Recycling plastic bottles as a business with calculations. Business for the reception and processing of glass containers How to open a mini production of glass goblets


  • 3. Where to hand over glass containers?
  • 4. Conclusion

Currently, many people know that in the old days, glass container collection points brought a good income to their owners. Today, each manufacturer has an individual container and it makes no sense to collect whole bottles, but there are broken ones.

Many people are looking for a job and are unaware that money, literally, lies under their feet. So, how to multiply your well-being on broken glass (cullet)?

1. Your business on broken glass - how to make money on cullet

First of all, it is necessary to find an appropriate area for storing broken glass, as well as for sorting and processing the collected cullet.

2. Collecting broken glass - 5 effective ways

Where to get broken glass, and who can act as suppliers of such raw materials? Let's look at some ways:

1. In addition to the unfavorable contingent such as the homeless, there is another group of glass collectors - this wipers. They will help you collect broken glass, your job is to load and remove broken dishes.

2. Another option for extracting broken glass is window installation companies. It is worth negotiating with them for a small fee, and they will give you cullet from old frames, because in many cases window frames are thrown into the trash.

3. The next promising option is to negotiate with local authorities, put additional containers for glass.

4. There are also various catering establishments:

  • restaurants,
  • a cafe,
  • drinking establishments.

5. You can collect broken glass in different parts of the city. Important advertise, and in the near future they will offer you broken fragments and wait for your arrival to collect them.

containers for glass containers

3. Where to hand over glass containers?

As a result, the collection of broken glass is a solvable task, the main thing in this business is sales of broken glass containers.

Here the situation is quite simple - all factories working with glass will be happy to take cullet from you.

Glass production is a complex and costly production, but the processing of broken glass makes it possible to use this raw material in new production cycles.

Before handing over recyclables, you need to wash and sort them, and there is special equipment for this procedure.

4. Conclusion

Drawing conclusions, we see that this is really a good and very profitable type of business. Factories that produce glassware will gladly accept broken glass from you.

Starting now to engage in this business, you can soon achieve high results. This type of activity is not even half filled in the domestic market.

Currently, more and more products (especially food) are packaged in glass containers. Glass is considered more convenient (glass is not subject to corrosion, special "lapped" plugs do not allow moisture or air to penetrate, etc.), in some cases (for example, vinegar, oils, etc.) - technologically determined, and sometimes even a sign of an elite or branded (compare, for example, coffee in specially shaped glass jars and cans or cardboard packaging) containers.

Glass is also used in non-food industries: glass containers often serve as containers for dyes, solvents, caustic liquids; there is a huge range of glassware - plates, glasses, dishes, etc.; decor items (vases, figurines, ashtrays) plus various specific items such as buttons, laboratory equipment, portholes, mosaic and stained glass fragments, light filters and much more. And the cost of each of these items is several times higher than the cost of sheet glass, if you count them by weight ratio.

Therefore, the manufacture of non-sheet glass products can be considered a fairly profitable business in the segment: with much lower equipment costs compared to a factory for the production of sheet glass, the cost of manufactured products is much higher.

Although there is one point here: in absolute terms, for example, the production of glass containers is inferior to the production of sheet glass - the latter is much more in demand because window glass can only be replaced with a new package, while, for example, bottles and cans are often reused .

However, payback, profitability and the ratio of unit cost to its selling price in the production of glass containers and related products is much higher than in the production of flat glass.

The best indicators are only in the manufacture of artistic glass products, however, long and firmly taken over by small handicraft and semi-handicraft glass-blowing and engraving firms and private traders.

However, a huge advantage of the production of glass containers is independence from the geographical and economic region of the country: if factories for the production of flat glass are usually tied to a source of raw materials to minimize the cost of it, then the production of glass containers due to a larger gap in the difference between the cost and the selling price can neglect this.

In addition, due to the relatively small raw material capacity, such an enterprise in most cases will cost, or at least cover at least half of the consumption of raw materials at the expense of the market for secondary glass raw materials.

In addition, if we consider the option of working on specific orders, then it is possible to provide for the manufacture of products from the customer's glass, or on the terms of full prepayment and a slightly extended production cycle - for the time of delivery of the necessary materials.

