Large breeds of pigs, a detailed description with a photo. Meat breeds of pigs: features of cultivation Pedigree pigs


Kira Stoletova

Before you start breeding pigs, you need to determine the purpose of breeding. Today there are many breeds of various kinds. Some pigs are valued for meat, some for lard, there are also universal breeds. Consider which breeds of pigs are the most popular today.


The Breit breed of pigs was bred by domestic breeders. It belongs to the universal. A boar gains an average of 330 kg of weight, and a pig - 240 kg. Accordingly, the variety is large-sized. It is worth noting that the young are gaining weight well. Already at the age of 7 months, the pigs weigh 100 kg each, and the daily weight gain is 650-680 g.

The meat of the Breit pig is tender and juicy. It can not be attributed to either fatty or lean. Pig fat is valued no less than meat. It has a dense structure.

Breed features

Many breeds of pigs are aggressive, but the Breit pig is an exception, which greatly simplifies its maintenance. It is sufficiently resistant to temperature fluctuations, which makes it possible to keep artiodactyls outdoors in the warm season. A canopy that will hide the pigs from the scorching sun or rain will still have to be constructed. In winter, animals are moved to barns.

Like all pigs, Breitovskys do not respond well to dampness, so you need to monitor the conditions of detention. Pigs are unpretentious in food. They are fairly easy to switch from one feed to another.

The Breit breed is by far one of the most common. Such popularity is due to ease of care and high productivity.

Lithuanian white

Lithuanian white pig breed is another universal breed. The average weight of a boar is 310 kg. The pig weighs 50-55 kg less. The body length of the boar and gilt is 1.8 and 1.6 cm, respectively. During farrowing, sows bring about 9 piglets. Accordingly, this species is suitable for breeding. At home, you can even make a small and profitable business. Piglets do not grow very fast, but they eat a little. In general, if we talk about profitability, it is profitable to keep the Lithuanian white pig.

Breed features

If we evaluate the appearance of artiodactyls, then it has a number of disadvantages. First of all, it is a drooping sacrum. It can also be noted that the Lithuanian white pigs have drooping sideburns and an interception behind the shoulder blades. However, these shortcomings do not affect either meat productivity or the taste of meat and fat. Many farmers are breeding this breed of pigs, noting that the Lithuanian White is unpretentious in care.

Ukrainian white steppe

From the name it is clear that Ukraine is the birthplace of pigs. This is one of the best breeds. It was bred specifically for the steppe part of Ukraine. These regions are arid, and not all artiodactyls are able to adapt to the climate. The Ukrainian white steppe pig was bred specifically for breeding in arid regions. And livestock specialists coped with the task.

As for the orientation of this breed of pigs, it, like the first two, belongs to the universal. To date, it is meat-greasy breeds that are most popular. Boars gain 340 kg of weight, while pigs weigh 100 kg less. But these are averages. If we talk about the maximum possible, then there have been cases when boars gained more than 400 kg, and gilts - more than 350 kg. To achieve such productivity indicators, you need to create good conditions for artiodactyls and correctly compose a diet.

Breed features

Ukrainian white steppe pigs are very hardy. It is also worth noting that they perfectly acclimatize to various conditions.

Another task that faced livestock specialists was the breeding of a pig that would have high reproductive performance. Scientists have coped with this task. The Ukrainian white steppe pig boasts fertility. She gives birth to an average of 12 piglets. As for the rate of weight gain, a six-month-old piglet is gaining about 100 kg.

The Ukrainian steppe white breed of pigs is used to breed new varieties and improve existing ones. The Ukrainian steppe speckled pig, which is popular among many farmers today, was bred precisely on the basis of the Ukrainian white steppe.

Estonian bacon

The Estonian bacon pig breed is valued for its meat productivity. From the name it is easy to guess that it is the result of the work of Estonian breeders. Mostly when crossing, Landraces, whose homeland is Denmark, were used. In addition to Landraces, Finnish and German boars were used during the breeding of the breed. If you look at the appearance of the Estonian pigs and their relatives from Denmark, you can identify an external resemblance.

The meat productivity of the Estonian bacon breed is 325 and 230 kg for boar and gilt, respectively. The animal is large. However, all pigs whose meat productivity exceeds 250 kg are large. This slightly complicates their content.

At the age of 6 months, the piglet is gaining 100 kg. Accordingly, the animals gain weight well. But such indicators can be achieved only with good nutrition.

Breed features

These pigs are unpretentious in care. The Estonian individual feels comfortable even when grazing. Naturally, she will not gain maximum weight on green fodder alone, but she is able to get most of the diet on her own.

Almost all young animals are born strong and healthy, which allows the use of sows during breeding work. It is also worth noting that this breed of livestock is widely used in the improvement of others. Accordingly, in order to improve productivity indicators and in a small farm, it can be crossed with less productive breeds. Another feature of the variety is resistance to many diseases.

The meat of Estonian pigs is valued for its taste. If you agree on supplies with some restaurant, you can make money.

North Caucasian

The North Caucasian breed of pigs is the result of the work of domestic breeders. The Kuban breed, which has many advantages, was taken as the basis. Also in the North Caucasian pigs, the blood of representatives of the Berkshire and Large White breeds flows. A distinctive feature of the North Caucasian pig is the black-and-white color. Less common is a completely black mumps.

The orientation of the breed is universal. Adult pigs weigh 240 kg, and boars of this breed reach a weight of 340 kg. After slaughter, the yield of meat is 53-55%. The thickness of the bacon reaches 30 cm.

Breed features

These pigs adapt well to not the most favorable conditions. They have an undercoat that keeps them warm in low temperatures. In areas with moderately cold winters, North Caucasian artiodactyls can be kept in semi-open pigsties.

Representatives of the breed are suitable for grazing. They are extremely unpretentious to feed and boast strong immunity. Sows have a well-developed maternal instinct, which allows them to breed artiodactyls at home.

The only drawback that North Caucasian pigs have is a thin skeleton.


The Urzhum breed of pigs is the result of a long work of breeders. More than one year has been spent by livestock specialists in order to get meat pigs with high productivity rates.

Urzhum pigs have a thick skeleton, which makes them look somewhat rough. But, it is worth noting that the representatives of this breed have well-developed muscles and strong legs, and few pigs can boast of these characteristics.

The meat productivity of males and females is 300 and 250 kg, respectively. The Urzhum pig can boast of fertility. For one farrowing, about 12 viable piglets are born.

If we talk about the maximum performance, then the weight of a boar can reach 400 kg (a case was recorded when a boar of this breed weighed 405 kg). The largest pig weighed 310 kg. At farrowing, this sow produced 14 viable piglets.

Breed features

To date, the Urzhum pig is less common than many other breeds, but its popularity is growing every day. It is distinguished by endurance and the ability to adapt to a wide variety of climatic conditions.

Piglets quickly gain weight after birth, which makes breeding and raising precocious animals a cost-effective measure. It is worth noting the excellent taste of meat.


The country of origin of the Tamworth pigs is England. This is a fairly old breed of bacon. Animals are well built, have a relief constitution. They have developed muscles and fairly strong legs, a smooth transition from head to neck. The whole body is covered with a silky-to-touch outer hair, which helps to endure not only vibrations temperature regime but also the wind. The hair is colored predominantly white, but the whole body is covered with small black spots.

Representatives of this breed of pigs in Russia can be found quite rarely. The most popular are Tamworths in England and America.

Breed features

Representatives of this breed of pigs are suitable for breeding and growing in the northern regions.

Tamworths are very friendly creatures. They can be kept in the same room with the rest of their own animals, including cattle.

As for the shortcomings of the Tamworths, when farrowing, a small offspring is born. At the same time, the sows take very good care of the piglets.


The Kemerovo breed of pigs can be called unique. The black color cannot be called rare, but few pigs are painted in this color. Sometimes in the back and neck there are white spots of small sizes. The pig itself is large.

