Which product is in the greatest demand right now. The most demanded goods in Russia. What is more profitable to buy and sell


During the crisis, not all entrepreneurs suffered losses, some even doubled their profits. Why do some people have losses, while others have super profits? This is due to the fact that successful businessmen traded tradable goods.

Categories of the best-selling goods in Russia

What is a running (sold) product - this is a product that is most popular among buyers. It is generally accepted that the best-selling goods in Russia today are bread, cigarettes and vodka. But, not necessarily, by trading in this group of goods, you can secure any benefit that is different from other sellers. For example, when selling cigarettes (the best-selling product in Russia in 2019), you should not expect a large profit from sales. This happens because a special pricing system for tobacco products does not allow setting a markup on cigarettes above the established norm, and selling this group of goods can even lead to a loss.

When choosing a product for sale, you should pay attention not to the mass sales, but to the prospects and profitability, in case of another crisis. Trade in Russia should be based on a reliable choice of various goods for sale in unfavorable conditions. economic conditions. By following this rule, you can not be afraid of a crisis and trade calmly under any conditions.

So, selling less and earning less, but consistently choosing a product from the category of reliable products, is much more profitable than earning a lot on sales, but losing profit in a crisis by selling risky products. A popular proverb says “if you go slower, you will go further”. What is the best-selling product in Russia in 2019?

The list of best-selling goods in Russia includes the following categories:

Small household appliances (irons, blenders, electric kettles, mixers);

Electrical goods (wire, cable, lamps, plugs, sockets, switches, etc.);

Sanitary goods (valves, faucets, gaskets);

Simple tools (hammers, saws, self-tapping screws);

Household chemicals (synthetic powders, detergents for dishes, stoves, sinks, tiles, detergents for toilet bowls, and so on);


Clothing and footwear;

Other goods of daily use;

The best-selling food products are products of social importance, namely:

Meat (chicken, pork, beef, lamb);

Frozen fish;

Chicken eggs;

Butter and sunflower oil;

cow's milk;

Flour and flour products;

Sugar sand;


Long leaf black tea;

Cereals (buckwheat, polished rice, millet);


Vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage);

The above products are a full-fledged minimum that a person, a citizen of Russia, needs to ensure life. But confectionery, such as sweets, as well as drinks, including alcoholic ones, are an addition, but sometimes some of them are hot goods.

Also, semi-finished products can now be attributed to hot goods - products (meat, fish, vegetables) half-cooked, which only need to be subjected to heat treatment.

In this field of activity, a market analysis was carried out and the following results were clarified - people whose standard of living rises are more likely to purchase not very healthy fast food. Mostly women buy semi-finished products, this is explained by the fact that trying to combine work, study and family life they try to simplify their lives with such products and thereby save time for other more important things. For many people, semi-finished products are the main daily food, and therefore this product is rightfully one of the best-selling products.

Everyone wants to live successfully and securely, which is why, striving for a better life, people choose individual entrepreneurship rather than work for hire. Also, the desire to work for oneself is caused, for example, by the loss of a person’s main place of income, since due to the crisis, many enterprises that consistently receive high incomes could not cope with economic problems, ceasing to exist and naturally reducing a large number of jobs.

In order to do business and earn income, you need to decide what to sell so as not to burn out. To do this, you need to take the first steps in building successful business trade and think carefully about what kind of goods to trade and where. You can trade anything like in the market by opening a stall, a trading tent, a place or even a store, or you can do sales via the Internet. There are both advantages and disadvantages to these options, and the entrepreneur needs to be aware of them.

But first you need to choose a range of goods for sale, and then solve the following questions:

Size initial capital to start a business;

In the case of trading in a stall or outlet, an analysis of the market in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city for the presence of competitors should be carried out;

Care should be taken that the assortment of goods selected for sale is from the list of reliable goods and remains in demand even if the economic situation in the country worsens;

Reliable goods include those goods that a person will buy regardless of the economic situation in the country. Yes, of course, sales may fall, but the product will still be sold.

The best-selling product in Russia via the Internet

The Internet is by far the most popular place for trading, here you can buy almost everything - from food and medicine to large-sized equipment and furniture, without leaving your home.

The design of an online store is similar to the design of a regular one. outlet. To do this, it is also necessary to register an individual entrepreneurship, open a bank account, write a business plan, and decide which category of goods to trade. The advertising company of online stores, of course, is slightly different from the standard one, but the tax reporting is the same.

