The latest production technologies are modern. Application of innovative solutions as a new step in the development of entrepreneurship. New extraction methods


These inventions deserve not only our attention, but also success on the world stage. After all, these technologies can drastically change our way of life. The good news is that you won't have to wait for years because they're already here and ready to use!

15. Glowing plants

For a long time, scientists have been looking for cheaper and more efficient methods of artificial lighting. Finally, they were successful. They managed to create several types of plants that emit light in the dark. Such plants can be used in an urban environment to cut down on electricity bills. Not to mention the fact that a few plants do not hurt the stone jungle.

14. Vertical farms

To ensure that humanity will always be provided with healthy and fresh food, scientists and farmers have teamed up and created an innovative farming method. It differs from the traditional one in that the plants are grown indoors, while the emphasis is on saving space. Thanks to this method, people in cities will be able to grow their own food or buy fresh food in stores at any time of the year.

13. Internet from a balloon

About four billion people in the world still do not have access to the Internet. Large Internet companies regularly come up with new ways to make the Internet available in all corners of the Earth. So the idea came up to launch balloons into the atmosphere that would “deliver” the Internet to hard-to-reach areas. Such a project will help residents of developing countries to become better acquainted with the outside world and find better-paid jobs.

12. Biotechnology

Biotechnology is a branch of science that seeks to combine technology and living organisms for beneficial purposes. Healthy foods range from food, including cheese, yogurt, and kefir, to drugs and biological sensors. Biotechnology continues to improve and offer new solutions. At the moment, the idea of ​​crops that are drought tolerant and contain more vitamins is popular in biotechnology.

11. Virtual Reality

Due to the popularity of video games, game companies are constantly developing more and more sophisticated ways to give the player an unforgettable experience. Their main goal is to make us feel that we are living in the game, and not sitting at home in front of the monitor. To achieve this effect, various companies produce a variety of products for immersive virtual reality. One of the most interesting options is the mask, which during the game allows you to even feel the aromas of the wilderness.

10 Test Tube Meat

Many people stop eating meat because they don't want to harm animals. To their delight, scientists have come up with a method that allows you to create meat in the laboratory. Not only does this cut off the resources and energy that are spent on raising the animal, this meat is healthier and tastes no different from the real one. Not to mention how much space will be freed up on the planet when livestock farms disappear.

9 Exoskeletons

Of course, we are still far from the Iron Man suit, but the first steps have already been taken - exoskeletons are no longer a fantasy, but a real reality. They return to people with spinal injuries the ability to walk and enjoy life to the fullest. Over time, these primitive exoskeletons will only get better - easier to use, more convenient and cheaper.

8. Devices controlled by the power of thought

If you constantly forget where you put your smartphone, this news will appeal to you. Scientists have developed a method that allows you to control devices with the power of thought. This technology was first tested on people who have lost their mobility. It was so successful that as early as 2004 people were playing ping-pong with the power of their minds. Such technology will definitely make our lives easier, not to mention what possibilities it opens up for the video games of the future.

7. Superfast transport

The world is constantly expanding, and more and more often we feel the need to be in two places at the same time. Therefore, humanity is constantly looking for ways to move faster. One of the best examples of new technologies in this area is Elon Musk's hyperloop. It promises to be so fast that the six-hour journey from Los Angeles to San Francisco will be covered in thirty minutes. And this is not the only such project under development.

6. Changing the genome

As more and more people are born with genes that make life difficult for them and increase their risk of mortality, geneticists have created technologies that allow you to "cut out" harmful genes, add new ones, and "turn on and off" existing ones. And this is not just a way to make people healthy - this technology can help people who, for example, have always dreamed of being athletes, but lack the necessary genes. Of course, such a procedure is not 100% guaranteed and people will still have to work hard to master the desired skills.