A specific feature is that there are 2 types of Kemerovo pigs:

  • universal;
  • meat.

What direction the piglets will have depends on the diet.

The exterior of the Kemerovo pig meat and meat-fat direction is slightly different. There are also performance differences. The boar of the universal direction is gaining 350 kg. Pigs weigh 100-150 kg less. It is worth noting the high reproductive rates. For one farrowing, more than 10 piglets of the Kemerovo breed are born.

As for the productivity indicators of Kemerovo meat pigs, the boars gain up to 400 kg of weight. Pigs weigh 120-140 kg less. Kemerovo piglets of the meat direction gain weight faster, while they consume a little less feed than relatives of the universal direction. Accordingly, this type is more profitable to maintain.

The thickness of the fat in the Kemerovo pigs of the universal type is greater. But when breeding an improved breed, the breeders wanted to achieve this. The net yield of meat after slaughter is greater for meat pigs.

Breed features

This breed is valued in pig breeding for its resistance to frost. The body of the animals is covered with fairly thick hair, but the shaggy pig does not belong to the omnivorous type of animals. Kemerovo pigs are capricious in food and, with poor nutrition, gain weight very slowly, which complicates their maintenance. You can meet representatives of this breed of pigs in Ukraine and Russia, on the territory of Belarus.

The classification of pig breeds says that the Belarusian black-and-white pig belongs to the universal type. It has strong bones and is suitable for grazing. The advantages of the animal are precocity and high meat productivity. Sows give numerous offspring.

The black-and-white suit draws attention to itself. Do not confuse this breed of pigs in the photo with representatives of other breeds painted in a similar way, the exterior features do not allow. The Belarusian Black-and-White pig has a wide back. And if in almost all other breeds the back line is even, then in Belarusian piglets the back is slightly bent. Also a distinctive feature of these animals are x-shaped legs.

The meat productivity of the Belarusian breed of pigs is 330 kg for boars and 240 kg for pigs. At the same time, the yield of meat after slaughter is about 60%, which is a good indicator. The Belarusian black pig is distinguished by fertility. During farrowing, an average of 12 piglets are born.

Breed features

The Belarusian Black-and-White is an early maturing pig breed. The average daily weight gain is about 750 g. There is no need to purchase highly nutritious feed. If you give the animal the opportunity to walk freely through the territories sown with forbs, it will be possible to achieve weight gain without any special material costs.

Despite all the advantages, the breed in our country can be found less and less. Breeders explain the decline in popularity by exterior features, which include x-shaped legs. Farmers in all breeds of pigs in the world cull individuals with a similar feature.


Pigs of the Murom breed were bred in 1957. We owe their appearance to livestock specialists in the Vladimir region. Bacon breeds of pigs were taken as a basis, but the breeders sought to get an animal of a universal orientation, therefore, in addition to bacon breeds of pigs, Lithuanian whites were taken, which have a meat and greasy orientation. It turned out to be a hybrid of a universal direction.

The animals have a proportional physique, a wide body, a straight back, well-defined hams and large ears, set quite low on a neat head. Meat productivity is 280 kg for boars and 220 kg for pigs. The indicators are not the highest even for animals of a universal orientation. Meat yield after slaughter exceeds 60%. In terms of reproduction, 11 piglets are born at farrowing and gain weight rapidly. The thickness of the bacon is 27-30 cm.

Breed features

This modern breed Many farmers like pigs, which is due not only to the simplicity of keeping and omnivorous animals. Thoroughbred Murom artiodactyls have a balanced character. They have good immunity, which allows them to resist many diseases.

Of the shortcomings, only the x-shaped setting of the legs can be distinguished, but not all individuals have a similar exterior trait. The improvement of the breed involves the culling of such individuals during breeding work.

Siberian northern

The result of the work of livestock specialists of the Siberian Research Institute was the Siberian northern breed of pigs. During breeding work, local and English white pigs were used. The Siberian northern breed of pigs was officially recognized in 1942.

The pig is painted white. Sometimes there is a reddish tinge.

Siberian northern does not apply to large breeds of pigs. With an average physique, meat productivity is 240 and 350 kg for pigs and boars. The yield of meat after slaughter exceeds 50%, and the thickness of the fat is 30 cm. Accordingly, the breed can be attributed to the universal type.

Breed features

This variety has a number of disadvantages. Livestock specialists will still have to work on improving the constitution and such an indicator as precocity. Also, it will not be superfluous to work on increasing meat productivity. But the Siberian North is not in vain on the list of popular breeds. It is suitable for keeping in the harsh conditions of Siberia.


The Berkshire variety is another English pig, which today is often found in Russia. On the basis of the Berkshire breed of pigs, many others were bred (Kemerovo, for example). These pigs are painted in black and motley. In purebred Berkshires, the tip of the tail is painted white. Depending on the purpose of cultivation, nutrition can be organized in several ways. When fattening for meat, the weight of an adult reaches 325 and 230 kg for boars and pigs. When fattening for meat and lard, meat productivity decreases somewhat, but the layer of subcutaneous fat thickens.

Breed features

It is possible to achieve high rates of meat productivity without the use of special compound feeds. In the warm season, this large breed of pigs can be kept not indoors, but on a fenced plot of land. With the onset of cold weather, the bacon breed of pigs is transferred to a pigsty.

All the advantages that pigs have, they pass on by inheritance. Accordingly, they can be used to improve other breeds.


The Duroc are natives of the United States. They have a red color, which qualitatively distinguishes them from other artiodactyls. In truth, red breed pigs are not exactly red in color. They are rather red, but conventionally the color is called red. We worked on breeding red pigs for a long time.

The Duroc is a large breed of pig suitable for grazing. A distinctive feature of the red pigs, in addition to the unusual color, are high legs. Ginger piglets grow to sizes of 350 and 280 kg for boars and pigs. Duroc refers to bacon breeds of pigs.

Breed features

Among all breeds of bacon pigs, Duroc stands out for the highest percentage of net meat yield after slaughter (80%). In addition, meat is valued for its taste. In its structure there are thin layers of fat.

With all the advantages of red pigs, it is worth mentioning their weak immunity. Pigs of the Duroc breed have a predisposition to a number of diseases, including rhinitis. Also, these piglets need high-quality protein nutrition, in the absence of which they do not gain weight well. Accordingly, keeping these pigs is quite expensive.


Maxster is a meat pig, which is especially popular in European countries. In Russia, Maxsters can be seen infrequently. Perhaps this is due to the relatively low indicators of meat productivity: boars gain 240 kg of live weight, and pigs - only 200. At the same time, meat is valued for its palatability.

Breed features

Maxsters do not respond well to temperature changes. They do not tolerate both low and high temperatures. Accordingly, it is not possible to grow them in some regions. It is also worth noting that they are whimsical about food.

The advantage of masters is that when growing, you can save on feed consumption, since the pigs eat relatively little.


Kantor is a boar, which distinguishes him from other types of pigs. Its cultivation is complicated by the fact that it is a terminal boar. But if you create all the necessary conditions, the wild boar will grow safely and gain about 260 kg of live weight. The yield after slaughter is about 80%, which is a high figure. If we talk about lean meat, the figure drops to 55%.

Breed features

Cantors have erect ears. They are not prone to obesity, which can be attributed to the merits. The meat obtained after slaughter has an excellent taste.


Meishan is an exotic variety that is extremely rare in Russia. This pig is valued exclusively for its excellent fat. Her homeland is China. A distinctive feature of the pig is an unusual dark color.

Meishan's weak point is immunity. Animals are prone to many diseases, so they need to be carefully looked after.

Breed features

During farrowing, females give birth to about 15 piglets.

Meishan is far from a fast-growing pig, but she is gaining fat at a rapid pace. During feeding, you can use roughage.

