Outdoor cage for chickens. Do-it-yourself cages for broilers: drawings, photos and dimensions. What needs to be installed in the cage


Little chickens are very tender and vulnerable birds. If you plan to keep chicks at home, take care of their safety and protection. For their maintenance, it is not difficult to build cages on your own, it is enough to make a little effort and ingenuity. So, how to make a cage for chickens with your own hands - look for photos and detailed drawings in our today's review!

Design features

A cage for small chickens should be reliable protection until they get stronger and turn into adult hens and cockerels. She must protect them from birds of prey, rodents, domestic cats or dogs, for which newborn birds are easy prey. In addition, it is desirable that the cage be mobile. It is good when it is possible to easily lift it and change the location of the chickens, choosing the most friendly places for them in the sun.

The design for feathered babies should have a source of light and heat. If you plan to take your cage outside, consider a small shed so that the chicks can hide in case of bad weather: strong sun or rain.

Much also depends on how many chickens you plan to keep at home. If a little, then a small wire construction will suit you, perhaps even without a bottom. If you want to start raising young animals seriously, then in order to save space, chicken cages are built on several floors. Also, such designs are equipped with a removable bottom tray for easy and quick cleaning.

In any case, small birds are not lodged in drafts and provide them with sufficient space. Chickens can live in cages up to the age of 45 days, then they can already be moved to a pen. Expect that in a house measuring 1 sq. m. you can accommodate up to 50 young animals.

We make a cage on our own

In order to save money, you can easily make a cage for keeping young animals at home with your own hands. But, as in any business, a responsible and thorough approach is required here, because the safety and health of daily birds will depend on what kind of housing you place them in. The first step is to decide how many chickens you want to raise.

Based on this, the dimensions of the cage and the materials that you will use for construction are determined. Make a drawing of the future structure or sketch at least a rough diagram. Next, we suggest watching a video for clarity, which shows in which houses the future chickens live.

Metal mobile structure

This cage is suitable for a small number of chickens and it is preferable to use it in the warm season. It is quite simple to make with your own hands and at home it will come in handy for a dozen chickens. It is planned that the cage will stand on the street and you will be able to move it from place to place. So, for such a closet you will need:

  • galvanized wire mesh with a mesh diameter of 16x24 mm;
  • aluminum wire;
  • pliers or pliers.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. The metal mesh is cut into sections, you should have five pieces of the sizes you need. Two sides, two ends and one piece for the roof.
  2. Prepare pieces of metal wire, about 3 cm long.
  3. We fasten the structure with them so that its mobility is preserved.
  4. We fix the roof only on one side so that it can be opened and have access to the chickens.

Such a cage can be both with a bottom and without it. If you prefer the option without a bottom, then your design will easily fold into a parallelepiped and take up a minimum of space during storage or transportation. But chickens in this case will need to be transferred separately.

Simple cage with wooden walls

You can also choose a simple design with wooden or plywood walls to keep your kids. This design is quite convenient and easy to make with your own hands, but it is not so easy to transport. So, in order to make it, prepare the following materials:

  • sheets of plywood or chipboard (suitable for walls);
  • a grid for the floor (depending on the age of the chickens, the size of the grid cells may vary: for babies up to 15 days old, choose a grid of 10x10 mm, for keeping older birds, 15x15 mm is suitable);
  • galvanized sheet;
  • fixing materials (nails, screws);
  • jigsaw.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Based on your drawings, cut a sheet of plywood or chipboard with a jigsaw. You should get two end walls, one side and the future ceiling of the structure. It is better to make the ceiling folding, so that it is more convenient to clean the cage or add food and water.
  2. We would advise you to make the front side wall of wire mesh, so that it is more convenient for you to watch the chickens and they can see what is happening around. Fasten all components with nails, dowels, screws.
  3. From the finest mesh make the floor.
  4. From a sheet of galvanized metal, make a removable pallet and place it under the mesh floor.
  5. You can do the heating yourself. To do this, 3-4 light bulbs are installed near the back wall under the ceiling, with a power of up to 50 watts. It is desirable that they be matte, because too bright light irritates the nervous system of chickens.

