Project resource management. Managing the supply of material resources in the project environment Recommendations for the process of managing the material resources of the project


The management of the material resources of the project begins, in fact, in the pre-investment phase when developing a feasibility study for the project, then, in the planning phase, the resource needs and the possibilities for their provision are worked out.

The main task of managing material resources is to ensure their optimal use to achieve the ultimate goal of project management - the formation of a project result with planned indicators.

Material resource management involves a number of basic processes, including procurement, supply, resource allocation, and resource inventory management.

The diagram shows a structural model of resource management processes. These processes are divided into three groups - the processes of planning, regulation and control.

Rice. 3.1.

At each current moment of time, the resources of the project are limited and therefore main tasks management of material resources are:

  • resource procurement management;
  • supply management, including:
  • - resource supply management;
  • - management of stocks of resources;
  • - management of the distribution of resources for the work of the project.

The main output of the planning process is the development

Procurement Plan, which provides answers to the following questions.

  • What and how much to buy?
  • When to buy?
  • How to buy? (Definition of types of contracts)
  • Circle of potential suppliers.

On fig. 3.2 presents the structure of the logistics of projects, which is divided into the resource procurement process and the supply management process.

Purchases of resources - the central element of the project's material resource management system. Procurement processes are the most difficult to manage resources and require particular care.

Purchasing management and in general, the logistics of the project - a project management subsystem, including the processes of acquiring goods, products and services for the project from external organizations (suppliers). The subsystem consists of logistics planning, supplier selection, contracting and contract management, supply assurance, contract completion.

Rice. 3.2.

Purchase. In the Western methodology of project management, the term "Procurement" is central in the area under consideration - acquisition, purchase, supply, receipt, material support. In a broad sense, this is the process of purchasing equipment, raw materials and other types of resources necessary for the creation of an object, construction. In relation to the project, this is the provision of procurement of equipment, structures, materials and services in strict accordance with the project plan. In project management, there are: procurement of works, procurement of materials and equipment, procurement of consultants. In turn, the procurement of materials and equipment is divided into: procurement of materials, procurement of equipment and procurement of services (in the context of project management, this includes the services of labor resources implementing the project, services of design, repair and other organizations). In foreign practice, within the framework of the material and technical preparation of projects, the processes of supplying resources and services for the project and, accordingly, supply management are singled out separately.

Under procurement and supplies understand the activities aimed at providing projects with resources, that is, property (goods), performance of works (services), transfer of the results of intellectual creativity in connection with a specific project. Purchases and deliveries are part of economic relations; the main legal form of regulation of relations in the implementation of procurement, supplies and contracts is a contract, an agreement. The role of the contract lies in the legal consolidation of relations between the subjects of procurement, the establishment of obligations between them, the fulfillment of which is protected by law.

Supply chain management sometimes stands out as an independent subsystem along with procurement management and includes:

  • supply planning;
  • organization of accounting;
  • delivery, acceptance and storage of goods;
  • accounting and delivery control.

Planning and organization of purchases and deliveries - the first step in project resource management. Planning and organization are carried out on the basis of design estimates data in conjunction with the overall project plan and take into account the duration of the procurement and delivery cycle of goods. Consist of stages, including the selection of suppliers, placing orders and monitoring deliveries.

Supplier selection carried out on the basis of the study of qualification questionnaires designed to highlight managerial, technical, production and financial capabilities; the list of applicants, developed on the basis of the study of questionnaires, is agreed with the customer and the project manager; the final selection of suppliers is carried out as a result of tenders.

Placement of orders- together with the design organization, measures are being developed to standardize (reduce the range) of purchases; general orders are issued only on the basis of work to reduce the range of purchases; evaluation of applications and tendering precede the conclusion of contracts; contracts are concluded as a result of additional meetings and agreements with the winners of the auction on the requirements for the transportation and storage of goods, as well as the procedure for payments and bonuses.

Supply control carried out on the basis of special schedules; organized for each type of supply (equipment, works, local materials, services); based on the overall project plan; all changes are made to the overall project schedule; based on standard reporting forms.