However, if released hot commodity- for example, bottles with a capacity of 0.5-0.75 liters or cans with a disposable or reusable cap up to 3 liters, then the sales market will be found by itself: the demand for such things is very high and depends only on the population of the region, if we talk exclusively about local market.

So opening your own glass container manufacturing business can be considered one of the least expensive and most risk-free, at least when it comes to non-food production.

Glass container production technology

The raw material for the production of glass containers can be ordinary quartz sand according to GOST 22551-77 (with technological additives: dolomite flour according to TU 5716-005-21079129-00; technical soda ash according to GOST 5100-85; technical sodium sulfate according to GOST 6318-77; chalk technological according to TU 95-2317-91; alumina according to GOST 30558-98; sodium nitrate or sodium nitrate technical according to GOST 828-77; and decolorizers: cerium oxide, selenium, cobalt oxide or color-imparting substances: ferrous compounds, manganese oxide, chromium oxide, uranium oxide, cobalt oxide, nickel oxide, antimony oxide or sodium sulfide, colloidal silver, copper oxide, colloidal gold, burnt bone, a mixture of feldspar and fluorspar) or plain cullet of any color.

As you might guess, the second option for the production of glass containers is much simpler, but also somewhat more risky: glass cullet may not be enough for full-scale production, therefore, in ideal case you should purchase equipment for processing quartz sand into glass - it also works with secondary raw materials. Actually, further, in the section “Equipment for the production of glass containers”, just such a case will be described.

The production of glass containers and glass products can be conditionally divided into several stages, described below.

At the second stage, the raw material (it does not matter whether it is cullet or a charge - a mixture of glass components: sand, dolomite, soda, etc., or a mixture of both) from the receiving hoppers enters the supply bins, where the charge components are dosed by weight batchers in certain proportions and mixing of batch components in mixers, in the case of cullet, its preparation, and in the case of using mixed raw materials, mixing cullet with batch.

At the third stage, the charge (cullet, mixture of charge and cullet) is fed into the furnace compartment.

At the fourth stage, loading of the charge (cullet, mixture of charge and cullet) into the glass melting furnace with the help of special automatic loaders. At the fifth stage, the glass mass is melted in the glass melting furnace and the subsequent preparation of the glass mass for molding in feeders takes place.

At the next, sixth stage, the products are molded in glass-forming machines, that is, in fact, they are given the final shape.

The seventh stage is the heat treatment of products in annealing furnaces, which are often used as a special section of the glass melting furnace.

At the last stages, visual quality control of glass products is carried out and technical control in the laboratory with subsequent testing for heat resistance, annealing quality, pressure; package finished products(eg in boxes or pallets); transportation to the warehouse or to the customer.

Premises, personnel and equipment for the production of glass containers

To compile a complete technological line for the production of glass containers, the following equipment and units will be required:

  • raw material supply channel; electrical control of the raw material supply channel;
  • feeder and "scissors" for cutting molten (liquid) glass;
  • automatic press for several forms; adjustable press system;
  • press hydraulic drive station;
  • air cooling system of the forming machine;
  • a system for extracting a pressed product from a forming machine;
  • the line of transfer (transportation) of the product halves of the product (and the majority of glass products belong to the two-halves);
  • press electronic control system and electric transport system;
  • raw material supply system to the forming machine;
  • equipment for automatic molding of glass blocks for the number of molds corresponding to the number of molds used in an automatic press;
  • automatic unit that accepts products after glass blocks are connected;
  • glass block transportation line after connection;
  • ejector to the annealing furnace;
  • actual annealing furnace;
  • gripping mechanism - product pusher (after applying paint, if coloring is used);
  • automatic electrical connection control system;
  • drying unit for drying paint (if coloring is used);
  • automatic paint application unit;
  • equipment for grinding and washing glass, and some other small units.

Regarding the annealing furnace, a few words should be said separately. As you can see, the glass products production line does not include molds and an oven. Molds are ordered separately in accordance with the sketches and samples of the customer, for each type of product - separately.