5. Modern desalination

Although people have long learned how to obtain drinking water using desalination, the old methods are too laborious and not effective enough. Now humanity has a deeper understanding of physics and chemistry, and scientists have created more efficient ways to desalinate water. Now it can be done not only faster and cheaper, but also with additional benefits. Among them are free minerals. Yes, the water is full of them, and desalinated water can be a cheap source of minerals needed for production. Plus, billions of tons of desalinated water can drink the entire planet.

4. Real tricorder

If you're a sci-fi fan, you're probably familiar with this device from Star Trek. It was his characters in the series that were used to measure medical indicators. The real version of this device can measure blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, pulse, temperature, respiration, and also diagnose 12 diseases, including chickenpox and HIV.

3. Drones in agriculture

More and more farmers are asking for help from modern technology. Drones have become one of these assistants. Although outwardly they resemble those used in the army and film production, their functionality is very different. Their main task is to take infrared images that allow farmers to determine where the seeds germinate successfully and where the problems begin. Some companies are creating agricultural drones that can destroy harmful insects, mold and other things that are unpleasant for the crop.

2. Super materials

With a deeper understanding of chemistry, we have learned how to create new, amazing materials. These include graphene, a material that consists of only one layer of carbon atoms. Due to this thickness, it is easily stretched, has high thermal conductivity and at the same time it is 200 times stronger than steel. Graphene can be used to create... anything. Graphene will make armored vehicles, clothes, computers and many other things much better and much more durable.

1. 4D printers

You must have heard of 3D printers. But you hardly know about the existence of 4D printers. Both perform the same task - printing materials or special items - but 4D creates objects that are able to change under external influence. The fact is that living conditions are constantly changing, and what we needed yesterday may no longer be needed in a year. To avoid creating things that will only last a short time, researchers have created printers and materials that are amazingly adaptable to all types of environmental change, damage, and other potential hazards.

Modern production is unthinkable without the use of advanced technologies. They play a decisive role in its development, and also contribute to the prosperity of the business and ensure its competitiveness. Innovation is mainly aimed at the rational organization of the work process, at providing the latest technical equipment for production and at the modernization of products. The funds invested in promoting your company are quickly compensated and turn into a stable source of income.


General concepts

The functioning of a business entity specializing in the production of products is impossible without the use of raw materials, materials and equipment. Their characteristics must comply with the requirements of international standards governing the rational use of natural resources and the safety of personnel involved in the production process. Certain requirements are also imposed on the result of labor, consisting in its characteristics and in ensuring the absence of harmful effects on the consumer's body during use.

The use of modern business technology makes it possible to improve all parameters and declare such an achievement in the industrial market, which will distinguish the entrepreneur from the general background of other participants and ensure an increase in his competitiveness. To maintain its advantageous position, it is necessary to constantly improve production and improve the quality of labor results due to this. This is achieved through the commissioning of modern machine tools and equipment, the use of innovative industrial technology, process line automation, as well as the introduction of energy saving systems, industrial water treatment and industrial waste disposal.

Innovative production technologies

The structure of production development is carried out in all areas of activity according to an identical scenario. As a result of the invention or creation of know-how, an idea arises to use such an innovation in one's own enterprise, which, if successfully implemented, is transformed into an innovation. Its scaling generates positive results, resulting in innovation.

Search for innovative ideas

Theoretically, changes in the structure of production should attract the consumer, as they meet his requirements, and are the reason for the increase in profitability. However, in practice, most innovations do not translate into innovations. Without additional efforts, this effect is typical only for unique products, which have no analogues. We can talk about innovation if competitors cannot produce similar products due to lack of knowledge in the field of technology or because they do not have production subtleties that provide high profitability.

A business entity that has achieved a predominant position in the market should strive for a sustainable result, which is possible only if its invention is protected from copying by other manufacturers. To do this, you need to patent a new technology.

Cause of innovation failure

The main reason for unsuccessful activities is the promotion of products that do not meet regulated requirements or certain criteria.

