Rabbit European silver breed description. Description and characteristics of the productivity of rabbits of the Poltava silver breed. What the breeders say


The silver rabbit is a hide and meat breed with a uniform color of a shade of silver, turning to a black muzzle. The original shiny color of the wool is caused by the difference in shades of the skin. Partially integumentary hair has a white base and black color along the length. Another part of the integumentary hair has a white color, and the downs have a blue tint. The animals of this breed are distinguished by their large size, bioproductivity, rapid growth, they are perfectly adapted to the peculiarities of our climatic zone and feed.

The average mass of rabbits of this species is 5 kg, their length reaches 56 cm. Some individuals can weigh 5.5 or more kilograms. Female rabbits are extremely productive and can bring up to eight rabbits per offspring. Newborn rabbits weigh about 70 grams, they grow rapidly and gain weight. Rabbits are born black - they acquire a silvery hue by the age of one month.

The final shade is formed by four months. The meat of this breed is valued for its taste, and the furs are valued for their thick fur and original silver hue.

Origin story

Rabbits with a silvery overflow of fur come from India, from where they arrived four centuries ago in Spain and England. Despite the huge popularity in Europe due to wool with a silvery sheen and numerous attempts to grow it in different countries. The center of their breeding was the French province of Champagne. All rabbits with a similar overflow of fur are direct descendants of a breed called Champagne Silver.

At the Poltava fur farms in the fifties, a new breed was selected on the basis of Champagne breeding rabbits. It is particularly productive, resistant to winter temperatures and not picky about feed. Breed Poltava Silver were grown directly for cultivation in the factory.

The description of champagne rabbits highlights shorter ears and a less elongated body. Compared to their French counterparts, Poltava silver rabbits have a slightly darker color. This is a distinctive feature of the breed for different subspecies.


Individuals of this breed are distinguished by a massive body expanding towards the lumbosacral part. Average weight silver rabbits reaches 5-6 kilograms. The body is not very long, the back is almost straight, the chest is wide, sometimes with a slight dewlap. The proportional rear part of the body has well-developed muscles. The head of the individuals is small, narrowed towards the nose, erect ears are long, slightly rounded.

Silver rabbits stand on strong legs of medium length and have dark brown expressive eyes. The fur is dense, with a glossy sheen. The shade of the cover is silvery, which is a hallmark of the breed. The overall color of the fur depends on the ratio of the black and white guides and the outer components of the fur in the fur. It can vary from light to dark silver tone. In rabbits of this breed, only the nose, ears, partially paws and tail remain almost black.

The rabbits of this breed are born dark, but by the end of the first month of life, signs of silvering appear. They are visible on the nose and in the abdomen. In the next two months, the color of the head, ears, chest and back changes. By the end of 4 months after molting, the rabbits acquire a silver hue of the whole body. A gradual change in color and the appearance of silver is a sign of a good breed.

Features of mating and breeding rabbits

When selecting for the appearance of offspring, Silver rabbits should be with a different tone of fur color. Both parents with dark or light fur will have an even greater inclination towards the correct shade. In some cases, they will be too light or dark, which will detract from the silveriness of the fur.

To determine the quality of the breed, it is enough to observe the age-related change in the color of young animals. The formation of a silvery hue occurs in stages, appearing first on the abdomen, nose and tail, and then on other parts of the body. Only in this case can we talk about the quality of the breed and the proper breeding of rabbits.

In breeding use individuals who have reached the age of 4 months. Rabbits of this breed are extremely prolific and dairy. They are capable for one offspring, aggressively protect their offspring and do not refuse third-party litters. Young individuals are easy to care for - silver rabbits have a calm character and a lively, inquisitive temperament. They like to get acquainted with breeders and easily get used to the feeding system.

Features of care and maintenance

In the process of breeding work, the quality of growth and feeding of the breed was improved, and the bioproductivity of individuals was effectively increased. The selection also provided for the possibility of industrial cultivation of this breed. Therefore, rabbits are quite unpretentious in cultivation and care, and are well adapted to a temperate climate. They do not like hot weather, they tolerate winter conditions perfectly. Reviews of the owners of the Silver usually confirm the unpretentiousness of the breed, but nevertheless, you should not neglect the usual rules for keeping rabbits.