The furnace must first be built from refractory bricks - although the considered type of delivery implies this, but then the production time of the line, taking into account the construction of the furnace, will be 3 months.

Type of furnace - regenerative, flow-through with a horseshoe-shaped flame direction. Structurally, the furnace consists of a cooking pool, a duct, a working pool, burners, regenerators and systems for removing smoke (exhaust), heating, ventilation, cooling the pool and supplying (forcing) air for fuel combustion.

The final cost of equipment for the production of glass containers is 22,160,000 yuan, which, in terms of rubles at the current exchange rate, is about 106 million rubles. When taking into account energy costs of 1200 kW and a design capacity of 28.8 tons per day (actual output may be slightly lower - by about 5%), the price of the issue is relatively low.

The maintenance staff consists of 5 people per shift (for maximum productivity, three shifts would be the best option), of which one will be a foreman-technologist in one person.

The only downside to glassware manufacturing is the space requirements. It is difficult to find a production area of ​​the right size for rent, especially in large cities - sometimes it is easier to build a factory.

For equipment alone, a workshop 100 m long and 36 m wide is required; thus, its area will be 3600 square meters. m.

The annealing furnace and drying chamber shall be located in a separate but adjacent industrial premises; the area required for their accommodation is 2700 sq. m.

Thus, the total area of ​​the plant will be 6300 square meters. m - and this does not include the area for warehouses - finished products and raw materials and the packaging workshop.

Videos about the production of glass containers

Increasingly popular among those seeking profitable idea for business, conquers the "clean" recycling business. And in addition to waste paper and PET containers, glass can also be recycled. Glass processing as a business, if you properly organize the process, from the acceptance of raw materials to the sale of products, can bring consistently high profits - regardless of the season. The basis of success is a well-written business plan. It will help plan future activities - expenses and profits. In addition, the project will help to obtain government subsidies or loans on more favorable terms.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 300,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

It is quite possible to open a mini glass processing plant in Russia without large investments, the main thing is to know some of the nuances of this area.

The relevance of the planned business

A raw material processing facility is beneficial for several reasons. And the main one is all kinds of state support. Now in many regions there are state programs for issuing loans with lower interest rates, as well as loyal requirements for registration and taxation.

A glass recycling mini-shop is a good thing that helps to save the environment.

We also take into account the fact that glass recycling does not require large financial costs for raw materials - half of it goes to the entrepreneur completely free of charge.

Broken glass, cleaned or not, can be sold to many industrial enterprises using glass as a raw material. It is actively used by manufacturing plants building materials, sanitary products, glass products. So - no problems with sales.

We do business right

Conducting an unregistered business is a major violation. The fact is that the industrial processing of glass waste, like any other secondary raw materials, requires a license from the Ministry of Ecology. This, as a rule, is issued for the entire period of operation of the workshop.

Practice shows that it can take up to six months to collect the necessary package of documents. Here you can go the easier way - if you have the funds, resort to the help of specialists at this stage.

What kind of space will be required?

Recycling broken glass will require a separate building. Most of the space will go to the organization of the warehouse, where the collected raw materials will be received. As for the production workshop itself, its area depends on the planned capacity of the enterprise, and, accordingly, the dimensions of the purchased equipment.

Glass recycling process

Glass processing technology may be different depending on what final product is planned to be produced. When it comes to business with minimal cost, then the best option is the production of refined cullet.

But the production of some final product within the walls of the workshop (the same bottles, for example) will require much more costs than the processing of cullet. Therefore, in the absence of large initial investments, it is better to start small. Over time, your plant can be modified by purchasing the necessary machines and apparatus.

If we talk about the production of broken glass, then the raw materials go through the following stages:

  • sorting
  • cleaning,
  • drying
  • splitting up,
  • warehousing.

At a more modified enterprise, where it is planned to process waste to obtain high-quality glass raw materials, the cleaned cullet goes through several additional technological stages:

  • Adding, according to the recipe, various fillers.
  • Heating of raw materials in furnaces.

How to equip a glass processing workshop?

Which glass processing equipment to buy?

