Algorithm for writing a resume in English. A resume in English is a sample. Sample resumes in English


If you dream of working in a large international company or even going abroad to further gain experience, then you will definitely need, along with certificates of knowledge of the language and translated official documents, a resume in English.

Key points

General design requirements include the following:

  • Standard Volume. Usually this paper takes no more than 1 - 2 pages, and this is true even for the Russian-language version. If we are talking about more impressive volumes (sometimes there are copies of 3, 4 and even 5 pages), then it is desirable that the main part of the pages would be occupied by work experience and the passage of educational programs. There are companies that require resumes of 10 - 15 pages, but this is more of an exception than the rule.
  • Page Format. The main format of the form is A4.
  • Font. It is advisable not to use more than 2 or 3 font sizes in a document, otherwise the text will be overloaded and difficult to read. You need to highlight the following items: name and purpose. Subheadings can be made slightly larger than the body text or bolded. And the detailed information on each of the points should be written in the smallest font. The following values ​​are selected as the ratio of the text size: 20 - 14 - 12 or 18 - 14 - 12.
  • Document Format. If you need to submit a resume in English in electronic form, then it is best to convert the resulting file to RTF format. Why is this extension suitable? The fact is that a file of this format can be easily opened and read within any operating system and a text editor.
  • Letter with attachment. In the case of forwarding "curriculum vitae" (this is how an autobiography is formulated in English), do not forget to indicate the subject of the letter. As a rule, in the case of an e-mail, this line indicates the name of the author and the desired position. Take care of the correct name of the document - it should not contain unnecessary numeric or alphabetic characters (especially incoherent ones), it is better to duplicate the subject of the letter in the title.

Take care of spelling in such aspects as

  • Appropriate capitalization. Do not forget that all components in the name of the university, faculty, department, academic degree and specialty must be capitalized. The exception is the service parts of speech.
  • Correct spelling of abbreviations. Be careful with the use of abbreviations. If for a native speaker of the Russian language the abbreviations SamGU, St. Petersburg State University are familiar, then not every American or Briton will be able to understand this. Therefore, decipher abbreviations in the CV if they may seem unfamiliar / incomprehensible to the specialist of the organization.
  • Minimum cuts. You will not find abbreviations that are familiar to colloquial speech or informal correspondence in any correctly composed sample resume in English. Therefore, subtract the document before sending / providing it to the HR specialist for “it "s”, “haven’t”, “aren’t”, etc.
  • Choosing the right terms depending on the language variant. The American and English versions of the language have some differences, including in terms of spelling. For example, in examples of translating resumes into English for companies from the United States, the word “qualified” in the letter will look like this: skillful. In the British variant, the adjective "skillful" is preferred. A similar situation with the word "license": choose depending on the location of the company "license" or "licence".
  • Some nuances of punctuation. Remember apostrophes when putting a noun in the possessive case (Master's degree). Also pay attention to compound adjectives, between parts of which a hyphen must be placed (problem-solving skills).

Differences between resume and CV

Those who are concerned about the issue of preparing documents for foreign companies often ask: “CV - what is it? How is it different from a regular resume? The main difference between these two papers for applying for a job is the purpose. The main task of the resume is to convey brief information about the life, education, marital status and hobbies of the applicant for the vacancy. Curriculum vitae- a sample and indicator of what key skills you have, what experience was gained at each of the places of work and study. For CV, a detailed description of each place of work and acquired specialties is typical.

Resume structure

If the spelling rules may differ depending on the country, then the main points of the document remain unchanged in any case - be it a company from Australia or the USA. Consider the structure of this paper and figure out how to write a resume in English correctly and in compliance with all applicable standards.

Mandatory item of the document is personal data. It specifies the first and last name (patronymic is optional), gender, address, phone number and marital status.