Stationary battery design

  • sheets of galvanized metal;
  • plywood sheets;
  • wooden bars;
  • grid with different cell sizes;
  • fastening materials.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. We make a frame from wooden bars, focusing on your drawings or those found on the Internet.
  2. We make side walls from plywood sheets.
  3. Using a fine mesh we make the floor of the future structure.
  4. From galvanized metal we make pallets for collecting litter and garbage according to the number of cells, they will be located under the mesh floor. The floor-pallet of the upper cage will simultaneously serve as the ceiling for the closet going below.
  5. For the cage that will be the topmost in the structure, it is better to make a wooden roof.
  6. Choose which of the side walls you will have open and make it from a grid with wide cells. Near such a wall, it is good to attach feeders with brackets.
  7. All elements are fastened with screws, dowels or nails. It is better to start the assembly from the bottom cage and already to it, as if to “attach” the subsequent floors.
  8. To make this design mobile, you can attach wheels to it.

Whatever house for chickens you end up building with your own hands, do not forget to equip it with feeders and drinkers, you can also make them yourself. Nipple or vacuum drinkers are suitable for small chickens. You need to wash the feeders and drinkers every day, because the chicks that are raised without chicken are more vulnerable and demanding of themselves!

Photo gallery

Video "Cell battery for rearing young animals"

In the video below, an experienced farmer shares his experience cell content chickens, you can also see how the structure inside is equipped.

Growing chickens is often associated with certain difficulties, in particular, with a place to keep them. Salvation will be a special cage that you can make with your own hands. The problem is that novice poultry farmers often do not own necessary information, but thanks to our article you will learn howmake your own chicken cageaccording to the photos provided. In addition to simple drawings, at the end of the article you will find interesting video, so let's not postpone the work, but start as soon as possible.

Features of cages for chickens

Until the moment when the chickens grow up and can not live in an ordinary chicken coop, the cage should become a comfortable home for them. Yes, you can purchase a ready-made design, but its features will not differ in any way from the one that will be made at home. In addition, on the financial side, you will save a lot of money, and you will also acquire construction skills that will not be superfluous on the farm.

It is extremely important that a do-it-yourself chicken cage is mobile. At the same time, it must provide reliable protection, otherwise one day you may lose your entire livestock. Select drawings of light cages that can be moved from place to place without much effort, choosing the best option for small chicks.

In order to place day old chicks inside the cage, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of distinguishing inner space. For example, install additional walls and a solid floor so that small lumps do not catch a cold and do not damage the paws. Also, there must be a light source, an additional function of which will be heating.

At home, it is not always possible to closely monitor the chickens, so the cage should be as secure as possible. To protect the chicks from sudden rain, you will have to make a good roof or canopy with your own hands. On fine days, they will protect the kids from the scorching sun.

The size of the cell directly depends on your goals. If you plan to have chickens for yourself (that is, no more than 20 heads), then a simple mesh design will do. If you have plans for a serious occupation with birds, then select the drawings taking into account future prospects. In this case, it is advisable to make a cage in several tiers in order to place the maximum possible number of birds on a small area.

If we take into account that young animals will live in a cage for up to 45 days, then per 1 sq. m. you can place up to 50 goals, daily - up to 70. This should be your guideline when determining the size of the structure.

We manufacture ourselves

So, you have decided to make your own cage for raising chickens at home. The main guideline for you will be the photos and videos presented in our article. Also pay attention to the finished drawings - you can learn a lot of interesting things from them.

If you have at least some building skills, then you can make a cage quickly enough. Before you begin, jot down a list of what you'll need so you don't find out you're missing something along the way. You should not choose an intricate drawing, for the first time a simple design will do. The main thing is that it be sufficiently reliable and convenient for feathered inhabitants. How to make a cage, you can watch the video from the 100 PUDOV channel, but detailed description simple project, read on.

Tools and materials

As an example, we have chosen a simple cage with wooden walls. For its manufacture, you do not need a lot of material, so it can be safely called a budget one.

The list of things you need looks like this:

  • plywood or OSB board;
  • grid with a cell 1x1 cm;
  • sheet of galvanized metal;
  • nails and screws for fastening;
  • electrical cable and cartridge;
  • saw;
  • screwdriver.

