The most expensive rooster. Breeds of chickens - what are, photos, descriptions and characteristics. Video "Decorative chickens on a farm"


Not always a chicken is just an egg or meat. After all, it is worth looking at a chicken from a non-consumer point of view, as it immediately becomes noticeable that this bird is quite good-looking. A lush tail, a beautiful comb - why not decorate the economy? Decorative and rare breeds of chickens have long become an independent direction in poultry farming. Therefore, we decided that now is the time to rank the most unusual and elite chickens!

First place

We give the first place in our ranking to one of the rarest breeds in the world, the number of heads of which is estimated at only a few hundred. A rare breed is called Ga Dong Tao. These chickens come from Vietnam and only in the territory of their homeland do they live. The breed was originally fighting, the dimensions of the birds are average: a rooster weighs 3-4 kg, and a chicken 2.5-3 kg. A distinctive feature of unusual creatures, for which we actually gave them primacy in our rating, are thick, one might say, even ugly legs.

In general, Ga Dong Tao is a stocky, broad-chested bird with short wings and a long neck. Toes on thick legs are shortened and it should be noted that this feature does not at all make the breed attractive. The fact is that Ga Dong Tao fighting cocks were bred not only for spectacular fights, but also for meat. And in Vietnam, where chicken legs are a delicacy, chickens with especially thick and fleshy limbs were selected. And thus contributed to the formation of such an unusual quality in chickens.

Second place

We gave the silver of our rating to the no less unusual breed Ayam Tsemani, which means “black rooster”. Actually, that says it all, because these chickens are completely black. They have black feathers, a crest, a beak, paws, eyes, but what is especially striking, even bones, meat and blood are black! I must say that coal-black chickens look somewhat ominous. Unusual rare chickens originate from the island of Sumatra.

In addition to the unusual color, Ayam Tsemani hens have nothing special to boast about, their egg production is low, their weight is also small - about 1.5 kg. Therefore, the breed is rare, they are kept only by lovers and connoisseurs of everything unusual. After all, a cock walking around the courtyard, dressed in blue-black, cannot but surprise!

Third place

The bronze of our rating was taken by beautiful, rare and unusual Phoenix chickens! The unusualness of these oriental birds is in a very long tail. Its minimum length is 3 m, but restless breeders are still working on the maximum. At this stage, a cock with an 11-meter tail has been obtained! Phoenix chickens originate from the Far East, in China and Japan they have been given their role in mythology, long-tailed birds are valued and revered there.

It is believed that incredible roosters roamed the imperial palaces, and having a long-tailed bird in your home has always been considered a guarantee of incredible luck. It is not so easy to have a decorative breed in your household, in Japan the sale of Phoenix roosters is still prohibited, and the murder of a sacred bird is punishable by law!

Fourth place

Another ancient breed has found its place in our ranking - this time we will talk about the Chinese silk chicken.

Attractive chickens with a solid history have a number of incredible features:

  • their feathers are not interlocked, so they look more like fur or wool;
  • the silk hen lacks juvenile molting;
  • on the head of unusual birds there is a fur cap covering the entire head of the chicken and falling over the eyes;
  • the skin of birds, as well as the earlobes and beak, have a bluish tint;
  • silk hens have five toes on their feet.

Chinese silk chicken belongs to the decorative direction. In a year, she is able to lay only 80 eggs, and her weight rarely exceeds 1.5 kg. Therefore, its main purpose is to decorate the courtyard and they have been doing this for quite a long time. The first information about the breed can be found in Aristotle, who wrote about them as chickens with an unusual "cat hair". Which, by the way, is sheared by some breeders of the breed.

Fifth place

We divided the fifth and sixth places between the whole direction - Polish crested chickens. These rare breeds of chickens are represented by Paduans and Dutch white-crested chickens, we gave the fifth place to the first, the sixth to the second.

There is some misunderstanding why, for example, Dutch white-crested chickens are also called Polish. There may be several explanations for this. The mentioned chickens are united by a feather cap, which differs slightly in pomp and shape. Therefore, according to one version, all crested chickens began to be called Polish, because their “headdress” resembled the hat of a Polish soldier.

According to another version, the name Polish crested came from the word "poll" - hair in translation. There is another opinion: according to him, Poland served as a bridge between Europe and the East. Allegedly, there is information about the movement of the ancestors of modern forelock chickens from Asia through the territory of modern Poland.

At the same time, Italy, namely the city of Padua, was recognized as the homeland of the Paduans, because even in the Roman Empire it was known about unusual crested chickens. The video below shows a selection of photos of beautiful Paduan chickens.

Paduans are rare ornamental chickens. Paduans are elegant and graceful, their crest is very fluffy, spherical. It covers the entire head of the bird, this is facilitated by the absence of a crest in this breed, but there is a beautiful feather beard. Plumage color can be varied, from classic black or white to unusual bright options. In terms of productivity, Paduans are also referred to the meat and egg direction, with a productivity of 120 eggs with a weight of 1.5-2.5 kg.

Sixth place

Dutch white-crested chickens are considered one of the national symbols of Holland. There is an opinion that in the distant XV century they were an ordinary meat and egg breed, however, breeders, having decided to improve the appearance of chickens, poured the blood of Polish Corydalis into them. Perhaps that is also why all crested chickens are called Polish. The Dutch white-crested chicken has an extraordinary appearance - all of its plumage has a rich black color and only a lush crest stands out with whiteness.

We can meet beauties of chubby hens on the canvases of animal painters of the 17th century. And some breeders eventually began to call crested birds chickens with a haircut, and each "hairstyle" is unique in its own way. Naturally, the Dutch white-crested is primarily a decorative breed. To have such a specimen in your household is happiness for a breeder-collector. However, the beautiful chicken should provide you with 140 eggs.

Seventh place

In seventh place is the rarest old breed of chickens Westphalian Totlegers. This German breed was once a frequent resident of farms. However, with the advent of many highly productive crosses, the old breeds gradually began to fade into the background. Alas, such a fate befell the beautiful birds of the Westphalian Totlegers. Their peculiarity is that the Westphalian laying hens retain the ability to carry eggs until death, and it was for this quality that they were previously valued.

Westphalian chickens have a beautiful streamlined body shape, abundant and loose plumage. The roosters have especially long feathers on the collar zone, the feathers of which fall right up to the back of the bird. The productive qualities of the bird are average, the weight of the rooster is about 2 kg, and the chicken is about 1.5 kg. Egg productivity is at the level of 150 eggs. The breed is maintained by a small number of dedicated breeders or those who appreciate and love rare breeds.

Eighth place

Another rare European breed in our ranking in eighth place is Lakenfelder. These beautiful chickens from Belgium were even on the verge of extinction until the population was artificially maintained. Connoisseurs of the breed are engaged in its maintenance because of the unusual exterior characteristics.

The neck and collar of these hens are painted black, while the rest of the hen remains white. There may be blotches of black on the tail, in roosters it can be almost completely black. But to get such a standardized coloring of Lakenfelder chickens, you need to be patient, because a lot of chickens are born pure black or pure white.

And only some of them will be black and white in half. Therefore, we advise only professionals to breed rare Lakenfelder chickens, so that not a single chicken or cockerel is wasted. I must say that the egg productivity of black and white laying hens is not bad - 180 eggs per year, with a hen weighing about 2 kg.

ninth place

This time it's time to talk about the Breda breed of chickens. Also once popular in the Dutch backyards, the breed is now very few in number. These chickens have a number of features, for example, there is no plumage on the head of these birds, and a symbolic crest grows instead of a rudimentary crest. Because of this, Brad's chickens are sometimes called "crow's head". The plumage on the legs of hens, and especially Breda's roosters, grows very abundantly.

Breda's cocks are generally very well feathered, especially their tails. The breed is considered very hardy and healthy. In addition, Breda chickens can become real pets. They have a calm disposition, they quickly get used to a person, they can become practical tame. The productive qualities of unusual hens are very good: you should expect about 160 eggs with a laying weight of 2-3 kg. At the same time, everyone who tried Brad's meat noted its unusual taste, unlike the taste of chicken meat that we are used to.

Tenth place

Closes the top ten rare and elite breeds of chickens with a variety with the beautiful name Wyandot. The Wyandotte chicken standard was established in 1883 in the United States, a country recognized as the birthplace of beautiful birds. Wyandot chickens are represented by as many as 15 different colors. Moreover, each chicken is painted in its own way, and the feathers have a spectacular edging. The most common color is white Wyandot, which also has an unusual pink crest.

The productive qualities of the Wyandotte hens are quite good: the weight of the cockerel is 3-3.5 kg, and the hens - 2.5 kg. Egg production - 150-180 eggs, that is, the Wyandotte breed belongs to the meat and egg direction. On the territory of our country, this beautiful breed is very few. It is bred only in some collection farms to maintain the gene pool of unusual birds.

Eleventh place

Continues our rating is truly a miracle of nature. We are talking about Bald Israeli chickens, specially bred by Professor Avigdor Kohaner. The professor explained his research by saying that in the conditions of the Israeli heat, plumage for chickens is completely useless, and over 25 years of vigorous activity, he nevertheless managed to “turn off” an unnecessary gene. Of course, bald chickens with reddish skin are unlikely to decorate any chicken coop, because their appearance, to put it mildly, is specific.

So far, the idea of ​​a meat breed is not at all common. After all, some breeders are wary of them, and environmentalists even rebel against such experiments on birds.

Twelfth place

In twelfth place we placed another rare European breed Barnevelder. Now you rarely see these beautiful birds in the courtyards. This breed has a unique plumage that no other breed has. Each feather has a double edging and looks lacy. We can say that Barnevelder chickens have very good prospects for mass breeding. Indeed, in addition to their spectacular appearance, they can offer the owner about 180 very large (about 80 g) eggs and 3-3.5 kg of meat.

thirteenth place

The "unlucky" thirteenth place is occupied by Dominic chickens. This breed is considered the oldest American breed, because its roots go back to the time of the colonization of the New World. Now the once popular breed is being replaced by new high-yielding crosses, and the same thing is happening in Europe. In particular, Dominic was the basis for the emergence of the Plymouth Rock breed, which is much more common now and serves as the genetic material for many broiler breeds.