For food, rabbits of the Silver breed eat any vegetation, both harvested hay and leaves from the garden. You can also use special compound feed or grain mixtures. Feeding with special feeds should be carried out in accordance with the regulations, since an overdose can lead to obesity. Rabbits should have constant access to a drinking bowl with fresh water to avoid the development of gastrointestinal diseases. In winter conditions, with sufficient feeding, animals show a good level of survivability.

Animals of this breed are recommended to be kept in sheds, the most optimal premises for reproduction and growth of animals. A shed is a structure with a canopy, under which there are cages with animals open on both sides. Usually sheds are placed in two or three tiers, with cages set upright or in a cascade. The lower cages should be located on a stand, at a height of at least half a meter from the ground.

During the construction of a multi-tiered cage, it is important to balance the space for one animal and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire structure. The description of the characteristics, taken from the specialized literature, indicates possible disadvantages in caring for rabbits with a small shed. It is recommended to use a compartment width for one individual of at least 250 mm.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the breed to the conditions of keeping and feeding, one should strictly adhere to the schedule for the timely vaccination of animals. Be sure to vaccinate animals against common diseases on time in accordance with the veterinary schedule.

At cell content Animals should be regularly treated with anti-parasitic drugs both to clean the body of the animal and to prevent internal infections.

The next step for the amateur breeder is timely cleaning. Since rabbit waste accumulated in the bedding can cause an intestinal infection, strictly observe sanitary and hygienic standards, strictly maintaining cleanliness in the cages.

Newly arrived animals must be quarantined for the duration of the incubation period of suspected diseases. The minimum period for verification is 14 days from the date of purchase. In the first 3 days, the animal must be given antibacterial drugs to drink for prevention. At the slightest suspicion of a disease, the animal should be kept separately from the main group of acquired rabbits in order to avoid mass infection. Rabbits of different age groups should also be kept separate from each other.

Advantages and disadvantages

Farmers and owners of private households say that Silver rabbits are hardy and beautiful animals with a positive character. The advantages of this breed are undeniable. These include:

  • unpretentiousness in food. The silver rabbit can consume dry, vegetable and combined feeds;
  • good tolerance to negative temperatures and the ability to live in open cells;
  • fast growth. They gain weight very well;
  • females are ready to mate from the age of three months and are caring parents. The offspring is 8-9 babies in a brood;
  • fluffy fur of Silver rabbits has an attractive shade and is valued in the manufacture of fur products;
  • rabbit meat has excellent taste properties and even distribution of fat.

Silver rabbit owners and breeders claim that there is no description of the shortcomings of this breed.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Poltava Silver Crawl Photo 2. Gray eared Photo 3. Rabbit on a walk

Video "Silver Rabbit Mini Farm"

This video is about the contents of the Silver Bunny.

rabbit breed Silvers are of the hide type, due to the superior quality and value of their fur. However, this is far from the most important advantage of representatives of this species. This breed can be called universal with full confidence, because, in addition to excellent fur, rabbits give a high yield of meat and are distinguished by precocity. Detailed description this type of rabbits and the rules for their maintenance are presented in our review.

Breed features

Animals have excellent muscle tone and interesting fur coloration. Many people know this breed as Poltava or Soviet Silver, as it was bred, or rather improved on the basis of the French type of Champagne rabbits. A feature of the animals is their unique fur, which has a beautiful color of a silvery hue. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence of hairs of different colors on the skin. They are painted black along the entire length, however, their base is light. The guard hairs are colored in the same way, but the blue color prevails on the downy ones.

The silver color in rabbits is fully manifested by the 4th month. Also a characteristic feature of the breed is the dark color on the tips of the ears, on the tail and on the muzzle, regardless of the general color of the entire animal. Young growth, as a rule, up to a certain age has a black and silver color.

A little history of the species

Despite the name, the first rabbits with silver fur appeared in India, from where they were brought to Spain, and then to other European countries. However, the founders of the Silver breed are considered to be breeders from the French province of Champagne. These animals came to the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union at the beginning of the 19th century from Germany.

In those days, the breed could not boast of large sizes, and the color of their representatives was only slightly similar to the current one. Therefore, domestic breeders decided to improve the breed qualities, as well as the resistance of animals to local conditions. So after a while, these wonderful beauties were obtained on the territory of the Poltava fur farm in 1952.