Environment affecting procurement,- a combination of internal and external forces, both individually and in interaction with each other, contributing to or hindering the achievement of the procurement goal. These forces may be related to a business, a project, or driven by political, economic, technological, or organizational circumstances.

Procurement strategy for the project - system of methods, principles of interrelation of the specifics of procurement for a specific project with the environment of the project.

Purchasing relationship(collateral) for the project with work structure by contracts and project stages - a formalized structure of links between project work and the required provision of resources in terms of terms and contracts.

Contract procurement planning - the process that results in the formation of procurement documentation that establishes the principles of procurement activities (project support), detailing the procurement process in terms of time, costs, performers, suppliers, contracts, project stages and types of resources.

Consideration of the cost of purchases - consideration by the customer of the approach to the price, its realism and reasonableness, forecasting the impact of economic factors on costs and risks in relation to the cost of the project.

Project Procurement Evaluation- a system for tracking, evaluating procurement (providing) processes by project phases for maintaining statistics and an information base for the purpose of future applications in other projects.

Procurement management includes the following processes that ensure the implementation of the project.

Supply planning(Procurement Planning) - determining the needs of the project (what and when to purchase).

Supply planning(Solicitation Planning) - identification of potential suppliers and preparation of documents for procurement.

Getting offers(Solicitation) - the process of obtaining information from prospective suppliers.

Supplier selection(Source Selection) - analysis of received proposals and application of evaluation criteria for supplier selection.

Contract Administration(Contract Administration) - the process of making sure that the fulfillment of obligations by the supplier complies with contractual requirements.

Completion of contracts(Contract Closeout) - the process of administrative closing of contracts.

Resource management- one of the main subsystems of project management. Includes the processes of planning, purchasing, supplying, distributing, recording and controlling resources, usually labor and logistics. Management of financial resources is carried out within the framework of cost management.

Basically, the concept resource"in the project management methodology is interpreted broadly - everything that the project has, including labor, financial and material and technical resources, the project team, time (durations, deadlines), information, knowledge and technology, is its interconnected resources. And the main the task of resource management is to ensure their optimal use to achieve the ultimate goal of project management - the formation of a project result with planned indicators.

Two interrelated groups of resources are usually considered:

material and technical resources, i.e. raw materials; materials, structures, components; energetic resources; fuel; capacity type resources or technology resources, i.e. machines, mechanisms for performing project work; installed equipment, etc.;

labor resources those who directly work with material and technical resources (for example, builders, machine drivers, equipment installers, etc.).

Distracting from the variety of types of these resources, it is advisable to distinguish two main types.

Non-reproducible, storable, accumulated resources are completely consumed in the course of work, without reuse. Unused in this period of time, they can be used in the future. In other words, such resources can be accumulated with the subsequent expenditure of reserves. Therefore, they are often referred to as "energy" type resources. Examples of such resources are fuel, objects of labor, disposable labor, and financial resources.

Reproducible, non-storable, non-accumulative resources in the course of work retain their natural-material form and, as they are released, can be used in other works. If these resources are idle, then their unused ability to function in a given period of time is not compensated in the future, i.e. they don't accumulate. Therefore, resources of the second type are also called resources of the "capacity" type. Examples of resources of the "power" type are people and reusable means of labor (machines, mechanisms, machine tools, etc.).

The concept of resources is interconnected with the concept of "work", since resources do not relate to the project as a whole, but to certain work performed in a planned sequence corresponding to the project work schedule. Let us briefly dwell on the resource aspects of the calendar plan.

As part of project work scheduling, the resource requirements for work are described as a function of demand. The need for work in a stored resource is described by a cost intensity function that shows the rate of resource consumption depending on the phase of work, or a cost function that shows the total accumulated volume of the required resource depending on the phase.