The Dominic chickens, which were bred by the first American settlers, have beautiful black and white cuckoo plumage and a pink crest. They have such lush plumage that from the side they look like a striped feather ball. They belong to the meat and egg type, in the year of laying hens they give about 180 eggs, and at the same time weigh 2-2.5 kg. Roosters are heavier - their average weight is 3.2 kg.

Fourteenth place

Fourteenth place is occupied by another unusual creature of the chicken world - chickens of the Icelandic Landrace breed. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that these birds are able to withstand solid frosts. This feature is formed by long centuries spent in the harsh Icelandic climate. Even the Vikings were engaged in bringing chickens to Iceland for breeding, but many of them could not survive in the harsh climate. And those that withstood the test of frost later became the national Icelandic breed. The plumage of northern hens can be varied.

Icelandic Ladras are very active and freedom-loving chickens, they do not accept cell content, and eggs are laid almost all year round, frosts and this is not a hindrance to them. As a result, about 200 eggs per year you can definitely expect from northern layers. In this case, the mass of chickens is 2.5-3 kg. By the way, this breed is so accustomed to the harsh climate that in the southern latitudes they do not take root at all, it is too hot for them there.

Fifteenth place

Closes our rating Red-capped English chicken. This is a very rare breed of chickens, the decoration and feature of which is an unusual crest in the shape of a rose-cap. Unusual chickens have long been bred in the UK, but now they are also being replaced by new crosses and breeds. Red-capped hens were bred for the sake of eggs, which they brought 150-200 per year - previously a very good indicator and average by modern standards.

The breed is now being maintained by several English collectors, who do not allow the breed to completely disappear from the face of the Earth.

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Video "Rare breeds of chickens"

Farmers come to the decision to breed thoroughbred chickens for various reasons. Some are attracted by decorativeness, others want to increase the profitability of the enterprise. In any case, before applying for a purchase in a nursery of thoroughbred chickens, you should:

  • Make a clear list of properties that the breed you need should have;
  • To study breed standards, highlight unacceptable signs;
  • Consult on the features of care, because the more expensive the breed, the more demanding.

Sale of thoroughbred chickens: how to make a choice?

All existing breeds of chickens are conditionally divided into groups depending on the main purpose. So, there are breeds that can only be used as laying hens. Meat-egg breeds are distinguished by high egg quality, however, the meat of each variety has its own characteristics. It is worth paying attention to the egg production of the breed, the duration of maturation and the duration of the laying period.

Once the basic requirements are identified, you can proceed to the study of the standards of a particular breed. Study detailed descriptions of the exterior of hens and roosters, highlighting acceptable colors, egg weights and bird weights. The appearance of the breed should be studied not from photographs, but exclusively from a drawing depicting an ideal representative of the breed.

Of course, you will not find birds 100% corresponding to the standard. At the stage of familiarization with the standards, the main thing is to highlight unacceptable signs in order to exclude marriage when buying.

Where can you buy purebred chickens?

At the first purchase, the easiest way is to visit exhibitions. This makes it easier to evaluate visual parameters and color features. In addition, there is an opportunity to communicate directly with breeders.

However, this possibility is not always available. Perhaps the farm is located in a remote area from the regional centers or the owner does not have the necessary transport to safely deliver the precious purchase. In this case, use the services of farms, which themselves provide the delivery of live goods.

If you are looking for a solution to the problem of where to buy thoroughbred chickens in Moscow, our farm will help with the choice of breed, organize fast delivery by region and guarantees a healthy and well-groomed bird. "Lukiny Compound" specializes in breeding 18 types of chickens and provides an opportunity to order chickens of the breed you need, young or adult birds for breeding.

Elite chickens: how to evaluate a purchase?

Carefully inspect thoroughbred chickens upon receipt. Pay special attention to appearance. The following signs may be cause for concern:

  • pronounced thinness;
  • small, pale or too large comb;
  • hard abdominal cavity;
  • cloudy iris.

Any of these symptoms may indicate a serious illness. If you need an elite breed of chickens, it is better to buy it from a farm that specializes in breeding and selling poultry.

The chicken belongs to the pheasant family, the order of chickens. This bird was tamed by man several millennia ago, and in many religions, including early Christianity, the rooster was given a special place. It was considered a symbol of awakening to a new life.

The opinions of scientists about the homeland of this bird differ, in some sources one can find references to the origin of individuals from Southeast Asia, India or China, while others argue that chickens first appeared in ancient Egypt and the Middle East.

Thanks to the hard work of breeders over the centuries, many varieties of these birds have appeared. Chickens are raised not only for the purpose of obtaining eggs and meat, but also for cockfights or as decoration for a home zoo.

There are rare elite breeds of chickens. To understand such a variety, it is worth studying a photo describing the various varieties of these poultry.