And in order for the workshop to work at full capacity, you will need to buy equipment for glass processing. Despite the novelty of the direction, the entrepreneur will have a fairly wide choice - from individual low-power machines to high-performance multifunctional lines.

The most affordable option technological equipment- a line consisting of a section for cleaning and drying incoming containers, as well as a grinding section. When choosing machines, it is worth paying special attention to separation equipment, since it will depend on it how well the raw materials will ultimately be cleaned. The price of equipment for processing glass into glass chips (separator and crusher) is low - you can meet 300,000 rubles. That's just high performance from such a line should not be expected. The maximum that it will allow is the processing of raw materials at a speed of up to 100 kg / h.

With the increase in the power of the equipment, its price also increases.

A modern line for processing cullet to obtain high quality raw materials, consists of:

  • dryers,
  • shredders,
  • forms,
  • ovens.

The cost of such equipment will be quite high - at least 1,500,000 rubles. But finished product will cost more in the market.

How much can you earn from glass recycling?

A glass waste recycling business can bring a decent income to its owner. But here it is important to establish uninterrupted supplies of raw materials.

How can I receive broken glass?

  • Buying from the public.
  • Installation on the streets of special containers.
  • Collection of waste from factories and shops.

The cullet collection point, as well as the installation of containers, will require additional expenses from the entrepreneur - wages for workers, purchase of components. But these expenses are necessary so that the equipment does not stand idle.

You should be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend money on organizing your own car fleet, since permanent car rental from a third-party organization is not at all profitable.

Taking into account how much the machine costs for the preparation and processing of waste, as well as how much it will cost to organize at least several points for the collection of used equipment and organize your own fleet, it will take at least 700,000 rubles to launch a small workshop. You can reduce the initial investment to literally 300,000 rubles by purchasing supported equipment or refusing to purchase trucks.

The average price of a ton of cullet is 1500-2500 rubles/t. And knowing the exact pricing policy of the organization that purchases cullet, taking into account the capacity of its workshop, you can calculate the profit.

is a topic that interests many modern people who dream of starting their own business. This article will talk about such a profitable and promising business like the production of plastic bottles.

In almost every region of our country, many entrepreneurs are engaged in bottling water, juices and various drinks into plastic containers. They buy them from different places. Sometimes they have to deliver containers from another city, which significantly increases the cost of production. This is because only a few are engaged in the production of PET bottles. The reason for this is the high costs that will be required in order to establish a production process. Production of plastic bottles: A business plan will help you understand this line of business.

Financial investments and personnel

To start your own PET bottles, you will need about 500 thousand rubles. The number of workers largely depends on what equipment you choose. Usually 1-3 people are enough to work in such a workshop.

How to choose a room?

Before starting the organization of the production process, it is necessary to select a room in which the equipment can be installed. It must meet the following requirements:

  • area - from 30 sq. meters;
  • ceiling height - 4 meters;
  • floor - concrete base or tiles.

It is important to remember that the production of plastic bottles requires a high-quality ventilation system. Do not forget about plumbing, sewerage and electricity.

Equipment selection

In order for your products to compete adequately in the market, you need to choose equipment that can meet all the needs of the enterprise. Production for the manufacture of plastic containers can be:
  1. Two-phase. Consists of two separate production processes. The first is the manufacture of the preform. At the second stage, the product is blown.
  2. Single-phase. The whole process consists of one stage, that is, the production of the preform and the blowing of the container is carried out in one specific place.

For a small workshop, you can purchase single-phase equipment. If you plan to produce containers in large volumes, then you should choose a two-phase production process.

Preforms can be:

  • shortened;
  • thick-walled;
  • universal.

Each type of preform is used to manufacture products of a certain shape and color. It should be noted that modern manufacturers prefer to use original design containers that can distinguish their products and make them recognizable in the market.

If you are a manufacturer of juices, drinks or other bottled products, you can purchase equipment for the production of plastic bottles and set it up in an existing enterprise. Thanks to this, the manufacturer will be able to save up to 20% of the cost of packaging. Accordingly, the profit of the enterprise will also increase significantly.

