Is the poultry business profitable? How to increase the profitability of the business of breeding laying hens for eggs. Care and feeding


Earnings in the production and sale of food and food raw materials are attractive for many entrepreneurs with their stability. People always need food - a powerful argument to start planning your own farming.

poultry farming as home-based business- one of the most popular areas of agricultural production among small business entities. What is the reason for such popularity, and how to independently organize a poultry farm - read further in the review.

How to start a poultry business

At first glance, keeping a poultry farm as a business may seem like a pretty profitable business due to its high precocity. poultry. Feedback from individual practicing business executives suggests that, having learned how to properly care for a bird and earn income from a small livestock, you can expand production and eventually become the owner of a successful agricultural enterprise.

Let's try to figure out how real such a business scenario is for a poultry farm.

What is a poultry farm and can it be kept in a residential compound?

A farm is a property complex intended for the production of agricultural products. This complex includes:

  • structures for keeping, feeding and slaughtering poultry;
  • premises for the preparation and storage of feed;
  • incubator;
  • sorting, labeling and packaging facilities finished products;
  • laboratory and veterinary office.

The requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and operation of an agricultural farm are very strict and are controlled by the SES and the veterinary inspection.

To start poultry breeding as a business right from the poultry farm, you need to attract large investment capital.

If the entrepreneur plans to start from scratch or with a minimum amount for initial costs, then you can start raising poultry as a home-based business. However, in this case, it will not be so much a business as the sale of household surpluses.

The fundamental difference between these two ways of earning money for a farmer is as follows: sell the surplus of his own subsidiary farm it is possible without obtaining the status of an entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur, agricultural enterprise, etc.).

Important! If the entrepreneur nevertheless decided to register officially, but for economic activity he has only his own personal plot, then he will not be able to obtain the status of an agricultural producer. Therefore, it will also not be possible to issue a permit to the regulatory authorities for the production of poultry meat or eggs.

This procedure is due to the fact that in the conditions of household plots it is impossible to comply with the veterinary and sanitary conditions that apply to capacities for the production of agricultural products.

An aspiring entrepreneur has two options for starting a poultry business:

  • privately sell surplus personal subsidiary farming;
  • lease land from the municipal authorities intended for farming, build a poultry farm on them and properly organize the entire business process.

How to determine that you have already gone beyond the surplus of a personal farmstead, and it's time to build a full-fledged business?

There is no definite figure either in production volumes or in revenue.

However, without the status of a subject entrepreneurial activity- , the entrepreneur himself decides, - the farmer will not be able to officially sell his products at a good purchase price to large procurement companies.

As long as the production is kept within the limits of a stable sale through one wholesale and retail outlet, it can trade surplus products produced for its own needs without registration.

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Initial costs and search for investors

The investment part of the business plan for a mini poultry farm cannot be called too cumbersome. It should contain the following information:

  • the amount of money for the repair and equipment of the poultry house;
  • funds for the purchase of poultry;
  • fodder costs;
  • cost of veterinarian services.

To ensure these items of expenditure, opening a business at home, an amount of about 70 thousand rubles will be enough. to raise the first hundred chickens.

If it is planned to organize a full-fledged poultry farm, and the budget is limited, then it is necessary to look for private investors, or take a loan from a bank.

Building a poultry farm with modern equipment is an expensive undertaking.

Only automated lines for supplying feed and water, cleaning, collecting eggs and sorting them cost about 1 million rubles. To this it is worth adding the construction of poultry houses in compliance with all sanitary and veterinary standards.

The budget for starting a small poultry breeding enterprise, which can be included in the business plan, is at least 3 million rubles.

How much profit can a poultry farm bring

The operating costs that should be included in the business plan of a poultry farm consist of three main blocks:

  • staff salaries and administrative expenses;
  • purchase of feed;
  • preparation of products for sale.

Breeding poultry as a business is impossible without attracting a sufficient number of workers. These can be both able-bodied family members and third-party hired personnel.

To serve a small farm (1000 birds) with an area of ​​about 300 sq.m. you will need:

  • two poultry farmers;
  • driver;
  • incubator worker;
  • administrator.

Veterinary and laboratory services can be ordered on contractual terms, without including these specialists in the farm staff.

Labor costs will amount to about 130 thousand rubles.

The monthly requirement of a chicken herd of 1,000 heads in compound feed is estimated at 60,000 rubles.

Administrative expenses, equipment maintenance, taxes - 60 thousand rubles.

Thus, the cost of maintaining the farm per month is about 250 thousand rubles.

If the farm is designed to grow meat breeds of poultry and laying hens, then by dividing the livestock equally, the farmer will be able to sell monthly:

  • 30,000 eggs (150 thousand rubles);
  • 1,000 kg of broiler chicken meat (150 thousand rubles);
  • several hundred incubated chickens, depending on the capacity of the incubator (100 thousand rubles).

The total result will be about 400 thousand rubles.

Obviously, according to this business plan for growing poultry, the profitability of such a farm is quite high. Initial investment of 3 million rubles. it can pay back in 1.5-2 years.

Note to the budding entrepreneur

When deciding to invest in poultry farming, you should study in detail the specifics of keeping a particular poultry and choose the most appropriate direction. In addition to keeping laying hens and broiler breeds, a good income can bring, etc.

If you do not have sufficient experience in agricultural activities, it is recommended to start poultry farming with a small number of 1-2 hundred birds. Particular attention in the formation of the economy should be given to the quality characteristics of young animals. You need to purchase chicks only from reliable, reputable breeders.

  • Which is better meat or eggs?
  • Regulatory framework
  • Room selection
  • How to properly feed your poultry
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Poultry meat is dietary. It is widely used in cooking, preparing the most incredible dishes. In addition, the egg is one of the main products on the consumer's table. That is why raising birds is doubly profitable.

Direction prospects, cheap grain opens the way

AT recent times after the decline in poultry imports, the demand for this product is growing rapidly. The organic farming option is more profitable because it opens up the possibility of supplying meat to restaurants, where its sale will bring more profit. This activity can be organized only if the rules for keeping birds are observed: the presence of spacious aviaries - grazing, organic feeding, the creation of conditions for keeping and increased cleanliness. If there are no special problems with feed, in cooperation with farmers or direct wholesale purchases, then there will be difficulties with the sale and cultivation at first.

The market price of grain is 10,400 rubles per ton, while wholesalers can be negotiated to reduce it when buying from 10 tons. 1 kg of only chicken meat for restaurants costs 360 rubles, while goose goes from 500! If we consider the wholesale price of instant sale of 250 and 350 rubles, the yield will be at least 25% in excess of the return on investment.

