Do I need to heat my chicken coop in winter? Heating a chicken coop in winter: several ways to create heat for chickens. Deep litter: step by step manufacturing instructions


With the onset of cold weather, people turn on heating in their homes, wanting to live in a warm and comfortable environment. Any poultry needs similar conditions. Otherwise, she will not be able to avoid health problems. Heating a chicken coop in winter is always a problem. And if winter frosts begin to beat all temperature records, then the bird may die from hypothermia. Let's see what equipment we can use to create a comfortable atmosphere for the birds in the poultry house.

Problems with hypothermia

Poultry, like humans, needs warmth. Otherwise, problems with it simply cannot be avoided. Breeders poultry know that hypothermia can cause a lot of trouble. For starters, chickens can simply freeze - plumage will not save them. And the death of each chicken leads to financial damage, because a lot of money was spent on raising it (which only feed is worth on the market).

The lack of heating in the chicken coop in winter can lead to a decrease in egg production - with a decrease in temperature, the number of eggs drops by at least 40%, and in some cases is reduced to complete zero. If chickens are bred solely for the purpose of obtaining and further selling eggs, the business is in danger of disaster. Therefore, the problem of heating the chicken coop must be somehow solved, and before the onset of winter, and not when the frosts begin.

Decreased immunity in poultry is another problem associated with hypothermia. AT winter frosts even a person suffers, not to mention the chicken population. Lack of immunity leads to increased susceptibility to pathogenic bacteria. And even a small infection can "mow down" all the birds - this is the most unfavorable outcome of this situation. In this regard, it is necessary to think about heating the chicken coop. We can use the following equipment for this:

  • fan heaters;
  • Convectors and oil coolers;
  • Ceiling IR heaters;
  • Wood stoves;
  • infrared lamps.

Let's consider this equipment in more detail.

In addition to installing heaters, it is necessary to consider warming the chicken coop - this will help reduce heating costs and prevent the bird from freezing in winter.

Do-it-yourself heating in the chicken coop

A warm barn or chicken coop is the key to the safety of poultry. We can use a variety of equipment to heat the poultry house, gas, electric, convection or infrared. Let's see what is best to do to keep the bird warm in winter.

Electric fan heaters

Heating the chicken coop in winter with efficient electric heat fans will create ideal conditions for keeping poultry. With heating of one room with an area of ​​15-20 sq. m. can handle even the smallest heater. Install it on the floor, out of the bird's reach, connect it to the mains and literally in 15-20 minutes look at the thermometer - the room will become much warmer. A simple metal mesh with a large cell will help close the fan heater from the bird so that the chickens cannot get to the device.

Heating a chicken coop with a fan heater has certain advantages. First of all, we note high speed heating - the desired temperature is pumped up in just 15-20 minutes of fan operation. And secondly, we note the ease of installation of this heater - you do not need to mount it to the ceiling or on the wall, you do not need to remove the chimney. There are two drawbacks to such heating - these are high energy costs and the effect on oxygen levels (some fan heaters actively burn oxygen).

As for the high consumption of electricity in winter, this is typical for almost all electric heaters, and not only for fan heaters and thermal curtains.

The convector is a fairly safe heater. Being suspended from the wall, it will provide good heating of the chicken coop in winter and create a favorable environment for keeping poultry in it. This device works on the principle of natural convection - it warms up the air, as a result of which it rises to the ceiling, displacing colder air masses from there, forcing them to pass through the inside of the convector. Thus, it creates a continuous circulation of air.

Using a convector to heat the chicken coop in winter, it is necessary to ensure good room insulation. Otherwise, the convector heater will operate continuously, without saving energy at all. You should also work on eliminating drafts that warm air is vented from poultry houses. For more reasonable energy savings, we recommend purchasing a convector with an accurate electronic control- this will help to more accurately maintain the specified temperature regime.

The optimum temperature in the chicken coop in winter is +15 degrees. It may be higher, but it is fraught with unnecessary costs. If the temperature is low, the egg production of the bird will decrease.

Ceiling IR heaters

Infrared heaters for the chicken coop will heat the barn with minimal energy costs. They are distinguished by their safety, because they are not only harmless to the chicken population, but also useful - they affect the immune system and even improve appetite. energy saving safe heater, based on infrared radiation, is hung just under the ceiling, at a distance of at least one meter from the nearest cages with chickens. By generating infrared radiation, it creates an optimal atmosphere in the poultry house, delighting the hens with a pleasant atmosphere in the harshest winters.

