Legal services. Legal advice for organizations Legal advice for legal entities


In civil law, there are two types of subjects: individuals and legal entities. At the same time, the former perform legally significant actions from time to time, in everyday life, as a rule, without directly touching the legal spheres, and the second of the types of subjects performs each action, affecting the legal field.

A legal entity in its economic and organizational activities daily performs various actions, each of which is legally significant. If we talk about the "personality" of a legal entity, then we can see: falling out of the legal field, it ceases to exist. That is, if an individual in everyday life may not touch the legal field, for example, by talking, then the only possible form of existence of the will of a legal entity is the performance of legally significant actions.

As follows from what has been said, a legal entity exists only in the legal field. Thus, in order to conduct the affairs of an organization, it is necessary to have legal skills. However, small companies do not always have a lawyer on staff. This does not affect the daily work, but in the event of difficult situations, legal advice is required for legal entities.

Our company provides the following services on this issue:

  • legal advice on the registration of a legal entity;
  • consultations when choosing the organizational and legal form of a legal entity, determining the governing bodies required for registration;
  • preparation of a package of documents and registration of a legal entity;
  • legal consultation legal entities on the organization of activities and paperwork;
  • consultations on possible difficulties in commercial activities, methods of their elimination and prevention;
  • legal advice to legal entities on issues labor relations and them documentation;
  • practical legal assistance in the event of complex legal situations when a person carries out commercial activities;
  • legal advice to legal entities on other issues arising in their work.

As a rule, the higher the level of organization of the company, the earlier its head or other person responsible for the activities of the organization realizes the need to seek advice from relevant specialists. This speaks of the competent organization of work in the company and the foresight of the leader.

Therefore, anticipating the possible occurrence of problems, such a leader turns to companies providing services in the field of law - legal advice for legal entities. As you know, by seeking advice at an early stage, when the prerequisites for future problems arise, you can prevent their development and, accordingly, significantly reduce the costs that may follow if the situation gets out of control.

  • Preparation of working documentation and contracts in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise.
  • Legal advice on taxation issues.
  • Prevention of receivables.
  • Providing one-time legal services business.
  • Development of optimal tax schemes and assistance in resolving disputes with the Federal Tax Service.
  • Legal service of the enterprise "on a turn-key basis".
  • Completion of standard legal documents for the needs of the organization.
  • Protection of the interests of the company in courts.

Legal services for medium-sized businesses

  • Legal advice in all areas of the company's activities.
  • Representation in courts of various instances.
  • Preparation of the necessary business documentation, including contracts.
  • Assistance with tax audits.
  • Provision of legal services to businesses in resolving property, corporate, administrative and tax disputes.
  • Elimination and prevention of the appearance of receivables.
  • Assistance with opening bank accounts.
  • Legal support of business on a one-time and ongoing basis.
  • Assessment of possible risks in doing business.
  • Assistance in conducting legal examinations.

Legal services for large businesses

  • Registration, re-registration and reorganization of LLC, IP, JSC.
  • Opening bank accounts.
  • External audit of the work of full-time lawyers.
  • Development of contracts, agreements, charter of companies and other documentation.
  • Legal advice to superiors and subordinates on issues of corporate, labor, tax, migration, business, civil, customs and procedural legislation.
  • Carrying out the bankruptcy procedure of the enterprise.
  • Assessment of possible risks in the conduct of the organization's activities.
  • Conducting legal due diligence.
  • Protection of the interests of the company in courts of various instances and state bodies.
  • Drafting of procedural documents.
  • Protection of the organization's intellectual property.
  • Assistance in the collection of debts.
  • Elimination and suppression of raider seizures.
  • Provision of legal services to businesses on a one-time or ongoing basis.
  • Peaceful settlement of disputes with contractors.
  • Legal support economic activity enterprises.
  • Assistance with inspections by the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office and other government agencies.

What issues are resolved in the course of our interaction?

