Heating broiler chickens with an infrared lamp. Heaters for birds and animals. Rooms for chicks


An important factor The correct development of chicks in the hen house is a sufficient level of heat and a correctly selected light regime. All this can be achieved with the help of special lamps.

Light mode

The length of daylight is very important when growing young chickens - proper lighting largely regulates the physiological activity of chicks. In the early days, the temperature should be kept at 33-34 degrees, since even slight hypothermia can lead to the death of chickens. To prevent this from happening, they use special lamps, they not only illuminate the chicken coop, but also heat it, creating all the conditions necessary to maintain the normal life of the birds.

In the first month of the life of the chicks, the aviary should be evenly lit - a wakefulness zone is set up around the drinkers, lamps are always on there, it is desirable that they be low-power (no more than 15-20 W) and be supplemented with reflectors.

Thus, chickens will be able to see feeders and drinkers around the clock and, as needed, drink water and peck hard food, but young birds prefer to sleep in twilight.

Keep in mind, there should not be complete darkness in any zone of the chicken coop- Recent studies have shown that during the first 20 days of a chicken's life, he needs round-the-clock illumination, since in this way the growth of muscle mass is stimulated and the physical activity of the bird increases. As the birds grow, constant illumination begins to oppress the birds.

The fact is that Darkness is considered to be as important a factor in the health of birds as light. The time of darkness in the lighting program for young animals is determined by two basic parameters - the duration of daylight hours and its frequency during the day. Until quite recently, there was an opinion that the best ratio for chickens would be 23 hours of light and 1 hour of darkness. However, recent studies have shown that for the full growth of chickens, they need at least 4 hours of darkness, this ratio can significantly reduce the loss of birds.

This effect is largely due to the fact that in complete darkness, chickens synthesize melatonin, which affects the balance of daily fluctuations in body temperature and other metabolic processes. In addition, melatonin has an effect on the release of lymphokines responsible for the state of the immune system.

That is why the most comfortable for birds will be the cyclical change in the phases of lighting during the day.

Lighting types

Several types of lamps are used for installation in an aviary.

  • Incandescent lamps- cheap and affordable, but at the same time an extremely impractical option. Such lamps are easy to break and injure young birds.

  • Fluorescent- this is the main advantage of such equipment is reduced to their efficiency and low cost. However, at the same time, they are characterized by frequent flickering, which is imperceptible to the human eye - chickens have much sharper eyesight. Such lighting irritates the birds, they become restless and apathetic.

  • LED- These are slightly better lamps that are devoid of a flickering effect. Such equipment has a fairly long service life, equipped with high level protection and can emit light of several spectrums It is best to use white spectrum lamps, but if possible you can combine them with blue-green light sources - the first calms, and under the influence of the second chickens grow better. But the cost of LEDs is quite high, so not every poultry house can afford such a lighting system.

  • Infrared lamps are considered the best option. According to experienced poultry farmers, this type of lighting is most desirable in a chicken coop, it is most suitable for birds, has the ability to illuminate and heat at the same time, can significantly reduce energy costs and at the same time has a fairly affordable price.

infrared lighting

Infrared lamps with a heating regulator are heat emitters used when raising a large number of birds at the same time. The operation of an IR lamp for heating is somewhat similar to the principle of the Sun. Its rays touch objects, illuminate them, and then begin to heat the latter, in turn, give their received heat to the environment and thereby contribute to the heating of the air.

Technical parameters of infrared lamps:

  • power - 50-500 W;
  • limit temperature - 600 degrees;
  • range of IR waves - 3.5-5 microns;
  • mains voltage - 220 V;
  • period of work - 6 thousand hours.

The most effective are mirror lamps, as well as lamps made of red glass. Typically, these warming lights are installed with special lamps equipped with ceramic cartridges - this is important to ensure the safety of the chickens and prevent them from burning, and they also minimize the risk of flammable straw or water entering the lamp.

During the operation of such a lamp, electrical energy is converted into an infrared spectrum. Its design is reliable, since rather thick glass is usually used to make the jar-flask, which protects against impacts. The inner surface of the lamp is usually coated with a reflective pigment, which allows the light beams to be focused and directed towards the chicks.

Usually one 250 watt lamp is enough to light a 10 square meter chicken coop or brooder. m, however, experienced breeders prefer to install several lamps in the brooder at once in case of burnout and failure of one of them. If this is not done, then in your absence, the chickens may be left without light and heat, which often ends in the death of the young.