  1. First and last name must be transliterated.
  2. If, after reading the full name, the gender is not obvious, then write in front of the name Mr. or Ms. depending on who the resume is about - a man or a woman.
  3. The address in the form in English is indicated in reverse order with respect to the Russian version, i.e. after the index, the house number and street are indicated, and only then the city and country.
  4. The phone number is written in international format (country and city codes must be present).
  5. In addition to your phone number and email address, you can include links to social networks and business accounts to make it as easy as possible for the employer to contact you.
  6. When describing marital status, the following terms will come in handy: single (if you are not currently married), married (if you have a spouse), if you have children, you can write “have a child / children”.

The next paragraph of the summary is the goal or objective. In CV examples in English, you will not find vague phrases like “I want to get a new unusual experience”, “bring the company to a new level”, etc. The goal that you are pursuing is indicated: for example, you are looking for a job as a graphic designer, so write briefly “graphic designer”. For a more detailed answer, we suggest using a few phrases:

I am seeking a company where… (translated into Russian means “I am looking for a company in which…”);

Pursuing a position… (translated as “Looking for a job…”).

  • able to..(in Russian - "capable");
  • proficient in... (when translated, it means "specialist in the field");
  • experienced (an analogue in Russian is “experienced”).

After that, "resume in English" should include your work experience or "experience". All jobs are listed in reverse chronological order. When placing each new place of work, years are first entered, then the name of the company, positions and responsibilities, as well as the results that were achieved during the work. If you are currently officially employed, then when specifying the dates “from - to”, “Present” is written in place of the second number (i.e. “until now”). The narration at this point must be in the active voice. Here are a few verbs that might come in handy:

  • assisted ("helped");
  • calculated ("counted");
  • promoted ("promoted");
  • created ("created");
  • tested ("checked").

When formulating achievements, it is better to use not vague concepts, but specific figures, i.e. if there is, for example, the phrase “made a lot of sites”, it will need to be replaced with “developed about 65 new sites”.

One of the most important chapters in the sample of writing a resume in English with translation is "Education" (Education). When listing educational institutions, the same rule applies as when indicating places of work - reverse chronological order. Each item is accompanied by the terms of study, the name of the institution, followed by the faculty and specialty, as well as the academic degree.

Tip: Do not try to formulate the name of the place of study on your own. Today, every educational institution has a website with an English version. It is in it that there is how to write the abbreviation and the full name of the university or college in English correctly.

We bring to your attention the commonly used names of places of study:

  • institute, which translates as "institute";
  • college or "college" in English;
  • university - analogue of the Russian word "university";
  • private school or "private school".

The next item in the resume is the block “Professional skills” (professional skills). This can include those that make you a suitable candidate for the specified position: knowledge of languages, programs, control of any devices / machines, etc.

  • well-developed skills in... (formulated in Russian as “developed skills in the field”);
  • in-depth knowledge of... / understanding of... (or otherwise "deep knowledge of ... / understanding of ...").

Also important information in the resume is information about personal qualities (personal characteristics). You do not need to write all the personal characteristics, it will be enough to familiarize yourself with the list of necessary qualities for an employee and indicate those of them that you possess.

Add to document:

  • dependable (reliable);
  • patient (patient);
  • multitasking (multitasking);
  • well-organized (organized).

The icing on the cake of an English resume is a cover letter. In it, answer the question why this particular company and vacancy was chosen, as well as what distinguishes you from other candidates for the vacancy.

resume template

Now you know what a CV is. To facilitate the filling of paper, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the document template.

CV or resume (header)

First name, last name


I am seeking a position…(Pursuing a position…)


I am an expert in...

I am proficient in...


2014 - 2008, Company, Country, Address, Post, Responsibility, Results.

2007 - 2002, Company, Country, Address, Post, Responsibility, Results.


2000 - 2001, University, department of …, degree in …

1998 - 1999, College, department of …, degree in …

The Internet is full of information on how to write a resume in English, as well as advice on what to do and not to do when writing it. But we will share with you not just another instruction, but tips from native English speakers who work at our school.