We recommend choosing an infrared heater with a thermostat for heating the chicken coop in winter - with its help you can set the optimal temperature regime, which is at least +15 degrees. The presence of a thermostat will help to achieve energy savings - the heater will operate in intermittent mode, maintaining desired temperature and avoid overheating.

The most common potbelly stove will help to heat the chicken coop in winter without electricity. You can assemble it yourself using the instructions from our website, or buy a ready-made factory model. The most ordinary firewood is used as fuel here. We lay a portion, heat it and get warm chicken coop even if the winter was very severe. But heating a chicken coop in winter without electricity has some disadvantages:

  • It is necessary to have a supply of firewood for the entire winter period;
  • Any wood stoves require constant laying of new portions of firewood;
  • Due to the intense and practically unregulated burning, it is easy to allow overheating - it will make the bird uncomfortable, just like when it freezes.

It is possible to heat the chicken coop with firewood in winter, but you will need to fill your hand in kindling the stove in order to achieve the optimum temperature. Another thing is if you have a very large poultry house that can accommodate several hundred heads - in this case, heating with a potbelly stove will be fully justified.

For a more even distribution of heat from the potbelly stove, you should connect a chimney to it through a long horizontal section of the pipe.

Heating the chicken coop with infrared lamps is practiced by many poultry breeders. This method has many advantages:

  • No overheating - despite the lack of thermoregulation, it is almost impossible to achieve overheating with the help of heating lamps;
  • Low power consumption - one infrared lamp for heating a chicken coop, with a power of 250 W, can warm up an area of ​​​​up to 10-12 square meters. m (average chicken coop area for a small private courtyard);
  • The possibility of heating without human supervision - infrared lamps for the chicken coop are absolutely safe;
  • IR lamps are optimal in the presence of brood hens - they will create perfect atmosphere for breeding chicks;
  • Thermal lamps for chickens not only provide warmth in winter, but also illuminate the chicken coop - the reddish light of these lamps has a beneficial effect on the bird.

Thus, the use of infrared lamps for heating chicken coops in winter is an ideal way to create favorable conditions for keeping poultry.

Chicken coop insulation

Now you know how and with what to heat the house in winter frosts. We did not mention gas heaters, as they are not entirely safe, and are more focused on large farms with hundreds of heads. But the considered equipment is more than enough to solve the problem of heating sheds and outbuildings with poultry. Only in order to avoid the costs associated with heat losses, it is necessary to insulate the chicken coop, otherwise in winter part of the heat will heat the street.

For thermal insulation, sprayed polyurethane foam is now increasingly being used. Although this material is quite expensive, it is extremely effective and reliable.

Most of all, paws that are not covered with plumage freeze in poultry (here we do not take into account special breeds of chickens with powerful plumage on their legs). Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to make good bedding for chickens. For this, dry straw or the most ordinary sawdust is used. The height of the litter should be at least 10 cm (but you don’t need to make it too high, otherwise there will be difficulties with cleaning later).

Insulation of windows, doorways and walls is another top priority. After all, the average chicken coop is a windswept structure with single-layer glazing. Heating such buildings in winter is comparable to heating the entire street. Therefore, the following work needs to be done:

  • Overlay the poultry house with an additional layer of brick or build thermal insulation from mineral wool or other heaters inside;
  • Replace old window frames with new ones, seal cracks, make additional glazing - choose the appropriate option;
  • Seal the door frame, insulate the door - this is another place for heat leakage in winter.

It is also necessary to work on the ceiling, which is not given special attention in utility rooms - while heat loss here can reach 30%.


Organize the heating of the chicken coop in winter in several ways. But preference should be given to economical options. And some of them will allow you to combine heating and lighting, making the maintenance of the bird less expensive.

  • In winter, chickens rarely leave the coop. In an insufficiently warm room, they often get sick, egg production and weight gain decrease. Before purchasing a heater for chickens, it is determined how warm the chicken coop should be. Today there are breeds that are resistant to frost. If the walls and floor of the barn are insulated, then some hybrids can easily tolerate cold without installing a heater.

