Making a greenhouse from a profile pipe as a business. How to start a greenhouse business? Current monthly expenses


Today, it is not enough just to install a greenhouse - it is equally important to properly equip it in order to get the most out of the building. Gone are the days when the effectiveness of a wooden glazed "house" depended on weather conditions, and the film from low arches had to be removed in order to weed or water the contents of the greenhouse. No one needs to prove how much quality greenhouse equipment affects yields, and this is the main goal for which greenhouses are installed.

But before modifying the greenhouse with the latest technical innovations, you need to figure out what equipment is, what it is intended for and what kind of greenhouse “gadgets” you need to have. Sometimes the equipment costs more than the greenhouse itself, so the choice must be thoughtful.

You may need it not only if you are going to turn a greenhouse into a tropical greenhouse with exotic fruit plants and flowers. If your region has not only severe winters, but also springs and autumns, you should take care of heating to extend the growing season of your indoor pets. Only additional heating guarantees the full ripening of many long-term crops such as peppers, eggplants, cabbages, melons and others. But even in regions with average climatic indicators, heating may not be superfluous. It will create the most comfortable climate, which is so important for plants, and provide the greenhouse effect they need without destructive drops and pauses that delay their development.

Heating equipment

The modern world of greenhouse heating systems is rich and diverse. The principles of heating depend on the equipment used. Therefore, the systems have different options, among which it is necessary to choose the one that is acceptable in terms of characteristics, efficiency, and price. To do this, you need to consider all the ways.

Consider the electrical method

The first most popular method that comes to mind for anyone who thinks about additional heating of a greenhouse.

  • electric heating type;
  • heater type;
  • convection type.

They all have in common that for uninterrupted operation they require a constant source of power in the form of electricity, which is not the cheapest "fuel". That is why the electric method of heating greenhouses is mainly used by the owners of a profitable greenhouse business.

On a note! As an alternative to electricity, craftsmen can use additional sources, such as solar collectors.

Prices for electric fans

electric fans

Consider the infrared method

This method is new to many summer residents and has not yet gained popularity among the people. However, exactly infrared heating helps to really reduce the cost of heating the greenhouse, while making it as uniform as possible. Infrared heating devices installed along the perimeter of the greenhouse contribute to its systemic filling of the same degree of heated air.

On a note! The principle of operation of infrared heaters is simple: they first heat objects, from which heat spreads through the air. It is more economical and effective method than electric.

What is air heating

An ordinary summer resident will certainly not install air heating, which is a difficult to install ventilation system and belongs to the category of professional equipment. But for large private farms, this system can become very efficient and quickly pay for itself with excellent yields.

Important! Ventilation equipment must be installed on initial stage greenhouse installation. At the same time, make sure that the supply of air masses occurs evenly. Only this will protect the plants from unwanted burns.

Let's analyze the gas heating method

A method loved by many summer residents, which gives an ideal ratio of quality to cost. The gas option assumes the presence of a gas generator, according to the principle of service, similar to a thermal one. The advantages of the method are the relative cheapness of natural gas and high heating efficiency.

On a note! Catalytic propane burners are something that is beginning to be widely used to replace conventional gas burners. They, even having a small volume (hence, low gas consumption), demonstrate high efficiency.

Another option is a gas heat gun.

We will not consider stove and other similar methods of heating due to the fact that they are already a thing of the past and are not particularly popular.

More moisture

Watering greenhouse pets is no less, and even more important than heating them. If you can rely on nature, rely on the sun and do without additional heat, then plants will not survive in any way without moisture. That is why various irrigation systems are so popular today, facilitating the work of the greenhouse owner in caring for plants. There are several ways to give greenhouse crops the moisture they need. To determine the optimal one, you need to study them.

We study subsurface irrigation

This method, despite its laboriousness in the arrangement, is popular with the owners of a well, well, column or other water supply system directly to the site. It can be equipped with your own hands, using inexpensive improvised means.

You will need:

  • water container;
  • watering can;
  • measured capacity;
  • hose of the required length.

The process consists of supplying water to a system of subsoil holes, the depth and width of which depend on the moisture needs of a particular greenhouse crop. Although the method does not look expensive, it is not widely used, especially for greenhouses (more for open ground).