Lawyer services for legal entities include the following range of work:

  • Detailed consultation of the client on any issues related to transaction support, taxation nuances, representation in courts of various instances, resolution of administrative, property and other disputes, etc.
  • Analysis of available materials and drawing up a conclusion on the problem with references to legislative acts that regulate this category of cases.
  • Development of contracts, agreements and other documents in accordance with the needs of the company.
  • Settlement of the dispute in pre-trial order, support of negotiations of the parties.
  • Conducting your own investigation with sending requests to various authorities.
  • Assistance in developing a competent strategy for conducting the process.
  • Preparation of necessary procedural documents (petitions, claims, etc.).
  • Representing the interests of the client at all court hearings.
  • Obtaining a court decision and a writ of execution.
  • Challenging the conclusion in the appeal and cassation mode.

Cooperation options

Turning to the specialists of the Moscow law firm "Strong Will", you will get rid of the need to hire your own lawyer. Working with narrowly specialized specialists on outsourcing is more profitable in terms of price-quality ratio.

Legal services provided by Yustikom will increase the security of your company and optimize staff costs. Nowadays, few businesses can afford to keep a full-time lawyer. This is due to two reasons: the lack of economic feasibility and the difficulty in finding a qualified employee.

Legal services for legal entities and organizations is not the only activity of our company. We also help individuals in resolving contentious issues. The provision of services is carried out by narrow specialists who have extensive experience in solving cases of any complexity.

Yusticom specialists can solve the following problems:

· Claims to individuals.

As practice shows, independent filing of a claim is fraught with non-acceptance of the document or leaving the claim without movement. That is why, in order to protect your interests, you should entrust the preparation of the application to a lawyer. He will take into account all the nuances that are necessary for the acceptance and detailed consideration of the claim, and will also draw it up in accordance with all the rules: he will set out in detail the information in the required volumes, clearly formulate the subject of the claims, attach all the necessary documents in the correct order, etc.

· Disputes under the DDU agreement.

DDU is a shared construction agreement, which today is universally concluded when selling housing at the construction stage. Unfortunately, in the matter of protecting rights, the developer is always in a better position, because large companies often have a qualified lawyer on their staff. Disputes under the DDU agreement often arise, and therefore our lawyers are ready to help with solving even the most complex problems.

· Disputes under the DDP agreement.

In recent years this method trade supplies is particularly relevant. The global and industrial crisis lead to the fact that sellers are forced to fight for the attention of buyers, and therefore more often assume responsibility for the delivery and full payment of duties and customs fees.

There are many nuances when drawing up a DCF agreement, and therefore disputes often arise. For example, the parties may agree that part of the costs will be paid by the buyer. In this case, it is required to draw up the contract as carefully as possible, because if at least one condition is not reflected in the document, then it will be impossible to prove its discussion.

In addition, Yusticom will help resolve disputes between individuals for the supply of goods, which often arise due to the formal nature of the conclusion of the contract and the omission of important facts in it.

· Corporate disputes.

A corporate dispute is a dispute that is related to the creation of a legal entity, the management of a legal entity, or participation in it. These disputes are related to participants when they conduct a joint business, with register holders, with ownership of shares or shares (if Joint-Stock Company) etc.

Yusticom specializes in conducting cases in arbitration courts aimed at settling corporate disputes. If you contact our company, you will receive proper legal support even at the stage of preparation for litigation. We will conduct a legal analysis of transactions, prepare a calculation of losses, request the necessary documents from government agencies and prepare all the necessary set of documents that will help resolve the dispute in your favor.

· Debt recovery.

Our company will help you collect debt even in the most difficult situations. Litigation is very effective method return of funds, provided that the fact of transferring money is documented and proven, but not everyone draws up an agreement in accordance with all the rules. This is always done by loans, but if you gave a debt on receipt or even in words, then the chance to win a case in court is sharply reduced. At the same time, our company will help resolve the issue of any complexity, even if you only have SMS or Internet correspondence with the debtor.

Inheritance disputes.