The advantages of infrared lamps are obvious:

  • soft and calm light - such lighting does not irritate the birds and reduces their level of aggressiveness;
  • The IR spectrum helps to increase the appetite of pets, improves the digestibility and assimilation of feed;
  • the radiation of such a lamp significantly increases immunity;
  • the heater has a high efficiency, due to which the cost of electricity is reduced in comparison with other heaters by 3-4 times;
  • IR light can dry out the litter and thus make the microclimate more suitable for birds.

Infrared lamps work absolutely silently, while they heat objects and living beings very quickly - the heat comes after only 27 seconds. This is an eco-friendly device that is absolutely safe for both the birds themselves and their breeders.

However, it was not without drawbacks. With a long stay in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork of the lamp, the mucous membrane of the eyes begins to dry up in a person, and if careless handling, burns are possible if accidentally touched. However, these shortcomings are insignificant, and all risks are reduced to zero if the safety rules for working with lighting equipment are observed.

A red lamp for hatched chickens should be placed at a distance of 30-40 cm.

To understand whether they have enough light and heat in this case is very simple - you just need to look at the behavior of the young. In comfortable conditions, pets are evenly dispersed throughout the enclosure. But if you notice that the chickens are huddled together and tend to be closer to the lamp, then they are cold. In this case, it is necessary to lower the light and heat source a little lower or add its power.

When the birds are hot, they begin to crawl around and breathe heavily - this will be the first signal to raise the lamp a little higher or reduce its power. When working with IR lamps, it is very important to follow safety rules.

Chicken coops usually do not have central heating and many poultry farmers are faced with the fact that in winter their pets get frostbite on combs or paws, or do not survive the winter at all.

For winter poultry farming, it is very important to have a well-insulated, windproof chicken coop, but with prolonged sub-zero temperatures outside, even in very well-insulated chicken coops, the temperature still drops to minus, which is unacceptable.
An electric heater can help in such a situation.
Almost the best option for a chicken coop are ceiling infrared heaters.

We list the main advantages:
. The heater located in the middle of a ceiling evenly warms up all surfaces.
. Unlike convectors, oil and fan heaters do not create air circulation, and therefore do not raise dust and hay.
. Since the ceiling infrared heater first heats the surfaces, the floor temperature will be about a degree higher than the air temperature. That is, the water in the drinker will not freeze and the chickens will not freeze their paws. When using convective heaters, hot air will accumulate near the ceiling, and the floor temperature will be significantly lower and may turn out to be minus.
. The probability of getting feathers, hay and waste products of birds on a heater located on the ceiling is minimal. Therefore, they will not stain the heater, impairing its efficiency, and will not emit unpleasant odors when heated.
. The surface temperature of the ceiling infrared heater is 200-250 degrees. This is well below the temperature at which hay or down can catch fire. For their ignition, a temperature of about 400 degrees is required.
. When the heater is placed on the ceiling, it is easier to place the supply wires in such a way as to exclude accidental damage by birds.
. The proposed ceiling infrared heaters are designed for a long service life. Working throughout the winter without supervision is a regular and safe mode for them.
. Ceiling infrared heaters are economical.

Model selection. In a chicken coop, it is rare that exquisite appearance heater. The main characteristics are usually reliability and low cost. Such requirements are met by heaters Ecoline, Loriot, Almak. They are reliable, have a service life of 25 years and are the most popular among our poultry customers. You can use more expensive ceiling heaters designed for heating residential areas, but you will not get much benefit.

For a good insulated chicken coop, heaters should be selected at the rate of 100 W per 1 square meter. In addition to the heater, you should purchase a thermostat. The heater itself does not have any adjustments, the temperature is set on the thermostat, which should be placed on the wall at a height of half a meter to one and a half meters in a place inaccessible to birds. The desired temperature should be set on the thermostat (usually about 10 degrees for a chicken coop) and it will automatically maintain it periodically by turning the heater on and off. You will also need electrical wires to install the heater. From the heater, a wire should be drawn to the thermostat, and from the thermostat, either to the introductory machine or to the nearest outlet.
You can use any thermostat that is used for heaters (that is, with a built-in temperature sensor).

Such a system can work all winter in automatic mode without supervision. In case of short-term shutdown and subsequent switching on, the heater will continue to operate in automatic mode.