Considering rare breeds of chickens, one cannot help but dwell on the Ga Dong Tao variety, which is not widespread, living only in Vietnam. The population consists of only a few hundred birds.

These chickens were bred about 600 years ago, and were originally considered a fighting breed, but today individuals are classified as meat and decorative. Ga Dong Tao chickens have an average body size, the male reaches a weight of 3 to 4 kg, and the female from 2.5 to 3 kg.

The large limbs of Ga Dong Tao chickens are not very attractive, however, the inhabitants consider the paws of these birds a delicacy. But, despite the thickness of the legs, individuals are able to move quickly and successfully fight with rivals.

The fighting breed of chickens Ga Dong Tao has an ancient history.

The distinguishing features of this variety include:

  • dense and massive body;
  • short, well-fed neck;
  • small wings;
  • a walnut crest of red color on the top of the head;
  • poor plumage;
  • thick legs with scaly growths on the skin.

Black chickens Ayam Tsemani from Indonesia

The birthplace of this bird is Indonesia, and you can recognize the representatives of the Ayam Tsemani breed by the black color of the plumage and the same color of other parts of the body.

Ayam Tsemani - chickens with mystical properties.

These birds are considered slow-growing, due to which their meat is rich in vitamins and trace elements. The male weighs from 2 to 2.5 kg, and the females from 1.5 to 2 kg. The eggs have a cream-colored shell with a pink tint, and weigh up to 45 g.

Attention! The unique distinguishing feature of this breed is the black color of blood, bones and meat. In addition, the birds have no other features, and collectors of unusual animals are more interested in the breed.

Like many elite ones, they are very expensive. For example, in the US, the price of one chicken reaches $2,500.

Breeders from Japan got this breed as a result of crossing local long-tailed chickens Yokohama-Tosa and Onagadori with representatives European breeds. The birds differ in small body sizes, the cockerel weighs from 1.5 to 2 kg, and the chicken 1.2-1.3 kg.

The feathers of individuals are smooth and dense, their color is red, white or black and white. The bird's head is crowned with a large scallop and massive earrings.

The tails of fkenix roosters reach three or more meters.

But the main feature of the males of this breed is a huge tail reaching 3 m. And breeders from the province of Kate were able to get an individual with a tail size of 7.5 m, but scientists from the city of Nagoya broke this record and bred a variety with a tail 11 m long.

And the females begin to rush only by the age of 6 months. The eggs have a creamy shell and weigh 45-50 g. One hen lays 80 to 100 eggs per year. Bird meat has excellent taste, however, it is unprofitable to breed birds of this breed because of their low weight.

Decorative Chinese silk breed of hens

The breed was bred over a thousand years ago by Chinese breeders, and came to Russia in the 17th century. These are small birds with average egg productivity, one female per year can bring from 100 to 120 eggs. The weight of an individual reaches up to 1.5 kg in males, and from 800 to 1.1 kg in females.

Chinese silk chickens look like fluffy rabbits.

The distinguishing features of birds include:

  • plumage white, black, yellow or blue;
  • lush crest and beard;
  • rich plumage of limbs;
  • the presence of 5 fingers on the paws;
  • brown-blue skin color;
  • black bones;
  • gray-black meat.

However, these chickens are valued not only for their unusual appearance, but also because of the high taste and nutritional qualities of meat rich in vitamins and amino acids. In oriental medicine, this product is considered medicinal, and in terms of healing properties it is equated to ginseng. And also highly valued and fluff, which has extraordinary lightness and softness.

Decorative Polish crested chickens

This breed includes a number of subspecies of crested chickens, including black-crested, Dutch white-crested and Panduan chicken. The Polish breed of chickens is considered rare and highly valued among breeders.

Beautiful plumage is the dignity of Polish crested chickens.

These birds can be distinguished by the following external features:

  • black, white or mixed plumage color;
  • small graceful torso;
  • a lush crest of a rounded shape at the crown;
  • the presence of a feather beard under the beak.

The birds are of medium size, the body weight of the male is 2.5-3 kg, and the weight of the females is 1.5-2.5 kg. Egg productivity indicators are medium high, up to 120 eggs per year. Corydalis meat and eggs have a great taste, due to which they are valued in many European countries. For this reason, chickens are bred not only as a decoration for a home zoo, but also in order to obtain high quality products.

Dutch white-crested: decorative chickens with high productivity

This type of chicken appeared in Holland in the 15th century and was originally considered a meat and egg breed. But as a result of selection work, after crossing with Polish crested chickens, the subspecies also acquired decorative qualities.

Dutch white-crested chickens are a productive, meat-and-bark breed.

The birds have an average body size, the weight of the rooster is 2.5 kg, the hens - from 1.8 to 2 kg. The feathers on the body are painted in rich black, and the head of the individual is white.

Other distinguishing features of the breed are:

  • round compact body;
  • lack of "vegetation" on the face and reddish skin color;
  • white earlobes;
  • red or red-brown eyes;
  • lush tuft of white feathers;
  • the presence of plumage at the base of the beak;
  • long thin paws;
  • raised tail.

In addition to black, there are also subspecies with white and bluish-gray plumage. The productivity of these birds is quite high, in the first 12 months, laying hens bring up to 140 eggs, and in subsequent years - up to 100 pieces.

Westphalian Totleggers from Germany

Unusual appearance and long-term egg production are the differences between chickens of the Westphalian totleger breed.

This bird was bred many centuries ago, and was especially valued by breeders for its unprecedented egg production, as it was able to rush until death. The average life expectancy of this bird is 7 years, and the distinguishing features of individuals are:

  • a small torso with a rounded chest and a broad back;
  • black and white or red plumage;
  • red feathers on the head;
  • dark brown or black eyes;
  • the presence of a red comb and earrings;
  • white earlobes in roosters and bluish in hens;
  • small graceful neck;
  • short and thin paws;
  • black tail feathers.

The weight of cockerels reaches 2.2 kg, and the body weight of hens is 1.5 kg. Females enter sexual maturity already at the age of 6 months and during the year bring up to 150 testicles. Chickens stop laying only during periods of molting or in severe cold.

Lakenfelder chickens: endangered population from Belgium

The Lakenfelder chicken breed is considered endangered.

Today it is classified as an endangered species. Many breeders try to artificially increase the bird population in order to preserve the breed.

Birds are distinguished by the beauty of their plumage, and they can be recognized by the following features:

  • large stately body of a rounded shape;
  • red or orange eyes;
  • bright scarlet earrings;
  • gray strong beak and paws of the same color;
  • neat neck covered with black feathers;
  • white belly and back;
  • large, tight-fitting wings with black feathers at the ends;
  • black tail in males and black and white in females.

Individuals belong to meat- egg breeds and are of good productivity. Roosters reach a weight of 1.7-2.2 kg, hens - from 1.5 to 2 kg. Laying hens can bring up to 180 eggs per year weighing 50–55 g.

Rare ornamental hens of Breda

The main advantage of Breda chickens is their bright, decorative appearance.

This species of bird was bred in the Netherlands in the middle of the 17th century. The ancestors of the Breda breed are La Fleche and Cracker chickens. As a result of the work of breeders, a very unusual breed has appeared, which has the following distinctive characteristics:

  • white, black, pearl and blue body color;
  • cylindrical body shape;
  • a small crest at the crown;
  • large red earrings;
  • short strong beak;
  • red complexion;
  • long fluffy tail;
  • grey-yellow paws.

Representatives of this decorative breed do not differ in large sizes, and cockerels weigh no more than 3 kg, and hens - from 2 to 2.2 kg. In a year, one female brings from 160 to 180 eggs weighing up to 60 g in a strong, white shell. However, such high rates are achieved only within a month from the start of laying, and then decrease.

Meat and egg breed of Wyandot chickens

The popularity of Wyandot chickens is associated with high productive qualities.

This species of bird was bred in the middle of the 19th century. Ancestors are representatives of the breed Dorking, Leghorn, Cochin, Brama and Bentham-Seabright. In Russia, these birds appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century, and today there are more than 15 species of individuals that differ in color.

Wyandot chickens are:

  • silvery;
  • golden;
  • white;
  • blue;
  • black;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • silvery;
  • golden blue;
  • golden black bordered;
  • golden white and others.

Chickens of this breed have average weight body, in roosters from 3 to 3.5 kg, in hens - no more than 2.5 kg. Distinctive features of individuals are:

  • long body;
  • broad back and powerful shoulders;
  • medium-sized neat head;
  • short yellow beak;
  • a small scallop that fits snugly to the head;
  • fluffy tail;
  • paws intense yellow.

This variety of chickens belongs to the meat and egg breed, which is characterized by precocity. Individuals grow rapidly and in the first year 1 laying hen is capable of producing up to 200 eggs, and in subsequent years - from 150 to 170. It is noteworthy that egg production rates for single-color chickens are higher than for individuals of mixed colors.

Bald Israeli chickens with high meat productivity

The absence of feathers is the dignity of the bald Israeli breed of chickens.

In 2011, Israeli scientist Avigdor Kohaner presented the result of his many years of work - a bald Israeli chicken. This breed was obtained by crossing ordinary broilers with little feathered birds.

Birds do not differ in external beauty, and in addition to the complete absence of feathers on the body, this breed has the following characteristic features:

  • elongated, lean body;
  • impressive muscles;
  • long strong neck;
  • large scallop and red earrings;
  • developed paws;
  • natural body temperature from 40 to 42 degrees.

The breed belongs to the meat varieties of chickens and can become very popular over time, however, these birds can only be bred in areas with a hot climate.

Egg breed of hens Barnevelder

Balnevelder chickens lay eggs almost all year round.

Birds of this variety were bred in Holland. The goal of breeders in the 19th century was to produce chickens capable of laying eggs with dark chocolate shells. The Barnevelder chicken was bred from the Cochin, Brama, Rhode Island, Fighting Indian and Langshan.