Therefore, before starting the production and sale of a new product, it is necessary to carefully evaluate all the nuances, since if any fundamental point is missed at the stage of developing a new project and preparing for the launch of a new technological line, the enterprise may suffer losses. Statistics show that most innovative solutions are not radical, but they can be the reason for success if the advertising information is properly presented to consumers.

Read also: How to make money in your spare time

Rationalization of production

Risk factors in innovation

Manufactured products become obsolete, and the consumer is fed up with them. Therefore, the manufacturer must constantly work on improving its offer, monitoring sales performance and striving to ensure that they correspond to the overall demand for the product in the region of its promotion. Each product has its own life cycle, consisting of:

  • implementation of the proposal;
  • ensuring production using innovative technology;
  • increase in demand;
  • maturity due to peak sales;
  • decline in interest.

Changes in consumer preferences and competition significantly shorten the life cycle of products. A company that does not strive for improvement is forced to give up its positions to dynamically developing enterprises, whose leaders pay attention to the modernization of the technologies used and the results of labor.

If an entrepreneur makes every effort to improve production, but cannot achieve stable results, then he needs to think about a new sales market, since only in this perspective can we talk about the possibility of stable development.

The life cycle of products is not distinguished by high marks. Due to the many similar proposals, its obsolescence is fast. In order to maintain positions in the competitive market, innovative marketing activities are carried out. They are aimed at improving product quality, introducing new developments and timely removal of obsolete products from production and replacing them with new offerings.

The role of technology in business promotion

To date, the world industry has been placed in a rigid framework of competition, which can only be overcome by creating the best offer, which is distinguished by comparative reliability, safety and low cost. All these product qualities depend on providing production with innovative solutions.

Management Requirements

At large enterprises, production and marketing activities are always planned for several years in advance, so it is not easy to introduce new technologies into production, since already established processes must be rebuilt to implement the operation. For this reason, it is easier for small and medium-sized businesses to rebuild, because they are able to quickly respond to all innovations that would be useful to them in promoting an entrepreneurial idea.

New technologies in production provide cost savings for small businesses and increase their productivity. The introduction of innovations contributes to the growth of competitiveness, since they avoid the financial and economic costs of development.

How to stand out from competitors

The opening of any enterprise and the definition of a niche should be accompanied by a study of consumer demand and potential markets for the results of labor.

There are many companies specializing in the same activity, however, each successful business entity has a secret that distinguishes it from competitors. Simple ideas with a little improvement turn into unique ones. Innovations are effective if they are aimed at transforming the way the results of work are promoted. To date, such progressive methods as vending, frontend and vanselling are known.


A great idea to announce your offer is a vending scheme. Its essence lies in the sale of products through the machine. In this way, you can sell any objects of a traditional and specific nature. Convenient sales of coffee, tea, soft drinks, fruits, sweets and chewing gums. A good example of the popularity of vending and the possibility of selling specific goods under such a scheme are sales of live crabs through vending machines in Japan.

Often, for a novice businessman, too much competition becomes an insurmountable barrier to creating a successful enterprise. What if you want to organize your own business, but all the most attractive niches in the business environment of your region have long been firmly occupied? In this case, you can enter the market with something fundamentally new - something that has not yet been offered to you. We recommend to your attention interesting new business ideas, from which you can easily choose something suitable for yourself.

Budget startups

All new types of business can be conditionally divided into projects that require large investments and a serious material and technical base, as well as those that do not involve large financial costs. The latter include activities related to information services, mediation, small-scale production and retail trade. Consider budget startups among the novelties in the business world.

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Sale of gadgets from China

The life of a modern person is filled with all sorts of devices and devices that facilitate and improve the solution of certain tasks. So, today's smartphones allow us not only to communicate at a distance, but also to take ultra-clear pictures, make contactless payments in stores, track the level of our own physical activity and much more.