What can be implemented in the online store

Considering that almost everything that is needed is sold on the Internet, a modern person, still choosing a product for trading it on the network, should study which product is most in demand among users of Internet resources.

Internet trade market researchers noticed a certain pattern of such sales and determined the so-called tournament table of the most popular goods sold via the Internet.

Consider the top ten best-selling goods in Russia on the Internet:

1. Small household appliances deservedly occupy the first place in the rating of network sales. This wide category of goods is readily bought not only in household appliances stores, but also on the Internet. These are the following products: irons, mixers, toasters, blenders, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, hair dryers, curling irons and hair straighteners, bread machines, multicookers, scales, meat grinders, waffle irons, sandwich makers, electric shavers, digital and SLR cameras, video players, music players, car radios And so on. As you can see, the list of these products is very extensive, and these products are popular because they make life easier for a person, making it more comfortable for a relatively low cost. On the Internet, people buy small household appliances and electronics in order to save time, since not in every region you can find this or that product of the desired configuration, and fast delivery to any, the most remote region of Russia, allows you to make such purchases.

2. Second place in the ranking of online sales is occupied by laptops and computer components. The advantage of online sales of such goods is similar to the previous ones - a large selection, low price, convenient delivery and product warranty. Even the owners of ordinary computer equipment stores order goods for trade from wholesale suppliers on the Internet, because many have probably faced such a situation when in a regular store the buyer was asked to wait a few days until one or another spare part or computer component arrives at the warehouse. Therefore, in order not to wait for the desired part in the store, it is better to buy it yourself via the Internet. This is what many do.

3. On the third place of sales on the Internet - mobile communication devices: tablet personal computers, smartphones and phones. The widest selection of phone and tablet models, attractive prices, safe delivery, as well as warranty service, attracts buyers to make a purchase of this group of goods via the Internet.

4. The fourth most popular goods in Russia sold via the Internet are cosmetics and perfumes. And these goods are mainly bought by women, since they have greater purchasing power, unlike men. It should be noted that the price for this category of goods in online stores is lower than in conventional retail stores, and the range is wider. In the online store, you can read real customer reviews about the selected product and watch a video review about it, which makes shopping more convenient.

Cosmetics are a more popular product, since the female half of humanity focuses on well-known manufacturers and usually already has experience in using a particular product. But to buy perfumery products in an online store it is more difficult, since you want to feel an expensive aroma before buying. Therefore, well-known brands of perfume are most often sold well, and well-advertised brands.

5. Fifth place is occupied by children's goods. This group of products is universal, and therefore quite popular. A large selection of assortment, bright colors, the availability of the right sizes and an affordable price category compared to a retail network, a convenient search engine that separates goods according to the age categories of children, attract users of Internet resources - potential customers.

6. The sixth place in online sales is software. This product is universal, regardless of gender, age, weight category, religion and life position. Software buyers are often commercial firms, large enterprises, government agencies, large retail chains selling computer peripherals, as well as ordinary users who care about the security of their personal devices and personal data. The best-selling software is antivirus programs, Windows operating systems, Microsoft Office suites, and other programs for personal and commercial purposes.

7. Seventh place is occupied by shopping for clothes on the Internet. It is very popular now to order clothes on the Internet, the advantages of such purchases are obvious - the choice of models is huge and it is constantly updated, the size range is always available, the style of clothing can be seen on the model from the photo, there are reviews of real buyers. But, at the same time, despite significant advantages, there are also disadvantages in this paragraph. First of all, this is the riskiness of the purchase - not every person knows exactly their size, and those who know are not always sure about right choice, since often each manufacturer has its own patterns for sewing clothes, respectively, and its own dimensional grid. Therefore, not everyone decides to buy things "by eye".

8. Eighth place in online sales is occupied by payment cards. These are cards that can be used to pay for any goods, cellular communications (for example, an account for mobile phone), cable TV and Internet services, purchase of software, as well as entertainment programs (paid games, various mobile applications in the AppStore or Google Play Market). It is easy to replenish such cards with money, even without leaving your home, and on some services you can do this even without withdrawing a commission.

9. In ninth place are online sales of various tickets, namely: for movie screenings in cinemas, for concerts of artists, for opera, for theaters, for football, hockey, basketball, for various show programs. On the same line of the rating of online sales are ticket sales for Passenger Transportation– trains, buses and planes. With the help of such online purchases, a person saves his time on waiting in lines and trips to the airport or bus station. You can also pay for tickets online using a payment card.