At present, it is rare to meet and, but it is not difficult to recognize them by their beautiful, unusual plumage with double edging, due to which the body of the bird seems to be covered with lace. The breed has the following differences:

  • large rounded body;
  • small head with bright orange eyes;
  • a red comb on the top of the head and earrings of the same color;
  • short yellow beak;
  • small wings tightly pressed to the body;
  • powerful hips;
  • yellow-gray paws.

Birds belong to meat and egg breeds, the weight of an adult rooster ranges from 3 to 3.5 kg, and hens - from 2.4 to 2.8 kg. Egg production rates are quite high, from one laying hen you can get up to 180 eggs per year, while they rush even in cold weather.

Dominic chickens - the rarest breed from the USA

The Dominic breed is considered the ancestor of all American breeds of chickens.

Chickens of this variety were bred during the colonization of America, based on birds brought by settlers from European countries. As a result of such spontaneous selection work, a new breed was obtained, characterized by high egg production.

Later, on the basis of Dominic chickens, other breeds with better performance were bred, and the variety was on the verge of extinction. However, enthusiasts have done a lot of work to restore the population, as a result of which the breed exists today.

Chickens of this variety are distinguished by the following characteristic features:

  • compact body of medium size;
  • abundant and soft plumage;
  • pink-shaped large comb;
  • large rounded earrings;
  • long light yellow beak;
  • short neck;
  • powerful back;
  • small wings;
  • highly raised tail;
  • large paws.

Dominic roosters reach 3.2 kg, hens gain weight up to 2.3 kg. The egg production rate is 180 eggs per year with an average weight of 55 g. A significant advantage of an individual of this breed is the ability to survive in any climatic conditions and the high safety of the young.

Icelandic Landrace - chickens resistant to severe frosts

The Icelandic Landrace bird breed tolerates severe frosts well.

The history of this breed goes back many centuries. Back in the days of the Vikings, chickens were brought to Iceland for breeding, capable of surviving in harsh climatic conditions.

As a result, a breed was obtained that has a high ability to adapt and has a number of characteristic features.

These birds can be recognized at a glance, they are:

  • black;
  • blue;
  • redheads;
  • motley;
  • fawn.

In addition to the main colors, there are various color options that are not considered a deviation from the norm, since in each new generation chicks appear unique in appearance.

The following features unite Landrace chickens:

  • medium size body;
  • elongated neck;
  • wide back;
  • rounded belly;
  • dense and dense feather cover;
  • developed muscles on the thighs and legs;
  • red comb, face and earrings;
  • white ears;
  • small wings;
  • yellow beak and paws;
  • white claws.

Males of this breed have an average body weight of 3-3.5 kg, hens - up to 2.5 kg. And from one laying hen you can get up to 200 eggs per year.

Red-capped English chicken - the rarest breed

A rare and very beautiful breed of chickens is undergoing a renaissance.

This type of chicken was bred in the UK and today is on the verge of extinction. Birds are very beautiful, and it is difficult to confuse them with brothers of other breeds. They are red-brown, red-black, red and white.

The distinguishing features of individuals include:

  • light compact trapezoidal body;
  • dense plumage;
  • red-orange eyes;
  • narrow back and round belly;
  • short thin neck;
  • red earrings, earlobes, comb and facial skin;
  • long and thin paws of light yellow color;
  • long raised tail.

Red-capped chickens belong to egg breeds, but they are not precocious. The eggs are large, in a dense white shell with an average weight of 60-65 g. During the year, a laying hen can produce from 180 to 220 eggs.

Thanks to professional breeders and enthusiastic farmers, a huge number of various breeds domestic chickens. Many of them have already disappeared, and on their basis other varieties have appeared that are distinguished by better performance. Work on breeding new breeds does not stop even today, and various types of this most famous poultry are constantly appearing.

The video tells about the rarest breeds of chickens:

The beginning of the selection of chickens fell on the times of Ancient Egypt and the work continues to the present. The goal is to breed birds with certain decorative qualities or productive indicators. The difference between breeds of chickens from each other in a common origin, a set of certain traits that are inherited by offspring.

Description of bird breeds will allow you to choose the best species based on the purposes of breeding and the conditions of its maintenance. For example, egg breeds will be ideal for obtaining eggs. The maximum meat yield can be obtained if broilers are grown or. For personal consumption, when you need meat and an egg, you should choose a breed of meat and egg type.

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Meat breeds of chickens

Only meat breeds provide the maximum yield of chicken meat. Such birds have a low egg production rate, they are large. This species is balanced in character, behaves calmly, without showing aggression. Many chickens of meat breeds can hatch offspring.

They are often found not only in household plots, but also on poultry farms. Birds are characterized by calm behavior. The egg production of these chickens is 120-160 eggs. Cornish and his crosses go to masonry at 6 months. The Cornish rooster gains up to 5 kg, the chicken is less - 3.2-4 kg. Chickens of this breed are often used as a hen.


The breed has a long history, originally from China. Breeders used them to improve the characteristics of Russian outbred chickens. Langshans have become rare, as young animals are characterized by an average indicator of viability. The maximum weight that chickens increase is up to 3.5 kg, the rooster is half a kilo heavier. For a year, one adult chicken carries up to 120 eggs, each weighing 60 grams.