Resume or CV

Isn't that how CV is translated into English? Actually, no. CV or Curriculum Vitae(translated from Latin - this is a life path), and resume are very different in volume. For a resume, a polite maximum is a couple of pages, and for a CV, as much as your imagination and life experience allow.

Remember the assignments from your literature teacher for the summer - read, for example, "War and Peace" in full all four volumes. Do you understand now how big it is?

Now think of a compendium of summaries that has come to your rescue many times in these situations. Remember how little (compared to the original) there was to read? So, the CV is the entire “War and Peace”, only dedicated to you, and the summary is a resume that is also about you, but immediately to the point and without additional details, except for those that are important to a potential employer.

Always clarify whether you need to send a CV in English or a resume, do not tire the recruiter in vain, he still needs to read at least twenty or even more of these and not forget what and how + you need to make a decision!

CV structure in English with examples

Here we will focus on the key points, from the point of view of our native speakers, that will be universal for any resume.

CV preparation

  • Choose simple and clear fonts.
  • Highlight key points in bold or underline.
  • Use all elements for text formatting: paragraphs, indents, lists, alignment.

Don't play with colors. Most importantly, the information on your resume should be easy to read, and the layout should encourage reading rather than detract from it.

Contacts (Contact details)

As experience and statistics show, resumes in which there is a photograph are more often considered. It is better to place it in the upper right corner and it should be of good quality. To the left of the photo, enter your personal information.

Contacts section, where we indicate the name, surname, patronymic. If you have a passport, then the information is best taken from it. Contact (electronic and physical) addresses (the address is usually written in this order: house number and street name, apartment number, city, postal code, country.) You also need to include a phone number and all other ways to contact you. Don't forget your marital status: married/married (married), single/single (single), divorced (divorced). And the last thing is your date of birth Date of birth (it is better to write the month in a word, since different countries have different formats for writing dates).
Here is an example of the beginning of a resume in English:

Name: Bill Gates
Address: 1835, 73rd Ave, Medina, Washington, US
Phone: 709-3100
Marital status: Married
Nationality: American
Date of Birth: 28 October 1955
Email: [email protected]

Professional profile (Specialist card)

This is such a cool teaser or spoiler, where the most interesting facts about you are indicated, related to the position you are applying for. And, since this is information only about yourself, “I”, and “am” and “have” are omitted everywhere in the resume so as not to be full of my ego everywhere (I am a specialist, I have 5 years of experience, etc.). d.).

In Western companies, it has long been customary to do this so that the HR manager opens your resume and immediately finds something for which it is worth contacting you or, in general, hiring you with arms and legs. Here is a simple example of a resume in English:

4+ years of professional experience in sales management.- More than four years of experience in sales management.
Excellent managing skills and ability to work to tight deadlines.- Excellent management skills and ability to work to tight deadlines.

Also in this section you can indicate the position for which you are applying and the purpose of your resume.

sales manager.- Sales Manager.
A general office position with a focus on wholesaling.- The position of an office employee with a specialization in wholesale trade.
To obtain employment in the field of client support that will allow me to use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.- Get a position in the field of customer support, which will allow me to use my ability to communicate with people and knowledge of English.
I am looking for a position as a sales manager for a distribution company.- I'm looking for a position of sales manager in a distribution company.

Skills (Key skills)

Skills. It’s already difficult to be smart about something here, we just take those that are great for the position and list them:

Knowledge of Oracle, SAGE and all Microsoft Office Apps.- Knowledge of Oracle, SAGE and all Microsoft Office applications.
Excellent communication skills and ability to present complex information in an easy to understand format.- Excellent communication skills and the ability to convey complex information is available.

Experience (Work Experience)

Experience. We write about all our merits, orders and real achievements in reverse order - from the most recent to earlier periods of work. Be sure to enter information about the name of the company, position, period of work and achievements in the position for that period.