    The climatic conditions of the region are also taken into account. If the winter is warm, then a powerful heater for a capital chicken coop will not be needed. In regions with cold winters, the issue of poultry house heating is taken more seriously.

    Regardless of the climatic conditions of the region, the building is sheathed with thermal insulation, thanks to which it is cool in the barn in summer and warm in winter. It is also worth insulating the floor and roof. It is advisable to do this during the construction of the barn. If the roof is gable, then an attic with dry straw is equipped under it for better heating.

    The minimum thickness of the bedding, consisting of sawdust and straw, is 10 cm. The floor is pre-treated with slaked lime. This will help minimize heat loss and protect the birds from infections.

    To ensure that the level of air humidity does not go beyond the norm, a ventilation system is organized in the room. When laying insulating materials, leave holes for window frames or hoods. More efficient forced ventilation. Ventilate the room daily.

    Chicken coop heating

    It will also be possible to heat the chicken coop with the help of a halogen or ceramic IR lamp, an infrared or conventional heater and a stove. Alternatively, you can arrange for blowing warm air.


    All heaters that are on the market are divided into 3 groups:

    • infrared;
    • gas;
    • electrical.

    Regardless of the equipment device, it is convenient to use, which is its advantage. Most heaters are equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to adjust the temperature of the air in the room. heaters do not fail with a sharp drop in temperature, and they are compact in size.

    The equipment is protected from birds. Birds often get burned when they come into contact with the heating elements. And if the wires are damaged, the equipment fails. Damaged rubber hose gas equipment gas leak occurs.


    Most often, the heating of the chicken coop in winter is carried out using electrical equipment. Its disadvantage is high energy consumption, which increases the cost of keeping poultry. The choice for electrical equipment falls due to its low price. However, if you calculate the cost of heating, it becomes clear that it is better to spend money on the purchase of gas or infrared equipment.

    The use of gas appliances allows you to save on energy consumption. However, it is considered dangerous. It is used in the event that you have to heat large rooms. At the same time, the operation of the devices must be constantly monitored. Even a small gas leak creates a risk of fire. The use of gas devices is allowed only in rooms with a good ventilation system.

    Infrared chicken coop heater is by far the most the best option. It consumes a minimum of energy. To heat the poultry house, whose area is 10 square meters. m., enough infrared heater with a power of 500 watts. Equipment is mounted anywhere, even under the ceiling, which saves space in the room. The equipment is safe.


    Heating a chicken coop in a harsh winter with stove heating has several advantages. The stove can be folded by hand. In this case, you only need brick, which is a cheaper material. Firewood, peat or coal are laid in the stove, during the combustion of which heat is released. The price of firewood, peat and coal varies in different regions. To understand how profitable stove heating in a particular region will be, they compare the price of electricity and fuel for heating a room during the season.


    If the chicken coop is small, then the stove will take up a lot of space in the room, which is a disadvantage.

    It will take a certain amount of time to build a furnace. In addition to it, you will have to equip the chimney. To make the design fireproof, refractory bricks are used. The structure heats up during operation, which is why it is protected from chickens. In order for the equipment to work constantly, you will have to manually add fuel, which is also a disadvantage.


    Halogen or ceramic infrared (IR) lamps are often used for chicken coop heating. The main advantage is that they radiate heat and light. They are also energy-saving sources of light and heat, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of keeping birds. Having a small size, the IR lamp heats large areas. For heating 10 sq. m. one lamp with a power of 250 watts is enough. At the same time, any heater of this power is larger than a red lamp. An alternative is conventional incandescent lamps. However, they consume a lot of electricity. In addition, between yellow and red for poultry house lighting, it is better to choose red.

    The chicken coop heating lamp heats specific items, so they are energy efficient. Even during their work, the litter dries quickly, it is changed a little less often. There is also no combustion of oxygen. The last advantage is the ease of installation of lamps and their replacement.

    The disadvantages include only high pricing policy. However, they use less electricity.

    The best option is a halogen mirror IR lamp emitter, which is more suitable for space heating. In mirror lamps, their inner surface is covered with a special layer, which several times increases the efficiency of their work.

    Rarely use a convector. They have minimal heat radiation compared to other electrical appliances. Heating a room with it is expensive. If the choice fell on the convector, then choose better model which are protected from dust and moisture.

