Breeds of white domestic geese. Geese breeds: the largest breeds of geese, domestic geese. Geese large gray


Geese are not well suited for the urban private sector, where they are grown in a small backyard. In closed conditions, they require significant feeding costs (and growing geese eat very well). At the same time, they grow and gain mass much more slowly than in the case of free grazing. Therefore, for urban conditions, it is better to choose broiler chickens than goslings. If the conditions allow you to keep these wonderful birds, then you are probably interested in the question of what breeds of geese exist, their distinctive features, and which one is more profitable to grow. We will try to answer your questions.

Directions in goose breeding

In principle, goose breeds are divided into two areas, meat and egg. But since goose eggs are still not carried so often, it is more convenient to use chickens for these purposes. In this regard, it would be more correct to divide the directions into decorative and meat. Most often bred in the courtyard large breeds geese to get a large carcass as a result. Another point that worries a novice farmer is the resistance of pets to infectious diseases and sudden changes in temperature. The stock is usually reared in the spring/summer period, leaving only breeding stock for the winter, but weather resistance is still very important. In this regard, we offer for consideration the breed of geese, which have proven themselves well over many years of cultivation in various regions. They are not afraid of even extreme heat and frost, they are also the most resistant to infections.

Bigger, bigger, even bigger

Large breeds of geese are a request that is usually made by a novice farmer. But there is an important nuance here - size and precocity, you need to correlate these two factors. There are about 80 breeds that grow up to 8-9 kg, but the question is how long. It is better if the geese reach a weight of 5 kg in 4-5 months than to raise a heavyweight, which by one and a half years will reach a weight of 10 kg. Therefore, we will consider first of all the most "early", large breeds of geese.

Toulouse goose breed

These birds grow up very quickly, for which they have earned love and recognition in Russian household plots. The meat is fatty and very tender, despite the myth that geese are tough. At the age of 50-60 days, individuals reach a weight of 6 kg. By the year, males reach 10 kg. For doing business, they are just perfect, in just two months the livestock makes a profit. The breed is of particular value because of the liver, it is large and very tasty. Females carry 30-40 eggs per year, each weighing 180 g. These geese are often crossed with other breeds in order to obtain large offspring that are as resistant to diseases as possible.

white-fronted goose

If we compare the breeds of domestic geese, then this is a relatively small specimen. But he gains his 4 kg in literally 3 months, is absolutely unpretentious, resistant to frost, they are also bred in Siberia. It is closest to wild relatives, due to which it has retained unique immunity. They need minimal care, and the meat is very tender and tasty. The breed is not very common, so it is difficult to find breeding specimens.

Tula breed of geese

Basically, everyone who is interested in this direction in poultry farming sooner or later gets acquainted with this breed. They are very productive, it is profitable and easy to keep them. If you are interested in meat breeds of geese, then this is your option. Ganders reach 9 kg, geese 7-8 kg. They are loved, first of all, for their precocity. In just 50 days, they can reach a weight of 5 kg, and without much care, especially if there is open grazing. Eating 2 kg of grass daily, they will grow by leaps and bounds. Of course, you need to additionally give grain and vitamin supplements. This is a unique breed, perhaps even the only one that combines excellent resistance to cold and disease and such a large weight. Almost 100% of hatched chicks survive to slaughter age. This is practically the largest breed of geese, and it undoubtedly deserves the attention of farmers.

Kuban geese

They are sometimes referred to as decorative breed because they are very pretty. Painted head, black stripe on the neck and snow-white bottom makes them amazingly elegant. Today, several color variations have been bred, so they can be surprisingly bright. At the same time, they are very early, in 60 days they easily gain 4 kg, and in 75 days - 5 or more. They reach full maturity by 5-6 months, while they are very resistant to various diseases, including bacterial ones.

Geese large gray

If you show the breeds of geese with a photo, then for sure your eyes will stop at these wonderful birds. The weight of males reaches 11 kg, and this is far from the limit. But on average, individuals are slaughtered in a weight of 7-8 kg, which is very good. Ripening dates surprise and delight. In just 9 weeks you get a bird weighing 5 kg. It is because of this that the breed is loved on many goose farms. Females produce about 60 eggs per year, the mass of which reaches 200 g. They are in demand in a chain of restaurants and cafes. Their excellent nutritional value has not gone unnoticed by consumers. But if you are an amateur poultry farmer, then this breed is not for you. They have a fairly low survival rate, so the young need special care. After a month, the goslings will get stronger and can be transferred to normal mode.

Demidov geese

This is a common bird, very common in the northern regions of Russia. Their main advantage is a quick mass gain in the first two months. In 8 weeks, they can gain 5 kg, which is beneficial for the business. For 8 months, the individual reaches 7-8 kg.

The best geese in the world

The Lindovskaya goose breed is the result of careful selection. To obtain the breed, Gorky and Chinese geese were crossed. The best representatives of the breed were selected and crossed with other members of the family in order to obtain the largest and most egg-laying breed. Then, to improve the quality of down and feather, the resulting offspring were crossed with Adler representatives. But the breeders did not stop there either, they needed the Linda geese to become the best of their kind. To improve meat qualities, as well as improve the taste of the liver, the geese were crossed again, this time with representatives of the Arzamas breed. Let's see what happened as a result of complex and long work.