If you worked for a small and not particularly well-known company, try to provide links to more well-known and large partners with whom you had a chance to deal. Let's take a closer look:

LANGFORD PARTNERSHIP, Sacramento- company name and city
financial analyst- financial analyst
September 2011 - present- the period of work from September 2011 to the present
Created financial reports and supported all areas of responsibility within a 5 person finance team.- Created financial reports and supported all areas of responsibility in a team of 5 financiers.
Process journal entries and perform accounting corrections to ensure accurate records.- Process journal entries and make adjustments to official records to ensure the accuracy of the entries.

If you do not have official work experience, you can indicate in this section work experience, internship, part-time job, freelance, participation in any projects, etc.

You may have already noticed that past merit and achievements are described using the past tense, and current responsibilities using the present. And, again, "I" is missing everywhere.

These verbs will help you describe your responsibilities.

  • analyzed - analyzed
  • managed - managed
  • arranged - arranged
  • organized - organized
  • assessed / evaluated - assessed
  • performed - carried out
  • assisted - helped
  • planned - planned
  • budgeted - made a budget
  • promoted - promoted
  • calculated - calculated, calculated
  • recommended - recommended
  • controlled / monitored - controlled
  • represented - represented
  • coordinated - coordinated
  • researched - researched
  • created - created
  • sold - sold
  • designed - designed
  • solved - solved
  • developed - developed, developed
  • supervised - supervised, supervised
  • distributed - distributed, distributed
  • tested - tested
  • examined - checked, studied
  • trained - trained
  • implemented - implemented, implemented

Education (Education)

Education. Everything is simple here - we list the name of the university, faculty, specialty and graduation date, as well as all those certificates and courses that you have passed:

GROVER COLLEGE, Alamosa- name of university and city
MBA with Accounting Concentration- Master's Degree in Accounting
June 2008- period of obtaining a degree

It is important to list the educational institutions that you attended in reverse chronological order - from university to school.

Names of educational institutions:

boarding school- boarding school, boarding school (closed educational institution)
college- college, school
institute- institute
private / independent school- private school
teacher training college- Pedagogical College
technical college- technical College
university- university
professional college- vocational school

Names of academic degrees:

undergraduate- student
bachelor's degree student- bachelor
master's degree student- master
postgraduate- PhD student
doctoral candidate- doctoral candidate

Other skills (Other skills)

Another skills. Despite the name, this section should also be given attention and everything that is not entirely related to the work of interest to us, but what is worth mentioning, and also, of course, it is highly desirable to write English proficiency language in resume.

By the way, there are standard options: elementary - basic, intermediate - medium, upper-intermediate - above average. We believe that we speak confidently and fluently - fluent.

If you passed international language proficiency exams, write down the result. For example: English (IELTS 7.5 - advanced).

Great experience in Adobe Crea
tive Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, photoshop), intermediate level of English.- Extensive experience in Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop), knowledge of English at an intermediate level.

When writing this section, you can use the following phrases:

ability to conduct business in 2 languages- ability to conduct business in two languages
easily solve technical problems- Easily solve technical problems
excellent written and verbal communication skills- Excellent written and oral communication skills
in-depth knowledge of... / understanding of…- deep knowledge of... / understanding of...
keep alert to… / keep abreast of…- Follow the latest developments in...
keep up-to-date with changes in the industry- keeping up with developments in my professional field
speaking in public- Ability to speak in front of an audience
well-developed skills in…- Developed skills in...

Additional information

Here you can enter the following information. It will not be superfluous:

Valid international passport.- You have a valid passport.
International driver's license.- You have an International Driving Permit.
available for relocation.- You agree to move.

Cover letter

The cover letter is not really a resume section, but what the recruiter will see first, because he or she will first open the letter to which you attached your resume, and only then the resume itself.

The format of the letter should be in a business style. We start the letter with an appeal: Dear Mr. Edison, for example. It is better to find an HR profile in social networks and address him or her by name - this will 100% be a plus in karma!