Silver rabbits are characterized by rather compact sizes, correct body composition, wide chest, flat and wide back, powerful paws and well-developed muscles. They do not have a very large head and small erect ears. The body length is about 57-58 cm. The weight of adults varies from 4.5 to 6.5 kg. Rabbits have a mass of 70-75 grams, grow quickly.

Productive characteristics

The silver rabbit has a decent quality of meat, which is distinguished by a delicate taste and juiciness. Females bring up to 9 young rabbits and are caring and excellent dairy mothers. Rabbits grow quickly and by the age of 4 months reach a 4-kilogram weight, and pure meat can be up to 62% of the total body weight of the animal. Fat is evenly distributed over the carcass, does not exceed the permissible norms.

From such rabbits large skins of a beautiful color are obtained. They are highly valued for their high hairiness, dense hair covering and the quality of hair coloring.

Subtleties of breeding and maintenance

As soon as the rabbits reach 4 months, you can try to put the female to the male for mating. Every 8-9 days, the rabbit comes into heat, which lasts 4-5 days. For an adult female, it is permissible to bring 4-5 offspring per year.

For mating, it is necessary to choose a rabbit that is not obese or malnourished. The rabbit is taken from other breeds of similar characteristics in order to increase the birth rate and is left alone for 6-8 rabbits. The duration of the rabbit's pregnancy is about a month. On the third day after birth, the female returns to estrus and is ready to mate again.

When breeding Poltava Silver rabbits, an important food product is fresh hay and grain mixtures, which must be given in small portions so as not to cause obesity. Also important is the presence of fresh and green fodder. Before giving vegetables or fruits to rabbits, they must be washed and dried. It is always necessary to control that the water in the cage is clean and fresh.

What do breeders say?

Often from farmers and private livestock breeders you can hear positive feedback about this breed. The Silver Rabbit is an interesting and beautiful animal that attracts not only with its color, but also with its strong physique.

Breed advantages

The undeniable advantages of the silver rabbit breed are noted in the following:

  • quite unpretentious to food;
  • tolerate frost well and can live in open cages;
  • meat is juicy and tender with a uniform distribution of fat;
  • the skin has fluffy fur;
  • mature quickly and females are ready to mate at 120 days of age;
  • in a brood there are always at least 8 rabbits.


Going through all the advantages of this breed, many farmers and breeders unanimously agree on one thing - no shortcomings were found in this breed.

Photo gallery

Funny eared breed Silver

Grown up representatives of the breed

Rabbit breed Silver close-up

Video "Silver Fur"

In this video, we invite you to evaluate the incredible quality of the fur that Poltava Silver rabbits possess.

Rabbits Poltava silver are distributed not only in the CIS, but also beyond its borders. They are bred for the purpose of obtaining valuable silver fur. To ensure the maximum productivity of the animal, you need to know the basic facts from the biography of the breed.

Livestock has more than 10 species of rabbits, in the description of which silver is mentioned. Of all the known types, Poltava is the most adapted to any climatic conditions. Animals are classified as meat-skin direction.

Thanks to high productivity indicators, with the right content, it will be possible to enter the world market with a competitive product. As pets, rabbits are loyal and friendly. They become great friends for children, replacing their usual kittens and puppies. The first mention of animals was found in ancient India. It was from there that they came to Europe. Spain became the first point of distribution.

Then the Silver rabbit breed was imported to France, England, Germany and other countries of the world. This species gained popularity due to the unusual color of the fur coat. Having established itself in the province of Champagne, it developed rapidly, and as a result became the parent of all later bred silver varieties. In 1952, the eared were brought to the Soviet Union. The Kaplevsky brothers, known at that time, worked on them. Scientists have made several successful attempts to improve the breed in order to achieve business-friendly performance. The main task was adaptation to harsh conditions and food supply.

The priority indicators in the description are:

  • high degree of survival;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • precocity.

The selection took place on the territory of the Poltava region. Hence the prefix in the official name. The genetic material of rabbits from Champagne has been preserved in appearance and character, it was possible to take precocity and productivity from other breeds. It is known that inept selection led to a deterioration in the suit. Now many scientists are trying to restore the purebred, lost back in the 20th century.