Breeders were rewarded for their labors with the results obtained. Geese of the Linda breed are quite large and early maturing. The average weight reaches 7-8 kg, but it is not uncommon for individuals weighing 13 kg to be grown in farmsteads. Full maturity is reached by 8 months. They have a thick, white plumage, the quality of down is high, it is used in the production of various heaters. The egg production of individuals at a height is about 50 eggs per year. As such, it is a versatile and highly cost-effective breed that deserves attention.

The oldest breed

Geese of the Kholmogory breed were the very first to appear on household plots. Mentions of their breeding have been found since 1885. There are two lines of this breed. Representatives of one of them are famous for their very long beaks, they were crossed with the Tula breed. The second - on the contrary, have short beaks, they were crossed with wild, gray geese. These are very strong, portly birds. The head is large, with a bump on the forehead. The chest is wide and convex, characteristic folds on the stomach. This is a large breed, on average individuals reach 8-9 kg. Egg production is low, about 40 eggs per year. But geese are excellent mother hens.

This is one of the best meat breeds. The meat has an excellent taste, dietary, tasty and healthy. Geese are very calm in nature, they live well in large herds. They are hardy and unpretentious. Against the background of all the advantages of this breed, only one drawback can be noted, the puberty of individuals occurs only after 3 years. But they can live up to 20 years, so you don’t have to change the breeding herd often. Geese of the Kholmogory breed are widespread in central Russia and in other regions. Despite their unpretentiousness, they require a goose, always with warm bedding from straw. It is necessary to check the room for the absence of drafts, this can be detrimental to the bird. Free range is also necessary for health and proper development. In winter, in almost any frost, they will be happy to walk in the snow and swim in icy water. It's great if they have free access to the reservoir. Then your birds will grow strong and healthy.

Gorky geese

These birds were bred as a result of selection, by crossing Solnechnogorsk and Chinese breeds. As a result, birds were white, bluish or gray in color, with a small head and a bump on the forehead. Average weight reaches 6-8 kg. The meat of these birds is valued for its special gastronomic properties. Geese are very good laying hens, in a year you can get about 60 eggs. But they rarely become good hens. Fully mature individuals become 240 days after birth. The output of goslings is 70-80% of the total volume of eggs laid. At two months, the young reach a weight of 4 kg. Most often this breed is used by large factories.

Adler geese

This is a breed that was bred at the Krasnodar factory. As a result of multi-stage selection, indigenous southerners were bred, geese are perfectly adapted to the hot climate, and therefore they have become widespread directly in the southern part of Russia. They look like gray, large geese. They are distinguished by their white plumage, short and wide body and short beak. This is a fairly large breed, the average weight is 7-9 kg. In two months, the young growth reaches up to 4 kg. Unfortunately, they are not very prolific, even under factory conditions, the brood is about 50% of the total egg laying. At home, such breeding is unprofitable.

Vladimir Clay Geese

This breed was bred in the city of the same name, and received a double name for its characteristic color. To date, this breed is not very common, but it is found in some farmsteads of the country. In fact, it is a hybrid of the Kholmogory and Toulouse breeds. Breeding individuals were selected for size, egg production and feather quality. The result was a compact, dense bird. Her chest is wide, the neck is of medium length. There are a couple of skin folds on the abdomen. The average weight of individuals is 7-9 kg. Geese rush well and perfectly incubate offspring. However, the yield of chicks is small, only about 50% of the eggs laid. But hatched chicks survive with almost 100% probability. In two months, the young growth reaches a weight of 4 kg. These birds produce excellent quality meat and fine fluff. The gene pool of these geese is very valuable; on its basis, new breeds are bred that will retain the old ones and acquire new qualities.

Italian geese

The birthplace of this breed is Italy, but geese were brought to Russia a long time ago from Czechoslovakia. Compared to other breeds, these are small birds. Their weight is 5-7 kg. The plumage is snow-white, all over the body, but there is practically no fluff. By two months, the young reach a weight of 3 kg. But the main feature is a huge liver, which, with proper fattening, makes up about 7% of the total weight of the goose. It is easy to calculate, with a total weight of 7 kg, we get almost 500 g of this valuable product. How much does foie gras cost, probably everyone imagines. So this breed is very valuable.

Chinese geese

Here this breed appeared by domestication of wild geese. The result was a loud, noisy, restless bird, extremely mobile and energetic. They have a fairly large head with a bump on the forehead, the body is not very long, convex and rounded. This is a small breed, the weight of adults is 4-5 kg. But it has a high egg production. In a year, a goose will lay about 80 eggs. Today, this breed is crossed with larger ones to get birds with a high mass and good quality meat.

Edmen geese

This is a German breed, named after the city in which it appeared. These are big white beauties. The head is very large and wide. The beak is thick and wide. The body is long, there is a characteristic fold on the abdomen. The legs are short and very massive. The Edmen breed was bred by practical Germans and, of course, large, meaty birds turned out. Ganders weigh 9-11 kg, geese 8-9 kg. Their egg production does not exceed 25 eggs per year, and the geese are reluctant to sit in the hens. At two months, the young weigh about 4 kg. This breed is valued for excellent, dietary meat and fat, of excellent quality.

Thus, we can complete the review of the most famous and common breeds of geese. This is not all the variety for which we must thank the breeders. But other breeds are less known, which means that it will be more difficult to find breeding individuals, and they will cost much more. Each of these breeds has its own distinctive features, but they are united by a number of common features. Sufficiently large mass, rapid maturation, unpretentiousness and resistance to various diseases. It is these signs that are most significant for a farmer who has taken up breeding geese in order to sell meat, or for the owner of a private farmstead.

