Fixed assets growth rate formula. Analysis of the main industrial and production assets. Analysis of the structure and dynamics of fixed assets


K PR = OF V - OF L ,


Indicators and ways to improve the efficiency of the use of fixed assets.

Economic efficiency the use of production fixed assets is characterized by the degree of impact on increasing the volume of production, increasing labor productivity and profitability of the enterprise.

Indicators characterizing the main production assets, divided into two groups:

1) indicators of the relative size of funds;

2) indicators economic efficiency use of fixed production assets.

I. 1. Average annual cost of fixed assets:

OF SR = OF NG + OF V * T VOF L * T L ,

where: T V - the number of months of functioning of the introduced fixed assets, months;

T L- number of months of absence of liquidated fixed assets, months.

2. Funding characterizes the cost of fixed assets per 1 unit

land area:


where: S CX - area of ​​agricultural land, ha;

3. Capital-labor ratio characterizes the degree of equipment of labor of workers with fixed assets.

F W = OF SR,

where: R - number average annual workers, pers.

II. 1. Return on assets characterizes the volume of products produced from each ruble used

for this fixed assets:

F OTD = VP ,


where: VP - the volume of manufactured products for the period, rub.

2. Capital intensity reflects the amount of fixed assets in value terms spent on the production of a unit of output:


3. Rate of return is determined by the ratio of profit to the sum of the average annual cost of fixed and circulating assets and is expressed as a percentage. Reflects how much profit is received on capital.

N P = P_ ___ * 100,


where: P - profit of the enterprise, thousand rubles,

obs- average annual availability working capital, thousand roubles.

Ways to improve efficiency production fixed assets

· Reducing the number of idle equipment;

· Decreased intra-shift and all-day equipment downtime for various reasons;

· Increasing the shift ratio of equipment operation;

Establishing the rhythm of production;

· Increasing the level of cooperation and specialization of production;

· Improving the work of auxiliary and service industries and workshops of the enterprise;

· Improving logistics and operational planning;

· Studying the needs of the market, possible quick readjustment of production;

· Improving the material incentives for workers.

Fixed asset growth rate- reflects the relative increase in fixed assets due to their renewal.

fixed assets growth rate formula

Fixed asset growth rate = (Value of newly commissioned fixed assets - value of retired fixed assets) / Value of fixed assets at the end of this period


Growth rate of fixed assets

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The status of an organization can be determined by economic indicators. One of them is the growth rate of fixed assets. You can learn more about it in the following article.

The increase in fixed assets occurs when the price of assets credited for the year is greater than the price of retired fixed assets for the same time.

The receipt of fixed assets means their capitalization and introduction into use. Enrollment can be done in many different ways, including:

Fixed assets may be retired for the following reasons:

  • Realization or donation;
  • Contribution to the authorized capital of another company;
  • liquidation;
  • shortage or loss;
  • Liquidation or theft;
  • Return to the investor upon his withdrawal from the legal entity.

Calculation of the indicator

The growth rate of fixed assets is calculated using the following formula:

Kpr \u003d (OSvvg - Osvybg) / OSkg.

  • OSvvg - the price of fixed assets that were received for a specific period;
  • OSvybg - the price of OS that retired for a certain time;
  • OSkg - the cost of fixed assets, which are on the balance sheet of the organization at the end of the review period.

However, the OS increase (the numerator in the formula above) can be calculated in another way:

PrOS \u003d KVg - Vvos - (NSkg - NSng).

  • KVg - the amount of capital investments made per year;
  • Vvos - funds that accompany the disposal of the OS;
  • NSkg and NSng - construction in progress at the beginning and end of the period.

PrOS \u003d Fepr * (VPp - VPb - PrVPg).

  • Fepr - expected capital intensity at the end of the period;
  • VPp and VPb - production of gross goods in the expected and base periods;
  • PrVPg is the increase in gross goods in the expected year compared to the base year.

Indicator value

This indicator clearly reflects the growth of industrial and technical capabilities in the company. The index does not have a standard. It only reflects the processes taking place in the company, associated with providing it with the necessary values ​​for non-production and production purposes.

Organizations calculate the growth rate of fixed assets for the future in order to make decisions on the need to update funds, as well as to find sources of funding in the event of a positive decision.

As practice shows, the growth of fixed assets is mainly associated with the introduction of new assets into use. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze whether the plan was executed and how its implementation affected the volume of production of goods. This means that it is necessary to analyze not only the value, but also the qualitative (whether there is a favorable result from investments) value of the increase.