Consider drip irrigation

Why do you need a ventilation machine

Perhaps this simple and inexpensive unit will become your best assistant. A special mechanism designed to automatically open and close the vents in order to maintain the temperature and ensure the circulation of fresh air.

The device works without batteries - the principle of operation is based on the expansion and contraction of a liquid placed in a black cylinder, which occurs under the influence of the heat of sunlight. Heating expands the liquid, the piston is pushed outward, opening the window. Cooling compresses and hides the piston back, closing the source of cold and draft.

For polycarbonate greenhouses, this is an excellent and inexpensive ventilation option. The service life of this simple device is 10 years. It is placed on the side (not gable) vents, and removed and removed for the winter.

Video - Thermal drive for a greenhouse

Something about thermostats

Automatic control of the greenhouse temperature is very convenient, especially in case of a long absence of the owner and sudden temperature changes outside the greenhouse. To carry out this process, you need a thermostat (thermostat).

Table. Types and properties of thermostats.


A high-precision version with a liquid crystal display, the use of which makes it possible to always see reliable information about the temperature in the greenhouse and respond to changes in a timely manner.

Not as good as an electronic one, but you can set a program in it that will provide an opportunity to create the temperature necessary at a certain time of the day.

The most simple installation, however, allowing a sufficient degree of control over the temperature of the soil. For a mechanical thermostat, the temperature is set once, and then adjusted, depending on the needs of the plant. For small private greenhouses, this option is the most acceptable.

How to choose a thermostat

Thermostats are devices that are easy to use. There is a menu scroll button. Manual temperature control. Function of record in memory of settings of fast start. Control of the heating system and the ability to set heating parameters. In models with a display, you can monitor the current state of temperatures.

Step 1. First choose appearance. It can be different, and the point is not only in aesthetics, but also in size, as well as ease of use.

In the Russian climate, greenhouses and greenhouses often become the only reliable way to get a good harvest. There are several ways to produce and install greenhouses - it all depends on your financial capabilities and plans.

Climate change in recent decades has forced us to look for non-traditional ways to grow vegetables and fruits. Growing crops in open ground has become more problematic due to deteriorating ecology, unstable weather conditions, often uncontrolled use of chemicals, etc.

Using greenhouses to grow crops has become a way out. In addition, in the conditions of the Russian climate, a greenhouse allows you to harvest much earlier, and often get crops all year round, which significantly increases the profit of the business owner. Greenhouses are easily placed on cottage and summer cottages, in summer health facilities, farms and even on the territory of industrial enterprises.

The manufacture of greenhouses in connection with the above reasons has become a promising type of business. Consider what is needed to organize this profitable and promising business.

Greenhouse Manufacturing Business Idea Details

Consider several options for the "greenhouse" business. The meaning of such a business is the production and subsequent installation of greenhouses and greenhouses. A promising option for the development of such a business may be the production of winter gardens and greenhouses. They differ from greenhouses in the complexity of their design, the use of new materials and a much higher cost. However, the demand for such structures is constant, especially with good advertising and the reputation of the manufacturer.

Greenhouses can be made from scratch using special equipment, purchased or rented. You can also purchase individual elements from manufacturers (supports, railings, stairs, doors, etc.) to complement your own structures with them.

There are three groups of greenhouses:

  • individual;
  • farm;
  • industrial.

The differences between them are in area, level of equipment, process automation and, of course, in cost.

It is possible to manufacture greenhouses of the following types:

  • with a frame made of polyethylene pipes and a film cover;
  • with a wooden frame and frames with foil or glass;
  • with a metal frame and wooden frames;
  • all metal with glass.

Ordinary glass is not used for the manufacture of greenhouses, since it does not transmit the ultraviolet light necessary for plant growth. It is necessary to use special glass or plastic film.

Option 1

Specialized enterprises produce greenhouses of various sizes, ranging from the smallest with an area of ​​​​12 square meters. m and 24 sq. m. The cost of such greenhouses starts from 20,000 rubles. interesting view business can be the installation of greenhouses on site. It is easy to transport the greenhouse: the frame weighs 50-90 kg and can be transported in the trunk of a car. The cost of installing such greenhouses is about 10-20 thousand rubles.

Option 2

Self-made greenhouses are usually made of polycarbonate, pipes and plastic film. The easiest way to make arched greenhouses, structurally consisting of arcs attached to the soil surface without a foundation. A transparent film of different density (depending on the customer's desire) is stretched over the arcs.

Installation of this design is very simple, the cost of materials is also low. For starting a business, for this reason, the production and installation of arched greenhouses is unlikely to be justified. Additional costs will also be drawings, frame structures and coating materials. A small greenhouse will cost at least 8,000 rubles.

Option 3

Novice businessmen can be recommended to start with the production of polycarbonate pavilion greenhouses. These are tall structures designed to accommodate a person in full growth. Polycarbonate is durable (service life 30-35 years), with good thermal insulation. A cellular polycarbonate sheet is attached to a pre-prepared frame made of galvanized iron. The sheets are connected to each other with a factory sealed tape. To install such greenhouses, it is often necessary to concrete the foundation. And this is a well-paid extra job.

The production costs of such a greenhouse are low - only about 10,000 rubles. The whole complex of works lasting 2 days with the cost of the greenhouse will cost the client about 25,000 rubles.

An additional advantage of such a greenhouse can be considered the absence of complex structures that must be ordered separately. The client should be attracted by an individual approach to his order. A greenhouse or greenhouse of the required size will be made, and they will be installed exactly where needed. This is especially important for difficult areas, where it is often necessary to install greenhouses near capital buildings.

The specifics of the greenhouse business

To start work on the production and installation of greenhouses do not need large funds. If a production site with equipment for the production of greenhouse structures is not provided, then 70-80 thousand rubles is quite enough. Invested funds can be recouped very quickly if you have constant orders.

Industrial equipment for the production of structural elements of greenhouses can be acquired gradually as the business develops. The customer base is the most important thing in this business. At the same time, it will be necessary to take into account that the need for greenhouses is seasonal. Advertising should be constantly present in specialized publications for gardeners, farmers, etc. Place information about yourself in gardening associations, summer cottage communities. Place advertisements in rural district newspapers, on radio, TV.

Maximum demand for greenhouses in spring and autumn. In winter, you will need to "switch" to winter gardens and greenhouses. Working with such structures is more complicated, so you can start it after gaining some experience with greenhouses. It is better to start a greenhouse business in February, before the start of the season. Thus, the invested funds can be quickly returned and invested in business development.

In central Russia, greenhouses are indispensable. They are used by both amateur gardeners and professional farmers. Quality and functionality, of course, they are different. On the market today there are many models of different shapes and from the most various materials. Due to the constant demand for these structures, it is possible to open profitable business. This will require necessary equipment and production areas for the production of greenhouses.

What equipment to choose for the manufacture of greenhouses?

For the production of polycarbonate greenhouses, you will need a fairly spacious room. The technology consists of two stages:

  • frame manufacturing (for this, profile pipes are used, with dimensions of 20x20 or 25x25);
  • flooring of polycarbonate sheets on the base.

To work, you need the following equipment:

Of the special equipment, the last position can be distinguished. Pipe bender is also called profile bender or pipe bender profile pipe. This equipment is classified as a roller device, due to the system for feeding the workpiece for bending. For industrial purposes, three-roller machines are most often used. They allow you to bend workpieces to large radii. Standard equipment allows you to do this in one plane. There are additional devices that make it possible to bend profiled pipes even in a spiral.

There is also a manual version of such equipment. It is suitable only for very small workshops. In serial production, its use is unprofitable. However, small production has its own reason. This makes it easier to make designs to order - according to the size and preferences of the client. For example, you can install a small greenhouse that is not produced at large enterprises.

Most of all the equipment of CML and Ercolina firms is in demand in the market. They are characterized by reliability, durability and economical energy consumption. There are models that are equipped with microprocessor control. They quite accurately repeat the specified dimensions of the workpieces. Construction time is significantly reduced.

Of the domestic equipment, the line of automatic cold profiling LA 157 is noteworthy. Its productivity is 350 parts per hour, which are three meters long. The thickness of the tape is from 0.5 to 2 mm, and the width is from 50 to 210 mm. You can change the appearance of the produced profile by changing the tooling on the line. It can have a different cross section, be closed or open, profiled.