    The choice of equipment for the chicken coop

    It is not always possible to install the equipment for heating chickens that you want. Before going to the store, assess the condition of the chicken coop.

    If the shed is well insulated and small in size, a heating lamp or heater of low power will suffice. The house must have an outlet.

    If the room is large, it is better to use gas structures. An IR lamp for chickens is also suitable.

    Electric heaters, even with the lowest energy consumption, are unprofitable to install. If the room is small, the only way out is, installed under the ceiling.

    A small poultry house is also heated using conventional water heating. Installing it at home is easy. However, such an autonomous system is expensive. But it quickly pays off in the process of operation. It is also safe for birds and animals in the barn. metal pipes do not heat up to such an extent that birds can get burned from touching them. In addition, such heating does not take up much space. When installing a water system, it is better to equip it with a thermostat, which will allow you to maintain the desired temperature in the house. This option is also good if electricity is often cut off in the region.

    Brooder heating

    Chickens are bred even in winter. Not all coop heaters are good for heating a brooder that houses chicks for the first time after birth. If the brooder is made at home, you will have to think about how to warm newborn chicks.

    Most often, an infrared lamp installed under the ceiling is used to heat the chicken coop. For a small area, an ordinary light bulb, which is used to illuminate the house, is also suitable. With this method of heating, make sure that there is no overheating.

    You can not install a system of underfloor heating. There is a high probability that a chick fluff fire will occur. Ceiling options are the safest.

    Heating the chicken coop in WINTER / How do we heat the barn in WINTER TIME

    But it is desirable to choose equipment that, with a minimum daily consumption of electricity, gives a high thermal return. Do not choose cheap equipment that has a short period of operation, is most often energy-consuming and fire hazardous.

    Heating the chicken coop in winter can be done in different ways. It can be an electric heater or an infrared lamp. There are a lot of options to provide laying hens with comfortable conditions in the winter. In this article we will tell you how best to organize the heating of the chicken coop in the cold season. In addition, consider what kind of heaters are.

    There are two ways to provide poultry with a comfortable temperature in the winter season:

    1. Natural.
    2. artificial.

    The first option is less expensive, but also the most not recommended for keeping domestic chickens in the winter.. Meanwhile, many poultry farmers use the natural way to maintain heat in the chicken coop. Therefore, we will begin our story with this option.

    Natural heating of the chicken coop

    The essence of this method is to maintain a positive temperature inside the house without using heating devices. To do this, it is necessary to carefully caulk all the cracks in the chicken coop, leaving only the ventilation hole.

    The walls are made double, laying a layer of insulation between them. Usually it is foam or glass wool. The floor is also made double, pouring 10–15 cm bedding on top. Peat, straw or sawdust is used as bedding.

    This method of space heating is relevant only for regions with moderate climatic conditions. If in the places where you live, winters are accompanied by severe frosts, then you still have to buy a heater for the chicken coop. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will be possible to provide full-fledged heating in the poultry house.

    artificial heating

    Heating a barn for chickens artificially consists of several options. We will tell you about all the ways so that you can choose the best option for yourself.

    electric heater

    Probably the most expensive way to keep laying hens warm in the winter. This option includes heaters, oil coolers, heat convectors and fans. In other words, all heating appliances powered by electricity.

    Of the advantages of this heating method, practicality and ease of installation can be noted. It is enough to buy one electric heater or several (depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room), and install them in the chicken coop as far as possible from the birds.

    Set the data you need on the temperature controller and the heating of the room is ready. As soon as the heater cools down, the automation will heat it up again to the set temperature. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting impressive electricity bills.

    Gas heated chicken coop

    This is a more practical way to keep house chickens warm. But for heating a small domestic poultry house, which contains a dozen laying hens, the purchase of an expensive gas boiler is unprofitable. Therefore, gas heating of chicken coops is used mainly only in large farms.

    It is worth noting that the gas boiler needs constant supervision, this is a very dangerous equipment. Therefore, additional costs for maintenance personnel will be required.

    Furnace heating

    An ordinary potbelly stove is quite capable of replacing any heater. This is a more cost-effective way to keep the hens warm than using an electric heater or gas boiler.

    In addition, the use of stove heating for chicken coops is widely used in private households. But when using the stove, be prepared to comply with the following requirements:

    • availability of coal or firewood on the farm;
    • compliance with fire safety rules;
    • arrangement of a chicken coop with a chimney;
    • constant monitoring of the combustion process and the addition of fuel.

    A variant of this method of heating the chicken coop can be a diesel stove. It has more power and is safer to use.

    It makes sense to consider the Bulerian air-convection oven. The advantage of using such a stove to heat a chicken coop is obvious. It can operate on almost any type of fuel, is economical and has great power.

    But according to experienced farmers, the most convenient way to heat a chicken coop is to use infrared heaters. They are already well established in households.

    Infrared heaters

    These are very convenient devices in terms of operation. Infrared heaters do not heat the air in the room, but the objects around them. This serves as a guarantee of keeping the heat inside the house.

    The fact is that according to the laws of physics, warm air rises. And even if you carefully clog every crack in the roof, warm air will still find a loophole to leak out. In addition, a ventilation hole is usually made in the ceiling of the chicken coop, through which air will freely escape.

    The surrounding objects, to which infrared heaters give off heat, will not go anywhere. Moreover, they will gradually release the accumulated heat to the surrounding space.

    Infrared heaters are convenient because they have a ceiling mount. Accordingly, the birds will not be able to get to them and get burned.

    When buying such equipment, take care to purchase a thermostat. By setting the thermostat to the optimum temperature for keeping chickens in winter +12 degrees, you can no longer worry about anything. As soon as the air in the room cools down, the infrared heater will turn on automatically.

    infrared lamps

    These are the most popular chicken coop heaters. And there are reasons for this. IR lamps do not burn the air in the room, but maintain the necessary humidity and dryness. Infrared lamps can be used not only for heating, but also for lighting the chicken coop.

    According to farmers, with small sizes, these devices have a high efficiency. The soft, red color has a calming effect on birds and promotes better growth and productivity.

    From a fairly wide range on the market, infrared lamps from the following manufacturers can be distinguished:

    1. Philips. Despite the high cost, the lamps are reliable and durable in operation.
    2. Osram. Similar in characteristics to the previous manufacturer.
    3. IKZ. They are in no way inferior to Western counterparts, but more affordable in terms of price.

    Important! Only one such lamp with a power of 250 W is capable of heating and illuminating approximately 12 square meters.

    Water heating

    Another way to keep your chicken coop warm in the winter. It is relevant if heating in your house is carried out using a water-heating boiler, and the chicken coop is adjacent to a residential building.

    Pipes are installed in the poultry house, on which a circuit is allocated from the heating of a residential building. If you have certain experience and skills, it will not be a problem to set up a poultry house heating at the expense of a residential building. In our opinion, this is the most practical and cheapest way to provide heating for the chicken coop in winter.

    As you can see, chicken coop heaters are very diverse. We hope that this article was informative for you and will help you choose the best solution for heating domestic chickens.

    The microclimate of the chicken coop in winter largely depends on the heating of the room and maintaining the optimum temperature in the required ranges.

    An electric heater will help to cope with this task, which will have a number of mandatory characteristics, including meeting the criteria for operational safety.

    Important rules for choosing a chicken coop heater:

    1. Firstly, a protective housing that excludes electric shock to birds, animals and people in conditions of high humidity in the room.
    2. Secondly, the device is equipped with temperature sensors and timers that regulate the degree of heating of the device.
    3. And, thirdly, the inclusion of fuses and relays in the power circuit of the device that are triggered by a short circuit inside the heater.

    We will consider in our article and summarize the effectiveness of all types of proposed types of heaters.

    In private households, relatively inexpensive products are used to heat chicken coops. electrical devices, which have different principles of operation and degree of equipment.
    The most common are oil heaters, convectors, heat guns and infrared heaters.

    • Convector

    The device uses the principle of natural convection, reinforced by the design of the convector - cold air enters the chamber located on the body, after contact with the coolant, the air heats up and rises.

    Cold air from the lower level is constantly supplied, and when the set temperature is reached, the device turns off, thereby fulfilling the condition for saving energy.

    The temperature on the convector body is about 60-65C, which is safe if you touch the device for a short time.