If we consider quails or "wild" ducks, sales income can be increased by at least 50%

Modern methods of cultivation greatly simplify labor, minimizing physical costs. Everyone can organize an eco-factory, all that is needed is to study the technology of keeping poultry.

Which bird is more profitable, chicken, duck, goose or quail?

On the initial stage the implementation of the project, it is necessary to determine the direction of the business, namely, which bird will be grown. It is worth considering that for keeping ducks and geese more space is needed. Growing chickens, as a rule, can be organized anywhere, having a plot of land for building aviaries does not require a large area. An environmentally friendly bird is an individual living on a special piece of land. Also a great option is to grow quails together with chickens, how is it?

Cages with quails can feed an entire flock of chickens, simply because these birds scatter 30% of the feed.

It is best to start growing poultry with chickens. This is the most versatile option that guarantees profits, as it is the most sought after option for the mid-price segment. Simultaneously with the launch of the kurnik, or better before its construction, you need to start recruiting client base. To do this, you need to create a high-quality website on which to present the technology for the production of meat and eggs.

A preliminary supply agreement allows you to receive guaranteed financing, at a price reduction for the customer. Offer these conditions to the client for whom the chicken rearing will be organized.

Having made a profit, you can gradually expand the business in several directions. For example, start selling chicks, young animals, add ducks, geese, “game” to your assortment. The main thing is to look at the market opportunities and decide what can be offered to buyers.

Which is better meat or eggs?

When creating a poultry farm, some entrepreneurs prefer one source of income, raising birds "for meat" or for the purpose of obtaining eggs. Sometimes it pays to combine directions. Sale of eggs and carcasses contributes to an increase in income several times. At the same time, you can sell eggs to private buyers, which will increase profits.

It is worth remembering that when choosing a mother liquor, it is necessary to choose the right breed. For example, the breeds of egg-laying hens include Leggorn, which is distinguished by its rapid growth and productivity. A young hen is capable of producing over 200 eggs per year. Meat "Brahma" or "Cornish" has a significant weight. The average size of an adult fluctuates around 4-5 kg.

How much can you earn from raising poultry

The profitable part of the business depends on the direction of the project, but in any case, the maximum profitability is 60%. With proper organization of content and well-established sales, the profitability of activities can be more than 100%.

The main income of the poultry farm is the profit from the sale of meat. Wholesale price is:

  • 1kg of chicken for sale through stores costs about 100 rubles,
  • duck meat - 190 rubles,
  • goose - 250 rubles,
  • a dozen eggs - 32 rubles.

And this is the price for consumer wholesale, restaurants are willing to pay much more for “ripened meat”, subject to increased quality.

When calculating the profitability of the project, you should be guided by the following indicators:

  • Laying hens produce more than 250 eggs per year in the first year, then their productivity begins to decline;
  • An adult weighs up to 2 kg, chickens of meat breeds - 4-5 kg;
  • The duck weighs up to 2.5-3 kg, is capable of producing more than 150 eggs per year, from which future young animals can be grown;
  • The goose weighs more than 5 kg, is able to produce up to 60 eggs per season, 600-700 g of fluff.

You can increase profits by organizing the production of environmentally friendly fertilizer for crops, indoor plants.

Moreover, the bird gives, in addition to the main product, also fluff and droppings. The minimum price of down is 250 rubles per 1 kg. Litter can be sold as a fertilizer, 1 liter costs 30 rubles.

How much money do you need to start a business

The main items of expenditure in organizing an eco-factory are:

  • Acquisition of young animals: chickens - from 45 rubles. apiece, goslings - 150 rubles, ducks - 55 rubles. young chickens - from 150 rubles / piece, geese - from 350 rubles / piece, ducks - 120 rubles / piece.
  • Rent land plot, construction of enclosures, sheds - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of grain feed - 50 thousand rubles,
  • Creation cutting shop, purchase of refrigerators - 150 thousand rubles.

The business plan should also include the costs of registering activities, obtaining permits, advertising and marketing. In total, about 500 thousand rubles will be required to open an eco-poultry factory.

A step-by-step plan for opening a poultry eco-factory, only the main thing

To organize poultry breeding you will need:

Regulatory framework

After drawing up a business plan - a document in which all expenses and expected profit are prescribed, possible risks and methods for their elimination, it is necessary to start solving organizational issues, namely the registration of activities. An eco-poultry factory can be arranged as legal entity as well as farming. To legalize business in tax office a stationary package of documents is provided.

Do I need permission to open an eco-factory of poultry

The sale of poultry meat, testicles is not possible without registration of veterinary certificates (obtained for each batch of goods), a certificate of product conformity to standards. You also need to get a health permit. To obtain it, you must provide to the SES:

  • A photocopy of registration documents received from the tax service;
  • Documents for premises, land;
  • Technological map of production;
  • List of used equipment;
  • Documentation for the organization of the ventilation system;
  • Garbage collection agreement.

Which OKVED to indicate for an eco-farm

When registering a business, the OKVED code 01.47 is indicated. In accordance with the updated all-Russian classifier codes are written:

  • 47.11 - breeding poultry for meat;
  • 47.2 - rearing poultry for the purpose of obtaining eggs;
  • 47.12 - rearing of mother birds.

Which taxation system to choose for registration of activities

Taxes are paid in accordance with the chosen organizational form. When opening a CFL, it is advisable to apply the Unified Agricultural Tax at a rate of 6% of the profit received. Important: 70% of income should be profit received from the main activity.

When opening an LLC, the simplified tax system is applied at a rate of 6% or 15%.

Technology for organizing an eco-factory of poultry

Technology poultry farm openings is to ensure the most approximate conditions for keeping birds. That is why the project will require the creation of spacious enclosures. Also, special attention is paid to the feed base, which should consist of their natural products.

Acquisition of a mother liquor, which breeds of chickens, ducks, geese to choose

Before purchasing a mother liquor, it is worth deciding for what purposes the bird is needed. Chickens are the most sought after. Keeping geese and ducks requires large areas and more varied feeding. Recently gained popularity quail, which are grown both for meat and for the purpose of obtaining eggs.


  • Meat breeds of chickens - White Plymouthrock, Dorking, Brama;
  • egg types birds - Russian Whites, Leggorn;
  • Meat-egg - Sussex, Livensky, Poltava.

Among the breeds of ducks that have gained popularity are Peking, Gray, Black White-breasted; geese - Kuban, Arzamas, Ekzem.

For a poultry farm, it is best to buy young individuals, whose age is determined by the condition of the feathers.

The choice of equipment for creating a poultry farm

As equipment, the entrepreneur must purchase feeders and drinkers. In addition, sheds must be equipped with a ventilation system, lighting, tapes for removing litter, and collecting testicles. Everything you need is better to buy in bulk in specialized internet stores.

  • The main thing is sales!
  • What breed to choose
  • Organizational moments
  • Design of a poultry farm
  • OKVED for registration
  • Egg growing technology
  • Taxation system
  • Permissions to open
        • Similar business ideas:

In this article, we will talk about how you can make money on a mini-poultry farm, organized in a personal subsidiary plot. At the end of the article, we will give efficiency calculations and try to answer the question - is it profitable to engage in poultry farming in a house adjoining area.

The main thing is sales!

Breeding poultry in the conditions of your own farm is not difficult. One family of 2-3 people can freely keep up to 5000 laying hens. That is, daily receive up to 3500 - 4000 eggs. But, before investing in a poultry farm, you should carefully consider how and where you will donate so many eggs (or meat, if the direction is meat). Because so many novice farmers got burned on the sale. Even if a homemade egg is sold out “in years”, selling it is a very troublesome business. Here, imagine. You need to get up early every morning, collect eggs (several thousand!), Arrange everything in cassettes, go to the veterinarian so that he gives an opinion on the batch, and only then take it to the market, where it all needs to be sold. You can, of course, do without a veterinarian, but if you have large volumes, sooner or later law enforcement agencies will have questions for you. Because you will no longer look like an ordinary household plot (which gets away with everything), but natural agricultural production. Therefore, calculate everything in advance, go to the local market, punch a place. Walk through grocery stores and specialized kiosks, offer cooperation. Might be worth considering exit trade from a car shop. For small volumes (less than 500 eggs per day), it is quite possible to get by with the classic trade from a machine or a tray in the market. The sale of eggs and poultry through bulletin boards, in particular through Avito, is now quite common. In general, it is possible to get stable income on bulletin boards if you know what and how best to sell and constantly update the texts.

Step-by-step plan for opening a mini-chicken farm. Where to begin

The question that every farmer asks himself is what number of poultry to start with, so that there is enough for life and for the development of the farm? There is no definite answer to this question, but most often poultry farmers start with 500 heads and increase the farm as necessary. Why exactly 500? This makes it easier not only in terms of content, but also in terms of sales. After all, it is much easier to sell 300-400 eggs on the market than 3-4 thousand. In addition, the investment is much lower. Cells need less food too. And you don’t have to spend a lot on buying a bird. Moreover, along with the poultry population, you will certainly purchase a household incubator in which you will slowly hatch chickens. For six months - a year, you can double the size of the farm.

What breed to choose

Definitely the most egg-laying breeds of chickens are Loman Brown crosses. These are the most precocious and productive laying hens. The Loman Brown breed is capable of producing up to 320 eggs per year. Hatching egg hatchability is 80% and chick survival is about 98%. It is also one of the highest.

The only drawback of the breed is that the chicken ages very quickly, due to its high productivity. Well, the chicken will lay for 1.5 years, then you need to update the herd.

Thinking there is no need to talk much about the benefits cell content in front of the floor. This is space saving for you (cages can be arranged in several tiers), saving on feed, the bird is less sick. In addition, it is easier to organize the collection of eggs. So in the conditions of LPH or KFH, cells are the best option. A reasonable question is how many birds can be kept in one room? Many poultry farmers adhere to the calculation - 10 hens per one square meter. That is, to keep 500 chickens, a room of at least 50 square meters will be required. m. Cells can be made independently. There is a lot of information on the internet about this.

If there is “extra” money, then there are ready-made cellular modules for sale. For example, to keep 500 chickens, you can purchase ten three-tiered cages, each of which will fit up to 55 chickens. A big plus is that the cages are already equipped with everything necessary for comfortable keeping of the bird: nipple drinkers, feeders and an egg collector.

The height of one cell is 180 cm, and the width is 130 cm. The issue price is 19,000 rubles. for one cell or 190,000 rubles. per set.

Organizational moments

When planning the purchase of feed, one should proceed from the fact that one chicken consumes approximately 5 kg of feed per month. To reduce feed costs, it should be purchased during the grain harvest season. You need to take with a margin, so that it lasts for six months or a year. To get good egg production, it is desirable to provide each chicken with a perch of at least 30 cm. At least once a month should be done general cleaning poultry house. If it is planned to independently reproduce the herd (buying young animals every time is too expensive and unjustified pleasure), then a room or department for keeping chickens should be provided in advance. The conditions for keeping young and adult birds are very different. So, daytime chickens require a temperature of at least +29 degrees, and an adult - no more than +18 degrees. You can solve the problem of heating with the help of infrared lamps.

Design of a poultry farm

When it comes to serious volumes, the poultry breeder has a completely logical question - is it worth registering a poultry farm or is it better to work as a private household plot? In principle, when keeping livestock up to 500 heads, it makes sense to registration of KFH(or IP) no. You will simply create additional problems for yourself related to reporting, paying taxes and pension contributions. When is registration required? The point is the following. When you sell products grown on your site, in a regular market, from a tray or from a car, no one will fine you for this. In fact, you are equated with those thousands of grandmothers who sell strawberries in cups. They don't issue IP. Another thing is when you have large sales volumes, for example, a thousand eggs a day. It is difficult to sell such a volume alone from the tray, therefore, most likely you will prefer to take the egg in bulk to stores or for processing. And here you will be asked for documents, since each supplier - entrepreneur(at least legally). Not a single store will buy from you without documents, as it also risks receiving an administrative fine.

How much money do you need to open a poultry farm

Now let's move on to calculating the performance indicators of the poultry farm. Is it worth doing this at all? The calculation will be based on a population of 500 chickens. We will assume that we already have a room for keeping birds.

  • Arrangement of a chicken coop (electricity, ventilation, insulation, etc.) - 90,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of a household incubator - 10,000 rubles.
  • Acquisition of cell batteries for 500 head. - 200 000 rubles
  • Purchase of young chickens at the age of one month - 100,000 rubles. (200 rubles/head)
  • Feed stocks - 15,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses (vitamins, supplements) - 10,000 rubles.

Total - 425,000 rubles.

Poultry Farm Cost Constants

  • Utility expenses (electricity) - 4,000 rubles.
  • Feed - 15,000 rubles.
  • Vitamins, supplements, bedding - 1,000 rubles.
  • Packing - 5 000 rubles.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 9,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 5,000 rubles.

Total - 39,000 rubles. Please note that all calculations are approximate and each individual farmer will have different indicators. For example, in these calculations, we did not take into account labor costs, since the farmer will work independently (involving the labor of relatives). If hire a worker, then at least 20,000 rubles should be added to the costs. per month. Also, feed can be bought at different prices, especially if purchased out of season. Now you can calculate the estimated income.

How much can you earn by opening a poultry farm

500 layers will bring about 420 eggs daily. We will carry an average of 400 pieces to the market, since part of the eggs will be used for incubation (reproduction of the herd) and for household needs. The average price for a domestic egg is 5 r. Accordingly, the daily income, subject to 100% sales, will be 2000 rubles, per month - 60,000 rubles. From here you can calculate the net profit: 60,000 - 39,000 \u003d 21,000 rubles. average salary resident of the Russian Federation. The payback of the project with such indicators comes in 23 months, taking into account the time of the start of egg production (we took chickens at the age of one month). So, given the full implementation of all manufactured products, poultry farming can be considered a profitable business. But, it is always necessary to lay in unforeseen expenses, for example, lack of sales, loss of poultry, etc. How can you increase your income. Firstly, you can simply increase the volumes, but you need to raise the issue of sales. Secondly, some of the eggs can be sold as hatching. The price of a hatching egg is 10-15 times higher, while the demand is quite high, especially in the spring-summer period. In addition, you can trade in young birds. At the age of one month, the price of a laying hen is at least 200 rubles. You can also consider the option of poultry rearing for restaurants.

OKVED for registration

OKVED 2 01.47.2 Production of poultry eggs

Egg growing technology

To improve production chicken eggs the following requirements must be met: the poultry rearing process must be highly productive and the products must be distributed evenly throughout the year. For this purpose, it is necessary to use highly productive breeds of laying hens, which must be kept in windowless poultry houses, the cultivation of eggs must be year-round, it is necessary to constantly replenish the herd, use modern technologies. In order for egg production to be productive, several factors must be observed: good lighting, temperature, room humidity and cleanliness of the house. The temperature in the poultry house should not be lower than 16-18 degrees Celsius, the air humidity should be 60-70%. The productivity of eggs is also affected by the cleanliness of the poultry house, since gases from the decomposition of manure are released in an uncleaned room, which affect the appetite and general condition of the bird. The productivity of laying hens is also affected by the dustiness of the house, in the summer it must be equipped with powerful fans. Poultry houses are completed with chickens of the same age and approximately the same weight. From the purchase of chickens to the appearance of eggs, 120 days pass.

What documents are needed to open

This business will require a package of documents related to agricultural activities and retail. It is necessary to register a business entity: it can be an individual entrepreneur or a collective farm. Prepared documents must be submitted to state authorities.

Taxation system

This business relates to the production of agricultural products, therefore it is applied taxation system for agricultural producers, the so-called single agricultural tax. (ESHN). The main condition of this tax is that the proceeds from the sale of these products is at least 70% of the total proceeds, and also that the enterprise must be engaged exclusively in the production of agricultural products, and not its sale.

In the agronomic sector of the country, one of the leading positions is occupied by the poultry industry, namely the breeding of laying hens. Experts believe that the cultivation of these birds is a profitable business, because eggs are one of the key products on store shelves and never stale.

But before you start organizing your own business, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this seemingly simple business.

Getting Started own business ideas, for starters, it is recommended to prepare a phased business plan. This will help not only to foresee problems that may arise in the future, but also contribute to obtaining a cash loan from a bank. With a well-written business plan, a novice farmer will be able to calculate the initial costs and their payback periods.

Before you start developing a business, you need to calculate all the costs.

Growing chickens can be done both in the city and in the countryside. To build a chicken coop does not require a lot of space, a small area is enough, which makes it possible to organize a business in the city.

Of course, in the conditions of the village it is much easier to find extra territory for walking birds. and construction of a comfortable poultry house.

Important. If expansion is planned in the future, then it is better to officially register your farm or become an individual entrepreneur, which will greatly simplify the procedure for certifying egg products. You should know that in this case you will need to regularly send reports to the tax service and pay taxes.

Next, a novice businessman needs to decide how the laying hens will be kept: cellular or floor. Depending on the method chosen, the cost of equipping the chicken coop will be calculated. Floor housing is more preferable for laying hens and less expensive, since you do not need to buy special racks for cages and develop a system of drinkers and feeders.

Floor keeping of laying hens is more preferable for hens.

You can rent, buy a chicken coop or build your own. Almost any barn-type room is suitable for arranging a poultry house, if the walls are carefully insulated. When building, you can use the available materials: wooden boards, slate or cinder block. The chicken coop should be well insulated with sawdust or straw, and in winter a layer of insulation about 15 cm thick is laid on the floor. In a warm room, chickens will give eggs all year round.

When arranging a chicken coop, you should pay attention to some requirements, the observance of which will lead to high productive activity of laying hens:

In the chicken coop, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature for the bird.

Attention. Critical temperatures for laying hens are considered to be 27 degrees in summer and minus marks in winter. With a sharp drop in temperature, the bird can get frostbite, and if it is too high, it will stop rushing.

When organizing a home business for breeding chickens, you should responsibly approach the choice of breed. Experienced entrepreneurs believe that in order to obtain high-quality egg products, it is necessary to acquire representatives of egg crosses.

The most popular type of egg orientation is the Leggorn breed, which boasts an annual productivity of 300 snow-white eggs, weighing from 55 to 58 grams. Some poultry farmers prefer the equally profitable Lohman Brown laying hens, which produce about 320 light brown eggs annually.

Often, hens of the Hisex egg cross, known for its White and Brown varieties, are chosen for the rural compound. These birds have an average build weighing no more than 2 kg and annually lay about 300-320 eggs weighing 65-70 grams. It is noteworthy that Hisex White laying eggs contain a minimum of cholesterol and are classified as dietary.

Leghorn chickens are one of the the best laying hens for industrial content.

Among the huge number of productive breeds, there are several more deserving respect:

  • Newgenbrown - 351 eggs weighing 61.5 grams;
  • Isa Brown - 342 pieces weighing 61.6 grams;
  • - 336 eggs weighing 61.9 grams;
  • Super Nick and Tetra - 330 eggs weighing 62 grams;
  • Bovans - 326 pieces weighing 62.7 grams.

Egg-bearing breeds of chickens are characterized by precocity and start laying eggs at 4 months of age. This period lasts about 2 years, after which it is rational to get rid of the birds and replace them with young livestock.

