Is it possible to fall in love over the Internet? Fell in love over the Internet with a man whom I have not yet met in real life He wants me on the Internet


Many think about the topic of virtual love like this: "It is impossible to fall in love with a person without ever seeing him in real life." However, this happens quite often. When there was no Internet and cell phones, people fell in love through correspondence. On the Internet, people usually begin to communicate on mutual interests, which may not completely separate their other halves.

What makes men fall in love with a girl online? Firstly, either his loneliness, lack of female attention, or a crisis in personal relationships. If a person finds something in the virtual world, it means that he lacks it in the real world. Secondly, men love, as you know, with their eyes. The first thing that pushes them to get acquainted is a photo of the girl they like. They mentally create an image in the subconscious, which they then fall in love with, comparing it with their personal experience.

With a virtual interlocutor, you can share everything that happens in life, you can tell what you might not dare to say in person. Continuing to communicate, an interest is shown to know his interlocutor better, but since a person usually posts only positive information on the Internet, when receiving it, a man idealizes a stranger. And one day he realizes that he already needs this communication like air. He is fascinated by this kind of inaccessibility, distance ... She does not make scandals, does not walk around and does not demand anything, and if there is a woman nearby who regularly throws tantrums, then the Internet interlocutor becomes preferable.

As for women, they love with their ears, so getting their location on the Internet is not difficult. First of all, she is pushed to the Internet novel by a lack of male attention, which is easy to make up for, one has only to give a hint, as there is a bunch of fans right there who can shower with tender and even passionate proposals. All this is extremely tempting, as it does not cause a sense of duty, which means that such a novel can be twisted without any regret. The female psyche is more receptive than the male, so girls are more drawn into such love games. But each of them has a choice to stay there or return to reality.

It attracts not only men, women too, but not the distance, but the process itself. Women love to talk and tell, so you can’t interrupt her here, she knows that the interlocutor will definitely listen to her and this makes her feel more comfortable, which also makes her own adjustments.

"Love" on the Internet is sometimes beneficial, for example, when life seems monotonous and uninteresting, and romantic relationships online help a person in difficult and stressful situations, bring joy and satisfaction in such moments. Maybe it's a game, but even so, this game brings bright moments to life. If virtual love is not transferred to the real world, then there will be no disappointments, of course, if it suits both.

Is it possible to fall in love over the Internet? Almost everyone asks themselves this question, but do they get an answer? Communication on the Internet is very different from real, everyday life. On the Internet, sometimes it is possible to write something that is so difficult to say in the face, but in fact the very significance of the expressed thoughts is lost. After all, confessing our sympathy to someone via the Internet, without having visual contact, we cannot observe the reactions of our interlocutor. Has he been imbued with our not always competently printed lines, or is he laughing at us?

Despite all this, I want to believe that the bright ghost of true love roams the next “www”. How to find it? To date, there is an unlimited number of dating sites, chats, etc. Thousands of girls and boys dream of meeting each other, fill out questionnaires, click on the photos of the people they like with burning eyes, make acquaintances. But according to statistics, stronger relationships, and sometimes something more, happen on sites that are just not designed for this.

The probability of finding your soul mate in this "web" is greater when the conversation does not imply a stormy continuation in real life and we ourselves do not notice how from the standard "how are you?" we go to “can we meet?”. Liberated, freer communication allows you to get to know a person much better, in such communication there is no tension, choice of words, desire to quickly achieve some kind of result. Both in real life and on the Internet, love, sympathy or friendship cannot be controlled.

Love is a free feeling, it chooses us, not we choose it. Who knows, maybe the next one who knocks on your “ICQ” or starts a casual conversation in some kind of chat will be the one with whom you share joy and sorrow, illness and health. Does that mean it's worth looking for love from now on? No. I repeat, love is a free feeling, and when you go hunting for it, you will most likely return empty-handed. She will find you. It doesn't matter where you live, in Kyiv or Moscow, in Berlin or Odessa. Love is as big, confusing, global as the network that we, ordinary people, enter every day.

Looking for the necessary information, looking at photographs or reading the news, one day we will understand that we cannot do without communicating with this or that person, that it is difficult for us without these couple of lines printed by his fingers. Someone may say that this is nonsense, but even he is not immune from the fact that one day he will wake up next to a person who until recently was only letters on the monitor.

Well, the question is: “is it possible to fall in love over the Internet?”, The answer ... Everyone will have to choose the answer for themselves, believe not believe, and maybe feel it for themselves. One thing is clear: regardless of whether we believe in Internet love or not, we definitely cannot know what awaits us on the next “www”.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Does this love have a future? What are the dangers? And why do so many of us look for love on the Internet?

Why is it so easy to find love online and develop virtual relationships?

The Internet is a mass of opportunities for expressing one's emotions and for communication - emoticons, dating sites, resources on interests, instant messages, etc. Temptations - the sea, opportunities to meet - even more. Moreover, many give preference to dating on the Internet, in reality bypassing potential “halves” per kilometer.

Why does love flare up faster on the Internet than in real life?

  • Acute need for attention . If in real life there are not enough emotions, communication and attention (and many are really deprived of it due to circumstances), the Internet becomes almost the only opportunity to feel needed by someone.
  • internet addiction . Social networks and interest sites draw a person into the World Wide Web very quickly. Life in reality fades into the background. Because it is there, on the Internet, that we (as it seems to us) are understood, expected and loved, and at home and at work there are only omissions, quarrels and fatigue. On the Internet, we are practically unpunished and can be anyone, in reality we need to be responsible for our words and actions. Dependence becomes stronger, the poorer the real life of a person.
  • Ease of making new acquaintances and "friends". On the Internet, it's easy. I went to a social network or a site of interest, exchanged a couple of phrases, clicked on the “traditional” heart in the photo - and they noticed you. If you are original, principled and smart, pouring humor right and left, and your photo shows unearthly beauty (“so what, what is photoshop! Who knows about this?”), then you are guaranteed a crowd of fans. And there it is not far from the favorites (with all the consequences).
  • Few dare to take the first step towards dating in real life. Meeting your soul mate is even more difficult. On the Internet, everything is much easier. You can hide behind the mask of an “avatar” and fictitious information about yourself. You can turn into a model with the 5th breast number or a tanned athlete with a Hollywood smile and a Porsche in the garage. Or, on the contrary, you can be yourself and enjoy it, because in real life you have to keep yourself in check. And it seems - here it is! So charming, courageous - smart speeches, courtesy ... And how he jokes! Innocent virtual flirting flows into e-mail, then Skype and ICQ. And then real life completely fades into the background, because all life is in these short messages “from Him”.
  • In reality, hoaxes don't make sense. "Hu from hu" - you can see it right away. On the Web, you can distort your “I” to infinity, until the one “pecks” from whose speeches you can’t fall asleep at night.
  • The image of a person, on which we stop our attention on the Internet, draws, for the most part, our imagination. What it really is is unknown, but we already have our own “bars” and ideas about what it should be like. And, of course, a bespectacled nerd who is only interested in cockroaches in his aquarium, or a blurry housewife with cucumbers on her face, simply cannot sit on the other side of the monitor! The more illusions, the richer our fantasy, the harder it is to realize later that there is a person just like you on the other “end” of the Internet. Possibly with knees stretched out in sweatpants, with a bike instead of a Porsche, with (oh, horror) a pimple on his nose.
  • It is easier for strangers (this happens on trains, with fellow travelers) to reveal their feelings. Ease of communication creates the illusion of mutual interest.
  • It is almost impossible to see human flaws online. Even if the resume honestly says “gluttonous, arrogant snob, I love women, freebies and money, unscrupulous, attracted, consisted, who doesn’t like it, the complaint book is around the corner” - this person makes you smile and, oddly enough, immediately wins you over. Because it is intriguing, creative and bold.
  • The biggest problem that virtual love can bring is the breaking of the "epistolary novel" by ICQ or mail. That is, no pregnancy, alimony, division of property for you etc.
  • Mystery, mystery, obligatory veil of "mystery" - they always spur interest and feelings.

What are the dangers of virtual love: relationships in social networks and possible consequences

It just seems that virtual love is an innocent game or the beginning of a serious relationship, and everything else is protected by the boundaries of the Web.

But online dating can also bring very real troubles:

  • A sweet, gentle and touchingly courteous person on the Internet can turn out to be a real dictator in life. Not to mention more severe cases (maniacs with chainsaws will not be considered).
  • Information that is about a person on the Internet, not always true . It is quite possible that his place of residence is fictitious, the photo was downloaded from the network, instead of a name - a pseudonym, instead of a blank page in the passport - a stamp from the registry office, and several children, whom he naturally did not intend to leave for you.
  • To indulge yourself with the illusion - “they say, appearance is not the main thing” - is wrong in advance . Even if in reality a person really turns out to be a gentle romantic with great wealth, his appearance, voice and manner of communication can terrify you at the first meeting.
  • Often "virtual love" ends with very real quarrels , as a result of which "the secret of personal correspondence", photographs, as well as intimate and vital details become public.

As you communicate with virtual "love", the lines between reality and the Internet are gradually blurred - there is a chronic fear of breaking this thread, the connection with a person. But real feelings cannot last forever within the Network - sooner or later they will have to be interrupted or move to the phase of real communication. And then the question arises - is it necessary? Will the meeting be the beginning of the end?

Love on the Internet - meeting in real life: is it necessary to continue virtual relationships, and in what cases can this be done?

So, the question - to meet or not to meet - is on the agenda. Is it worth it to cross this line? Maybe leave everything as it is? Of course, there can be no advice here - everyone draws his own destiny.

But some nuances are worth considering:

  • Fear of meeting in reality is a normal phenomenon. The chosen one can really disappoint and repel you. But if you don't see it, you won't know. What if this is “the one” that you have been waiting for all your life?
  • Loving the image created on the Web is one thing. It is quite another thing to fall in love with a real person with real flaws. Complete rejection of each other at the first meeting is a clear sign that the relationship will not work out.
  • Disappointed with the appearance of your virtual lover? The muscles were not so prominent, and the smile was not so snow-white? Thinking of running away from your first date? So, you were not so fascinated by his inner world, since such a trifle could "knock you out of the saddle." Maybe he’s not even an athlete at all, and he doesn’t have money for a chic restaurant, but he will be the best dad in the world and the most caring husband. Get ready for disappointment. Because there are no perfect people in the world.
  • Definitely you should not meet outside the virtual if you do not know anything about "beloved ”, except for email, photo (which may not be his) and name.
  • You want to meet, but he constantly takes the conversation in a different direction? It means that either he has enough virtual relationships, or he is married, or he is afraid to reveal himself to you from the real side, or he is afraid to be disappointed in you.
  • If you don't want to disappoint the person, be sincere. Not too frank (after all, this is the Internet), but sincere. That is, don’t lie, don’t embellish reality, don’t draw mouth-watering charms, a smooth face and emerald eyes in Photoshop. Falsehood will never be the beginning of a strong union.
  • Get ready for the fact that the meeting may be the first and last , and your "ideal" will not become your soul mate.
  • If you already have a family in reality , think a hundred times before destroying it because of a virtual romance. As a result, you can lose your family and be disappointed in virtual love.

Did the meeting go well? Are emotions overwhelming? And is it "he"? So, the Internet has given you a chance for happiness . Build relationships, love and enjoy life!

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