10. Tenth place is occupied by sales of large household appliances. Why is this category of goods not so popular for online shopping? This is obvious, a large product is usually expensive, not every buyer can afford to purchase an expensive product without looking at it, so to speak, “live”. After all, it is necessary to inspect the product, check its integrity, serviceability, functionality, packaging and other qualities. Also, many buyers during the purchase of complex equipment have a number of questions that only a store consultant can solve. Therefore, these goods are rarely ordered in online stores, preferring real hardware stores in their city. The second inconvenient moment for the purchase is the large weight and dimensions of the purchase, the delivery of a refrigerator, TV or washing machine to the desired city can be very costly for the buyer, much more expensive than its cost.

Despite the large dimensions and weight, many buyers in Lately order furniture online. If you look carefully, you can really find inexpensive options that, even with delivery to the right city, will turn out to be cheaper than buying a similar product in a local furniture store.

Sellability of goods in physical stores and on the Internet depends on two factors:

Attractive price, lower than retail stores, inexpensive delivery. Small inexpensive goods are very popular for shopping in online stores, therefore, a large volume of sales makes them a hot commodity;

The versatility of some product groups. Almost all small-sized household appliances are bought on the Internet, which is why it is in first place in terms of popularity of online sales, it is the best-selling product in Russia, because such a product suits a large audience of people.

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Our age of high technology is good because many things can be done without leaving the computer. For example, today it is not at all necessary to spend time shopping - all purchases can be made on the Internet. This makes it easy for a novice entrepreneur to establish and successfully develop a business selling goods via the Internet. Before creating an online store, you should carefully study the sales statistics in recent years. If you understand what is popular with consumers in 2019, your business will be profitable. However, you should not rely only on popularity, because bread, alcohol and tobacco products are very popular, but their sale will not bring much profit. So what's good for selling? So, according to statistics, we can assume that in 2019 the best-selling goods on the Internet will remain:

  • Smartphones, tablets, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and other small household appliances;
  • Shoes and clothes;
  • Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Medicines;
  • LEDs;
  • Books;
  • Chinese products.

Depending on the size start-up capital you need to select the price category of what will be sold in your online store.

According to 2019 statistics, the best-selling goods on the Internet are cheap goods. In times of crisis, cost becomes more important than quality. Therefore, budget furniture, inexpensive clothing and food are beginning to be in demand. In addition to ordinary buyers, former representatives of the “middle class” are also interested in this price category.

What is not worth selling?

Among the best-selling goods on the Internet in Russia in 2019, there are categories that should not be sold due to fierce competition. These include gadgets and home appliances. If you still decide to sell the most popular products on the Internet in 2019, then your competitors will be not only well-known and little-known trading platforms in Russia, but also Chinese online stores.

Clothing and footwear

Even though shopping for clothes and shoes usually requires trying them on, these are the most sold items on the internet today. Why? - Yes, because a quality item on the Internet is much cheaper than in a boutique. In addition, people need to dress and wear shoes, regardless of the economic situation in the country. Therefore, there will always be a demand for “clothing” goods. Online clothing store - featuring. The main thing is to choose the right assortment, make high-quality photos and product descriptions. Of course, there is a possibility that the item will not suit the buyer, so the risks of returns must be taken into account. To minimize such risks, a thorough approach should be taken to advising clients. With the right approach, selling clothes and shoes will bring good profits. Statistics show that, for example, last year dresses became the best-selling item for women.

Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts

The times of resellers earning fabulous money have gradually passed. New technologies, including e-commerce, allow you to purchase a ticket for any type of transport, as well as for all kinds of events, without getting up from the couch. Electronic tickets can be called one of the best-selling goods on the Internet. Of course, it will not be easy for a newcomer to this business, since the competition in this segment is quite high. But if you are determined to work seriously on the promotion and promotion of your ticket resale resource, then your business will be successful. Those who have potential partners - organizers of events will also be able to make good money on tickets.

Perfumes and cosmetics

These categories are undoubtedly in demand by buyers even in difficult times. When opening an online store of perfumes and cosmetics, it is important to have a good website, conduct regular advertising campaigns and, of course, to sell exclusively high-quality products of well-known brands. If you think about what are the best-selling products on the Internet in pre-holiday days, then perfumery and cosmetics are one of the first options that come to mind. This product makes a wonderful gift for New Year, Valentine's Day and 8 March.