By nature, the breed is quite calm. It is beneficial to breed at home. Rabbits are distinguished by the color saturation of the fur coat. There are cases when the owners crossed dark and light suits, wanting to get something in between. But such experiments led only to disastrous consequences. Animals are happy to go into the hands of even strangers.

Appearance and performance

Due to the black suit of domestic relatives, the Poltava silver ones are distinguished by a darker coat. Spots are visible around the eyes and on some areas of the limbs. Animals have a strong constitution of the body, the body is enlarged, proportionately folded.

The silver rabbit acquires its natural appearance in the second month of life, after molting. At first, it seems to the owners that they slipped a fake on them, since the fur coat has a gray color. The effect of silver is obtained by merging the dark blue base and the light end of the hair. This is due to the presence of a special gene that is activated with age. The fur belongs to the rollback type, it is thick and elastic compared to other types. That's why appearance the rabbit is always distinguished by grooming and neatness. The so-called guard hairs are present in smaller numbers on the head and limbs, these parts are noticeably darker than the body.

The average length of an adult reaches 57 centimeters. The back is straight, the muscles are well developed, and the paws are massive. Small ears make the head visually smaller. The possibility of mating comes at 4 months, but viable offspring will only come from parents who have reached six months of age. The characteristic indicates an enhanced maternal instinct in females, as well as high milk production. The rabbit leads from 8 to 12 rabbits.

At the age of nine months, the weight of some representatives reaches 5 kilograms.

In some cases, the weight of the male reached 6.5 kilograms. At 5 months old, the young are ready for slaughter. It is during this period that suppliers try to buy out selected marble carcasses. They contain the most protein and useful properties. Meat productivity is at least 61%. For eared, this is an excellent figure, given that simple breeds rarely reach the 55% mark.

Advantages and disadvantages

The active lifestyle of rabbits suggests thoughts about their bright temperament. But this is absolutely not true. The nature of the Poltava silver is flexible. Excessive playfulness does not prevent them from being obedient, kind and gentle.

Among the advantages are:

  • speed of weight gain;
  • unpretentiousness in the conditions of detention;
  • ease of care;
  • high survival rate.

Rabbits are profitable to grow at home and at work. The versatility of the breed consists in obtaining two benefits at once: on the one hand - fur, on the other - meat products. Pet care does not require special skills. Even a beginner can cope with their breeding. To feed the animals, a standard food base is sufficient. Of course, if you want to get more returns, then you should not save on food.

The quality of the products is also considered a plus: the meat is tender, of medium fat content. Thanks to the thick fur, rabbits can easily endure the cold. A solid coat in terms of properties competes only with the Soviet chinchilla. A variety of color shades attracts suppliers and manufacturers who are in search of new ideas and colors.

The scientists themselves claim that there are no shortcomings in the breed. The only negative may be the fact that after inexperienced experiments it is difficult to judge the purity of the species. It is rare to find true descendants of the Champagne region.

Video "Rabbits Poltava Silver"

In this video you will hear useful information on the maintenance of rabbits of the Poltava silver breed.

Among all breeds of rabbits, Poltava Silver rabbits are in a special account among breeders. You can't confuse them with anyone. For the unique silver-smoky fur and the wonderful dietary qualities of marbled meat, experts highly appreciate this breed. In addition, the Poltava residents are real Siberians: they are hardy and calmly endure cold winters.

Today, the Poltava silver rabbit breed is not as popular as it used to be. Few rabbit breeders can boast of the presence of this breed in their farm. But, we note that in the breeding of rabbits, there is a return of interest in the champagne breed.

Features rabbit Poltava silver

The main feature of rabbits is its unique inimitable corporate shade of fur, which cannot be confused with any other. And, despite this, Poltava silver belongs to a fairly large family of “silver”, which are distinguished by a smoky color. In this regard, his fur is one of a kind. On closer examination, the noble shade is a combination of three shades of villi: black guides, white guards and a slightly bluish smoky undercoat. Moreover, the color on the head, paws and tail is noticeably different - several tones darker than on the body.

Rabbits of Poltava silver are born black. And only by 4 months they change color to a silver tint - a sure sign of growing up.

The fur belongs to the rollback class - it is much thicker and more elastic, unlike rabbits with a delicate fur coat. Thanks to this feature, the Poltava fur coat looks neat and stylish. A distinctive feature is that the hairs at the base are much lighter than at the ends.

Gray noble color in all representative silver series is associated with the action of the SI gene. With age, the number of white hairs increases. Due to this, the rabbits "turn gray". But this only makes their fur more attractive.

Main settings

"Poltava", although they do not belong to the giants, but a fairly large breed. Therefore, representatives of this species, as a rule, are not kept as pets. What does the animal look like? The following is a description:

  • harmonious addition: head, torso, paws and ears are proportionate;
  • the physique is muscular, knocked down;
  • rounded arched back;
  • the back is even, straight;
  • ears erect and in proportion to the body;
  • body - 54-57 cm;
  • weight - about 6 kg;
  • the number of cubs in one litter is 8-9 individuals;
  • meat yield - up to 60 - 65%
  • early puberty - 4 months.

When buying, pay attention to the color of the claws. Their color should be much darker. The lack of an appropriate pigment can cause the birth of albino rabbits.

Video - Expert Evaluation

How to distinguish Poltava silver rabbits from other breeds

The main feature of Poltava silver from other breeds is its gray non-uniform shade. Moreover, his fur coat, “Poltava”, is much more intense and darker in color than that of his French relatives of the breed. champagne.

Another representative of the "silver" family - soviet chinchilla, which is related to Poltava silver not only by the gray shade of the skin, but also by its large size. An important feature is that the color of the chinchilla is monophonic, does not have characteristic dark shades on the head, paws and tail, like in Poltava.

- also a member of the silver family. This is an Austrian breed, which was bred by breeding two breeds of rabbits: Moravian and Flanders. But unlike Poltava silver, it is noticeably inferior in size. Although the color of the head and body resembles the Soviet version of silver rabbits.

Breed european silver- a close relative of our Poltava rabbit. They have a common ancestor - French champagne, whose breed was also taken as the basis for European selection. Common roots left their mark on almost all basic characteristics - weight, size, number of rabbits in one litter, silver noble skin color - with the only amendment - European silver is much lighter than Poltava. So you still don't get confused.

Poltava silver: the pros and cons of the breed

In the commodity market, the fur of "Poltava" is highly valued. The price of skins is much more expensive than skins of other breeds. The only competitor in this matter is the Soviet chinchilla. Another plus in favor of the Poltava rabbit is its large size.

Breed advantages:

  • unpretentious in food;
  • frost-resistant, feel comfortable in outdoor cages;
  • juicy and tender "marble" meat - interspersed with fat;
  • thick fur;
  • reach puberty already by the 4th month of life;
  • high fertility: up to 8 rabbits can be brought at a time.

Poltava rabbits are distinguished by a calm and balanced psyche. Rabbits are not prone to aggressiveness and are ideal for keeping in an apartment.

Among the manufacturers of fur products, the skins of the Poltava "silver" are highly valued. The structure of the skin and its quality opens up great prospects and allows you to maneuver, creating a rich silver range. For outerwear designers, this is an opportunity to create a wider range of fur coats. Models look elegant, stylish, spectacular.

The fertility of the Silvers is another reason why this breed is valued by breeders. As a rule, Poltava rabbits are good mothers. They prepare a bed of fur in advance (make a nest), and at birth they gently care for the babies. Therefore, the survival rate of young animals is quite high.

In one silver rabbit family, both very light and dark rabbits can be born. When mixing a female and a male with the same (light or dark) fur, purebred qualities deteriorate. In order to adhere to the color standard of the breed, it is desirable to keep males separately.

An equally important aspect is the quality of the meat. In this matter, Soviet breeders managed to achieve very good results. Balance indicators for fat and nutritional high level. The low fiber content of the meat makes it tender, juicy and excellent in taste. In addition, rabbits also give a large gain: from a 4-month-old rabbit, you can get 61% of a pure meat product.

cons this species practically no rabbits.

Content principles

Among experienced rabbit breeders, "silver" is also valued for its size. Poltava residents are among large breeds, can gain up to 6.5 or more kilograms of weight. Most intensively, rabbits eat from 3 to 6 months. Good care also ensures good weight gain.