The breed is also known as Shanghai chickens. An adult chicken increases its mass by 3.5-4 kg, a rooster is 1 kg more. One hen produces hundreds of eggs per season.

They are distinguished by a high yield of marketable meat - up to 6 kg! These birds have high decorative qualities - their legs are in unusual plumage. By nature, Brahma is calm, quickly attached to people.

Chickens of meat and dairy breeds

It is customary to refer breeds of meat and egg chickens to universal ones. Laying hens give a lot of eggs and grow enough meat. Basically, such breeds are found in poultry farmers in the courtyard. Chickens start laying eggs from 6 months, each bird produces about 200 eggs per year. Meat-egg birds require more food than egg breeds, but they eat less compared to meat breeds.

Almost any feed mixture is suitable for them, they adapt to different conditions of detention. If the feed becomes scarce or insufficient, this affects egg production. The names of the breeds below are only a part of all existing ones.

They carry 280 - 300 eggs per year, each weighing 60 grams. This is . The disadvantage of this breed is the short period of egg production: a maximum of 80 weeks, while hens of other breeds lay eggs for 140 days more. In the future, at the poultry farm, such a population is considered old and discarded.

The breed has good productivity, their appearance is decorative. The weight of chickens is up to 2.5 kg, the roosters “work up” up to 3.2 kg. A hen lays up to 180 eggs annually.

With their decorative effect, they are distinguished by productivity. The chicken is gaining weight about 1.8 kg, the roosters “work up” 2.7 kg of meat. A hen lays 150 eggs per year.

Completely unpretentious, rarely get sick. The hen lays 170-200 large eggs. The rooster grows up to 3.7 kg, the chicken gains up to 2.6 kg of weight. Due to the weak maternal instinct, these birds do not incubate offspring.

New Hampshire

california grays

They behave calmly in the poultry house. The weight of females is about 2.5 kg, and males are larger by a kilogram. The egg production rate is high - 200-240 eggs, each weighs approximately 58 grams.

They stand out for their variegated color, their behavior is measured. The offspring of the breed is very viable, does not require special conditions. A rooster weighs up to 4.3 kg, an adult chicken is 1.5 kg lighter. For a year, an adult lays about two hundred eggs.

Ideal for breeding in private backyards. The plumage of such chickens is red, fawn or white. Chickens are not large, about 2.7 kg, roosters grow larger - up to 3 kg. One adult hen lays 180 eggs per year.

Breed Rhode Island

Large with dark red plumage. Birds have high meat yield characteristics. Roosters grow up to 3.8 kg, and chickens are half a kilo smaller. The annual laying of this breed is 180-210 eggs. The first egg is laid by the hen at the age of six months.

Kuchinsky anniversary

Often found in the backyard of lovers. The rooster grows up to 4 kg, and the chicken weighs a kilogram less. The hen goes to laying at the age of 150 days, she lays 170-220 eggs per year. This is one of the best indicators of productivity among breeds belonging to the type of meat and egg.


They attract attention with their bright plumage, while the birds are shy and show caution. By adult age, a chicken “works up” up to 2.5 kg, the weight of roosters does not exceed 4.5 kg. One individual lays up to 220 eggs. Birds are ready for laying already at the age of six months.

If you need to get from a chicken, you need to choose the appropriate breed. They are selected for keeping in poultry farms, recommended for growing in the backyard.

Laying hens are active in movements, light, with dense plumage, due to which they can fly. 4-5-month-old chickens increase 75% of the mass of an adult, begin laying eggs.

The instinct of motherhood in this breed is poorly developed, due to long selection.

Egg breeds need more food, because the body requires regular feeding. Each hen incubates one egg every 25 hours.

The names of the breeds of egg hens, which have become the most popular: Russian White, different types of Leghorns, Minorca, recommend Andalusian blue, Hamburg, Italian partridge has shown itself well.

Grown in poultry farms, on a personal farmstead. The chicken is not large, weighs 1.8-2 kg, the rooster is about 0.8-1 kg more. One laying hen lays 200-205 eggs per season (there were cases when a hen laid more than 300 eggs).

They are considered the most productive among egg birds. A representative of this breed set a kind of record - 365 pieces were demolished in a year. At the same time, a chicken of light weight, about 2 kg, is about a pound heavier than roosters. The hen lays her first egg at 18 weeks of age.


They are used as a genetic reserve, they are not bred in poultry farms. The reason is that these birds do not tolerate high humidity and cold, although they are not demanding. An adult chicken weighs up to 2.5 kg, a rooster is half a kilo heavier. For a year, one chicken Minorca lays 170-200 eggs, 60 grams each.

Outwardly similar to Minorcas, only more slender, higher egg production. The clutch per year for a bird is about 220 eggs, weighing 63 grams. But as hens, these hens are not suitable, since the offspring almost do not incubate. The weight of a chicken of this breed is about 3.5 kg, the rooster grows up to 4.5 kg.