Medicines, herbs, medicinal teas and dietary supplements are also among the best-selling products in Russia. These categories, despite their popularity, can harm human health. When reselling such products, be vigilant, sell only a quality product. Pay special attention to the expiration dates of the goods and the credibility and reliability of the manufacturer.


LED lamps can be considered the best-selling products in online stores in 2019. First of all, this is due to the fact that they consume two times less electricity than conventional lamps and last several times longer. The demand for these products is growing every day, as in times of crisis people tend to save energy. The LED resale business is profitable, although the competition in this area is already quite strong.


The rapid development of the market e-books could not completely replace the traditional ones. Are books among the best-selling goods on the Internet, how to find out? - Very simple: look at what many people are doing in public transport. They read paper editions! Finding a bookstore selling necessary literature, is a tricky business. Therefore, buyers are looking for books on the Internet. Therefore, the resale of traditional books is profitable business, despite the fact that many of us consider the electronic form of publications and documents more convenient. The margin for this category of goods can reach 50-60%, the payback of the business is at least a year.

Cheap goods from China

Chinese merchants have successfully implemented ideas for the production of in-demand items. The purchase price of Chinese goods is ridiculous. And in 2019, the best-selling goods from China on the Internet are fakes, or, more correctly, replicas of things from famous brands:

  • adidas
  • Nike;
  • UGG Australia;
  • Timberland;
  • iPhone from Apple;
  • converse;
  • Lacoste.

Many of the best-selling things on the Internet are not original, but are made by the Chinese with very high quality. Consumers see no reason to overpay "for the name" of the manufacturer. In addition, many brands locate their production facilities in China, so local craftsmen learn the secrets from the masters and successfully use them in their technological processes.

Find suppliers first. To avoid dependence on one supplier, keep several wholesalers in stock to quickly reorient in the event of a sharp increase in the purchase price of the items sold. You can search for them on specialized forums, classified ad sites, and at thematic exhibitions.

Depending on your capabilities, you need to choose a scheme for working with a supplier. There are several options for interaction.


As you may have guessed, commodities are the most "traded" in the world. Below are the 10 most common products that are making big deals. This is the top 10 The most popular and best-selling products in the world.

No. 10. Cotton

A soft, downy plant that grows in a pod or capsule around the seed. The plant is over 7000 years old. Its application is not limited to the production of clothing, coffee filters and paper. Fishing nets, fire hoses, oil, cosmetics, medicines are also produced from it. It is the most commonly used natural fiber in the world.

  • The largest producers are China (26%), India (22%), USA, Pakistan, Brazil.
  • The largest exporters are the USA, Australia, Brazil.
  • Delivery month futures - March, May, July, October and December

No. 9. Wheat

It is the staple food among grain crops. She is rich in proteins. In addition, its role in the history of mankind is great - it is considered one of the first cultures that could be easily grown on a huge scale. It is the third largest cereal crop in the world. And ninth most.

  • The largest producers are China, India, USA
  • The largest exporters are the USA, France, Canada

No. 8. Corn

Corn (maize) is one of the oldest crops in the world due to its ability to survive in various climatic conditions. It is the largest cultivated cereal in the world after rice. There are two main types: corn used for feed and chemical purposes and sweet corn used for human consumption.

  • The largest producers are the USA, China, Brazil
  • The largest exporters are the USA, Argentina, China
  • Delivery Month Futures - January, April, July

No. 7. Sugar

Mainly extracted from sugar cane and sugar beet. It is able to bring not only sweetness into our lives, but also sweet profits into the portfolios of brokers and stock market players.

  • The largest producers are Brazil, India, China
  • The largest exporters are Brazil, India, China

No. 6. Silver

Silver is a metallic chemical element that exists in its pure form in natural environment. Mainly used for making jewelry, tableware and currency. But besides these household uses, silver is widely used in industry: electrical conductors, mirrors, chemical industry, photographic films, etc. It is valued as a precious metal and has been used since ancient times.

  • The largest producers are Mexico, Peru, China
  • The largest exporters are Peru, China, India

No. 5. Copper

Copper - other chemical metal widely used for trading purposes. In fact, one of the oldest used in trade of all time. It has been used for thousands of years in its pure form, as well as in the form of alloys. It is the third most widely used metal in the world after iron and aluminium. And the fifth most popular and selling item.

