Technical audit of industrial equipment. Technical audit of the enterprise and features of its providence. The objects of study are


In order to accurately and objectively imagine the profitability and efficiency of the planned project, as well as evaluate its investment attractiveness, it makes sense to calculate all the technological nuances before starting the implementation. The same must be done from time to time to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a working enterprise in order to improve its functioning.

Let's consider what goals the technical audit pursues, to what objects it can be applied and on what principles it is carried out.

What is a technical audit

Technical audit is a comprehensive study of all technological characteristics object according to the specified criteria in order to determine investment risks and determine ways to optimize work. Audit can be expressed in the following definitions:

  • independent expertise;
  • complex analysis;
  • investment research;
  • method of checking the technological state, etc.

Trained specialists will conduct research in various areas related to the object, make calculations and formulate conclusions regarding profitability, savings, management efficiency, etc.

Objects of technical audit

It is possible to conduct a technical audit in relation to various objects. The attention of researchers may be directed to:

  • on the production environment in general (the technical development of the enterprise as a whole is assessed);
  • on any production asset (fixed asset or management tool).

ATTENTION! It is possible to comprehensively examine any production structure regardless of its industry and focus.

Most often, the following objects are the subject of a separate audit within the production:

  1. Equipment. Outdated, outdated, requiring reconstruction, it will naturally slow down the efficiency of production. The audit will help assess the level of this factor in the total amount of operating forces, as well as calculate the optimality of repair, modernization or replacement.
  2. Investment project. Before investing in any technological project, it is important for an investor to know the possible profitability, risk levels, real ways to save money without sacrificing quality. A technical auditor will be able to answer these questions and competently assist in planning and implementation.
  3. Website. The position on the Internet largely determines the overall efficiency of the functioning of any object. Therefore, it is better to determine in a timely manner how well an electronic resource is functioning, how quickly it is moving in search engines. Software and technical weaknesses of websites will not hide from the attention of technical auditors, which means they can be eliminated in a timely manner.
  4. Management strategy. Even if everything production means technically in order, inefficient management offsets these benefits. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the management policy from the outside, identify its bottlenecks and receive recommendations for improvement.

Objectives of a technical audit

The main goal of the study is always to find ways to improve the functioning of the object. It is implemented in specific tasks that are consistently solved in the audit process:

  • assessment of the compliance of the documentation for the facility with the requirements of the legislation, as well as its completeness and sufficiency;
  • analysis of the technological state of the object;
  • finding opportunities to improve work without reconstruction;
  • identification of parts of the object that need a large-scale change;
  • finding the potential for saving resources;
  • search for ways of all kinds of improvement and optimization.

Audit Initiators

An independent examination of the technical condition of an object can be initiated by customers of various categories:

  • the owner of the enterprise - to get a real picture of the functioning of his business and recommendations for optimization;
  • potential investors making a decision regarding joining the project;
  • contractors or existing investors between whom disagreements arose in the course of their activities, which can be resolved by a technical audit;
  • foreign contractors for whom domestic standards present certain difficulties;
  • the court to clarify the situation on the arbitration dispute under consideration;
  • government organizations that regulate a particular industry, for example, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Energy, etc.

Methodology for conducting a technical audit

The audit procedure determines the order in which the research, analytical and final part of a comprehensive survey of the facility will take place. It is necessary to define the criteria, that is, the indicators by which one or another side of the audit object will be evaluated. They should allow assessing the state of the object in dynamics and accurately indicate a change in the initial level of the indicator, depending on the measures taken.

Stages of technical audit

  1. Obtaining data for analysis: providing an enterprise passport, statistical, technological and financial reports, documentation of various services, etc.
  2. Examination of documentation related to the audited object:
    • permissive;
    • design;
    • technical;
    • personnel;
    • operational, etc.
  3. Studies, measurements, calculations of various characteristics of the object, carried out on site to assess the state of the object under study. The use of additional methods of collecting information: conversations, questionnaires, diagnostics, testing, etc.
  4. Comparison of the obtained data with benchmarks for their interpretation.
  5. Formulation of reporting regarding the compliance of documents with the requirements of legislative acts Russian Federation(various standards, rules, regulations, instructions, etc.)
  6. Conclusions regarding the technological state of the object: the formation of a technological map.

Conditions for conducting a technical audit

To conduct a comprehensive assessment of a particular object, it is advisable to observe a number of practical conditions that have proven their validity and effectiveness:

  1. "You can see it from the side." Internal audit also takes place, but usually competent experts are invited to ensure the independence of the assessment from the outside. Internal specialists Those who are well versed in the production process itself may not own the methodology for checking and identifying weaknesses, and the assessment will still be biased.
  2. "Not quite strangers." Auditors should be independent, but it is better if they actively cooperate with the management of the company, and possibly with employees. This greatly increases the effectiveness of the audit, because in this case, the nuances of this particular production site are more visible, which can become stumbling blocks for observers who are completely new to this industry.
  3. "We're not hiding anything." When conducting an audit, all staff with whom investigators will be in contact should be aware of the purpose of the audit. Without the support and cooperation of the staff, the success of the study can hardly be expected.
  4. "Audit is not a panacea." By her own independent evaluation does not solve problems, especially accumulated for a long time. She won't be able to provide fast financial results and elimination of shortcomings. Expertise only exposes problems and outlines ways to solve them.

Results of the technical audit

The last and most important stage of the technical audit is the formulation of a report containing the most complete information on all aspects of the study of the object. The report will contain not only conclusions, that is, answers to the questions posed, but also the best solutions, supported by financial calculations. In agreement with the auditors, the customer can receive the following documents:

  • a systematic basic description of the object - production or project;
  • a list of management and technological solutions that can help in obtaining the required indicators;
  • assessment of possible risks and weaknesses of the object;
  • calculation of payback of financial investments;
  • updating the documentation for its compliance with the requirements;
  • a program of measures aimed at optimizing work;
  • proposals for new technologies, innovative methods;
  • a plan of measures to correct the identified deficiencies;
  • recommendations for a general work culture.

IMPORTANT! An audit is considered successful if, based on the results of its report submitted to the company's management, decisions were made, specific instructions were given, orders were issued, and certain actions were taken on this basis.

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LLC "Neftekhim-Balt" carries out a set of works on technical audit. The scope and structure of technical audit work directly depends on the ultimate goal of the audit. Our organization has experience in the following areas:

  • equipment audit technological installations oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises in order to assess the technical condition of the equipment and its compliance with current industrial safety standards;
  • assessment of the investment attractiveness of petrochemical and oil refining facilities;
  • implementation performance audit investment projects construction, modernization or reconstruction of petrochemical and oil refining facilities;
  • assessment of compliance of the Equipment Manufacturer with the requirements of the Customer, audit of the current quality system of the Manufacturer;
  • audit and preparation of measures for the transfer of technological installations; increased turnaround time.

One of the popular areas of technical audit is a technical audit of oil refinery and petrochemical plants in order to prepare measures to increase the overhaul cycle according to the state of process equipment.

The assessment of the possibility and development of measures for the transfer of installations to the overhaul period according to the technical condition is carried out on the basis of the study and analysis of operational, technical documentation, the results of revisions, technical diagnostics and equipment repair, based on the results of monitoring operational parameters, inspecting existing equipment, based on the analysis of the dynamics of corrosion - erosive wear of equipment elements.

A typical work program for assessing the condition of equipment includes the following activities:

Analysis of operational documentation

An analysis of the documentation regulating the conduct of the technological process is carried out. The analysis of the controlled parameters of the technological process by instrumentation and their fixation is carried out. Additionally, the technological possibilities are determined for the transition of installations to an extended overhaul mode of operation (terms for the replacement or regeneration of auxiliary means of ensuring the technological process, such as catalysts, bulking, etc.).

Based on the results of the work, the completeness of control over the technological parameters that ensure the safe operation of the plant equipment is determined.

