of egg and meat-egg breed

In order for your birds to give you what they deserve, you need to provide them with everything you need. Before you start your flock, build a warm, light and dry house with perches and nests, provide a place to run, stock up on balanced feed. And only then buy chickens of the breed that would fully meet your needs.

The chicken coop can be built from any building materials, however, it is better and more reliable to build a structure made of stone and wood. The poultry house must be warm, dry and spacious, bright and ventilated. The walls must first of all be insulated with materials that will not interest the bird (foam plastic cannot be used in the public domain).

Natural and artificial light sources are needed in the chicken coop. Perches should be stable and not too high, nests dry, deep and hidden from view. In construction, the main thing is to adhere to the rule of using natural materials.

The walking area should be fenced and spacious, it would be better if it was an area with grass and several “nooks and crannies” to protect the birds.

The diet of feeding chickens should be nutritious, varied, with a predominance of wet food and mash. Standard set for feeding contains: cereals, meat and bone meal, hay meal, chopped vegetables, bran, cake, whole grains, boiled potatoes and vitamin complexes.

The diet of chickens should be varied and include not only meat and bone meal, but also fish, shells and sulfur preparations.

The above ingredients are added to mash and cereals, low-fat cottage cheese and whey. Ant eggs and snails collected in the forest are useful for young and adult birds.

Chickens also need salt, you can use iodized salt, just add about 0.5 tsp to water or mixers. per kg. mixtures or 1 tsp. for every 3 liters of water. To strengthen the skeleton, young animals need to hang chalk or scatter limestone and shells in walking areas.

So that the birds do not lose weight, due to growth, vitamins and minerals are mixed into the feed, primarily phosphorus.

Fresh grass or greens, chopped tops in the diet should also become an integral part of a complete diet. If the preparation of balanced mixtures is a hassle or there are doubts about the correct selection of feeds, you can purchase ready-made vitamin and protein feeds for poultry in specialized stores.

After all, only healthy chickens that receive a complete feed will give highly nutritious "healthy" products, which will more than pay for the time and effort spent on their maintenance.

With a high production of eggs for breeding at home, it is somewhat difficult to choose.

But having necessary knowledge in this direction, it is not so difficult to choose the best breeds of chickens for egg meat.

Meat-egg breeds are very popular due to their high productivity. One adult hen weighs about 2.6 kg and lays approximately 220 eggs during the year. It is possible to get eggs from birds at the age of six months.
The advantages of the breed are:

  • Their indifference to food. Grain, vegetables, herbs, various food waste are used. But malnutrition negatively affects the number of eggs.
  • Also, these breeds are not demanding on the conditions of care. They do not need special facilities, do not require special care.
  • The temperament of egg hens is peaceful and calm.

Chicken breeds

A lot of different breeds of meat-and-egg birds have been bred by the selection method.

The most productive experts consider the following breeds:

  • Anniversary Kuchinskaya. They are rightfully considered the best breed of meat and egg direction. They are brown in color with golden tints. This breed is very productive and survives well, up to 97 percent. This breed does not require special care. They are unpretentious in content, peaceful, not aggressive, distinguished by indifference to weather changes.
  • Sussex. This species was bred in the state of the same name. The breed is characterized by high egg production, up to 180 eggs throughout the year. The breed is large, with a powerful developed back. Everything picks up in a short amount of time. The mass of a rooster reaches 3.1 kg, chicken - 2.6 kg. The color of the breed is black and white, with specks on the neck. A comb in the form of a leaf.
  • Plymouth Rock. The most beautiful breed of chickens. The bird is suitable for aesthetes who will admire its appearance. Chickens can become a decoration of any farmstead or take part in exhibitions. The bird is very large. A rooster reaches a weight of 6 kg, a laying hen - 3.6 kg. Chicken meat is juicy and tasty, eggs are laid annually. The plumage of Plymouth Rocks is varied. There are birds white, fawn, speckled. For the house, chickens of the same tone are used, for exhibitions - striped. The characteristic features of this breed are a large fluffy tail, a small yellow beak, huge eyes. The character is calm, peaceful. Unlike other breeds, Plymouthrock hatches eggs for a long time. Each year, a laying hen produces an average of 180 eggs with brownish shells. Start of bearing - 6 months of age.
  • Yerevan. Appeared in Armenia and Azerbaijan. Thanks to characteristic features, they quickly spread to other countries. Of the shades, the main one is red, a little black on the tips of the tires and bright in the form of stripes on the sides. The birds are small, with a powerful developed chest and wings, with a small crest. Yerevan birds are shy, alert, modest. The beginning of carrying is very earlier, up to 6 months. The egg weighs about 65 g. Males weigh about 4.6 kg, the female - 2.7 kg. From a laying hen you can get 210 eggs every year, sometimes 320 eggs with perfect care. To increase egg production, chickens should receive a complete balanced diet and vitamins. The house should be bright, warm and dry.
  • Faverolles. The birds are native to France. They have a beautiful appearance, with a head decorated with sideburns, with feathers on their paws. Can be kept to decorate the yard. Birds are inactive, do not pay attention to other representatives of birds, always remain calm. For these reasons, they gain weight and store fat in a short time. Fat deposits make it easy to endure frost. The weight of the male is approximately 3.9 kg, the female is 2.9 kg. From a laying hen you can get 190 eggs per year, with a weight of 65 g.
  • Orpington. The most expensive breed from English. It is characterized by short feathers and a variety of colors: black, partridge color, red. The weight of the male is 3.5 kg, the female is 2.6 kg. During the year, a hen lays approximately 190 eggs.
  • Salmon zagorsky. The meat of chickens has the color of salmon, which gave the bird its name. The breed is distinguished by black or red feathers and small size. The weight of an adult rooster is 3.6 kg, chickens - 2.8 kg. For a year, 250 eggs are obtained from a chicken, weighing 65 g.
  • Poltava. A popular breed that is bred in various countries. It has shades of clay color, roosters are always a little darker than hens. There are black feathers on the wings and tail. The comb is leaf-shaped.
    All males - 3.2 kg, females - 2.1 kg. They rush from 6 months of age. Over the course of the year, hens lay 190 eggs weighing 60 g. Females incubate eggs well.
  • Adler silver. White color with a silvery overflow is responsible for the name of the breed. The scruff and feathers on the wings are bright black. The weight of the cockerel is 4.2 kg, the females - 2.9. In a year, a laying hen lays approximately 180 eggs weighing 65 g.
  • Bearded blacks. The breed has a dense body, rounded shape, large breast. On the head is an individual sign - a large beard. The paws of the chickens are powerful, the beak is gray, the red crest is in the form of a rose. The tail is small, the feathers are short, completely shiny black with green tints.
    An adult cockerel weighs 3.6 kg, a hen - 2.6 kg. Egg production in one year is 220 eggs. The breed is quite rare, but poultry farmers manage to get hold of these chickens.

Factors that affect egg production

It is not a fact that meat-and-egg breeds of chickens will produce many eggs without proper care.

There are reasons, depending on which, the egg production of chickens increases or decreases:

These requirements are not difficult to comply with. With some effort, the chicken owner will end up with tender, dietary meat and such a nutritious product as eggs.

Amrox - meat egg breed of chickens - on the video:

  • The secrets of breeding Sussex chickens, proven ...

The first breeds of meat-and-egg chickens and chickens for breeding at home on a ranch appeared in the United States of America in the second half of the nineteenth century. For the first time, meat and egg breeds began to be bred in the USA from the second half of the 19th century for ranch breeding. Species of this breed also appeared in the Carpathian lands by the end of the nineteenth century (Carpathian green).

In 1950 to the sixties of the twentieth century, a breed of meat and egg chickens was bred on a large scale in the USSR. At that time, the poultry industry was not yet so extensive and was not the basis of the industry.

Then people who were seriously involved in chickens created about twenty breeds and even more groups of breeds. A little later, most of the meat and egg breed was ousted from poultry farms, because they were considered unprofitable.

A photo

View photos of bird species.

What are characteristic?

Consider the direction of meat-and-egg breeds of chickens in Russia with a description and find out which ones to choose? It is taken as a basis that this breed has a lighter and more proportional skeleton, unlike breeds that are grown for meat, but slightly larger than those chickens that are only egg-laying. Their plumage is quite dense and evenly dense.

This enables the bird to adapt well in sub-zero temperature conditions. Without additional lighting, egg production may decrease in winter. A mandatory requirement for keeping such chickens is a clean and dry house, or a cage, without the slightest suspicion of drafts.