Most of the new small businesses in this area today come to us from China. Entrepreneurial Chinese manufacturers annually release dozens of new gadgets to the market, applicable in a wide variety of human activities. Here are just a few examples:

  • battery-powered personal air purifier (looks like headphones);
  • "smart" shower heads that reduce water consumption;
  • "smart" glasses without lenses, equipped with a camera and a microphone;
  • game consoles on Android for lovers of retro games;
  • a mini computer in the form of a USB flash drive;
  • phone battery case;
  • remote control for a computer or laptop.

To start trading, it is not necessary to purchase a large number of goods at once, you can start with a minimum wholesale lot (50-100 items). You can purchase goods both directly from Chinese manufacturers and from intermediaries in Russia. Goods can be delivered to the final consumer by mail or with the help of forwarding companies.

Production of bean bags

If we consider new ideas for small businesses in the field of small production, then you should pay attention to the manufacture of upholstered frameless furniture. The production of beanbags (bean bags, pouffes) does not require special equipment, it can be organized even at home. At the start, you do not need a large amount of money. All costs will be reduced to the acquisition of source materials and advertising.

Beanbag is a fabric bag, inside of which there is a filler. As the latter, expanded polystyrene granules with a diameter of 1 to 5 mm are most often used. Such a bag is placed in a case made of artificial leather, velor, cotton, suede or other material. The most common armchair sizes: 100*60 cm, 120*85 cm, 135*95 cm.

Such interior items are now only gaining popularity. They are purchased by the owners of anti-cafes, training centers, children's rooms. Chairs are made of environmentally friendly materials, and the filler does not absorb moisture and smell. In addition, they are very soft and comfortable, so many buyers are not averse to purchasing a bean bag for their own apartment or house.

The cost of the chair for the manufacturer will not exceed 600 rubles. For example, the price of 1 cu. m of expanded polystyrene is about 1,000 rubles, and this volume is enough to fill 3 bean bags. The price of the finished product varies from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles. depending on the material of the cover and the author's performance.

"Dry Fog"

Many modern start-ups widespread in our country have Western roots. Among the new business ideas from America, the provision of services to remove odors from car interiors using “dry fog” deserves attention.

Fog, more like thick smoke, is generated from liquid using special equipment - a fogger. Equipping this device with a steam jet nozzle allows you to heat the liquid up to 500 degrees Celsius, as a result of which microparticles are formed, which then penetrate into all pores, crevices and cavities of the workpiece, eliminating unpleasant odors. "Dry Mist" leaves no residue and can deal with the smell of tobacco, animals, spoiled food, etc. in just 40 minutes. After the procedure, a light, unobtrusive aroma of citrus, cherry, field grass remains in the car interior, depending on which liquid was used in the process.

To make money on this service, you need to purchase American-made equipment, for example, the Electro-Gen dry fog generator and the ODORx special liquids set. The cost of the unit may vary depending on the power, the principle of spraying, the number of settings. The average price for such a device is about 20,000 rubles. The cost of a liquid is an average of 5,500 rubles. for a canister with a volume of 3.8 liters.

Liquid consumption is about 30 ml per 1 car, in terms of value it is about 44 rubles. The cost of the service is an average of 500 rubles. The benefit is obvious. And the service is gaining popularity - the problem of unpleasant odors worries many car owners, and the "dry fog" technology allows you to solve this problem most effectively.

New business ideas requiring medium investments

If you are planning to start an entrepreneurial activity, are looking for new business ideas for a small business, and you have an amount of 150,000 to 300,000 rubles to start, then the following projects will suit you.

Commercial use of drones

Unmanned aerial vehicles, which were previously used only for military purposes, are now an indispensable tool for solving many tasks in the civilian sphere. With their help, you can get excellent pictures and videos from a height, and conduct meteorological observations.

Drones are used by farmers to assess the condition of the crop and track the need for fertilizer, journalists and photographers to get interesting shots and videos. Abroad, with the help of quadrocopters, small-sized goods and medicines are delivered.

The use of civilian drones is a new line of business with great potential. There are several ways to make money on unmanned aerial vehicles: the production and sale of drones, the sale of accessories for these devices, their repair and adjustment, the sale of videos and photos obtained with their help. One of the easiest ways to make a profit is to purchase a drone and provide photo and video services from the air. To organize such a business, you will need:

  • unmanned aerial vehicle;
  • mapping software;
  • license "external pilot";
  • permission for the commercial use of the drone.

A good drone that allows you to shoot from a height with little or no camera vibration will cost you between 60,000 and 100,000 rubles. The action camera itself will be released for about another 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

When the battery is fully charged, the drone can shoot from 20 to 30 minutes. For 1 hour of work, 2 lifts can be carried out. The cost of 1 hour of aerial photography is on average 8,000 rubles, while a whole shooting day is usually estimated at 25,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Read more about how to make money on a quadrocopter in the following video:

Vending machines

Innovative ideas for small businesses can be found in the field of vending - trade carried out through special self-service machines. This direction is actively developing all over the world. Vending machines today sell every fifth retail product. Every year our country hosts international exhibitions of self-service systems, during which the latest developments in the field of vending are presented.

List of the most interesting novelties presented at the last of these exhibitions, held in Moscow in 2016:

  • vending machine for the sale of devices for vaping (electronic cigarettes);
  • apparatus for selling souvenirs (toys, flowers, etc.);
  • vending machine for selling sushi and rolls;
  • device for making and selling pancakes - pancake;
  • an automated aquarium that feeds fish for money;
  • apparatus for the sale of melt water;
  • automated storage room.

The cost of such machines varies from 130,000 to 1,200,000 rubles. The advantages of vending over traditional trade are that it does not require renting a large room (several square meters is enough) and hiring staff to carry out activities. The main thing in this type of business is to choose the most suitable place with good traffic.

Ideas in the field of production

New technologies for business in the manufacturing sector are now being used for recycling. The most promising areas in this area are:

  • plastic waste recycling;
  • in crumbs;
  • production of fuel briquettes (euro firewood) from wood waste.

Requires the purchase of special equipment. Today on the market you can find offers of both imported and domestic manufacturers, different in price. To organize your own business, it is not necessary to purchase a production line. You can start by buying a separate machine and recycling a small amount of recyclables.

For example, to organize a mini-plant for the processing of household plastic waste, you will need the following set of equipment:

  • conveyor belt for sorting raw materials;
  • vibrating sieve;
  • crushing unit;
  • centrifuge;
  • washing capacity;
  • drying.

The cost of the finished production line will be at least 2,000,000 rubles. The budget option is to purchase a press and a low-capacity crusher for crushing plastic bottles. The cost of such a kit is about 200,000 rubles. One worker can easily handle its maintenance, 2-3 more people will be needed to prepare raw materials and further process the final product.

Our company, as a contract manufacturer, must be at the peak of technical and technological progress in order to satisfy the desires of the most demanding customers. Sometimes customers come up with their own ideas and the goal of the R&D department is to bring that idea to life.

The R&D department is engaged in the promotion of the project "from idea to technology". Employees of the department track novelties, visit specialized exhibitions and conferences, communicate with technical specialists of equipment suppliers.

Work on creation of cosmetics and biologically active additives (BAA) is a creative process that requires a careful approach, deep knowledge, analytical thinking, good preparation, high qualification and dedication of the staff. Leading specialists of the research department regularly participate in specialized exhibitions, conferences and practical seminars, analyze the data of domestic and foreign studies. The acquired knowledge, the latest technologies and their own ideas are used by the company's employees to create new products.

The R&D department includes a recipe development laboratory (RRR). LRR provides a full range of services for the development of new, as well as the adjustment of existing formulations of perfumery and cosmetic products (PKP) and biologically active additives (BAA).

LRR has a high scientific potential, a decent technical base and excellent staff qualifications. The recipe development laboratory has all the necessary equipment:

All laboratory equipment is tested or certified in accordance with the metrological control plan.