Our lawyers will represent in court your interests on recognition, wills invalid, in the restoration of the terms of acceptance of the inheritance that were missed, recognition of the rights to a share in the inheritance and other disputes.

· If consumer protection law is violated.

In accordance with Article 13 of the Law Russian Federation"On Protection of Consumer Rights" for violation of consumer rights, the manufacturer (seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) is liable under the law or the contract. Our company, depending on the current situation, will help to recover losses or oblige the manufacturer to pay a penalty. If you are a manufacturer, we will help you find the grounds for exemption from liability by studying the situation in detail.

· Tax disputes.

Unfortunately, the tax authorities are not always aimed at an objective verification of the taxpayer. Often the tax authorities charge additional taxes to companies, doing everything possible for this: they request documents that are not related to the reason for the audit, summon directors and accountants for questioning, ask for an answer or explanation by letter, etc. Because of this, disputes often arise that are resolved in court.

Yusticom successfully resolves tax disputes, and also helps to avoid them, in the course of monitoring audits and other pre-trial procedures. If additional taxation has already happened, then we will provide full legal support for your position in court.

· Representation in court.

One of our main specializations, and therefore we will be able to protect your rights in the most effective way.

· Complaint work

Claim work requires specialized knowledge and the ability to work, based on the existing situation. Some companies entrust claims work to secretaries or the records management department, which is fundamentally not true. Firstly, it burdens employees more, and secondly, it can have negative consequences for the company. It is best to redirect this activity to an outsourcing company, for example, Yustikom, which will quickly carry out all necessary work and save the company from fines or damages.

Yusticom employs highly specialized lawyers and lawyers, including:

Medical lawyer.

If there is a need to challenge the methods or results of treatment, to prove a medical error, which entailed serious consequences for the health or life of a person. Only a qualified specialist will be able to bring the case to a successful end, because patients do not own all necessary information and can not always assess the legitimacy of the doctor's actions.

In addition to providing assistance to individuals, a medical lawyer will provide his services and medical organizations. It will help to formalize contractual relations with clients and resolve medical disputes that may arise in case of dissatisfaction with the quality of services provided or violation of the rules of the treatment regimen, which led to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

· Family Lawyer.

Unfortunately, not every family dispute can be resolved on its own. In this case, a family lawyer from Yustikom will be able to help you. Contacting a specialist will help free up personal time from long and sometimes humiliating proceedings.

Lawyer of "YUSTIKOM" company will provide professional representation in court and defend your interests.

When contacting our company, the unpleasant situation that has arisen will be analyzed from a legal point of view, thanks to which it will be possible to find a solution to any problem. The lawyer will consult, help to collect and systematize the evidence base, develop a legal position and prepare all the necessary procedural documents. Also, the lawyer will be directly involved in the court.

Our company also provides full legal services for organizations from A to Z. Turning to "YUSTIKOM", you get at your disposal the entire management potential of our company in the field of legal business support services - from the establishment of a company to its liquidation. We will help to resolve any issues that arise, and most importantly, all responsibility for the actions of our specialists lies on our shoulders. We also bear full financial responsibility.



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The portal contains outsourcing companies offering legal services to legal entities in Moscow. Many commercial organizations that do not have a qualified lawyer on their staff sooner or later face the need to obtain legal assistance. Timely appeal to a professional lawyer will help to avoid huge financial losses and other negative consequences. At the same time, piece-rate legal advice often turns out to be much more profitable than the permanent maintenance of an employee in the state.

Tables convenient for comparison show the cost of legal services to legal entities in Moscow. To find a really good specialist, we recommend that you study the reviews of portal visitors, in which they share their impressions of their cooperation. Having studied all the information provided, you will easily find a professional lawyer with extensive experience.

One-time legal advice or subscription service of the company?

Applying for legal assistance to specialized firms has several important advantages. In particular, it is the presence of lawyers in different areas, which will solve any problems, from obtaining licenses to arbitration and problems with personnel.

A one-time legal consultation will be useful for those who want to get an answer to specific questions, have doubts about the correctness of certain actions, and are looking for a way to solve problems that have arisen. As a rule, this is communication with a specialist for strictly defined tasks, after which further contact is interrupted until the following problems appear.

An alternative will be legal services to legal entities with subscription services. In this case, an agreement is concluded between the customer and the contractor, the number of calls, additional services that the company can count on are discussed. This option is suitable for those who do not plan to start their own legal department, but periodically need qualified legal assistance.

What will be useful legal assistance for an individual entrepreneur or LLC?

Legal support for companies can be varied, as it is often necessary to involve lawyers of different qualifications to solve problems. In this case, contacting a third-party company is much more economical than keeping your own specialists.

Qualified lawyers will prepare and draw up contracts, get acquainted with the nuances of the case and take part in working negotiations, will represent the customer when communicating with local governments or state authorities, as well as other organizations. Lawyers will be useful in the current activities of the firm. They will help to issue reporting documentation, draw up orders and acts, and conduct office work.

Special attention deserves the representation of the interests of the client in judiciary, assistance in solving problems in pre-trial order. Lawyers will carry out special claim work and draw up a statement of claim in court, file a complaint or application against the actions of officials.

Legal advice to organizations. Legal advice for legal entities. Providing legal assistance to enterprises.

On the this moment It should be noted that the scope of possible issues of legal advice to organizations and individual entrepreneurs is very, very diverse. At the same time, based on the established practice, such issues can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Contract law - the development of certain legal documents for legal entities and verification of the correctness of their execution. Consultations on the inclusion of additional amendments to agreements and contracts. Most often these are contracts of legal entities for storage, transportation, supply and transportation.
  • Real estate, in particular, issues on concluding and terminating a contract for the sale of buildings, structures and structures, leasing this real estate, conducting registration procedures and preparing all the set of documents necessary for such a procedure, etc.
  • Labor law - all issues related to payment wages, pensions, holidays and decrees.
  • Customs and tax law - consultations and resolution of issues regarding the payment of taxes and all kinds of fees.

Legal advice can be provided both orally and in writing with the issuance of an appropriate legal opinion to the client. Lawyers in each case and fully try to take into account the interests and wishes of the client himself, and also help him to make right choice some form of legal advice.

For advice please contact:

You need to choose a lawyer or a lawyer and make an appointment with him for a consultation.

Corporate disputes Criminal cases, Arbitration Tax disputes, Banks

Why do clients entrust their cases to attorneys and lawyers of Moscow Advocate?

We have accumulated extensive experience in pre-trial settlement of disputes, as well as conducting cases in courts. Cases are handled by professional lawyers and lawyers. Our organization is the Collegium of Advocates, and our activities comply with the Federal Law "On Advocacy and Advocacy in Russia", unlike ordinary LLCs and legal centers that are not controlled by anyone.

Lawyers and Lawyers analyze each case, study judicial practice. This approach allows you to develop an individual defense strategy for a particular case. High qualification and professionalism allow you to receive the service of proper quality.

Our Office is located in the very center of Moscow on Tverskaya Street, within walking distance from the metro, which allows you to quickly respond and resolve issues that suddenly arise.

You see the real contacts of lawyers and lawyers and can contact them directly, unlike other offers like: Get a free consultation or order a call back. If, having assessed the situation, we understand that the case is obviously losing, we immediately speak openly about it. We do not impose a service if it is not needed.

By entrusting us with the conduct of the case in court, you can optionally not participate in court hearings, you save your time and money and, in the end, get the finished result.

How we are working?

You sign up for a consultation with us.
Arriving at the office at the appointed time, you get advice, as well as clear and understandable STEP INSTRUCTIONS about what should be done to solve your problem.
You get clear and COMPLETE COST INFORMATION our services in case you wish to order them to our specialists. Our rates will pleasantly surprise you)
You conclude an agreement for the provision of legal assistance with the necessary list of services and receive a comprehensive implementation of services "TURNKEY" .
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