The meat and egg species of the bird are considered more active and inquisitive. are more likely to "communicate" with people. Such chickens are characterized by average indicators of both egg production and weight gain for slaughter: about one hundred and eighty eggs during the year and weight gain up to four kg by cockerels and a little less by hens. Puberty account for five and a half to six months.
If you are raising chickens in a backyard, then you need to think about dividing the bird population into a family of chickens that will reproduce their kind (precisely to get eggs for incubation or incubation by the brood hens themselves), into chickens that will lay eggs for sale, and hens and cockerels to be fattened for meat.

It is worth doing this in order to know which chickens will be best fed.

Short description

  1. Moscow black breed of chickens

    This breed has a well-developed musculature, their color is black with obvious visible inclusions from copper to golden hue. As a rule, bettas can have a bright golden hue on the shoulders, mane, as well as the lower back.

    • The weight of the live weight of the bird for hens is two and a half kg, for males three and a half.
    • Egg production from two hundred and twenty eggs per year to two hundred and eighty.
    • One egg weighs an average of sixty grams.
  2. Adler silver

    This breed adapts well to the cold climate of the Urals. A change of scenery or feeding is perfectly tolerated by the bird. This breed has a high survival rate. Chickens have a high viability. The bird is resistant to various diseases, unlike many others. Laying hens are about four years old and the number is not decreasing.

    • The weight of a cockerel can reach four kg, and chickens no more than two and a half to three kg.
    • Egg production is at least 180 eggs, and if the weight of the hen is less, then this figure can reach 200 pieces per year.
    • The weight of the egg is not more than 60 grams.
    • Laying hens may be ready to lay eggs at six months of age, but this can be detrimental to their health.

    Most breeds of meat and egg chickens start laying eggs early. This is not desirable for good bird health. In order to prevent pre-carrying, the use of artificial developmental delay is necessary. A common way is to hatch young animals in early summer or reduce feeding and artificially reduce daylight hours.

    We are watching interesting video about the Adler breed of chickens:

  3. Poltava clayey

    The breed is light brown or dark brown in color. With some nuances of selection, you can bring out the cuckoo color or with a predominance of black.

    • The weight of the chicken is from two to two and a half kg, and the weight of the cockerels, respectively, is more by kg.
    • The main feature of the taste of meat is the low presence of fiber and a pleasant taste.
    • The weight of an egg is about fifty-six grams.
    • Egg production from one hundred and eighty to two hundred pieces per year.
  4. rhode island

    The breed has dark brown feathers. The bird is calm, unpretentious, quite friendly towards people and neighbors.

    • The weight of a cockerel ranges from two kg eight hundred grams to three and a half kg, and hens no more than two and a half kg.
    • Egg production one hundred sixty-one hundred and seventy pieces per year.
    • The mass of the egg is about sixty grams.
  5. We watch an interesting video about the breed of chickens - Rhode Island:

  6. Yurlovskaya vociferous chicken

    These chickens are black in color with a hint of gold, and their back is silvery. But there are also individuals that have silver and white, red and salmon or black plumage. The tail of the bird is very lush and beautiful. Most chicken breeders noted that the meat of this breed is tastier than broiler meat.

    • Large cockerels weigh up to four and a half kg, and hens up to four kg.
    • Egg production is not more than one hundred and sixty grams.
  7. We watch an interesting video about the breed of chickens - Yurlovskaya vociferous:

  8. Moscow white

    The Moscow White breed was bred specifically for keeping conditions with a predominance of a cold climate. Sufficiently dense plumage prevents freezing in winter, and white color does not allow the bird to overheat in summer.

    • The weight of hens is not more than two kg, seven hundred grams, and the weight of cockerels is not more than three kg, six hundred grams.
    • Start laying eggs at five and a half to six months.
    • Eggs weigh sixty-two grams.
    • Egg production up to two hundred and thirty eggs per year.

    Reference! Birds of this breed tend to peck both their eggs and each other!

  9. Wyandot

    If you would like to see chickens in your farmstead who willingly make contact with people, then Wyandottes are the best in this business. The nature of this bird is very calm, friendly. Hens can be excellent mother hens who will later take care of their chickens. There is a dwarf subspecies.