As you can see, the list is small, and you probably already have some of it on your farm. In general, let's start building.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. In accordance with the dimensions of your drawing, we cut blanks from plywood for walls and ceilings. In total, four parts should come out: two walls on the ends, one side and a ceiling. For greater convenience, make a folding ceiling that will allow you to easily care for the chickens, change their water and add food.
  2. The front wall is best made of mesh so that you can freely observe the movement of the chicks and their condition. In turn, the chickens will also see what is happening around them, and will not feel themselves in a confined space.
  3. We fasten the walls together with screws. We fix the mesh floor. From a sheet of galvanized metal, make a pallet that will serve to collect the litter.
  4. Fix the cartridge to the ceiling and attach the cable. Now there will be light and heating inside the cage.

Agree, it’s not at all difficult to make a cage for raising chickens at home with your own hands. Now you can put the young in it and watch them grow into adult chickens.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Option with a sliding tray

Photo 2. Do-it-yourself cage for grown chickens

Photo 3. Tiered structure for chickens

Video "Building a cell with your own hands"

Video from maks-sheriff will tell you how to make a comfortable and functional cage with your own hands. Don't miss the detailed instructions.

Occupation subsidiary farm associated with breeding poultry requires additional space. The use of cage keeping solves the issue of saving space, allowing you to grow birds on a minimum area. The correct design of enclosures, the creation of the necessary conditions inside the premises create optimal conditions for keeping and breeding birds. Modern cages for chickens are a convenient, comfortable analogue of the nest that birds create in their natural environment for laying eggs and hatching chicks.

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    Aviaries for poultry

    Domestic poultry cages can be:

    • stationary (installed on the floor, fixed on the wall);
    • portable or mobile (on wheels, legs).

    Poultry equipment manufacturers offer standard designs in standard sizes. Farmers create chicken quarters based on their experience. Practice helps to make enclosures more convenient for maintenance, comfortable for keeping healthy pets.

    Bedded enclosures have a plywood or plank floor with a layer of straw, sawdust, filler. Another type of construction with an egg collector is mounted using a fine grid or mesh. A handy pull-out litter tray helps keep birds clean and dry. Eggs are collected in a specially designated place, droppings fall onto the tray through the bars.

    The designs are simple, affordable to make at home. They are used in keeping and servicing up to 10 birds. If the livestock is large, it is convenient to design a battery - a continuous row of compartments that can be stacked on top of each other.

    Content requirements

    The conditions of the room in which the installation of structures is planned are important. Creating a comfortable microclimate for the life of chickens directly affects their health, life expectancy and ability to lay eggs.

    Basic requirements for a place to keep poultry:

    • a separate room reserved specifically for chickens;
    • internal room temperature approx. 22 °С (± 2 °С);
    • own ventilation of the room;
    • lack of drafts;
    • the presence of constant adjustable lighting;
    • maintaining daylight hours of at least 16 hours.

    If places for birds are ready, before installing them, you need to take care of creating a comfortable internal atmosphere of the room: the presence of heating, ventilation, light.


    Proper lighting is a necessary requirement for a well-designed room. It affects the ability of birds to actively lay eggs. If the coop is equipped with large windows to allow natural light in, artificial controlled lighting is still required.

    The standard principle for obtaining light is lamps around the perimeter of the chicken coop, adjusting the on and off of the light with a timer. One light source, for example, a lamp in the center of the ceiling, will not be able to create the desired level of illumination, make it uniform and the same for all chickens. With point light, some of them will fall into twilight.

    An electronic dimmer is a device for smoothly changing power. With it, you can set the time for a gradual increase or decrease in artificial lighting, get the effect of a gradual change of night and day. This will have a positive effect on the number of eggs, especially in winter, when daylight hours are shortened. The electronic regulator eliminates the need to constantly monitor the light in the chicken coop.

    Design features

    Hens feel good and actively rush in a small, not too crowded place. Both large spaces and very small enclosures negatively affect the health of birds and the ability to produce eggs. When determining the dimensions, it is worth being guided by generally accepted standard parameters.

    Laying hens are much smaller than broilers and do not differ in activity. One individual is enough 50-60 square meters. cm from the total cell size. If the bird is intended for both eggs and meat, its size is larger, the required area for one individual increases by 10–20 square meters. cm.

    The calculation of enclosures is based on the standard size of the area for the maintenance of one individual. For chickens, 10 square meters is enough. cm, for young animals - 30 sq. cm, for adult chickens - 60 sq. cm. Based on these figures, the size of one cage and the number of birds for joint keeping are obtained.

