Scene for the new year. Funny scenes for children about school - jokes, humor, KVN. Scene for the New Year about grandmothers Yozhek


Meet New Year White Rat 2020 is always more fun and interesting in big company when a lot of people get together to communicate, cheer up and celebrate everyone's favorite holiday. But sometimes in the same company there are people who do not know each other well.

Some may be shy, others may be too noisy, and the result will be confusion. To avoid this trouble, it is advisable to plan interesting activities for all guests. Good entertainment will be scenes for the New Year 2020, funny and modern.

In a large company, the mood improves, so the skits will be a success. The main thing is to involve as many participants as possible in the process and not be afraid to improvise. In most cases, people quickly get involved in the proposed activity, begin to add something of their own, actively communicate, and the evening is very fun.

The best funny scenes for a fun company

These scenes are modern, and they were invented specifically for the celebration of the New Year holiday. The upcoming 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat, so you can offer guests a lot of scenes related to these animals. Funny scenes, riddles and contests that involve the audience are perfect. You can choose the most suitable options for your New Year's scenario.

Cheerful scene "Wet spectators"

For the scene, you need to prepare 2 opaque containers (for example, jugs), fill one with water and the other with confetti. Then the leader rises to make a toast. He says that in some countries where it often rains, there is a belief that on New Year's Eve drops of water bring happiness, and every drop that falls on a person becomes a wish fulfilled. Therefore, rain on New Year's Eve is considered a great success. But, since it's cold and there is no rain, we need to look for other ways to attract happiness.

In the process of speech, you need to demonstrate that there is water in the jug (for example, pour a little into a glass). At the end of the toast, it is necessary to quietly change the jugs (an assistant can pass the second jug under the table) and, swinging, pour the contents onto the audience. Believing that there is water in the jug, everyone will rush in all directions with squeals and screams, but only a rain of confetti will overtake them.

A very positive scene for the Repka company

For this skit, you will need 7 participants and a host. Participants are assigned roles: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse and turnip. The facilitator tells the story, and the participants act out what he is talking about. The task is to show the events as brightly and cheerfully as possible.


- Grandfather planted a turnip.

[A grandfather and a turnip appear before the audience. They must depict how the grandfather planted a turnip. For example, a turnip can hide under a table.]

- A big, big turnip has grown.

[The turnip shows from under the table how it grows.]

- Grandfather began to pull the turnip. Pulls, pulls, can't pull. Calling for help grandmother.

In the future, according to the narrative, all participants join the action. It is good if a child plays the role of a mouse, for example, a little girl. Grandmother can tie a napkin instead of a scarf, and invite a lady with the most beautiful manicure to play the role of a cat. When the “turnip” is pulled out from under the table by joint efforts, it should hold a surprise in its hands for all the guests. With the help of this scene, you can serve a cake or a sweet.


Scene "Kolobok" in a new way

You will need participants: grandfather, grandmother, Kolobok, hare, wolf and fox. For the role of Kolobok, the largest participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the hall. At the same time, Kolobok and the fox can be a couple.


- Grandfather and grandmother baked a kolobok, which came out cute, but very voracious.


- Grandfather, grandmother, I'll eat you!

Grandfather with grandmother:

- Do not eat us, Kolobok, we will rewrite the apartment for you!

[A hare, a wolf and a fox appear on the stage in turn.]


- Hare, hare, I'll eat you!


- Don't eat me, Kolobok, I'll give you a carrot!

[Hands the kolobok a bottle or some fruit from the table.]


- Wolf, wolf, I'll eat you!


- Don't eat me, kolobok, I'll give you a hare!

[Catches a hare and passes a kolobok.]


- Fox, fox, I'll eat you!

A fox:

- No, kolobok, I'll eat you myself!

[Takes the "carrot" from the kolobok and releases the hare.]


- Oh, what a fox you are! Then marry me!

[Kolobok and the fox sit on a chair together, the rest of the participants in the scene gather around.]


- And they began to live, live, and make good. And the rabbit was adopted.

Sketches for a corporate party with jokes for the year of the White Rat

For a corporate party in the Metal Rat, it is better to select mass scenes where everyone present is involved in the action. You can act out the following scenes.

Dance scene "Around the World"

Better to spend when the dancing starts. It will help to liberate the guests and give a good charge to the further dance evening. The host solemnly announces that all those present are invited to travel around the world. Then the melodies turn on in turn. The task of the presenter is to bring as many guests to the dance floor as possible. We start from the Far North - the song "I'll take you to the tundra." We ride reindeer, show the horns, the first stop is in the gypsy camp, the song "Gypsy", etc.

"Sly Santa Claus"

An actor dressed as Santa Claus comes up to the guests and invites everyone to write one wish. Then the recorded desires are collected in a bag and thoroughly mixed. After that, Santa Claus says that he recently returned from vacation, where he spent all his magical power, so the guests will have to fulfill their wishes on their own. The leaves are distributed again in random order, and the guests must try to fulfill the desires that they have come across.

Scenes for an adult company - the old New Year

For an adult company, less noisy, but at the same time exciting scenes are required that will attract general attention. For example: intelligence puzzles or small thematic contests. The following skits with a competitive element are well suited to celebrate the old New Year.

"The closest"

The host invites several pairs of guests and gives them a tangerine, a Christmas ball and a champagne cork. 3 compositions for slow dance sound (15-20 seconds each). During the dance, the couples must hold each of the objects in turn between themselves, without dropping it. The host announces: Mandarin symbolizes all the sweetest that is in a couple, and the freshness of feelings. The Christmas ball symbolizes the fragility of our hearts. The cork can only be held if you know each other well. The winners receive a prize and the title of "The Closest".


The scene "Whose help is better?"


Alina, Polina, Evelina - daughters of the king.

King(daughters). Today I walked around our palace and was just horrified: a complete mess! Books are lying on the floor, shoes are on the windowsills, and clothes are on the beds! And everywhere - candy wrappers! And so I decided to do some cleaning today. And I want to ask you: how will you help me?

Alina. Here's how I can help. When you start cleaning, I will turn on the record player and play your favorite record "Kings Can Do Anything". With this fun song, you will instantly clean up!

Pauline. I'd rather turn on the TV. There will be shown the program "Visiting a fairy tale." I will watch it carefully and tell you everything. And you will clean the whole palace fabulously fast!

King(turning to Evelina with a sigh). What will you turn on?

Evelina. I will turn on the vacuum cleaner. No, first I'll put everything in its place. Then I'll take a broom and sweep all the garbage. Then I will remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner. After that, wipe the window sills and all the furniture with a damp cloth. And when everything is clean, we will all sit down together and watch TV.

King. Well, now I found out that I have only one real assistant!

Scene "At the doctor's"


A student with a briefcase is standing in front of the doctor's office. He is indecisive.

Student. What to do? To go or not to go? And suddenly kicked out? No I'm not going. Yes, what about control? No, you have to go. Was not! (He pulls out a towel from his briefcase, ties it around his head. Then he knocks on the door.)

Doctor. Yes, yes, come in!

Student(included). Can?

Doctor(writes something, then stops writing, looks at the student). Come in, come in, sit down. What are you complaining about?

Student. Feeling very bad.

Doctor. Specifically, what hurts?

Student. Head. Stomach. Ear stuffed up. I hear nothing and understand nothing. Then, this, dizziness, pressure and palpitations.

Doctor. The temperature is?

Student. There is, there is! Thirty-eight and eight. Or forty-four and four. I do not remember.

Doctor. Clear. Do you remember your last name?

Student. No, I don't remember... I forgot.

Doctor. And forgot the name too?

Student. Yeah. And patronymic. Because my head hurts.

Doctor. And in what class do you study, and in what school - also forgot?

Student. Class ... it seems, the sixth "yu". And I completely forgot school.

Doctor. OK. Open the horn wider and say: "Aaaa."

Student. A-a-algebra.

Doctor. What is "algebra"? Control, or what, today?

Student. No, tomorrow. Oh no, I don't remember.

Doctor. Hmm yeah. (He looks at the student over his glasses.) A very difficult case! You can't go to school. You have to stay at home for two weeks.

Student(happily). Houses?

Student. What about English?

Doctor. It is forbidden!

Student. What about geography?

Doctor. In no case!

Student. Can you go to the cinema?

Doctor. Didn't I say? Necessarily! Twice a day - morning and afternoon!

Student. Thanks a lot!

Doctor. To health! All. You can go.

Student. Goodbye. Oh, and help?

Doctor. What help?

Student. Exemption from school. You didn't give me!

Doctor. Ah, liberation. No, unfortunately it won't work!

Student. Why?

Doctor. How can I write you a certificate if I don’t know your name, surname, or the school where you study!

Student. Oh, I think I'm starting to remember.

Doctor. Well done! What's the last name?

Student. Kotikov.

Student. Vasya! That is, Vasily Egorovich.

Doctor. Very well, now remember the class, the school.

Student. Sixth "b" class, school number twenty-five.

Doctor. Now think about algebra.

Student. About what algebra?

Doctor. About the one on which the control is tomorrow. Remembered?

Student. I remembered.

Doctor. Amazing! You see how quickly you recovered from me! And you don't even need a referral! Or is it still necessary? To the principal of school number twenty-five?

Student. Not necessary.

Doctor. Then goodbye. Kotikov Vasily Egorovich. Yes, don't forget to take the turban off your head, it doesn't suit you!

The student removes the towel from his head and leaves.

Scene "Grandmothers and grandchildren"


Two grandmothers.

First grandmother. Hello my dove! Let's go for a walk in the park.

Second grandmother. What the hell, I haven't done my homework yet.

First grandmother. Which lessons?

Second grandmother. Now it is fashionable to do homework for grandchildren. I want to try it, although it is probably non-pedagogical.

First grandmother. Why is it non-pedagogical? Yes, I have been doing lessons for my grandchildren all my life. If anything - ask me, I have a lot of experience.

Second grandmother. Well, if it’s not difficult, check how I learned the poem: “There is a green oak near the seashore, a golden chain on that oak ...”

First grandmother. So good.

Second grandmother. "... Both day and night, the dog is a scientist ..."

First grandmother. What other dog?

Second grandmother. Well, I don't know what breed he is, maybe a Doberman Pinscher?

First grandmother. Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood?

Second grandmother. Ah, I got it, I got it! Well, then I’ll start first: “At the seashore, there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak, day and night, a scientist cat ... goes to the grocery store with a string bag.”

First grandmother. With what bag? Which deli? Learn the poem again.

Second grandmother. Oh, I have so many more lessons! One grandson is in the sixth grade and the other is in the first. His teacher asked to bring cash to school.

First grandmother. What checkout? From the store, right? Don't drag me into this!

Second grandmother. Well, where is the store? Cashier is the alphabet. Okay, I'll do it myself, and you help me solve the problem.

First grandmother. So... (takes a textbook, reads) "...two pipes are connected to the bathroom..." Remember, in order to solve a problem, you need to have a good idea of ​​what it says. “Two rude pipes are connected to the bathroom ...” - did you imagine?

Second grandmother. Yes, yes, I did.

First grandmother."... Through one water flows in, through another it pours out." Presented?

Second grandmother. Introduced! (Running away.) Presented-ah!

First grandmother. Wait! Where are you running?

Second grandmother. Water is pouring out! Can fill the whole floor ...

First grandmother. Take it easy. In fact, the water does not pour out. This is only mentioned in the task! Now tell me, when will the bath be filled?

Second grandmother. Will never fill up. They themselves said - the water does not pour ...

First grandmother. Goodbye. You will be taken to the hospital. And my homework has not yet been done: I need to conduct an experiment in botany - to grow beans.

Second grandmother. Oh, yes, yes, I remember you took beans from me.

First grandmother. Yes, something does not grow these beans! Apparently poor quality...

Second grandmother. How poor quality? Well, do good to people! It can be said that I tore off the beans from myself - I took them out of the soup.

First grandmother. Wait, wait, how - from the soup? It's me, it turns out, raised boiled beans? Thank you, cheered...

Second grandmother. Well, I didn’t know why you need beans, don’t be offended!

First grandmother. What do you think, if we continue to study so hard, maybe they will give us some grade?

Second grandmother(whispers). Between us, it's already been placed.

First grandmother. Yes? And what is the rating?

Second grandmother. Kol!

First grandmother. Why such a bad rating?

Second grandmother. Because we don't mind our own business.

First grandmother. Adults do everything for the children, and then they are surprised: “Ah, they grow up with white hands! ..”

The old ladies leave.

Scene "Enchanted letter"


Denis. Once Alenka, Mishka and I were playing in the yard. It was before the New Year. They brought a tree to our yard. She lay large, furry, and smelled so deliciously of frost that we stood like fools and smiled. And suddenly Alenka said:

Alenka. Look, there are SENSES hanging on the Christmas tree!

Denis. Mishka and I rolled like that!

bear. Oh, I'm dying of laughter! Investigations!

Denis. Well gives: detectives!

Bear. The girl is five years old, but she says "detectives." Oh, I can't! Oh, I feel bad! Oh water! Give me more water! I'm going to faint now! (Falls, laughs.)

Denis. Oh, I even started to hiccup with laughter! Hic! Hic! I'll probably die now! The girl is already five years old, she will soon marry, and she is a detective!

Alenka(offended). Did I say that correctly! This is my tooth falling out and whistling. I want to say "spy", but I whistle "spy".

bear. Think! Her tooth fell out! .. I have fallen out as many as three and one is staggering, but I still speak correctly. Listen here: chuckles! What? Really, great? HIGHLIGHTS! I can even sing

Mihka clubfoot

Walking through the forest

Khyhki collects

And he puts it in his pocket.

Alenka(shouts). Ah-ah-ah! Not right! Hooray! You say "snickers", but you have to - "detectives"!

bear. No, it's necessary - "chuckles"!

Alenka. No, detectives!

Bear. No, "snickers"!

Alenka. No, detectives! (Obarevut.)

Denis. I laughed so hard that I even got hungry. I'll go home. Here are the freaks! Why are they arguing so, since both are wrong? After all, it is a very simple word. No "detectives", no "snickers", but briefly and clearly: "fifties"! That's all.

According to the materials of the newsreel "Yeralash"

Scene "Day of Help to Parents"


Anton. Mum.

Three classmates of Anton.

Anton appears on the stage. He wipes the dust with a rag, sweeps the floor with a brush, dancing and singing: "My baby, I miss you ...".

Mom enters in outerwear, freezes in place.

Mum. Anton, what happened?

Anton. Nothing happened, mom. Let me help you undress. (Helps take off jacket.)

Mom enters the room, notices that the dust has been wiped off.

Mum. Did you dust off? Myself?

Anton. Myself.

Mum. Tell me honestly, Anton, what happened?

Anton. Nothing happened.

Mum. Am I being called to school?

Anton. Not...

Mom walks across the room, notices that the floor has been swept.

Mum. Have you swept the floor? Myself?! Unbelievable... (She puts her hand to her forehead, checking to see if she has a fever.)

Anton. Mom, don't worry. I washed the dishes and did my homework.

Mum. Lessons done ... I beg you, Anton, tell me what happened after all? (Clutches his heart, sits down on a chair.)

Anton. Well, I'm telling you: nothing happened! The doorbell rings. Enter three children.

1st. Good evening! How was Parenting Day?

2nd. Hak, cleanliness, order. Wiped the dust, swept the floor ...

3rd(opens magazine). Check mark! (Ticks with a pencil.)

Anton. Helping Parents Day, Helping Parents Day! Here, look what your Parenting Day has brought a person to! (Pointing to mom.)

Children surround mother from all sides.

1st(vigorously). Valerian! Water! (Counting drops.) 23, 24, 25! (Gives mother a drink.) How nervous all mothers are! It was necessary to first explain that it was only for one day and tomorrow everything would be the same!

Scene "About a kitten who could not read"


Yasha is a kitten.

One day Murka's cat, Yasha's mother, said to the kitten:

Murka. It's time for you, Yasha, to learn to read.

Yasha. I'll still succeed!

Murka. Nothing to be lazy. Let's start right now. Sit down, I'll show you the letters.

Yasha reluctantly sits down.

Murka. Let's start with the simplest letter - "O". (Shows the letter "O")

Yasha. Some circle...

Murka. Yes, it looks like a circle. This letter is called "O". Repeat!

Yasha. This letter is called "O". What words contain this letter?

Murka. In many. For example, in the words "cat" and "cat". (Shows cards with words written on them.)

Yasha. And in the word "kitten"?

Murka. And in the word "kitten" there are even two letters "O". Look. (Shows a card with a written word.)

Yasha. See see! Two mugs! And three? Three letters "O" happens in words?

Murka. Certainly. There is such a good word - "milk". (Shows a card.)

Yasha. Truth! Three whole circles! Is there a letter in the word "ice cream"?

Murka. There is. And also three. Look. (Shows a card.)

Yasha. Good word! And in two ice creams, that means six letters "O". And in three...

Murka. Don't talk nonsense! And in general, we now have no arithmetic! That's all for today. Go for a walk!

Yasha. What a good letter! And it happens in the best words! And the tastiest!

Yasha approaches the screen, on which hangs a sign with the inscription: “Caution! Angry dog!"

Yasha. What a beautiful sign! And three words are written on it ... And in the first word there are whole ... one, two, three, four ... Wow!

As many as four letters "O"! Blimey! There must be something very tasty or pleasant here! ..

The kitten looks behind the screen. From there, a deafening bark is heard. Yasha jumps out from behind the screen, tears off the sign and runs to her mother.

Murka(seeing the excited Yasha). What happened to you? Why are you so disheveled and trembling all over? What happened?

Yasha. Mom, I was walking, I saw a fence, a beautiful sign hung on the fence (gives the sign to mom), three words are written on it, and in the first word there are four letters “O”! I thought that there must be something very tasty or pleasant...

Murka. So! I understand everything! This is what happens when you can't read! Do you know what is written on this plate? "Carefully! Angry dog!".

Yasha. Yes, it is written there correctly, the dog is really angry ... You know what, mom, let's learn the rest of the letters!

Scene "Word game"


Petya is a son.

Two boys - one older, the other younger - go on stage, sit on chairs. In the hands - pictures and pencils.

Petya. Dad, draw me something.

Dad. No, we will take turns drawing and play word at the same time.

Petya. Like this?

Dad. That's how. We will invent words for any letter and depict these words with drawings. Take, for example, the letter "P". I start. (Draws a briefcase, shows.)

Petya. Clear. And I'll draw ... (draws a locomotive).

Dad. Well done! The ship is like a real one! And I came up with this ... (draws and shows the belt).

Petya. No belt! He's not on the letter "P"!

Dad. It's not a belt, it's a belt!

Petya. Well you figured it out! Then I will draw ... (draws and shows a cat).

Dad. But you can’t have a cat, it’s not with the letter “P”!

Petya. And this is not just a cat, but Fluff!

Dad. Oh you sly one! Good. I will draw ... (draws and shows a portrait).

Petya. Who is it?

Dad. It's nobody. It's just a portrait.

Petya. Great. And I'll draw ... (draws and shows uncle).

Dad. And who is this?

Petya. It's nobody. It's just a passerby.

Dad. Well done! And I'll draw a parrot. (Draws and shows.)

Petya. Great! And I'll draw a penguin. (Draws and shows.)

Dad. Look. (Shows the boy in the picture.)

Petya. Who is this? If it's a boy it doesn't count.

Dad. What, didn't you know? After all, this is Petya, that is, you!

Petya. Now found out! And I'll draw ... (draws and shows uncle).

Dad. Who is this? If uncle, it does not count!

Petya. What, didn't you know? It's dad, that is you!

Dad. Now I know. And here's what I came up with. (Draws and shows a woman.) This is our mother. I drew her because she is a teacher and teaches singing.

Petya. Great! And here's what I came up with! (Draws and shows a calendar.)

Dad. Calendar? Why?

Dad. Correctly. And on this day we will present to her ... (draws a gift and flowers).

Petya. A gift is understandable. What about flowers? They are not in the letter "P" ...

Dad. So what? Anyway, mom will be happy!

New Year's scenes - miniatures for children of primary school age.

Konysheva Ludmila Borisovna
Place of work: teacher MKOU secondary school, village Vichevshchina, Kumensky district, Kirov region.

New Year's scenes - miniatures "Gifts for Santa Claus".

Material Description: this material will be of interest to primary school teachers, educators, organizers of events with children, and even children of primary school age. Cheerful miniature scenes will decorate the holiday, help out in preparing an artistic number, and create a good mood.

Target: to teach children the skill of reincarnation to create a festive mood among the audience.

Tasks: to promote the disclosure of the creative abilities of children;
develop expressive speech, acting skills and memory of students;
teach interaction in a theatrical performance.

Scene 1 "In the forest clearing."

Characters: presenter, fox, hedgehog, hare, squirrel, bear, wolf, mouse.

Props: masks of the heroes of the scene, a basket with dummies of edible mushrooms, large carrots, walnuts, a barrel of honey, a New Year's lantern, very small felt boots.

Leading: Noisy in the forest clearing
It suddenly became the New Year!
This is Santa Claus
The people decided to surprise.
We argued for a long time, decided
A gift for Grandfather was chosen.

A fox: Me for Santa Claus
I draw roses in the snow.
I'm very tired
All waving its tail.
Accept, Frost, bouquet (looks around)
Oh, he was covered with snow ... (sadly)

Hedgehog: Yes, the gift is so good
What you won't find soon...
(looks around, looking for painted flowers in the snow)
(referring to the audience)
You can't find a better gift
Than dried mushrooms.

A fox: Do you want to poison your grandfather?
Should we cancel New Year's Eve?

Hedgehog: What a scream! What an emergency!
I did not take poisonous ones! (shows a basket of mushrooms).

Hare: I will give Grandfather a carrot -
Will run, jump deftly.
Squirrels in the forest clearing
Play with him in the burners.

Squirrel: What are you, rabbit? He is a grandfather!
And he's three hundred years old!
Difficult to compete with squirrels
He can't keep up with us!
We give him all the squirrels
Cooked walnut. (pulls out walnuts)

Bear: Since Frost is three hundred years old,
He doesn't have any teeth!
How will he chew on a nut?
Your gift is just laughter!
From the bear people
We will give a barrel of honey! (shows a barrel of honey)

Wolf: What did the bears think?
Judge for yourself, children.
Frost will eat honey a little
And go to sleep in a lair.
So he will sleep all winter,
Paw, like a bear, suck.
Our flashlight shines brightly
It's perfect for a gift!
It's perfect for a gift!
Santa Claus walks a lot,
A flashlight is a light on the road. (shows Christmas lantern)

Mouse: Although we are a small people,
We are frost boots
We decided to donate here.
Will wear boots.
New felt boots
Nothing that tiny! (shows boots)

All: Santa Claus, don't be angry
Accept our gifts! (Give gifts to Santa Claus)

Characters: mother of Zaya and hares - Bunny, Belyanchik, Ushastik, Fluff.

Props: hare masks, fake TV, large carrots, saucepan and ladle, Snickers and Bounty chocolate.

(On the stage, the bunnies Belyanchik, Ushastik and Fluff are watching TV, Zaya's mother cooks dinner, Bunny runs in).

Bunny(runs to brothers): Belyanchik, Ushastik, Fluff, have you seen where my carrot is?
Belyanchik: Yah you!

eared: Once upon a time we...

Fluff: You see, the movie is cool on TV!

Bunny (comes to mom): Mom Zaya, please give me the most delicious carrot.

Mom Zaya: But, Bunny, we already had breakfast ...

Bunny: Yes, it's not for me!

Mom Zaya: And to whom?

Bunny: I want to make a gift to Santa Claus, otherwise he always brings gifts to everyone, but no one gives him anything ...

Mom Zaya: Well, if so, here's the biggest and most delicious carrot!

(gives Bunny a large carrot, he takes it in his hands and turns to the audience).

Bunny: I love my grandfather very much
I'll give him a carrot!

(the brothers listen and join in the conversation).

Belyanchik: Your carrot is nonsense
Here's my Snickers - yes! (pulls out Snickers chocolate)
It tastes better, you know...

eared: (interrupts and takes out Bounty chocolate)

"Bounty" he needs more
He has not been to the south
And I didn't eat coconuts
Let the old man try...

Bite your tongue!
I know what he needs!
support me together (referring to the audience).
Is he a man or not?
We'll give him Gillette!

Bunny: What are you, he rarely shaves,
Grandpa walks with a beard!

Belyanchik: I would give "Rastishka"
Let it grow up and up and out!

eared: Adult uncle does not grow!
Well, what is the use of "Rastishka"!

Fluff: I'm thinking, friends
It's time for grandpa to bathe.
"Johnsons Baby" is just a fairy tale
He doesn't sting his eyes at all!

Belyanchik: No, the gift is better than mine!
Listen to which one:
Suddenly frost in the north
Freeze your nose
"HALLS" will immediately take it in your mouth,
And grandfather's nose will go away!

eared: Can "MISTER PROPER" take,
Clean up the house for the holidays?

Belyanchik and Fluff: (pick up, humming):
"MISTER PROPER" - more fun,
The house is clean twice as fast!

eared:(thinks) Or "Tide", or maybe "BOSCH" -
Also, in general - that's good!

Fluff: I love my family
Juice like this, I drink it
Liters ten or five ....

Mom Zaya: You'll burst, baby, again!

Fluff (offended): And you pour, and move away!

Bunny(raises hands): My family!
And, in my opinion, it is very harmful for someone to watch TV all day. Where is my carrot? It's delicious and heartfelt! (takes a carrot and runs away, the brothers shrug their shoulders in bewilderment and exchange glances).

Dynamic, modern, and most importantly - funny New Year's scene. The beginning is this: Santa Claus reads the children's letters and is finally disappointed in them.

Scenario New Year's party for junior schoolchildren. Jack Sparrow, young hacker, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka in one scenario. Humor guaranteed!

Scenes-dialogues for two hosts of the New Year's Eve. They will help out your concert, they will connect even the most motley numbers. Jokes are light, funny, New Year's.

Anything can happen on New Year's Eve. The scene is exactly about this: the artistic director arranges a scolding for the artists who performed at the children's New Year's matinees. A scene in the spirit of the Comedy club with a fair amount of childish humor.

The new most relevant script for the children's New Year's holiday. Recognizable modern characters: Pyaterochka cashier, Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Baba Yaga, and the symbol of the new year 2019 - Pig.

The classic battle of the Old and New Years has been moved to the walls of an ordinary office. The scene is suitable for a corporate New Year's party. If your department was asked to stage a scene, take it and don't suffer.

The plot of the scene is as follows: astrologers-predictors compete in predicting the new year for the office staff. As you understand, all your intra-office joys and actualities can be woven into the scene. Success at the New Year's corporate party is guaranteed!

Let's fast forward three hundred years ago and imagine how Russia switched to celebrating the New Year in winter. Let's do it in the form funny scene. If you rent theatrical costumes, the scene will be just bomb.

Actual New Year's scene on a school theme. About how hard it is for schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. Suitable for school or student KVN on a New Year's theme.

The plot of the scene is as follows: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for the preparation of Santa Clauses. How are they without training? You can show such a scene both at KVN and at the New Year's concert.

humorous scene about common mistakes at the meeting of the New Year. Everyone recognizes himself more than once! Such a scene, for example, can be played by the hosts of the New Year's event, while the balancing act with Christmas balls is preparing for the exit.

Another scene for the New Year's corporate party. The plot of the scene is as follows: Few people know that Santa Claus has his own office, reception and secretary. Let's say right away: everything will be within the bounds of decency, no vulgar fantasies.

New Year's fantasy: how the President of Russia and his assistant come up with a reform new year holidays. As you already understood: the scene is not for children and not even for school audiences. Well, what, New Year and adults celebrate

A humorous scene for staging at school on the eve of the New Year holidays. Easily fits into the scenario of any New Year's concert. There are four participants. From the props: one Santa Claus costume.

Event organizers will not let you lie: there are never too many scenes in a New Year's concert. Here's another one. The plot is as follows: a blonde girl comes to a recruitment agency to get a job as a Snow Maiden.

Patriotic New Year's scene in the spirit of the time. Our Santa Claus tells Santa Claus about our New Year. The jokes are clear, recognizable, and will cause an instant response from the audience. The scene is easy to put on, costumes for it are usually always available.


Scene exclusively for adults. Two men meet some January and show off to each other who celebrated the New Year. The miniature is suitable for performing in a club, at a private New Year's party without children.

Sketches about school, study

By the name of the scene, it is already clear that it is the most school-like one. The plot is as follows: the principal of the school calls a meeting to prepare educational institution to the arrival of a strict check.

It is always interesting to imagine how children will be taught like this in forty, fifty years. And if you add humor to these dreams, you get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This scene will look organic in a concert on the occasion of the last call or graduation at school. It can be played by both teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov quit his TV shows and began working as a literature teacher. In the skit, we tried to show what his lesson would look like.

Imagine that because of the crisis, it was decided to hold a summit of leaders of all countries of the world in one of the children's health camps. The scene is also good because it is massive, but everyone does not need to learn the words.

Scenes for the holidays

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two cupids with a bow and arrows go out to do their job. An unusual scene where participants will need to go down to the auditorium.

The plot is this: the girls decide what to give their boyfriends on February 23rd. Only ladies participate in the scene. Finally, a legitimate reason to drive the men into the auditorium and enjoy the scene from the heart.

Scenario of the New Year's concert

"Journey around the world with Baba Yaga"

Leading : The holiday has come cheerful!

New Year has come to our school!

presenter : Congratulations, friends!

We can't be bored!

Leading : New Year is a magical holiday!

It has leapfrog smiles,

It contains surprises, games, jokes,

Fairy tale, fiction, game.

So let's have some fun

Trouble against all

So that from joyful smiles

Weave a festive carpet.


Hello dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.


Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.


It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe? I am sure that you can be convinced of this if you become a participant in our New Year's holiday.

presenter . The floor is given to the director of our school Ivanova Margarita Mikhailovna.

(The sound of a falling plane and a roar is heard).

presenter . Oh what is it? What's happening?

Leading . The plane crashed?

(A lame Baba Yaga enters the stage. The hosts silently look at her. Baba Yaga addresses the hosts).

Baba Yaga . Well, what are you staring at?

Leading . Excuse me, who? And what are you doing here?

presenter . We actually have a holiday.

Baba Yaga . It's great that it's a holiday. I arrived for the holiday.

Leading . Well, then go into the hall, sit down in a chair and don't bother us.

baba yaga . Listen, why are you so impolite? Don't you read fairy tales? Don't you know who I am?

Leading . Listen, granny, I have grown out of fairy tales a long time ago. But I ask you in a good way, go into the hall and do not interfere with us to celebrate.

presenter . Listen, this is Baba Yaga, if I'm not mistaken.

baba yaga . Make no mistake, granddaughter. Do you read fairy tales?

presenter . Sometimes I read to my younger brother.

Leading . Well, well, well, what kind of talk on the stage. People are looking at us. And we have already begun the holiday. Some chaos!

presenter . Wait, don't fight. Baba Yaga herself flew to us.

Leading .What? What Baba Yaga?

presenter . Well, think for yourself, the new year is just around the corner, and miracles happen on New Year's Eve.

Leading . Ha! They invited some woman, dressed in a Baba Yaga costume and laugh at me.

baba yaga . Well, so what, then, you don’t believe that I am a real Baba Yaga?

Leading . No, you're really laughing at me. Well, the holiday is ruined!

baba yaga . The holiday has just begun! And now the real fun begins! Rest, youth, Grandmother Yaga will steer! Raise your hands, those who love to travel. Oh how many of you! Well, here we go now on a journey around the world.

presenter . How are we going? With magic?

baba yaga . Certainly. I stole a globe from a school principal. Listen, such a thing! Well, where are we going?

presenter . Oh, can you go East?

baba yaga . Let's go east! (twirls the globe and pokes a finger at it)

(Wand sound)

(Music sounds, the lights go out, oriental beauties come out and dance a dance).

baba yaga . So how did you like it?

Leading. Certainly.

baba yaga . Well, did he believe that I was the real Baba Yaga?

(The host silently waves his hand)

baba yaga . Well, what do we go next?

(Turns the globe Sound of magic wands)

Leading. Well, where are we?

presenter . Now let's ask someone.

(man exits)

baba yaga . Oh, dear man, tell me, what country are we in?

Englishman . In England. Sorry, I'm in a hurry. I need to rehearse a performance for the New Year with the children.

presenter . The performance is great.

Englishman . Yes, we have such a tradition: to show performances with children on New Year's Eve. (leaves)

baba yaga . Rehearsal! What is important. And we can do it without rehearsal. Well come out here 7 people.

There was a kitten. One day he decided to go for a walk. A breeze blew and brought a piece of paper with it. The kitten saw the paper and chased after it. He caught her and played with her a little. Then his attention was attracted by a butterfly that sat on a flower. The kitten jumped and did not catch the butterfly. She fluttered and flew away. The kitten sat down and began to lick his fur. Suddenly, a fat bumblebee landed on the flower. He began to collect nectar from the flower. The kitten slowly crept up to the flower and jumped on the bumblebee. Out of fright, the bumblebee stung the kitten on the nose and flew away. The kitten jumped away from the flower and began to rub his stung nose with his paw. He was about to cry, when at that time a cat came out on the porch - the kitten's mother and called him to drink delicious milk.

Baba Yaga . Oh artists, well done.

Leading . Well, grandma, let's move on.

baba yaga . What did you like, honey?

Leading . Well, of course! When else for free where will you visit!

baba yaga . Oh, mercantile what. Okay, come on, spin the globe.

(wand sound)

Leading . Romania country.

Leading. Romanians are a very spiritual and deep people, and besides, they are very ambitious and free. According to them, before the start of the new year, the heavens open for a moment and you can make your cherished wish. If you believe in it, it will surely come true.

(Song in Romanian)

Baba Yaga . Oh what a fun song!

presenter . Well, what are we going next? Who turns the globe?

Baba Yaga . And let's ask the owner of the globe to come out and spin it once. Ask.

(There is a crash of falling furniture. A box flies.)

Leading. Oh what is this?!

Leading bowing his head. Why do furniture and other things fall from the sky?

The Italian comes out.

baba yaga . Hello, nice person. Listen, what's going on? And where are we?

Italian . We are in Italy. It is customary here before the new year to throw out all the old things from the windows. Such an omen. Throw away the old one, then buy a new one.

Leading. Logically!

(Italian exits).

baba yaga . Let's also throw something, otherwise we wanted to play pranks on something! Come on, come out here 4 people: 2 students and 2 teachers.

presenter . Divide into two teams. Here's a ball for each team. Two people stand opposite each other. One holds a ring in his hands, the second tries to throw a ball into this ring. Which team will throw the most balls into the ring will win (for a while).

baba yaga . Well done, here are some gifts for you.

(The presenter gives prizes).

baba yaga . Well, let's continue our journey. (spins the globe)

(wand sound) The country is India.

presenter . In south India, mothers place sweets, flowers, small gifts on a special tray. On the morning of the new year, children should wait with their eyes closed until they are led to the tray.

baba yaga . Oh, let's play now.

(Bowls are handed out to two participants of each team: one is empty, the other is filled (Christmas tree toy, tangerine, orange). The rest are given spoons. Participants must take turns transferring all objects from one bowl to another with a spoon and without the help of hands).

Prizes for the winners.

Leading . Here we are all different countries, but by country, but our traditions are Russian, does anyone remember? Who came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year?

baba yaga . Wait, honey, let's ask the guys that.

baba yaga (goes down to the hall with a microphone). Well, who will answer my question. Who came up with the idea to celebrate the New Year exactly from December 31 to January 1? (Peter 1)


Who came up with the idea to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year? (Peter 1)

What country did he take this example from? (from Germany)

How did people decorate the Christmas tree? (nuts, sweets, tangerines, apples)

And who is everyone looking forward to in the new year? (Santa Claus)

Leading , (addressing the presenter) By the way, where is our Santa Claus? He's kind of late. I don't like it.

(At this time, Baba Yaga returns to the stage).

baba yaga . Santa Claus, you say. Unfortunately, I can’t call him, he doesn’t obey me. But you can do it differently. Tell me, what does Santa Claus love? (songs, dances, laughter smiles)

baba yaga . In short, he loves to have fun. Well then, let's have some fun.

Leading. And our vocal group will help us with this.

(The choir enters the stage with the song Russian Santa Claus). In the middle of the song, Santa Claus comes out.

Santa Claus . Hello dear children and adults! I am very happy to be your guest! You are all so beautiful and elegant. I congratulate you on the upcoming new year!

baba yaga . Hello Santa Claus.

Father Frost (turns to Baba Yaga). Oh, Baba Yaga, and you are here. What fates?

baba yaga . Yes, I decided to visit the holiday, otherwise it’s boring alone in the forest in a hut.

Father Frost . I suppose you are plotting all sorts of intrigues again?

baba yaga . What are you, what are you. The children invited me and I modestly came.

Leading . Yes, modestly came ....

presenter (pushing the leader to the side). Quite right! We invited Grandmother Yaga to our party. She made us happy and entertained. And now our guys want to congratulate you Grandfather Frost and you Grandmother Yaga on the holiday. Have a seat.

Leading. During the celebration of the New Year in Petrovsky Russia, colorful fireworks were arranged and fired mercilessly from all cannons.

Leading. Assemblies became another integral feature of Peter's New Year's festivities - it was under Peter that these famous entertainment meetings and balls began to be held.

Leading. And, despite the fact that at the beginning of the 18th century some had to be literally driven with sticks to the festive fun, today no one forces them to enjoy this holiday - everyone is looking forward to it themselves!


The forest and the field are white, the meadows are white.

Aspens have snow-covered branches like horns.

Under the strong ice, the waters of the rivers slumber.

Snow covered the roofs in white drifts.

In the sky, bright stars dance.

The old year says goodbye - the new year enters.

Leading . The school vocal group is invited to the stage.

(Song "Christmas mood today"


What glorious days!

Come on, children, take the skates

Hurry to the rink!

Hurry up, my friend.

Here we are playing at the Christmas tree,

We roll down the hill.

We all have fun to tears

And Santa Claus is not terrible.

Kids love winter

What a wonderful time!

Leading . 2nd grade students are invited to the stage.

(Dance "Funny skates")


With a heart full of expectations

Let's meet this New Year.

Lots of good wishes

He will gather under the tree.

Only happy times

Fate will prepare us

To make a burden with a fairy tale,

For miracles to happen!

(Song "Song Like a Bird")


Looking back, leaving behind

We'll wave goodbye.

Let it go Old year let it be no more

He fulfilled almost all desires.

Well, what the Old Year did not have time to realize,

He instructed another to complete.

New Year picked up the baton on the way,

Cheerfully marching to our house.


Everyone is hoping for a miracle

When the New Year comes.

And let, as on a luxurious dish,

The coming year will bring you:

Health, joy and good luck,

More bright, bright days

Kindness, warmth, love in addition, -

After all, happiness is based on it.

The coming year will fulfill

May all aspirations and dreams

And fill my heart with joy

Give peace, light, kindness!

Father Frost

There is an amazing winter quirk:

And old and small always on New Year's Eve,

Without confessing, they believe that a miracle

Santa Claus will certainly bring them.

So let your cherished wishes come true

And exactly at midnight a miracle will enter every house,

May all your hopes and dreams

Fate will fulfill this new year.

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