The work demand for a non-stockable resource is specified as a demand function that shows the number of units of this resource required to complete the work, depending on the phase. Along with the needs functions that characterize the tasks of the project, it is also necessary to consider the functions of the availability (accessibility) of resources. Availability functions are specified similarly to demand functions. The difference lies in the fact that the availability functions are assigned to the project as a whole.

So, their argument is not the phase of work, but time (working or calendar). Checking the resource feasibility of the schedule requires a comparison of the functions of availability and the need for project resources.

The management of the material resources of the project begins, in fact, in the pre-investment phase during the development of a feasibility study, then at the planning stage, the needs for resources and the possibilities for their provision are determined.

At each current point in time, project resources are limited and therefore the main tasks of resource management are:

● optimal resource planning;

● logistics management, including:

● resource procurement management;

● supply management, including:

● resource supply management;

● resource stock management;

● managing the distribution of resources across project activities.

1. Project resources.

2. Resource management processes.

3. Basic principles of project resource planning.

4. The main tasks of procurement and supply.

5. Legal regulation of purchases and deliveries.

6. Organizational forms of procurement.

1. Resource management is one of the main subsystems of PM. Includes the processes of planning, purchasing, supplying, distributing, recording and controlling resources, usually labor and logistics. Management of financial resources is carried out within the framework of cost management. The management of such a resource as a project team will be discussed later.

In principle, the concept of "resource" in the PM methodology is interpreted broadly - everything that the project has, including labor, financial and material and technical resources, the project team, time (durations, deadlines, restrictions), information, knowledge and technology, is related project resources. And the main task of managing these resources is to ensure their optimal use to achieve the ultimate goal of PM - the formation of a result with planned indicators.

Consider two interrelated groups of resources:

a) material and technical, i.e. raw materials; materials, structures, components; energetic resources; fuel; resources of the "capacity" type, or technological resources, i.e. machines, mechanisms for performing project work; installed equipment, etc.;

b) labor, carrying out direct work with material and technical resources, for example, builders, machine drivers, equipment installers, etc.

The management of the material resources of the project begins, in fact, at the feasibility study, the pre-investment phase in the development of the OI, then, at the planning phase, the needs for resources and the possibilities for their provision are worked out.

At each current moment in time, project resources are limited, and therefore the main tasks of resource management are:

a) optimal resource planning;

b) logistics management, including:

purchasing resources,

Procurement: supply of resources, stocks of resources, distribution of resources for project activities.

2. Resource management involves a number of basic processes, including the procurement, supply, distribution and inventory management of resources.

Resource procurement is a central element of the resource management system. Consider the basic concepts.

Procurement is understood as activities aimed at providing projects with resources, i.e. property (goods), performance of works (services), transfer of the results of intellectual creativity in connection with a specific project. Procurement and supply are interrelated and are, in fact, two sides of the project logistics processes.

Procurement management, material and technical support of the project - a subsystem of PM, including the processes of acquiring goods, products and services from external organizations - suppliers. The subsystem consists of logistics planning, supplier selection, contracting and contract management, supply assurance, contract completion.

Supply management stands out as an independent subsystem along with procurement management. Includes:

Supply planning;

Organization of accounting;

Delivery, acceptance and storage of goods;

Accounting and control of delivery.

Planning and organizing procurement and supply is the first step in project resource management. Planning and organization are carried out on the basis of design estimates data in conjunction with the overall project plan and take into account the duration of the procurement and delivery cycle of goods. It consists of stages, including the selection of suppliers, placing orders and monitoring deliveries.

The selection of suppliers is carried out on the basis of the study of qualification questionnaires designed to highlight managerial, technical, production and financial capabilities. The list of applicants, developed on the basis of the study of questionnaires, is agreed with the customer and the project manager. The final selection of suppliers is carried out as a result of tenders.

Placement of orders. Together with the design organization, measures are being developed to standardize (reduce the range) of purchases; general orders are issued only on the basis of work to reduce the range of purchases. Evaluation of applications and bidding precede the conclusion of contracts, which is carried out as a result of additional meetings and agreements with the winners of the bidding on the requirements for the transportation and storage of goods, as well as the procedure for payments and bonuses.