    The design of one cage for laying hens must have:

    • folding door;
    • feeder;
    • drinker;
    • egg picker;
    • floor in the form of a lattice;
    • removable tray for cleaning.

    The mesh for the lower plane is chosen fine, so that it is convenient for the bird to walk without falling through and without damaging the paws. The size of the cell depends on the purpose of the structure - who will be contained in it: adult chickens, young animals, chickens. If the farm plans to keep all categories of birds, you need different cages and consumables for their manufacture.

    Approximate cage sizes depending on the number of chickens:

    Materials for self-production of cells

    The choice of tools, materials, sizes and design features is individual. Standard kit for self-manufacturing enclosures are as follows:

    • metal or plastic mesh;
    • corners, fittings;
    • timber, plywood, OSB boards, boards;
    • iron.

    Corners or beams are used to create a frame. The grid forms a cage. Iron and other materials - for the manufacture of drinkers, feeders and pallets.


    • hacksaw;
    • Bulgarian;
    • jigsaw;
    • plane;
    • screwdriver;
    • welding machine.

    Drawings and diagrams

    The development of a scheme for the future design is needed to calculate the quantity Supplies. You can draw up a plan yourself, taking as a basis the dimensions of the room for the chicken coop. There are standard dimensions designed for the production of poultry equipment. According to such calculations, the optimal size of one cage for 3-4 individuals is: 138 x 45 x 68 cm.

    After preparing materials and tools, using planned schemes and drawings, you can begin to work.

    Sloped floor option

    Such structures are mounted with a special chute for collecting eggs at the end of the slope. The location of the lower plane makes it possible for the eggs to roll into the collection tray. Eggs are well preserved, not damaged by birds, they are easy to collect.

    The frame is mounted from a metal profile or a wooden beam. Basic requirements for obtaining a quality design:

    • strong, stable frame;
    • transparent (mesh) walls;
    • pallet material - metal;
    • for the operation of the pallet, sawdust, straw or other filler are recommended;
    • wire mesh with a thickness of at least 5 mm;
    • grid cell for the lower plane - 25 x 50 mm or less; for the front vertical plane - 50 x 50 mm;
    • cage height at the highest point - 70 cm;
    • floor slope - 9°;
    • the distance from the bottom plane of the cage to the pallet is 12 cm or more.

    Aviary made of timber, plywood and metal mesh

    The manufacture of cages involves both mesh and plywood partitions. Necessary materials:

    • grid;
    • timber;
    • plywood (OSB);
    • nails, screws.

    The dimensions of the frame are calculated relative to the dimensions of the room where the enclosures will be located, and the parameters of one section (for example, standard size 45 x 68 x 138 cm). The bars are fastened with nails or self-tapping screws. The front wall is tightened with a large mesh or vertical rods through which the chickens could reach the feeder.

    Lateral and lower cell planes can be made by several methods:

    • using only the grid;
    • side walls made of plywood, the rest of the mesh;
    • all walls are made of plywood, except for the front.

    A positive argument in favor of the mesh is good ventilation of the cells, ease of cleaning. Plus, plywood partitions are warmer and more comfortable rooms for birds. The difficulty is that they require the use of bedding made of sawdust, straw or filler.

    Ready-made feeders and drinkers are sold in specialized stores, but if you save money, it’s easy to make them yourself. They are placed on the outside of the cage to keep the container clean, as well as to regulate food intake.

    The designs have an inclined bottom plane, thanks to which the eggs are moved to the egg tray.

    Do-it-yourself typical cage for laying hens

    Frame material options:

    • wooden beam;
    • metallic profile;
    • corners.

    The frame is assembled using self-tapping screws for wood or metal, depending on the material chosen. Wheels are mounted on the legs if the cage is planned to be transported outdoors in the summer.

    The main steps for making a cell with your own hands:

    1. 1. Before use, the timber should be treated with an antiseptic and dried.
    2. 2. The mesh for the lower planes is attached to the frame, the front part is folded up by 10–15 cm. An additional strengthening of the lower part of the cage with a transverse beam will be correct.
    3. 3. A mesh is used as the side and rear walls, which is connected to the beam with special self-tapping screws.
    4. 4. Mesh for the front wall - large, more than 50 x 50 mm. If the cells are not large enough for the chickens to reach the feeder, they are enlarged by cutting off the excess wire.
    5. 5. Door - folding. Bolts are used for locking.
    6. 6. The size of the manure tray is equal to the size of the bottom of the section. It rests on an additional wooden deck.