The recipe development laboratory has a significant number of basic recipes for all types of PEPs and dietary supplements, on the basis of which high-quality modern and original formulations are developed. Samples of new types of products are checked not only for compliance with regulatory documents, but also for compliance with internal testing methods developed by employees of the LRR of KorolevPharm LLC, namely:

accelerated aging;

Oscillatory temperature test;


Color fastness and others.

LRR prepares a full package of documents required for certification, state registration of products. Together with the technological department, LRR is engaged in putting new types of products into serial production.

For products introduced into production, the technological department develops detailed specifications, indicating all the necessary indicators of product quality, its configuration, transportation and storage conditions, and also produces reference samples of products approved by the customer.

Technologists are constantly working to optimize and improve technological processes in order to reduce costs and rational use of available resources, improve the quality and competitiveness of products. Technological regulations and instructions for all types of manufactured products are being developed.

Differences and advantages of technology and production are science intensity and the use of new, previously unused technologies. Application of innovative technologies using the latest advances in physics, chemistry and biotechnology.


One of the achievements of KorolevPharm LLC was that the company, for the first time in the history of the cosmetics industry, applied unique methods to create a thin, finely dispersed nanoemulsion. The process of mixing components and encapsulation of active substances in nanoparticles occurs at a huge impact pressure on the drop, followed by rarefaction - the effect of cavitation and a huge speed of rotation of mixing turbines. The particle size of the emulsion is 40 - 100 nm, which is confirmed by the research of the company Akzonobel (Sweden) when testing a colloidal mill on more "heavy" bitumen emulsions.

The photo shows samples of cream emulsion obtained on a homogenizer and using a new technology on a hydrocavitation mill. The value of division of the micrometer scale = 0.2 μm = 200nm (1 μm = 1000nm)

A sample of a cosmetic cream obtained on a homogenizer (magnification 1500). The microparticle size of the cream emulsion is from 0.3 to 0.9 µm, i.e. from 300 to 900nm.

A sample of a cosmetic cream obtained in a hydrocavitational colloid mill (Magnification 1500). The size of cream emulsion nanoparticles is from 0.04 to 0.1 µm i.e. from 40 to 100nm.

The "cold" method of obtaining emulsions is the possibility of producing a creamy emulsion with a short-term thermal effect up to 42 0 C, which makes it possible to preserve the activity of all biologically active substances. Short-term exposure to such a temperature does not cause thermal shock to biologically active substances, which protects them from further thermal degradation.

Unlike traditional ones, which occur at 85 - 95 0 C. (It is known that protein structures are destroyed at temperatures above 45 0 C).

New extraction methods

Our company is engaged in the production of extracts using new, previously unused, extraction methods. Electropulse plasmadynamic extraction produced by passing a high-power electric discharge - 38,000 volts - "lightning" between the electrodes in an extractive mixture with an extractable plant mixture. In the zone of action of a high-power discharge, various powerful effects operate: electrodynamic, ultrasonic, acoustic, hydrocavitational. Under their influence, the cytoplasmic membranes of plant cells are destroyed and stitched. Through the destruction of the membrane, the content of plant cells - the cytoplasm - enters the extractant and dissolves in it. Such an effect of a plasma discharge on plant cells makes it possible to extract 30–40% more active cells than with classical methods of extraction.

Content of extracts and active substances

In the production of cosmetic products and dietary supplements, methods have been applied to achieve the content of plant extracts in the product up to 80 - 85%. In some specialized nutrition products, this percentage of plant extracts is 100%.

The recipe development laboratory has a significant number of basic recipes for all types of PEPs and dietary supplements, on the basis of which high-quality modern and original formulations are developed. Samples of new types of products are checked not only for compliance with regulatory documents, but also for compliance with internal testing methods developed by employees of the LRR of KorolevPharm LLC, namely:

  • accelerated aging;
  • fluctuating temperature test;
  • freezing;
  • color fastness and others.

These methods make it possible to evaluate the stability of products throughout the entire shelf life, as well as to prevent the separation of cosmetic products and liquid forms of dietary supplements during transportation and storage at low (in winter) or high (in summer) temperatures.

These methods of production indicate that the manufactured products - specialized nutrition and cosmeceuticals not only satisfy the physiological needs of the human body for nutrients, energy and cosmetic effects on the skin, but also perform preventive and therapeutic tasks.

Contract manufacturing completely relieves the Customer of the need to solve production problems, optimizes its costs, reduces the time from product development to its release.

Currently, the industry is actively developing in all directions, and new technologies give an additional impetus to its development. Their use allows you to optimize work processes and makes our life more comfortable.

Light industry

The tasks of the light industry include the introduction of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the field of clothing, leather goods and other industries.

For successful competition with Chinese firms, the rapid exchange of information data is very important. One company often has many departments located at large distances from each other. The corporate information system is an open integrated mechanism for automating all the company's work processes at all levels. It allows you to exchange data within the structure and interact with providers. Also, this system warns of all kinds of problems in production and the current state of affairs.

3D construction

For several years, developments have been underway on three-dimensional computer design of clothing. Special programs allow you to perform spatial modeling aimed at creating "poured" wardrobe items. All construction parameters are edited and saved for future use. The three-dimensional design method is highly accurate and it is obvious that it is the future.

Electronic meters

One of the new technologies in light industry is electronic meters. They are designed for remote measurement of client parameters. This makes the job much easier. In addition, both parties save their time, which is very important in the modern rhythm of life.

The leather goods and clothing industries began to use computer-aided design for automatic fabric cutting. This allows you to quickly and accurately simulate the necessary things. Such a system has become an integral part of clothing and footwear enterprises. It improves the quality of product fit, reduces the complexity of routine processes and speeds up the process of creating new models.

Modern materials

New materials have unique characteristics. For example, recently microfiber has become very popular. It has the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • air tightness;
  • distribution of static electricity;
  • resistance to light and chemicals.

It is also used for the production of children's clothing, as its qualities are comparable to natural fabrics.

A new technology for the manufacture of artificial fibers has become widespread in the textile industry. Materials made of polyamide repel moisture and absorb fat, but they are durable and wear-resistant. Viscose fabrics made of high modulus fiber have good hygienic properties. They are smooth, lightweight and attractive.

Another innovation is the production of textiles based on nanomaterials. Such fabrics have the following properties:

  • thermal conductivity;
  • dirt repellent;
  • water resistance;
  • ability to conduct electricity.

food industry

Consumers are now spoiled and make extremely high demands on the quality of products. This forces manufacturers to use the latest technologies in the food industry and constantly improve existing ones.


It is a modern and delicate way to preserve food. According to the method, cryogenic gases in the liquid phase (carbon dioxide and nitrogen) are used for freezing. The temperature in the chamber during the process itself is -70 degrees. At such values, the intercellular structures of the product are not destroyed, and it does not lose its taste. "Shock" freezing allows you to store food much longer.

Cryogenic plants are compact, so they save working space. Also, their use reduces energy costs.

Artificial smoking

This method dramatically simplifies the production of smoked products, and smokehouses become completely unnecessary. Smoked liquids with spices are added to meat raw materials. Next, the product is exposed to a high voltage electric field in order to speed up the impregnation process. The duration of the procedure is only a few minutes.

Alimentary fiber

They are added to food to change the chemical properties and structure. For example, cellulose is used to make pasta and baked goods. Pectin is a part of jams, jelly and marmalade. The gum is suitable for making ice cream and yogurt.

The addition of dietary fiber is in demand because it helps to increase the yield of the finished product and reduce its cost.

Enzymes and microbes

Special bacteria are grown in laboratories that accelerate enzymatic processes and delay the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Such bacteria are useful for the human body, as they stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. This new technology has found massive application in the dairy industry. Dairy products are enriched with prebiotic and probiotic substances.

Enzymes are added not only to milk, but also to meat. This is done in order to suppress the development of putrefactive processes and improve its consistency. Strong and coarse muscle fibers soften, and the degree of digestibility of the product increases. This technology is especially relevant in the production of semi-finished products and hams.


This is a method of processing milk using a sealed centrifuge, which is the removal of microorganisms from milk by centrifugation at a pasteurization temperature. This is an effective way to reduce spores in milk. It has been widely used in cheese making to purify milk from butyric bacteria that cause cheese defects.


Recent developments allow the use of ultrasonic vibration for meat processing. Before that, it must be frozen. The duration of contact with ultrasound depends on the properties and size of the product. After the experiments, it was found that processing even for ten minutes significantly increases the tenderness of the meat.

Shock wave treatment

Shock waves have a mechanical effect on the products and contribute to the softening of muscle tissue. In addition, after this, the fermentation processes are accelerated.

The meat package is immersed in a special vessel and subjected to shock waves propagating through an incompressible fluid.

The equipment has already been used in practice, but developments are still underway to improve the installation.

IT technologies to improve the quality of products

The meat industry is actively using new technologies such as radiation physics. Installations with ionizing radiation have a pronounced bactericidal effect and improve the condition of the meat. Destroying pathogenic microflora, they make products of high quality and safe. It should be noted that this also reduces the heat treatment time.

This method allows you to store products for a long time without the use of preservatives. The essence of the method is to sterilize the product and packaging separately, followed by filling the packaging with the product and sealing it under sterile conditions.

speed control

The German company Bizerba has created a unique installation - the labeler GLM-levo. Its functions include full control of the processes of weighing, marking and labeling packages. The device promptly detects all kinds of errors and defects.

Energy Saving Technologies

Energy conservation is a priority at the present time due to the shortage of energy resources and environmental problems. New technologies are aimed at obtaining a higher efficiency of fuel and energy resources.

This is a popular automated control system that can be implemented in residential buildings and offices. It uses special sensors and controllers that monitor the presence of people in the room. Depending on this, the power supply is turned on and off. This function can reduce power consumption by about 40%.

One of the latest innovations in space heating is film electric heaters. They are an infrared system located between the decor and the ceiling ceiling. Between the plastic films are multilayer resistors that carry out heating. The heat flow is evenly distributed throughout the room.

Main advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • economy.

Heat accumulators

They are a great alternative to electric heaters. Heat accumulators accumulate heat at night and give it evenly throughout the day. This option is great for those places where there are zone tariffs for electricity.


  • universality (there are many devices that differ in power);
  • high quality and modernity (new materials, attractive design);
  • fire safety (the outer shell practically does not heat up);
  • profitability;
  • reliability;
  • convenience.

These lighting devices are simply indispensable in the field of energy saving, because they are strong, durable and provide high light output. LED lamps consume 20 times less energy than conventional incandescent lamps. They are resistant to low temperatures, so they can be used even outdoors.

"Passive" houses

This energy-saving technology is still mainly used in the industry of European countries. A feature of the structures is the use of passive energy saving methods. More than 4,000 such houses have already been built in Germany. Energy costs for heating in such housing are minimized. Here are the basic building principles:

  • thermal insulation (external and internal);
  • use of heat pumps;
  • installation of batteries for the use of alternative energy sources;
  • automated control systems for technical devices.

In Russia, the construction of "passive" houses has not yet received development due to their relative high cost.

For northwestern and central Russia, there is a good cost-effective and environmental solution. This is the purchase of wind turbines for domestic use. The price of such an installation is about 60-80 thousand rubles, but it pays for itself in a couple of years of operation. In addition, it must be borne in mind that electricity tariffs are constantly rising, so the purchase will be even more profitable. In order not to overpay, it is better to choose a Russian or Chinese model instead of European counterparts. Now wind turbines are already actively used in farms.

In the future, there will be many more new technologies in industry that will radically change our world. In addition, the introduction of innovations will avoid significant financial and economic costs.

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