Before buying young individuals, you should understand all the details and trifles. Even for a beginner, it will be feasible to keep about 500 layers, but for the first time it is better to buy only a few dozen. The number of purchased birds must be calculated based on the dimensions of the chicken coop and the conditions of detention.

For business development, it is better to purchase grown-up laying hens.

With floor maintenance for 5 individuals, 1 sq. meters, and with a cage for 8 heads, 1 cage should be provided. It is important to remember that in a chicken coop for 10 females there must be at least 1 male.

Buying laying hens for eggs as a business is more profitable than buying meat and egg or meat breeds. To reduce costs, you can purchase chicks at 2-3 months of age, but in this case, there is a high probability of error with, since bright differences in sexual characteristics begin to appear only at 2-3 months.

It is also allowed to acquire grown up young animals up to 5 months of age, until the process of laying has begun. You should buy birds from trusted and reliable sellers, after reading the reviews about them. Chickens must be vaccinated.

To maintain good health and high productivity of chickens indoors, it is recommended to maintain a certain temperature regime from -2 to +27 degrees.

The walls in the chicken coop are regularly treated with lime.

Most laying hen farmers choose factory-made mixed feed as the basis of nutrition. Prices for it may vary in different regions, but on average the cost varies between 9-20 rubles per 1 kg. Birds are fed twice a day, the daily norm of one individual is about 120-150 grams. Cereals in the amount of 50 grams should also be added to the daily diet: oats, corn, wheat.

For breeds egg direction it is unacceptable to eat different kitchen waste, since an unbalanced diet can almost halve the productivity of a laying hen.

It is better to give preference to ready-made combined feed for laying hens.

In the summer, fresh herbs and root crops must be present in the diet of the quok, which can be grown in the same area. It is commendable if the birds will be able to walk and independently get their own food in the form of insects and worms.

Important. To strengthen the immunity of birds and prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to dilute the daily menu with vitamin supplements and minerals in the form of chalk, eggshell, table salt or crushed shell rock.

A chicken breeding business will be successful if a laying hen and a rooster are accurately chosen. A strong and active male is able to give healthy, high-quality offspring.

When choosing young hens, it is necessary to examine her comb: if it is large in size and rich red in color, then this laying hen is good. In addition, the chicken must have a calm disposition, then she will not leave her nest. A large soft belly speaks of the fecundity of the quoit - it is able to give a lot of warmth to the chickens and will become a caring mother.

In a good laying hen, the comb and earrings are bright red.

Selecting eggs for laying should be clean and of the correct shape. After the chicks hatch, they need help to get rid of the shell and return to the nest under the hen. They will have to spend about 40 days next to their mother, or until the sale.

Buying chicks on the market always comes with the risk of buying crosses that are only productive in the first generation. In such a situation, it is not worth waiting for high egg production from their offspring. The best option would be to get the chickens yourself.

In most cases, natural incubation is used to hatch young animals, when the mother hen herself creates favorable conditions for the development of the embryo in the egg, during the hatching period it helps the friendly hatching of chickens, warms them with her warmth, protects, obtains food and teaches the primary skills of finding it.

If the natural features of the quote do not allow her to become a good mother, then. The incubation period lasts approximately 21 days, and the survival rate is about 80 individuals out of 100.

Usually, offspring are bred using an incubator.

Of this number of hatched chickens, about 8-10 will turn out to be sick and weakened, and will eventually die. The percentage of females and males is 50 to 50. It is these calculations that must be taken into account when drawing up the analysis.

Chicken diseases are a major risk in this business. To prevent the loss of a certain number of layers, it is recommended to seek the help of specialists. They will help you choose the necessary compound feed to grow strong birds, vitamin supplements and premixes that can prevent the development of serious diseases.

It is systematically necessary to consult with a veterinarian on current issues, to call him to the facility at the slightest suspicion of a disease. It is also important to hire employees who will keep the chicken coop clean, or do it yourself.

The most dangerous diseases of chickens are Newcastle disease (pseudoplague), infectious bursal disease, Marek's disease, smallpox, colibacillosis and others.

Outbreaks of infectious diseases can lead to the death of the entire livestock.

In order to specifically prevent many diseases, vaccination of birds is used. You should be aware that some vaccines are given every year (for example, for infectious bronchitis or salmonella), while others are given once in a lifetime (for coccidiosis or infectious laryngotracheitis).

Attention. With an outbreak on an unvaccinated livestock, the bird dies in 2-3 days, in such cases the mortality rate reaches 70-100%.

The fundamental point of the business plan for organizing a household for breeding laying hens is an outline with profitability calculations, payback periods and estimated income.

  • The average cost of a two-week-old chicken is 100 rubles, which means that it will take 5,000 rubles to buy 50 chickens.
  • With a mixed type of nutrition, one chicken eats about 36 kg of grain or feed per year, therefore, 1,800 kg is needed for the entire population. The average price for one kg of compound feed is 10 rubles, which means that the annual cost of dry food will be 18,000 rubles. Plus all kinds of vitamin complexes and premixes, the total comes out to about 20,000 rubles.

The average cost of a laying hen chicken is 100 rubles.

Not taking into account the costs of building and equipping a chicken coop, the maintenance of 50 heads will require about 20,000 rubles annually.

With the right diet and careful care, one laying hen can produce up to 250 eggs annually. From 50 chickens, you can expect 12,500 pieces, or 1,250 dozen. Domestic eggs, due to their naturalness and usefulness, are highly valued by consumers, so the cost of one dozen varies between 60-100 rubles.

Having established points of sale of products from 50 heads, you can receive annually from 75 to 25 thousand rubles. Taking into account all expenses, the net annual profit will be about 55-105 thousand rubles. Profit can also be earned from the sale chicken manure, which is a good fertilizer, feathers and dietary meat.

Is it profitable to create a mini poultry farm at home

Homemade eggs are in greater demand than factory eggs, so the laying hen business is an extremely profitable niche. The minimum profitability of a business plan for raising chickens for the sale of egg products exceeds 200%.

We offer you to watch a short video about breeding laying hens for eggs as a business.

A mini-poultry farm created at home will not only quickly pay off the initial investment, but also bring good profits. Given the high demand for organic food and little initial investment, organizing a household will become in a good way improve your financial situation.

Even ancient people domesticated wild birds and began to breed them in order to obtain food in the form of eggs and meat, as well as feathers and down, which were used in everyday life. Today's birds are different from those that our ancestors bred. As a result of breeding work, the most suitable breeds for breeding were bred. In this article we will tell you which bird is more profitable to breed at home, because now anyone who has a desire and a small suburban area can breed birds.