  • The largest producers are Chile, USA, Peru
  • The largest exporters are Chile, USA, Peru

No. 4. Gold

A metal characterized by a soft, shiny, very ductile texture. This is a pure potpourri of beauty, rarity and invincibility. Since ancient times, gold has been used as a currency.

  • The largest producers are China, Australia, USA
  • The largest exporters are China, Australia, USA

No. 3. Natural gas

Natural gas is one of the most important sources of energy, mainly used for heating and electrification purposes. 25% of the energy consumed in the US is natural gas. The basis of the gas mixture is methane, CO 2 and nitrogen. Natural gas is usually found in close proximity to crude oil, which is the world's most traded commodity.

  • The largest producers are Russia, USA, Canada
  • The largest exporters are Russia, Canada, Norway

No. 2. Coffee

One of ancient cultures humanity - green cereal. It is grown in more than 70 countries (the main part is in Latin America, Southeast Asia).

  • The largest producers are Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, Colombia, India
  • The largest exporters are Brazil, Germany, Colombia
  • Delivery Month Futures - March, May, July, September, December

No. 1. Crude oil

It is a fossil fuel and is considered one of the most expensive commodities due to the high demand for end products derived from oil. Crude oil is the most traded and tradable world commodity.

  • Major manufacturers - Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA
  • The largest exporters are Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran
  • The largest consumers are the USA, China, Japan.

The key to doing business in the resale of Chinese goods is understanding the essence. It is not even the scheme of buying and selling that is important here. It is quite simple - they found a product, bought it at cost, sold it in their hometown via the Internet or newspapers. The essence of the product matters. If a housewife sells a screwdriver, then she is unlikely to be trusted and trusted to buy. Just like a plumber will sell hot rollers. Trust between seller and buyer must be the foundation of any sale.

The second moment of such sales. Price. Many buyers are aware of the existence of Chinese online stores. But, they also understand that the wait for this product can last 2-3 months. Therefore, they are looking for an alternative - to buy here and now, but cheaper than in a store. The choice of price is also a rather delicate matter. The inner worm of greed asks you to set the sale price at 10-20 times the purchase price. But, the law of the market says that sometimes it is easier to make a profit on the turnover of funds than on the sale of these goods at high prices. What price to put on Chinese goods is up to you. But, in any case, one should remember a simple truth - if it is not for sale, then it needs to be changed. Luckily, changing the sale price is pretty easy. You are not a shop.

By the way, the question of conscience is whether the resale of goods from China is a scam? Again, it's your conscience and your deal with it. For example, one of my acquaintances simply sells goods bought in China that did not suit him. And he buys a lot of things and often. So it makes a nice profit in addition to the main income. And we are already thinking about starting a large legal business.

In the meantime, you consider and think about your own capabilities. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular Chinese goods by the number of purchases per month. Do you understand what I mean? If they are well bought, then the demand for them is very high. Such goods are easy to resell in your city. In the list, I will indicate the price of selling it in China. Its resale price is usually + 20% ... 400% of the purchase price. The statistics were kindly provided by the Aliexpress trading platform.

  1. Cable cutters - $1.71,
  2. Smartphone Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro — $159.99,

Increasingly, Russian citizens are purchasing the right product using the Internet. The best-selling product on the Internet in 2019 can be estimated by different criteria─ it is necessary to assess the market and demand, to properly build marketing.

Approximately 40% of Russian citizens for six months of 2019 at least once made a purchase on the Internet. Every day there are more and more network users, which potentially increases the chance of effective sales through the online store network. Experts note that the category of the population from 20 to 40 years old is the most active in shopping. Consider how you can determine the saleability of goods on the Internet, which is of most interest to Russian citizens in 2019.

The best-selling products on the Internet in 2019

It is undeniable that virtual sales are becoming popular, the best-selling product on the Internet in 2019 is in line with marketing trends ─ in other words, the ways in which product advertising is developing along lines of business. RACAR statistics for this year show that entrepreneurs invested the least in advertising their products in the press of regional and federal significance, as well as in banner advertising.

In addition to online advertising, business is also moving to the Internet, this is the opening of chain stores, the right assortment will give you successful trading, but for this you need to do the right analysis, which is now of interest to users.

According to statistics for the past months of this year, the most requested and purchased products via the Internet are:

Name of product


sales (%)


surveillance equipment

The product is gaining popularity; it has moved from the military sphere to the domestic, security sphere. Great for panoramic shots.