Poultry farmers choose large breeds of geese for the profitability of their breeding business. There are dozens of varieties in the world domestic goose, but not many of them grow quickly, have high egg production, endure diseases and eat any food. Today we will talk about species whose weight, meat quality and productivity are considered the best in the world. We will touch on their shortcomings, advantages and other features.

Toulouse geese

Goose meat of the Toulouse breed has a high taste quality; in restaurants, masterpieces are made from it. And the liver is used to prepare an expensive delicacy - foie gras.

The largest goose of the Toulouse breed gains up to 11-12 kilograms in 8-9 months. The chicks also grow rapidly: 40-50 days are enough for them to grow up to 6 kilograms.

In one year, a goose lays an average of 35 eggs. The eggs are large, each weighing 200 grams. Like meat, they have excellent taste.

Breeding Toulouse poultry is suitable for both selling meat and eggs.

Among the shortcomings, we note that a breeding representative of the breed is very rarely seen at bird fairs, and even more so at markets. Advantages - birds are unpretentious in care, easily adapt to weather conditions.

Geese of the Kholmogory breed

The bird appeared on home yards back in 1885 and is still in high demand. Kholmogory is a popular type of meat geese, as their meat is tender, juicy and dietary.

For the first three months, the chicks gain weight up to 5 kilograms. A goose grown in a year weighs about 12 kilograms, a goose - 8-9. Therefore, the bird deserves the status of the largest goose.

The convenience in breeding the Kholmogory breed is that the birds are friendly to other types of domestic birds.

The female lays 30 eggs per year. The mother hen has a high maternal instinct, but there is also a drawback. Often a goose crushes future goslings with its weight.

Breeding of the Kholmogory breed - profitable business. The goose feeds on standard compound feed, and in the summer season, if there is vegetation and a reservoir on the site, it is able to get food on its own.

Gray large geese

The large gray bird appeared as a result of careful selection of Toulouse and Romny birds. It is divided into two subspecies: Borkovsky Ukrainian and Tambov steppe.

Breeding methods have led to the fact that modern gray geese have high productive qualities. The meat is juicy and tender in taste, thanks to a good fat layer. For two months of life, domestic geese gain 5 kilograms. By the time of slaughter, individuals weigh 8-9.5 kilograms.

The breed is distinguished by high egg production. In one year, the goose lays up to 40 eggs, each of which weighs 150-200 grams. Due to their exquisite taste, eggs are often sold along with meat.

The wide and short neck holds a large head. The beak of the bird is orange, at the end it is light pink. The body is large, dense, on the abdomen there are two skin folds. The chest is wide, the wings fit the body. The color of the plumage of the gray goose corresponds to the name. The neck and body are dark, and the chest and edges of the wings are decorated with a white stripe. Detailed information about external data is in the article.

The disadvantage of breeding a gray large breed is the low survival rate of offspring. Of the entire masonry, 65-80% grow to slaughter. This gives the farmer a lot of trouble. Around the clock you have to monitor the chicks and provide them with proper care.

Emden breed

This largest breed of geese has been considered a model of meat productivity for many years. Broad paws, large body and head, fleshy neck make the bird squat and powerful. There is a fold of fat on the abdomen, a small bag under the beak at the base.

Emden ganders are gray in color, geese are white. Short orange beak. The breed was bred in Germany, in the city of the same name Emden.

The largest drakes grow up to 10 kilograms, geese - up to 8. Due to the presence of a good fat layer, the meat is juicy, tender, and has a good aroma.

Geese of the Emden breed lay up to 35 eggs per year. Raise a bird in a private yard - profitable business, since the survival rate of offspring reaches 99%. Little chicks gain about 4 kilograms in the first two months of life.

The advantages of poultry breeding include its unpretentiousness, good adaptability to any conditions, high immunity.

Tula bird

Domestic geese of the Tula breed were bred in the 17th century at the whim of merchants. Initially, the bird was used for cockfighting. But over time, farmers began to pay attention to the high productivity, ease of care and quick adaptation of these birds.

Compared to other waterfowl, the Tula breed is defined by a characteristic hump above the beak.

The female lays only 25 eggs per year. When breeding the breed, you should not worry about the survival of the chicks. Mother goose carefully monitors and cares for babies in the first months of life. The survival rate of offspring reaches 96%.

The virtues of a bird are not only in a high maternal instinct. In bird markets, an adult can be bought for only 3 thousand rubles. Already in four months, the gander is gaining about 6 kilograms, the goose - 5. In some cases, these figures can reach 9 and 8 kilograms, respectively.

When fattening a bird, it is important to monitor its diet. A large amount of vitamins and minerals are added to food so that the geese of the Tula breed feel good. In the article you will find detailed instructions by content: what kind of feed to use and how to care for the bird.

Vladimir Clay Geese

Geese breeds, the largest on the planet, are not close in their taste characteristics to Vladimir clay birds. The breed was bred in the city of the same name - Vladimir.

The name "clayey" she received due to the characteristic color. The body of the bird is covered with gray feathers with a clear clay sheen. The feathered waterfowl arose as a result of crossing the Toulouse and Kholmogory birds.

A long body with a broad chest, short powerful legs, a medium-sized head and an orange-colored beak distinguish the Vladimir goose from other breeds. Birds move quite a lot, so they do not have body fat.

The meat of individuals is considered dietary and light, but at the same time juicy and tender. A goose lays up to 45 eggs per year. Like meat, eggs also have a high taste, so they are in great demand in Russia and abroad. The average weight of a bird is 7-9 kilograms.

Vladimir geese are valued for their unpretentiousness, vitality, and soft fluff.

Adler geese

The Adler breed was bred by selection in the middle of the last century. To this day, the bird is bred at the Adler plant, located in Krasnodar Territory. For this reason, the distribution of geese of this breed is territorially limited. The bird is found only in Krasnodar, Adler, Sochi and other nearby cities.

The body is long and dense, somewhat reminiscent of an upturned egg. Geese are distinguished by snow-white plumage with a bluish tint. A small head is located on a long slender neck. The paws are powerful, yellow, and the standard color of the beak is orange.

Geese are not the largest, there are breeds and meatier. The average weight of ganders is from 6 to 7 kilograms, geese - from 5 to 6. Goslings grow up to 4 kilograms by the second month of life. Further, individuals develop slowly, but the meat tastes juicy, literally melts in your mouth.

In one year, the goose lays a maximum of 35 eggs, weighing from 150 to 170 grams each. About 70% of the eggs were fertilized from the entire clutch. The survival rate of offspring is up to 60%. This disadvantage hits the breeder's budget.

The Adler breed is adapted only to the hot climate of the Krasnodar Territory. Therefore, breeding birds in the central and northern regions will not work.

Demidov breed

Geese of the Demidov breed are divided into three main varieties:

  • linden geese;
  • Italian whites;
  • Ural (Shadrinskaya).

The common name is Demidov, the birds received as a result of the fact that they were originally grown on the same farm. As a result, the breeds mixed with each other, forming one individual.

The wings of the bird are wide, powerful, the legs are thick, short, there is a tuft in the form of feathers on the forehead. The beak is yellow-orange, with a hump. Feathers are white, no patterns and spots.

Geographically, geese of this breed are most common in the northern parts of Russia. An adult grows up to 6-8 kilograms. The weight is not the largest, but the birds gain weight in just a couple of months, and their meat has nutritional value and an incredible smell.

Geese have a high egg production. During the season, the total number of eggs varies from 68 to 70 pieces. Each weighs 190 grams. It is very profitable to grow a Demidov bird, so it feeds on standard food, is unpretentious in care and has a calm character.

Geese were bred by crossing Adler, Arzamas, Chinese and Solnechnogorsk birds. As a result of breeding work, hybrids were born that are distinguished by their special fleshiness and high egg production.

Linda goose produces up to 65 eggs per year. Despite the fact that she begins to postpone them from 8-9 months of age. After 5 months, the young growth becomes larger, gaining a mass of 5-6 kilograms. At 10-12 months, birds weigh 8 kilograms.

Briefly described, the bird of the Lindov breed is a large, fleshy goose with widely spaced paws. The head is medium, the neck is slightly elongated. A distinctive feature is the growth above the beak, and under it a small pouch. A detailed description can be found in the article.

For beginner poultry farmers, geese of this breed will become the best option. The bird eats any standard food, does not require special care, easily tolerates heat and cold. The profitability of such a business will be 100%.

Among the disadvantages: the poultry house will have to make sure that the livestock always has fresh and clean water, as well as secluded places in the pen itself. The bird is modest and loves solitude, so dark corners will come in handy for her.

The bird has come a long way from Italy to Russia. Initially, the white goose was bred in sunny Italian territory, then in Czechoslovakia, and from there it came to us.

The bird has snow-white plumage, bright orange paws and beak. The peculiarity of the Italian white is the eyes of a bright blue hue. You can read more about the feathered beauty in the article.

The Italian breed does not gain much weight, the bird is slaughtered at 5-7 kilograms. Geese and ganders are quite active. Due to the lack of fat, meat has a high taste and is considered dietary.

In a year, the female of this breed is able to lay 50 eggs. Sometimes 80 pieces. Of the total livestock, 90% survive to slaughter, which is considered a good indicator. If you decide to get Italian geese, get ready to buy an incubator, as the goose has no maternal instinct at all.

Ural breed

The bird easily adapts to harsh weather conditions, rarely gets sick, and also passes from generation to generation. increased egg production, productivity and survival. According to the external description, the goose is similar in color to the Shadrin goose: gray plumage, yellow-orange beak and paws.

The meat of the Ural variety is tender and tasty. The delicacy is served in restaurants in France and Italy, and foie gras is prepared from the liver. Already in 3-4 months of life, the bird gains 4-5 kilograms, so meat is considered valuable and expensive. The maximum weight of ganders is 7-9, geese - 6.5 kilograms.

Keeping and caring for the Ural geese is a profitable and cost-effective occupation. For a year, the goose gives from 30 to 40 eggs, all goslings survive to slaughter. The mother has a well-developed maternal instinct, which simplifies the care of clutches. The farmer does not have to buy an incubator.

It is important to consider that fresh air has a positive effect on reproductive functions and weight gain in birds.

Gorky geese

The plumage of geese, depending on the habitat, is gray, white or bluish in color. Under the beak there is a pronounced goiter, above it is a characteristic bump. The back and chest are wide, the back of the body is raised.

The breed of Gorky birds originated by crossing Nizhny Novgorod, Solnechnogorsk and Chinese. The result is a species that is resistant to diseases, calm in nature and picky in care.

The gander grows up to 7-9 kilograms, the geese - up to 6-7. Large farmers often breed this breed, as it grows quickly, and the meat tastes tender, juicy, with a pleasant aftertaste. In addition, young animals can be purchased at almost any bird market. The main thing is not to fall for a fake - it is better to buy chicks from trusted breeders.

The productive age of a goose starts at six months. She lays up to 50 eggs per year. One weighs 150-160 grams and has unsurpassed taste.

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Geese are very common domestic birds that can be successfully bred regardless of the climate zone. In popularity, they are second only to chickens. They differ unpretentiousness to feed and conditions of detention. They can be fed not only on pastures, but also indoors or even in cages. In the absence of fresh food, they perfectly eat hay, food waste and various root crops. In addition, geese have a fairly long life expectancy. At the age of two or three, they not only do not reduce egg production, but also increase it by about twenty percent.

This article contains detailed descriptions the most popular breeds of geese with photos and characteristics, as well as the key features of these birds, which should be taken into account when breeding.

Features of domestic geese

Domestic geese belong to a late-ripening bird species. The first laying in females begins no earlier than six months, but this indicator depends on the breed, therefore, in some bird species, laying can begin at the age of ten months.

egg productiondepends on many factors:

  • Laying begins in the spring a year after hatching when grown under natural daylight conditions.
  • The instinct of incubation also leads to a decrease in egg production, which is much stronger in geese than in chickens or ducks.
  • In addition, the intensity of laying is also affected by the period of molting, which occurs in summer and autumn.

About twenty breeds of domestic geese are grown in our country. Some of them were bred by artificial selection. Even with poor feeding and maintenance, birds are characterized by low egg production, which, however, does not negatively affect their meat qualities and viability. Figure 1 shows representatives of the most popular species different areas of productivity.

Figure 1. Common breeds: 1 - Kuban meat, 2 - Rhine for down and feather production, 3 - Italian (shukrok production), 4 - Toulouse (fatty liver production)

Purely meat ones include Kuban, Ural, Chinese, Italian and many others. Representatives of the Rhine, Emden and Vistine breeds give excellent fluff and feathers, and from Italian you can get high-quality skins for tailoring.

Toulouse, large gray and landese are used for fattening to produce a delicious fatty liver. However, they are also suitable for breeding for meat.

Photos and descriptions of common breeds

The most common and numerous are Chinese and large gray breed. But other species are often bred in households. Therefore, we will dwell on the characteristic features of all common breeds in more detail.

large gray

It is considered the most common in our country. It was obtained by crossing representatives of the Roman and Toulouse breed. Characteristics birds include (Figure 2):

  • Strong physique;
  • High mobility;
  • Fast fattening;
  • The body is wide, the limbs are widely spaced;
  • The color of the beak is dark red, there is a white tip at the end;
  • Thick medium neck and small head;
  • The plumage of birds is grey, and white on the belly;
  • There are two folds of fat on the abdomen.

Figure 2. Large gray rock

The average weight of males reaches seven kilograms, but there are also larger individuals, weighing nine kilograms. Egg production is quite high: up to 45 eggs per year, and the first clutch occurs at the age of 290 to 310 days. In females, the instinct of incubation is strongly expressed, and up to 60 percent of chicks are hatched from one clutch, the weight of which at two to three months of age can reach 4 kilograms.

Chinese breed

Representatives of this species are considered the most egg-bearing. They originated from wild birds who live in Northern China, Manchuria and Siberia.

A distinctive feature is high egg production, which begins in November-December, when the bird reaches 270 days of age. Up to 75 percent of chicks are hatched from incubation, although the instinct in females is poorly developed.

External characteristicsinclude(picture 3):

  • White or brown plumage. For birds with brown feathers, a gray-brown stripe from the back of the head to the back is characteristic. In white birds, this stripe is grey;
  • At the base of the beak on the forehead there is a special growth, a bump (black in brown birds and orange in whites). The size of the cone depends on the sex of the bird: in males it is much larger.
  • The torso is medium and slightly raised;
  • The limbs are medium and also differ in color; brown geese have dark legs, while white ones have orange legs.

Figure 3. White and brown Chinese species

Due to its high egg production, it is often used for breeding work in order to breed more productive and viable animals.


This is a very common breed among farmers and homeowners in our country. Birds quickly gain weight on pastures. Exterior features include (Figure 4):

  • Large head with an orange-red bump on the forehead;
  • Long neck, under which there is a wallet (a special skin outgrowth);
  • A bump and a purse do not appear immediately, but only upon reaching 6-8 months of age;
  • The plumage is white and gray;
  • The body is large, and the body weight is large.

Figure 4 Appearance Kholmogory geese

The weight of an adult male can reach 10 kg, and females - 7.5. At the same time, egg production is up to 45 eggs, which begins approximately on the 310th day of the bird's life. The geese have a well-developed incubation instinct, and the number of hatched chicks is half of the clutch.


Released relatively recently. Its representatives belong to the soft type, although outwardly similar to the Kholmogory: medium head, a long and wide body, slightly raised in front and a bump on the forehead. The coloring of Gorky is more diverse. They can be white, gray, gray and piebald (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Gorky geese

Geese have high egg production, up to 60 eggs per clutch, which begins at 200 days of age. However, females have a weak brooding instinct, although hatchability reaches eighty percent.

The birds are not very large: regardless of gender, the average weight reaches about four kilograms.

Geese Linda (Linda breed): description and photo

Representatives of the Lindovskaya breed can be safely called the best for breeding for meat. They are distinguished by high precocity and large physique (weight reaches 7-8 kg).

Figure 6. Lindowskie geese

They have white feathers, a massive body and a large head with a characteristic bump (Figure 6). Despite the fact that birds are bred mainly for meat, they are also distinguished by a fairly high egg production (an average of 50 eggs per year from one laying hen). In addition, the instinct of incubation is well developed in geese, and when young animals are hatched in an incubator, most of them survive due to good immunity. The meat is highly palatable, but for the productive rearing of birds, they need to provide constant access to water.

The name comes from the French city of Toulouse, where these birds were first bred. They are large and heavy, and also prone to obesity, which significantly reduces their performance. Adults can weigh up to ten kilograms.

The appearance of birds has the following features (Figure 7):

  • The feathers are grey, but the backs of the birds are dark grey, and the tips of the wings are almost black;
  • The belly is round, large, white. Under it there are fat folds;
  • The head is large, the neck is thick and of medium length;
  • Under the neck there is a characteristic purse.

Figure 7. Toulouse geese

The birds are very calm. The egg production of females is 45 eggs per clutch (begins at 305 days of age), the incubation instinct is very well developed.

In addition to obtaining eggs, they are often bred for fatty liver delicacy. The author of the video will tell you how to properly breed and maintain Toulouse geese.

Other common goose breeds include:

From the video you will learn everything about the features of the Tula geese, as well as get useful practical advice according to their content and breeding.

The breeds of geese that you are going to breed play a big role for a novice farmer. After all, the basis of any business is to maximize profits with minimal financial costs. Geese are perfect for this role. They are unpretentious to the conditions of detention and bring almost net profit. These birds are bred mainly for meat, in addition, down is obtained from them, which is used in light industry. In this article, we will look at the breeds of geese that have gained the most popularity when breeding at home and farms.

In the household, these birds

confidently compete with chickens. But if the main purpose of breeding chickens is to get eggs, then geese are bred exclusively for meat. The fact is that even the most egg-laying geese do not produce enough eggs. Therefore, eggs are rarely used for sale, mainly for reproduction.

Here are the most common types of geese in the household.

Kholmogory breed


This breed is ideal for breeding for meat. The weight of an adult male is about 12 kilograms, females - 8 kilograms. They gain weight very quickly, in two months the mass of a goose can reach almost 5 kilograms. Egg production is about 30 eggs per year. The Kholmogory breed is highly resistant to various diseases.

The main thing is to maintain cleanliness in the poultry house. Kholmogory birds tolerate frosts well, and failure to follow basic hygiene rules can kill them.

The construction of the poultry house should be planned in such a way that each bird has at least one meter of space. It is recommended to use straw and peat as bedding in winter, and sand in summer.

Geese are fed mainly with root crops (potatoes, carrots), whole grains and chopped hay. In the warm season, birds are recommended to be released to pasture.

It is also possible to graze representatives of this breed in special enclosures, having previously equipped canopies from the sun and making drinking bowls.


For one male, there should be no more than four geese.
The female should only lay in her nest. Eggs intended for incubation should not be stored for more than 15 days.


Males of this breed are well suited for crossing and getting hybrids. They have a wide body, a medium neck and a thick, orange beak with a pink tip. Justifying its name, this breed has a gray color of feathers, although their belly is white.

The weight of an adult male can reach 9 kilograms, geese weigh about 6 kilograms. Gray geese practically do not need additional care, unlike other breeds, they can perfectly do without a reservoir.

For these purposes, any room is suitable, the only condition is the presence of a warm floor. It is recommended to regularly change the litter in the house, otherwise the birds may get sick and die.

Mixtures of grains and root crops are well suited as feed in the winter. It is recommended to include chalk and vitamin supplements in the diet. In summer, geese graze on the pasture and do not require additional costs.


Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a strong parental instinct. The farmer is only required to observe the diet. In the first days of life, goslings are recommended to be given a mixture of corn, boiled eggs and crushed wheat. This will allow you to get healthy young. Chicks do not need additional care.


Raised for meat and fluff. The weight of an adult male is about 8 kilograms, females have a mass of 7 kilograms.

This variety of geese combines high egg production and a high mass growth rate. There is an amazing adaptability of the breed to any climatic conditions. Recommended for all beginner farmers. With proper care, the profitability of the Linden breed is 100%.

Poultry houses must necessarily contain a large number of drinkers. Without water, birds can get sick. This is one of the important conditions for keeping this breed. In addition, the desire of geese for solitude was noted, therefore it is recommended to create secluded, poorly lit nooks and crannies.

Representatives of this breed are omnivores, so you can use any food suitable for poultry. For quick weight gain, it is recommended to use combined and broiler feeds.


Birds usually begin to rush at the end of February. It is worth considering the fact that the first two eggs are usually empty. But they are not recommended to be taken, because the female can leave the nest. In addition, geese leave the clutch for about 30 minutes a day. At this time, it is very important to control the temperature of the left eggs. In order for them not to cool down, you can spray them with warm water.

Geese breeds bred on farms

Toulouse geese


The main purpose of keeping this species of birds is to obtain meat and fluff.. In addition, Toulouse geese are the main source of liver for pâté. With proper feeding, the weight of the liver in an adult is about 500 grams. The weight of an adult male reaches 12 kilograms, the average weight of females is 7 kilograms. The meat of this breed is in great demand on the eve of the New Year holidays.

This species of geese is very thermophilic, the temperature in the house should not fall below 20 degrees. It is necessary to control the level of humidity in the room and try to avoid drafts.

Failure to comply with these requirements leads to a decrease in productivity and poses a threat to life for representatives of this breed. It is for these factors that Toulouse geese have not become widespread in the household. They are very demanding on the conditions of detention and need professional care.


This breed is characterized by low egg production and a low survival rate of offspring. In addition, geese are not very active in hatching eggs. Eggs from this breed are recommended to be placed under other hens, such as chickens or turkeys.. If this is not possible, then you will have to purchase an incubator.

Tula geese


Speaking of breeding geese, one cannot ignore this interesting breed. Representatives of this breed have a relatively small weight, about 6 kilograms and have the lowest egg production among their tribe.

But, despite the obvious shortcomings, this breed is very popular in farms. The fact is that this is a one-of-a-kind fighting breed of geese. The breed was bred in the seventeenth century, especially for goose fights.

This harmless entertainment remains popular today. Therefore, some farmers build their business on breeding this particular breed.

Like real fighters, Tula geese easily tolerate any climatic conditions. They are able to walk and swim even in the winter season. The only thing worth watching is their diet. From malnutrition, birds grow fat and lose their fighting qualities.


Those farms that breed Tula geese strictly monitor the purity of the breed. Perhaps that is why the maternal instinct prevails in hens. They are quite capable of independently incubating eggs and monitoring the growth of offspring. This feature helps to save on the purchase of an incubator.

Chinese geese


Raised primarily for the purpose of producing eggs.. One female is able to carry up to 100 eggs per season. It is worth noting the fact that, unlike relatives, the egg-laying period of this breed is 180 days. This explains their great productivity.

The meat of this breed is a product of fairly high quality. But given the small mass of adults (about 5 kilograms), breeding this breed for meat is not profitable.

Most breeds of geese were obtained by crossing with Chinese geese.

This species of birds is very unpretentious, so the cost of their maintenance is minimal. In the summer, geese are quite capable of getting their livelihood in the pasture.

In winter, the diet is no different from other breeds. These are mainly mixtures of root vegetables and whole grains. It is recommended to add vitamins and mineral supplements to food.


Despite the high fecundity, the females of this breed are extremely reluctant to incubate eggs.. Therefore, for breeding Chinese geese, you will need an incubator. In addition, representatives of the Chinese breed have an aggressive character, so it is recommended to be vigilant during the period of laying eggs.

Danish Legart


They are considered the best suppliers of fluff. Up to 500 grams of fluff can be collected from each bird per year. Moreover, you can start plucking birds from the age of one and repeat the procedure every 1.5 months. They are distinguished by a docile nature. During the summer, many farmers enlist schoolchildren to herd these geese.

The Danish Legart breed is very sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, for winter maintenance, the construction of a solid poultry house will be required. In summer, pastures should be equipped with special sunshades.

Regardless of the time of year, herbs and vegetables should be included in the diet of this breed. In winter, three meals a day must be provided.


To obtain offspring and reduce diseases among geese, mandatory vaccination will be required. Given the low egg production and poor offspring survival rate, such measures are very relevant. In addition, it will be useful to purchase an incubator.

Over the long history of poultry farming, many breeds of geese have been bred. Some acquired admirers, others quickly disappeared, as they appeared.

Birds for meat

There are 3 main categories of these birds:

  1. Meat breeds. Geese with a large body weight, but weak plumage or egg productivity.
  2. Fluffy birds. The weight of such an animal does not exceed 5 kg, but first-class feather cover and down make them simply indispensable in the manufacture of sleeping accessories.
  3. Egg birds. Such types of geese are popular only in some countries of Asia and Africa, where it is customary to eat goose eggs, the rest of the world does not see any practical meaning in these breeds.


Kholmogory birds are one of the largest representatives of waterfowl. This breed is popular among goose breeders in the CIS countries due to the high meat yield. The weight of an adult gander can exceed 10 kg, geese - 8 kg. For a year, on average, the female brings up to 45 eggs, in rare cases 75-89. The Kholmogory breed is rapidly gaining weight, and young goslings at the age of 2 months can already weigh up to 4 kg. Often at this age they are sent for meat. The egg weight is on average 200 g, which is an ideal indicator for the incubation hatching of goslings.

The color of the plumage of birds is white, representatives of the Kholmogory breed with gray wings or necks are less common. On the beak there is a peculiar outgrowth and a skin membrane at the non-nasal openings. It is by these characteristics that one can determine the breed of a bird. The feathers are long but sparse.


Speaking about the largest breeds among meat geese, the breed of mamuta geese should also be noted. These birds are native to Denmark. Poultry farmers fell in love with them because mamutes are able to adapt to any living conditions. Both the southern heat and the northern cold suit them. An adult gander can weigh as much as 13 kg, while the maximum weight of a goose is 9 kg. Egg production in mamuts is slightly higher than that of Kholmogory geese and is 50-55 eggs per year. The average weight of such an egg is 200 grams, which also makes it ideal for an incubator.