First on our list were ducks. It is no coincidence that they were among the first to be domesticated by our ancestors. This is because these birds are famous for their unpretentiousness and quickly gain weight. The latter circumstance is especially important, because the ultimate goal of breeding ducks is to obtain meat that has an amazing taste and high nutritional value due to its fat content and fibrous content.

Duck eggs are usually not consumed as readily as chicken eggs, because they have a specific taste. However, they can be used to make sauces and other dishes. Feathers and down are suitable for stuffing pillows and blankets, so they are also valuable.

Those who maintain not only a poultry house, but also maintain a garden, will be able to use duck droppings as fertilizer.

Choosing a breed

Before you start breeding ducks on your own, you should pay attention to the features of the most popular and suitable varieties of birds, and choose the right ones for yourself. We present a selection of the most profitable breeds for breeding.

You don’t have to be a gourmet not to try a baked bird of this breed at least once in your life in a restaurant. The body weight of an adult female is 3 kilograms, and the drake weighs a kilogram more. Fibrous, fatty meat is very nutritious and literally melts in your mouth, the edible part of the duck is approximately 70%.

Peking ducks carry about 140-150 eggs per year, about 100 ducklings grow from them.

Muscovy duck

Also known as the Indian. This breed can significantly surpass the previous one in size: the weight of a drake reaches 6 kg. The resulting meat is soft and lean. The nature of these birds is always calm, which is also a plus. They don't fight in cages, they don't make noise. Disease resistance is another undeniable advantage of the Muscovy duck.

Duck Mulard

This breed is a hybrid of the above two varieties. Chicks obtained by crossing Peking and Muscovy ducks are characterized by a fast growth rate and a large weight of an adult. Hybrids do not give offspring, but this can hardly be called a minus, because the option of keeping them remains very productive due to the large yield of meat.

Video - Breeding Muscovy ducks at home

What should be the room for ducks

Any building that has been carefully equipped will become a duck house. First of all, you should take care of warming the room, since egg production and weight gain of birds directly depend on the comfort of temperature.

So an extension made of logs must be caulked and plastered from the inside, a wooden house can be upholstered with plywood, covered with plaster, puttied with clay, and so on. In hot weather, the inside of the house should be cool to give the ducks a chance to rest, and in frosty weather, they should be warm and calm inside.

When furnishing a house for ducks, pay special attention to the floor. It should be about 25 cm above the ground to prevent rats from getting inside. Peat, sawdust or straw mixed with grass should be placed on top of the floor. Dry everything thoroughly and remove impurities. For one individual you need to prepare about 12 kg.

Egg laying in ducks directly depends on sufficient light and heat. Make sure that they are always warm and dry inside your house, otherwise you risk being left without livestock growth. Be sure to consider ventilation inside the house.

Reduced daylight hours in winter can be a major problem for ducks. Increase daylight hours with artificial lighting in the mornings and evenings.

Arrangement of a duck house

First of all, decide in which part of the house the duck hole will be made. good option will place it in the south or southeast. The size of the manhole is 40 cm wide and 30-40 cm high. It is a good idea to build a small vestibule to protect the manhole from wind and drafts.

In summer, it is worth fencing off the territory for walking birds so that they do not scatter around the site and do not spoil garden plantings. You can make such an aviary not only on the ground, but also on the water. As a material for fencing, you can use:

  • fishing net;
  • shingles;
  • chain-link;
  • metal mesh;
  • slats.

For a land plot, a meter-high fence will be sufficient, but in water, the fence should fall 70 cm below and 50 cm above the surface, since ducks can dive and accidentally swim out of the fence. If you do not have a small private pond, then this can lead to a decrease in livestock.

To protect the birds from the heat, canopies are fitted to the fences in summer. great idea will immediately equip enclosures under spreading trees, in the shade of which the birds can cool off.

Birds will want to walk not only in summer, but also in winter. To do this, you must constantly keep the enclosure cleared of snow, and cover its floor with a thick layer of dry straw. When the air temperature is acceptable and there is no wind, ducks can walk from morning to evening, however, in cold weather, in no case should they be forcibly driven out for walking, as this will entail hypothermia. The poultry house must be cleaned every day, airing it carefully so as not to blow out the feathered tenants.

Interior design

Bird feeders are installed on a wide board, at least 2 cm thick. From above, it is necessary to adapt a bar to it, which will prevent ducks from trampling the feed. In addition to its main diet, the duck should receive mineral supplements that it swallowed with sludge in its natural environment:

  • small shells;
  • limestone;
  • gravel, etc.

Since ducks need a large amount of drinking daily, about 600 ml, you should immediately equip a voluminous and convenient drinker. It can be made from metal or wood. Its height should be the height of a duck to keep the water clean (about 20 cm).

Duck nests are located in the darkened compartments of the duck house, so that ducks can lay their eggs more easily. However, do not crowd, leave room for the free movement of a person, because you will have to regularly collect eggs and clean the nests. Each side of the nest should be 40 to 50 cm, and the height should be 50 cm. To prevent the nest litter from falling out of the perch, arrange a small threshold at the exit.

Count how many laying ducks are among your wards and organize nests, one for every three birds. Eggs are collected in the morning.

When cleaning, be careful, because ducks are very shy. Severe stress can cause them to completely stop laying.

Creation and maintenance of the tribe

The main condition for creating a duck tribe is uniformity. It should consist of birds of the same age and weight. There are about eight females per drake. When picking up ducklings in your livestock, do not take hybrid chicks, because they cannot leave behind offspring.

The most important indicator for selection is the appearance of birds. The feathered constitution must be strong, it must constantly move and radiate energy. The number and health of the future offspring depends on how healthy the parent tribe is.

For high egg production, females need to create comfortable living conditions for ducks, not to scare them by breaking into the chicken coop, and not to let other pets offend the bird. Once you start raising baby ducklings into parent flocks, increase daylight hours by half an hour each week until it reaches 16 hours. Keep the house light to a minimum at night to avoid injury. Monitor the cleanliness of the floor and nest litter.

The appearance of chicks

Incubation is done only from those ducks that are completely healthy. To do this, select eggs that are not older than a week. They are examined and weighed. The weight should be 70-90 grams for light breeds of birds and up to 100 grams for heavy ones. Infected or spoiled eggs must be promptly disposed of.

Supporters of natural incubation of eggs need to remember that not all varieties of ducks have a developed instinct for raising offspring. So, for example, the Pekin duck almost does not devote time to laid eggs. Below we provide a table with which you can recognize whether a duck will incubate offspring.