Analysis of technical documentation for plant equipment

Analysis of technical documentation for vessels and apparatus

The collection and analysis of passport data for vessels and apparatus, as well as materials for surveys, repair work, failures and defects, conclusions specialized organizations. An assessment is made of the compliance of the material design of vessels and apparatuses with design data, the operating conditions of the equipment and the requirements of current regulatory documents.

Based on the results of the work, the technical condition of vessels and apparatuses, the timing of routine maintenance are determined.

Analysis of technical documentation for pipelines

Collection and analysis of passport data for technological pipelines, as well as materials on revisions, repair work, failures and defects, conclusions of specialized organizations are carried out.

According to the results of the work, the technical condition of technological pipelines, the timing of routine maintenance are determined.

Analysis of technical documentation for dynamic equipment

The collection and analysis of passport data for pumping and compressor equipment, as well as materials on surveys, repair work, failures and defects.

Based on the results of the work, the technical condition of pumping and compressor equipment, the timing of routine maintenance are determined.

Conducting field inspection of equipment

Conducting a full-scale examination of vessels and apparatuses

An external inspection of the surfaces of the base metal and welded joints of vessels and apparatuses (in accessible places), assessment of the state of insulation, flange joints, fittings, safety valves, supports is carried out. If necessary and technically possible, selective measurements of the thicknesses of the elements of vessels and apparatuses are carried out.

Field inspection of pipelines

An external inspection of the surfaces of the base metal and welded joints of pipelines (in accessible places), assessment of the state of insulation, flange joints, fittings, safety valves, supports is carried out.

If necessary and technically possible, selective measurements of the thicknesses of pipeline elements are carried out.

Conducting a field survey of dynamic equipment

An external inspection of pumping and compressor equipment is carried out, an inspection of the condition of supports, foundations and fasteners is carried out. If necessary and technically feasible, selective vibrodiagnostic measurements are carried out.

Analysis of corrosion and erosion wear of equipment

The information obtained from the analysis of technical documentation is summarized together with the analysis of the results of a field survey of equipment, the rates of corrosion and erosion wear within the boundaries of individual installations, and the dynamics of corrosion and erosion wear for individual blocks (sections) of installations are determined. Based on the results of the analysis, areas are identified that limit the overhaul cycle of installations.

Analysis of the obtained data and development of a list of measures for the preparation of equipment for installations for operation with a turnaround cycle according to technical condition

Based on the results of the work performed, an assessment of the general technical condition of the equipment of the enterprise's installations is carried out. A list of corrective measures is being formed to allow the installation to be transferred to an extended overhaul cycle structure and ensure further safe operation. Recommendations are being developed to extend the periods between inspections of instrumentation and instrumentation.

The possibility of installing monitoring systems is being assessed to determine the actual technical condition of the equipment in real time.

Financial instability forces enterprises that are in an unstable position to look for ways out of the situation. To do this, the efficiency of production is assessed, possible reserves and reserves are identified, and measures are developed aimed at reducing the cost of production. These tasks cannot be implemented without a comprehensive assessment of the current state of the company, which is carried out with the help of a technical audit.

What is a technical audit and who conducts it?

A technical audit is a special independent examination based on scheduled, comprehensive, extraordinary or thematic inspections.

The task of a technical audit is to determine and clarify the level of technical equipment of the enterprise, the current state of the facility, identify existing problems, develop measures aimed at solving negative issues in the production sector.

A company that has gone through this procedure and put all the documents in order is more likely to pass state control without any problems. Thus, a technical audit is a set of measures aimed at preparing an enterprise for state audits.

Technical audits can be carried out in-house by the organization to save money, or by outsourced expert engineering firms. Despite the high cost of expert services, the involvement of a third-party specialist will be a more justified solution. An independent expert will take a fresh look at the current situation in the organization, conduct a technical examination for it, identify problems, and issue an appropriate conclusion.

The main principles of technical audit include:

  • independence and objectivity. The one who conducts the audit gives an objective assessment of the current situation. This specialist has neither property nor material interest in a particular enterprise;
  • confidentiality. The auditor before the procedure signs an appropriate agreement on non-disclosure of the results of the audit. Information to third parties is allowed to be transferred only on the basis of a request. judiciary or with the consent of the client;
  • competence. The auditor is a person with high level education, professionalism, integrity.

Objectives of a technical audit

The main purpose of the audit is to collect, systematize, analyze, and comprehensively evaluate the information obtained during the audit, as a result of which an expert opinion, recommendations and proposals are issued to bring production facilities and equipment to compliance with established norms, requirements, and rules.

Also, based on the results of the audit, priority measures are developed aimed at preventing emergency situations that are the causes of injuries to employees of the organization, ensuring uninterrupted and safe work equipment.

Other objectives of a technical audit include:

  • checking the work of the operational service;
  • assessment of expediency, cost effectiveness;
  • assessment of the competence of individual or all employees of the company, that is, an audit of technical employees for the compliance of specialists with their positions;
  • correction or formation of a new operational service;
  • verification and control of financial activities, during which costs are compared, performance is evaluated, the company's budget is checked;
  • drawing up an expert opinion on the results of the procedure.

Such a comprehensive check, aimed at achieving all the tasks set, will increase the efficiency of individual enterprise services and help reduce the costs associated with their maintenance.

During the technical audit, all the documentation of the enterprise is subject to study:

  • licenses for technologies implemented in the workflow;
  • equipment passports;
  • internal orders and instructions;
  • accounting logs, safety measures;
  • operational documentation;
  • estimates for overhaul industrial buildings.

The equipment is also tested for serviceability, uninterrupted operation, and safety. In addition, the readings of metering devices are taken, the data on the payments made on account of payment for electricity are verified with the data of the equipment.

Not only internal documents are subject to verification, but also a survey of employees, shop managers, heads of departments is conducted in order to collect the maximum amount of information for drawing up an expert opinion.

Since there are a lot of objects of study during the audit, the expert commission should include several people with skills and knowledge in relevant areas.

The importance of conducting a technical audit for an enterprise

For any organization, a set of verification measures will provide an opportunity to obtain reliable information on the efficiency of the use of all assets and reserves, to identify the state of equipment operation, and the compliance of technical equipment with established requirements.

The audit is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the organization as a whole, identifying strengths and weaknesses in the activity.

In addition, the audit

  • will allow you to find ways to increase profits using existing equipment;
  • predicts the commercial potential of the company;
  • will help to find information on the basis of which decisions will be made to change the strategy for managing the production process;
  • will achieve an effective result in the re-equipment of production.

Which company to give preference for the audit is a purely individual matter. The main thing is that the specialists of an engineering company must have experience and skills in the required field. The head of the audited company, in order to obtain an objective assessment based on the results of the audit, must provide all possible assistance to the experts, provide the requested information.

Stages and features of the audit

Technical audit is a set of activities carried out in several stages:

  • preliminary. Similar enterprises are identified, data about them is collected and processed, information about the current state of the client organization is collected and processed;
  • analytical. Analysis of the current situation for competitors and the client enterprise, comparison of performance indicators of all the objects under study in quantitative and qualitative terms;
  • final: determined best experience, are being developed practical advice for the client, the report is presented to the management of the audited company.

The report includes:

  • list of tasks assigned by the client;
  • Information about current position affairs at the enterprise and basic technological solutions;
  • proposals from the expert commission aimed at resolving issues that will help improve the material and technical situation of the customer;
  • investment calculations - determination of directions for investing funds, approximate terms for the return of investments.

Based on the reports, the enterprise is developing a set of measures aimed at technical re-equipment and equipment of production.


The audit will allow the management of the enterprise to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the current state, assess how effective the management of the company is, change the management strategy if necessary, identify weaknesses and strengths of the activity, stabilize technological processes, and bring the organization to a new level of development.

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Technical audit of an enterprise or building

In recent years, the services of a technical audit of an enterprise or a building have become very relevant. This is one of the most effective ways to improve security both at industrial facilities and in office, administrative or shopping and entertainment buildings.

Demand for operational audit

In the process of conducting a technical audit of the operation of a building, aimed at obtaining an assessment of the safety of a particular object, specialists quite often face difficulties in obtaining reliable and accurate information about its technical condition. This problem is especially relevant for buildings, facilities, installations or equipment that have been in operation for more than 30 years. Many of them no longer fit. modern requirements and are obsolete.

Operation audit from 40 thousand rubles VAT included

Building maintenance costs are a significant part of the budget. The need for their optimization is obvious.

Before setting up the work of technical services, a preliminary check is carried out. It detects all errors and allows you to find directions in which you need to optimize. This process is called a service audit. technical operation". Its essence lies in a thorough check of all the technical components of the company for compliance with the standards. Ovental FM provides a full range of services in this area.

Technical audit is carried out to achieve the following goals:

  • checking the work of the operational service;
  • cost effectiveness assessment;
  • assessment of the competence of employees;
  • correction or formation of a new operation service.

Achieving the set goals will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the services and optimization of the costs of their maintenance. The Technical Operations Audit Center carries out a number of activities:

  • verification of financial activities. Comparison of costs and performance, budget calculation;
  • audit of technical employees of the enterprise. Checking the compliance of personnel qualifications with the positions held, the effectiveness of labor organization;
  • drawing up a conclusion. It includes technical recommendations based on the findings.

Ovental FM specialists check the systems, personnel and technical potential of the building, based on the criteria of the head of the customer company. To identify the main areas of work, our audit center has created a special form. It contains the evaluation criteria and requirements for the operation service.

The main stages of the technical audit of the enterprise

The specific composition of services depends on the size of the organization or its individual branch, but in general, the algorithm is approximately the same.

This procedure is performed in 3 stages. First, experts analyze financial activity operational service. An assessment of statistical data on cost items is made, and their dynamics is also taken into account. After that, the operating budget recommended for execution is formed. At the next stage, the personnel structure of the operational service is analyzed.

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Industrial and technological audit of hazardous production facilities (HPO).

Industrial audit

One of the most significant and common areas of activity, which includes an audit, is an industrial audit. Quite a lot of attention is paid to this process, since it can be used to establish business management. However, unfortunately, not every head of an organization or enterprise is thoroughly familiar with industrial audit. That is why we decided to help you solve this problem.

First, let's look at what industrial audit is. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this concept. Industrial audit is one of the leading areas of audit activity and is a check of various systems with the help of independent highly qualified specialists.

The objects of verification of industrial audit are:

  • Quality control and management systems
  • Used technical and technological solutions
  • Production management systems
  • Technical equipment, buildings and structures, mechanisms, systems and networks, utilities
  • Technical and project documentation

The product of an industrial audit is the expression of an opinion on the validity of the use of these technical and technological solutions, the compliance of the technical condition of equipment and engineering systems with the necessary regulatory requirements, as well as the validity of the methods of managing the production of a given organization or enterprise.

Equally important, along with industrial auditing, is inspection activity. This process is an activity related to the technical supervision of products that have hidden work. Inspection activities should also include activities related to the independent acceptance of technically complex products, consignments of goods with confirmation of their properties, quality and quantity.

Technological audit of a hazardous production facility

Technology audit, includes expert assessment existing technological solutions at the enterprise (operating production or its separate divisions) or designed technological solutions, assessment of the production base and development of recommendations for a set of organizational and technical measures necessary to increase the competitiveness of the considered technological solutions (productions).

Technological audit enables the management of the enterprise and its shareholders to make economically sound technical and organizational decisions.

Brief scheme of organization of work on Technological audit

Stage 1. The customer draws up the Terms of Reference

In which, the customer, as a rule, formulates the task of a comprehensive analysis of production, with an analysis industrial equipment enterprises, major technological processes, with the formation of conclusions on its technical capabilities, assessment of the current organization of production, use of equipment, working hours, tools, materials;

Stage 2 Work of specialists of the expert organization at the facilities of the enterprise.

Familiarization with the production facility (equipment on the equipment, manufactured products), a team of specialists, etc.

3. Stage Preparation expert organization analytical report with conclusions, suggestions and recommendations.

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