Other highly productive breeds

We ignored such highly productive breeds as Chistogorskaya, Tuklinskaya, Downy Mangalitsa (hairy pig), Vietnamese flabby, Ukrainian steppe speckled, Caucasian, Moscow, Primorskaya, Livenskaya, Hampshire, Welsh, Latvian, Livenskaya (with earrings), Siberian, Dutch , Hyper, Jesse, Body, Maxgro, Optimus, Pigbok, Dunbred, Maxster (but not the master, as it is sometimes erroneously prescribed in Internet sources). Red-belted artiodactyls have an unusual appearance.

It was also possible to pay attention to the Mongolian, Leningrad, Korean, Hungarian pigs, boars Alba, Tempo, Maximus. Each type of pig has specific characteristics. The Vietnamese Piglet, for example, is an herbivorous guinea pig, and the Hampshire breed is one of the oldest. There are also dwarf animals that are suitable for growing in small pigsties.

Decorative and rare breeds

There are also decorative breeds. Here you can see curly and woolly pigs, striped and spotted. There are decorative piglets of different colors (black, white, ashy, etc.). It is better to look at curly pigs on the video. Content ornamental breeds takes a lot of time. In addition, they need certain conditions (a paddock for walking, for example).

We did not describe rare breeds, because they are irrelevant for our region. For example, a black short-eared sparse-bristle pig from America is not found either in Belarus, or in Russia, or in Ukraine. In addition, these animals cannot boast of high productivity rates. Their only plus is that boars weighing 100 kg have unusually tasty meat. The once-domestic black pig is today almost mixed with the population of wild pigs. The black short-eared sparse-bristle sow is fertile.


In conclusion, I would like to say that all types and breeds of pigs that are bred by livestock specialists in Lately, unpretentious in content, differ in fertility. Scientists try to simplify the task for farmers as much as possible, and they succeed. Today, even herbivorous breeds are presented, in which, due to the peculiarities of nutrition, marbled meat is obtained.

When breeding artiodactyls, it is important to take into account that pig breeding is developed in almost every area and it makes no sense to look for a super pig that would be good in every sense, far from home. These do not yet exist. The single best variety is a myth, each farmer must choose for himself, based on the factors of his farm. It is advisable to opt for pigs that are cultivated in your area, since they have long been acclimatized. For example, in the northwestern part of the country, the Large White Pig takes root well.

Today, when thinking about which piglets to get, a person is faced with the choice of tasty meat or the lowest fat content, rapid weight gain or unpretentiousness in content. Each species has its own characteristics, but farmers do not always manage to find the optimal combination of all qualities.

Thanks to centuries of selection, there are now more than a hundred different breeds of pigs. If we talk about reproductive qualities, then the breeds are usually divided into three main ones:

  • sebaceous;
  • meat-sebaceous;
  • meat

The most common of them are meat-greasy species. More profitable are those breeds that adapt well to the area in which they are grown, as well as species that require a minimum amount of time to grow. After all, only pigs adapted to the climate and terrain can bring positive results in fattening. But what are the types of such? It is worth familiarizing yourself with the most common of them in more detail.

Pigs karmaly

Pig breed is a hybrid obtained by crossing a mangalica with a Korean individual. The hybrid karmal is 75% brazier and 25% Korean pig.

In addition, karmals are divided into two main types:

Terms, definitions

« breeding pigs"- pigs of documented origin, used for the reproduction of a certain breed and registered in the prescribed manner.

Purebred breeding- breeding of breeding pigs of one breed in order to consolidate and typify the traits inherent in this breed and genetic improvement of these traits.

Purebred breeding takes place in breeding plants (nucleuses) at the top of the production pyramid.

Unlike purebred breeding pigs of the same breed, crossing breeding pigs various breeds produced on breeding reproducers to obtain hybrid animals.

Hybrid is the result of crossbreeding different groups animals or breeds. In livestock production, hybrids are commonly produced because such animals have desirable characteristics not found in purebred parents or populations. The rearrangement of genetic material between populations or species is called hybridization.

Breeding pigs of Hypor genetics in the breeding program of Znamensky SGC LLC

The pyramidal structure of the production process involves the movement of genetic material from the top to the bottom in the form of living individuals, seeds or embryos. The best sires at the top of the genetic pyramid (nucleuses) produce optimal purebred breeding pigs. Those are delivered to breeding reproducers, where breeding pigs of different breeds are crossed. and their offspring (F-1 parent hybrid gilts) are sent to end-users who benefit from genetic enhancement occurring at the top of the pyramid. In the optimal case, each previous level of the pyramid produces animals that are ideal from the point of view of customers (the lower level). The desired result is to obtain animals that would satisfy the needs of the end user. Thus, the end consumer is the person whose interests should be primarily taken into account when setting the goals of the breeding program.

In pig production, the end consumer is the commercial pork producer. In most cases, the commercial manufacturer is not the last link in the production chain. It is also necessary to take into account the interests of the processor (slaughterhouse), trade and the consumer. Commercial pork producers are considered end-users because their demands affect the entire manufacturing process. They need animals that are physically and reproductively strong, healthy and adapted to environmental conditions. In addition, a commercial producer is interested in obtaining an animal that satisfies its characteristics trade organizations and end user.

For its breeding program, Znamensky SGC LLC uses breeding pigs from a global genetic company Hypor.

Breeding pigs of Hypor genetics

Characteristics of breeds:

Maternal line C (Large white breed)

Large white uses the EuriBLUP method, it allows you to determine the breeding value of these animals. Breeding pigs of the Large White breed carry Meishan genes. When the line was developed in 1990, 8% of the Meishan genes were added to the French and English Large White breeds. This made it possible to combine high fecundity and avoid the shortcomings of the Meishan breed conformation. The development of the line was completed 20 years ago.

  • Litter size.
  • Preservation of the litter until weaning.
  • Age at first mating.
  • maternal qualities.
  • Growing weight gain.
  • The thickness of the spine.
  • The thickness of the muscle layer.
  • physical fortress.
  • Birth weight.
  • Weaning weight.
  • Absence of the halothane gene.
  • Some exterior features.

Maternal line D (Landrace)

When breeding pigs of the Landrace maternal line, the EuriBLUP method is used - it allows you to determine the breeding value of these animals. The line originates from Norwegian, Danish, Dutch and English Landrace. The development of the line was completed 30 years ago, and since then the line has been developing as a mother line.

The main directions of selection in the breed:

  • Litter size.
  • The number of live born piglets.
  • Preservation of the litter until weaning.
  • Age at first mating.
  • The number of piglets weaned from a sow in her lifetime.
  • Interval between weaning and insemination.
  • maternal qualities.
  • Growing weight gain.
  • The thickness of the spine.
  • The thickness of the muscle layer.
  • physical fortress.
  • Birth weight.
  • Weaning weight.
  • Absence of the halothane gene.
  • Some exterior features.

Paternal line DUR Duroc (Magnus)

Breeding pigs of the Duroc breed (Magnus) are descended from Canadian and American animals of the Duroc breed. Duroc is bred to serve the high quality segment. Breeding this breed is beneficial to those market segments for which the quality of meat is at the forefront: marbling, water-holding capacity, meat color. Duroc pigs are used to produce high quality hams.

The main directions of selection:

  • Industry leader in terms of growth rate.
  • Vitality and physical strength.
  • High average daily weight gain and high slaughter weight.
  • Carcass quality.
  • Appearance, uniformity appearance within the population.
  • Quality of meat (marbling, color, water-holding capacity).
  • The thickness of the spine.
  • The thickness of the muscle layer.
  • The percentage of meat in the carcass.
  • Some exterior features.
  • Absence of the halothane gene.

Paternal line H16 Pietrain (Maxter)

Pietrain (Maxter) is one of the leading terminal boars of the Pietrain breed in Europe. Distinctive characteristics of the breed are low feed conversion, fast growth, high stock uniformity, lean carcass, absence of the stress gene (HAL). This boar is ideal for producing animals with a high yield of lean meat.