Preparing for hatching ducks, you can lay eggs collected earlier. It is important to consider the size of each laying hen so that she completely covers the masonry with her body.

Breeding chicks artificially is based on an uninterrupted supply of oxygen and constant ventilation. At the very beginning, the temperature in which the eggs lie should be about 38 ° C. By the 20th day, it is lowered to 30. The eggs are examined and checked to see if the embryo develops on the 8th, 21st and 25th day.

How healthy hatched ducklings are determined by these features:

  • by evenness of pigmentation;
  • fluffiness of feathers;
  • wings pressed to the body;
  • soft stomach;
  • dry navel;
  • weighing 50 g.

The breeding period for this bird for meat is approximately 60 days, since after that the birds begin to lose weight.

Summing up

From all of the above, it is clear that keeping and breeding ducks is not so easy, however, it is quite acceptable. This occupation does not require specialized education and specific knowledge and brings really great benefits.

Goose breeding

Geese, being close relatives of ducks, are also unpretentious in keeping. Juicy goose meat has long been an integral part of Russian cuisine, decorating holiday tables. Goose down is used for stuffing bedding and winter clothes.

Goose meat is a frequent guest on the festive table

Breed selection

To date, a large number of different breeds of this bird are offered for purchase. Almost all of them are resistant to any climatic features of the territory of residence. However, taking into account the characteristics of each variety, it is better to choose the ideal one for breeding in your area, since the regularity and completeness of offspring depends on this.

We present you a list of the most profitable breeds for breeding.

Gray Kholmogorov geese

Perfect for beginner birders. This ancient breed is considered large and meat-fat. Adults have a strong skeleton, disease resistance. They were bred specifically for keeping in grazing conditions. The ability to acclimatize to any weather is their undoubted advantage. Cultivation of the Kholmogorov breed for meat is very profitable: an adult drake reaches a weight of 12 kg, and a female - 8 kg. Egg production is about 30 eggs per year, which is a high rate.

Roman geese

Graceful southern birds. Perfect for natural incubation of offspring. Adults reach a weight of 5.5 kg for females and 6 kg for males. Despite the small final weight, the popularity of their breeding does not decrease due to the special delicate taste of their meat and a large amount of fluff and feathers. Egg production is 20 eggs per year.

Shadrinsk geese

In other words, the Urals. Real extreme people are able to live in the harsh winter conditions of Siberia. The body weight of adults corresponds to Romensky geese, however, egg production is 25-30 eggs per year. They quickly gain weight and are suitable for rearing in pasture conditions.

Another heavyweight on our list. They have a formidable appearance, but a calm character. The weight of an adult goose reaches 11 kg, the goose weighs about 8 kg. This variety is bred specifically for fatty liver, which weighs only 500 g, but its nutritious fatty meat is also popular among lovers of delicious food. This bird denies natural incubation, but lays eggs stably - up to 30 pieces per year.

The French by nationality are also suppliers of the liver delicacy. The liver of a fattened drake reaches a weight of as much as 700 g, while its body weight is 8 kg. Egg production remains at the level of 25-30 eggs per year. Great for crossing and breeding hybrid breeds that will be even heavier than their parents.

Arrangement of the territory and the poultry house

First of all, it is necessary to put in order the land for breeding. The site on which the poultry house will be located should be located outside the city. Supporters of free grazing of geese should have a plot based on livestock: an average of 10 meters per goose.

For a comfortable life of the bird, organize a poultry house. This should be a permanent building, the area is also calculated according to the livestock: 1 m 2 for 4 birds. Since the air temperature in winter should not fall below 10 ° C, take care of leading to the goose heating system. It can be self built brick oven, diesel oven, batteries or any other appliance.

The floor of the room should be made of wood or any other strong and high-quality material, as geese spend the night right on the floor. It's lined deep litter from peat, shavings or straw. This is necessary to protect delicate paws from cooling. The house should always be kept clean, so prevent rotting and heavy soiling of the bedding by cleaning the inside more often. A large volume of water evaporates from the feather surface of geese, for 10 birds it is about 2 liters. Constantly air the bird house, otherwise its residents will start to catch a cold.

Dryness and long daylight hours inside the goose coop are the key to productive egg-laying of geese.

In the summer, geese spend the entire daylight hours on the pasture, and they are driven into the house to spend the night. During the day, birds eat up to 2 kg of green grass, so the quality of this natural food on the pasture should be high. Bad grass from dry or swampy fields, as well as tall grass, are not suitable for birds to eat. Here is a list of herbs that geese prefer:

  • bindweed;
  • sorrel;
  • dandelion;
  • yarrow;
  • nettle;
  • sow thistle, etc.

So that the birds can hide from the lunch heat, you should organize a canopy.

If there is absolutely no way to dig a pond on your site, use the trick and buy a spacious children's pool with low sides for the geese.


Egg laying in geese is short. To get the most out of it, provide your geese with complete rest and intensive nutrition.

The diet in winter for one head is 150 g of grain flour, 100 g of legumes, 400-500 g of root crops. Add chopped dry and steamed hay and mineral supplements to the list: chalk, gravel, etc. You can feed the bird puree made from carrots, potatoes and hay. In the evening, feed the geese with grain without impurities of other products.

During the period of laying eggs, the daily food intake of geese increases by 100 g of grain flour feed and 30 g of feed of animal origin - milk and cottage cheese. If laying hens cannot cope with the increased food intake, reduce it by cutting root clubs.

A month before the start of the breeding season, males need to start feeding. Sprouted oats are perfect, in the proportion of + 100 g per bird.

It is necessary to give clean water both in summer and in winter, despite the fact that in cold weather geese will eat snow.

Receiving offspring

The laying season for geese begins at the end of February. The process starts with 1-2 eggs, next month, with proper feeding and comfort of the bird, up to 10 eggs are laid, in April there are up to 9 eggs and 5 in May.

Preparation for the season begins in early February. Nests are set up on the floor, one for two females. The standard perch should be 50 cm wide and 75 long. Its front part should not exceed 50 cm, the back part should not exceed 75 cm. It is best to fence off the nests from each other so that the birds do not fight among themselves and do not damage the eggs.

The offspring usually occurs in the morning. After the laying hens go for a walk, it is necessary to remove the eggs from the perches and store at a temperature of 12 o C.

Summing up

No wonder the goose is a universally recognized favorite of poultry farmers. Resistant to any climate, unpretentious in food and care, he gives much more than was invested in him. It doesn’t matter if it’s for sale or for food, breeding geese is very profitable.