To analyze qualitative changes, a study is made of the dynamics of the indicator of growth of fixed assets over the past few years.

The coefficient of renewal (input) of fixed assets (K update) proves specific gravity new fixed assets as part of all fixed assets and is calculated by the formula:

where C input is the initial cost of newly introduced fixed assets for the analyzed period, thousand rubles;

With con - the value of fixed assets at the end of the same period, thousand rubles.

The retirement rate of fixed assets (K vyb) shows what proportion of fixed assets that were available at the beginning of the reporting period, retired during the reporting period due to dilapidation and wear and tear, and is determined by the formula:

where WITH vyb - the cost of retired fixed assets for the analyzed period;

From the beginning - the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the analyzed period, thousand rubles.

The growth rate of fixed assets (K pr) characterizes the process of updating fixed assets, taking into account the amount of disposal of obsolete funds and is determined by the formula:

An example of calculating the coefficients of renewal, disposal and growth of fixed assets for the analyzed period of 2003-2006. is given in table. one.

Table 1. Calculation of the coefficients of renewal, disposal and growth of fixed assets for the analyzed period



for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year



fixed assets, thousand rubles

Total for the analyzed period

Each enterprise must independently, based on its capabilities, economic feasibility, as well as development prospects and competitive requirements, determine the advantages and preference for entry, disposal or growth.

Analysis of the technical condition of fixed assets is carried out by comparing the coefficients with each other. So, for example, comparing the coefficient of renewal of fixed assets with the retirement rate allows you to establish the direction of change in fixed assets: if the ratio of the coefficients is less than one, then the fixed assets are directed mainly to replace obsolete ones; if the ratio of the coefficients is greater than one, new fixed assets are directed to replenish existing ones. In our example, fixed assets for all the years of the study were directed to replenish existing funds, which ensured their significant increase.

When determining the technical condition of fixed assets, one should also calculate the period of their renewal. This allows the company to more clearly see its possibilities for updating and the prospects for the development of its technical base.

The term for the renewal of fixed assets (T rev) is determined by the ratio of the initial value of fixed assets at the beginning of the period to the value of received fixed assets (C input) for the analyzed period:

Based on the data in Table. 1, the update period for the years of the analyzed period is as follows (Table 2).

Table 2. Terms of renewal of fixed assets

1. The initial cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

2. Commissioning of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

3. Period of renewal of fixed assets, years (line 3 = line 1 / line 2)

As you can see, the fact of a systematic reduction in the period of renewal of fixed assets is positive, which for the analyzed period decreased by more than 5.5 years.

The depreciation coefficient of fixed assets (K depreciation) characterizes the average degree of their depreciation and is determined by the formula:

where C out - the cost of depreciation of all or the corresponding types of fixed assets, thousand rubles;

C n - the cost of all or certain types of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

The coefficient of validity of fixed assets (K g) shows what proportion of their residual value of the initial cost for a certain period. It is determined by the formula:

The usefulness ratio of fixed assets can also be calculated by subtracting the depreciation percentage from 100%.

The calculation of the coefficients of wear and tear of fixed assets is carried out according to Table. 3.

Table 3. Calculation of wear and tear coefficients of fixed assets at the enterprise for 2003-2006

The initial cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

Residual value of fixed assets, thousand rubles

Depreciation of fixed assets, thousand rubles

Wear factor

Acceptance ratio

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

gr. 6 = gr. 2 - gr. 4

gr. 7 = gr. 3 - gr. five

gr. 8 = gr. 6 / gr. 2

gr. 9 = gr. 7 / gr. 3

gr. 10 = gr. 1 - gr. 8

gr. 11 = gr. 1 - gr. nine

As you can see, the depreciation of fixed assets at the enterprise is significant (20%), but the positive is not the deterioration of the coefficient of validity of fixed assets, but its stabilization.

Analysis of the technical condition of fixed assets requires the enterprise to develop a program for the introduction of new equipment and the commissioning of new production facilities. At the same time, special attention is paid to the introduction of advanced equipment, to an increase in the share of highly mechanized and automated production processes that increase the competitiveness of the enterprise and its products.

For supporting technical level enterprise, its smooth functioning and development, it is necessary to perform work on the maintenance of fixed assets.

  • analysis of the implementation of the plan for the repair of fixed assets;
  • determination of the share of capital repair costs to the average annual cost of fixed assets and to the amount of depreciation;
  • analysis of the repair base of the enterprise.

Analysis of the implementation of the plan for the repair of fixed assets on the basis of the primary factory accounting data allows us to determine:

  • repair costs - total;
  • including the cost of capital repairs and out of it the cost of repairs carried out by an economic method.