The main directions of selection in the breed:

  • Absence of the halothane gene.
  • Physical strength and endurance.
  • Uniformity within a population.
  • Growing weight gain.
  • The thickness of the spine.
  • The thickness of the muscle layer.
  • The percentage of meat in the carcass.
  • Consumption and feed conversion.
  • Some exterior features.

Fundamentals of a breeding pig breeding program

The Hypor breeding program - ZSGZ is based on a three-breed system. Pigs of Duroc (Magnus), Pietrain (Maxter), Landrace and Large White breeds are purebred animals, F1 pig and fattening stock are hybrid animals.

The F1 hybrid pig is a combination of the Landrace and Large White breeds. A Large White sow can be crossed with a Landrace boar (the opposite situation is also allowed). Hybrid gilts and F1 sows are used to produce fattening stock. The F1 offspring are fattened and slaughtered, they are not used for the production of fattening pigs. It turns out that breeding and production livestock are completely separated from each other. Crossbreeds cannot be part of purebred populations.

The production strategy is an interbreeding system. The end product is fattening pigs. They do not become parents for the next generation of animals. Genetic improvement is achieved by selection and crossbreeding exclusively among breeding purebred animals. Subsequently, these improvements are transferred to the finishing stock. The three-breed system of crossing in pig breeding always involves the use of two maternal and one paternal lines. The two main arguments in favor of interbreeding are heterosis and breeding complementarity (complementarity). Heterosis is a phenomenon in which hybrid offspring perform better than purebred parent lines. Breeding complementarity is an interbreeding strategy that uses parental lines that differ from each other in various parameters. As a result of crossing, you can get an animal that has the desired characteristics of both lines.

That is why the breeding program of Znamensky SGC LLC aims to accelerate genetic improvements at the level of nuclei (top of the pyramid) and provide better genetics to the lower parts of the pyramid (reproduction and commercial fattening).

The distribution of advanced genetics is carried out through the sale of breeding pigs of the mother lines - Large White and Landrace, F1 hybrid pigs, terminal purebred boars, synthetic boars and their semen.

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Today, pig breeding is considered one of the most popular and valuable livestock industries. Thanks to the work of breeders in the world, there are about 100 breeds of pigs, which are divided into three main types in terms of productivity:

  • sebaceous;
  • meat (bacon);
  • meat-fat.

meat breeds

Pigs of bacon or meat production are bred for meat. Animals of this direction are distinguished by productivity, fattening qualities. Their fat layer is small, and the live weight of the meat is large. The performance level is average. One individual can give up to 80% of the meat product and from 20 to 32% of fat.

Representatives have distinctive external features:

  • elongated body;
  • deep sternum;
  • the width of the chest is insignificant compared to the length of the body;
  • massive hams;
  • the anterior part of the body is noticeably smaller than the posterior part.

Urzhum breed

A pig breed bred in the 20th century in Russia, the city of Urzhum, Kirov Region. Officially approved in 1957. It was obtained by long-term cross-breeding of local long-eared pigs and large white boars. Bred for the central regions, the Urzhum pig feels great throughout the European part of the country. Features of the breed - a strong constitution, high productivity and vitality.

Appearance. White color with massive rough bones. Animals have a narrow long body, the middle part of which is slightly stretched, and the front part is elongated. The length of males reaches 180 cm, females - 170 cm. The head is medium in size, the ears are large and heavy, slightly tilted forward. The back and sacrum are straight. The bristles are long and thick, white.

Productivity. High. For one farrowing, the sow brings from 11 to 13 piglets, by six months the weight of each reaches 100 kg (with an average daily weight gain of about 720 g). Live weight adult boar - 315-350 kg, females - 250 kg.

Cultivation and care. The breed was bred as productive, unpretentious in maintenance and food, with high reproduction. With proper care, piglets quickly gain weight. The ease of keeping animals attracts farmers. But, like many meat breeds, this one requires a special diet.

Advantages. Urzhum pigs are unpretentious, they tolerate the conditions of the northern regions well. Adapted to keeping on pastures, easily adaptable. Sows have excellent maternal qualities, they are very calm. Breed with high quality pork and bacon.

disadvantages. Cons are only exterior - a drooping sacrum, subcutaneous fat of a small thickness, an arched back.


- an elite breed that appeared in Denmark as a result of crossing large white British and local, Danish pigs. Popular in Russia too. These animals are characterized by tasty lean meat with a thin layer of fat and precocity.

Appearance. Pigs of light color with a small rounded head, torpedo-shaped body, long ears hanging over the eyes. The chest is not wide, the back is even, the bristles are soft and sparse, the skin is pink. The body length of boars reaches 2 m, females - 1.6 m.

Productivity. At one time, the uterus gives birth to 10 piglets, rarely more (11-13). The young growth is characterized by rapid growth, and in 2 months it is already gaining 20 kg. This is a large breed: the weight of adult boars reaches 300 kg, pigs - 210-250 kg.

Cultivation and care. In breeding Landrace, high performance cannot be achieved without taking into account some nuances. In summer, pigs must be released to green meadows, and in winter they should be provided with a warm pigsty, then they will gain weight, and not waste energy on heating. Pigs need a balanced diet, which includes greens and grains, vegetables, animal feed, bone flour and not only.

Advantages. One of the best breeds in its category. Pigs contain 2-5% more meat, and a small amount of fat. Of the obvious advantages, fertility, rapid growth, and peacefulness are called.

disadvantages. Whimsical in food and content. They have a weak structure of the hind limbs. They are susceptible to stress.

After crossing the Berkshire pig and the Red Guinean at the end of the 19th century, Duroc boars appeared. The breed was registered in the USA. Its representatives are distinguished by their bright color: brown with a red tint. Animals are quite hardy, large in size. Successful breeding of this breed is to create comfortable conditions.

Appearance. They have a strong physique, high legs, arched back. The body is long - up to 2 m. The hams are thick. The head is medium. The ears are long and almost cover the eyes. Adult animals - females and males - do not differ much from each other in size.

Productivity. In terms of fertility, they are inferior to other breeds: at one time, the sow brings 9-11 piglets. Newborns weigh 1-1.5 kg, and by six months they are gaining weight up to 175 kg. By maturity, the weight can reach 300-360 kg.

Cultivation and care. Durocs are used to living in comfort, they are extremely demanding on good food, warmth, and a spacious enclosure. If there is a lack of protein food, the quality of the meat deteriorates. Pigs are mobile and not at all aggressive.

Advantages. The young are rapidly gaining weight. The taste of meat products is excellent. You can breed pigs en masse and keep on pastures.

Disadvantages. Capricious in care, thermophilic, require protein nutrition. The breed is weakly resistant to some diseases. Fertility is low.


The breed has been bred for several decades in Belgium. As a result of crossing several meat breeds with good productivity (including white large and Berkshire), Pietren (Petren) was obtained. Pigs are used as genetic material for breeding other breeds in order to increase their fleshiness.

Appearance. Large animals with a wide body of a cylindrical shape. The muscles are developed (especially the sirloin), the sacrum is wide, the hams are developed. Small head and ears erect. The color is light with dark spots.

Productivity. The uterus is low-milk and infertile. On average gives birth to 8 piglets. For 200 days, young animals gain up to 90 kg. The weight of adult animals can reach 270 kg (boars), 150-200 kg - females.

Cultivation and care. Due to the low greasiness, pigs of this breed do not tolerate low (less than 16 degrees) and high (more than 30) temperatures. They require a specially equipped room for both winter and summer time. Animals are picky eaters due to their high metabolism.

Advantages. Excellent meat yield (70%), low greasiness. resistance to some viral diseases. A good appetite.

Disadvantages. Due to inbreeding in breeding selection, animals have a number of disadvantages. These include a small daily gain, whimsical content, poor quality meat (oxidizes quickly), poor stress resistance.


Domestic breed, bred recently, in the 80s near Rostov-on-Don. Crossed from Pietrain and North Caucasian pigs. The size of the animals is average, some refer them to the breeds of decorative pig breeding.

Appearance. The build is medium, the body is massive and wide. The head is flat, small in size, straight profile. The limbs are not long. The hams are developed. The color of animals is predominantly variegated, black.

Productivity. Don sows are productive, they give birth to 10-11 babies in one farrowing. The safety of the offspring is high - up to 98%. Piglets quickly gain weight, at 2 months they weigh about 20 kg. Weight of adult animals: 300-320 kg (boars) and 200-230 kg (females).

Cultivation and care. Don pigs are acclimatized for growing in the lower reaches of the Don, in the Kuban and the North Caucasus. In the content of the animals are undemanding, omnivorous. Females have a maternal instinct.

Advantages. Don pigs have a strong immune system, they are frost-resistant, not picky about food. Females are good mothers. Animals are characterized by rapid maturation, high meat yield.

Disadvantages. Compared to other breeds, Don piglets gain weight more slowly. The mass of adult animals can be considered average.

Estonian bacon

The first bacon suit bred in the USSR. It turned out as a result of selection work with Landrace and white German pigs. The breed was finally formed in the 60s of the 20th century. Outwardly, it resembles a large white pig, and although it is smaller in mass, they give more meat at the exit.

Appearance. Solid constitution. Broad back, small head and straight legs. The shoulder blades are light, the hams are large. The muscles are well developed. The color is white, the skin is pink and visible through the bristles.

Productivity. The average weight of wild boars is 300 kg, sows - 200. One female gives birth to up to 12 piglets. Juveniles have a high survival rate. The average daily weight gain of piglets is 700 g.

Cultivation and care. Estonian pigs do not require special feed, they are omnivorous and unpretentious. They find food themselves when kept on pasture. Females bring healthy offspring.

Advantages. Good tasting bacon. Simple care. Animals are strong and hardy, they are productive.

Disadvantages. Exterior disadvantages - drooping or looseness of the sacrum. But this does not affect the quality of the meat.


A breed that appeared in Canada in the mid-20th century, where it is still popular today. Pigs are also bred in other countries, including Russia (since 60-70). Lacombs were bred as a result of multi-breed reproductive crosses (Landrace, Berkshire pigs and others). The suit has good exterior performance and a strong constitution.

Appearance. Pigs of medium size, strong build, meat constitution. The body is small, but elongated. The head is medium. Large ears hang over the eyes. Short but strong limbs.

Productivity. Fertility rates are above average. Sows are prolific, give birth to 10-11 piglets at a time. Young growth quickly gains the necessary mass - on average by 150 days. Weight of adult animals: 220-280 kg (males and females, respectively).

Cultivation and care. By temperament, these animals are phlegmatic and unpretentious. Including piglets - they are calm and obedient. They are bred in Canada, but in Russia these pigs also take root. With proper feeding, the growth of young animals is good.

Advantages. Gentle disposition, resistance to stress and certain diseases (rhinitis). Productivity. Rapid growth of young. Good quality meat.

Disadvantages. There were no obvious disadvantages in the breed. Some call the low weight of pigs a minus.


One of the most popular pig breeds in the world. Bred in the British province of Hampshire, but officially recognized in the United States. The meat breed is imported to European countries, where it is perfectly acclimatized. But purebred animals are hard to find.

Appearance. The body is elongated, the back is wide and straight. The head is small. Legs are short. The color is black with a white belt in the upper part of the body - it goes through the forelimbs and shoulder blades. Pigs are medium in size. Ears erect.

Productivity. The maturation period of the young is average. Piglets grow slowly at first, but quickly gain weight up to 8 months. The weight of adult boars is 300-320 kg, females - 230-250. Sows are not fertile, give birth to 6 to 11 piglets. But the maternal instinct is well developed.

Cultivation and care. Hampshires are used to breed hybrids with positive characteristics. Super profits cannot be achieved with them, but pigs of this breed are unpretentious and easily adapt to the conditions of detention.

Advantages. Immunity to many diseases. Endurance. High weight gain. From pigs of this breed get a lot of meat with a small greasy layer.

Disadvantages. Animals are shy and stressed. Infertile. The increase in purebred livestock is low.


One of the oldest breeds in the world, bred in England. These pigs are adapted to harsh climatic conditions, therefore they are bred in northern countries (USA, Canada), as well as Australia and New Zealand, Great Britain.

Appearance. The constitution is strong, embossed. The skeletal system is well developed. The musculature is pronounced, the body is narrow and elongated. The length of the body reaches 100-150 cm. The ears are sharp, stand straight. The neck is long and wide. Legs are strong. The bristles are shiny, the color varies from red to dark red and even brown.

Productivity. On average, a female gives birth to 6 to 10 piglets at a time. They cope with maternal duties perfectly, and this affects the health of the cubs. By 30 weeks, the young growth reaches a mass of 100 kg.

Cultivation and care. These pigs are surprisingly hardy, not afraid of cold, rain and wind. Very sociable and friendly, get along with other pets. Suitable for keeping on pastures and together with cows. Eat any food, including those intended for livestock.

Advantages. Unpretentiousness (to the conditions of detention and feed). Special endurance and adaptability. Friendliness. High quality bacon.

Disadvantages. Average fertility. Sometimes the bristles of animals are curly and thin.

The original suit of pigs, popular because of the high rates of meat and tallow products - it is considered a delicacy. Bred in Southeast Asia. First introduced to Europe and Canada from Vietnam in 1985. But active work to improve the breed continues to this day. Breeders are trying to increase the percentage of muscle mass in animals.

Appearance. small animals ( average weight adult 140-150 kg). The build is bacon: they have a wide torso and chest. The head is small, pug-like. Wild boars grow fangs to puberty. The stubble forms a "mohawk" that rears up at the moment of emotional shock. The color is black, but can vary to dark red.

Productivity. Animals are characterized by intense precocity. Already at 4 months, females reach sexual maturity, wild boars - by six months. Sows are famous for their balance, high milk production. For one farrowing, up to 15 piglets are born. In addition, females are able to fertilize twice a year.

Cultivation and care. Animals are docile, calm and surprisingly clean, it is a pleasure to breed them. Adapted to hot humid climates and at the same time to harsh winters. Pigs make good use of pastures. Plant foods are preferred from food (grass and hay - up to 85% of the diet).

Advantages. Good immunity. Calm disposition. Multiple pregnancy. Ease of maintenance and feeding. Tasty meat.

Disadvantages. Tendency to obesity. The nutrition of pigs must be monitored, but even with enhanced nutrition, no increase in meat is observed, only fat.

early meat

All the advantages and purposes of these animals are defined in the name. The SM-1 color was bred in the USSR on the basis of a complex crossing of the best domestic and foreign breeds. 73 large collective farms got down to business, and work continued even after the collapse of the Union. Early maturing beef breed was approved in 1993.

Appearance. Strong constitution, wide and cigar-shaped body with a developed sirloin. Length of males - 180-185 cm, sows - 168-170 cm. Large hams. The bristles are white, the ears are slightly hanging forward.

Productivity. Initially, SM-1 was superior to other breeds in terms of growth intensity, precocity, and adaptive properties. Animals quickly gain weight. Boars reach 300-320 kg, females - 240. Queens give birth to 10-11 babies.

Cultivation and care. It is easy and profitable to grow, as the animals adapt well to any conditions of detention and climate. Pigs grow and mature quickly, respectively, require less feed compared to others.

Advantages. High early maturity and growth rate. Easily adapt to environmental conditions.

Disadvantages. To achieve high performance, animals require proper care.

Meat-greasy breeds

This group includes universal breeds of pigs, which are bred for meat and fat at the same time. In Russia, this direction is very popular, as it allows you to fatten animals without restrictions. Only in adulthood, meat-fat pigs begin to lay fat. Young individuals go for meat and delicacies. The nutritional qualities are just as high as the taste.

Meat - favorable direction pig breeding. The useful yield of products from one carcass is 70% or more.