    Especially for chickens

    The room for chickens should be mobile, protected, convenient. It is necessary to provide for them a division of space, a solid, and not a mesh lower plane, additional heating and a light source. If it is planned to move the enclosure to the street, it is necessary to provide protection from rain in the form of a roof or canopy.

    The design can be made using timber, fine mesh and metal.

    For work you will need:

    • plywood or OSB board;
    • fine mesh 1 x 1 cm;
    • galvanized iron;
    • screws, nails.

    Drawing up a drawing taking into account the selected dimensions, you can calculate the amount of consumables needed.

    Based on the scheme, materials for the frame, partitions and mesh are cut. You get the following details:

    • end wall - 2 pcs.;
    • side partition - 1 pc.;
    • folding top - 1 pc.

    Upper hinged lid will allow you to easily care for the chicks, change their water and food. The front wall is made of mesh. This way the chickens can see their surroundings. It is possible to monitor their condition.

    The walls and mesh are attached to the frame with screws. The litter tray can be made from galvanized iron. A lamp holder (small lamp) and a cable for additional lighting are attached to the top cover.

    Advantages and disadvantages of poultry cage farming


    • saving usable space;
    • reduction of heating and lighting costs;
    • simplifying the care of birds, maintaining cleanliness inside;
    • feed savings;
    • clean drinker and feeder;
    • convenient collection of eggs;
    • exclusion of disease transmission from other animals;
    • protection from attack by yard dogs, cats, wild animals.

    Cons of keeping chickens in stationary cages:

    • reduced bird activity in a confined space shortens lifespan;
    • constant use of top dressings and nutrients - free-range birds get them from fresh herbs, insects, seeds and grains;
    • maintenance of additional lighting;
    • monitoring the condition of the birds (any disease in the chicken coop quickly develops into an epidemic).

Breeding poultry is profitable and convenient. You will need a chicken coop, an aviary and a chicken cage.

Features of cages for chickens

It is important to ensure that the chickens are not trampled, because they are small and fragile. Keeping chicks requires constant attention and care.

To make a chicken cage with your own hands, you need to follow certain rules regarding size and arrangement in general.

Self-made cell

Cages with the right sizes for raising chickens are commercially available, but making them yourself is more rational. Do not forget that in such conditions the birds will not live long. They are growing fast and will soon need more space.

You can build from improvised materials. In the household there will definitely be the necessary tools. Find suitable drawings and select materials according to the plan.

Necessary tools and materials

When making a cage for broiler chickens, you will need:

  • welded mesh with a small diameter;
  • 1 m wire as fasteners;
  • pliers, hammer, optional - glue gun;
  • work gloves.

It is desirable that the cage for small chickens be portable. Then it will be convenient to take tiny broiler birds outside in summer and hide them from bad weather in winter.

Step-by-step instruction

Do-it-yourself chicken cage is made in the following sequence:

  1. Blueprints. Make a diagram and prepare materials. After that, proceed to cutting and assembling the cage.
  2. Mesh preparation. From a roll or a piece of mesh, cut out 4 fragments according to the size of future cells. We make blanks for the sides and ends of the aviary. Another piece will be needed for the top. Make it bigger than the rest.
  3. Cell. Take small pieces of wire. Use them to fasten the nets. Fasteners must be secure and not loose. Do not spare the wire and time. Carefully twist the tails from the fasteners inward or carefully cut so that the birds do not get hurt on them.
  4. Lid. Use the remaining mesh fragment as a cover for a mini-chicken coop. If desired, tie the structure with a rope. So it will not fall, but you can open it without problems.
  5. The final stage. Check your design - whether it stands exactly, whether the parts are well fastened.

After the work done, populate the Little Broilers - keeping in such a cozy house will benefit them.

Metal structure

If the mesh construction is not too comfortable, a metal chick cage is the way to go. It can also be made by hand. This is a good outdoor structure for house chicks, more resistant to damage, winter cold and heat during the summer months. It is suitable for both day old chicks and mature chickens.

To make such a house, cut three sheets of metal - these will be the back wall, floor and ceiling of the future house. Soften sharp corners with foam rubber. Enclose the remaining sides with a net so that it opens in the end part.

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