    • The weight of a cockerel is up to three and a half kg, and that of a hen is up to two and a half, although it can reach the weight of a cockerel.
    • They are distinguished by low egg production, about one hundred and fifty pieces per year.
    • The weight of an egg is forty-five to sixty grams.
  10. Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens

    Hens have light brown plumage, and cockerels are black and white. The breed adopted the vociferous singing from its direct ancestors of the Yurlovsky vociferous. Therefore, when choosing a place for a poultry house, consider this fact. Laying hens are poor hens.

    • Hens and roosters reach approximately the same weight from two kg to three and a half.
    • They have a high egg production of 200-250 pieces per year.
    • The weight of the egg is over sixty grams.
    • Egg laying begins at six to eight months.
  11. We watch an interesting video about the Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens:

  12. Legbar

    These chickens have a special attraction. The main distinguishing factor of the breed is autosexism. The bird has a dense predominantly variegated cuckoo coloration. Females have a more pronounced brown color, while males have lighter or cream colors. The hens lay greenish-blue eggs.

    • Hens up to two kg, males up to three and a half kg.
    • Eggs weigh forty-five to sixty grams.
    • Beginning of laying eggs six to eight months.
  13. We watch an interesting video about the breed of chickens - Legbar:

  14. Maran

    Marans come from the humid regions of France, they tolerate wet weather well, but the presence of a large comb and earrings can be prone to frostbite. Chicken breeders admit that the birds are very calm, quiet, there is no aggression even among cockerels.

    Those who decide to start marans need to remember that seven to eight females are needed for one male. There are several bred colors (cuckoo with gold, black, white, silver-black, copper-black, black-tailed and Colombian).

    • The weight of cockerels is three and a half kg, and the hens can be from two kg to the weight of a cockerel.
    • Low egg production up to one hundred and fifty pieces per year.
    • Large eggs over sixty grams.
    • The egg laying period is six to eight months.
  15. We watch an interesting video about the breed of chickens - Maran:

  16. master gray

    The bird gives out a good carcass, which has a developed brisket and weighty legs. Their meat is very satisfying, tasty and healthy. The hens are ash-white in color with a speck near the neck, and the cockerels have blue-black tails.

    • The weight of the cockerel is over three and a half kg, and the hens are over three kg.
    • Eggs are large over sixty grams.
    • The egg laying period is the same as in previous breeds.
  17. May Day chickens

    The breed is more suitable for regions that are located in the South, but under good conditions, it will also suit the northern ones. The color of hens and cockerels is white with black feathers on the tail.

    • The weight of cockerels is up to three and a half kg, and the hens are no more than two and a half.
    • Egg production one hundred and seventy eggs per year.
    • Egg average forty-five-sixty grams.
    • Egg laying earlier at four to five months.
  18. We watch an interesting video about the breed of chickens - Pervomaiskaya:

  19. Pushkin chickens

    The birds are peaceful and quiet. They rarely show aggression. Roosters require a large number of hens, based on one male, about twenty-five females. A good, long range can help the owner save on feed. The hens are variegated black, and the males have light plumage with small dark patches.

    • Egg production of two hundred and twenty pieces per year.
    • Cockerels weighing up to three kg, and chickens up to two and a half kg.
    • Large eggs over seventy grams.
    • Egg laying begins at five months.
  20. Barnevelder

    The breed is more like a meat breed than an egg breed, as it lays on average about three to four eggs per week. But the taste of meat replaces low egg production. The color of the bird is chocolate-black, with a lush black tail in males. The hens are good hens.

    • The weight of males is up to three and a half kg, and the hens are from two to three kg.
    • Egg production from one hundred and fifty to two hundred pieces per year.
    • Egg weight is standard, sixty grams.
  21. Amrox

    The universal breed of bird has a striped color that distinguishes it from others. The hens are great at incubating eggs and taking great care of the chicks. Cockerels can be aggressive when protecting hens. The color of the feather of this bird is similar to the colors of the sailors' vests, the horizontal stripes black and white alternate with each other.

    Cockerels are slightly lighter than hens, they have more white feathers. They have a luxurious tail, consisting of long feathers, like a sickle.