Lithuanian white

Pigs are predominantly meat-fat direction of productivity. They were bred in Lithuania in the middle of the 20th century as a result of crossing local females with males of several breeds: large and medium white, German white long-eared and short-eared. Differ in fertility and large weight.

Appearance. White suit of strong constitution. The body is rounded and well developed, reaching a length of 175-155 cm (females and males). The head and neck are medium, there is a curved profile. The sides are even, the skeleton is well developed, not coarse. The abdomen is elastic and voluminous. The skin is dense, the bristles are white.

Productivity. For one farrowing, the female brings 10-12 piglets. Babies are growing fast. The weight of an adult boar exceeds 300 kg, sows - 200. From the carcass, the yield of meat is more than 50%, and fat - 3.6%.

Cultivation and care. The breed is profitable to keep and unpretentious. Piglets grow quickly and eat little. To achieve maximum performance, it is important to correctly compose a diet and provide good living conditions.

Advantages. The breed has a harmonious body structure. It goes well when crossed with other varieties, for example, to improve the palatability of meat. Of the pluses, the fertility of pigs is also called.

Disadvantages. Only exterior disadvantages - often there are drooping tanks, interception behind the shoulder blades, insufficient overgrowth.

The most common breed in Russia, which came from England. It went through several stages of selection, repeatedly improved. Registered in 1851. Sometimes it is called Yorkshire. It is characterized by high reproductive abilities, indicators of development and growth.

Appearance. Animals of white color with a harmonious physique. The body is long, the back is straight, the chest is wide and deep. The belly is voluminous, but does not hang. Legs are strong and low. The hams are muscular. The head is medium, the cheeks are fleshy, the forehead is wide.

Productivity. Adults can gain weight 300-380 kg. For farrowing, the uterus brings up to 12 babies. With intensive fattening, their daily gain can reach 850 g.

Cultivation and care. The breed adapts well to different conditions, climate, although it does not tolerate extreme heat and cold. When arranging a pigsty, you need to think about a canopy - the sun's rays negatively affect the fair skin of pigs. Burns are possible.

Advantages. Excellent productivity. Unpretentiousness of animals to the provided diet. High fertility and good weight gain.

Disadvantages. Prone to obesity and overheating.

Ukrainian Large White

Intrabreed type of pigs in the Large White breed. It was created in the leading breeding plants and 10 subsidiaries. UKB-1 was approved in 1984.

Appearance. Large animal. Outwardly, it is no different from a large white pig.

Productivity. The live weight of wild boars is 330 kg, and of queens - 250 kg. Multiplicity - about 10-12 piglets. At 2 months of age, young animals reach a mass of up to 20 kg.

Cultivation and care. Pigs are unpretentious in content, easily transfer transportation from place to place. But a massive physique allows animals to demolish weak barriers, this must be taken into account when building enclosures.

Advantages. Delicious, moderately fatty meat. Early maturity. Fertility and good milk production of queens.

Disadvantages. They do not tolerate heat and low (-30 or less) temperatures.

Ukrainian steppe white

From the name it is clear that Ukraine is the birthplace of these pigs. One of the best breeds, it was bred specifically for the steppe part of the country - regions with an arid climate. Pigs are well adapted to the habitat provided to them, they are well acclimatized. The breed is used to breed new varieties, improve existing ones.

Appearance. Animals are similar to large white pigs, but their head is longer and narrower, the bristles are coarser. The skeleton is strong. The body is wide and deep, the legs are strong, without folds. The color of the bristles in purebred individuals is white, dark bluish spots are rarely possible.

Productivity. Bred as a breed with high reproduction. Sows give birth to an average of 12 piglets at a time. The average weight gain of young animals is 700-710 g per day. Adult individuals reach a mass of 210-340 kg.

Cultivation and care. A versatile breed that easily adapts to weather conditions (wind, cold, heat) and is able to digest low-calorie feeds. The grazing period is long.

Advantages. Endurance. Ability to adapt to different conditions. Fertility. Early maturity.

Disadvantages. Exterior - some individuals have a drooping rump.

Ukrainian steppe spotted

The basis for the creation of the breed were pockmarked pigs, which belonged to the lines of the Ukrainian steppe white breed. To consolidate the desired results, introductory crosses were used with the Berkshire and Mangalitsky breeds. Approved in 1961.

Appearance. Small in size, but strong constitution. The body length of boars is 180 cm, females - 165 cm. The loin and back are wide and straight. Well developed rounded hams. The color is motley, the shades are different: black, black and white, black and red, red, etc.

Productivity. Sows are not very prolific, giving birth to 9-10 piglets at a time. By 7 months, the young reach a weight of 100 kg. The mass of boars reaches 320-325 kg, females - 240 kg.

Cultivation and care. Animals tolerate heat well due to their coloration. At an early age, they are suitable for fattening, both for meat and for bacon.

Advantages. Animals easily adapt to hot and arid climates. They are strong and resilient.

Disadvantages. As with the Ukrainian White breed, the sacrum is sometimes drooping.

North Caucasian

The breed was obtained by crossing the Kuban pig with representatives of a large white, Berkshire and white short-eared. Today, in order to improve meat quality, North Caucasian pigs are crossed with Pietrains. Animals are used for purebred crossbreeding on an industrial scale.

Appearance. Strong animals with a broad head and chest. The body is barrel-shaped, the chest is deep. The hams are well executed, the legs are strong. The skeleton is thinner than that of pigs of similar colors. The bristles are dense, in winter with a soft undercoat. The color is variegated.

Productivity. The weight of adult boars reaches 350 kg, females - 230 kg. Differ in multiple pregnancies, give birth to an average of 10-11 piglets. By six months, babies reach a mass of 100-120 kg.

Cultivation and care. North Caucasian pigs are adapted to the conditions of a sharply continental climate. They can be kept in open piggeries all year round and also make good use of pastures.

Advantages. Early maturity. Multiple pregnancy and good maternal qualities. Calm disposition. Ability to be outdoors.

disadvantages. Meat quality is not up to par. The skeleton is thin.


Bred in Siberia, a breed of meat-fat direction, adapted to the harsh conditions of the north. Kemerovo pigs are used for industrial crossing with large whites, Landraces and Siberians. Animals are bred in Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Far East.

Appearance. Animals of large build with the correct form of the body. The body length of females is 160-165 cm, wild boars - up to 170. The chest is wide, deep. Well defined hams. The ears are small and erect. The head is medium. The color is black, with light spots on the forehead, tail, limbs. The bristles are thick.

Productivity. For one farrowing, the female brings 10-12 piglets, the milk yield of queens is 60-65 kg. Babies gain 730-780 g per day. The weight of adult animals reaches 250-350 kg.

Cultivation and care. Animals are hardy and viable. They can be grown in a difficult sharply continental climate. But with malnutrition, pigs do not feel well and get sick.

Advantages. Early maturity. Good reproduction. Adaptation to the conditions of the northern regions. Calm character.

Disadvantages. Demanding diet.


Combined type pig raised for meat and lard. The progenitors of the breed are Large White, Berkshires and Landraces. Livensky pigs were bred at the beginning of the 19th century, the breed was approved in 1949, by 1980 60,000 individuals were registered. These are strong hardy animals with a calm disposition, which have gained a good reputation for quality meat.

Appearance. Large dimensions: elongated body (150-180 cm), chest girth 150-165 cm, high withers, strong build. The belly sags a little. The back is wide and straight. The head is short, the profile is snub-nosed. The ears are big. In the lower part of the neck are characteristic earrings. The color is white with gray spots.

Productivity. Pigs are characterized by good fattening properties. Adult individuals reach a weight of 250-330 kg (females and males, respectively). Sows are prolific, for one farrow they bring an average of 11 piglets.

Cultivation and care. Animals are unpretentious and hardy, adapt to various conditions, remarkably endure grazing. They are picky in food, they are happy to eat voluminous feed, rye, potatoes.

Advantages. Ease of maintenance. Unpretentiousness in the choice of food. Developed maternal instinct and calm disposition.

disadvantages. Loose constitution, large folds in the skin.


A universal breed bred in the Murom region of the Vladimir region as a result of crossing a local breed and a Lithuanian white pig. Approved in 1957. The quality of the breed is still improving.

Appearance. White suit. Animals of strong constitution. They have a wide and harmonious body, the length of boars reaches 185 cm, females - 170 cm. The back is strong and straight. The legs are short and well set. The head is light and small. The ears are long and large, hanging over the eyes. The skin is wrinkle-free, elastic, the bristles are thick and light.

Productivity. Queens are fertile, give birth to 10-12 piglets. Young animals grow up quickly, gaining 100 kg by 6-7 months. Adults weigh 250 kg (females) and 330 kg (males).

Cultivation and care. The breed is common in Central Russia, non-chernozem zone. Pigs adapt well to local feed, are kept on pastures and easily adapt to new conditions.

Advantages. Calm disposition. Unpretentiousness in food. Early maturity. Strong immunity.

Disadvantages. The external minus is the X-shaped setting of the legs.


These pigs were bred in the Yaroslavl region by crossing local animals with several breeds: Latvian Fold and Polissya pigs, Danish Landraces, large and medium whites. In 1948, the breed was approved, and it massively spread throughout the country. Breit pigs are suitable for damp and cold climates, as they easily adapt to these conditions.

Appearance. Large animals with a proportional head and a slightly curved profile. Large ears hang over the eyes. The neck is pronounced, of medium length. The body is muscular, the legs are straight and strong, the hams are pronounced. The skin is elastic, but with a large weight gain, wrinkles can form. The bristles are thick. The color is white, spotted individuals are rare.

Productivity. High. For one farrowing, the uterus brings 11-12, less often 13-14 babies. With proper nutrition, daily weight gain is 680-750 g. Adults reach a weight of 250-350 kg (depending on gender).

Cultivation and care. Animals are hardy, adapt to different climatic conditions. They are bred not only in the central regions, but also in the Murmansk and Leningrad regions. The piglets and their mother require the main care - they must be kept dry and clean.

Advantages. The Breit pigs of the breed are peaceful, caring towards the cubs. Not picky about food. Adapt to temperature changes. Medium fat meat.

Disadvantages. The breed needs to improve meat qualities.

Siberian northern

A popular all-round breed, perfectly adapted to life in harsh climates. Bred in the Novosibirsk region by the method of reproductive crossing. The main indicator of all ancestors was the adaptability of animals to extreme weather conditions.

Appearance. In appearance, they are similar to - these are animals with a good physique. The girth of the chest is 150-155 cm. A small head. Short but strong legs. Ears stand. The bristles are light and long, there is a thick undercoat that saves from frost.

Productivity. Females give birth to 10-13 cubs. The maternal instinct is developed, so the young live well until middle age, gaining daily 700-750 g of weight. Adult animals weigh up to 360 kg (boars) and 250 kg (females).

Cultivation and care. Ideal for breeding in extreme conditions (spread in Siberia and Kazakhstan). Thick bristles protect against severe frosts in winter and midges in summer. But ideally, pigs should be kept in closed enclosures, protected from moisture and winds.

Advantages. Hardy pigs with a calm character. They tolerate frost very well. Multiparous, good mothers.

Disadvantages. Exterior - arched limbs, hanging sacrum in some individuals.

greasy rocks

In recent years, tallow breeds have competed with universal and meat breeds. Their obvious advantage is the rapid weight gain of animals, the early accumulation of fat deposits under the skin. In just 8-10 months of fattening, you can get delicious lard and meat. They make up about 40-50% of the entire animal carcass.

Compared to the other two varieties, the ability to reproduce is lower.

Farmers opt for this type of pig for obvious advantages:

  • precocity;
  • multiple pregnancy remaining in descendants;
  • short gestation period (from 112 to 116 days);
  • massive body and fleshy hams.


An early maturing breed, bred in the county of the same name in Great Britain in the middle of the 19th century. Their progenitors: English, Neapolitan, Siamese and Chinese breeds. In Russia, the Berkshires were approved in 1975. Their genes are still actively used by breeders. Many well-known colors of pigs were bred from them. Conventionally, the Berkshires are classified as a meat-and-fat direction, but it all depends on fattening.

Appearance. Animals with a strong constitution, elongated and voluminous torso. The back is wide. The skeleton in boars is well developed, in females it is tender. The legs are strong, short, the hams are developed. The head is large, but light, the ears stick out forward and up. The color is black, there are light spots on the tips of the tail, snout and legs. The skin is thin and without wrinkles, the bristles are long and thick.

Productivity. The average weight of adult boars is 220-250 kg, females - from 180 to 220 kg. Piglets reach a weight of 100 kg by 197-200 days. The uterus is not very prolific, on average they give birth to 6-9 cubs.

Cultivation and care. The breed is popular among farmers in different regions of Russia, as it is unassuming and easily acclimatized. Piglets quickly gain weight. Pigs are famous for their unpretentiousness in maintenance, but require a special diet. Berkshires feel comfortable in open spaces, they can be kept on pastures.

Advantages. Good early maturity, high fattening qualities. Slaughter yield - 88%. Products with a good ratio of both meat and fat. Unpretentiousness in maintenance and feed.

Disadvantages. Animals are prone to obesity. Females are few. From external shortcomings, pug-like, carp-shaped back, x-shaped limbs are distinguished.

Large black

A type of pig bred in England. Ancestors - Chinese and Neapolitan, as well as English long-eared. The breed is suitable for crossing with other breeds, during which all its indicators improve. Pigs are raised for meat, fat and breeding. This is one of the most popular lines in the world.

Appearance. The exterior is typical for greasy breeds: the body is large, the sternum is barrel-shaped, the back is wide. The big head has the correct proportions. Ears are long and drooping. The legs are short, the hams are voluminous. The coat is thick and black, without marks. Due to the sagging of the sacrum, deep folds are formed on the body.

Productivity. An adult boar can reach a mass of 380 kg. Smaller females - up to 255 kg. For their breed, the animals are prolific, giving birth to 11-15 piglets at a time. Young animals quickly gain weight, by 10 months - up to 200 kg.

Cultivation and care. Animals are not selective in food, adapt well to climatic conditions, tolerate both cold and heat. In summer they prefer pastures, and in winter they are kept indoors.

Advantages. Early maturity. Fertility. Has a strong physique.

Disadvantages. Hanging buttocks, folds in the skin.


Bred back in the 19th century, but finally approved in 1940. Homeland - Ukraine, Poltava region. We got it by crossing local pigs (short-eared variegated color) and wild boars Tamworth, Berkshire, medium and large white breeds. Mirgorodskaya is well known in Ukraine, the quality and thickness of its fat is considered a reference.

Appearance. They are characterized by a strong constitution, deep and wide chest, voluminous body of moderate length. The back is straight. The head is medium. Legs of medium length, strong. The hams are round and massive. The skin is smooth. The color is black-and-white in most cases, but sometimes there are pigs of red, black and black-and-red color.

Productivity. For farrowing of the uterus, 10 or more babies are born. From the first days of life, piglets are actively gaining weight. By the age of three, the mass of boars reaches 280-300 kg, females - 220-240 kg. In breeding plants, the figures are even higher.

Cultivation and care. In care, animals are unpretentious, happily eat a variety of feeds. In the southern regions, pigs spend most of their time on pastures, saving on grain feed. On the stall content, you can replace them with bulk feed.

Advantages. Good slaughter weight: 85% of fat mass, of which 30% is lard. Animals are distinguished by a calm disposition, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention.

Disadvantages. A small proportion of lean meat in a pork carcass. Some people don't like its taste.


One of the oldest breeds in the world, bred in 1833 in Hungary. Descended from wild pigs crossed with the Carpathian mangalica. In Russia, the breed appeared in 1945. Pigs were brought to North Caucasus and the Moscow region in large quantities.

Appearance. Outwardly, it is difficult to confuse with any other because of its chic curly wool, reminiscent of sheep. The color of animals can be different: red, black, white. In winter, the coat curls. On the edge of the ears there is a dark spot - a sign of the breed. Pigs are medium in size. The legs are powerful, with hard hooves.

Productivity. Females bring few piglets - from 4 to 6 pieces, less often more. At the age of one year, the average weight of females does not exceed 150 kg, wild boars - 180 kg. By the age of three, it reaches 300 kg.

Cultivation and care. Mangalitsky pigs are not picky about keeping, they are perfectly adapted to pastures. They are ready to stay on the walk both in winter and in summer. If you keep animals in the open, their coat will be thick and warm. And if you transfer to a warm room for the winter, it will become normal.

Advantages. Possibility of grazing all year round. Good immunity, vaccinations are practically not needed. Mild disposition.

Disadvantages. Low fertility. Tendency to obesity. Rare view.

When choosing which breed to breed, it is important to take into account many factors: where it is supposed to breed animals (type of stall, climatic conditions), in what quantities, which direction of productivity should be made the main one. It is more profitable to stop at animals adapted to the conditions of keeping and feed of the area where they will be grown.


City: Yemelyanovo

Publications: 19 Large breeds pigs, description, photo- In our article today, we will look at several large breeds of pigs, which are a source of meat and fat. One of the positive qualities of pigs is their significant economic precocity. In the age group of 6-8 months, animals reach a live weight of 100-120 kilograms. Therefore, for farrowing from one pig, you can end up with 1 - 1.2 tons of pork in live weight. No other type of agricultural animal has such productivity.

Large pig breeds:

Pigs, much better than cattle and sheep, pay for feed with an increase in production. With intensive fattening, they need only 4-4.5 feed units per kilogram of live weight gain, and large cattle- 9-10 feed units and more.

Of all animals for agricultural purposes, pigs have the highest slaughter yield (the ratio of the mass of edible parts of the carcass to the pre-slaughter mass). So, when fattening young animals to a live weight of 100 kilograms, the slaughter yield is approximately 73%, and when fattening up to 130-150 kilograms - 80% or more.

Large white pig

Imported from England, it is considered an older and more common breed.

The popularity of the breed in our country is associated with its versatility - animals can be successfully fattened to fatty conditions, get bacon or high-quality meat. As a result of the ongoing breeding work, it was possible to strengthen the constitution of a large white pig, change the type of breed in the meat and lard direction.

Animals of this breed are large

  • Head of moderate size with a wide forehead and a medium length snout
  • Ganache fleshy, dense and widely spaced
  • Ears are elastic, pointing up, forward and to the sides
  • The neck is short, muscular, smoothly merges into the body.
  • Shoulders broad and fleshy.
  • The withers are wide, straight, without depressions behind the shoulder blades.
  • The legs are dry, well muscled, the hooves are strong.
  • The chest is wide and deep.
  • The back is wide, straight or slightly arched upwards (arched), imperceptibly passing into the chest and sacrum.
  • The belly is voluminous, but not pendulous, dense.
  • The sacrum is wide fleshy
  • The hams are wide, rounded, fleshy without sharp interceptions, falling to the hock joint.
  • The skin is tender, elastic, without folds on the joints, evenly covered with light bristles.
  • The color of the pigs is white.
Large white pigs are distinguished by high precocity; at the age of one year, under good feeding and keeping conditions, they weigh 180-210 kg, and sometimes more.

The live weight of adult boars is 280-370, sows - 200-270 kg. The fertility of adult sows is 11 - 12, and sometimes 14 or more piglets in a litter, their milk content reaches 70-90 kg. The slaughter yield is 82%.

Animals of this breed good feeding produce very high quality meat. If you cut a piece of meat from a fattened pig across the muscle fibers, you can see that all of it has evenly sprouted with thin layers of fat and looks like marble, which is why it is often called “marble”. Such meat is very juicy, tender, tasty and is in great demand among consumers.

Some drawback of the large white breed, as well as other white breeds, especially for the south of Ukraine, is their white color, as a result of which the animals suffer from the sun's rays.

Ukrainian steppe white pig

This is the first domestic breed, created at the Askania-Nova Institute, it ranks second in terms of numbers in Ukraine.

Meat and sebaceous direction of productivity. Animals of this breed well inherit economically useful traits, combine the productive qualities of a large white breed and the acclimatization qualities of local pigs, easily enduring the harsh conditions of hot summers and windy cold winters of the southern Ukrainian steppes.

The type of animals is somewhat coarser than large white pigs, the head is longer and narrower, the bones are coarse, the legs are strong and strong, the bristles are thick. The suit is white.

When fattening, young growth of the Ukrainian steppe white breed will give good weight gain - at the age of one year, pigs have a live weight of 180-190 kg. The live weight of adult boars reaches 270-350 kg, queens - 200-260 kg. Fertility of queens is 10-12 piglets in a litter, milk yield often exceeds 100 kg. Slaughter yield is 82-84%.

Mirgorod pig breed

Mirgorod breed of pigs. Created in the Poltava region on the basis of crossing local black-and-white pigs with Berkshire and other boars.

A breed of greasy direction. Animals are distinguished by their ability to deposit fat at a young age and adaptability to the forage and climatic conditions of Ukraine. It is easy to get used to grazing content, they use food well.

The vast majority of Mirgorod pigs have a wide and deep body.

  • Head of medium size with a noticeable bend in the front part and wide fleshy ganaches
  • The ears are small, pointing up and forward, sometimes slightly drooping.
  • The girth behind the shoulder blades is almost equal to the length of the body.
  • The constitution of animals is strong.
  • The legs are of medium height, shorter than in animals of the Large White and Ukrainian Steppe White breeds.
  • The hams are well developed.
  • The skin is elastic, dense, without folds.
  • The bristles are thick, shiny, evenly covering the skin. The color is black and motley, sometimes with a reddish tinge.
Pigs of the Mirgorod breed are quickly fattened, including on diets with a high content of voluminous feed, in particular potatoes, and produce high-quality pork.
The live weight of adult boars reaches 230-270 kg, queens - 200-230 kg. The fertility of queens is 10-II piglets, milk yield is 65-75 kg. The slaughter yield of well-fed pigs is over 85%.

Duroc pig breed

Breed of American origin. Animals are well fed, but very demanding on protein nutrition. The breed is distinguished by high meat qualities.

Pigs of the Duroc breed are usually large in size, have well-executed hams. Pigs of the Duroc breed are of a reddish color, the shades of the Jura range from golden yellow to dark red, cherry red is also often found. Animals are early maturing, average daily weight gain during fattening is 860 - 940 g. Adult boars reach a live weight of 350 - 370 kg, queens - 260-320 kg. . They have a calm disposition, give a large amount of milk and feed the offspring well. Slaughter yield over 86%.
Purebred animals are used for industrial crossing with other breeds in order to obtain hybrid young animals.

Landrace Pigs

Released in Denmark. Counts best breed bacon type. Animals are very demanding on the conditions of feeding and keeping.

In this regard, they are not used for purebred breeding, but mainly to improve the meat qualities of pigs of other breeds. Therefore, in order to obtain offspring with good fattening qualities, if there is a choice, it is preferable to mate sows with Landrace boars. Pigs of this breed have an elongated body. The head is of medium size, somewhat elongated with long hanging ears. Deep flanks, soft back, well-executed hams, weak pasterns. Thin, elastic skin is covered with delicate bristles. The suit is white.

The fattening qualities of young animals of the Landrace breed are high - at the age of one year, the live weight reaches 190-195 kg. The live weight of adult boars is 280-330 kg, the queens are 220-250 kg, the queens are fertile - 11-12 piglets in a litter, milk production reaches 80 kg. They have well developed maternal qualities. Slaughter yield reaches 75%. Meat of high palatability with a small amount of fat and internal fat.

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