    The convection chamber is made in the form of flat vertical ribs or tubes, which increases the contact area of ​​the coolant with cold air.

    In chicken coops, electric convectors are used with a filament closed in the tube.

    An open filament is not protected from dust, which, when burned, releases harmful substances into the air.

    The disadvantage of convectors is the significant consumption of electricity when using appliances as the main source of heat.

    For example, our chicken coop has an area of ​​10 m2, and for heating one square meter rooms with an outside temperature of -20C require 100W.

    At this temperature the convector will work 70-80% of the time, at a temperature around -10C the convector will be turned on for heating 30% of the time. And now let's calculate our costs: a 1000 W convector with an average of 50% per day for 24 hours consumes 12 kW, and 360 kW per month, which is irrational and the profit from the private economy will go into a deep minus.

    Of course, you can lower the design temperature in the room, install a device of lower power, but still, during the winter month, we will “lose” about 100 kW of electricity.

    • oil heater

    This device can only be used as an additional source of space heating, as it has the same disadvantages as a convector. And the electricity consumption in the same area of ​​​​the room is 25% higher than that of a convector.

    At the same time, the oil cooler heats only the air next to it and natural convection is weakly expressed.

    In addition, there is a specificity of the premises where chickens are kept. Laying hens will definitely try to use the oil heater as a perch and will have to make an upper protection for it or put the device closer to the wall, and this will further reduce the already low efficiency of the radiator.

    • heat gun

    Definitely not an effective device for maintaining a constant temperature in a chicken coop - high energy consumption, strong air flow and poor protection of the heat gun.

    It can only be used for quick heating of any area of ​​​​the room for work or to reduce humidity.

    • Infrared heater

    Ideal device for heating a chicken coop. Its principle of operation is similar to the physics of the sun, the rays of which heat objects on Earth.

    There is an accumulation of heat and its subsequent return to the air. And the same thing happens here: an IR chicken coop heater transfers thermal energy to walls, indoor structures and even bedding. Thanks to this, the air does not cool for a long time and electricity is not consumed.

    There are several types of infrared heaters. The outdated type of IR heater with an open coil is practically not used, since the heating element has a high temperature and burns the air in the room, reducing the amount of oxygen.

    Won't fit chicken coop and infrared heater with a closed spiral in a tube that reaches a temperature of 700C.

    The most suitable option is an IR heater with an emitter in the form of a plate.

    Inside the plate there is a tubular coolant, and the anodized profile is heated to a temperature of about 100-120C.

    Best Views infrared heaters to the chicken coop

    For a chicken coop, it is better to purchase an infrared heater operating in the long-wave range (heating the element up to 120C). Heating of 10 m2 is carried out by a device with a power of 1 kW.

    The duration of the infrared device will be 25-30% per day, therefore, we reach the power consumption of 40-50 kW per month, which is the best indicator among the considered heaters.

    Rating of energy-saving heaters for the chicken coop

    As we have already found out, IR heaters with an open heating element are not suitable for a chicken coop, so we will consider the most interesting models with panels that ensure indoor safety.

    • An economical heater for the chicken coop is presented in the form of a Nikaten NT300 wall panel. Consumption per day for a room of 6-7 m2 will be only 2.1 kW. The weight of the wall panel protected from moisture is 11 kg, the height is 40 cm, the width is 60 cm, and the appliance is 4 cm thick.
    • Model Zilon IR-0.8 S from a German company is installed on the ceiling. This low-power chicken coop heater (2.4 kW per day) is able to heat a room of 8 m2 and weighs only 3.2 kilograms.
    • In contact with

    Every poultry farmer knows that the low temperature in the chicken coop leads to a decrease in egg production in birds and the development of colds, which can lead to the death of the entire livestock. Several methods are used to heat the chicken coop, but the use of heaters is expensive and does not always pay off. Consider a few inexpensive ways to heat a chicken coop in the winter without electricity.

    In order to maintain the maximum egg production of chickens in winter, the birds need additional lighting and heat in the room. As for thoroughbred chickens, each variety has its own temperature standards in the chicken coop, but in no case should it fall below +10 degrees Celsius. Temperatures from +12 to +18 degrees will be comfortable for birds. Install a thermometer to monitor the temperature in the chicken coop. There are two types of heating:

    1. Natural.
    2. Artificial.

    The first includes the insulation of the room itself and the laying of additional bedding, which, when exposed to natural processes, generates heat. Artificial heating is the installation of a heating system and electric heaters.

    Room insulation

    Even high-quality do-it-yourself heating will not save you from the cold if it enters through holes in the walls, doors and roof frosty air. Drafts significantly increase the cost of heating a room. Therefore, before installing any of the heating systems, it is advisable to spend a little money and start insulating the chicken coop, this will reduce costs in the future and provide a warm shelter for the birds.


    There are many materials for insulation on sale, but most often poultry farmers use mineral wool. It retains heat well, does not let in cold, has high resistance to chemical, physical and biological factors, and it is also easy to install. Wooden or iron slats are installed on the walls, forming cells in which cotton wool is laid. Any vapor barrier material is attached from above, it will protect against the accumulation of condensate. Last attached finishing material, you can use chipboard, USB or drywall sheets.

    On a note!

    Since mineral wool may contain some substances that adversely affect the health of birds, it is better to use it for external wall insulation.

    Also, polyethylene foam is used as a heater, but its cost is quite high. It is better to choose a material with a foil coating, as it perfectly reflects heat. For mounting on walls, rails are nailed, on which the material is fixed with self-tapping screws. The joints are fastened together with a special adhesive tape on an aluminum basis. After the insulation is closed with trim.

    The most economical way to insulate the walls in a chicken coop is to putty the walls with clay and sawdust. To achieve the desired result, it is imperative to observe the proportions of 3 to 2, 2 parts of sawdust are added to 3 parts of clay. Clay is pre-soaked in water, stirring until a homogeneous substance is formed, then sawdust is added to it and mixed thoroughly, it is better to use a concrete mixer for this. The resulting composition is applied to the wall with a three-centimeter layer. When drying, cracks often form, they need to be covered with the same composition. When the walls are dry, they are covered with quicklime.


    The floor plays a very important role in maintaining heat, if the chicken coop is built directly on the ground, then it will freeze through and, accordingly, it will be cold in the room. Most often, the same mineral wool, polystyrene foam is used to insulate the floor, and expanded clay also retains heat very well. A litter is placed on top of the coating for insulation; for this, sawdust or wood shavings are used. Many poultry farmers recommend buying sawdust from spruce, they have disinfectant properties and slow down the reproduction of pathogenic flora. A layer of straw is sprinkled over the bedding.


    Windows and doors

    Equally important is the insulation of window and door openings, because cold air can penetrate through the holes in them. To begin with, they inspect the loot, if necessary, foam the cracks, and they also do the same with window frames. Then you can clean off the excess foam with a clerical knife and cover the area with putty. Rags can be placed in large holes. Thermal insulation materials are used for door upholstery.

    artificial heating

    In regions with a temperate climate, heating is not always required, but in most regions of Russia, winters are cold and cannot be dispensed with. Many poultry farmers are contemplating installing heating in their coop, with most on a tight budget and looking for more cheap way. However, it is necessary to take into account not only the price of heating devices, but also monthly expenses in the cold.

    Stove heating

    Most often, a potbelly stove is installed to heat the chicken coop, this is due to the fact that the raw materials for the firebox are in abundance and it is cheap. The stove can be fired with both wood and charcoal. If you have the skills, you can make the design yourself, but if you don’t have them, then it’s better to buy a potbelly stove. The stove is placed away from flammable materials, this will reduce the likelihood of a fire. It is also better to protect it from birds so that they do not accidentally get burned.

    On a note!

    The oven must be monitored around the clock.

    Water heating

    This method of heating is used if the room where the birds live is located near a residential building. Then pipes and radiators can be installed in it and connected to the home heating system. It is not profitable to make separate water heating in a small chicken coop, as it requires large investments.

    Gas heating

    It makes sense to buy gas equipment only on an industrial scale or if there is a large farming. After all, the installation of a heating system requires the participation of specialists, and their services will not be cheap. You also need to make a project and buy the equipment itself. Heating system is divided into two types of water and convector. Water is as follows: when gas is burned, heat is released, with its help water is heated, which circulates through pipes. Convector heating consists of heating elements - convectors, which are combined into a system. Appliances heat up when gas is burned.

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