Delivery control is carried out on the basis of special schedules; organized for each type of supply (equipment, works, local materials, services); based on the overall project plan. All changes are made to the general schedule, based on standard reporting forms.

3. As the main component of PM, resource planning includes:

Development and balanced analysis of work packages and resources aimed at achieving the project goals;

- development of a system for the distribution of resources and the appointment of responsible executors;

Monitoring the progress of work - comparing the planned parameters of work with the actual ones and developing corrective actions.

Resources are the supporting components of the project work, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, it is possible to associate the function of the need for resources with each work and calculate the resource requirements for the project as a whole by scheduling methods, and to ensure that the needs correspond to the availability or possibilities of providing resources by the methods of leveling.

There are two main methods for planning project resources:

a) resource planning under time constraints;

b) planning with limited resources.

The first approach - resource planning with a time constraint - assumes a fixed end date for the project and the assignment of additional resources for overload periods.

The second approach, scheduling with limited resources, assumes that the initially given amount of available resources cannot be changed and is the main constraint of the project.

As a result of resource planning, the project manager gets the opportunity to move on to the next phase of resource management - to organize their procurement and supply.

In projects at the planning stage, a balanced analysis of work packages and consumed resources is carried out, taking into account restrictions, and their predictive distribution based on resource demand schedules. Project resource planning is the basis for determining resource needs over time and determining the possibility of providing resources for concluding contracts for the purchase of resources, planning the supply of resources, as well as the basis for distributing purchased resources among project activities.

Resource planning includes a number of components, including: development and balanced analysis of work packages and resources aimed at achieving the project goals; development of a system for the distribution of resources and the appointment of responsible executors; control over the progress of work - comparison of the planned parameters of work with the actual ones and the development of corrective actions.

Resources act as supporting components of the project work, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, it is possible to associate a resource requirement function with each job and calculate the resource requirements for the project as a whole by scheduling methods and leveling methods to ensure that the requirements correspond to the availability or possibilities of providing resources.

There are two main methods of project resource planning: time constraint resource planning; planning with limited resources. The first approach - resource planning with a time limit - involves a fixed end date for the project and the assignment of additional resources to the project for overload periods. The second approach - planning with limited resources - assumes that the initially given amount of available resources cannot be changed and is the main limitation of the project.

As a result of resource planning, the project manager gets the opportunity to move on to the next phase of resource management - to organize the procurement and supply of resources.

The main task of the design and procurement phase of the project is to ensure the receipt of equipment, structures, materials and services in strict accordance with the project plan. This process can be divided into two parts: procurement of resources and services on a competitive basis; deliveries to the work site.

The structure of the tasks of logistics support for projects is summarized as follows: preparation of specifications and technical specifications that characterize the quantity and quality of the necessary equipment, machines and mechanisms, structures, materials, works, services; planning and organization of the procurement process; study of possible sources of procurement of resources and negotiations with possible suppliers; preliminary selection of bidders; preparation of tender documents; conducting bidding and deciding on the award of contracts to applicants who won the bidding; placing an order, including negotiations on deliveries; control over deliveries with the adoption of the necessary measures in case of deviations; conflict resolution; mutual settlements; hiring the necessary specialists, including consultants; supply planning; organization of accounting; delivery, acceptance and storage of goods; accounting and delivery control.

Legal regulation of purchases and deliveries. The main legal form of organization and regulation of relations in the course of procurement between their participants is a contract. A supply contract is a contract under which the supplier, who is an entrepreneur, undertakes to transfer the goods intended for business or other purposes not related to personal consumption to the buyer within a specified period of time, and the buyer undertakes to accept the goods and pay a certain price for them.

