What is the name of the production of homogeneous products by the enterprise. Specialization (C) is the concentration of production of homogeneous products in individual industries, enterprises, workshops. plan on the board


The labor resources of the country are formed primarily from the population of working age.

Of the total number working age population(women - 16-54, men - 16-59 years old) in 1959 amounted to 4447.0 thousand people; in 1979 - 5546.4; in 1989 - 5685.0; in 1999 - 5752.1; in 2000 - 5809.3; in 2001 - 5872.4; at the beginning of 2002 - 5918.0 thousand people. However, not all of the working-age population is able-bodied. The exception is non-working invalids of war and labor of the 1st and 2nd groups; men aged 50-59 and women aged 45-54 who receive pensions on preferential terms.

To the able-bodied population of working age includes all persons aged 16–59 (16–54 for women) with the exception of non-working invalids of labor and war of the 1st and 2nd groups, as well as men (50–59 years old) and women (45–54 years old) who receive pensions on preferential terms.

Working-age population- this is a set of persons, mainly of working age (16–54 for women, 16–59 for men), who, according to their psychophysiological data, are capable of participating in labor process. The working-age population is a narrower concept than the concept of " working-age population, since the latter includes both able-bodied and disabled persons of working age.

In the working population by sex distinguish between a predominantly female or male population. In areas dominated by industries with predominantly male labor, as a rule, there is an unemployed female able-bodied population (for example, the mining industry in the city of Soligorsk). And vice versa, the predominance of female labor (at the Orsha Flax Mill) raises the problem of the shortage of the male population. This problem is demographic and social at the same time, because it creates difficulties in creating and strengthening a family, leads to a decrease in marriage and fertility, an increase in divorce rates, increases staff turnover, which reduces their qualifications.

By degree of economic activity distinguish between economically active and economically inactive part of the working population.

in our country, it is a part of the population that provides its labor for the production of goods and services. The economically active population includes the entire employed population, the unemployed and women on maternity leave and parental leave.

To the economically inactive population of working age include students and pupils, persons engaged in housekeeping, caring for children, sick relatives, and other persons not engaged in economic activities, as well as military personnel.

The proportion of the economically active population calculated for certain age groups is called labor activity of the population. Economically active population amounted to the republic: in 1990 - 5150.8 thousand people; in 1995 - 4524.2; in 1999 - 4542.0; in 2000 - 4537.0; in 2001 - 4537 thousand people; the economically inactive population in 1995 was 1324.5; in 2000 - 1467.6 thousand people; in 2001 - 1560 (Table 2).

table 2

Economically active population

Economically active population Thousand human As a percentage of the economically active population
1995 2001 1995 2001
Total 4524,2
Men 2147,5 47,5 47,1
Women 2376,7 52,5 52,9
Of the total economically active population
busy- Total 4409,6 97,5 97,7
Men 2105,7 46,6 46,1
Women 2303,9 50,9 51,6
Unemployed- Total 114,6 2,5 2,3
Men 41,8 0,9 1,0
Women 72,8 1,6 1,3

By degree of employment in the composition of the able-bodied population, the working (or employed) able-bodied population and the unemployed (unemployed) are distinguished. The employed population of the Republic of Belarus in 1995 was 4410 thousand people, in 2000 - 4441; in 2001 - 4435, which is respectively 97.5%; 97.9%; 97.7% in relation to the economically active population. As a result, the main issue in the management of labor resources is the question of "what and how the employed population is employed."

The number of unemployed in 1995 was 114.6 thousand people; in 1999 - 100.0; in 2000 - 96.0; in 2001 - 102 thousand people, which amounted to 2.5 percent of the economically active population; 2.2; 2.1 and 2.3%.

In other words, the economically active population is the part of the population employed in the economy of the country, including those employed in private households, i.e. the vast majority of the working population. In accordance with UN recommendations The economically active population includes not only those who actually work, but also the unemployed who are looking for paid work.

Economically active population combines:

1) all able-bodied population of working age, with the exception of out-of-work students serving in the Armed Forces;

2) persons who are beyond the working age, but are employed in social production;

3) persons employed in subsidiary, cooperative and household, personal households.

In foreign publications the concept of the economically active population is analogous to the concept of the labor force. In domestic literature, labor power is a qualitative characteristic that expresses the ability to work, a commodity of a special kind.

Within the economically active population, labor statistics distinguish the concept industrial population(as a set of people employed in industry and construction) and the agrarian (or agricultural) population. In accordance with this, there are concepts: an industrial country (for example, Belarus); agricultural country(for example, Bulgaria).

Thus, the concept of the able-bodied population does not coincide with the concept of labor resources, since the latter include not only the working and non-working able-bodied population, but also the working disabled population.

Table 3

Labor resources of the Republic of Belarus (thousand people)

At the same time, not only the able-bodied population is employed in labor. In addition to the able-bodied population of working age, two groups of the population beyond working age are involved in labor in our society: the working population younger than working age (under 16) and the working population older than working age (men 60 and older, women 55 and older) . Persons of the last age groups (unable to work by age, but employed) are included in the labor force.

    women and men aged 16–59;

    women 16–54 and men 16–59.

2. The working-age population is:

    women 16–54 and men 16–59;

    the entire population of working age;

    the entire population of working age;

    a set of persons of working age who, according to their psychophysiological data, are capable of participating in the labor process;

    persons aged 16–59, with the exception of non-working war and labor invalids of the 1st and 2nd groups and persons receiving pensions on preferential terms.

3. The economically active population is:

    part of the population providing their labor for the production of goods and services;

    working (employed) able-bodied population;

    the unemployed seeking work;

    working and non-working able-bodied population;

    the entire employed population, the unemployed and women on maternity leave and parental leave.

4 . