Overcomes the obstacles of life and offers. Overcome all obstacles on the way to fulfill your dreams! How to overcome barriers to an active lifestyle. Strategy Nine: Focus on something bigger than yourself


Many of us sometimes asked ourselves the same question: why does it happen that some receive a minimum of these same lessons and lead a seemingly completely cloudless life, while others, on the contrary, step on the same rake and constantly complain about fate wondering why? In life, as in school - you learned a lesson - you move on, if you did not learn this lesson - you will not learn the next one. The better we cope with the lessons and life problems that fate has prepared for us, the more integral our personality will be and the more harmonious the world around us will be. You ask, but how do you know what lesson fate will present tomorrow? You can find out by analyzing the date of birth.

Problems are calculated as follows:

1st number of problem = birthday - month of birth.

2nd number of problem = year of birth - birthday.

3rd problem number = second problem number - first problem number.

4th number of the problem = year of birth - month of birth.

1977 = 1 + 9 + 7 + 7 = 24= 2 + 4 = 6

We use the obtained numbers to calculate the problems.

1st problem number = 3 - 3 = 0

2nd problem number = 6 - 3 = 3

3rd problem number = 3 - 0 = 3

4th problem number = 6 - 3 = 3

Image_1Always subtract the smaller number from the larger one. In the above example, the most significant problem is number 3. The first lesson or problem usually takes place during adolescence and lasts up to 25 years. The second lesson is 25-35 years old, the third lesson lasts throughout your life, if you have benefited from it, worked through all the mistakes that you made - you will not feel its influence. If this did not happen, then throughout your life, you will step on the same rake. The fourth lesson makes itself felt at the age of 35 and lasts until the end of life.

A "zero" problem often means all or nothing. During this period, you have the right to choose: just go with the flow of life or rise above the apparent problems and become truly great. One should not be careless about the Zero Problem at any period of life, on the contrary, at this time it is necessary to make a choice that meets Fate and outstanding talents. At Zero Problem, develop the desire to make the world a better place. During this period you must learn to be independent. To refrain from such manifestations of feelings as envy, fear of people and unforeseen situations, touchiness.

The problem with the number One teaches you to develop willpower, show more confidence and respect for yourself. Resentment should be avoided. Also, you should not blame others for your misfortunes and failures, because blaming others will not achieve much.

It is impossible to be vengeful and vindictive, since revenge for the offenses inflicted and self-willed actions lead to mistakes and imprudence. You need to learn to live with your mind, your ideas, rely on yourself. Don't let others rule your life, force you to do something.

The problem number "2" is most common, since sensitivity is inherent in a person. If you came across this lesson, it means that often a feeling of dependence prevents you from achieving a goal, which makes you worry too much about what others think or say. You are overly sensitive, so this quality becomes a negative trait, as it manifests itself as touchiness, envy or fear of people. During this period, you need to use your ability to compare facts, improve details and understand what is right and what is wrong. This lesson teaches balance and decency, if you are confident in yourself, as well as in your significance, you will be able to overcome any difficulties.

It says that deep inside you lies a wonderful imagination, artistic taste, artistry, but there is a certain barrier that fetters you and prevents you from fully discovering the listed qualities. Perhaps you are suppressed by others and you are afraid of looking too active, but it is also possible that you yourself are holding back your talents. During this period, you should definitely use creative imagination: you can write books, draw pictures, embroider, sculpt, in general, create something

Beautiful. As for personal relationships, it is worth refraining from impulsiveness, rash words and deeds can destroy friendship and love. One must learn to be a true friend, as interested in others as in oneself.

This problem is not as common as the first three. This problem suggests that sustainable accomplishments can be hindered by excessive changes, restlessness, inability to complete what has been started, jumping from one to another. You must seek confidence in the future. The same problem can be too well-established opinions. It is necessary to realize a deep-seated desire to clothe any idea or concept in a form. During this period, you need to work hard to secure your future. It is time to be diligent, to create and to organize in order to achieve beneficial results.

Image_2Number 5

The moral of the problem is that restlessness destroys life. To achieve success, one should use quick wit, resourcefulness and interest in many facets of life. You will need to change places and new contacts, but still stick to old traditions. An excessive desire for “freedom” from responsibility can lead to a mistake in choosing a location and acquaintances, therefore you should strive to ensure that restlessness does not become a predominant quality, since real satisfaction with what has been achieved will simply be impossible.

This problem concerns family, children and love, as well as household chores. If you have encountered this problem, then you should pay attention to such a trait in your character as the tendency to create ideals for yourself. This leads to the fact that your plans become very high, of course, this complicates life, both for you and your loved ones. You should learn to be grateful, then the problems at home and marriage will not be so noticeable.

We need to appreciate what we have, and not chase invented images and unrealizable dreams. Come down from heaven to earth.

You will have to learn to overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation. You should learn to forgive and forget insults, to become a realist. Learn to distinguish the valuable from the false, both in the material world and in the spiritual world. You can achieve a lot if you take the time to learn and improve your skills in a technical, educational or specialized field. If you do not learn to perceive the irrational side of life, do not stop adjusting your natural inclinations to your intellectual constructions, you are in danger of loneliness.

The lesson is not easy. This is a lesson in prioritization. During this period, life will present many surprises related to the material. In case of worthy motives

And goals will open up a great opportunity to achieve a high position in the world. It is necessary to develop a philosophical mindset in order to see both sides of the issue, especially in the view of life and its meaning. You will have to choose more than once between the material and the spiritual, and if you do not understand that “man does not live by bread alone”, you will create many problems for yourself, and in the end you will be disappointed and dissatisfied with life.


Some people think that getting yourself into a more active lifestyle is a difficult task, but it's actually much easier than many people think - you just have to want to! Here are some tips on how to overcome the obstacles that lie between you and an active lifestyle.

Getting used to regular exercise, of course, is not so easy. There are many excuses that are much easier to find: time, boredom, injury, self-doubt, fatigue. However, all these things can be overcome, but how?

Obstacle #1: I don't have time to exercise

If your work schedule or household chores do not allow you to find time for fitness, you can be creative and find time if you want:

-- Walk more during the day. If you don't have time to stick to a regular exercise program, you can at least move more, like walking. 10 minutes of walking a day will already bring benefits.

-- Get up earlier. If your day is scheduled to the minute, and the evening is constantly busy with household chores, you can start getting up 30 minutes earlier at least a couple of times a week to do exercises. Once you get used to this regime, you can add another day, then another.

-- Drive less, walk more. If you can't afford not to drive at all, park your car away from your home or office so you can walk around.

-- Play with children. If you have children, you can use their activity to your advantage. Children always like to move a lot, run, play active games, so you can keep them company: on weekends, go cycling, play football, go to the pool.

Obstacle #2: I'm bored with exercising

Doing routine exercises day in and day out is quite tiring, especially if you're exercising alone. However, sports are not always so boring and monotonous.

-- Choose the sport that you like. In this case, you can be more interested. Remember that any kind of sports exercises are beneficial.

-- Don't focus on one thing. You can participate in several sports or types of exercise, such as walking, swimming, or cycling. Do not forget that classes should be combined so that all muscles are involved.

-- Find yourself company. Good idea train with friends, relatives, neighbors or co-workers. The company helps to keep motivation and not skip classes.

-- Explore new options. If you work out in the gym with a trainer or in a company, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things for yourself.

Obstacle #3: I'm happy with my appearance

Exercising helps not only make us more attractive, but also brings a lot of health benefits. Even if you don’t complain about anything and look good, sports will not hurt, but will help you stay in this shape longer. You will become more enduring, stronger, your immunity will be strengthened and so on. Sport is not only an opportunity to make the present better, it is a great contribution to the future, correcting the mistakes of the past.

-- Avoid large crowds. If you don't feel very confident around other people, you can start exercising on your own. To do this, you can use a huge number of fitness videos or buy a simulator, a bicycle, and so on.

-- Think about the future. By exercising, you are helping to make your future better. Remember that the longer you stay in shape, the longer you will enjoy self-confidence.

Obstacle #4: I get too tired at work and don't have the energy to work out afterwards

No energy to play sports? Without physical activity, you are more tired, so you can say that you have no strength because you are not exercising. It's a vicious circle. If you start exercising, you will find that you have more energy.

-- Get busy in the morning. You can get up a little earlier than usual and do a little exercise. For example, while exercising in the morning, listen to the radio or turn on the TV. You can also take a little brisk walk on your way to work.

-- Walk during your lunch break. Do not refuse to go out into the fresh air from the office at lunchtime and take a walk.

-- Do exercises during your work day. If you have a free minute at work, use it to study.

Obstacle #5: I'm Too Lazy to Work Out

If you can't force yourself to study because you're lazy, you need to find motivation to overshadow your laziness.

-- Set yourself realistic goals. If you have a goal, you are more likely to be motivated to pursue it. Try to force yourself to at least start a more active lifestyle on a small scale, and you will immediately notice positive results that will help you in the future.

-- Work on yourself, not against yourself. Schedule your workouts at times when you have the most energy. If you feel that it is very difficult for you to study in the morning, you may not be too lazy to do it in the evening.

-- Ask for help and support. If you find it difficult to study on your own, you can use the help of other people who will keep you company or give advice.

Obstacle #6: I don't have good physical fitness

In order to start leading an active lifestyle, you do not need to have excellent physical fitness. It's never too late to start, because there are a lot of programs for different levels.

-- Start with the easiest. A daily walk is one of the easiest exercises that almost anyone who does not suffer from serious ailments can afford.

-- Invite your friends to join you. It will be easier to study in the company of people you know if you are afraid of problems. Friends will help and support you.

-- Forget about competition. Don't think that someone is better than you when you're in a group or in the gym. Think only about the benefits of physical activity for you personally.

Obstacle #7: I used to work out, but then I quit because I couldn't do it.

You should not think that physical education does not give any results. While exercising, you lower your cholesterol levels and your risk of developing diabetes and other diseases, but your efforts may not pay off right away. You can do something wrong, make mistakes. For example, if you decide to lose weight by exercising, but do not take into account the fact that you need to change your diet, the result will be minimal or not at all, so you will begin to think that sports are not for you. There are a number of other errors.

-- Remember the step-by-step system. Start with light exercise, and then gradually increase the load when your body is ready for it. If you immediately start doing complex exercises, there will be little benefit.

-- Set realistic goals. You should not plan to practice every day for an hour, you will quickly run out of steam and abandon the sport. Set yourself more realistic goals to start with, such as exercising for 20 minutes a day three times a week for the first month. If you get into a schedule, you can gradually lengthen your workouts.

-- Remember why you need to practice. The main thing for sports is motivation. Without it, it will be difficult for you to keep yourself in rhythm. Think about what you need sport for and make a list. Look into it periodically, it will help you not to quit and achieve your goals.

Obstacle #8: Going to the gym or swimming pool is too expensive for me

It doesn't take a lot of money to play sports and be active, and some exercise programs don't need it at all.

-- Do strength exercises at home. In order to perform strength exercises, it is not necessary to stock up on expensive dumbbells or expanders. You can make them yourself from household items. Fill in plastic bottles sand or water - and you will have dumbbells. You can also do push-ups from the floor - this does not require any improvised items.

-- Get involved with sports programs. Today, there are a huge number of programs on the Internet that allow you to study at home on your own. You can find video discs or rent them.

-- Take walks. If you are meeting with friends, go for a walk. You can walk in parks, streets or just around your house. At the same time, you will combine business with pleasure - communicate with friends and lead an active lifestyle.

-- Walk up the stairs. Stop using the elevator and train yourself to walk up stairs.

Obstacle #9: I'm afraid of getting hurt while playing sports

If you are afraid that you may harm yourself while exercising, you should make sure that you do the exercises correctly and follow safety precautions.

-- Don't be in a hurry. Start with easy programs. Once you become more confident in yourself and your abilities, you can increase the load.

-- Find programs designed for beginners. In such programs, you can get information about the beginning of classes and learn about the basics that you should know.

-- Get professional help. If you start going to the gym, you can always take the help of a trainer who will tell you how to do the exercises correctly, tell you about mistakes and help prevent injuries. Also, if you are concerned about your health, go to your doctor and get advice on what physical activities you can follow and what should be avoided. It also happens that your health problems can be eliminated with the help of sports, so you not only can, but also need to play sports.

Obstacle #10: My family doesn't want to support me

If you play sports, but your household is not interested in it at all and does not want to support you, you can convince them to be active with you.

-- Spend time with your kids. Children usually enjoy an active lifestyle, even if they are into computer games. You can enroll in sports programs that include both children and adults. Or, if possible, get out with your child to ride a bike or play football. There are also game consoles for active games that you can play with your children, while combining sports and computer toys.

-- Suggest a new adventure. Instead of going to a boring gym, suggest other sports activities, such as rock climbing if possible, or swimming, or take your family out on country bike rides.

Do not be offended by relatives and friends if they do not support you in an active lifestyle. If they see your example of what benefits you are getting and how good you feel, they may be interested in sports later on as well.

Obstacles are necessary for success, because victory comes only after hard battles and countless defeats. Every battle, every failure shapes your skills and abilities, strengthens your courage and endurance, your power and confidence.

See all obstacles as challenges that you are destined to overcome. You will face them all the time (you have to be prepared for this), but also trust that you will overcome them one way or another.

Use obstacles to develop your strength and skills, don't run away. Find a way to overcome them! There is always a way! If your emotions are contrary to your desire, control them, examine your emotions, know yourself, but still keep moving forward.

Make your goal a commitment and you will succeed.

Overcoming obstacles, not surrender, is what has made people successful. Difficulties are everywhere. Therefore, you must get used to them. You will only be able to follow the intended path if you are ready to face difficulties. Under the guise of a challenge to fate lies a good opportunity to test yourself. Obstacles are just the means necessary to transform you into the person you need to be in order to achieve what you want.

Consider the parable of the well.

Once a donkey fell into a well and began to scream loudly, calling for help. At his cries, the owner ran up and spread his arms - after all, it was impossible to pull the donkey out of the well.

Then the owner reasoned as follows: “My donkey is already old, and he has not long left, but I still wanted to buy a new young donkey. This well has already completely dried up, and I have long wanted to fill it up and dig a new one. So why not immediately kill two birds with one stone - I will fill up the old well, and at the same time I will bury the donkey.

Without thinking twice, he invited his neighbors - all together took up shovels and began to throw earth into the well. The donkey immediately understood what was happening, and began to shout loudly, but the people did not pay attention and silently continued to throw earth into the well.

However, the donkey soon fell silent. When the owner looked into the well, he saw the following picture - each piece of earth that fell on the back of the animal was shaken off and crushed by the donkey. After a while, to everyone's surprise, the prisoner was at the top and jumped out of the well! So…

Perhaps in your life there were many all sorts of troubles, and in the future life will send you more and more. And whenever another lump falls on you, remember that you can shake it off and it is thanks to this that you rise a little higher.

Thus, you will gradually get out of the deepest well.

In any situation, it makes sense to respond to the challenge of fate. This approach pays off. Of course, getting started is always difficult. But do you know how people develop? It depends on how open they are to new challenges and willing to take calculated risks. Successful people are able to develop themselves and develop others, they become better and better, ready for trials, failures and learning.

Every difficult situation is a stone that life throws at you, but by stepping on these stones, you can cross a turbulent stream.

Difficulties are the same life situations as many others, we are simply not ready for them or did not expect such a development of events. Any success is built on mistakes. From every point of view, problems are blessings, messengers of fate. They always bring gifts. The greater the obstacle, the more valuable the gift. When you are in a difficult situation, it is difficult to realize. But if you remember the most difficult times of your life, you will understand that these gifts were really wonderful.

By solving difficult problems, we achieve success. Once you understand that a challenge always carries something positive, then even if it is really difficult for you, you are moving along the path to happiness and success. Of course, in the event that you do not turn off and do not give up.

Difficulties and obstacles are the greatest blessing. They force us to change what needs to be changed. They hone our abilities and skills. They always bring wonderful gifts, but sometimes it takes time to understand this.

Your actions and thoughts are mostly driven by your emotions. The person reacts to the problem by throwing out negative emotions while experiencing discomfort.

Try to be calm when you are faced with difficult situations. This is the most important period. The development of the situation in the future will depend on your initial reaction. A negative reaction will very quickly set in motion the law of attraction, and within a few hours a lot of small troubles will happen to you, which will piss you off even more, which can really turn into a problem later.

In the initial period, the main rule is not to aggravate the circumstances even more. Usually the situation is not critical in the beginning, and it is our negative reaction that causes us to react hastily, make rash decisions, which leads to a serious problem. Therefore, keep calm.

Everything can be easily fixed. It is important to be able to come to your senses. Then you will notice how the difficulties will disappear over time. Try to do everything you can to solve them, and hold back negative emotions so as not to attract more negative events to yourself.

If the trials of life have unsettled you too much, then it is better not to take any action, but to wait a couple of hours. It is important to be distracted, look at the situation from a different point of view, wait for the moment when emotions subside, because they do not allow us to think clearly and see the picture objectively. So let's summarize:

  • 1. Learn to recognize that difficulties are normal life situations, and there is nothing wrong with them. We make them bad ourselves by reacting in a negative way.
  • 2. Realize that only by overcoming difficult obstacles can you achieve your goals.

Fix these thoughts in the subconscious with the help of self-hypnosis. And only then will you meet any circumstances calmly, because they do not move you away from the goal, but, on the contrary, bring you closer. When you understand that difficulties are gifts, then your emotions will change when faced with problems.

The life vector is not directed strictly forward and upward, but rather corresponds to a sinusoid. Understand that without life's trials there will be no success, just as without winter there will be no summer, without night there will be no day. Everything in nature has its opposites. Therefore, take success with joy and be grateful, but also be ready that it can be replaced by failure, and in a very short period of time. When the “black” streak sets in, be calm and know that everything will end soon, winter will give way to spring. These are only temporary events.

After frost, nature seems to come to life. The same thing happens to a person: having overcome difficulties, he becomes much stronger, gains experience, using which he is able to achieve even greater success. This is that sweet fruit, the reward of fate for courage.

Circumstances control the weak, and they are the tools of the wise. Don't let circumstances control you. The difficult situation you face is simply an opportunity to do something better, or to go back and start over.

Difficulties are inevitable. Just do not concentrate on failures, draw conclusions and forget about troubles; think about the rewards that await you, about the time when you will reach your goal. Mistakes themselves are ordinary life troubles. Mistakes are not fatal, but your attitude towards them.

Success is made up of far more mistakes than correct steps. Therefore, if you plan to be successful, learn to respond to them accordingly. Success is built on overcoming mistakes and persistently solving many problems.

Never forget that an unexpected result is not a cause for disappointment, because when one door closes, another can always be opened. Do not be afraid of pain, pain is an incentive to move forward.

Treat a crisis not as a danger, but as an opportunity. Remember that there are no mistakes, there are only lessons. There are no negative experiences, there are opportunities for growth.

All difficulties carry an equal potential for solving the problems that have arisen. You can find a way out of any situation. And the solution of the most serious problems gives you invaluable experience and knowledge that will help you succeed in the future. All prosperous and successful people were convinced of own experience that obstacles are needed. If you encounter difficult situations, then take them as an important lesson that allows you to rise to the top. new stage development.

In 1883, an engineer named John Roebling was inspired to build a bridge across the East River connecting New York City's Manhattan and Brooklyn boroughs. However, experts around the world considered the construction of the bridge impossible and urged Roebling to forget the idea. It's not practical. Nothing like this has ever been done before.

First, working together, father and son developed a concept of how the idea could be implemented. With great excitement and inspiration, they set about building.

Construction began successfully, but a few months later John Roebling died in a tragic accident. Washington suffered a head injury, leaving him unable to move or speak. People convinced Washington that the idea was not feasible and crazy dreams would get them nowhere.

Despite the tragedy, Washington had an even stronger desire to complete the project.

He tried to infect some of his friends with his enthusiasm, but they were too intimidated by the massive tasks. As Washington lay in the hospital room, a light breeze lifted the white curtains and for a brief moment he saw the sky outside the window.

It seemed that there, in the sky, were written the words addressed to him: "Don't give up!" But all Washington could do was lift a finger. Using this same index finger, he came up with a way to communicate with his wife. Washington touched her hand, indicating that he would like to see the engineers. With the help of such an alphabet, he explained to the builders what should be done. After 13 years, the bridge project was completed. Today, the impressive Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory as a tribute to the indomitability of the human spirit and determination to conquer the odds. It is also a tribute to the memory of fellow builders, their ability to work in a team. Finally, this is a monument of love and fidelity, a token of gratitude to his wife, who for 13 years helped Washington realize his dream.

Perhaps this is one of the best examples when a terrible physical handicap does not interfere with achieving an impossible, at first glance, goal.

Often when we encounter obstacles, Everyday life, the difficulties seem insignificant in comparison with those that fall to the lot of others. The construction of the Brooklyn Bridge shows us that even the wildest dreams that seem impossible can be realized with determination and perseverance.

When you look back at any great achievement, you find that it is the result of many hardships and lessons. Difficulties are the price you pay for your success, and lessons are what makes your achievement possible. As Seneca wrote: “Fire tests gold; misfortune is the strength of man.

If on the way to the goal you have to constantly overcome obstacles, then either the goal was chosen by someone else, or you are going to the goal through someone else's door. The only thing in life that can be considered important is the definition of Your purpose and door. Striving for someone else's goals, you can spend your whole life and achieve nothing. There is nothing sadder than the recognition that all efforts have been spent in vain, and life has failed.

The stereotype of forced necessity is brought to such an absurdity that one might think that life is a term that everyone must serve, or a labor service that everyone must work out. A person becomes so accustomed to necessity that the true inclinations of the soul move into the farthest corner of consciousness until better times. But life ends, and the best times never come. Happiness always looms somewhere in the future. A false stereotype says that in order for this future to come, it must be conquered, earned, achieved. People often give up what they love for material reasons. Cases are divided into hobbies and the actual work, which should generate income. Along with setting false goals, forced necessity is another method of pendulums in their attempts to lead a person away from his path.

The stereotype of necessity

In fact, even a hobby can make good money if that's your goal. If you are forced to give up what you love just because it does not generate income, then you should clearly determine whether this business is relevant to your goal. Will your favorite thing turn your life into a holiday, or not?

If this business cannot be attributed to your goal, then it is impossible to say for sure whether it will bring you income or not. But if you are sure that this is your goal, then it will undoubtedly bring all the attributes of comfort into your life. When the goal coincides with the door, a person does not need to worry about material wealth, he will have everything if he wants to.

However, the false stereotype of forced necessity does not allow a person to fully devote himself to his goal. There are many examples to prove this. Such an eccentric lives, walks like everyone else necessary work, and in his free time he creates or invents something. It never occurs to him that his creations can be sold dearly.

He lives in poverty, convinced that one has to work hard for a piece of bread. And his hobby is so, "for the soul." Do you understand what is happening? A person labors for some uncle all the main time of his life - they say, this is necessary to maintain existence. And the soul receives the crumbs left over from the main working time. So for whom does a person live? For that uncle?

If your goal matches your door, you will get rich from your hobby. Achieving your goal will attract the fulfillment of all other desires, and the results will exceed all expectations. You can be sure that in this world everything that is done with the soul is very expensive.

The products of pure reason, on the contrary, are not highly valued. As you know, true masterpieces are born in the unity of soul and mind. On the way to your goal, you will create your masterpieces, if you do not let the pendulums lead you astray. In this case, everything is simple: you just need to calmly follow your paths and not succumb to the tricks of pendulums. Sooner or later, you will achieve great success.

The situation is somewhat more complicated if the goal and the door do not coincide. Although, before you come to such a conclusion, think very carefully. Your goal cannot make your life much more difficult. On the contrary, by choosing your goal, you thereby greatly simplify your life and get rid of a lot of problems.

Do not rush to choose a door. There would be a determination to have, but there will be a door. If you are not sure where your door is, work with slides and expand your comfort zone. Drop the importance, give up the desire to achieve the goal. As soon as you allow yourself to have, the outer intention will offer you a suitable option.

Your door is the path that will lead to your goal. Once you have defined your goal, ask yourself the question: How can this goal be achieved? Outer intention will sooner or later reveal various possibilities to you. Your task is to find exactly your door among them. Consider all possible options. Each option must be subjected to a test for the state of mental comfort. Here you can be guided by the same principles as when choosing a goal.

Let's say your goal implies that you are a well-to-do person. Then you need to decide what will allow you to become wealthy. After all, money comes not just to a person, but to what he is. It can be: a show business star, a major industrialist, a financier, an outstanding specialist, an heir, finally.

So who do you want to be? You need to find exactly your path to wealth - what your heart lies in. To what it lies, it is necessary to ask the soul, and not the mind. The mind is a product of society. And society rests on pendulums. Society says: "Become a celebrity, a politician, rich - it's prestigious." But since your personal happiness is of no interest to the pendulum, it will not help you determine exactly your niche in this life.

Reason and acquaintances tell you what to look for high paying job such as a lawyer. Everyone tells you that by becoming a qualified lawyer, you will earn a lot of money. You really want to earn a lot of money, but this door may not be for you. Through this door you will not get there at all.

If your goal is chosen correctly, then your door will open opportunities that you never dreamed of. Suppose your requests are your house, car, good salary. When you enter Your door, you will receive so much that your previous requests will seem simply ridiculous to you. But for this it is necessary not to make a mistake in choosing Your door.

Take your time and take the time to choose. You will waste a lot more time and effort if you rush and make the wrong choice. It can take months to determine the target and the door. During this time, you will need to observe a kind of "fast of impeccability" - if possible, strictly follow the basic principles of Transurfing. You are already familiar with them.

First of all, it is awareness. You must be aware of the motives for your actions. Do you act consciously, understanding the rules of the game, or do you limply obey the pendulum?

Keep track of the level of internal and external importance. Thinking about your purpose and door as if you already have it. There is no prestige, inaccessibility and necessity. Drop all importance. What you have is normal for you.

Give up the desire to achieve the goal. If it works out, it’s good, but if it doesn’t work out, then it’s not yours, and there’s nothing to grieve about. If you do not believe that the goal is in your pocket, then resign yourself to defeat in advance. Allow yourself to be wrong. Make a place in your life for defeat, let it be under supervision.

Find insurance, a replacement for this door. Do not immediately abandon the old door, do not burn bridges behind you, act prudently. Don't bet everything on one card. Leave yourself sidings.

Keep spinning your goal slide in your mind. Thus, you expand your comfort zone and tune in to the frequency of the target line. The outer intention itself will give you the necessary information.

In order not to miss this information, put in your head the slide of finding your goal and your door. Pass all the data from the outside world through this slide. Evaluate whether it suits you or not. Listen to the rustle of the morning stars, not the mind. Watch not for what you think about it, but for what oppresses or inspires you at the same time. Pay attention to the attitude of the soul to any information. At a certain moment, she will wake up and exclaim: “This is exactly what you need!”

Again, take your time. Expand your comfort zone and tune your thoughts to the goal line until your goal and door form into a clear concept. You must come to a clear conclusion: "Yes, I want this, and this will turn my life into a holiday." Your soul sings, and the mind rubs its hands with satisfaction.

If the soul is already singing, but the mind is still in doubt, expand your comfort zone again. This will allow you to crack the disturbing false stereotype of inaccessibility and unreality. Do you know why the door seems impregnable? Because it is locked into the false stereotype of inaccessibility that sits in your mind. When you break the stereotype, the door will open.

I am not asking you to trust me, or yourself, or anyone else. You will never make the mind believe. Reason unconditionally accepts only facts. So, in order for the door to become real for the mind, you must go to the target line of life. And this can only be done using the target slide.

At the beginning of your line, the goal is still ahead, but the way to achieve it for the mind is already really visible. It is useless to convince yourself and fight the stereotype. Breaking the stereotype is not about that at all. It will collapse on its own when outer intent shows you new opportunities on the target lane. Therefore, I draw your attention: do not try to convince yourself and do not fight the stereotype. All you need to do is systematically spin the target slide in your mind. These are not empty speculative exercises, but a concrete movement towards the goal.

Do not forget that the material realization is inert, and the external intention cannot fulfill your order instantly. You will need patience. And if patience is not enough, then you passionately desire the speedy achievement of the goal. Then start over and reduce the importance. You desire, therefore, you doubt the reality of the achievement. Expand your comfort zone again until you see real opportunities open up.

Pendulums can mask your door with false insignificance and low value. Everything that you can do easily, naturally, willingly has meaning and value. You don't have a single insignificant merit. Any stupidity that is characteristic of you, and within the framework of stereotypes has no value, can serve as a key to your door. Try to project your characteristic “non-serious” quality onto serious doors.

For example, if you have a reputation for being a "pea jester," then maybe you could be a great comedian. If everyone tells you that you are of no use, you only know how to dress up and preen, then maybe your door leads to the profession of a top model, makeup artist, or fashion designer.

If advertising annoys you, and you like to grumble that all this is done wrong, and in your opinion, advertising should be presented in a completely different way, then maybe this is not just your dissatisfaction, but a hidden desire to show your abilities in this area.

These are particular examples. Your personal "worthless" quality can manifest itself in a completely unexpected way. You will discover this if you turn away from the pendulums and turn to your soul. Think about it: if you really do your stupid things with ease and willingness, then it must have some meaning.

All of the above applies to the process of choosing your door. But let's say you are already on the way to the chosen goal. Then there is one way to determine if this is your door or someone else's. If you get tired on the way to the goal, lose energy, are exhausted, then this is not your door. On the contrary, if you are inspired when you are engaged in a business that brings you closer to the goal, you can safely consider this business as Your door.

You can distinguish your door from someone else's in another way. Someone else's door can pretend to be yours, it seems to open in front of you, but at the most decisive moment it slams shut in front of your nose. It turns out that on the way through someone else's door, everything seems to be going well, but in the end, in the most important thing, you fail.

If this happened to you, then you went through someone else's door. This shows the insidiousness of pendulums, which deliberately open public doors in order to lure more adherents there.

As a rule, no one crowds near your doors. But even if you meet many who want to pass through your door, everyone immediately partes, and you pass freely. The public doors are open to all, but few pass through.

Recall again how pendulums create myths about successful careers of stars and try to subordinate everyone to the “do as I do” rule. People, carried away by the mirage, are bursting all together at the same door, while their own doors stand side by side completely free.

However, your door may also close in front of you if you have grossly violated the law of balance. For example, your goal is too important for you, and everything is at stake. This door can be opened again if the importance is lowered. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

The brain is a powerful tool. Knowing how to manage it, you can solve a wide range of problems. The management process consists of two elements: awareness and involvement.

Awareness- this is an understanding of what a barrier is, what causes it, how it prevents the achievement of the goal and how to deal with it.

Involvement is the taking of the steps you deem necessary to develop new ways of thinking and acting, and the ability to achieve any given goal.

Breakdowns in thinking form barriers, and as a result, we slow down, begin to go with the flow and even retreat. These barriers turn motivation into a stop, performance into an imitation of activity, and dreams into green melancholy. Our actions become aimless, ineffective and do not lead to success.

Now let's look at five hidden brain barriers and strategies to overcome them.

Barrier 1: Self Doubt

The monster is within us. He has many names: lack of confidence, insecurity, shyness, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and so on. When it is not clear what to do, it becomes scary. Fear blocks action and instills a sense of vulnerability. A person begins to doubt his own abilities, ingenuity, strength, success. Attention switches from what needs to be done to self-defense, and this leads to a dead end. You avoid trying new things, socializing, being the center of attention, and changing lives. There is nothing more miserable than living in constant fear.


Doubt kicks in when the brain starts responding to anxiety when there is no real danger. To avoid this, it is necessary to train the brain to suppress unnecessary fears. After repeatedly encountering an unusual task, the brain stops overreacting and gets used to it.

Learn what you are afraid of. A familiar demon is better than an unfamiliar one.

Often self-doubt stems from a lack of information. Facts and data switch the brain from a primitive four-phase freeze-run-fight-give-up circuit to a more complex and less emotional one, making it harder for fear to overwhelm you.

In his book Geniuses and Outsiders. Why is everything for some and nothing for others? Malcolm Gladwell writes that success depends on continuous practice and that the best people in their field have thousands of hours of experience behind them. Moral: take on what you don't know how to do and do it over and over again.

Barrier 2: Procrastination

If there is a crime in which no, no, and every person is guilty, then this is postponing cases for later. But the main ingredient of success is action. Without it, you cannot achieve what you want. Since procrastination leads to delays, giving in to it is the same as doing nothing at all.

Postponing indefinitely leads to unpredictable consequences.

Life goals - career growth, starting a business, financial independence, self-realization - do not have a set date. There are no deadlines - there are no consequences for their failure. It also means delayed action. And if there is no action, there are no results. Vicious circle. Stop postponing the fight against procrastination!


Sometimes the connection between what you want and what needs to be done to achieve it is not clear. When what needs to be done seems irrelevant to your goals, the task is given a low level of importance and postponed. To clear the picture and start moving towards the goal, consider a few points.

What skills do you need? And do you need to do this task yourself? Can it be delegated or not performed at all? If you still need to do it, what are the options for solving the problem?

Brainstorm. Visualize the result as vividly as possible. A strong desire to get what you have planned will not let you go astray. Decide in advance how many resources you have and how many more you need. Do at least a little a day. A little is a lot.

Barrier 3: multitasking

For many years it was believed that the ability to do several things at once is an indispensable attribute of any self-respecting successful person. Later, serious side effects appeared: it turned out that it interferes with concentration, bringing what has been started to the end, causes anxiety and fatigue, and a constant feeling of haste.

It's time to bust the multitasking myth. It is the inability to focus on one thing. These are absent-mindedness, overload and problems with prioritization at a particular moment.

Multitasking is like living inside brackets: you have to constantly start and finish things, at some point the threads of events are intertwined and a person gets confused. This is similar to the example solution:

(14 + (4 × 5 (6 + 1 - 9)) / (6 + 72 / (3 × 3) + 7 + (9 - 4) / 5 × (3 + (8 / 4) / 5))) ) = x

The more you multitask, the more unclosed brackets remain, and their number is constantly growing.


Most researchers identify four main types of attention control.

  • Focus: turn on the flashlight. A person sees the situation and chooses what to pay attention to. It's like turning on a flashlight in a dark room, shining it in front of you and seeing the situation.
  • Hold: Don't let the light go out. Attention retention is the ability to concentrate on something for a long time.
  • Choice and Ignore: Keep the light at one point. It is the ability to focus on one thing and not pay attention to distractions.
  • Switching, or alternating attention: move from one important task to another, stop in the middle of doing it, redirect attention to something else, and then return to the postponed task and start from where you left off.

In a 2012 TED talk, Paolo Cardini offered the perfect antidote to multitasking: single-tasking. This skill is worth developing! Remind yourself of your goal. Ask yourself what you need to do at this moment, and turn on the single-tasking mode!

Barrier 4: Inflexibility

There is a big difference between a firm stance and unnecessary perseverance. Following a plan is perseverance. To refuse to correct it in changed circumstances is inflexibility. Standing up for yourself is a virtue. To believe in one's own infallibility is blindness.

The primary action associated with inflexibility is resistance. Resistance to change, resistance to the new, resistance to progress. A person continues to act and think as before, although the conditions have changed and the old methods no longer work. He ceases to respond to changes, his creative thinking and ability fade away.


The opposite of inflexibility is creativity. Here is a simple mental flexibility test. Take a piece of paper or a phone and in a few minutes write down all the possible uses for socks. How many ways did you come up with? How similar are your examples? How thoughtful are the answers? Was it difficult to complete the task?

Take a pressing issue: it could be a pending decision, a protracted situation, an unnerving event, anything that needs action. Fix. Now start brainstorming: write down as many possible solutions as you can think of. Observe two principles: associations are spontaneous and do not need to be evaluated.

Consciously making adjustments to routines and habits is an undeniable way to accustom the brain to change.

Barrier 5: Perfectionism

Perfectionism is the least of the problems. To strive for seems to be something necessary and sublime. But the "ideal" and " the highest level» is very difficult to articulate and measure, so the goal of a perfectionist is elusive and abstract. For him, everything is unacceptable, except for the ideal. If something does not meet the criteria, it must be rejected, replaced or redone. However, in this case, the work will not end. You can always correct, change and improve something - and still this will not be enough, because the ideal is unattainable.


Perfectionism is the inability to prioritize. Secondary becomes primary. The background comes to the fore. Wearing the right clothes is more important than enjoying the evening, and serving is more important than preparing dinner. Before you start working on a project, ask yourself: “What am I striving for at this moment?” Set a goal that is simple and direct, such as "make dinner" or "make a presentation for work." Set iron limits. If obsession and preoccupation with small things sets in, stop and remind yourself of the goal.

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