Then we introduce ourselves and explain why we are interested in the vacancy. To explain why only we are suitable for this position, we paint our skills and achievements with all colors. For example, My security plugin for Windows browsers made their work faster. - The security plugin of my creation speeds up all browsers!

At the end of the letter, we thank you for your attention - thanks for your attention, and that in general we will be happy to answer any questions, or even drive up for an interview - feel free to contact me for more details. We politely end the letter with the duty phrase "Regards", i.e. "Respectfully" / "Respectfully," not "See you later, alligator."

Resume Template in English

Dear Mr. Edison, I am highly interested in your position at Dear Mr. Edison, I am highly interested in your vacancy, which I found on
In my last job I managed a $350,000 budget, with a reduction of costs totaling 15% over two years.- At my last job, I managed a budget of $350,000, reducing costs by a total of 15% in two years.
Thank you for your time. Please contact me for any relevant information.- Thank you for your time. Please contact if you need any additional information.
Regards, Andrew Wilson.- With best wishes, Andrew Wilson.

Please note that in the cover letter we can already write I am, I have. And, if you have recently reached some peaks or have just completed an English course, you can say this with the help of Present Perfect - I have just finished an Intermediate English course. - I just completed an intermediate English course.

CV writing mistakes

Let's talk about typical mistakes when writing a resume.

  • More than 2 pages.
  • Poor visual design and solid text without paragraphs.
  • The absence of a professional profile (a spoiler about yourself and how cool our experience and skills are) is how you make the recruiter read all two pages of your resume.
  • Insufficient contact details. So your resume immediately gets to the bottom of the list and there is even a risk that it will simply be missed.
  • Insufficient information about past employment. This looks suspicious and immediately reduces your chances of getting the desired position.
  • Specifying short periods of work in the “Experience” section. They can scare off a potential employer (except for participating in project work - in which case be sure to mention that this was a short-term project).
  • Irrelevant experience - do not write how you worked at a construction site in the summer if you want to become a senior financial analyst.
  • The use of I am and I have are all in the same "Experience" section. As our carriers explained, this is a bad form and a waste of symbols.
  • Certificates and skills that are not. Everything is easily checked, and if you indicated the level of knowledge of the English language in your resume, for example, as a native, but in fact - with a dictionary, and then I'm embarrassed, you will definitely find yourself in an awkward situation. It is better to take an interview preparation course, which includes writing a resume in English, or a business course. By the way, we just have such courses and cool teachers who can easily prepare you and help you write a resume. So feel free to sign up for a free introductory lesson at EnglishDom.
  • No cover letter. Use every opportunity to draw attention to your candidacy, including a cover letter.
  • EnglishDom #we inspire to learn

A document in which a person talks about himself in a professional language is called a resume. Writing it in English is not easy. You must follow the rules of punctuation and design features. How to do it right?

How to write a resume in English: general information

The size of the document is strictly normalized - no more than 1 page. It should not contain familiarity, irony, colorful epithets. Information is presented consistently and strictly. Numbers are welcome. The clearer your resume is, the more likely you are to get a job.

The document consists of the following key points:

Each of these points is important to make correctly.

1. Personal Information - personal data

First line Name- first and last name. There is no patronymic in English. You can write your name in Cyrillic or indicate the English equivalent (Pavel - Paul, Ekaterina - Kate).

date of birth(Date of Birth). The month is indicated by letters (12 th October 1985)

Third line - address. This information is always submitted in the following order:

If you are divorced, widower (widow), but no children, you can write single (not married). If there are children, simply have a child (have children) is indicated. The concept of “civil marriage” is not indicated in the summary.

Sample of this section

Name Hanna Savina
date of birth 19th of September 1979
address 105043 13 Nosova St, Moscow, Russia
phone number +7-960-875-0951
Email [email protected]
Skype Annasavina
marital status Married

2. Objective - goal

The section reveals the purpose of writing the document - what position you would like to take. You need to justify why you should be chosen, what qualities will help you work successfully in this place.