They are often referred to as brown leghorn. The bird differs in average weight, about 1.5-2 kg, the rooster is 0.5-1 kg heavier. In the season, one chicken lays 180-240 eggs, sits on the masonry after 150 days.

Small, but have decorative qualities and good egg production. For a year, you can get up to 200-220 eggs from one individual. The Hamburg bird is not used as a mother hen. An adult chicken weighs 1.5-1.7 kg, and males are slightly larger.

Fighting breeds of chickens

Fighting breeds of chickens have the longest history. These birds have a strong physique, they are distinguished by endurance, strength. At the same time, the sizes of fighting species can be different - from dwarf to large (weight from 0.5 kg to 7 kg). Such birds are characterized by aggressive temperament, loose plumage. Birds need to be kept warm.


They are representatives of an ancient fighting breed. In Asian countries, kulangs were selected under harsh conditions, leaving aggressive, hardy roosters with a strong constitution for breeding.

Belgian fighting

Hardy, high fertility. On average, a chicken of this breed “works up” up to 4 kg of weight, as in other breeds, Belgian roosters are larger than chickens, about 4.5-5.5 kg.

The oldest breed and includes several subspecies. These are aggressive birds, roosters even attack their owners. An adult rooster gains 2-2.5 kg of weight, a chicken is 1 kg less.

Uzbek fighting

The breed is larger in size: a rooster weighs 2 times more than a chicken (7 kg versus 3.5 kg). A chicken lays 100-120 large eggs per year.

Moscow fighting breed

It also gives eggs - one adult chicken carries 100-120 eggs. Laying hens grow up to 3 kg, the weight of roosters is twice as much. Birds of the Moscow fighting breed are often exhibited at battles.

They have a good temperament. These are really small birds - roosters weigh about 0.6 kg, and chickens 0.5 kg. Despite the small weight, this breed is considered to be a fighting one, since aggressive birds show themselves well in battles.

Indian fighting

This breed has a sassy personality. They are large: 5 kg roosters and 3-3.5 kg hens. The same breed is bred for meat.

The previously named fighting chickens are only a small part of a large list of birds.

Decorative breeds of chickens

Birds assigned to ornamental species, have extraordinary appearance, while the productivity indicator becomes secondary.


They are quite small, but very beautiful. These chickens are kept only for decorative purposes. The plumage differs in color - it can be walnut, black, chintz, etc. Birds are very active and energetic. In a year, bantams carry only 45-70 eggs, but they show themselves good hens. Bantams weigh 0.7-1.2 kg.

Seabright breed

The bird is small, with a rounded body, fan-shaped tail. Carries small eggs in small quantities - 60-90 pieces. The weight of the chicken is 0.4-0.45 kg, the rooster is 50 grams more.

Paduan breed

These birds appeared as a result of the selection work of English specialists. With high decorative qualities, paduan hens are characterized by a good indicator of productivity. An adult hen lays 120 eggs per year. Chicken weight 1.7-2 kg, rooster - 2-2.5 kg.

Attire with decorativeness, these birds are very productive. Basically, these chickens can be found in a personal compound, as they require special conditions of detention.

The exotic appearance of the bird makes it memorable. Her feathers are twisted into unusual curls. But the most beautiful chickens of this breed, they are funny and funny. Due to the curly feathers, these chickens are completely unable to fly.

Often found decorative breed, bred by Japanese breeders. Birds have white and yellow plumage, but can be striped, speckled and even with silver stripes. The appearance of these chickens makes them unusual.

The list of decorative breeds of chickens is longer, but some of them belong to meat or meat and egg breeds.

Rare breeds of chickens

With all the variety of chickens, some of them are rare, because their numbers are small. The limited number of such chickens is due to low productivity or the difficulties of keeping and feeding.


Chickens of this breed have ancient history. They are also classified as ornamental breeds, although they also have good egg production. The arakuana egg has a bluish tint to the shell. It is interesting that these birds are completely devoid of the instinct to hatch offspring.

Hens of Breda

This bird is the result of the work of Dutch breeders, it is extremely rare. Chickens are distinguished by different plumage colors - they are black, with white plumage, and even blue or silver.

Despite their rarity, gudans are of the meat type in terms of productivity. Chickens have an active temperament and they have a peculiar appearance. A round-shaped crest rises on the head of the gudan, the skeleton of the bird is strong, the muscles are strong. A lush beard flaunts under the beak. Gudan meat is tender and tasty. The chicken grows up to 2.5 kg, the roosters are slightly heavier - up to 3 kg. One laying hen lays 130-160 eggs.

This breed appeared in Germany when it was bred in 1869. The bird has a calm temperament, but is demanding on the content. This has led to their rarity. An adult lays 80-100 eggs per year, grows up to 1-1.5 kg, while a rooster weighs a little more - up to 2 kg.

Good productivity is a distinctive characteristic of this breed. This bird is rare due to the hot and dry climate shown for it. The first egg of the Fayumi hen lays as early as 4 months of age. It is small in size: the weight of the female is 1.6 kg, a rooster is half a kilo heavier. Birds of this breed proved to be good hens.

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