Domestic manufacturers often assemble lines according to customer specifications. Taking into account the characteristics of the future product, they complete the equipment with the necessary components and assemblies. Profiling is achieved by adding punching or piercing devices to the line. Cold-formed profiles have hooks and stiffeners. With the help of such a line, it is possible to produce arched and tunnel greenhouses for various purposes.

Greenhouse manufacturing technology

The two main components of any greenhouse are the frame and the cover. Previously, the base was made of wood, and the entire structure was covered with film or glass. Today, there are modern materials that can make the conditions in the greenhouse more acceptable to plants. The very same design of them is quite light and mobile. An example of such a material is polycarbonate.

With help welding machine details are connected. They are customized and dyed. The installation of polycarbonate itself occurs most often in the area where the greenhouse is installed. In the workshop, it is necessary to provide for all the small details: fasteners, fittings, slots for window vents and more.

An important factor in the manufacture of greenhouses is its design. It should be borne in mind that the distance between the arcs and the number of horizontal guides depends on what snow load it can withstand ready product. The time and quality of installation of the structure on the site depends on how accurately all the details are made in the workshop.

Polycarbonate production

Polycarbonate can be purchased ready-made from the manufacturer, or you can organize your own production. Then it will be possible to expand the range of its products and even make industrial hydroponic greenhouses. The polycarbonate production line is a complex piece of equipment. It consists of the following units:

The cost of such a line starts from 650 thousand rubles. The price depends on the power of the extruder, the speed of drawing the blanks and the performance of the pulling device. Modern lines make it possible to produce high-strength plastic, which is in demand in the production of greenhouses.

Greenhouse production: we study the target audience + purchase of equipment + material for the production of greenhouses + production stages + business organization + advertising + profitability.

A greenhouse complex is a special construction that is used to grow vegetables, fruits and other plants at any time of the year. Greenhouse production can become successful business project, especially in rural areas.

You can reach a small audience, i.e. retail your construction to villagers. And you can take orders from large farms that need entire complexes.

We will tell you how to start your own business in the production of polycarbonate greenhouses, and what profit you can expect in the first month of operation.

The target audience

Any business plan should start with a detailed analysis target audience. We must clearly understand whether this industry is in demand in our region, where we want to start our business.

Greenhouses are used more in rural areas or in summer cottages. High demand for this product will be in the south of the country, where it is active all year round and fruit.

Nevertheless, other regions of Russia are also beginning to grow agricultural products. This allows the consumer to buy a domestic product that costs an order of magnitude cheaper than a foreign product.

Let's define the target audience of the business:

  1. Residents of the countryside or summer residents who grow vegetables for themselves.
  2. Small businessmen who grow vegetables and fruits for sale.
  3. Entire farmlands, greenhouse complexes. They deliver goods all over the country and even abroad.

Naturally, for each target audience, the format of the greenhouse complex will have its own differences. For retail a simple structure is suitable for summer residents, and for a whole farm complex it will be necessary to equip the greenhouse with special equipment.

In our business plan, we will describe the production of polycarbonate greenhouses, which is necessary for rural residents or small businesses.

Greenhouse production equipment

Polycarbonate is the most common basis for creating a greenhouse. The material is cheap, but, nevertheless, it is durable and can serve its owners for a long time.

Polycarbonate is stronger than ordinary glass, but transmits light well. He is also able to keep the heat in the room for a long time. High-quality polycarbonate will last more than 30 years.

There are 5 types of polycarbonate:

The first type is not suitable for greenhouses, it is the weakest and quickly deteriorates under the influence of weather conditions. 3RX and 6RX are stronger, but they don't transmit light well. A suitable option for our business is 3R or 5R polycarbonate.

When choosing a material, pay special attention to the structure and thickness of the sheet.

Even one person who knows how to use tools can create a small greenhouse.