Sample Purpose Section on a Resume

I want to obtain a position as a lawyer in company 3 Brothers. I want to get an opportunity to help the difference people in life situation. My knowledge of law, experience, character achieving company's goals.


I would like to get a position as a lawyer in the 3 Brothers company. I want to be able to help different people in life situations. My knowledge of the law, experience, character traits allow me to make a significant contribution to the development of the company.

3. Education - education

This section contains information about the education of the candidate for the position.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Law department, Master's Degree in Civil Law (1999-2004)

4. Work Experience (work experience)

From this section, a potential employer will learn about past jobs. You need to list all the places in which you worked in descending order - from the last to the first. The period of time, the full names of the companies are also indicated. Here you can write what your job responsibilities were, but briefly.

IMPORTANT! Job responsibilities, if you mention them, write through the gerund: writing letters, reading lecturers, preparing plans (writing letters, lecturing, preparing plans).

If there is no work experience, you can indicate an informal part-time job, freelance, internship or practice.


2017-May 2018: Company 651, Moscow
Lawyer consult.
Handling the tasks of drafting various agreements.

2011-2017: Company TH, Orel
Advising clients regarding
transactions of business.


2017-May, 2018: Company 651, Moscow
Legal consultant
Drafting various agreements

2011-2017: TH Company, Orel
Advising clients in solving business problems.

5. Skills

Here the candidate indicates the skills and abilities that he owns. The information must be reliable, it will be easy to check during the interview. It could be:

  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • Computer skills;
  • ability to drive a car.

Phrases that are often used:

  • solve technical problems (I solve technical problems);
  • to conduct business in three languages: English, Spanish, French (I conduct business in three languages: English, Spanish, French);
  • in-depth knowledge of computer programs (deep knowledge in computer programs).

If you speak a foreign language, you need to indicate your level:

  • base;
  • average;
  • tall;
  • Fluency;
  • native language.

When passing an international exam, which tested the level of knowledge, the result is indicated.


In-depth knowledge of Windows 8, programs Excel, Photoshop, HTML and CSS. Driving License (Category B, C).
Native English
Basic Spanish and French
Intermediate English.


Deep knowledge in Excel, Photoshop, HTML and CSS, Windows 8. I have a driver's license (category B, C).
Native - Russian
Basic Spanish and French
Middle English.

6. Extracurricular Activities

Another name for the section is Personal Characteristics or the personal qualities of the candidate. Here are the strengths of the person who is looking for a job. Traditional key phrases:

  • Dependable - reliable;
  • and quick learner - quickly learner;
  • hardworking - industrious;
  • open to change - I'm not afraid of change;
  • able to prioritize - I can highlight the main thing;
  • have planning skills - I have planning skills;
  • keep deadlines successfully - I do the work on time;
  • detail-oriented - do not skip details;
  • natural leader - by nature a leader;
  • adapt well to new situations - I adapt well to new situations;
  • and team player - I know how to work in a team;
  • well-organized - well organized.

In English-speaking companies, great importance is attached to letters of recommendation from previous jobs, universities, colleges. If you have a reference from a previous employer, be sure to attach it.

For example:

Kate Hromova, Director of company 096, Moscow, +78120989909
Ekaterina Gromova, director of the company 096, Moscow, contact phone number: +78120989909

Resume sample

We offer you to familiarize yourself with an example of a standard resume in English for employment.

Name Igor Titov
date of birth 25th of July 1985
address 105043 13 Pobeda St, Moscow, Russia
phone number +7-918-025-2101
Email [email protected]
Skype titovigor
marital status Single


I consider to be a part of a team company 132. My knowledge and experience give me an opportunity to take office manager.


2014 – May 2018
St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design
BA (Hons) in Theory of Business

January 2016-September 2016
Manchester School
2 A Levels: Information and Communication (A), English (A).

