Restaurateur Elashvili - RBC: “Sbarro no longer meets the requirements of the market. Treatment of official medicine does not meet modern requirements "did not meet modern requirements" in books


Why is industrial production not developing in Russia?

In 2008, my co-author, Doctor of Economics, and I Kashin V.A. in the journal "Taxes and Taxation" published an article "Once again about ways to improve the tax system in Russia", which shows that without a radical change in tax policy economic development Russia is impossible. All the provisions of our article are even more relevant today.

Today, industrial production in Russia is coming to naught. According to Rosstat, by 2016, compared to 1990, the volume of production in natural units of most species was catastrophically reduced. industrial products, including by 94.8%, that is, the production of metal-cutting machines fell to 5.2%, tractors - to 3%; excavators - 6.3%; bulldozers - 3.5%; grain harvesters - 9.8%; forging and pressing machines - 8.9%; trucks - 20%; trolleybuses - 8.1%; motorcycles - 1.7%; woolen fabrics - 2.3%; cotton fabrics - 20.1%; production of linen fabrics - 5.8%; leather shoes– 10.2%; knitwear - up to 13.8%, etc.

There is very little left before the complete cessation of production.

There are several reasons. But the main reason is the inefficient tax system.

Today, in the tax policy pursued in our country, to the detriment of economic and social development, two main trends in taxation remain in force: the concentration of tax collections in the sphere of material production and the unfair distribution of the total tax burden between recipients of low and high incomes. In this regard, the tax authorities of the Russian Federation are noticeably departing from the Western model of taxation, which has a pronounced social character and maintains an emphasis on increased taxation of "unearned" and "non-productive" income.

Based on world experience and taking into account the practice of the fiscal policy of recent years in Russia, we can conclude that without a sharp and decisive turn in the actual distribution of the tax burden between payers in the production sector and the distribution of newly produced value (not limited to simply reducing tax rates some taxes) the country has no chance to compete in the world market.

Our tax system does not meet modern requirements. Today it performs only a fiscal function. And that is unsatisfactory: a significant part of the economy is in the "shadow". And the Russian tax system performs distributive, stimulating and social functions completely unsatisfactorily: it does not contribute to the growth of production, the growth of welfare and the reduction of the social stratification of the population.

Consider the problem of irrational distribution of the tax burden. The severity of the tax burden for different economic agents in our country varies significantly, which cannot be considered fair and appropriate.

Let's estimate the tax burden on typical taxpayers: employees, small retailers, rentiers, large entrepreneurs ("oligarchs").
The salary of an employee is "burdened" by three types of taxes: personal income tax the rate is 13%, the unified social tax - the rate for earnings in the lowest category - 30% and VAT - 18%. Total all deductions and accruals for wages make up about two-thirds of their earnings.

Since we are talking about people living "on a salary", it is quite reasonable to assume that they spend their income on the purchase of consumer goods. Then they are once again subject to VAT (at rates of 10% or 18%), and if they purchase excisable goods (alcoholic beverages, tobacco, beer, etc.) and imports, then more excises and customs duties must be added.

In addition, if the employee has any taxable property, then he will also pay for a car, apartment, cottage, etc.

According to the most conservative estimates, the amount of taxes collected by the state and the amount of earned income received on hand are approximately equal.

It turns out that half the time an employee works for the state, and half for himself.

Another economic agent is a small retailer who lives on the resale of goods purchased at the wholesale market.

If such a merchant keeps his annual income within 150 million rubles. , then he can apply the so-called simplified taxation system, in which he must pay either 6% of turnover or 15% of net income.

At the same time, official taxable turnovers and incomes are significantly reduced when selling unrecorded counterfeit and contraband, the share of which can be quite large.

The highest level of counterfeiting takes place in the field of consumer goods, including food, textiles, household chemicals, children's products, etc. In these sectors, its share often exceeds 50% or more.

In addition, when applying the simplified system, the trader is released from all obligations not only to pay income tax, property tax and VAT, but also from keeping records, submitting declarations, etc.

The third case is a rentier who profitably invested his capital and lives on the income from it. If he keeps all his money in bank accounts and the rate of interest he receives does not exceed the levels set central bank RF (15% in 2017), it does not pay taxes at all. If he holds his capital in securities, then he must pay only a tax on dividends in the amount of 13%.

And finally, the fourth case: a large entrepreneur who received an enterprise in the course of implementing privatization schemes and passed the stage of accumulating earned income (or profits), from which all other citizens paid the full amount of the relevant taxes.

In order to put "live money" in his pocket, he can transfer funds in various ways to the banks of some offshore center, where no taxes will be withheld from him. If he prefers to receive his income in the form of dividends, he will have to pay a tax on dividends of 13%. And if this oligarch organizes the receipt of such dividends on the account of his company in another country, then you can find options when the amount of tax withheld in Russia does not exceed 5%.

And finally, if such an oligarch and members of his family take up the practice of purchasing goods in European countries and then importing them into Russia, then they are exempt from paying VAT (in both countries) and from taxation customs duties(subject to certain restrictions).

All listed economic agents are businessmen. They are engaged in business and defend its interests. At the same time, “business interests” do not always mean the same thing.

Thus, low-paid employees in the manufacturing sector receive about 40% total income and 60% is paid to the state in the form of taxes. And those who participate in the real production process to a minimal extent, but have the opportunity to receive high incomes, receive 87% of these incomes in their hands, and pay 13% in the form of taxes.

These examples show that the low average level of taxation in the Russian Federation does not mean anything. He simply covers up the fact that, in full accordance with the taxation system adopted in Russia, taxes are paid not by those who have large incomes, but by those who barely earn to cover their economic costs of supporting themselves and their families. And this is laid down directly in the tax legislation at the very beginning of the reforms.

In addition, it follows from the above that taxpayers who bear a higher share of the tax burden will continue to strive to circumvent tax laws (with a natural increase in the number and intensity of tax disputes). And since all the subjects of economic activity in the sphere of material production belong to the number of these “offended” taxpayers, they cannot be expected to increase the rate of economic growth (which the government hopes for) until the general tax policy of the state is changed accordingly.

What and how to do is detailed in my posts on my blog on Ekho Moskvy, for example, and, as well as in the works of the Modernization EAC (see, section "Our Works").

To be continued.

If your income in percentage terms is above the key rate + 5%, you must pay tax on the deposit of individuals. In 2017 (Q1), the key rate remains at 10%. This means that the tax-free deposit rate in 2017 is 15%.

Those who did not want to understand what was happening went against the company. Perhaps they thought that if they wrote about us and we got in trouble, then this would affect the company. However, they did not take into account one thing: if we are forced to close points, then the company will not increase money. If we had free funds, would we create such difficulties for ourselves? Certainly not, because the company from the moment of its foundation has always paid the labor of its employees in a timely manner. But if problems appear on the market, then everyone suffers: both business and individuals. It's like in chess - a lot depends on one move.

Our omission is that we delayed the closing of low-margin outlets for a long time. It was worth acting more decisively and starting network optimization back in June-July 2015. It was necessary to reduce about 30% of the staff. Business is business, but you have to be human. Understanding the current situation on the labor market, we tried not to fire people, transferring them to our other institutions. Many employees who then opposed the company are still looking for work. But seeing that the situation with payments had stabilized, they announced their readiness to return.

Merab Elashvili

- The trade union of workers Sbarro reported that the debt for each of the 70 members of the union was about 150 thousand rubles.

- This is not entirely true, the amount of debt was different. Some had a debt of about 3,000 rubles, while others reached up to 150,000 rubles. The total debt to trade union members amounted to 4.5 million rubles.

— But those who owed money to Sbarro, were there more?

— Of course, more. 70 people are those who joined the trade union.

How much did the company owe employees in general?

- In December - about 15 million rubles, but we partially paid in November. Today we pay the current salary and continue to pay off the resulting debts. We expect that in the next two months all debts will be paid.

- Employees reported that they employment contracts were issued to third-party companies and that part of the salary was " inenvelopes, right?

— Outsourcing is a common practice for chain restaurant business. We worked directly with recruiting companies, which were paid the full amount under the contract, and they, in turn, paid salaries to the staff. But how these companies registered employees - I, of course, cannot know this.

They did us a favor by providing staff. We started working actively with such companies about two years ago, when all this economic turbulence began in the country. At the best of times, of course, they tried to register employees in the company's staff, forming a sense of devotion and loyalty to the brand. For full-time employees, we tried to create special conditions and paid money, even when we encountered difficulties. We never ignored the staff, it's just that the strike situation was a certain provocation and completely out of control.

Why do you think this is a provocation?

- Now on the market, if not every second, then every third company has a situation similar to ours. But why did Sbarro employees take to the streets? Who did they follow? Certainly someone pushed them to this. At the end of the year, we invited employees and union representatives to meet and sit down at the negotiating table. They set conditions: the company must hire all outsourced employees and pay them the debt within a week. We could not accept their proposal, because this would entail new additional costs. From our point of view, the union acted categorically and harshly, but then was able to see the situation through the eyes of the company. We managed to reach an agreement only in February 2016.

“G.M.R. Planet of hospitality»

Restaurant holding "G.M.R. Hospitality Planet" was founded in 1997. The abbreviation in its name comes from the first letters of the names of the co-owners: Merab Elashvili, his brother George Elashvili and brother-in-law Roman Shamilashvili. Until 1997, the partners were engaged in the distribution of European goods.

Today, the holding operates 88 Sbarro restaurants, of which it owns 35, and the rest are developed through sub-franchising. The portfolio also includes Yolki-Palki, Oriental Bazaar, Viaggio and Little Japan restaurants, YamKee noodle shops and Cafesto cafe. In total, the networks have 157 points, including franchise ones.

The holding's revenue fell in 2015 compared to 2014by 27%, up to 5.5 billion rubles. The company does not disclose profit and total debt load.

“In one day, all our outlets in Mega were closed

— What is the financial position of the holding as a whole?

- Turnover in 2014 amounted to 7 billion rubles, in 2015 - 5.5 billion rubles. The company has been developing all the time through reinvestment and attracted bank funds. In mid-2014, with the onset of the economic crisis in the country, some banks refused to extend our credit line, we were forced to return Money. At the same time, almost all banks raised rates from 10-11% to 19-25%. And it took us a lot of effort and energy to convince them that the restaurant business model cannot afford this. We've had a cash gap. Only at the end of 2015 did we manage to settle the interest. The food embargo, currency risks, the decline in the solvency of the population - in general, our checks fell by 20-30% - and a decrease in the traffic of shopping centers also affected.

We started optimizing the business: reducing staff in the office, negotiating with shopping centers across the country. Someone agreed to pay rent in rubles, someone did not. For example, the management of "Mega" took a tough stance, rejected any proposed compromise solutions. And in one day, all our points in Mega were closed in almost all cities of Russia, the operating restaurants in which we invested more than $20 million were destroyed. More than 500 people were left without work in an instant. Many were newcomers, and for them the loss of a job was a real tragedy, a catastrophe.

— What other currency payments did you have?apart from rent? Imported products?

“We ourselves did not import large volumes of products, but we cooperated with intermediaries who bought for us flour and dairy products, pasta, cheeses in Portugal, Italy and other countries. Before the embargo, about 70% of production came from EU countries. Of course, a larger percentage of purchases was intended for the Sbarro chain of Italian cafes.

With the advent of the food embargo, it turned out like this: what cost us 30 rubles yesterday turned into 60 rubles. This is due to reduced competition [of food suppliers] on Russian market and speculative games. So whether you like it or not, prices need to be raised, but in a year and a half we did it by only 10-12%. We cannot pass all the costs on to our visitors. In this case, the guests will simply stop coming to us.

At some point, the cost of dishes has already begun to amount to about 50% of the company's turnover. The share of expenses for rent and staff has also been constantly growing, because we have to pay regardless of whether the guests came to the restaurant. In addition to these main items of expenditure, there are others. So gradually, little by little, we began to get into debt on rent, food suppliers and so on.

We don't disclose.

— Have you tried to reduce dependence on imported ingredients?

— We met with our American partners who own the Sbarro brand. They outlined the problems that they faced due to the imposed sanctions against Russia. They offered possible options for replacing existing ingredients, the cost of which has increased dramatically. We cannot just make changes to the recipe without coordinating with the American partner. Unfortunately, our proposals remained unanswered, bureaucratic delays began.

Merab Elashvili (Photo: Alena Kondyurina for RBC)

Plus our franchisees [out of 88 Sbarro pizzerias in Russia G.M.R. Planet of Hospitality only 54 are owned, the rest are sub-franchised] turned to us for help in adapting the menu to reduce the “food cost”, for providing marketing support and creating a new interior, and we could not help them in any way. We ourselves have become hostages of the situation.

Any brand gradually becomes obsolete, new bright, dynamic players appear. Unfortunately, today's Sbarro franchise model no longer meets modern market requirements and does not justify the expectations placed on it. And the founder of the brand did not make any changes. We have come a long way with an American corporation, but franchising is primarily a partnership business. We hoped that the partners would hear us, but since this did not happen, we began to prepare for the termination of the contract.

— What is the procedure for withdrawing from the concession agreement? Do you need to pay a penalty?

- I can not tell you - the terms of the contract are confidential.

— Will you offer American partners to buy Sbarro outlets?

- Not. We plan to use part of the premises with successful locations for the development of our own concepts. We have already informed many of our landlords that we will cease management of this brand in the near future.

— What will happen to Sbarro sub-franchisees?

— American Sbarro will take over the management of the franchisee. Until then, we will continue to work as usual. We want to maintain partnership relations with all franchisees, because many of them are also franchisees of our other concepts.

— During the crisis of 2008, there was a surge of interest in franchising, because it is an inexpensive way to start your own business. Is there an increase in interest now?

“These are very different crises. If the first was purely economic, today we are also witnessing a geopolitical confrontation. They continue to be interested in the franchise, as in 2008, but today they are looking at formats for small investments. We are considering the possibility of restarting the franchise program, perhaps we will reduce the cost of the lump-sum fee and royalties, and change the offer.

Merab Elashvili

Born in 1974 in the village of Kulashi in Georgia in the family of one of the leaders of the Georgian Jewish community. At the age of 19, he came to “conquer” Moscow, where, together with his brother Georgy Elashvili and brother-in-law Roman Shamilashvili, he founded the GMR company, which was engaged in the distribution of goods from well-known European manufacturers, in particular Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs. Then he began to conduct real estate transactions. In 1997, he convinced American partners to give him a master franchise to open Sbarro pizzerias in Russia. Since 2007, he has been President of G.M.R. Hospitality Planet.

In September 2008, on the eve of the Jewish New Year, he opened a Sephardic synagogue with his relatives in the Triumph Palace residential complex in the north of Moscow. In April 2016, Elashvili became a hero gossip column, arranging the wedding of Anna's eldest daughter in Tel Aviv. The celebration was attended by 2 thousand guests, who were entertained by Nikolai Baskov, Soso Pavliashvili and American rapper Ryan Leslie. A year before, Merab's brother and business partner, Georgy, celebrated his son's wedding at the Moscow Manege, where he invited more than 1,500 guests.

“Theft began to reach 10-12% of turnover»

— What is your anti-crisis plan for the near future?

- First of all, we refuse inefficient sites. Since our foundation, we have opened more than 500 outlets, but during periods of economic crises, many were forced to abandon. Since 2014, the company has been rotating outlets. Now, along with franchised restaurants, more than 150 restaurants are open, about 20 more are temporarily closed, because we are negotiating leases. If we do not agree, then we will not open, of course. In this situation, we are not fighting for quantity. Any point should be a business and bring money. No business? Everything is closed.

We have built a different supply chain. Until 2015, we had a single supplier. His effectiveness ceased to suit us, and we ended the relationship. Today we cooperate with different suppliers, constantly working on the efficiency of the services provided.

We continue to carry out frequent checks in restaurants to prevent internal theft. When there were delays in payments, large-scale theft began. In general, in the restaurant business, this is not uncommon, but recent times losses began to reach 10-12% of the restaurant's turnover. For example, the industry average is no more than 2%.

And, of course, we introduce new dishes, optimize the cost, conduct various marketing campaigns to attract visitors.

— What concepts are you planning to develop?

— We have brands of federal importance: Middle Eastern cuisine restaurants Vostochny Bazaar and Russian home cooking Yolki-Palki. We quickly adapted technologies, taking into account the sanctions and the need for import substitution, and business in these networks is now stable. There are popular YamKee noodles. Franchisees are especially interested in this brand due to its small format, investments and quick payback. Or maybe it will be a completely different concept.

How are consumers behaving?

“The consumer today has taken a more conservative position and treats new products with caution. If a person has free 200 rubles, he will come for the familiar taste that he is used to receiving. Today, the Russian fast food market is dominated by three key products: chicken, hamburger and pizza. But this does not mean that we do not have other interesting concepts, such as potatoes, pan-Asian cuisine, pancakes, dumplings, and so on.

Are the changes you've implemented already having an impact?

— Yes, we see an increase in traffic. For the check, the increase is approximately 13%, for the restaurant revenue it is already 22% compared to the fourth quarter of 2015. The situation is leveling out. Hopefully, in July we will come out in plus. At the same time, we continue to pay off debts. At the same time, we are negotiating with various investment funds and private investors on the sale of shares.

— “G.M.R. Hospitality Planet is a fully family-owned company. Are you sorry to let "outsiders" in?

— What share are you ready to sell and how much do you estimate the value of the holding?

— There are various discussions. We don’t know where we will end up, but the company needs new investments. And we will do everything to make her feel confident.

- And if you don’t agree, will you be able to develop normally and pay off your debts?

— In the coming year, we do not plan to open our own restaurants. It is necessary to level the situation, rebuild the company, optimize the business and continue to pay off the debt. At the same time, since the beginning of 2016, we have opened eight franchised establishments, and by the end of the year we are planning about five more in Kursk and the Irkutsk region. We are also negotiating with partners from Moscow and Yaroslavl. Franchisees from Kazakhstan show great interest in our concepts.

It is wrong to say that tomorrow we will be able to pay off all debts at once, but the company is now coping with its obligations. turning point will be the end of 2016. If some force majeure does not happen tomorrow, we will overcome all difficulties.

The current level of medicinal medicine does not allow doctors to understand the essence of many processes in the body of hypertensive and hypotensive patients, give them a correct scientific assessment and determine an effective remedy.

We will try to demonstrate this at least with some examples.

Non-drug treatment (Savko L. High and low pressure. Causes, prevention and treatment. St. Petersburg, 2013).

Hypertension - lifestyle changes: nutrition correction, reduction of excess body weight, increase in physical activity, exclusion of bad habits.

Hypotension - lifestyle changes: proper nutrition, active image life and physical activity, good rest, physiotherapy procedures.

1. L. Savko emphasizes that all the principles of proper nutrition for hypertensive patients “are fully suitable for the hypotensive diet. The only difference is in the use of tonic drinks: they are strictly prohibited for hypertensive patients, and their use is recommended for hypotensive patients ”(p. 123).

“Most hypotensives cannot start the day without a cup of strong coffee, tea, or cocoa. This is not a whim, but a necessity. After all, these drinks are not only tasty and fragrant, but also give vigor, strength, relieve drowsiness, stimulate thinking. All this is due to the content of caffeine in them, which is a mild stimulant of the central nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The average daily dose of caffeine that does not adversely affect the body is 85–250 mg. So, one cup of strong coffee contains about 0.1 g of caffeine. At this dose, the substance has a tonic effect on the body, increases attention, relieves symptoms of fatigue, and improves mood for about 40 minutes. After 3–6 hours, the effect of caffeine ends, weakness, fatigue, and decreased performance reappear” (p. 123).

From the standpoint of natural medicine, all these coffee recommendations are dangerous to health. The fact is that a small cup of strong coffee can turn off sobbing breath for 1.5-2 hours and lead to a temporary metabolic disorder in the body. And vivacity and the removal of fatigue are just an appearance resulting from the paralyzing effect of coffee on the respiratory center in the cerebral cortex.

From the position of natural medicine, the principle is this: do not go to bed on an empty stomach. And if you want to eat, then in extreme cases you can eat just before bedtime, but always with the use of impulse massage and sobbing breathing. All this will provide the organs with the nutrition they need, which means it will give healing and good performance.

3. Doctors recommend eating evenly throughout the day, dividing the entire daily diet into four to five meals. Studies have shown that with two meals a day, the incidence of myocardial infarction is higher than with three or four meals a day (p. 29). Therefore, it is recommended to eat in this order: mandatory breakfast, optional second breakfast, mandatory lunch, optional afternoon tea, mandatory dinner, mandatory kefir. At the same time, breakfast, second breakfast (if any) and lunch should account for 2/3 of the total calories of the daily diet.

From the position of natural medicine, you should eat according to the needs of your body (if you want 4-5 meals, if you want - 2-3 meals). If there is no desire to eat in the morning, you can do without breakfast, and the main amount of food should not be in the first half of the day, but in the second - in the late afternoon, at bedtime - to ensure a normal night's rest and restore the physical strength expended during the day.

4. Doctors believe that the average daily caloric intake for women living in the city and not engaged in physical labor by profession is approximately 1600-2000 kcal, and for men - 2000-2400 kcal, respectively.

From the position of natural medicine, women and men determine the calorie content of their diet independently, taking into account their characteristics and needs (age, weight, etc.).

5. Doctors for the regularity of food intake (the time of admission should be the same from day to day).

From the point of view of natural medicine, there is no need for such a regularity of eating, food can be taken depending on the appearance of the need and even other circumstances.

According to doctors, the last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. “All physiological processes, including digestion, slow down during a long night's sleep, the metabolism is extremely slow. Because of this, food that has entered the stomach will take a very long time to digest on the eve of sleep. Calories received in the process of digestion will not be burned. Consequently, they are deposited in reserve in places where fat is deposited. If the last meal is 2-3 hours before bedtime, then the digestive system will be able to fully relax during your sleep ”(Savko L., p. 30).

From the standpoint of natural medicine, this is a vivid example of the primitive treatment of the problem of night sleep by doctors.

leg sleep. If a night's rest is carried out using impulse self-massage and sobbing breathing, then this is not a passive, but, on the contrary, an active process. Before going to bed and during natural awakenings at night, nutrition is actively supplied to all organs and muscles, ensuring their recovery and the health of the whole organism. In this case, all food does not go into fats or waste, but directly into the organs, providing a full-fledged healing process.

From the standpoint of natural medicine, physical activity in the form of walking is very useful for patients with hypertension. A good option: gentle walking for an hour or brisk walking for half an hour.

Such walking is accompanied by the use of sobbing breath. After returning home, you can measure the pressure: as a rule, after walking, the pressure is significantly normalized.

It is quite surprising to read from doctors that "alcohol should be used wisely." L. Savko says “about the maximum allowable daily dose - 50 g of alcohol in terms of pure alcohol (five doses). In no case should this dose be exceeded by either men or women. Otherwise, poisoning of the body will occur. The weekly limit is 210 g of alcohol (21 doses) for men and 120 g for women (12 doses). To estimate the amount of alcohol, it is customary to use the concept of dose. One dose of alcohol is equal to 10 g of alcohol” (p. 36).

From the standpoint of natural medicine, all such reasoning about alcohol is more than strange. At the same time, L. Savko herself points out that “when taking alcohol, the main blow falls on the three main systems of the body: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and nervous. Thus, excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of arterial hypertension, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, cerebral stroke, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, rectal cancer, encephalopathy, neuropathy and other diseases” (p. 37).

All these warnings are all the more incompatible with the doctor's highly questionable reasoning about "the need to consume alcohol wisely."

From the standpoint of natural medicine, rationality in the consumption of alcohol is generally out of the question. In addition, one should take into account an important circumstance completely unknown to doctors. The fact is that even a small dose of strong alcohol paralyzes impulse self-massage, disrupts natural rest with sobbing breath and leads to serious metabolic disorders in the body. Just as surprising are the arguments of the doctor L. Savko about “six types of smoking behavior”, which, as it were, excuse smokers:

1. Smoking to stimulate, invigorate, relieve fatigue in the process of solving problems when work is not going well.

2. Playing with a cigarette - smoking is perceived more as a game than as the actual process of smoking, etc. I will not list all six points, as if justifying the behavior of smokers.

It is not clear only for what purpose the doctor gives this information for patients with hypertension and hypotension.

From the standpoint of natural medicine, such an approach (relatively speaking, "enlightenment") is completely unacceptable. Both alcohol and smoking are definitely harmful, so we should not talk about how much you can or cannot drink and smoke. It is necessary to speak unequivocally categorically about their harm to the health of the patient and, in general, about the inadmissibility of such actions.

What does the doctor give?

Firstly, L. Savko gives a table “The number of doses of alcohol in different alcoholic beverages” (includes wine, beer, champagne, whiskey, vodka and liquor), p. 36.

Secondly, he gives the patient "Practical task No. 5. Calculation of the individual dose of alcohol consumption" (p. 37).

Thirdly, the patient is given "Practical task No. 7. Determining the individual type of smoking behavior."

If I didn’t know that I was reading a doctor’s book, I would have thought that this was some kind of quiz: regardless of whether a person has hypertension or hypotension, he is asked to choose the most interesting option from a general point of view.

From the standpoint of natural medicine, the normalization of metabolism with the help of sobbing breath leads to the fact that the body itself begins to produce that minimum of alcohol, which without any problems allows patients to completely abandon purchased alcohol or drastically reduce its consumption as unnecessary.

L. Savko writes: “It is impossible to get rid of stress. However, you can change your attitude to the situation, learn how to properly overcome stress, manage the stress reaction” (p. 45). “After all, you can control your emotions in response to a stressor, which means you are able to control stress itself. Often, not the events themselves, but the anxiety and grief in response to them are the source of the stress reaction. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to ignore inadequate beliefs that a person must meet any standards, to abandon irrational demands on oneself and others, to develop positive affirmations that overcome anger and irritation. One should learn to overcome unwanted thoughts” (p. 47).

From the standpoint of natural medicine, coping with stress is put on a physiological basis for the first time.

Stress is not only interpersonal relationships, it is a direct consequence of metabolic disorders in the body due to improper breathing. In a healthy body, there is no stress, all organs, blood vessels, nervous and stress systems are relaxed, blood vessels are dilated, pressure is normal. In such conditions, personal relationships with other people are also calm, there is no need to “learn to overcome unwanted thoughts”, “develop” positive affirmations that overcome anger and irritation, etc. For this, it is important to have a good night’s rest using sobbing breathing and impulse self-massage , during the day, use the technique of relieving very strong, strong and moderate stresses and relieving pain, discomfort and all kinds of disturbances in the body with the help of short exhalations with the throat to the sound “ha” and a subsequent pause in “three cars”.

Doctors note the usefulness of massage. “In case of hypertension, massage tones up, improves performance, helps to reduce or disappear headaches, pain in the retrosternal region, and improves mood. Massage normalizes blood circulation and lymph outflow, which leads to an improvement in cellular and tissue respiration, the tone of the vascular wall. The duration of one massage session for hypotension should be 25–35 minutes, and the course should be 10–12 procedures” (p. 125). Acupuncture is recommended to relieve frequent and persistent headaches, sleep disorders, anxiety, increased nervousness, anxiety, to relieve apathy, indifference to the outside world.

From the point of view of natural medicine, impulse self-massage replaces all types of medical massage and acupuncture. It is carried out before going to bed, upon awakening at night, in the morning after a night's rest, and also, if necessary, during the day at home. This massage is combined with the use of sobbing breath.

All medical preparations are canceled, only sobbing breath and other natural mechanisms of health are used.

As you can see, non-drug treatment by doctors comes down to mitigating factors that may predispose to the development of hypertension and hypotension (nutrition, alcohol, smoking, etc.). But all these factors, even if their impact could be reduced to zero, will not reduce high and increase low pressure. At best, the pressure will even out a little within the same level (normal, hypertension or hypotension).

Medical treatment with drugs, while temporarily dilating the blood vessels and lowering the pressure, cannot cure either hypertension or hypotension.

Samara physiologist Yu. N. Mishustin proposed his own solution to this problem. Not with the help of drugs that poison the body and endanger human life, but by regulating the gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the circulatory system.

At the same time, he proceeds from the position that the root cause of hypertension is precisely the insufficient concentration of CO2 in the blood. He writes: “In any textbook“ Normal Physiology ”it is directly indicated that the natural vasodilator, that is, a substance that has a dilating effect on the blood vessels, is carbon dioxide CO2 in the blood. It is easy to assume and just as easy to verify that the cause of arterial hypertension, that is, the presence of arterioles constantly in a narrowed state, is precisely the insufficient concentration in the arterial blood of a substance that naturally prevents excessive narrowing of arterioles - a natural vasodilator (vasodilator) - carbon dioxide CO2 "(C 86).

Moreover, Russian scientists even calculated the rate of carbon dioxide in the blood - 6-6.5%.

Yu. N. Mishustin proposes to maintain such a norm in the blood with the help of the Samozdrav breathing simulator designed by him. The vessels will constantly be in an expanded state, the pressure will normalize, and patients will no longer have to take medication.

However, all these problems were already solved 36 years ago by the discovery of sobbing breath. Not knowing about this, Yu. N. Mishustin was forced to “reinvent the wheel” again, and patients both took and continue to take pills for pressure.

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The nuclear power plant (BelNPP) under construction in Belarus near the border with Lithuania in Astravets does not meet modern safety requirements, Lithuanian specialists who have read the NPP stress test report and submitted their comments to the international group say.

The Lithuanian State Nuclear Energy Inspectorate (VATESI) reported that Lithuania had formulated more than 100 comments and a question on the stability of nuclear power plants in extreme situations. Lithuania's most important question about choosing a site for the construction of the station was not considered in the report, and therefore it and a number of other questions remain unanswered, the report says.

“In addition to the questions previously raised by Lithuania, to which Belarus has not yet given answers, familiarization with the stress test report showed that the project of the Belarusian nuclear power plant also has shortcomings in this area, which must be eliminated before the start-up of the first reactor,” notes the head of the working group and the deputy head of VATESI for nuclear safety Sigitas Shlyapavichyus.

The working group argues that it lacks a justification for the stability of the nuclear power plant in the event of a crash of a heavy commercial aircraft, as well as ensuring the independence of the control system in the event of severe accidents. In addition, Lithuania has doubts about the sustainability analysis of the project in the event of an extreme earthquake, since it is based on the 1997 study.

It is alleged that the stress tests of the Ostrovets nuclear power plant did not take into account the possible consequences of forest fires in nearby forests and other hazards, including a possible flood after an earthquake that could occur if three artificial reservoirs on the Neris River break through.

By January 25, comments and questions formulated by Lithuanian institutions will be submitted to the European Commission and the international working group of experts established by the European Nuclear Safety Regulatory Organizations Group (ENSREG). In Lithuania, VATESI, Institute of Energy, VAE SPB, Ignalina NPP, Lithuanian Geological Service, the country's Hydrometeorological Service, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Energy and the Nuclear Waste Management Agency are participating in the consideration of the BelNPP stress test report.

Stress tests of NPPs in 2016 were carried out by a subsidiary of the general contractor ROSATOM - Atomprojekt. Representatives of the Lithuanian government have already stated that the tests do not answer all questions and require tests to be carried out in accordance with the NPP methodology.

Nuclear power plant in Belarus is being built near the border with Lithuania, just 50 km from Vilnius. Lithuania blocks the import of electricity generated at the BelNPP and thus seeks to complicate the implementation of the project.

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