Session. National Internet Society of Internal Medicine Specialists Internist Live Lectures


Session (from Latin - sessio - meeting, English - session) is a period of time covering the user's work on the Internet from the moment the first link is opened to the last link. Calculated as the difference in time between the initial and final requests. However, the last page may be viewed by the user at different times, which therefore makes it more difficult to measure the time between two requests.

How the session is related to the HTTP protocol and COOKIES

What is a session can be explained starting from the HTTP protocol. By itself, this protocol does not provide a way to persist state between two operations. That is, to put it simply, opening one page and then going from it to another, HTTP will not be able to establish that both requests belong to the same user. And this is where a special tracking method comes to the rescue - session management (our sessions).
Hence, answering the question of what a session is, we can say that it is an auxiliary logical object that facilitates the transfer of data between successive HTTP requests from one user.
Cookies, like the session, store information about the user as he moves through different pages and improve the operation of the protocol. But unlike the second, where the data is stored in temporary files on the server, they are stored on the user's computer in the form of small fragments.

What are sessions for?

The use of sessions becomes indispensable when working with sites such as forums, bulletin boards and Internet shops, because in this case you need to save user data for several pages.

Session stages

The whole session can be divided into three stages:

  • session opening (when the user starts working with a certain site),
  • accounting for session variables (when navigating to different pages),
  • end of session.

Due to the fact that session data is stored on a third-party server, it is best not to store large amounts of information in them, but to use cookies.

Session No. 21: "Forms of medical documentation: time for change" within the cycle of educational sessions "Outpatient appointment".

Time spending: from 8.00 to 18.00

Location: Moscow, Small conference hall of the Administrative Building at the address: st. New Arbat, 36. (m. Smolenskaya), Moscow

Participation in the sessions is FREE. Pre-registration on the siterequired.

An application for a training event is submitted to the Evaluation Committee of the NMO.

The session is dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the famous internist, one of the founders of experimental cardiology and clinical and experimental direction in pathology Alexander Bogdanovich Foght.

Session organizers:

  • Society of Doctors of Russia;
  • "Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists";
  • GBOU VO "MGMSU im. A.I. Evdokimov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
  • NGO "Outpatient doctor";
  • Congress operator "MEDI Expo".

The session leader is:

Vertkin Arkady Lvovich

Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Professor, Head of the Therapeutic Clinic and Head of the Department of Therapy, Clinical Pharmacology and Emergency Medicine of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after M.V. A.I. Evdokimov.

Session participants:

Brun Evgeny Alekseevich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Chief Specialist, Spichiatrist-Narcologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Department of Health of the City of Moscow, Head of the Department of Narcology of the RMANPE of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Drobizhev Mikhail Yurievich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Electrophysiological Research in Cardiology of the Scientific and Educational Clinical Center "Healthy Heart" of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Tyurin Vladimir Petrovich

Member of the Presidium of the RNMOT, chief therapist of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after. N.I. Pirogova, Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Diseases, IUV NMCHTS named after A.I. N.I. Pirogova, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Zayratyants Oleg Vadimovich

President of the Moscow and Vice-President of the Russian Society of Pathologists, Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the State University of Medicine and Dentistry. A.I. Evdokimova, professor.

Scientific program of the session:

1. Clinical and anatomical conference on the topic "Complications of antimicrobial therapy: antibiotic-associated diarrhea, pseudomembrane colitis" ( on the analysis of a particular patient and the results of autopsy, the questions of the validity of the use of antibiotics in outpatient practice, risk factors for adverse events of antimicrobial therapy, clinical, instrumental and morphological diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis, prevention and treatment of complications of antimicrobial therapy will be considered).

2. Narcological problems in the somatic clinic ( characteristic stigmas of narcological manifestations in somatic patients, methods for rapid diagnosis and routing of patients at the polyclinic stage).

3. Difficulties in diagnosing infective endocarditis ( diagnosis of infective endocarditis of natural and prosthetic valves, algorithmization of the actions of a polyclinic therapist, features of the disease in elderly patients).

4. Treatment of cognitive disorders in the practice of a therapist ( methods for diagnosing cognitive impairments, indications for a neurologist's consultation, a review of modern drugs and their reasonable choice in the daily practice of a therapist).

All-Russian Educational Internet Program for Doctors INTERNET SESSION ® exists since 2001 under the auspices of the Interdepartmental Scientific Council for Therapy of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the National Internet Society of Internal Medicine Specialists. The first broadcasts of the program were held in the same year covering the main nosologies modern medicine. Website (internist.rf) is a platform for broadcasting and posting video recordings of events. Thus, the program is the oldest and largest online education system for doctors in Russia and the CIS. Registered users receive a certificate of the established form, confirming the fact of participation in a particular event.

INTERNET SESSION ® and INTERNIST ® are registered trademarks.

There are the following types of educational programs

All-Russian broadcast INTERNET SESSION® is held four times a year on fixed dates, in the form of an online medical scientific congress. The event is divided into sections on the main disciplines. The duration of one lecture is 20 minutes, the duration of the Master Class lecture is 30 minutes. Internet Sessions in 2013: II International Internet Congress February 14-15, 2013 XXXIV Internet Session March 5, 2013 XXXV Internet Session May 14, 2013 XXXVI Internet Session September 10, 2013 XXXVII Internet Session December 3, 2013

An example of the INTERNET SESSION ® program and video resources accompanying the event .

During the broadcast, interactive connections of group and individual users are made with the demonstration of video images of the callers.

Connections are held at the time allotted according to the program in the Questions & Answers section.

Regional Broadcast of the Round Table dedicated to one selected nosology, problem or event in the scientific and medical community. The schedule of broadcasts depends on the plan of scientific and practical events of partner, state scientific and regional institutions of the Russian Federation.

The format of the event is determined by the name. During the round table, a wide opportunity was provided for an interactive discussion with invited experts. Individual viewers, scientific moderators and doctors of regional group connections become active participants in the broadcast.

Outdoor broadcast

This is an interactive outdoor broadcast of national events taking place outside specifications professional television studio.

Examples here

The unique software and special design of the Internet site provides everything functionality for interactive television broadcasting available to the widest possible range of users:

    Free and easy access to watching the broadcast: does not require installation of client applications from participants and mandatory registration

    The possibility of adaptive broadcasting, i.e. broadcasting adapted to the speed of Internet access. The viewer chooses the viewing format that is convenient for him

    Broadcast interactivity due to the complex technology of the Studio Block: the audience can make a video call to the studio using a webcam. Broadcast participants can also communicate by phone using a free line.

    The ability to organize mobile broadcasting or recording from anywhere in the world, equipped with Internet access

    Ability to integrate and collaborate with studios equipped with conferencing systems

Dear colleagues! "Outpatient reception" - a cycle of educational sessions for therapists, outpatient clinicians. Sessions are held on a regular basis five times a year, each of which has a specific thematic focus. Participation in the sessions is free. The rich scientific part of the program is complemented by the cultural and educational part. Artists of the Moscow Drama Theater present performances based on works of classical literature (N.V. Gogol, A.P. Chekhov, A.N. Ostrovsky), drawing parallels with the scientific topics of the sessions.

We invite you and your colleagues to the Moscow sessions of the educational cycle for general practitioners and polyclinics "Ambulatory reception".

Participation in sessions free.

Registration is open on the website of the technical congress operator MEDI Expo.

Session organizers:

  • Regional public organization promoting the development of prehospital medicine "Outpatient doctor";
  • All-Russian public organization "Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists";
  • federal state budgetary educational institution higher education Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • All-Russian public organization "Society of Doctors of Russia";
  • Technical congress operator of MEDI Expo.

Session leader:

Arkady Lvovich VERTKIN, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Therapy, Clinical Pharmacology and Emergency Medicine, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. A.I. Evdokimova, Head of the National Scientific and Practical Society for Emergency Medicine.

Schedule of sessions for 2019:

  • March 11, 2019

Session №24 "Paradigms of outpatient practice"

Time spending: from 8.00 to 18.00


  • May 14, 2019

Session #25 "The Age of Ambulatory Education"

Time spending: from 8.00 to 18.00

Location Location: Moscow, Small conference hall of the administrative building (metro station Smolenskaya, Novy Arbat st., 36).

  • September 12, 2019

Session №26 "Ambulatory simulation technology"

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