Work experience

July 2012-September 2015
Personal consultant in preparing business plans (remotely)
Company Y321, Kyiv, Ukraine


In-depth knowledge of Windows 8, programs Excel, Photoshop. To conduct business in two languages: Russian and English

Native English
Intermediate English.

Extracurricular Activities

I am a quick learner, open to change and well-organized. Able to prioritize and adapt well to new situations.


available upon request.



I plan to become a part of the 132 company team. My knowledge and experience make it possible to take the position of an office manager.


2014-May 2018
State Institute of Technology and Design, St. Petersburg
Bachelor's Degree in "Business Theory"

January 2016-September 2016
School of Manchester
2 high-level assessments: Informatics and Communication, English


July 2012-September 2015
Personal consultant in the preparation of business plans (remotely)
Company U321, Kyiv, Ukraine


Deep knowledge in Windows 8, Excel, Photoshop. I know how to conduct business in two languages: Russian and English

Native - Russian
English - advanced level

Personal qualities

I am a fast learner, open to change and well organised. I know how to highlight the main thing and adapt well to new situations.

Download sample resume in English


The question "How to write a resume in English" is one of the leaders in the Internet space. To make a good first impression about yourself, you need to competently and truthfully write a document that visually tells a potential employer about you.

At the very beginning of a professional career, we learn how to write a resume correctly. A resume is not an ordinary document that allows the employer to understand with whom he may have to work, it is a kind of your self-promotion and self-presentation. The main purpose of such a document is to interest the person who will study it before an interview with you. It depends on the summary in English whether this meeting will take place or not.

Writing a resume in English

A CV for applying for a job should be as short and concise as possible, but at the same time informative. Try to indicate in it all the data that is directly related to professional skills and qualities that characterize you as a good employee. However, do not overload your resume in English with unnecessary details. Examples and samples of the correct resume in English with translation can be found on the Internet.

Before sending or providing a document, carefully analyze it, double-check what will be important and what is not so important. And if you write a resume in English, then be doubly careful. Business English has its own characteristics, the same applies to filling out documents, which sometimes differ from Russian.

First, you should know that there are two types of resumes in the business or business English system:

  • Summary— a shorter summary of education, skills, professional skills and work experience
  • CV (Curriculum vitae)- a detailed document containing complete information about education, professional successes and achievements, awards, etc.

After that, personal information is indicated, which in the translation of Personal Data: date of birth, marital status, number of children (if any). For example:

Date of birth: 04/16/1981
Marital status: married

Then, as a rule, in a resume in English, the goal (translation: Objective) is written, with which you get a job, the field of activity and the positions of interest are listed. After that, in chronological order, information about basic and additional education is located. For example:

Education and Qualifications

Interview in English

2002-2007: Moscow State University

Philology Department


2005: Professional Education College
Computer Operator-Certificate

This is followed by the most important and informative block of resumes in English - about work experience (Work Experience), which is filled in the following order: the period of the position held, the company or firm, position and responsibilities. For example:

2008-2013: Sapora Inc., Logistics Manager, shipment database maintenance

Then the “Skills” section is written, which indicates various skills and computer skills, languages, as well as personal qualities and characteristics. For example:

  • excellent oral communication skills - excellent oral communication skills
  • basic English - basic English
  • expertise in human relations - knowledge of personnel management

At the very end, you can talk about your publications (Publications), awards (Awards) and recommendations (References).

I note that such a sequence of presenting information, as in the submitted samples, is not strictly regulated when compiling a resume in English. This is just one of the best options. But you can change places.

So, if you do not have work experience, but you think that your education will be more important for the employer, then put this particular item earlier than information about work experience. And if you have the opposite, a diploma is not so important, but rich experience is a priority, then it is better to indicate this block first of all.

Watch the tutorial video and you will finally understand everything.

I think now you will have no problems filling out the Curriculum vitae or Resume.

Good luck on the interview!

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