Control weight gain

Age, monthsup to 1up to 2until 3up to 4up to 5until 6up to 7up to 8up to 9
Weight, kg0,6 1–1,25 1,35–2 1,65–2,75 2,25–3,45 2,65–4,15 3–4,55 3,45–5 3,55–5,1

The Poltava “silver”, as breeders also call it, is a breed that is 100% acclimatized to the harsh Russian climate. For content, open street cages with the only amendment - they should not be too tight, as these are quite active rabbits. Sheds are ideal, which are a two-story cage system. Moreover, each section has a two-sided open passage.

Caring for rabbits is not difficult:

Despite the acclimatization of the breed to severe frosts, keeping rabbits in the cold season can affect reproduction. According to some observations, it may decrease. But the quality of the fur is getting better. But heat and humidity are not desirable for silver - rabbits endure them hard. Therefore, it is recommended to install awnings.

Prices for cages for rabbits

Rabbit cages

How to make a cage: step by step instructions

Step 1. We prepare the frame. We cut blanks from a bar and assemble the frame. Corners and other joints are fixed with metal corners.

Frame for a rabbit hutch

Step 2. On both sides of the frame we make the base. Using the bars, at a height of 50 cm we set the guides. The main thing to take into account are two points: the first is that the distance from the floor should be 60 cm, the second is that between the tiers it is necessary to provide a place for the gutters along which the litter will be collected.

Step 3. Making the bottom. Diagonally, after 1.5 cm, we fill the slats.

Step 4. We form a door. Outside, we nail the grid. Fasten the door with hinges. Don't forget to screw the latch.

Step 5. We make a sennik. We close the side parts and the back wall with a mesh. The cage is ready.

Video - Cell. Step-by-step instruction

How to feed Poltava silver

Poltava rabbits are unpretentious in food. They fit just about anything they have on hand. But, if you set yourself the goal of getting the greatest gain from one individual, then you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • use compound feed (industrial): its advantage is that it is a balanced product that has important nutritional value;
  • add hay and silage to the diet - they are important for normal digestion;
  • rabbits need to get greens, fruits and vegetables. It is an ideal bait and a source of vitamins. In summer, rabbits willingly eat juicy grass, and in winter, root crops are ideal.

Fresh hay is the healthiest food for rabbits. Coarse fibers ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system. Wood food is also useful - branches, wooden bars. This component helps to grind teeth evenly.

But grain mixtures should not be carried away. They can cause obesity. Therefore, if you decide to pamper your pet, then it is better to divide it into small portions and give it exclusively as a treat.

Hay and silage are healthy treats for rabbits

The publication describes in detail the features of grain crops, the rules for feeding with mixtures and methods for their preparation.

Green fodder is also good. It is introduced into the diet gradually. It is better to start accustoming with small portions in order to avoid digestive disorders: so as not to cause diarrhea or diarrhea. The green mass before serving should be washed, dried and only then given to the animal. It is also not recommended to feed rabbits with dirty unwashed vegetables and fruits. It can cause various stomach ailments.

Rabbits need water for proper digestion. It is not recommended to pour and cold drink. And especially stale water. To prevent the ingress of food residues, it is best to place the drinker away from the feeder and places where dirt and feces can get in. Steel nipple drinkers are the most ideal option.

It is vital for Poltava rabbits to grind their teeth regularly. Twigs and wood work well for this. Therefore, it is necessary to add all kinds of mixers and grain mixtures to the diet. It is also recommended to put a mineral stone in the cage, which is a source of minerals and vitamins.

Feed prices for rabbits

Compound feed for rabbits

Secrets of breeding rabbits Poltava silver

Sexually mature age in Poltava comes at 4 months. From this moment on, rabbits can already be placed in cages with males. By the way, after 8 - 9 days, females come into heat, which can last up to 5 days. If the rabbit is too well fed or, conversely, exhausted, it is better to postpone the mating process until she comes into shape. The male is selected for similar characteristics. To ensure a high birth rate per rabbit, it is best to leave 6-8 females. In a year, an adult rabbit may well bring up to 5 offspring. The rabbit's pregnancy lasts almost 30 days. However, already on the 3rd day after birth, she is again ready for mating.

Video - Rabbit with young

By the way, when keeping cages with rabbits outdoors, some breeders advise equipping them with electric (external) heaters. This reduces the mortality of young animals.

  • when crossing rabbits, you should not mix the blood of close relatives, for example, brothers and sisters;
  • before crossing, inspect - the animal should not be sick;
  • do not allow rabbits to cross, which in previous times showed the worst maternal qualities, for example, refused to feed or ate cubs;
  • when choosing a pair, consider age characteristics: for mature individuals, a young one is better;
  • in order for the mating process to go smoothly, it is better to put the female in the male's cage, and not vice versa;
  • nothing should scare the couple: exclude noises and other external irritants, and also remove objects from the cage that animals can get hurt during the process, for example, drinkers and dishes with food;
  • the birth of a new life in the body of a rabbit occurs during the day;
  • if everything went well, the male will fall on his side.

When the young are born, do not rush. Many breeders prefer not to touch the rabbit for several days so that she does not give up the babies. It’s not worth it too early to take away the rabbits from the mother. This can lead to the fact that such individuals grow up weak. Conversely, the longer the rabbit feeds (no more than 3 months), the higher the chance that the offspring will grow up with strong immunity.

Experienced rabbit breeders keep a diary where they record all the important characteristics: date of conception, birth, weight, size of the animal and distinctive features. In the future, such information will help to select the best individuals and track the "evolution" of your rabbit farm.

How to choose a rabbit when buying

Age - important factor. Old individuals are not the best investment: they mate less often and are not able to give good offspring. Young animals can give the buyer a lot of surprises. First, the immune system is not fully strengthened. It is purchased with milk. Therefore, tearing a suckling from its mother is fraught with consequences. Secondly, even if he has already been transferred from a dairy diet to a regular “adult” diet, the body needs to adapt. Otherwise, it will provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Rabbits for examination should be taken by the skin in the upper back (as in the picture)

It is better to buy rabbits in a nursery when:

  • females from 2 to 5 months;
  • males from 2-7 months.

However, if it is already 1 year old, it's okay. Features of development, defects or any diseases are already evident. Buying before two months is also not worth it. Sexual characteristics are smoothed out. Babies, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, are very similar to each other. Gender can be determined at a later date. Representatives of the male sex have characteristic tubercles in the region of the sacrum. If they are not there, you have a rabbit in front of you.

If you are buying for the purpose of breeding for meat or obtaining skins, contact a breeding farm or an experienced rabbit breeder. And, of course, it is desirable to visit where your future inhabitant of the farmstead grew up. You will have the opportunity to see the producers - parents, grandparents. This will give a more complete picture of the genotype of the breed and the breeding traits of the family.

Do not take if:

The main criterion for selection is behavior. It directly reflects the state of health. Activity and curiosity are two more arguments in favor of the candidate. If he looks weak, don't waste your time and money. Check all mucous membranes. A slightly pink color indicates that the animal feels good. Any sores or discharge are alarming symptoms of the disease. Examine the fur. To do this, make a small parting and evaluate the skin. Look into your ears and see if there are ear mites.

Find out if you have been vaccinated. If you prefer a purebred pet to keep at home, ask for a pedigree. Practice shows that responsible owners value their reputation and therefore try to provide not only documents, but also a contact phone number.

Thus, Poltava silver presents great prospects for those who decide to do business on rabbits. This breed will delight breeders with both the meat breeding direction and the “selfish” aspect, in a good sense. The meat resembles marble, and the rabbit coat as a raw material is a godsend for fur manufacturers, moreover, it does not require coloring.

The breed of silver "Poltava" is distinguished by high fertility, rabbits grow quickly and achieve large weight gain. The breed of rabbits, according to experienced breeders, pleases with its high adaptability, unpretentiousness in care and vitality. It was these qualities that Soviet scientists achieved in the process of painstaking selection work, thanks to which this breed is considered one of the best in the world and is popular among rabbit breeders.

Due to the valuable, lush and thick fur, rabbits of the Silver breed can be attributed to both the fur and meat production lines due to their high productivity, early maturity and meat yield.

History of the breed

Silver rabbits

The progenitors of the breed of silver rabbits are considered to be individuals from the French province of Champagne. Although there is information about the mention of rabbits of this breed in the middle of the last century, in Portugal and England. Nevertheless, France is still considered the official homeland of Champagne rabbits.

To the countries of the former Soviet Union rabbits were brought in 1927-1928 from Germany. At that time, the French breed rabbits were not too large, the color of the coat was only slightly silvered.

From this period, large-scale selection of this breed began. Breeding specialists worked on increasing precocity and fertility, increasing body weight and the quality of the hairline. The result of breeding was a new breed called the Silver Rabbit, bred by A. I. Kaplevsky and I. I. Kaplevsky in the Petrovsky fur farm in the Poltava region and Tula in the Tula region in 1946-1952.

Some old sources of information claim that a local black-colored rabbit and an imported Champagne breed were used for crossing. While modern information tells that the breed appeared by selecting individuals within the breed.

Appearance and description of the breed

The main distinguishing feature of animals is the silver-smoky color of the skin. The coloring of the coat is uniform throughout the body. On the nose, around the eyes, ears, and also partially on the legs and tail, the coat is darker in color. Silvery gloss gives a special tinting of the hair: the guide hairs are light at the base, and dark in the rest; guard hairs partly white; down hair smoky blue, lighter at the base. This combination of black and blond hair eventually led to the formation of a chic old silver color.

Skins are also valued, including for the density and silkiness of the hairline. Sometimes the fur of this breed is compared with the fur of the Siberian squirrel. The hairline in density is second only to the breeds and.

Rabbits of this species are born black or gray, by the first month of life silver appears on the nose, stomach and tail. Over time, the head, ears, chest and back change color. Only by 3-4 months in the process of molting, the color completely changes to silver. It should be noted that such a gradual change in color is a sign of a pure breed.

Adult individuals of this breed weigh about 4.5-5 kg., Some specimens reach 5.8-6.6 kg., The body constitution is harmonious, tightly knit. The length of the body is about 55-57 cm, the chest is wide and deep, the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades reaches 36 cm. The head is medium, narrowed towards the nose, the ears are upright in length up to 10-12 cm, the eyes are brown. The paws are strong and well set, the back is straight and even with well-developed muscles. The sacral part is wide, has the correct shape. The downfall index is 56-65%.

Thanks to selection, rabbits are perfectly adapted to Russian weather conditions and feed. They do not like hot weather, they are more suitable for the average air temperature.

Animals are unpretentious to feed, with sufficient feeding in winter they show good survivability.

Rabbits of the silver breed are active, quickly adapting to the attendants and the daily routine.

The breed is most widespread in the central and western regions of the country, although it can be perfectly bred in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Profitability of breeding rabbits of the breed

Female rabbits of the Silver breed are very prolific and have a high milk yield. In one litter, on average, up to 8-9 rabbits are born. The weight of newborn animals is approximately 75 gr. Females of this breed aggressively protect their cubs, although they perfectly accept strangers.

When crossing, it is not advisable to take two equally light silver parents, as the offspring brighten and lose their exclusive old silver color.

Rabbits are growing rapidly, their distinguishing feature is excellent meat precocity. Growth intensity: 1 month - 1 kg., 2 months - 2 kg., 4 months - 4 kg. The consumption per kilogram of live weight gain is 2.5-3.6 feed units. The rate of weight gain is equivalent to the Soviet Chinchilla and Gray Giant breeds.

By the age of 3, 4 months, the animals have excellent slaughter yield, productivity is about 57-60%. The meat of this breed is very tasty and juicy, has a good presentation. The carcass is well muscled, the intermuscular fat layer is distributed evenly throughout the body.

Skins from rabbits are wide with an original variety of toning. Very often, silver rabbit skins are used in light industry without dyeing, preferring a natural look.

Although silver rabbit and belongs to commercial meat-and-skin breeds, yet it is not very common in our region. As a rule, he prefers more meaty "" and "", as well as breeds with lighter, more versatile fur.

The largest populations of the breed are concentrated in the fur farms of the Tatar Republic and the Tula region.

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Despite the fact that Silver rabbits are considered an industrial meat and skin breed and are quite large in size, they are great for. Due to their soft and docile nature, active and playful temperament, almost complete absence of aggression and quick adaptability to human presence, animals of this breed are actively gaining a reputation as a pet for home keeping.

You should also know that these rabbits move a lot due to their active temperament, so a lot of space should be prepared for them. Care does not require any additional effort.

Further selection of the breed can be aimed at increasing the viability of rabbits and increasing the strength of the body constitution.

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