Comparison of the costs according to the plan and the actual data allows for all the analyzed indicators, as well as for the calculation of the share of overhaul and the share of work performed by the enterprise itself, to analyze the implementation of the plan for the repair of fixed assets.

Calculation of the share of capital repair costs to the average annual cost of fixed assets and to the amount of depreciation allows you to determine how fully the internal source of financing is used, and to establish how the volume of a repair work depending on the average annual cost of fixed assets.

Practice shows that enterprises often do not fully use depreciation funds for repairs or for other purposes.

To determine the amount of financing for repair work and the level of its use, it is advisable to create a repair fund at enterprises. It is especially important to create it at those enterprises where large volumes of repair work or complex and expensive works repair of individual objects. At the same time, the repair fund should not be created in thousands of rubles, as is done at many enterprises, but as a percentage of the average annual cost of fixed assets. This allows you to change the amount of financing for repair work for the reporting periods, depending on the change in the same periods of their average annual cost.

Economists of the enterprise, with the involvement of the chief mechanic and power engineer, with knowledge of the preventive maintenance system of the expected volume of repair work, the amount of repair costs for a number of years of the past period, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise and a number of other factors, determine the estimate of repair costs for the planned year. Next, the proportion of the cost estimate as a percentage of the value of fixed assets at the beginning of the year is calculated. And this percentage for the entire planned year is taken as fundamental for determining the amount of repair costs for the planned period.

For example, the estimated repair costs for 2006 amounted to 200 thousand rubles. The average annual value of fixed assets is set for 2006 at 4,000 thousand rubles. We determine the specific weight of the estimate of repair costs to the cost of fixed assets (200 / 4000) × 100 = 5%. Next, the amount of repair costs for each reporting period is calculated. If at the end of the first quarter the cost of fixed assets was 3800 thousand rubles, then the volume of financing for this period was 190 thousand rubles. (3800 thousand rubles × 5%), and if for the II quarter fixed assets amount to 4300 thousand rubles, then the amount of financing for repair work will be 215 thousand rubles. (4300 × 5), etc.

This approach to the formation of repair costs allows you to determine the amount of costs with a sufficient degree of accuracy in advance, prevent sharp fluctuations in the cost of production for the reporting period and predetermine the expected profit.

To determine the repair capabilities of the enterprise and the need for development, an analysis of the repair base is carried out. To do this, it is recommended to compare over a 3-5-year period of time average headcount workers of the enterprise with the number of workers employed in repair services, as well as the number of units of installed equipment at the plant with its number in repair services. At the same time, if possible, it is necessary to take into account the technical parameters of the equipment used, the change in the cost of repairs in the cost of production, the level of qualification of the repair personnel, the average level of their wages and other indicators.

Analysis of technical and economic indicators of the use of fixed assets

Analysis of technical and economic indicators of the use of fixed assets includes:

  • analysis of indicators of equipment use by time and power;
  • analysis of indicators of equipment use by quantity;
  • shift ratio analysis;
  • general analysis of capital productivity;
  • factor analysis of capital productivity;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of the development of fixed assets.

Analysis of equipment usage indicators by time and power

Analysis of the use of equipment over time (extensive use) is reduced to determining the changes that have occurred in the reporting period compared to the base period by reducing various kinds of downtime and unscheduled interruptions.

Extensive use of equipment consists in determining the time of its actual operation and comparing it with various time funds: calendar (T k), regime (T p), arranged according to plan (T pl).

The level of use of equipment by time is characterized by coefficients calculated as the ratio of the actual time worked: to the calendar fund; to the regime fund; to the fund disposable according to the plan (see Table 4).

Table 4. An example of calculating the use of equipment by time per month



Absolute expression

Number of calendar days in a month

Number of working days

Number of shifts

Set shift duration, hours

Number of installed equipment

Number of operating equipment

Calendar fund of time, machine-hours (30 × 24 × 10)

Regime fund of installed equipment (22 × 2 × 8 × 10)

Scheduled repair time, machine-hours

Planned time fund, machine hours (3520 - 120)

Downtime, machine-hours

Actual hours worked, machine-hours


a) T fact / T to

b) T fact / T r

c) T fact / T pl

The analysis of equipment utilization by capacity (intensive use) expresses the degree of use of the capacity of the equipment during its actual operation.

The level of use of equipment in terms of power is characterized by the coefficients of intensive equipment load (K in), calculated as the ratio of the basic specific labor intensity of products (T c. b) to the reported specific labor intensity (T c. from):

The specific labor intensity (T y) of products, respectively, in the base or reporting periods is determined by the ratio of the actual labor intensity of products (T fact) to the actual volume of production (VP) in value terms:

At enterprises producing homogeneous products, the indicator of intensive use of equipment is determined by the formula:

where H fact is the actual production output per unit of time in the corresponding natural units of measurement;

H max - the maximum possible number of products according to the norms of equipment productivity for the same period of time and in the same units of measurement.

Under the productivity rate, the estimated potential productivity of equipment per unit of time of its operation is taken.

Analysis of equipment usage indicators by quantity

The analysis of the use of equipment by quantity shows the quantitative change in the use of equipment at the enterprise in the reporting period compared to the base one.

Available equipment - all equipment of the enterprise, regardless of the place of its divergence and technical condition.

Installed equipment means equipment put into operation, including overhaul and for modernization.

Actual operating equipment - equipment that was in operation, regardless of the duration of its operation during the reporting period.

The level of use of equipment by quantity is characterized by coefficients calculated as ratios:

a) installed (or actually operating) equipment to cash, i.e. This ratio is used to analyze the dynamics of the use of the equipment available on the balance sheet, and allows you to find out the amount of uninstalled equipment and outline measures to speed up its commissioning;

b) actually operating equipment to the installed one, that is, this coefficient characterizes the degree of use of the amount of equipment intended for operation at one enterprise within a certain period.

An example of the calculation is given in Table. five.

Table 5. Equipment usage analysis

Type of equipment


Including in workshops:



of it in groups

of it in groups

metal cutting

metal cutting

1. Available equipment

2. Installed equipment

3. Actually working


page 2 / page 1

page 3 / page 1

page 3 / page 2

The impact on the return on assets of a quantitative change (reduction or increase) of uninstalled and unused (or surplus) equipment in the reporting period compared to the base period is determined by comparing the return on assets for the base period based on the base output:

a) at the cost of fixed assets in the base period;

b) at the basic cost of fixed assets less (or adding) the amount of reduction (or increase) of uninstalled and unused (or surplus) equipment compared to the base period.

Example 1

The cost of fixed assets in the base period is 15,000 thousand rubles, and the volume of gross output is 30,000 thousand rubles. In the reporting period, uninstalled and unused equipment decreased by 1,000 thousand rubles. The change in capital productivity will be:

a) with the value of fixed assets and the volume of gross output in the base period, the return on assets is equal to: 30,000/15,000 = 2 rubles;

b) with the basic volume of gross output and the basic value of fixed assets, taking into account their reduction by 1000 thousand rubles. the return on assets is: 30,000 / (15,000 - 1,000) = 2.14 rubles.

The increase in capital productivity as a result of the reduction of uninstalled and unused equipment will be: 2.14 - 2 = 0.14 rubles, or 14 kopecks. from each ruble of the value of fixed assets.

Shift ratio analysis

Shift ratio (K cm) is an indicator that characterizes the use of the equipment fleet in terms of quantity and time. It reflects the time of full-shift use of a unit of installed equipment and is defined as the ratio of worked machine-shifts (P 1, P 2, P 3) to the amount of installed equipment (P set):

K cm \u003d (P 1 + P 2 + P 3) / P set.

Example 2

The enterprise installed 300 units of equipment, 200 machines worked in the first shift, 150 in the second, and 100 in the third. The shift ratio (K cm) is: (200 + 150 + 100) / 300 = 1.5 shifts.

The change in capital productivity due to changes in the shift coefficient (ΔF cm) in the reporting period compared to the base period is determined by the formula:

Example 3

The return on assets in the base period (F b) was 5 rubles, the shift ratio in the reporting period (K see from) - 1.5; in the base (K see b) period - 1.4. The decrease in capital productivity due to changes in the shift ratio amounted to ≈ 0.36 rubles, or 36 kopecks.


Formulas for calculation


Renovation of fixed assets, K update

K obn \u003d C cc / C to

С вв - the initial cost of newly introduced fixed assets for the analyzed period

C to - the value of fixed assets at the end of the same period

Disposal of property, plant and equipment K

To vyb = With vyb / With nach

With vyb - the cost of retired fixed assets for the analyzed period

From the beginning - the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the analyzed year

Increase in fixed assets K pr

K pr \u003d (C iv -C vyb) / C to

Depreciation of fixed assets To depreciation

K out \u003d C out / C p

With out - the cost of depreciation of all fixed assets or certain types

C n - the initial cost of all fixed assets or certain types

Validity of fixed assets K g

K g \u003d (C p -C out) / C p

See symbols above.

The coefficient can also be calculated by subtracting the wear percentage from 100%. Analysis of the technical condition of fixed assets is carried out by comparing the coefficients with each other. For example, when comparing the renewal ratio with the retirement rate of fixed assets, if the ratio of the coefficients is less than one, then the fixed assets are directed mainly to replace obsolete ones, if the ratio is greater than one, new fixed assets are directed to replenish the existing ones.

Analysis of technical and economic indicators of the use of fixed assets includes: analysis of equipment use indicators by quantity; shift ratio analysis; general analysis of capital productivity; factor analysis of capital productivity; analysis of the effectiveness of the development of fixed assets. The main cost indicator that characterizes the level of use of fixed assets is the rate of return on assets (F), that is, the output of finished products per ruble of fixed assets. The return on assets is defined as the ratio of the volume of production (OP) in monetary terms to the average annual cost of fixed assets (C sg): F = OP / C sg. As indicators of the volume of production, you can use gross, marketable and sold products at contractual prices. The change in capital productivity (F meas) for the enterprise for a certain reporting period compared with the base period is determined by the following formula: F meas = OP from /C - OP b /C.

The volume of production at the enterprise depends on the change:

1. average annual cost of fixed assets;

2. the level of return on assets.

The change in the volume of production (OP change) due to changes in the average annual cost of fixed assets is determined by the formula: OP change = (C - C) * F b. The change in the volume of production due to changes in the level of capital productivity is calculated as follows: OP meas = (F from - F b) * C, where F and F - capital productivity, respectively, of the reporting and base periods.

Since the calculation of the rate of return on assets for all fixed assets does not take into account the impact of changes in their specific structure, the rate of return on assets is also calculated in relation to the active part of fixed assets (F act) according to the formula: F act \u003d OP / C, where C is the average annual cost of the active part fixed assets. It is also recommended that the return on assets be calculated as the ratio of profit (P) to the average annual cost of fixed assets: F \u003d P / C sg

The level of capital productivity is influenced by various factors, among which are: the share of the active part of fixed assets; the level of production cooperation; the level of specialization of production; the level of prices for products; use of equipment in terms of time and power. The influence of individual factors on capital productivity is determined similarly to the calculation of changes in capital productivity due to the shift coefficient, where instead of the shift coefficient, the calculation is carried out according to the corresponding factor for the base and reporting period. The level of provision of employees with fixed assets is determined by the capital-labor ratio (PV). It shows how much the cost of fixed assets falls on each employee, and is calculated by the formula: FV \u003d C sg / H ppp, where P ppp is the number of industrial and production personnel at the enterprise. It is obvious that if the capital-labor ratio grows at a higher rate than labor productivity, then this leads to a decrease in the return on assets and causes the need for additional capital investments. In practice, when planning for the need for fixed assets, the capital intensity index of products (FU) is used, which is calculated by the formula: FU = C sg /OP. This indicator characterizes the necessary amount of fixed assets to obtain 1 ruble of production. A generalizing indicator of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets is the percentage of the increase in labor productivity (PT meas) to the increase in the capital-labor ratio (FV meas) of one worker: This ratio shows how many percent of the increase in labor productivity is accounted for by 1% of the increase in capital-labor ratio. This indicator can be used both for a separate unit and for the company as a whole to analyze the use of fixed assets. The use of fixed assets can be considered effective if at least 1% of the increase in labor productivity is accounted for by 1% of the increase in the capital-labor ratio.

We can recommend two groups of measures to increase the level of use of fixed assets. The first group - recommendations, the implementation of which does not require significant capital investments, and their implementation can be carried out in a relatively short period of time. This group may include recommendations for: reducing the amount of idle equipment; reduction of intra-shift and all-day downtime of equipment for various reasons; increasing the shift ratio of equipment operation; establishing the rhythm of production; increasing the level of cooperation and specialization of production; improvement of the work of auxiliary and maintenance services and workshops of the enterprise; improvement of material and technical supply and operational and production planning; studying the needs of the market, the possibilities of quick changeover of production; improvement of material incentives for workers and other measures.

The second group - recommendations, the implementation of which depends not only on the enterprise, but on many external circumstances, requires certain capital investments and a longer time for their implementation. This group may include recommendations on: improvement of technological processes; increasing the level of computerization and automation of the main and auxiliary production processes; raising the level of technical condition and maintenance of fixed assets; technical re-equipment individual workshops and areas of the enterprise.

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