For the manufacture of plastic containers, the following units are used:

  • An oven in which preforms are heated;
  • bottle blowing machine;
  • Compressor;
  • Double mold.

If you want to open a plastic bottle factory, pay special attention to the product volume when choosing equipment. On one machine, you can make containers with a capacity of 0.2-5 liters. The cheapest machines of domestic or Chinese production. They provide a capacity of 700 units per hour.

It is quite difficult to name the average cost of a machine, since each machine has its own unique parameters, such as:

  • number of heating zones;
  • power supply voltage;
  • blowing pressure;
  • machine power.

Also, the price directly depends on the manufacturer. Chinese and Russian equipment will cost you 10-12 thousand euros. But an expensive elite machine from a well-known European company will cost 200-600 thousand euros. On the hardware market, there is a machine with a capacity of 24 thousand pieces per hour, but it costs 1.5 million euros. Since the manufacture of plastic bottles as a business is a serious and responsible business that requires large investments, before you do it, carefully calculate and think everything through. This will help you make the right informed choice.

Scheme: Production of plastic bottles

Technological features of production

It should be noted that the manufacturing technology of plastic bottles is highly energy intensive. A machine with a capacity of 3 thousand pieces per hour consumes approximately 25 kW of electricity. So be prepared for high electricity bills.

Some products that are packaged in PET bottles, such as milk, have a short shelf life. In the manufacture of such containers, it is necessary to ensure all hygienic requirements.

Another equally important feature is the mass of the preform. It affects the cost of production, as well as all kinds of production costs. The highest quality machine for the production of plastic bottles produces products with a capacity of 1 liter, the weight of which is not more than 35 g.

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Business Profitability

In order not to go bankrupt and make a good profit, you should produce large batches, that is, making 100-200 bottles a day is absolutely pointless.

If we talk about the profitability and advantages of this business, it is worth noting separately the low cost of purchasing raw materials. And also its delivery. In addition, the manufacturer can produce plastic bottles of any shape and color. To do this, simply replace the mold. To install equipment for the production of plastic bottles, you do not need a large room. Such a workshop can be opened next to the product bottling line.

According to experts, the cost of equipment and organization of the process of manufacturing plastic containers will pay off in just six months. As a rule, the profitability of this reaches 100%. If you properly organize such a business, you can get a stable high income.


Most people do not find a use for glass containers, as a result of which glass jars and bottles simply lie in the trash. Today, all the garbage dumps in the cities are littered with glass containers, which can be recycled and make good money on it. Its processing is quite profitable business for a big city.

How to start your own glass processing business

To begin with, it is worth opening a glass collection point, and then thinking about where it will be processed. For the collection of glass containers, it is necessary to install special containers near each apartment building so that residents have somewhere to put glass jars and bottles. Containers must necessarily have an attractive appearance, cause a desire in a person to throw glass containers into him. You can additionally organize a special collection point for glass containers for a certain amount of money.

If there is no initial capital for the purchase of such containers, opening your own point, then you should use the standard free method - collecting the necessary material from landfills, garbage dumps, although this is not the most pleasant method. You can, of course, come up with many more ways to get old unwanted glass, for example, negotiate with companies for the production of various types of drinks in such containers. They always have a marriage.

Glass recycling as a business idea

Material handling is a complex process. The most time-consuming process is the separation of glass from various debris. These are still trifles, processing gives it a new quality, strength.
Before starting a business for collecting, receiving, processing material, it is necessary to prepare a territory that meets all the necessary requirements. First of all, the point where the collection and processing of raw materials is carried out must have a high fence around the entire perimeter. Specialized containers of large parameters must be present on the territory of the enterprise. A separate entrance for the delivery of glass containers should be organized.

The main point: the collection, processing of the substance should be carried out outside the city, since there will be a lot of noise from such production.

Sorting, receiving point

Substance processing, receiving point is a very profitable business. The collected containers must be pre-sorted: by type of production, color. Then the sorted container must be thoroughly cleaned from dirt, various impurities, etc. When the glass is crushed, it is again thoroughly cleaned. Only after all the above measures can the glass be launched for remelting.

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