Organic products

Selling own products through a network grown without chemicals is a promising direction. Always in demand.

Medical equipment

Online sales of medical equipment for treatment different kind popular diseases (osteochondrosis, scoliosis).

Mobile devices

The product is constantly popular due to model updates and a fairly affordable cost on the network.

Green tea)

It deserves attention as a developing direction, deliveries and partnerships in the network are organized almost automatically.

Home Appliances

So far, demand is gaining momentum only for goods presented by the manufacturer, a high assessment of quality.

body cleansing,


Detexes, decoctions, officially licensed products, are developed due to the natural need of a person for their own health.

LED lightening,


Promising direction for sale, economical lighting. Long-term operation, business for start-up entrepreneurs.

Always in demand products, the network is cheaper. Less risk shopping, size and other parameters can be specified from the photos.

Book editions

Sales of classical literature are especially popular.

Kids toys

This direction is developing as gifts for children on certain dates with nominal signatures, the possibility of acquiring excellent gaming complexes.


An excellent niche in which there is a lot of competition, but also a lot of demand. The main thing is to conduct a sales policy correctly and set the real cost of products.


Systems are being improved by leading companies, it is necessary to implement software and support.

Courses taught

Access to learning remotely, you can learn any language, improve knowledge in any specialization.

car parts

There are many resources that offer spare parts, it is easy to choose the right part for the right price. The direction with high competition always works, there is a demand.

motor vehicles

Specialized sites that are trusted by buyers, support of transactions by lawyers, the demand for this direction is growing.


An easy sales direction that does not require special skills, but a licensed activity.

The sale of second-hand deserves attention, when an almost excellent thing is sold online at a low cost, many simply do not need unused items or equipment.

Real estate

A niche in which the real estate trade is developing, the purchase is carried out both in absentia and in person through its own representatives, legal confirmation of transactions.

It should be noted that all the products that are requested on the Internet as the best-selling product on the Internet in 2019 cannot be described. There are certain criteria for specialists, as they are defined, but all the products presented above require analysis and properly built marketing.

Focusing on wealthy people, you can offer elite perfumes via the Internet, it will be cheaper than buying them in specialized salons. Now the purchase of expensive jewelry is being activated, it is like a contribution to savings and protection from inflation.

Experts recommend an entrepreneur who decides to e-business pay attention to products of average cost. The most demanded products on the Internet are products that are cheap from the point of view of ordinary stores.

Specific sales conditions, the absence of certain encumbrances for business allow setting the cost of goods below the market price, the demand for household appliances, furniture, and tools is growing.

A timely response to the demand for a particular product in the e-commerce sales market is very useful, it increases sales. It is advisable to monitor the Internet at the request of users in search of goods.

Always analyze the regional market, what is the most demanded by the population in the city now, and you should never deceive the trust of the client in e-commerce.

There should always be excellent service, attention to a potential buyer, namely:

    the site should have feedback;

    it is advisable to make a free call within Russia to clarify the time of delivery of the goods;

    always provide the service of a consultant.

What to sell in 2019 in the e-shop

What is the best-selling product on the Internet in 2019, ─ this question is of interest to many owners of an electronic store. Always a novice entrepreneur worries about the direction of online sales in popular niches. Experts advise, when a small online store is organized, to sell in it what you know more about, so finding the right product is the most important issue.

You should always remember that there is no absolute product that would 100% meet all the requirements and set after analyzing the work of many electronic stores, certain parameters. The meaning of the definition successful product for sale cannot cover all sales ideas, but it gives a certain direction for the search for a novice entrepreneur. Following the selection of the best-selling product according to the parameters below will help to avoid the collapse of the electronic sale.

How to identify market potential

The volume of purchases of the selected product on the market should not be huge, let it simply be sufficient, do not use narrow sales niches. If you sell products to pregnant women, this is good, but a product for pregnant women who are engaged in physical activity ─ this can lead to a shortage of buyers, so the volume of the sales market is limited.

Consider: an electronic store sells elite goods for men (watches, cufflinks) ─ a limited niche of trade, but here you can find a target buyer with certain investments, since watches or cufflinks always attract men.

How can you determine the target buyer in trading (actual market volume), this is a tool for determining queries, both Yandex and Google. The search will help determine the number of people looking for your products, plus the real price of the product, then you can predict the number of potential buyers of your products.

How to identify competitors

Always, choosing the best-selling product on the Internet in 2019, you need to identify competitors. Using the search tool, you can analyze competitors in the selected sales niche, when there are a lot of requests, this indicates that the market responds to these products with demand. The main thing here, according to experts, is to draw the right attention to your store.

How can this be done? Using Wordstat, we determine the volume of potential sales, as well as which sites offer the same products. Experts recommend that after identifying competitors, look at how they conduct their product marketing, offer more profitable terms, make your store's advertising more intense.

Parameters that determine the success of sales

Success in e-sales is a timely response to fluctuations in demand. Consider what parameters will help determine the best-selling product, this:

    The product you have chosen is in constant demand in the market, or is it a seasonal fad.

    It is necessary to analyze regional sales in ordinary stores of the selected product, if it is sold, then at what cost. Selling effective sharpeners for knives, you can not get demand for them, since they are easily bought in a nearby store, a person does not need to go online for this. You need to convince people to buy them from you: increase the range, functionality, reduce the cost.

    What is the age of your potential buyer, this is also important when choosing a product. Teenage products will not always be sold due to their lack of electronic cards, but they are advanced Internet users, and when clothes are sold for people of “age”, there may be a problem with adapting the store, along the line of simplification, so that everything is clear. It is necessary to make hints where to press and explanations of working with buttons.

    Define your own markup for the product.

    The real value of goods in the region. It is important not to set the price above the possible sales bar. Specialists note that goods worth more than 3 thousand rubles are, as a rule, examined more closely by buyers, this applies to explanations and answers to customer questions.

    Is it possible to sell the selected product for sale by subscription, these are personal care products, creams, and gels. The meaning of the sale is to regularly sell to the same buyers of their products.

    It is advisable to choose a product for sale in small sizes so that home delivery can be arranged, and when the product is large, it is difficult to do so.

    One of the factors of a successful choice of goods is its durability. It is better to refuse fragile and breakable goods, or carefully pay attention to their packaging and delivery.

    Seasonal demand will also help determine the successful choice of "hot product", this should be done under new year holidays and also in the spring it is easier to sell products for the summer.

    Determine the specificity of your product, what it brings to the buyer, in what form it is bought to facilitate work, reduce pain, or for beauty and pleasure.

    The need to determine the turnover of the selected product. When you sell products that may become outdated due to fashion trends, you must buy a certain amount of them, otherwise they will be in stock.

The basis of an electronic store is the right choice of goods. There is no such product that would always sell perfectly, but by applying the search for goods according to the criteria recommended by experts, you can reduce the risk of becoming bankrupt in the chosen sales niche.

How to grab the attention of customers using marketing

Electronic sales attract the attention of large businessmen more, the best-selling product on the Internet in 2019, after the analysis, is the one that was previously correctly advertised, including on network resources. Consider what trends in marketing make products popular in sales, these are:

    Advertising your own resource on the Internet with a selling page. Experts say that more and more people are switching to mobile versions of the Internet, so it is important that your site is clearly visible on any device. The demand for a position in the top also depends on this.

    Advertising products using video clips on Internet resources: YouTube, Bing. A lot of people don't want to read, they want to watch, and you need to use it, show how your product works, how it is useful, convince them to make a purchase.

    Having a database of email newsletters, you can make an excellent advertisement for your product with a good conversion of products. Expert advice is:

    the use of animation attracts more attention, just a simple but high-quality animation can be added to the proposal letter;

    come up with a product logo, correctly visualize your offer in the mailing list.

The trend of the sale of goods by niches of consumption

The Internet every year attracts more people to make purchases, increased employment of the population makes this shopping in demand. An important feature of online sales is an unlimited number of offers.

Using the tools of the Internet, experts identified the most requested products and made the top ten most popular sales directions for the rest of 2019, these are:

    household appliances, which occupies the last, tenth place in this ranking due to their large size and the cost of delivering it to your home, this is interconnected;

    stable ninth place is occupied by sales for events (concerts, tickets for planes, trains);

    in eighth place in popularity for the six months of this year were services providing online services to the network;

    seventh place is occupied by the sale of clothing, many users prefer stores where they can try it on;

    sixth place is occupied by the purchase of various software by Russians;

    are gaining sales and occupy the fifth place children's goods, a large assortment;

    beauty for women takes fourth place in sales this year, these are: cosmetics, perfumes, various brands, other women's goods;

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