Geese are tall and have long legs. The neck is straight and medium in size. The plumage is predominantly white, but there are individuals with gray wings or completely with a gray color and small patches of white. The beak is yellow, llamas with a reddish tinge. They have tasty dietary meat, rare plumage, often with defects in the feather shaft.

gray large

Large gray geese are very fond of growing in difficult climatic conditions. They adapt well to them, and are also able to tolerate extreme temperature changes. A large gray gander can weigh up to 10 kg, in rare cases more, while a goose weighs up to 7 kg. The female brings up to 60 eggs per year.

The note! The breed earned the great honor of its admirers not because of farm performance, but because of the high hatchability of goslings. Under the condition of natural incubation, the clutch survival rate is 75%, which cannot be said about any other species of waterfowl. Many consider this to be the merit of the mother breed, which includes some types of wild geese.

As you might guess, the plumage color of this breed is gray, interspersed with white and black. The neck is medium in size, the body is wide and fleshy. The legs are short orange in color, the beak is short and regular in shape.

Lindow geese

Linda birds are considered the most precocious among the rest of the majority of waterfowl. At 8 months, the animal already reaches middle age and weighs up to 11 kg. The weight of the goose is a little more modest - 9 kg. Compared to the above breeds, Linda require special care, since the young are very sickly, it is necessary to carefully select food and living conditions. Despite the fact that the breed's egg production is 70 eggs per year, their weight does not exceed 170 g, which is also not bad by the standards of modern poultry farming.

Geese have short yellow llamas and a large orange beak with a knob on it. The neck is straight, of medium size. In general, Lindow birds have a dominant white body plumage, interspersed with gray or cream colors.

Gorky geese

A slightly modest, but also very popular breed is the Gorky geese. The weight of an adult male is 8 kg, while the female weighs no more than 6 kg. Outwardly, the birds are similar to the Kholmogory breed, but at the same time they have more modest “dimensions”. An egg weighs only 150 g, but a goose can bring up to 70 pieces per year. Embryos are excellent both for natural incubation of goslings and for incubation.

The plumage is white, interspersed with gray and cream. The paws are of medium size, yellow, the beak is short and hooked at the nasal openings.

Meat breeds of domestic geese are very popular among the inhabitants of the CIS, but downy birds are also grown on a par with them.

Geese on a feather

Interesting fact! All breeds of these waterfowl, which go to the feather, most often have white plumage with a dense downy cover.

Priority geese are grown for meat and "expensive well-fed liver" - foie gras, but each poultry farm always has several hundred heads of geese exclusively for the manufacture of a sleeping accessory. There are more than 2 dozen downy breeds, but not all of them are popular.


Down birds do not have large fleshy bodies, but they do have high quality feathers. The Danish legard also belongs to such waterfowl. They are often referred to as Ornamental Geese because of their perfect white plumage. The animal has black or blue legs, a medium-sized neck and an orange beak of the correct shape.

The output of goslings is 60%, which is not a very good indicator, given that the female brings only 40 eggs per year. Despite its downy direction, a male can weigh up to 8 kg, a goose no more than 6 kg.

Kuban breed

This is one of the most "decorative" representatives of waterfowl. An adult male can weigh no more than 6 kg, a goose - 5 kg. The bird has a long, curved neck, long legs, and a medium-sized black beak with an outgrowth at the nasal openings. Kuban geese are not distinguished by high meat productivity, but they have first-class plumage and down cover.

The note! Geese from the Kuban are an exception. They have gray plumage interspersed with white and black.

This breed is grown not only on farms, but also everywhere among the inhabitants of villages and villages. They perfectly adapt to any conditions and are picky about the content.

Geese from Italy

Italian waterfowl are a source of first-class down. For a year, one bird can collect up to 100 g of fluff, which, given its cost, is a very good indicator. An adult gander weighs 7 kg, a goose - 6 kg. Geese have a medium-sized neck and long yellow paws. The beak is long, regular in shape with a slight bend in the upper jaw. They are often confused with the breed of Rhine birds, which is not strange.

The note! With such a description, it is difficult to correctly distinguish the Italian breed from other downy species. But there is one difference that is peculiar only to these birds - the eyes of a pronounced blue color.

Rhine breed

Outwardly, these geese are very similar to their Italian counterparts, but at the same time, the fetus is located from the body at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the ground, while in Italian birds the body is almost horizontal. Live weight of gander - 7 kg, geese - 5.5-6 kg. The output of fluff is 80-100 g per year, which is also a high figure.

Rhine geese perfectly adapt to any habitat conditions, and also mate without problems outside the reservoir, due to the small body weight of the male. The bird has a long body, a medium-sized neck and high yellow legs. Very popular in CIS countries.

Interesting fact! At the beginning of the article, it was said about the egg breeds of geese, which are not popular among the domestic breeder. by the most famous geese in this area are considered a Chinese breed. A good female can lay up to 100 eggs per year, but their weight will range from 120 g to 140 g.

Governor's geese

Also, the owners of an exclusively white plumage color. Outwardly, they are very similar to legards, the only difference is yellow or orange paws. The bird is slaughtered at the age of 4-5 months, at this moment the plumage is the softest and "strong". The weight of an adult male does not exceed 8 kg, while the female can reach 7 kg. Geese are very popular because of their high survival rate. Adult governor geese have a 97% survival rate, young growth - 95%.

We figured out the names of the breeds and learned about the variety of geese and the scope of their content. Which breed is better for breeding is up to the breeder or farmer to decide.

Since Ukraine and poultry farmers in Russia and Belarus rarely encounter egg breeds, it is worth focusing on meat and downy geese.

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