Alternative option. Panels. In addition to high-temperature heaters, lower-temperature STEP panels can be used to heat chicken coops. They have several benefits:
. STEP panels have a large area, so the heating of the chicken coop will be more uniform.
. The surface temperature of STEP panels is about 70 degrees. If accidentally touched, you will not get burned.
. STEP heaters are only 2 cm thick and are mounted close to the ceiling. They can also be mounted on the wall, but the ceiling location is more effective.
. STEP panels have a high degree of dust and moisture protection (IP66), which allows direct water ingress and work in very dusty rooms.

Alternative option. Infrared film. Also a good option for heating the chicken coop with infrared film. The main disadvantage of infrared film is that it must be installed at the stage of building a chicken coop and it is highly desirable to cover it with a decorative coating, for example, hardboard. The best location of the film is on the ceiling, but it is possible on the floor, or you can combine both the floor and the ceiling. The total power of the infrared film is selected in the same way as the power of heaters - at least 1 kW per 10 square meters.
Among the advantages of the film, one can note the invisibility of this type of heating and the greater uniformity of heating, since the film will have to cover almost the entire ceiling. Of the minuses - a much more laborious installation and the particular complexity of its installation in an already built and used chicken coop.

Consumption. The consumption of the heating system for the chicken coop will primarily depend on the quality of the thermal insulation (insulation) of the chicken coop, secondly on the air temperature outside, and only thirdly on the power of the heater. The reason is that a heater with the right power does not work all the time. The thermostat, depending on the air temperature in the chicken coop, periodically turns on and off the heater and thus maintains the set temperature. If the outdoor air temperature drops, then the heater is on for more time and off for less time, and vice versa, when the outdoor temperature rises, the heater is on for less time and off more.
On average, we can assume that consumption in central Russia in winter will be 20-30% of the nominal power consumption of a properly selected heater.
For example, if you have a quality chicken coop with an area of ​​6 square meters, then a 600 W heater will suit you. The average winter consumption will be approximately 150 Wh/h or 3600 Wh/day or about 100 kWh per month. With the cost of electricity 5 rubles per 1 kW, we get 500 rubles per month. On warmer spring and autumn days, the amount will decrease. You also need to understand that the better you insulate your chicken coop, the less you will pay for electricity.

infrared lamps. Infrared lamps are lamps that are screwed into a standard lamp base and glow red or warm white when used. Such lamps are quite popular in the poultry industry, but we do not recommend using them for winter heating chicken coop.
Firstly, such lamps have a rather small resource. By their design, these are ordinary incandescent lamps of only increased power. If such a lamp suddenly burns out, then the chickens may freeze. And secondly, infrared lamps heat up to high temperatures (above 500 degrees) and hay or feathers that get on them can catch fire.
Such lamps are more suitable for heating chicks, they emit very rich heat, which can become a replacement for the heat of a brood hen for chickens.

Other heaters. We do not recommend using other heaters to heat chicken coops. In particular, we do not recommend medium and short-wave infrared (these are those that glow red during operation), convective infrared, convectors, oil, fan heaters, heat guns, most of the skirting boards, as well as all kinds of ceramic, quartz and others.
Most of these heaters are less effective or provide no benefit compared to longwave ceiling heaters or infrared film at a comparable price, and some may be simply dangerous in a chicken coop environment and cause injury to birds or a fire.

Feedback on the heater in the chicken coop

Heaters for dog kennels and kennels

There are 3 options for placing dogs and animals of similar sizes in rooms that require heating. It can be:
. street booths
. Outdoor enclosures
. Enclosures in a room that needs additional heating.

Street booths. The best option for heating a dog house is heating with infrared film. In this case, the film is installed on the ceiling or on the floor. For greater heating, it can be installed in general on all surfaces: on the floor, ceiling and walls. Previously, a foil insulation is fixed on these surfaces, an infrared film is applied to it, and a decorative coating (hardboard, plywood, lining) is placed on top. A big plus of this option for heating the booth is that the dog will not be able to accidentally damage it with claws or teeth. You can turn on such heating either manually before severe frosts, or install a thermostat. It makes sense to use a thermostat with an external temperature sensor (usually these are used for underfloor heating). The thermostat is installed outside the booth in a sealed box or in a place inaccessible to precipitation, and the sensor is led inside the booth and protected from accidental damage by the dog. In this case, the system becomes automated and autonomous. You just have to choose the temperature that will be most comfortable for your dog.
You can also use STEP panels, fixing them on the wall or ceiling, or STEP heating mat, laying it on the floor. The main thing is to take care of the mechanical protection of the supply wires. As in the case of infrared film, it is possible, and in some cases desirable, to install a thermostat.
It is impossible to say exactly what power is needed to heat the booth, since, in fact, the booth is not a completely insulated room. She has an open entrance, which is directly connected to the surrounding air. Therefore, in the case of heating with a film or panels, you can install as much as it fits in terms of geometric dimensions. In severe frost, the heat in the booth is still not achieved. And the thermostat will save you from overheating during the warming period.
Conventional (not panel) ceiling heaters for heating the booth are not suitable due to the high temperature of their surface. The dog may get burned. Other types of heaters are also not particularly applicable.