Equipment for the production of greenhouses - a detailed list:

№. Equipment and descriptionQtyPrice, rub.)
TOTAL: 60 450 rubles
1. Manual pipe bending machine, which is useful for making a frame from a pipe
1 17 500
2. Cutting pendulum machine that will cut pipes or profiles
1 23 000
3. Professional electric jigsaw for cutting polycarbonate and melting the edge at the cut point
1 8 000
4. Drill driver
1 8 700
5. Keys set
1 1 250
6. Roulette, goniometer, caliper1 2 000

Such equipment is suitable for the production of small-sized greenhouses with your own hands. All tools are easy to obtain, and most of the items listed are available to every owner.

For the sale of greenhouse complexes to large farms you will need to purchase an entire production line, which will cost a tidy sum - at least 1-2 million rubles.

Purchase of material for the production of greenhouses

The cost of one greenhouse will depend on the purchase price of the material.

For the production of a polycarbonate greenhouse measuring 6 * 3 * 2 meters, you will need the following list of materials:

MaterialQtyPrice, rub.)
TOTAL: 17 500 rubles
1. Polycarbonate R3
20 m26 000
2. steel profile
120 m8 400
3. Self-tapping screws, washer and rubber gasket
5 kg1 500
4. Profile fasteners 4 set1 600

Production of polycarbonate greenhouses step by step

Whole manufacturing process can be divided into 4 stages:

Planning and preparationFirst of all, you must schematically depict the entire structure on paper, indicating the dimensions and planning the shape of the greenhouse.

In the diagram, we suggest that you consider a greenhouse measuring 6 (length) * 3 (width) * 2 (height) meters. You can choose any other scheme for yourself on the Internet.

Frame collectionThe frame can be made of pipes, fittings or a steel profile. The quality of the frame determines how long the greenhouse will last and whether it can hold polycarbonate.

To make a frame from a pipe or profile, the base is bent according to a given shape, and then the parts are connected with crosses or tees.

Attachments to the polycarbonate frameAs soon as the base is ready, sheets of cellular polycarbonate are attached to it with self-tapping screws, washers and rubber gaskets.
Installation of a greenhouse on the siteTo install the greenhouse, you will need to fill the foundation, but some do without this step. Doors and windows are attached to the finished structure.

On the Internet you will find a lot of video tutorials on assembling and manufacturing greenhouses. For example, watch this video:

This is an example of the simplest design. To increase the value of your product, you can install additional equipment that will enhance the effect when growing vegetables or fruits. For example, steam generator, soil moisture sensor, ventilation, thermal drive, etc.

Once you improve your skills in the production of simple polycarbonate structures, you can move on to the next level.

Organizational issues for the production of greenhouses

Any commercial activity should be taxed, don't forget that. To produce greenhouses at home, you will need to register the status of an individual entrepreneur with the Tax Service.

To open an IP, you need to bring the following documents:

  1. Application form No. Р21001.
  2. Passport and TIN code.
  3. Pay the state duty - 800 rubles.
  4. Prepare an application for the transition to a simplified tax payment system.

After 5 working days you will receive a certificate of and an extract from the USRIP.

As a rule, gardeners begin to collect greenhouses, so production is usually located on the territory of the household yard. You can create such a simple design yourself. If there is not enough time due to a large number of orders, consider hiring 1-2 workers. It will be most advantageous to involve one of the family members.

We are looking for buyers

We will focus exclusively on summer residents and residents of rural areas. They need affordable and medium-sized greenhouse complexes. As a rule, summer residents grow tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cabbage with their help.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are not a new idea, so there is already competition in the market. Come up with something unique and original, give a discount to the buyer, offer free shipping etc. You need to attract a client by any means, but not to the detriment of yourself.

Advertising can be placed on poles, especially in agricultural markets. If in your region there is a specialized publication like "Dachnik", etc., then also place an ad in the newspaper.

Production and installation of greenhouses. How to open your business?

The necessary equipment to implement the idea.

Profitability and calculation of profits for the production of greenhouses

Greenhouses are currently being bought all year round, because many summer residents want to see only fresh vegetables or fruits on their table. There is a special demand for goods in the spring, especially if there is already an established customer base.

According to our calculations, the cost of a 6*3*2 greenhouse complex is about 18,000 rubles. The cost of such a structure on the market is from 25,000 rubles.

This calculation does not include installation services. As a rule, in order to install a greenhouse, the client must pay the same amount as for the structure itself. You will have to pay separately for delivery if the greenhouse needs to be driven further than 30 kilometers from the place where the goods are sold.

As a result, from one order you can make a profit of 30-40 thousand rubles. Just a few orders - and you will be able to recoup the cost of purchasing equipment, and then receive a net profit.

As you can see, the production of greenhouses will pay off after a few orders, especially if you make them in your yard without the help of hired workers. Over time, with the profit from the business, you can buy powerful equipment and open a large-scale workshop that will produce greenhouses for the whole country.

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People in big cities get tired of the hustle and bustle, so they are increasingly buying land, where they build summer cottages for themselves, they are engaged. This trend has only intensified in recent years. It is for this reason that business in this sector is becoming more and more attractive. You can earn both on or, and on the release of greenhouses.

This equipment uses a system automatic control. You can pre-program the location of the mounting holes along the entire length of the profile. The rolling stand gives the profile the required radius deflection, which makes it possible to manufacture arch-type elements.

Part of the equipment:

  1. Cassette type mill. Necessary for rolling a new “greenhouse” profile.
  2. Pneumatic cutting shears. Necessary for cutting products on narrow profile production lines.
  3. Uncoiler for metal tape 200 mm. Roll billet is installed in the technological chain. Then it is unwound and fed for longitudinal or transverse cutting up to 200 mm wide.
  4. ACS system for the line (automated control). Necessary for full automation of production.
  5. Hole punching unit (pneumatic)

When buying equipment, instructions for the manufacture of profiles are attached.

How does the production line work?

Make greenhouses and greenhouses taking into account the following data:

  • optimal width - 3.5 meters;
  • low wall height - 1.5 m;
  • length - no more than 6 m;
  • door width - 1 m;
  • the best frame material is metal (durable and durable).

Making a frame with your own hands

How to assemble a polycarbonate greenhouse?

How much money is needed?

Complete production:

  • purchase of equipment - 700,000 rubles.
  • purchase of materials - 300,000 rubles.

The cost of transparent cellular polycarbonate (manufactured in Russia):

Thickness, mmWeight 1 sq.m., kg1 sheet (2.1x12 m), rub.
4 0.8 4 500
6 1.3 7 300
8 1.5 8 800
10 1.7 10 200
16 2.7 20 000
20 3 22 000
25 3.5 25 000

Additionally, you need the cost of renting an area - this is about 15,000 rubles.

Business payback(not only production, but also sales of greenhouses, installation) - about 6 months. With an uninterrupted flow of customers, this period will be much shorter, because you can return all investments in the business in the manufacture of 5 greenhouses - this is 2 months.

Establishing a sales market

An important factor is the presence of a market. If it already exists, then it is quite possible to recoup all investments in the first 2 - 3 months from the start of opening a business. Therefore, before opening a business for the installation and assembly of greenhouses, it is advisable to create client base. This is done by all available means: through newspaper ads, posting about services on Internet portals. You can offer services to people involved.

Of course, you need to understand that this business will be relevant only during the summer seasons. Peaks in demand and buying activity occur in autumn and spring. In winter, many entrepreneurs reorient their business to the construction of greenhouses. But we must bear in mind that the production of winter structures will be much more expensive. In addition, for the manufacture of greenhouses, you must have additional knowledge.

Selling price of greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate with a steel profile:

Size (LxHxW), mCost, rub
4x2x315 000
6x2.5x2.620 000
8x2,1x322 000
10x2.5x2.639 000

Other production options in the garage

Sandwich panels

Considering the growing demand for thermal insulation materials, this direction will be beneficial for Russia. The technological line together with the installation costs 3 million rubles. We will introduce you to the production technology of sandwich panels, capital investments and product marketing features. Key points are described in.

Release of cinder block

Cinder block - easy to manufacture construction material. For the price, it is significantly inferior to brick and foam block. It describes the technology, necessary components, equipment and other important points for starting a business.

Furniture manufacturing

is one of the cheapest garage business options. When buying inexpensive equipment, the investment is about 70,000 rubles. But there is an option with minimum investment- assemble furniture, and order cutting in specialized companies.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation