How to teach a seventh grader to retell a story. How to teach a child to retell a text? All the most important about the types of retelling and how to teach retelling. Junior students. We tell in our own words


In this article, we have prepared for you a selection of effective teaching techniques for retelling a text.

You will learn:

The Gabmurger technique, and how it can be used to teach a child to highlight the main idea in the text

The "Fish" technique with which it is easy to prepare a retelling of the text

The technique of "Spider-cards", which will help to assimilate the material read

The "Wand" technique for retelling and working with literary text

These materials will make working with the text of the textbook not only interesting and exciting, but also as useful as possible for the development of thinking in children.

And you can also download them to your computer to immediately try them out in action.

[Hamburger Effective Learning Technique]

Textbook text is like a hamburger: they both have multiple layers.

Only in a hamburger it is a cutlet and cheese, and in the text it is an introduction, main idea, details, climax, conclusion.

Use this graphic organizer to help your child build a retelling of the text.

1. For the top layer, write a main idea that represents the main idea.

2. Fill in the middle layers with support pieces.

3. The bottom layer holds it all together with the final output.

An example of using "Hamburger"

[Effective Learning Technique "Fish"]

To make it easier to prepare for oral subjects, use fish.

To do this, draw the head, the skeleton of the fish.
And along the skeleton, write down the answers to the questions that are asked at the end of the paragraph.
You can write a short answer, 1-2 keywords.

Such a fish can be placed on a desk, and during the oral response of a paragraph or the completion of written work, one glance will be enough to remember the material of the textbook.

This simple technique allows you to expend less effort and better remember the material.

You can make many fishes and put them in a folder.

This will simplify the process of preparing for the quarter and final examinations.

[Effective Learning Technique "Spider Cards"]

Use the map to organize your thoughts and make the textbook easier to understand and retell.

A spider map will help you do this.

1. Write the title of the paragraph in the center.

2. In each cell of the web, write in detail the arguments and main facts that were listed in the text.

An example of using "spider"

[How to retell a literary text? Six Question Technique]

To retell a literary text, you can prepare a plan for a child, consisting of six questions.

This technique will help your child think about the different elements of the story.

Cut out questions and glue each to a stick (or tube).

When reading together, stop periodically and pass the stick to your child to use as a cue.

You can also simply print the questions and stick them with tape on the cover of the textbook.

The child, answering questions, successfully retells what he read.

  1. Who is this text talking about? Is this a story or a fairy tale?
  2. How did it all start?
  3. What happened next?
  4. What ended?
  5. Good heroes? Why are they good?
  6. Bad heroes? Why are they bad?
  7. What are the difficulties in history? How were they decided?

Answering questions, the child systematizes what he read.

You can download all four helpers right now to print and start using right away.

To do this, enter the e-mail to which to send the documents:

The methods described above are a fragment from the book by Renata Kirilina “How to teach a child to retell a text”

The book contains effective ways of teaching a child to retell fiction and educational literature. What makes the book unique is the simulators included in the edition, as well as "helpers" that each reader can download to use with their children to prepare a retelling. A book for parents of schoolchildren, teachers.

Even more teaching tools and techniques that will simplify the work of the teacher will be dismantled within

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  2. Feasibility Study for English Teachers
  3. Feasibility study for teachers of oral subjects
  4. Feasibility study for teachers of the Russian language
  5. How to properly and effectively prepare students for the OGE
  6. How to properly and effectively prepare students for the exam
  7. Correctional Pedagogy from A to Z
  8. Dyslexia from A to Z. How to teach a child with dyslexia
  9. ADHD from A to Z. How to teach a child with ADHD
  10. Dysgraphia from A to Z. How to help a child with dysgraphia learn
  11. Time management of the teacher and head teacher. How to distribute tasks
  12. Public speaking for educators
  13. Effective teaching techniques for educators. Overview of the best tools
  14. Rich teacher. How can a teacher increase income?
  15. Training. Preparing a teacher for a category
  16. Effective learning aids to create an interesting lesson
  17. Inner energy and resources of the teacher. How to force yourself to force yourself
  18. Student motivation. What a good teacher needs to know
  19. Techniques for involving students in the lesson
  20. Algorithms for preparing children for independent and control work
  21. How to resolve conflicts at school (conflicts between children, conflicts with parents)
  22. Effective Parent meeting from A to Z
  23. Gamification in education. Types and forms of games for inclusion in the educational process
  24. Public lesson. Algorithm for preparing and searching for ideas for a lesson
  25. Career guidance. How to help a student choose a profession.
  26. Bullying at school. How to avoid in class. Algorithms for the class teacher
  27. PMPK. How to talk to parents about PMPK and choosing an educational route

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The ability to retell the read text is a skill necessary at school, because the entire school curriculum is based on retelling, read - retold. Retelling not only demonstrates the level of speech development, but also shows how the child is able to understand and analyze the heard or read text. From the second grade, written retelling is systematically taught in the lessons of speech development. But for children, retelling the text often causes difficulties. How can you help your child overcome them?



How to teach a child to retell a text?

The ability to retell is a necessary skill in the life of every person. When we ask children about something, it is important to get a complete answer, to encourage the child to speak, to show that we are interested and important in what and how he tells.

Children begin their learning to retell without even noticing it. This happens when the child first talks about events in his life (for example, how the day went in the garden or how he fell off a bicycle or swing). For the little ones, this is the most effective method take the first steps and lay the foundation for success in the future. Time passes and practice accumulates, respectively, then in their retelling, children no longer use a couple of words, but whole sentences.

Learning to retell is one of the components of literacy education in general. The child needs to understand the plot, who are the main characters and how the events in the story develop, their sequence. When children retell, they improve their speech and imagination, learn to solve problems. But, it is worth choosing those stories that you can read over and over again, otherwise this process will get boring, and you will lose interest before the child.

In fact, even preschoolers can retell a short text with some help from their parents, and further development of this skill can be turned into an exciting activity.

To begin with, you need to understand what retelling of the text is, and why this skill is so necessary for the child - the ability to retell.

retelling This is a story told in your own words. To retell the text means to tell about events, heroes, observing the sequence of presentation. An interesting and coherent story about what was read or heard with a description of events or characters shows us not only the level of development of the child's speech, but also his ability to understand, analyze the read or heard text.

How to start teaching a child to retell?First of all, from good literature - from the fairy tales of Pushkin, Aksakov, Bianchi, Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, from the stories of Nosov, Tolstoy, Prishvin. They are written in beautiful language, they are understandable, not tiring, fascinating. After reading a story or a fairy tale to a child, do not immediately close the book and do not rush to go about your business, discuss what you have read with him, showing real interest in the conversation.

Where should the conversation start?Ask him if he understands what the story is about? Do not be satisfied with monosyllabic answers like “yes”, “understood”. Help him answer this question in detail, for example, "this story says that one kind, brave hero named ... once saved ...". Let the child remember. By teaching him to understand what is said in the story, you lay the first brick in his ability to understand the theme of the work. Continue the conversation by asking him if he remembers the name of the main character? What did he remember him for? Here you can help him. Think of a similar character or story you've read before. Ask your child to describe the character in their own words. If it doesn’t work out, and most likely, it’s unlikely to work out the first time, then don’t swear, but simply ask: “Did you imagine him like that?”

Always draw the attention of the child to the fact that the book has an author (if it is not folk tale). Ask him, continuing the conversation, which character, in his opinion, the author himself likes, and which one does he speak badly about? Teach your child to understand the main idea of ​​the text. So you lay the second brick in the ability to comprehend and analyze the text - to understand the main idea put into the work by the author (the idea of ​​the text). In fairy tales and children's stories, as a rule, it is expressed in the fact that good always triumphs over evil. This is what the author is talking about.

Consider illustrations.What are they talking about? Expressing your own opinion, you can intentionally make a mistake. Then the child will correct you, thereby expressing a personal opinion. You can even invite him to draw the hero himself. So that your conversation with the child does not look like an interrogation about what you have read, express your own opinion, show interest in the conversation.

After discussing the topic the idea of ​​the work, the main characters, having characterized their actions, you can proceed to retell the text. To do this, read it again. Suddenly it turns out that the child did not understand some words right away or was embarrassed to ask what they mean. After the conversation that took place, in which you managed to show him your interest in discussing what you read and his opinion, he will definitely try to figure out the word he does not understand. When reading, try to emphasize intonation figurative expressions, beautiful comparisons, a brave act of the hero.

Invite the child to retell the text together. You start and he continues. When you start retelling, you can pretend that you forgot about what happens next in the text. Here will be joy if you forgot, but he remembers! Praise him for that! This type of work, retelling in turn, helps to develop the child's attention, the ability to listen, follow what is said and the speech of another person.

Often the question how to teach a child to retell a text, parents are asked before entering school, because most of school education is based on retelling what they heard or read. However, most educators agree that the most appropriate time to learn retelling is between the ages of 3 and 6.

By organizing special games at preschool age, you lay a good foundation for the skill of retelling, not to mention the impact of such activities on the development of attention, thinking, imagination, etc.

In order to retell, that is, to reproduce the text read or heard, the child must be able to:

  1. listen carefully to the text;
  2. understand its meaning;
  3. remember the sequence of events in the plot of the work;
  4. remember author's or folk turns of speech;
  5. meaningfully tell the heard text, observing the order of actions and the emotional coloring of events.

In order for the child to successfully master each of these stages, it is necessary to intentionally include each of them in the child’s play activity and your communication with him.

Works for retelling

It will be difficult for a child to retell long texts with complex adverbial phrases, so it is better to choose short texts with a dynamic plot and a clear sequence of events. The characters should be familiar to the child, and their motives and actions understandable. It will be good if the work has an educational character, brings some moral experience to the baby.

Before 6 years it is undesirable to use descriptive works. Also, verses are not suitable as a basis for retelling. Poems are best learned by heart.

Suitable for these requirements will be folk tales, stories by Suteev, Charushin, Tolstoy, Ushinsky, etc.

Types of retellings

In its form, the retelling can be:

  • Closely conveying the meaning of the text. Includes turns of speech characteristic of the work.
  • A concise or brief retelling, when the child needs to isolate the main events and briefly talk about them, omitting other details.
  • With a creative addition - when the child is asked to come up with a different beginning, end of the work or a scenario at the turning point of the plot.
  • With partial rearrangement of the text.

The first option is the main one in preschool age, but you should not dwell on it, because all kinds of creative additions to well-known works help to restore interest in them and contribute to the development of the child's imagination and creativity.

From the age of 5-6, it is necessary to train in a brief retelling, since the ability to highlight the main thing is an important skill at school age.

What should be paid attention to when the child retells the text?

The most important requirement is understanding. It is important that the child understands what he is talking about, and does not repeat a familiar story as a memorized tongue twister. Other requirements include:

  • sequence of presentation;
  • the absence of significant gaps that distort the plot;
  • the use of characteristic speech turns;
  • fluency of speech;
  • correspondence of emotional accompaniment to the plot of the work.

Of course, this is an ideal to which one should strive. Therefore, when you hear the first confused and not very intelligible retelling of your crumbs, do not despair - this is normal. Regular training and interesting stories will do their job, and the baby's speech will become coherent and rich.

The first thing parents face when they want to teach a child to retell a text is the poverty of the children's active vocabulary, which contains mainly nouns and verbs. In order to correct this state of affairs, it is necessary to enrich your everyday speech with adjectives, participles and participles, comparisons and phraseological units. In addition, the article "" describes many games that will help saturate the child's speech with new words.

At first, until you have lined up your own lesson plan, you can use the following:

  1. First, you need to interest the child in the plot of the story: make a riddle about the main character, show and discuss the picture with his participation;
  2. Next, we invite the child to listen and read the work;
  3. We ask questions about the work. Questions can be directed to: the order of actions in the work (what is behind what), the place of action and how it is described, the characteristics of the main characters and the discussion of the motives for their actions, the use of phraseological units and author's phrases in the text;
  4. Warn the child that after reading he will retell, after which you read out the work;
  5. The child retells. If he has difficulties with the plot or sequence, we help by asking leading questions;
  6. We praise the child and offer a creative lesson on the work (drawing, application, modeling, crafts, etc.).

Learning to retell at the age of 3-4 years

At this age, the child is capable of retelling only based on pictures, a diagram, or detailed questions from an adult. Therefore, the best helpers for you will be a geometric constructor or sequential pictures by work (they can be replaced by your schematic drawings).

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

After you have read the story and discussed it in detail, ask your child to show the story on a flannelgraph while you are reading. Read slowly so that the baby has time to act out all the events. If there are no suitable pictures, replace them with shapes from the constructor (assign a specific value to each shape, for example, a large circle - a bear, a small circle - Masha, a small rectangle - a box, etc.). This method also develops memory and imagination.

You can also draw schematic images according to the story, and then the kid will tell the entire text according to this diagram. Or use illustrations from books. The latter method has a number of disadvantages. Often the images in books are overloaded with details and distract the child from the main plot line.

Retelling at 4-5 years old

At this age, the most important stage is the discussion of the work. By asking your child a lot of questions about the plot, you thereby help him to better understand the meaning of the work and the order of events in it. Start with easy questions. For example, according to the fairy tale "The Cat and the Rooster": where did the cat go? what punished the cock? what did the fox say? And gradually move on to more advanced ones: how did the rooster and the cat get into the forest? what happened when the cat went to fetch firewood? Then you can simply ask the child to tell the beginning of the tale, what happened in the middle and the end of the tale.

Thus, the adult helps the child and builds the "scheme" of the fairy tale for him. For a 4-year-old child, it is not obvious that the tale should be told first. He will try to tell it from the most interesting, in his opinion, place, despite the fact that the plot may not be clear due to the missed beginning.

It is important for a child to be able to retell both the whole work as a whole and its separate part. In addition, the baby may miss important details because of the confidence that you know the fairy tale, and these details are useless to you. If you are faced with such a problem, then try asking your child to tell a story to a toy that has just arrived.

This is also the right age to start creative retelling. For example, when demonstrating a fairy tale on a flannelgraph, introduce a new hero yourself and weave it into the plot. When the child retells, he can introduce another new character according to your model or replace the main one at his discretion.

The final part of the lesson may be a dramatization of the read work, that is, not a play with toys or on a flannelograph, but a performance with the distribution of roles between the participants. It is good to involve family and other children in this. In such a situation, the child tries on the role of a specific hero, learns to express his emotions with voice, posture and gestures, carefully follows the plot so as not to miss his exit.

Retelling at 5-6 years old

With successful mastery of the skills of detailed retelling at an early age, at the age of 5-6, they complicate the task for the child, using poetic descriptions of nature as the main text.

A more difficult task will be a brief retelling of the text, which requires the child to be able to separate the main from the secondary, while maintaining the integrity of the storyline.

To do this, after the initial reading and discussion of the fairy tale, invite the child to break it into chapters. Explain that chapters are parts of a story that describe a piece of the plot. The chapter can be briefly named so that everyone will immediately understand what it is about. Start re-reading the fairy tale, and ask the child to stop when the chapter is over, then come up with a title for the chapter together, and let the child sketch its contents. The chapters should be from 4 to 8. You will get a written and schematic plan for the work. Now ask the child to tell the text, based on the drawn diagram and without going into details.

At this age, other questions are used at the discussion stage. Instead of questions - where? when? what? which? - use - why? why? for what? - which help the child understand the meaning that is not directly disclosed in the work.

For an example of retelling classes with a group of children, see this video:

Tell us in the comments what works do you use to retell with children?

What game techniques do you use to involve the child in retelling the text?

Babaeva Natalia Vladimirovna
The development of speech. Learning to retell

Essence retelling and its significance for the development of thinking and speech of children

retelling is a creative reproduction of a literary image. retelling artwork is accessible and close to children preschool age due to the fact that the child should receive finished sample, which affects his feelings, makes empathize and thereby arouses the desire to remember and retell what you heard.

From an early age, children are systematically told fairy tales, read stories, poems, making sure that works of fiction have an effective influence on their behavior, games, speech development.

In the second junior group teacher teaches children to follow development of action in a fairy tale, story, sympathize with the goodies and gradually leads them to reproduce the text. This is done in the classroom for familiarization with fiction.

Speech activity of children associated with retelling, speaks initially in the form of answering questions. The questions asked by the educator entirely determine the completeness and consistency transmission read by a child. Children can also be involved in joint retelling with a teacher, prompting to pronounce individual words or sentences (when the teacher retells the tale).

Starting from the middle group with the program kindergarten provides for the systematic conduct of classes on retelling. Learning to retell introduced from December - January, however, if all children in the group have speech well developed Classes can start from September. During the school year, children retell eight to ten literary texts.

The choice of literary and artistic works is the most important issue of methodology learning.

For paraphrase in middle group the following can be recommended works: Russian folk tales "Turnip", "Kids and the Wolf", stories "Geese" K. D. Ushinsky. "Grandfather sat down to drink tea.", "Grandfather was bored at home." and etc.

Literary works have a huge artistic and pedagogical influence on the thoughts, feelings, interests and creative abilities of the child. retelling activates the whole process of emotional and aesthetic development of literary material by children. In the shape of paraphrase artistic and speech activity of preschoolers is manifested on initial stage her development.

A child of six or seven years old can more accurately relate his paraphrase with text, note allowed gaps, permutation of material; his independence increases when analyzing the answer of a comrade.

According to the program, children retell during the year 6-7 works of fiction, thus, classes in learning to retell held almost monthly.

Principles for selecting literary texts for paraphrase

When selecting works of art for paraphrase the educator should be guided by requirements: small volume; clearly defined sequence of actions; dictionary accessible to children; simple syntax speeches, etc.. P.).

Works selected for paraphrase must meet certain requirements. First of all, it is a well-defined sequence of actions, a dictionary accessible to children, simple syntax (short phrases, simple forms of direct speeches) . Children of middle preschool age are recommended for paraphrase folk and author's tales; stories by L.N. Tolstoy: "Spring has come, water has flowed", "Rozka had puppies", "Grandfather sat down to drink tea"; short stories of Soviet writers: "Holiday" I am a Thai "That's how the attendants" N. Kalinina.

These works seem to meet the above requirements. However, practice shows that some of them are children. speak with difficulty. Yes, great miniature. "Grandfather sat down to drink tea" L. N. Tolstoy, consisting of four surprisingly capacious remarks, pleases children, they willingly agree retell it, pronounce: "Grandfather sat down to drink tea"- and shut up. After prompt (must be quoted in full) repeat the second phrase and are silent again. Phrase "Drink, don't pour on yourself" remember everything and pronounce with pleasure. After 3-4 stories (with 2-3 clues) children memorize the text and then reproduce it verbatim, which is not included in the tasks learning to retell. Similarly (even at the end of the year) children retell"That's how the attendants" N. Kalinina. This is a difficult work, since each phrase of it is an independent conclusion, and the children are forced to retell the text verbatim.

Story "Rozka had puppies" L. Tolstoy includes turns speeches, rarely used in modern literary language: "taken to the stove", "Roska carried the puppy", "beside the oven".

Memorizing fairy tales built on repetition, for example "Ryaba Hen", "Kids and the Wolf", "Turnip", does not present difficulties for children, therefore it is with them that researchers (L. Penevskaya and others) recommend starting learning to retell. But there is also an opposite point of view - to start not with fairy tales, but with small realistic stories (A. M. Borodich). Observations show that four-year-olds are equally good at retell fairy tales and short stories correctly chosen for these purposes. Therefore, when planning classes, it is advisable to alternate works of different forms.

For paraphrase the following works: Russian folk tale "Fox and Cancer", fairy tales and stories "Keep waiting", "Bishka" K. D. Ushinsky, stories "Kitty", "Fire Dogs" L. I. Tolstoy. "For mushrooms" I. Thai, "Krochka" E. I. Charushina, "Blue Leaves" V. Oseeva, "About the snowball" N. Kalinina and others.

Requirements for a child retelling

retelling is new to children speech activity. It is important to skillfully lead them to this stage, to arouse a keen interest in retelling, to maintain manifestations of activity and independence.

It should be borne in mind that children of the fifth year of life are just beginning to accumulate the experience of perceiving the text for its subsequent reproduction, therefore, the quality of their paraphrase the degree of comprehension and emotional and aesthetic development of literary material, its content and form is directly reflected. To be able to master a literary work and reproduce it in retelling, children of four or five years old need the help of a teacher.

As established by researchers, children of four or five years old are able, under the conditions of pedagogical guidance, to perceive meaningfully and emotionally a literary word; relatively fully and concretized to recreate in retelling the characters, situations; transfer events in the correct order.

To prepare children for retelling, the teacher reads the text, then talks with them about what they read, shows illustrations, gives instructions. By means of expressive reading, questions, clarifying explanations, he seeks to focus the attention of children on each part of the story, to emphasize its connection with other parts. The teacher ensures that the children understand what they read and react emotionally to the events described and the actions of the characters.

Setting the task retell for listeners a story or a fairy tale, the teacher helps children gradually master the means of expressiveness available to them speeches, elementary forms of performing creativity. Preschoolers learn to use different intonations, voice power, tempo speeches, etc.. e. They begin to gain initial experience. transmission of experiences characters and their attitude to the described character) events, actions.

In the classroom for learning to retell a variety of methodological tricks: providing meaningful and emotional perception of literary material by children; providing pedagogical guidance to the process itself retelling and, finally, providing analysis and evaluation of speech activity.

The objectives of the Kindergarten Program are: learning to retell senior group : to teach children to coherently, consistently and expressively tell small literary works; convey dialogic speech; state the content close to the text. In the classroom, children master the ability correctly, consistently and completely. retell first heard and previously known works; learn to listen carefully to the speeches of their peers, to clarify and supplement them.

Children five or six years old retelling literary texts are able to show greater independence and activity than younger preschoolers. At this age, the process of perception and emotional development of works of art is improved. Older preschoolers are more freely oriented in literary material, their vocabulary is expanding, word usage skills are being formed, linguistic flair, attention and interest in figurative words are intensifying. The role of volitional actions is also growing - children make efforts to better remember, more accurately reproduce what they read. At five or six years old, children retell more freely and naturally. They can already use their own, successfully found figurative expressions, which are lexically and syntactically close to the language of a work of art. Children encountering new words and phrases in the text learn more intensively, making strong-willed efforts to memorize and reproduce them. Performing skills acquired in the middle group are being improved.

In the process of leadership retelling The teacher uses a variety of teaching methods. If the child fails to replace one or another word, the teacher uses a hint. If the child allows a long pause, the teacher enters into retelling and continuing. An important methodological technique is the analysis of children's paraphrase: the teacher evaluates its completeness, notes the shown independence, the use of various intonations and tempo speeches. Children are also involved in evaluating the stories of their comrades, for example, they note which words from the fairy tale they tried not to miss, whether they pronounced the phrases clearly, whether retold and. d.

In the preparatory school group in the classroom for retelling consolidate and improve the speech skills and abilities acquired by children in the older group. Preschoolers continue to learn to present texts coherently, consistently, completely, without distortion, omissions and repetitions. Children's skills are improved emotionally, with different intonations transfer dialogues of actors, to use in retelling semantic rhenium, pauses, certain artistic means characteristic of fairy tales (beginning, repetitions, etc.). Children learn to speak slowly, loudly enough, without tension. Increasing independence children: they are studying retell fairy tales and stories without the help of questions from the educator.

Methodology learning to retell in different age groups

The structure of classes for learning to retell fundamentally unchanged throughout preschool age: 1. Reading works to children. 2. Conversation on what has been read, allowing the child to remember the sequence of presentation of the event and activate the dictionary, contributing to expressiveness paraphrase. 3. Reading text with installation on paraphrase. 4. retelling.

Formed and receptions learning to retell. True, depending on the age of the children and the text taken for paraphrase, they appear in different forms and combinations.

The teacher begins to read many works immediately. ( “Today I will read you a story about our beloved Ushastik”.)

Sometimes it makes sense to first turn to personal experience child.

2-3 days before class retelling a fairy tale"Kids and the Wolf" the teacher reminds her children: Reads or dramatizes using tabletop figures. Draws attention to the songs of the goat and wolf: they end differently and the wolf sings his song "thick-thick" voice. Helps memorize the words of songs and sing them expressively. The story is not read in class.

"Ryaba Hen" more accessible to paraphrase This activity does not require prior preparation.

success paraphrase in a number of cases, it is determined by the clarity and content of the conversation based on what has been read. Sometimes the title of the work helps to comprehend the text. At the first stages learning retelling educator, summarizing the children's answers, formulates conclusion: “The jackdaw, like you and me, threw pebbles into the water. What a smart bird. Because the story called: "Smart Jackdaw".

The subject of stories from experience reflects a variety of observations of children, their games, walks, participation in accessible, interesting work activities, life in a team of peers, etc. Children of six or seven years old can be offered the following themes: "How we spent the summer", "My favourite flowers", "Our new toys", "Interesting walk", "Our park in summer and autumn", "How We Take Care of Babies", "Good deed of your comrade", "How we had fun at the Christmas tree", "About our squirrel", "We went to the zoo", About our aquarium, "About a trip out of town", "About our buildings from building material» , "How do we play with the ball".

In the structure of the lesson, the installation on paraphrase. Usually it is given after a conversation about what has been read, before rereading. This contributes to the purposeful perception of the text. General installation on paraphrase in the relevant structural part of the lesson is supplemented with instructions on the nature paraphrase(collectively, in parts, in person, in the first person, etc.). At the same time, the teacher accompanies his instructions with a speech pattern so that the children concrete examples could reveal the features of one form or another paraphrase.

It should be borne in mind that a child of the seventh year of life can show greater independence in completing tasks. If the kids are good enough retell what they read, the training methodology can be changed: after reading, installation is given on paraphrase, then the text is read again and the children retell it. In this case deployed conversations based on reading held: children have already gained experience in perceiving works; they can show independence in the process of mastering the material and oral presentation of it, adhering to previously learned quality requirements paraphrase. It should be emphasized again that paraphrase literary works in the speech practice of older preschoolers occupies a large place. The better the child learns different ways paraphrase, the more significant his success in mastering monologue speech.

My daughter, returning from the kindergarten, told ... Overwhelmed by emotions, she was in a hurry, started one thing, jumped to another, switched to the third. Pronouns came in dense wagons, running over and crushing each other: “She me ... and then I, and here they are, but we didn’t want to, but they! ..” I didn’t understand anything. She began to ask questions, the little girl became nervous, hurried up and completely confused, burst into tears, realizing that she had not told anything. I was no less upset. My daughter is five years old, in a year she will go to school, but she does not know how to retell the text she heard, nor convey her feelings. I, brought up on Gogol and Tolstoy, always wince, listening to my daughter's chaotic and meager speech.

The entire school curriculum is based on retelling, read - retell, so while there is time, you need to try to develop this skill.

Change yourself, change the environment surrounding the child

Children speak the language that others speak. For a couple of days I listened to how we communicate with each other and noted with sadness that in everyday speech a minimum vocabulary is used, such that others around you understand you. “Give me a cup, please. You will go for a walk?" Adverbs and adjectives are inserted if necessary, comparative turns are extremely rare. Our speech is objective, unified. Therefore, if I want to develop a connected speech in a child, color it with figurative phrases, first of all, I myself must speak using all the diversity of the Russian language. I began to watch my speech. The main principle is to enrich speech with comparative phrases and adjectives, use difficult - subordinate sentences and detailed statements, speak vividly and figuratively.

It was complicated. "Give me, please, a blue cup with a white border, standing on the second shelf in the kitchen cabinet." “The weather is beautiful today! The sun is shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. When we go for a walk in the park, what toys will we take with us? Can we invite someone for a walk? To such a question, the child, you see, will no longer be able to answer “yes - no” in monosyllables.

This requires attention and time. You will get tired of speaking in extended sentences, tired of choosing adjectives and figurative comparisons, but gradually it will develop into a habit. Try to switch other family members to such a painted - detailed way of communication.

Where to begin?

If the child does not have the experience of retelling, you can return to fairy tales, stories that the baby knows well. Mom begins to tell, starting a sentence, falls silent, inviting the child to finish the phrase. After consolidating this skill, the baby already starts the story himself, and the mother picks it up. Gradually, the child will be able to retell the work in full.

To memorize the plot, dramatization with toys or finger puppets helps young children. You played a fairy tale in front of the baby, ask him to be an actor and play the same fairy tale in front of you, with the voice acting of all the characters.

Try to replace the phrase: “Retell what you heard, read” with a game. Invite your child to play the radio. He will be the announcer who plays the radio play. In the evening, you put him to bed and told a story, and he, in turn, puts his toys to bed and, just like you, regales them with a fairy tale story.


Reading plays a huge role in the formation of a child's vocabulary. Analyze what kind of literature you read to your baby, and what he reads himself. Try to move from books that have a lot of plot development, a lot of action and built-in dialogue, to descriptive literature. These are stories and stories about nature, about animals, about travel. Turn to the books of our unfading classics, and after a short period of time you will feel the beauty and richness of the Russian language, its melody, learn to enjoy the style of a work of art, and notice the "mistakes" and wretchedness of the modern language, found not only in colloquial speech, but also in written.

If there are unfamiliar words and concepts in the text, explain them to the baby, give examples in which cases they are used. Let the child make up sentences using new words and concepts.

The book is an opportunity for dialogue. Discussion of what has been read

If you read to your baby for thirty minutes, and then slammed the book shut, now rearrange the reading process. Fifteen minutes - read, fifteen minutes - talk about what you read. The level of discussion depends on the intellectual development of the child. If it is small, then the questions are the simplest: “What is the story about? What did the bunny do? Where did the bear go? The child is older and the questions are more adult: “Did the boy do the right thing? What do you think could happen next? And what would you do in the place of a hero?

First, the kid retells the text in his own words, then the task becomes more complicated, you ask to describe, say, a character, a situation, a season, using the same words and images that the author used. When reading, try to isolate them intonation from the text: “A long twig, red paws spread out, the house looked like a fungus, it was a small squat one with a brown tiled roof.”

Mom not only directs the conversation by asking questions, but builds a dialogue. He expresses his opinion, sometimes it is deliberately “wrong” so that the child can notice a mistake, a wrong thought and correct his mother. The adult forces the kid to express his opinion and talk about what is “not spelled out” in the book.

In the course of reading, the mother draws attention to what she liked or was struck by. It can be a beautiful comparative turn, a bright colorful description of an object, or a bold act of a hero. “I would probably be scared, but would you be able to cross a raging river?” Reading is a dialogue between a book and a child. A book is a non-passive object, read and put on a shelf - it is an occasion to talk, discuss, and reflect.

Pay attention to how your discussion of what you read is built, see that there are no conversations - interrogations: your question, the answer - the child. You are talking, the text may be an occasion to recall a previously read book or case. Try to force the child to speak as much as possible and in detailed sentences if possible.

In the conversation, in addition to questions aimed at comprehending the text and remembering the sequence of events, various methods are used to draw the attention of children to the language of the work, to the author's characteristics of the characters, to the description of the time, the actions of the characters, to precise definitions, comparisons, and phraseological turns.

By reading good literature, you will enjoy yourself, and your enjoyment of reading will be passed on to the child.

Retelling by picture

Children's books are well designed, and any illustration is an occasion to talk. “Is this how you imagined the main character? What do you think, did the artist paint this season correctly? What part of the story is illustrated? What events happened next? According to one illustration, you can come up with more than a dozen questions. You can invite the kid to illustrate the read text himself and then discuss his “picture to text”.

Retelling content in your own words

A common task in the classroom is to retell what you have read in your own words. The child is often frightened, and directs all his attention to remembering the text, believing that the more accurately he tells the original, the more “correctly” he will complete the task. And forgetting the author's text, he "stops" and falls silent. This problem can be solved by teaching the child to read or listen to the text carefully, and then “enter” what he has read, see the content with his own eyes, become an actor for a while and retell what surrounds him, what he sees.

Often the child does not understand the meaning and content of the text, so he cannot correctly retell it. First, the studied material needs to be analyzed in detail, having understood the meaning of each word and concept, to find synonyms for new terms that are already familiar to the child. If later he forgets a new word for him, he will be able to replace it with another, similar in meaning. Before each retelling, disassemble, “chew” the text, this is the key to a competent retelling.

Event story

Working with literary texts and the skill of retelling will lead to the fact that the child will transfer the new skill to “life”. Gradually, he will more and more vividly and figuratively talk about the events that happened to him, he will be able to clearly and clearly formulate his emotions. By expanding his vocabulary, he will easily find words to describe emotions and feelings. In part, your focus on those fragments of the text that describe the feelings and emotions of the characters will help him in this.

At a certain stage in the formation of a child’s literate and figurative speech, parents will need “jewelry” tact in order to help the child choose the right word, a comparative phrase at the right time, in order to accurately convey their emotional mood. Many children begin to get nervous, offended, or even completely close, refusing to tell further if their mother inserted a word during their story. You need to subtly feel the child and understand whether he needs parental help. If the baby rejects your attempts to "prompt" him, do not help by force. After a while, if it was about an event that you attended, then tell your version, in the vein of what you “remembered-liked” the most, so that the child had a sample of how to tell.

Any story about an event that happened is based on two important aspects. First, our attention is selective and second, everyone has their own life values. Therefore, when your child comes from among the guests, do not expect a detailed retelling from him: “Who was, what they ate, who gave what.” In response, you will hear: "What kind of machine did Petya have, and what candy wrappers did Nastya have." Toys are important for a child, and not “how many varieties of sausage were on the table.” The kid lives in “his values” and in his own rhythm, “he looked here, ran there, grabbed a pie” and therefore don’t expect a detailed report from him, “what happened first, what then and who did what”. But, if the child has an established base for retelling works of art, then at your request: “I was not visiting your friend, tell me, please, so that I can imagine how everything was there,” you will get a fairly intelligible story.

funny case

Teach your child to highlight interesting and funny cases from the events of the day, focus on them, retell them yourself, and then transfer this right to the child.

Funny cases can not only be recounted, but also played out intonation, divided into roles. First, you voice all the roles yourself, and then only one, the baby loses the rest.

Watching comedy films, reading humorous stories and our attention to the funny things that happen in life will create a favorable environment to learn to see the funny, to enjoy it.

Joyful "laughing" home environment with a touch of light irony and readiness to laugh at any moment will make your child cheerful, open, able to appreciate a joke and tell about it.

Make it a habit that a child tells about the events of the past day, dad, who has come home from work or a grandmother who has come to visit. Do not interrupt, do not rush him, cheer him up, "throw" him those cases that he forgot to mention.

Games to expand the child's vocabulary

These word games do not take extra time, they can be played on the way to the kindergarten, in line, on a walk. As soon as they notice that the baby's attention began to switch to foreign objects, the game stops.

1. Guide. On a walk, the mother closes her eyes, and the child describes to her what surrounds them.

2. Description of the object. The kid is invited to describe the subject using as many non-repeating words as possible.

3. Who has the last word. In turn, describe the object, whoever has the last word, he won.

4. Mom begins to tell the story, when she pauses, the child inserts the word that makes sense.

5. What can be? The adult calls the adjective, and the kid calls it nouns. For example, "Black". What can be black? The child enumerates: earth, tree, briefcase, paints ... Then the game is reversed. The object is called, and adjectives are selected for it. "Ball, what?" Round, rubber, red-blue, new, big…

6. Become a writer. 5-7 words are offered and you need to make a story out of them. If it is difficult for a child to memorize words by ear, then pictures can be offered. At first it can be such a set: skis, a boy, a snowman, a dog, a Christmas tree. Then the task becomes more difficult: a bear, a rocket, a door, a flower, a rainbow.

7. Find a repeat. Mom pronounces a stylistic incorrect phrase, and the baby tries to find a tautology and correct it. For example, “Daddy salted the soup with salt. Masha put clothes on the doll.

8. A game of antonyms, words that are opposite in meaning. The adult calls the word, the child picks up the word antipode. "Hot-cold, winter-summer, big - small."

9. The game of synonyms. For example, a synonym for the word "stick" is a cane, stick, crutch, staff.

10. What did you see? Pay attention to the passing clouds. What do skyships look like? What does this tree crown look like? And these mountains? And this person, what animal is associated with?

11. Get a small folder that is easy to carry around. You can keep didactic material in it that helps your activities - games for the development of a child's speech. These are pictures, photographs, riddles, small texts, crossword puzzles. You can always find a few minutes during the day to open the daddy and play “conversational” games with the baby. Material for such games-activities can be found in any bookstore. It is published in the "Practical guide to the development of speech" series.

12. Logic chain. From randomly selected cards laid out in a line, you need to make a connected story. Then the task becomes more difficult. The cards are turned over, and the baby remembers a sequential chain of laid out pictures and names them in the order in which they lay. The number of cards used in the game depends on the age of the child, the older - the more pictures. Despite the apparent complexity of the game, children like this type of entertainment. They start competing to see who can remember the most pictures.

O. Andreev's School of Reading

There is already a proven and proven reading technique by Oleg Andreev. For more than a decade, children of various ages have been attending his speed reading school, striving to develop their speech, field of vision, imaginative thinking and learn to “learn easily” at school. When working with any text, O. Andreev recommends the following scheme for highlighting the main thing from the material read: title, author, facts (surnames, geographical data, various quantitative data), action (what actions do the characters of the read works perform, and what events take place there), main the content of what was read (this is a brief retelling in your own words of the meaning, the content of the text).

When reading or discussing what has been read with your child, bring the work according to this scheme to automatism. It will help to work competently with the text and not get bogged down in the secondary details of the work.

Good conversational speech guarantees not only success at school, but is also a guarantee of sociability, sociability, the ability to find a language with people, to fit organically into the team. We all want to see our children in the spotlight, surrounded by friends and girlfriends. So let's help them get there.

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