Organizational forms of purchases. There are the following organizational forms of procurement: direct, in which a legal relationship exists between two subjects of procurement; there is an agreement between them. Direct purchases are preceded, as a rule, by bidding, but direct purchases without bidding can also be carried out; intermediary, in which the person implementing the project enters into legal relations with an intermediary, i.e. a person who contributes to providing the project with the necessary resources; exchange, in which members of the exchange carry out exchange trading: directly on their own behalf and at their own expense; on behalf of the client and at his expense; on its own behalf at the expense of the client; on behalf of the client at his own expense. Visitors to exchange trading may be legal entities and individuals who are not members of the exchange and have the right to make exchange transactions.

Requirements for procurement and supply management. Consider the requirements for some of the above steps in the procurement and supply cycle, which are typical for a market economy: procurement and supply are carried out on the basis of project documentation data; schedules are developed in conjunction with the overall project plan and take into account the duration of all its phases; the plan should cover the entire project as a whole; the choice of the place of procurement is determined on the basis of the calculation of the cost of options; the plan defines the structures and persons responsible for each item to be delivered.

The following types of commodity markets can be distinguished: markets for products, in the acquisition of which the consumer is guided by established standards that quite fully characterize it in terms of the possibilities of use. These include the markets for metal products, fuel, chemical materials, cement, building materials, and universal equipment. For this type of markets, the following forms of economic relations are defined: trade through commodity exchanges or specialized intermediary organizations of various types; markets for products that the consumer can purchase based on samples or guided by manufacturers' catalogs. These are the markets for instrumentation, tools, electrical equipment, products of the electronic and radio industry, commercial equipment, etc. For this type of market, the most natural is the wide participation of universal wholesale and intermediary organizations, firms - "integrators" through industrial fairs, and for products that require adjustment and maintenance - through branded trade, specialized wholesale and service companies; markets for products sold by individual orders of consumers. These are the markets for unique equipment, rolling mills, large power machines, automatic lines, chemical equipment, etc. For such markets, direct ties between enterprises, the proprietary principle of organizing trade, and the presence of specialized component organizations are most natural.

Contracts for the supply of material and technical resources. In modern conditions, deliveries have taken the form of an exchange of goods. The contract for the supply of goods has become the fundamental document regulating the terms, volumes and terms of delivery. The project manager becomes the key figure in coordinating deliveries for the benefit of the project as a whole.

Supply planning. The initial data for scheduling the resource support of projects are the following documents: calendar plan for the production of construction and installation works at the facilities; the calendar plan for putting objects into operation and tasks at the end of the stages of construction and installation works; annual resource procurement plan; annual schedule for the supply of materials from specialized commodity organizations; contracts and specifications; normative and technological documentation on material and technical supply and equipment; information on the progress of the implementation of the construction and installation work plan for the period preceding the planned one; information on the progress of putting objects into operation and on the completion of the stages of construction work for the period preceding the planned one; information on the fulfillment of orders for the period preceding the planned one; information on the movement of residues of building materials; production and technical norms for the consumption of building materials; inventory standards.

On the basis of the calendar application-schedule and regulatory and technical documentation, the object need for structures, semi-finished products and materials is determined by stages in accordance with their composition specified in the technological kits. The calculated object requirement is the basis for developing quarterly orders for the project.

Deliveries of material and technical resources. The organization of material support for construction projects is based on a system of production and technological equipment. This system assumes the unity of the complete manufacturing of structures and products, the supply and transportation of all material resources in accordance with the technological sequence of the project, and contributes to the most rational and economical use of resources.

At the stage of project development, a model of technological equipment is created. As part of the project plans, a certain unified regulatory and technological documentation is developed - a set of documents that is the regulatory framework for the production and technological configuration of the project. Sets of structures, products and materials must be delivered simultaneously and, as a rule, in full technological readiness for production consumption, in containers and packages directly to the working area of ​​the project.

The issues of procurement and supply management are interrelated with the issues of managing stocks of resources. The solution of the questions “what needs to be purchased” is followed by decisions: how much to purchase, and in accordance with this, it is determined how much of each resource must be kept in the form of a certain stock in order to: minimize the risk of suspending the production process due to a lack of resources for the production of work; ensuring rhythmic production between the moments of supply of the resource.

The task of determining the regulations and volumes of supplies and stocks belongs to the class of optimization tasks of resource management. The target function in inventory management is the total cost of maintaining stocks, warehouse operations, losses from storage damage, etc. Naturally, such costs should be minimized. Controlled parameters in this problem are stock volumes; frequency, terms and volumes of their replenishment; the degree of readiness of a resource held as inventory.

The order point, or threshold stock, is the minimum stock of a resource at which a new order is needed to replenish it, or the point in time when an order must be made.

Safety stock - the minimum reasonable reserve of resources intended for the uninterrupted supply of production in the event of a disruption in the supply chain compared to the planned one. The reserve stock is determined by optimization calculation; at the same time, the conditions for the supply of resources, the materiality of the resource for the planned progress of the project, the presence of supply risks, etc. are taken into account.

The concept of reserves does not apply to all types of resources. In its most general form, inventories are defined as resources held in warehouses and include: inventory; unfinished production; finished products in stock.

Inventory management refers to monitoring the status of inventories and making decisions aimed at saving time and money by minimizing the cost of maintaining reserves necessary for the effective implementation of the project.

Inventory management is complicated by the ever-changing environment in which procurement, supply planning, and resource stocking take place. The purpose of the inventory management system is to ensure the uninterrupted provision of the processes for the implementation of work on the project on time and with the planned quality at the lowest possible cost of maintaining stocks.

Stock types. Each of the types of reserves performs certain functions. Consider the most common types of stocks.
Transit stocks - certain resources for storing transit stocks of raw materials with further distribution of resources with transportation over short distances. To reduce transit stocks, various methods are used, including local suppliers, the formation of small batches of resources.

Linear stocks - formed by goods that are in the process of transportation, movement from suppliers to consumers or production. Factors determining the size of linear stocks: transport time; the distance over which goods are transported; the optimality of economic relations between suppliers and consumers, etc. The size of stocks largely depends on the time of transportation and, relatively, on the time of product advancement.

Costs for the formation and storage of stocks. Inventory maintenance inevitably entails costs. The most well-known inventory costs are space, rent, and cost of risk. The costs of formation and storage of stocks are the costs associated with: the diversion of working capital into stocks of raw materials, materials, etc.; ongoing maintenance of stocks, including inventory costs, interest rates for a bank loan, etc.; storage costs; cost of risks.

Space is understood as the cost of depreciation, maintenance, heating, etc., occupied by the reserve premises. Rent is the expenditure on the capital invested in the stock.

The cost of risk means the consequences of various insured events, as well as an assessment of the cost of risk in monetary terms. The cost of these risks is expressed with varying degrees of accuracy through insurance costs, through tariffs and insurance premium rates.

Failure to use stocks may result in substandard, destruction and sale at reduced prices.

Inventory management project

As you know, a necessary condition for the successful implementation of the project is the timely supply of material and technical resources in accordance with the project documentation and project implementation technology.

The main tasks of providing the project with resources are considered at the earliest stages of development of the project concept. The fact is that many projects are extremely financially, energetically and technically capacious undertakings. Often, the factor of resource provision is decisive in making strategic decisions on the project. In this regard, procurement and supply in the context of PM, as a rule, are singled out as an independent subsystem of the project.

As noted earlier, procurement and supply are two interrelated processes. However, the process of supplying material and technical resources is a relatively independent area of ​​activity. In a broad sense - the management of material and technical support, the movement of inventories, information flows, the logical chain in relation to production, control automated systems. The science of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and materials to a manufacturing enterprise, in-plant processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with interests and requirements. Volodin V.V. "Project management"

Methods for planning logistics in a project environment

In recent years, new methods and technologies based on the concept of logistics have been used in the practice of logistics for projects.

The concept of logistics is multifaceted. In its most general form, it is defined as the science of management (planning, organization, control) of the movement of material and related information and financial flows from the primary source to the end user.