    • The weight of the cockerel is up to three and a half kg, and the hens are from two to three kg.
    • Excellent egg production from two hundred pieces per year.
    • Eggs are average forty-five to sixty grams.
  22. We watch an interesting video about the breed of chickens - Amroks:

  23. Bielefelder

    This breed was bred by the German breeder Herbert Rott. Chickens have good productive characteristics, but in Russia they are known so far only in amateur circles of chicken breeders. This breed has proven itself to be an interesting plumage (variegated mixture of ocher colors with black and gray, and white feathers on the head, like those of hawks). There are no feathers on the legs.

    • Egg production from two hundred to two hundred and thirty pieces per year.
    • The weight of the cockerel is up to four and a half kg in the second year, and the hens are about four kg.
    • The weight of an egg is about seventy grams.
    • Good consistent egg production starts at one to two years of age.
  24. Faverolles

    The bird of this breed has many colors, but salmon is the most common. The bird itself is white in color, and salmon on the back, wings and tail. The legs are also covered with light feathers. Faverolles are very curious, so they quickly adapt to poultry houses when they are placed in a common herd. There is a dwarf version of the fireballs.

    • The weight of a cockerel is up to three and a half kg, the chicken is from two kg one hundred grams to the weight of a cockerel.
    • Egg production one hundred and fifty to two hundred pieces a year.
    • The size of the egg is forty-five to sixty grams.
  25. We watch an interesting video about breeds of chickens - Faverolle:

  26. Australorp chickens

    In Australorp, the meat has a dark, closer to red color. Excellent taste, there is some similarity with beef. Recognized as the best breed in terms of its productivity both in terms of meat and egg. Plumage color is black. The iris is dark brown, with brown eye rims. The metatarsus is dark (gray or black), the nails and fingertips are lighter, the sole is white.

    Subsequently, white, blue, chocolate, golden varieties of egg breeds for business were bred.

    • The body weight of a rooster is up to four kg, laying hens - up to three kg.
    • Egg production of one hundred and eighty-two hundred eggs per year with some features in keeping and feeding.
    • The weight of an egg is fifty-five to eight grams.
    • Start laying eggs early four and a half months.
  27. Sussex

    Conflict-free breed of chickens. Hens tend to show maternal qualities to chickens, and cockerels, by nature, can get along with several of their subspecies in the same herd.

    • The weight of a cockerel and a hen can reach up to three and a half kg.
    • Egg production two hundred to two hundred and fifty pieces per year.
    • The mass of eggs is sixty grams.
  28. We watch an interesting video about breeds of chickens - Sussex:

Basic bird crosses

Crosses in their origin are hybrids of other bred breeds. As a result, selections can have from two to four lines. The name can use the corresponding number indicating the number of lines.

The vast majority of new highly productive crosses, both egg and meat, are based on 4-line hybrids. Deduced to increase both egg and meat productivity. Among the meat and egg crosses, the following breeds are considered the best:

  • "Australorp".
  • "Adler silver".
  • "Hollows".
  • "Kuchinsky anniversary".
  • "Rhode Island".
  • "Orlovskaya vociferous".

Features of care If something is wrong with the bird, then by its behavior it will be able to warn the owner in time. You need to be careful about how chickens make sounds. Usually, while awake, birds are very active so they sing and cackle a lot. In the event that the bird is sick, there will be silence.

When someone scared the bird, it shows it even more loudly than usual. A frightened bird begins to rush badly, but after the stress passes, it resumes its activity again. Chickens that start to get sick tend to stop feeding or eat very little. They are in a relaxed form, their head is tucked under the wing or lies with an outstretched neck.

The crest of the bird begins to wrinkle, turning blue or yellow. The feathers fluff up. Such a bird needs to be separated from the general flock, in order to heal and risk infecting other birds. For an expedient feed consumption, it is worth removing chickens that do not lay well from the general herd.

Reference! Laid eggs should be removed from the nests in time, this will suppress the incubation instinct, which is more developed in meat and egg breeds if the eggs are needed for incubation.

Nutrition and breeding


In comparison of the main crosses and breeds of chickens of the egg direction, the former have a reduced metabolism. Their egg-laying processes are less intense and, in general, hens of this breed lead a less active lifestyle, less curious. They tend to overeat. As a result of this factor, not muscle mass, but fat can gain weight.

Fat is deposited, as a rule, under the skin and on the internal organs. Also associated with overeating is a decrease in the quality of eggs, a low percentage of egg production. Well, and, do not forget that overeating birds is always associated with high feed costs. Therefore, the daily diet of such breeds of chickens, which go only for meat or meat and eggs, should be made taking into account the factor described above.

Nutrition should be balanced both for gaining muscle weight and for the correct laying of eggs in the breeding season.


These chickens are bred by selection. It will be very difficult for an amateur beginner to do this on his own, without knowing certain nuances and features. But most often, for a homestead, they buy a hatching egg of mini birds or young animals.


This article was useful for both beginner chicken breeders and experienced professionals in this matter. She was supposed to help with the choice of the best breed for you and the convenience for growing and keeping. Take poultry farming as seriously as possible, because this is a good business for the soul, as well as quite profitable for the family budget.

Quite often, poultry farmers want to breed universal chickens in their backyard so that both egg production is good and there is a lot of meat. Therefore, the choice falls on the meat of egg breeds of chickens, which have a high survival rate and adapt quickly to any conditions of detention. In this article, we will consider the meat of egg breeds of chickens.

Meat egg chickens are very popular because of their productivity. Approximately one individual has a mass of 2.6 kilograms, and can produce up to 220 eggs per year. The egg-laying period begins at an early age, six months after birth.

Universal meat and egg breeds of chickens are completely unpretentious in feeding. You can use waste from the kitchen, cereals, fresh herbs, vegetables. This fact is very pleasing to bird breeders. Lack of feed negatively affects the number of eggs.

Meat and egg breeds of chickens are calm and peaceful. As a rule, outdoor maintenance occurs, special enclosures and special care are not required.

Breeds of chickens meat egg direction with photo

Due to crossbreeding, today there are a huge number of different breeds egg chicken meat. In order to choose exactly the breed that you need, you need to get to know them better.

Rhode Island

The name of this breed of meat of egg chickens came from the state where these birds appeared. The suit has a red-brown color, a green tint is noticeable on the tail. The paws are powerful, the comb is leaf-shaped and red, the beak is yellow.

At the seventh month of life, these birds begin to lay eggs. The egg shell is brown. The mass of an adult male is approximately 3.9 kilograms, females - 2.9 kilograms. The productivity of this breed is quite high - 220 eggs annually.

Deviations from the breed:

Rhode Island apply for breeding different breeds.

Chickens are unpretentious in nutrition, they can eat pasture. Excellent survival rate for young and chicks. Carry a whole year. Chickens that are distinguished by good egg production are left to breed offspring. In order not to reduce productivity in winter, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 10 ° C in the chicken coop, as well as extend daylight hours.

New Hampshire

This breed is a variety of Roy Island. Pretty early and productive. Excellent livestock survival. They start laying eggs at six months old. At big size eggs. The color scheme is light brown-red. An adult male weighs approximately 3.3 kilograms, a chicken - 2.6 kilograms. A laying hen can produce up to 190 eggs annually.

There is only one drawback of the breed - chickens are not very good hens.

Anniversary Kuchinskaya

These are the most best birds meat and egg direction. Color scheme brown shimmers with a golden hue. It has a high survival rate of offspring (up to 97%) and productivity.

The birds are quite easy to care for, these chickens are unpretentious, friendly and calm in keeping. They can tolerate different weather conditions very well. Gaining weight quickly. The eggshell is brown, may have a pink tinge. The meat is juicy and tasty, the eggs are large. A laying hen can produce up to 220 eggs annually.

Distinctive features:

Kuchinsky Yubileinaya has no disadvantages.


This is the most successful breed obtained in the process of crossing. It is characterized by high endurance, productivity, survival of adults and young animals.

The main color is black. Individualism emphasize yellow feathers around the neck. The eggs of this breed are quite weighty - 63 gr. The mass of an adult rooster is 3.9 kilograms, laying hens - 2.8 kilograms. A chicken can produce up to 220-250 eggs annually. During proper maintenance, chickens can lay up to 300 eggs.

Breed advantages:

Disadvantages of the breed - not developed brooding instinct, chickens are pretty bad brood hens.

These birds are very fond of warmth. When you need good egg production to be preserved in the winter, then you need to take care of the insulation of the house.

Animals friendly and calm nature, therefore it is not necessary to build large enclosures. In young animals, the survival rate is up to 95%.


These chickens got their name from the famous county. This is where this species was bred. The chicken is quite large, massive back. The suit is white and black. There are certainly blotches on the neck. Gaining weight fairly quickly. The scallop is leaf-shaped. Egg weight - 65 grams. The weight of a rooster is about 3.1 kilograms, laying hens - 2.6 kilograms. A hen produces up to 180 eggs annually.

Plymouth Rock

This breed will appeal most of all to those people who are important bird appearance, a large number of eggs and tasty meat. It is plymouthrock that will be able to decorate the courtyard. In addition, this breed can participate in exhibitions.

Plymutrok is quite large, the weight of an adult male is 6 kilograms, laying hens are 3.6 kilograms. Egg production is high, the meat is tender and tasty.

The color scheme is quite varied. Fawn, speckled, white individuals may come across. Striped, as a rule, are kept for exhibitions, plain chickens are for home use.


plymouthrocks pretty calm. The main difference from the rest of the meat of egg breeds of chickens is the duration of incubation. A hen can produce up to 180 eggs annually. The shell is brown. Chickens begin to lay eggs from six months of age.


This breed was bred on the territory of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Due to the positive qualities, the breed quickly spread to other countries.

The color scheme is red, black is noted on the tips of the feathers, bright stripes are on the sides. Chickens are medium-sized, with a wide chest and wings. Small comb. The Yerevan breed is quite shy, and behaves modestly and cautiously.

Still starting to run before half a year. Egg weight is about 65 gr. The rooster weighs 4.6 kilograms, the chicken - 2.7 kilograms. A laying hen produces approximately 210 eggs annually. With the right content, there have been cases when a chicken produced up to 320 eggs per year.

In order to have good productivity, laying hens must be provided with fortified and balanced feed, as well as a warm and dry chicken coop.


This breed has its roots in France. These chickens are quite beautiful, the head is decorated with sideburns, plumage on the paws. This grace can decorate any courtyard.

Chickens are inactive, indifferent to other birds, have a calm disposition. This lifestyle makes it possible to quickly gain mass and store fat. Because they fairly easy to bear low temperatures. The mass of a rooster is 3.9 kilograms, of a chicken - 2.9 kilograms. A laying hen produces approximately 190 eggs annually. The mass of one is 65 gr.


This breed is the most expensive, it comes from England. The feather cover is rather short. The range of colors is very diverse:

  • Black.
  • Fawn.
  • Red.
  • Partridge.

The mass of an adult rooster is 3.5 kilograms, of a chicken - 2.6 kilograms. A laying hen produces approximately 190 eggs annually.

Salmon Zagorskie

The name came from appearance meat that has salmon shade. Characteristics:

  • The color scheme is black or red.
  • Small sizes.

Approximately an adult cockerel weighs 3.6 kilograms, a chicken - 2.8 kilograms. Each laying hen produces approximately 250 eggs. The weight of one is 65 gr.

Poltava chickens

This breed can be found in different countries, they are quite popular. The palette of colors is clayey, and the hens are slightly lighter than the roosters. Black feathers may appear on the wings and tail. They have a leaf-shaped comb. The rooster weighs 3.2 kilograms, the hen - 2.1 kilograms. They begin to rush after six months of life. Every year, a laying hen gives about 190 eggs, the weight of one is 60 grams. Excellent mothers and hens.

Adler silver

This breed got its name because of the white color, which shimmers with silver. The mane and feathers on the wings are characterized black saturated color. On average, a cockerel weighs 4.2 kilograms, a hen - 2.9 kilograms. Each laying hen produces about 180 eggs. Weight of one 65 gr. Great moms.

bearded blacks

They have a dense physique, round shapes, large breasts. There is a large beard on the head, this gives the chickens individuality. The beak is grey. Paws are massive. Rosy red scallop. Long feathers are absent, the tail is small. The color scheme is glossy black, shimmering green in the sun. The mass of an adult rooster is approximately 3.6 kilograms, an adult chicken is about 2.6 kilograms. A laying hen produces approximately 220 eggs annually. Today it is quite difficult to find this breed, but professional poultry farmers and amateurs will certainly have it in their poultry houses.

What factors affect egg production?

Get meat egg breed chickens any farmer can. Moreover, this will not be a guarantee that laying hens will produce a large number of eggs. There are a number of reasons on which the number of eggs laid will depend:

In fact, following all these rules is quite easy and simple. With a little effort, you can consistently get nutritious eggs and tasty meat. Provide these products to your family, or start your own business.

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