Chicken breeding

The chicken has long been the heroine of almost all Russian fairy tales. This is because even in the conditions of past years, keeping chickens was simple and very profitable. It is chicken meat that is consumed in our country every day and on holidays. It is prepared by hospitable housewives, losing weight models, and athletes. And fried eggs from two eggs has long been a traditional breakfast all over the world.

Choosing a breed

Let's move on to listing the most popular chicken breeds. They are distinguished primarily by egg production.

broken brown

Chickens with brown plumage, the egg-laying period of which lasts as much as 80 weeks. More than 300 eggs are produced per year.

Russian white

As the name implies, these chickens have elegant white plumage. The egg laying of this variety is about 200 eggs per year. Chickens themselves grow dense, with tender meat. Suitable for both mass and private breeding.


high line

They produce approximately 350 eggs per year, which is an amazing result. Perfectly acclimatize and adapt to any conditions of detention.


Meat breed, chickens can weigh up to 3 kg. Egg production is approximately 220 pieces per year.

Isa Brown

The weight of one egg produced by a hen of this species can exceed 63 g. The productivity is 320 eggs per year.

Conditions of detention

Building and equipping a chicken coop does not require large financial investments. You can build a bird house with your own hands, using boards, beams, cinder blocks, etc. Do not forget to insulate it before the winter season and install a stove inside so that the chickens continue to lay in the winter.

The height of the room in which the birds will live should not exceed two meters. Be sure to have ventilation and a source of natural light, as well as lamps for artificial lighting, to compensate for daylight hours in winter conditions for chickens. Inside, it must be cool in summer and warm in winter, otherwise birds can get sick.

It is necessary to regularly clean the premises, replace the bedding on the floor and in the perches. You can cover the floor with moss peat, shavings or sawdust of coniferous trees, as well as straw.

The entrance to the chicken coop should be located on the east or southeast side. Inside, the building should be equipped with nests and common perches, as well as feeders and drinkers. There is one place for every four hens to lay eggs.

Chicken feeding

The easiest way to save yourself from the hassle of organizing poultry nutrition is to buy ready-made feed. However, it costs money, and this can put a stop to beginner poultry farmers. In this case, the optimal diet per bird will consist of corn, carrots, potatoes, millet, bone meal, common grass and mineral additives such as shells, sand and gravel. A laying hen eats only 120 g of feed per day. If you personally take up the preparation of the leaf and herbal part of the diet, as well as purchase grain products at wholesale prices, then a month for one chicken will take only 35-40 rubles.

Cultivation and diet of offspring

Chickens are one of the few poultry that have a developed parental instinct, so they are perfect for natural incubation. Chicks can also be raised in an incubator by transferring them to a makeshift aviary after hatching - a large, hard box lit by a heat lamp.

The menu for kids should consist of fortified food. In the morning, you should give the protein of boiled eggs, crushed shells, chopped green onions and wheat, mixing it all together.

In the evening, mix the cottage cheese with kefir and put it in the feeders along with river sand, which acts as a mineral additive.

Shells - mineral supplement for chickens

Summing up

Breeding chickens requires the least material costs throughout the entire process and pays off with a large number of eggs and healthy chicken meat. Beginners should give their preference to these particular birds.

Breeding turkeys

Turkey meat is becoming more and more popular in the health food market. Breeding this species of birds today is considered very profitable.

Choosing a breed

Usually, the choice of breed is carried out after all the characteristics of the location of the future turkey house are known, such as the climatic features of the region. However, there is a list of turkey varieties that are most profitable to breed.

Big 6

highly productive meat breed, is gaining weight much faster than other varieties. The mass of an adult male is approximately 19 kg, and females - 11 kg.

bronze broad-breasted

Very suitable for breeding for meat, the weight of turkeys reaches 15 kg, turkeys - 9 kg. The disadvantage of this breed is the complete inability to pasture type of food, as it was bred for keeping inside the poultry house. It is characterized by high fecundity - up to 120 eggs per year.

North Caucasian bronze

suitable for pasture feeding. The weight of males is 14 kg, females - about 10 kg. Reduced egg production - up to 80 eggs.

White broad-breasted

Quickly acclimatizes in any conditions, egg production is maintained at a level of 120 eggs per year. One of the most profitable breeds, as turkeys reach up to 25 kg. live weight, females remain at the level of 10 kg.

Cross Big 6

Heavy, meaty breed, characterized by instant growth. It is bred and bought to obtain tasty and nutritious, dietary meat. A negative feature is the need for artificial insemination of birds to breed this variety.

Breeding chicks

The turkey house should be spacious, equipped with straw nests, the width and length of which are 40 cm. There are about 15 eggs per female, so there should be enough space.

Hatched chicks should immediately drink boiled water with the addition of green tea and sugar to increase immunity. This solution replaces water for the first four days of life, then it is introduced into the diet.

Young turkey poults should always be with the light on, which should be gradually reduced by 30 minutes so that by 20 days of life they have enough 15 days of light. The temperature should not be high, but also too low, as the chicks are highly susceptible to colds.

Since turkeys are characterized by rapid weight gain, it is better to spend money and buy feed for them, which already includes vitamins, amino acids and minerals. However, to save money, you can feed the bird with a mixture of corn, barley and bran, as well as cottage cheese, carrots and even fish giblets. To saturate food with vitamin A, dry yeast can be added to it. The presence of mineral additives is mandatory, in the role of which ordinary chalk can act.

Conditions of detention

Turkeys are headstrong birds, therefore, already at a young age, they should not be kept with chickens, geese or ducks. In the southern regions, it is possible to grow turkeys without a special room, as they are very resistant to weather changes, but in the northern regions, an insulated building is necessary.

Pens for walking turkeys are fenced with a metal mesh or any other material. Feeders and drinkers are installed inside the turkey house, vacuum is best. Temperature regime at 27 degrees is provided either naturally or with the help of special heaters.

Drinkers should be rinsed several times a day, avoiding heating the water, which should remain cool and clean. You also need to constantly keep the house itself clean, otherwise the development of infections cannot be avoided.

An important point is the observance of the feeding regimen for turkeys and turkeys. Food is served 4-7 times a day at the same time. This schedule significantly affects egg production and weight gain.

Summing up

Breeding of turkeys is carried out precisely for the purpose of obtaining and selling meat, however, eggs and chicks can also be sold. Caring for this bird is not as easy as for others, so experienced poultry farmers should choose it.

Video - How to breed and keep turkeys

Now that you have learned about the features of breeding the most popular species birds, you can get to work fully armed and achieve real success.

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