Logistics in the field of logistics is understood as the science of:

rational organization of production and distribution, which comprehensively studies the supply, marketing and distribution of means of production;

a combination of various activities in order to obtain the required amount of products at a predetermined time and in a predetermined place in which there is a need for these products;

interaction of all elements of production and transport systems - from production to consumption;

management of the process of physical distribution of products in space and time;

· integration of production and transportation processes, including all transport, loading and unloading and other operations requested by the clientele, and their necessary information support;

planning, management and control of the material flow entering the enterprise, processed there and leaving this enterprise and the information flow corresponding to it;

planning, management and control of material, information, human and energy flows;

· physical distribution of material resources, technical, technological, organizational and information support of this process.

The purpose of logistics is to meet the needs of consumers based on the optimal management of material flows, for which information flows are organized in logistics.

Material flow - products considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to it (transportation, warehousing, etc.) and related to the time interval.

The most common logistics operations with material flows are warehousing, transportation, picking, loading, unloading vehicles, etc. Logistics operations with information flows corresponding to material flows can also include the collection, storage and processing of data.

Thus, material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage, operations with raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, from the primary source to the end consumer. "Project management"

Chapter I Conclusions

A project is a targeted, pre-analyzed and planned set of interrelated activities to create or change an object (a set of objects) aimed at achieving predetermined goals within a specified period of time, with an established budget and a certain quality.

The project life cycle can be divided into three main semantic phases:

· pre-investment including, for example: preliminary study, feasibility study (feasibility study), analysis of investment opportunities;

· investment, including, for example: a report on investment opportunities, negotiation and conclusion of contracts, design, execution of works, training of personnel;

· operational, including, for example: acceptance and trial run, equipment replacement, expansion, innovation, reaching design capacity.

Planning is a set of interconnected procedures. The first stage of project planning is the development of initial plans, which are the basis for developing the project budget, determining resource requirements, organizing project support, concluding contracts, etc.

The main purpose of planning is to build a project implementation model. It is necessary to coordinate the activities of the project participants, with its help the order in which the work should be performed is determined.

A project plan is a set of tasks united by a common goal that must be completed in a certain sequence and on time. At its core, a plan is a model of the future, a scenario for the development of events.

Project planning - bringing the system from the desired state to the possible.

The planning process is a dynamic, systematic, continuous process of understanding long-term goals and objectives, and finding ways to solve them.

The goals of planning are the formation of mutually agreed upon characteristics of the desired and potentially feasible results of the project implementation within the given constraints on the basis of anticipating the possible dynamics of the project development and options for future solutions.

Resource management is one of the main subsystems of project management. Includes the processes of planning, purchasing, supplying, distributing, recording and controlling resources, usually labor and logistics. The concept of "resource" in the project management methodology is interpreted broadly: everything that a project has - including labor, financial and material and technical resources, the project team, time (durations, deadlines), information, knowledge and technology - is interconnected project resources.

Project management is usually divided into two main types:

· Non-reproducible, stored, accumulated resources;

· Reproducible, non-storable, non-accumulative resources; Volodin V.V. Project Management, Project Management

Mazur I.I., Shapiro V.D., Olderogge N.G.

Resource management - one of the main project management subsystems, which includes the processes of planning, procurement, supply, distribution, accounting and control of resources.

concept "resource" in the project management methodology, it is interpreted as everything that the project has at its disposal, including labor, financial and material and technical resources, the project team, time (duration, deadlines), information, knowledge and technology.

The main goal of resource management is to ensure that they are used optimally to achieve the ultimate goal of project management.

At each current point in time, project resources are limited and therefore the main tasks of resource management are:

Optimal resource planning;

Logistics management, including:

Resource procurement management;

Resource supply management;

Inventory Management;

Managing the distribution of resources by type of work. The procurement of resources is a central element of the resource management system.

Procurement is understood as measures aimed at providing projects with resources, that is, property (goods), performance of works (services).

Procurement and supply are interrelated and are, in fact, two sides of the project logistics processes.

Procurement or project logistics management is a subsystem of project management, including the processes for acquiring goods, products and services for the project from external supplier organizations.

This subsystem consists of logistics planning, selection of suppliers, conclusion of contracts and their maintenance, supply assurance, closing of contracts.

Supply chain management stands out as an independent subsystem next to procurement management, which includes:

Supply planning;

Organization of accounting;

Delivery, acceptance and storage of goods;

Accounting and control of deliveries.

Fundamentals of Project Resource Planning

At the planning stage, a balanced analysis of the complex of works and resources is carried out, taking into account the limitations and their predictive distribution based on the resource demand schedules. Project resource planning is the basis for their formation in time and determining the possibility of providing resources for signing contracts for the purchase of resources, planning the supply of resources, as well as distributing already purchased resources with project work.

As the main component of project management, resource planning includes:

Development and balanced analysis of work packages and resources aimed at achieving the project goals;

Development of a system for allocating resources and appointing responsible executors;

Monitoring the progress of work - comparing the planned parameters of work with the actual ones and developing corrective actions.

There are two main methods for scheduling project resources:

Planning under time constraints;

Planning with limited resources.

First approach - resource planning with limited time, provides for a fixed date for the end of the project and the assignment of additional resources to the project for periods of congestion.

Second approach - planning with limited resources, provides, first given the amount of available resources, can not be changed.

As a result of resource planning, the project manager must move on to the next phase of resource management - procurement and supply.

Resource Procurement Management

The main task of the design and procurement activities of the project is to ensure the supply of equipment, structures, materials and services in strict accordance with the project plan. This process can be divided into two parts:

Procurement of resources and services on a competitive basis;

Delivery to the project site.

Project Logistics takes place in the following steps:

1. Preparation of specifications and technical conditions that characterize the quantity and quality of the necessary equipment, machines, mechanisms, structures, materials, works, services.

2. Planning and organization of the procurement process.

3. Study of possible sources of procurement of resources and negotiations with possible suppliers.

4. Preliminary selection of bidders.

5. Preparation of documents for bidding.

6. Conducting tenders and deciding on the conclusion of contracts with the applicants who won the tender.

7. Placement of an order, including negotiations on deliveries.

8. Control over deliveries (timeliness, completeness, quantity and quality) with the adoption of the necessary measures in case of deviations.

9. Conflict resolution.

10. Mutual settlements.

11. Hiring the necessary specialists (contractors), including consultants.

12. Supply planning.

13. Accounting

14. Delivery, acceptance and storage of goods.

15. Accounting and control of deliveries.

It is customary to single out the last four positions in an independent block of works, which is called supplies. All other works are procurement. This division is not accidental, since purchases are made by the customer, and deliveries are made by the supplier.

In project management, two main types of contracts are defined, on the basis of which procurement is organized - a supply contract (material and technical resources) and a work contract (services).

Supply contract- This is an agreement under which the supplier undertakes to transfer the goods to the buyer (or to full economic management or operational management) within the stipulated time, and the buyer undertakes to accept the goods and pay a certain price for it.

Work agreement governs procurement related to the performance of specific project work.

There are the following organizational forms of procurement:

- straight, where a legal relationship exists between two procurement entities; there is an agreement between them. As a rule, direct purchases are preceded by bidding, but direct purchases without bidding can also be carried out;

- intermediary, in which the person implementing the project enters into legal relations with an intermediary, that is, a person who contributes to providing the project with the necessary resources;

- Exchange, in which members of the exchange carry out exchange trading directly on their own behalf and at their own expense, or on behalf of the client and at his expense, or on their own behalf at the expense of the client, or on behalf of the client at their own expense. Visitors to exchange trading can be legal entities and individuals, exchanges that are not members and have the right to carry out exchange operations.

Basic requirements for procurement and supply management:

Purchases and deliveries are carried out on the basis of project documentation data;

Schedules are developed in conjunction with the overall project plan and take into account the duration of all its phases;

The plan should cover the entire project as a whole;

The choice of place of procurement is determined on the basis of the calculation of the cost of options;

The plan defines the structures and persons responsible for each delivery item.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation