Life without regrets. Develop creative thinking


Most people at the end of their lives often regret some of the things they have done. And this is quite natural: hardly anyone wants to lie on their deathbed, looking back at the past life, and understand that some tasks remained unfinished, dreams and aspirations - unfulfilled, and ambitions - ignored. We live only one life, and at the end of it we become madly sorry for what we missed. Try to start living in such a way that you have no regrets!

1. Be happy

Happiness is the basic condition for a life without regrets. Try to make yourself happier! Happiness can be found in the most simple and subtle things, in the most difficult and unpleasant situations. And it is in your power!

2. Develop creative thinking

Develop your own creativity and try to find alternative solutions to all your problems. Perhaps you will find more effective methods and techniques to help you stay positive in any circumstance.

3. Never judge people by how they look.

Do not believe the first visual impression. Of course, each person can have prejudices in relation to some things and people, but this will only prevent you from living a real life without regrets. Maybe the person you didn't like could change your life for the better.

4. Share your success

Often your own success brings you a sense of happiness, but lasting and true happiness always comes when you share your success with other people.

5. Laugh

People who laugh happily live longer. Thanks to laughter, you relax and breathe deeply. Let yourself laugh more and more!

6. Accept people for who they are.

Never try to change people who don't want to change. You will not succeed, and even if you succeed, it will not make them happy. You can help, but never force someone to do something. People who are not particularly happy with their lives can change, but in due time.

7. Don't hold a grudge

The feeling of hostility and hatred takes too much effort and time. In addition, it destroys and turns you into a negative and embittered person who directs his energy to meaningless feelings.

8. Don't demand perfection from yourself.

Allow yourself to make mistakes. Try, try and do not be afraid of failure and failure! Mistakes are learned and priceless life lessons.

9. Take care of others

Life without regrets is also taking care of other people: relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers. Appreciate the fact that you have these people.

10. Be positive

Success and achievement is the result of harnessing the power of positive thinking. Save your energy for positive emotions only and don't waste it on worry, anger or discouragement.

11. Expand your horizons

If you are trying to live without regrets, you should always strive for new information and knowledge. When you don’t understand something, start exploring this area, expand your horizons and learn something new. Train yourself to read at least one book a month.

12. Be confident

Always be bold in your actions. Confidence, conviction and courage will allow you to live a full and rich life, because you will always be ready for any twist of fate and any life vicissitudes.

13. Control your negative thoughts

You will not believe it, but even those who live a life without regrets sometimes suffer from their own negativity, but they know how to masterfully turn it into a positive.

14. Allow yourself to be mentally free

Never let pressure on you from the outside and dictate conditions to you, because freedom should be not only physical, but also mental. You can and should listen to other people, but then still make your own informed decisions and follow the right direction.

15. Go your own way

Going your own way means not acting on orders and not doing what you are insistently told, or even ordered. Your path is your expression of freedom.

16. Be honest

Life without regrets cannot be lived with the help of untruth and attempts to turn a blind eye to anything. If you, for example, have shortcomings, start fighting them. The path of self-knowledge and self-improvement, by the way, is very motivating. Most importantly, don't lie to yourself.

17. Seek adventure

Courageous and adventurous people know how to find joy in every aspect and moment of their lives. Of course, this requires courage, but such a lifestyle will open up a world of completely new experiences and sensations, as well as achievements and accomplishments.

18. Be self-reliant

Become a self-sufficient, independent and independent person. Remember that you can only rely on one person - yourself. Once you understand this, you will never feel alone again.

19. Do something every day

Do something daily to improve this world. Any even the smallest gesture of kindness and responsiveness can make your day happy.

20. Live Now

Live now, forget about the past and do not spoil your nerves because of the future. People who spend too much time thinking about the days to come tend to miss out on a lot in the present.

If you once came to the conclusion that life is somehow going wrong: you have a lot of problems, perhaps poor health...

If you once came to the conclusion that life is going somehow wrong: you have a lot of problems, perhaps poor health, and also, maybe you are not living your life, then it is time to “clean up and prioritize”.

I will tell you what steps to take. There are several excellent ways and methods for this. One of the important points in this process is this is a natural visualization, i.e. on paper and honestly.

Wheel of Life Balance

So, let's draw a wheel of life balance. We divide the wheel into areas that are somehow present in your life: family, work, health, appearance, self-realization - everything that comes to your mind, and everything that exists today. The result should be a kind of "pie" from the spheres of life.

Each "piece" of the pie must be evaluated on a 10-point scale, that is, how satisfied you are with each of the areas of life. Look at this wheel and at the degree of satisfaction, it is already very evident in itself.

Further, after your assessment on a ten-point scale, see which of the areas of life, if it had about 10 points, would be able to advance all your other areas to the maximum, i.e. which one would be the leader?

Eisenhower Matrix

Now let's put aside our wheel of life balance for now and use the Eisenhower matrix. Usually it is used for business, but it is also suitable for our purposes.

It has 4 squares:

  • important, urgent
  • no matter, urgent
  • important, not urgent
  • not urgent, doesn't matter.

For example, work, in which square would you put it: important-urgent, not important-urgent, but where would the family go? That is, the task here is to distribute your areas into the appropriate squares of urgency and importance.

Next, look, the area that is the mostadvancing, in which square is it now? Is it in the square of importance? If at the first stage all spheres were marked honestly, as it really is in life, then at this stage it should also be in the sphere of importance, if not, then there is reason to speculate why this happened?

If, for example, at the first stage, “work” became a promotional area, and at the second stage, it did not fall into the “important-urgent” or “important-non-urgent” square. Ask yourself the question: is it important? And the promoter?

The task is to choose the sphere that, according to your inner feelings, will fall in both stages into the promoting sphere and into the important square.

According to this principle, usually in business, business people can correctly allocate their time and tasks.

Ideally, you should live in the “important-non-urgent” square, as this gives you the opportunity to live at a comfortable pace and do important things.

If, for example, your “income” falls into the “important-non-urgent” square, you can easily take care of your family, or a hobby, or generally look away own business, since a stable income allows you to calmly move in this direction.

But the “important-urgent” square makes you live in a constant “fire” and solve important tasks right away, in a hurry. Here is the same “income”, if you fall into the “urgent-important” square, you have no opportunity for free decisions, you cannot choose a business you like, you need to choose a job that brings income, sometimes without pleasure.

You have already determined where your main area is, now you need to think about how to move it to the “important-non-urgent” square. This will help you get the most out of your stay in this area, get full enjoyment, do not rush anywhere.

If your family fell into the "important-urgent" square. What problem needs to be solved in the family so that it can move into the “important-non-urgent” comfort square?

If “health” falls into the urgent square, what needs to be done in the near future and continue to do in the future so that it is also in the comfort square?

Pyramid of logical levels of Dilts

It is also important to think about what is the very first step you can take to get your essential (promoting) area to 10 points, i.e. to the maximum.

To what extent can your environment and abilities help you with this?

Ask yourself what actions you should take tomorrow to move in this direction?

If you do these things, who will you feel like? What feelings will you have?

And lastly, if you take this step:

What will become possible in your life then? What will change?

And when you understand what will change in your life, see what your attitude will be, who can you become then?

What abilities will you have and how will your environment change?

When there is a feeling of dissatisfaction, there is no energy and motivation for action, very often this means that we are not where we need to be.

As practice has shown, not everyone understands this immediately. Therefore, it is worth immediately using the visual tools described above to see the whole picture as it really is, and not sit in conjectures and suspicions.

The time of reassessment of values ​​is something that sooner or later comes to everyone. published

The right thoughts that help a person move forward in life, create, create something new without stopping for a moment, can prevent the potential danger of regret. Everyone is familiar with the phrase “If only…” that people say when they realize what they have missed in their lives. Not only in the movies, but also in real life, you can see how a person changes when, for example, he is diagnosed with a fatal disease.

Knowing that there is very little time left to live, patients tend to have time to do everything that they have been putting off for later for many years or simply doubted the need for any desired actions. Looking back at their lives and comparing it with the last weeks or months, such people begin to realize that they could have done much more if only they knew that death was approaching.

Life is short. But, as a rule, a person realizes this too late, when all that remains is to regret the lost time. Approaching the end of life, involuntarily everyone thinks about its beginning. So let today be that start. You need to forget about the past, about your age and just start living. This article explores nine ways you can prevent the experience of devastating excuses, apologies, and, most importantly, regrets.

Choose your own path

You need to stop living by the opinions of other people. Stop living for them. It's time to start your own journey in which you will be yourself. There are many cases when a talented creative person cannot fully express himself, realize his ideas and dreams. As a rule, this happens due to the influence of other people, as well as due to their own fears.

This needs to be overcome. When you need to go against the opinions of others, do it. Be confident in yourself, in your actions. Swim against the current if your nature requires it. Do what you are interested in.You need to let others live their petty lives, suffer from minor problems, and not let the same happen to you. You don't have to let everything go by itself. You must determine your own path, without putting your own future in the hands of other people.

Reasonable risk

Life is not long enough to remain an amateur for many years. You can live all the allotted time sitting in the nest. And you can experience the greatness and freedom of flight. So spread your wings and take off. Feel the power and beauty of your possibilities. Feel your potential. Otherwise, regret at a later age will inevitably overtake you.

It will be a regret that you never opened your wings. You don't have to think too much before taking the next step. It is only important to try to do everything to the maximum high level until you get the required experience. Over time, this experience will allow you to become a real professional.

Believe in yourself

In the absence of any difficulties and problems, it is very difficult for a person to change. Any "shake-ups" contribute to the growth and development of the individual. When you set a goal for yourself, you may find that the plan to achieve it seems difficult. The main thing is to take the first step. The second and third steps will already be much easier. So, gradually, you will move closer and closer to your goal. You have to believe that you can overcome anything. Such unconditional faith in yourself will surely lead to success.

New day - next step

You need to be able to withstand all the ups and downs that you will meet along the way. Everyone lives and learns at the same time. Man is imperfect, therefore mistakes and failures are inevitable. At the same time, it is important to remember that you are doing everything for the sake of what you love. Therefore, the possible trials that will bring a feeling of pain are nothing compared to unforgettable moments of joy and love. Go forward despite the pain and setbacks. The inner strength that got you to this point will guide you the rest of the way.

No - thoughts of disappointment

What has been done and experienced in the past should not interfere in any way with acting now. You must not allow the sad negative experience you have experienced to limit you in anything, break your hopes and destroy your faith. Life is really not perfect. There are many things in the world that can cause disappointment. You should always remember: everything is done for the better. Therefore, if what is happening is different from what you expected it to be, keep in mind that everything can be much better than it seems at first glance.

Here and now

Dreams of another time and place should occupy a minimal part of life. All people want to be happy. But for some reason, many expect their happiness from somewhere outside. As a rule, at a young age, people live in the future, dreaming of their own family, a good job, and so on. And in old age, a person tends to live in the past, believing that happiness remains there.

Both options are wrong. Life and happiness is only here and now. Realizing this fact is an important step towards a happy life without regrets and war with oneself. Right now, there are reasons to smile. Right now you have many opportunities. So don't lose them by dreaming about what isn't there.

Think Positive

Positive thinking is this: you should think about what you have, not about what you don't have or what you are missing. The reason for suffering, feeling unhappy, often lies not in the situation, but in relation to it. A day without laughter and doing good deeds can be considered lost. Even if unforeseen difficulties and problems arise, there are always various small opportunities that can make the day better.

Share your love

Sooner or later, each of us will have to say goodbye to loved ones. The eternal problem of man is the lack of time. No matter how long you live with your close loved ones, time will always be missed. Show your love, share it while you can. Do not be embarrassed to start sincere conversations with your loved ones, to share the innermost. Otherwise, losing loved ones, you will regret the unsaid.

Goodbye for a new hello

Saying goodbyes is a gift that helps to carry out the steps of life. If someone leaves you, say goodbye to that person. Don't beg him to stay. Accept the fact of parting as a necessity for future blessings. Just understand that the time has come for the changes in your life that are needed for further development and personal growth.

To make this happen, know that every goodbye carries a new hello. The fleeting pain of parting cannot be compared with the future joy of a new meeting, acquaintances. No need to mourn the loss. Release the person.

Now try to understand all the above tips. It is very important to keep this information in mind at all times. Only through this awareness can you protect your life from negative experiences, fears and regrets. Try to answer the questions: what do you want not to regret on some day of your life? What should be done to avoid regretting it? Do it today. Do it right now.

(about illusions and manipulators)

And immediately, the main thesis.
Life without regrets is a lethargic dream of consciousness
wandering in the labyrinths of illusions.
And to put it simply and rudely - this is part of the indifference,
so actively popularized in our time as a solution to internal problems.
Conscious brain euthanasia.
A life that rejects regrets is a road to nowhere.
Moreover, it is a path that does not exist, due to the lack of movement.
There are several possible causes that make man a sluggish inert matter,
whose internal life cycle is stopped (after all, reflection is not life).

Option one.
Somewhere somehow suddenly experiencing relief from the "reset"
(maybe alcohol got just "in the subject";
maybe touching on some pseudo-spiritual or psychological practices;
maybe, having experienced the influence of another "advanced" natural scientist)
a person discovers the pleasure of an asthenic state,
which comes after the acceptance "but it wouldn't have gone all ..."
As you know, in the cerebral cortex there are areas
responsible for pleasure.
The mechanism starts and that's it - they flew, swam, rushed - you're stoned.
It doesn't matter what turned it on in the first place.
The important thing is that you turn it on yourself.
High becomes your need to satisfy pleasure
Perishing "primary" or "secondary" - this already does not matter.
The main thing is to achieve the desired state of lightness, carelessness.
with the obligatory removal of any responsibility for themselves.
And now, - "from the screw", you are at the peak, you have an arrival.
Life is colorful. Are you happy.
Isn't this a dream? Isn't that her purpose?
this very life to be in the service of pleasures? ..
And you do it over and over. Regrets??.. What is this?..
Consciousness sleeps sweetly. His dreams are wonderful.
And nothing more is needed.

Option two.
The man was crippled as a child. Morally.
Any mental trauma (however, like many of us to varying degrees,
after all, an ideal childhood is a rare case) of trauma,
which a person could not overcome due to the lack of a strong foundation -
"God-the world-people" (precisely in this clearly arranged hierarchy).
Our human world is one big seismic zone.
Without a strong, and most importantly, correctly calculated structure of the world order -
just do not survive, do not maintain its integrity.
The wind blew - shook. Tremors - destruction.
And the hurricane is the end! Everything.
Of course, someone may object, how do we know what it is,
CORRECT idea of ​​the world order?
But it's easier than it seems. After all, absolutely everything in the world is learned by experience.
If this is not the case, then there is a high probability that you are delusional, or deliberately lying to yourself.
It is easy to check the truth of your ideas.
Just answer to yourself without guile,
Are your inner channels open for the flow of peace, positive, harmony?
Do you feel filled with these qualities?
The main guideline is whether this is reflected in the external layout of your life in order,
clarity, problem solving?
Does it affect the global state of affairs? .. No, not speculative in your head,
but really, creatively - life becomes stable, measured,
or at least understandable to you (after all, this is YOUR life! who,
no matter how you have to understand it "what's what" and take the reins of government into your own hands)? ..
So how? .. What do you say?
Here's your check.
Everything that is not confirmed in reality is speculation and a mediocre waste of vital energy.
A person who has not got rid of fears, or, more simply, complexes,
incapable of directing his life just as much,
how long these complexes hold him. But there is always feedback
without which fears cannot survive. This is the man himself, who is very caring
feeds them, tenaciously holding on and, paradoxically,
learning to balance in such a cramped position.
It is not simple. Painfully. And then it would seem - let go - but live yourself free.
But no. This requires courage and work, the desire and willingness to be reborn and reshape yourself.
It takes real creativity to do that.
curiosity and even the spirit of adventurism.
And such people are extremely cowardly.
They became defective not because they experienced difficulties in childhood,
but because they voluntarily agreed to such a life
with multiplying, like cockroaches, ugly consequences, deformations of the personality.
However, by the nature of his psyche, it is not common for a person to be in an unstable posture.
And then he finds a way out, launches an illusion into the brain in order to bring himself to a state of some kind of balance.
Where is their source of these illusions? It is unlikely that anyone will answer this question.
The gigantic information field of our planet contains such a number of thought forms,
such a symbiosis of different ingredients ..!
Just grab it, squeeze it in your fist and that's it. She's all yours. Illusion.
Or rather, you find yourself in her power. Fully.
And under her control.

Illusion is a small seed that, once in fertile soil,
instantly takes root, starting to grow actively, filling the whole person.
What do we end up with?
Life, way of thinking, reality, tweaked, painted and painted
in the image and likeness of inferiority, which is a great craftswoman to compose fairy tales.
She is protecting herself in this way because she is paranoid.
before facing reality.
What are the regrets?
This will put the existence of inferiority in jeopardy.
Deadly dangerous.
So inferiority is the cause with a syringe filled with a tranquilizer
for a disoriented mind.
The effect of injections is 100%!

Third option.
The simplest and lying on the visible surface is pride.
Oh, how it flatters the mind and excites the ego to come up with an attractive ideology.
and live with it (in it), convincing the naive consciousness,
that a substituted stencil for what is happening in time and space
and there is the same reality.
True. The only true one.
And it doesn't matter that the image peeping through the stencil
completely inconsistent with the shape of the slots.
Here rises from unseen depths the ancient instinct of the pagan.
In fact, it is so easy for a person to replace God with himself,
change and worship him.
It's also convenient to be a god for yourself.
Alpha and Omega. Cause and effect rolled into one.
Extremely high above the earth, above people, above everything ..!
And further, after such a grand exposition
there is a real rapid development of this brilliant symphony.
Such great creativity!
The most powerful mental potential of man is directed
to the creation of this sonorous and bright inner life.
Most importantly, comfortable and always safe.
A person lives in it, proud and satisfied with the result of the work done.
And here comes the most interesting part.
He is eager to show his precious creation to the world.
How else? Any pagan god needs adherents.
And now, this invented lie finds its admirers.
No, not because other people have the same substitution,
but because human beings are mostly naive,
and the more convincingly built, beautiful and intricate
ideas in their design - the more attractive they are to others.
Unfortunately, not everyone doubts
exposure to something before taking it.
And here it is easy to be deceived, because not many people are able to distinguish
not that the purity of a 25-carat diamond from a skillful fake,
but even costume jewelry from precious metals!
Especially if a lot of effort was put into its creation.
As they say, if the devil were ugly, everyone would run away from him.
But still, as we get closer to such an impact,
some people can recognize the fake
and fall out of the ranks of the manipulated.
Just leaving a reasonable distance, you can always see
that the outer side of human life is too different from what
how a person presents himself to others.
Beautiful ideas contrast with the squalor of life as an external process.
This is always visible on closer inspection. Inconsistencies, paradoxes.
Reasonable question:
if you have the courage to "enlighten the masses"
why doesn't it work in your life?
This question will always remain in such a case.
without a clear answer.

The correctness of your life position is always checked by
Are you able to answer the questions clearly and simply?
If not, if instead of an answer - ornate and not achieve clarity,
then words that are not supported by the result,
physical consequence have no weight. At all.
Fog over the Seine - and nothing more.
And by the way, these are the people who like to write slogans on red rags.
their developing flags.
And here is one of them: "Life WITHOUT regrets."
It is understandable, for them, any look back -
it is a transformation into a pillar of salt.
Therefore, they need to create fulcrum for life
his fragile, puny being.

And now for regrets.
Regret is good, you know.
Regret is the memory of mistakes.
Sometimes annoying, sometimes painful or ridiculous.
But it is this memory that gives us the opportunity to understand and draw conclusions,
to evolve and move on
(movement is life, remember?) to move without the burden of heavy memories.
It happens like this:
we evaluate the past, draw a beautiful label for it
(systematicity is a guarantee of order) and we send it carefully
on the shelf of his storage, which each of us has provided.
After all, what is lived is impossible to throw away, erase, pay off, renounce.
It is. Our baggage, acquired, acquired forever.
You have to take it as a given.
We can convince ourselves of anything, deceive that there is nothing and never was,
or was such as it is easier and more convenient for us to consider it.
But the past will find us anyway. And in its only real form,
in which we brought him into the world.
For our own good, for our mental health, we must remember EVERYTHING, such
what it was and what it has become over time
(everything that happened tends to keep its mark inside us),
we don't have to fight the obvious and try to shove it down a deep hole
physical evidence of our imperfections.
After all, in order to do this, you still need to dig it, a hole,
and this is - oh, how painful! - to dig inside yourself in a living way.
There are mistakes. And even irreparable.
To regret it is a normal reaction of a spiritually healthy person.
To regret means to acknowledge.
The only way.
The sooner we understand this, the easier it will be for us to breathe,
the freer our life will be.
And we can painlessly live in reality
strengthened, strong, courageous, not hiding in illusions.

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