Street cages. Outdoor enclosures cannot be fully heated. With the help of moisture-proof panels or warm STEP rugs, you can only create local zones that the dog can lean against and better survive the cold periods.
Outdoor heaters can be used for a short time. . We recommend using Heliosa models without a remote control. They are able to work at high sub-zero temperatures and have a high degree of moisture protection. Such heaters should be installed at such a height that the dog could not reach it. The heat from it will be like the heat of the sun or a fire. It is not recommended to use such heaters as permanent heating, as they are not designed for autonomous operation and have a lamp life of about 5000 hours.

Aviaries indoors. Indoor enclosures are characterized by the fact that they have a positive temperature and have a common roof. However, sometimes the temperature is still insufficient and additional heating is required. For this, STEP panels and rugs can be suitable, as in the case of outdoor enclosures, or, by analogy with a chicken coop, you can install a ceiling infrared heater. You should use a heater with a power of about 1kW and install it at a height of 2-2.5 meters. Such a heater, of course, will not raise the temperature in the entire room, but it will create the effect of local heating. The heat from it will not be as saturated as from an outdoor heater, but it will be comfortable and not excessive.

Heaters for horses and cattle

In Russia, as a rule, horses are kept in stalls with a common corridor and roof, and cows and other cattle are kept in covered barns. Such premises are similar in structure to the variant of indoor dog enclosures described above. The only difference is that horses and cows have tremendous strength and can damage any heater that is within reach, get damaged and possibly start a fire.
Therefore, the heater should be placed out of the reach of animals and ceiling heaters are the best suited for this.
For local heating, heaters with a power of 2 kW should be used, installed at a height of 3-4 meters directly above the animal. But also ceiling heaters can be used to heat the entire stable or barn. The total power of the heaters is selected based on the area and thermal insulation of the room. On average, this is usually about 1 kW per 10 square meters. Heaters in this case are placed evenly over the entire area of ​​the ceiling. With ceilings above 4 meters, 3 or 4 kilowatt heaters can be used.

Another problem that horse owners face is drying animals after washing. In stable conditions, after washing, horses can get a cold. To prevent this, a blanket is put on the horse, but it will be much better if you additionally carry out a warming procedure using outdoor short-wave infrared heaters.
To do this, outdoor heaters are installed in the stall or in some place in the stable in such a way as to warm the horse from the sides. Usually 2-4 heaters with a power of 2 kW are used.

Such heating dries the hairline and enhances blood circulation in the skin, which significantly reduces the likelihood of a cold and, like the effect of an infrared sauna, has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Hens and chicks require the right temperature for normal development. Providing it in winter can be quite difficult. To warm the chicken coop, many farmers use improvised means - plywood, sawdust, chipboard. However, in regions with a harsh climate, this may not be enough. In such a situation, special lamps are often used to heat chickens. They maintain a suitable temperature and ensure the normal development of the chicks.

The device is an ordinary light bulb. It is screwed into an E27 ceramic cartridge. The glass flask is transparent or dyed blue or red. Inside there is a tungsten filament. It is located in a flask with an argon-nitrogen mixture.

These lamps have specific radiation. It does not affect the entire room, but objects that are nearby. In contact with them, infrared rays are absorbed, after which they are transformed into thermal energy. It does not take a lot of time to heat up - heat is felt immediately when the lamp is turned on.

Types of infrared lamps for heating

There are several options for lamps that are used to heat broilers. They allow you to store heat due to strong incandescence. Common types of infrared lamps include the following:

  1. R lamps. They differ in the simplest design and are made of ordinary glass. There is a glossy part on top that transmits light. It is connected to a reflector, which is covered with reflective paint on the inside.
  2. BR lamps. They are characterized by a convex reflector. It is coated with reflective paint. The part that transmits light is connected to the reflector. It is made from ordinary glass. This element is matte, glossy or cellular.
  3. PAR lamps. They are characterized by a parabolic reflector with a precisely fitted shape. There is an aluminum layer on top, which provides better reflection and focusing of light. These lamps have a shorter length, which provides a deeper fixation in the ceiling.
  4. Ceramic lamps. The main feature of such lamps is the absence of light when heated. This is important when it is necessary to heat the birds in the absence of lighting. Devices are made of refractory material. It is highly durable and easily tolerates exposure to water.

Basic rules of use

Use a thermometer to control the temperature. Newborn chicks need a high temperature - 35-37 degrees. Subsequently, it is recommended to reduce it by 1-2 degrees. At 9 weeks, chickens feel comfortable at a temperature of 18-21 degrees.

To adjust the temperature, you can remove or bring the lamp closer to objects. To choose the lamp power, you should focus on this ratio: 1 kilowatt of energy is required per 10 square meters. If the temperature in a room without heating is 10 degrees, 1 600-watt light bulb is required per 10 square meters.

Equally important is the distance at which it is worth placing the heat source. At first, this is done at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from the chicks. After some time, the temperature is measured. If it exceeds 37 degrees, the heat source is moved higher.

In the arsenal should have 2 lamps. If one deteriorates, it should be replaced in a timely manner. This will help keep the chicks healthy.

Principle of operation

During the operation of the lamp, electrical energy is transformed into infrared radiation. The design is completely safe. The glass flask is made of thick glass, which provides protection against water and impacts.

A special reflective material is applied to the inside of the glass. Thanks to this, it is possible to direct heat and light to the chicks. In a brooder, it is best to put a few light bulbs, as they can burn out. If the chickens are left without heat, this will lead to their death.

Light mode

The length of daylight is very important when breeding chicks. With proper selection of lighting, it is possible to regulate the activity of chickens. It is important that the temperature in the house is high on the first day. For the aviary, different lamps are used.

In the first weeks, the chicken coop in which the chickens are kept is unevenly lit. In the area of ​​​​drinkers and feeders create a zone of wakefulness. This area is constantly illuminated. Above it are lamps with reflectors with a power of 15-20 watts. Chicks should sleep in semi-darkness.

Scientists say that in the first 3 weeks of life, birds need constant lighting. It provokes an increase in activity and muscle growth.

Subsequently, constant exposure to light inhibits the development of birds. Therefore, it is recommended to illuminate the house in an intermittent way.

Chick behavior

The correct placement of chickens can be determined by their behavior. With sufficient activity of the chicks, good appetite and normal water consumption, we can talk about worthy conditions for their keeping.

Huddled in a bunch

If there is a lack of heat, the chicks huddle together. They are located closer to heat sources and try to keep warm. As a result, there is a risk of injury. Under an impressive mass of birds, there is a risk of death of chicks.

Spread out to the sides

If the chicks try to crawl in different directions and avoid contact with each other, this indicates an increased temperature.

In such a situation, heavy breathing and lethargic behavior are observed. Therefore, it is worth placing the heat source higher.

Advantages of using lamps as heaters

Heating a brooder with an infrared lamp provides many advantages:

  • contributes to the drying of the litter;
  • maintains normal humidity parameters due to the evaporation of moisture;
  • favorably affects the nervous system of chicks, reduces their aggressiveness and reduces stress parameters;
  • provides soft lighting that does not lead to irritation of the chicks;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, including improving appetite and digestion of feed;
  • ensures the proper development of chicks and strengthens the immune system.

Other heaters

You can heat the chicken coop not only with lamps. Other types of infrared devices are also used for this purpose. They are divided into the following categories:

  • spotlights;
  • ceiling lamps;
  • lamps.

How to organize a brooder?

Application cardboard boxes for raising chickens is considered far from the best solution. They get wet quickly, there is no ventilation inside, and there are problems with high-quality cleaning and disinfection.

To achieve good results, the brooder must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have good system heating, full lighting, drinking bowls and feeders of high quality. Ventilation and strength are achieved through the presence of gratings with small cells. They are on the sides and on the floor. The cell size is approximately 10 mm.
  2. The waste products of the chicks must pass through the grate unhindered, falling into a special waste bin. It can be quickly washed and treated with disinfectants. The entire brooder should be easy to clean and wash.
  3. To raise young chickens in the first days of life, maintain a normal temperature and protect against drafts, it is necessary to make removable side walls. They are made from washable materials. Plywood or fiberboard works well. For single use, you can use thick cardboard. At first, you can install additional mats. They should be covered with dry bedding. These devices should occupy half of the cage.
  4. Brooder should be supplemented with several infrared lamps. It is also recommended to use a thermostat that reacts to changing external conditions and adjusts the temperature in the brooder.
  5. The size of the door should allow for unhindered cleaning in the house.

When organizing a brooder, it is important to choose the right area for it. Too tight fit will lead to injuries, death of chicks, leg pathologies due to lack of physical activity.

Properly selected temperature conditions ensure the normal development of chicks. To achieve good results, it is possible to use infrared lamps, which help to heat the chickens.

For rearing chickens, specially equipped boxes are used - brooders. Making them yourself is pretty easy. You can use a variety of materials at hand (for example, cardboard or plastic boxes). However, in order to raise healthy broilers or laying hens, it is necessary to maintain an appropriate lighting and heating regime in the brooder. This is what will be discussed in this article.

Temperature regime during the growth period of chickens

Chick growers recommend a specific temperature schedule to be followed during the first two months of chick growth. After transplanting them from the incubator (within two to three days), the average temperature in the brooder should be around 37 °C. Then the schedule is divided into weeks:

  • the first - 33 ÷ 35 ° C;
  • the second - 30÷32 °C;
  • third - 28÷29 °C;
  • fourth - 26 ÷ 27 ° C;
  • fifth, sixth, seventh - 22 ÷ 25 ° C;
  • eighth - 19 ÷ 21 ° C.

Moreover, it is desirable to control the temperature inside the equipped box not only at one specific point, but along the entire perimeter of the brooder (especially in the first week after the transplantation of newborn chicks from the incubator to the brooder).

Proper lighting in the incubator

Compliance with the lighting regime of the brooder is no less important for the full development and normal growth of chickens than heating. In the first 2-3 days of chicks' life, artificial daylight hours should be at least 21-23 hours. Then, until the age of three weeks, its duration is gradually reduced to 15-16 hours a day. After that, it is already possible to switch to the standard natural duration of daylight hours at 10 ÷ 12 hours.

Recent research by scientists has shown that darkness is just as important to the health and growth of birds as light. During the dark phase, melatonin is produced in the growing body of the chick. This hormone contributes to the proper formation and strengthening of the immune system. Birds reared under the correct lighting regime have greater resistance to disease, are significantly less prone to mortality, and generally do not have leg problems.

In addition, the behavior and growth of the bird is affected by the color of the lighting. Thus, studies have shown that blue light has a calming effect on birds, red light helps reduce "bird cannibalism", blue-green light stimulates growth, orange-red light improves reproductive function.

The most popular brooder heating systems

Naturally, when choosing a brooder heating system, each chicken breeder proceeds from his own preferences, financial capabilities and experience. Of course, you can organize the maintenance desired temperature using conventional incandescent lamps of appropriate power. However, this method is the most uneconomical, and also unsafe (since it is quite easy to break an ordinary incandescent lamp).

To date, the most popular devices for heating a brooder are:

  • red lamps with a mirror reflector;
  • ceramic infrared lamps;
  • artificial mother hens.

Each of these devices has its own advantages and disadvantages.

red heating lamp

A very common way to heat the air in a brooder when raising chickens is a lamp that emits energy in the red and infrared range. It radiates warmth and soft light at the same time. Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally that this is a universal device "2 in 1". Although many experts claim that it practically does not interfere with the sleep of the chicks (it is quite enough to find water and food at any time), when the required temperature is exceeded, the heating element must be turned off periodically (manually or using automatic thermostats). That is, in order to maintain a normal lighting mode in accordance with the recommendations set out above, along with a red lamp, in any case, you will have to use an additional lighting device.

Important! For the safe use of such heaters, it is necessary to purchase only lamps, the cylinders of which are made of special tempered glass.

Of the advantages of such heaters, it is worth noting:

  • their rather long resource - about 5000 hours;
  • low cost.

infrared ceramic lamp

Currently, instead of a lamp, an infrared ceramic heater is increasingly being used. In its design, it is very similar to a conventional lamp with a standard E27 base. Compared to a conventional red lamp, such a heater has the following advantages:

  • longer period of continuous operation - from 10,000 to 30,000 hours;
  • high efficiency - up to 98%;
  • increased shock resistance, vibration and moisture protection.

The power offered by manufacturers of such heaters varies widely - from 25 to 200 watts. Therefore, you can easily choose ceramic heat emitters for brooders of various sizes. If desired (as well as for more uniform heating of the entire space), several heat emitters can be used simultaneously. The cost of such devices (depending on power) is about 400÷600 rubles.

Artificial mother chicken

A very useful addition to the main brooder heating system will be a special device, which is a low-power heated stove on four mounting legs. Such a device practically does not increase the ambient temperature. However, by leaning against its warm surface (that is, by climbing under it), the chicks have the opportunity to warm themselves in the same way as when raised naturally by the mother chicken. As the chicks grow, the distance between the brooder floor and the heater surface increases. Thus, it is convenient to use it throughout the entire period of growing chicks in the brooder until they are transferred to the chicken coop.

The size of the "artificial mother" depends on how many chicks you plan to place in the brooder. Standard models are designed for the simultaneous cultivation of 20 (power - 18 W, cost - 4000-4500 rubles) or 50 (66 W and about 6000 rubles, respectively) chickens. If desired, you can use several of these devices at the same time in one brooder.

The only condition that must be observed when using such a device (as recommended by the manufacturers): the floor area of ​​the box for rearing chicks should be at least twice the size of the heater. Then the chicks can bask under it or be in a free area, depending on the time of day or when the ambient temperature changes.

The design of such devices is designed to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Since the power consumption of these devices is negligible, this does not lead to a significant increase in energy costs.

Other heating options

Naturally, the arrangement of brooder heating systems for raising chicks is not limited to the two most popular devices described above. For these purposes, breeders successfully use:

  • ordinary incandescent lamps;

  • infrared films;
  • plastic heat emitters ("Good heat");
  • special lamps for heating terrariums;
  • electric heating elements of various geometry and power.

Temperature control

During the period of intensive growth, the chicks are afraid of both hypothermia and overheating. Therefore, the main task of arranging a brooder heating is to maintain the required temperature in accordance with the above schedule. Control can be carried out using a thermometer installed inside the brooder. The main ways to adjust the temperature:

    • The simplest (however, not the most effective) method of maintaining the desired temperature is to change the height of the heating device relative to the floor level. If you raise the lamp (or infrared ceramic emitter) higher, you can reduce the intensity of heating. Conversely, by lowering it lower, you can easily increase the temperature inside the brooder.
    • By connecting the heater through a manual electromechanical power regulator, you can significantly increase the usability of the heating system. However, this method also requires constant monitoring of the thermometer readings.

  • The most convenient and most effective way maintaining the set temperature is to use an automatic electronic temperature controller. Such a device has a remote sensor, which is fixed inside the brooder. The user only needs to set the required temperature using the control buttons and connect the heating element (according to the diagram in accordance with the instruction manual). During operation, the device will automatically turn on / off the heater in accordance with changes in the readings of the temperature sensor. And although the purchase of a thermostat leads to some increase in the cost of the heating system (by 900–1200 rubles), this greatly simplifies the process of rearing chicks.

Creating comfortable conditions for newborn babies is a top priority when raising chickens. Under normal conditions, the first days this work is performed by the mother hen. But in the case when it is absent, its role will have to be replaced by all possible means. One solution to the problem can be a lamp for heating chickens.

Birds are highly sensitive to light, but in the dark they see almost nothing. They orient themselves well only with sufficient illumination. In poultry keeping technology, these features are widely used. By changing the intensity of lighting, you can help the chickens find water and food, handle the bird without stress for her, and more.

Consider the different types:

  • Fluorescent lamps. Lamps are economical, but frequent flickering, invisible to the human eye, can irritate birds.
  • Energy saving. They have no flickering effect, are economical in terms of energy consumption, have a long service life, but have a rather high cost. The brightness of the lamps cannot be adjusted.
  • LED. Good light spectrum, low power consumption, long service life. Of the disadvantages - lamps are expensive, but pay off much faster than energy-saving lamps.
  • Combined. Provide both infrared and ultraviolet radiation. They are a good option for installation in aviaries with chickens. Ultraviolet radiation disinfects the room where young animals are kept, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and stimulates the physical development of chickens.
  • infrared. They help to save on electricity, have an acceptable cost. According to poultry farmers, they are one of the best heat emitters, and, as a type of heating, are most suitable for birds.
  • Ordinary incandescent lamps. The most "budget" option in price, a good spectral range of light along with spot heating. You can adjust the degree of heating with the help of thyristors. Protective devices are required to prevent bird burns. Large power consumption.

Principle of operation, rules of use

The main result in fluorescent, energy-saving and LED lamps is illumination with reduced heat transfer. Therefore, in this case, infrared or combined lamps are more suitable for rearing young animals, as they provide both heating and illumination.

In the process of operation of an infrared lamp, electricity is converted into infrared radiation, and in combined lamps it is converted into ultraviolet and infrared radiation. A thin layer of reflective materials is applied to the inner surface of the glass of the lamps, which allows the heat and light to be directed directly at the birds.

When using lamps, safety rules must be followed. The number of lighting devices used should be proportional to the number of young animals. In addition, if one of the lamps burns out, the kids will be able to warm up with other working lighting devices (for heating at this stage, a pair of infrared lamps with a power of 250 kW is enough for 70–75 chickens in a room of about 10 sq.m.).

IMPORTANT! All devices must be equipped with protective covers: to prevent direct contact with the bird, and lamps equipped with ceramic cartridges: to avoid moisture and flammable straw, hay or sawdust.

Lamps should be placed at a height sufficient for uniform heating and lighting (30–40 cm from the floor).

Chick behavior

Whether the chicks are placed correctly can be judged by their behavior. When the babies are quite active (digging vigorously in the litter), eat well, consume enough water, it means that the conditions for their maintenance are close to being close to the mother hen. With a comfortable placement, the chickens sleep on their tummy, stretching their neck and spreading their wings. After a short sleep, they are drawn to food and drink. Even at night they are active, only the sleep is a little longer.

With a lack of heat, chickens huddle together, trying to be closer to heat sources and trying to keep warm. In such a chaotically formed heap, injuries are possible, and often under the multi-layered weight of their fellows, the death of a bird is possible.

ON A NOTE! If the chicks open their beaks wide, puff up their feathers, drink a lot and greedily, it means that the room is too hot for the chickens.

For control temperature conditions it is necessary to keep the thermometer on the floor of the cage or box where the chickens are kept.

How to organize a brooder with your own hands?

Using cardboard boxes is not the best way to raise chickens. The cardboard gets wet, there is no ventilation inside, it is impossible to carry out high-quality cleaning in the box, it cannot be disinfected.

In this case, you should pay attention to the brooder (English brood - sit on eggs) - a house for chickens, specially equipped and organized for rearing young animals.

The brooder must be equipped with:

  • A good heating system, lighting, quality feeders and drinkers. The margin of safety and ventilation are provided by fine-mesh gratings on the sides and on the floor of the cage (mesh size is about 10 mm).
  • All chick waste should easily fall through the floor grate into a metal or plastic bin that can be quickly removed, washed or disinfected. The entire structure of the brooder should also be well and easily cleaned, washed and treated with disinfectants.
  • For rearing young animals in the first days of life, protection from drafts and maintaining a higher temperature, it would be good to provide removable side walls made of easily washable materials, PVC panels or fiberboard, plywood, thick cardboard in cases of single use. For the first time, it is possible to install additional removable mats with dry bedding on half-cages.
  • The brooder should be equipped with several infrared lamps, and a thermostat is also desirable, which reacts to changing conditions outside and adjusts the temperature inside the brooder.
  • The door should be large enough to allow easy cleaning inside the brooder.

Well, and the last moment: the correctly calculated brooder area for the livestock of young birds. If the landing is too tight, it is possible to peck at each other, case, leg morbidity due to insufficient movement.

Light mode

The length of daylight hours plays an important role in rearing young animals. Setting the right lighting regulates the physiological activity of the bird.

The temperature in the poultry house for the first days should be quite high (33-34 degrees Celsius), since even small chickens can die from even a slight hypothermia. Various lamps can be used for the aviary.

In the first weeks of life, the room where the chickens are kept should be unevenly lit. The wakefulness zone is created around the drinkers and feeders - they must be illuminated all the time. Above them, you need to place lamps of low power (15-20 W) with reflectors. The chicks see the lighting zones and peck food and drink water around the clock as needed. In the early days, babies prefer to sleep in the twilight.

IMPORTANT! Recent research in this area proves that in the first three weeks of a bird's life, round-the-clock lighting is necessary. It stimulates greater activity and an increase in muscle mass.

In the future, constant lighting causes oppression of the bird, and it must be made intermittent. It is possible to combine lighting with the use of different types of lamps and the placement of zones of different illumination.

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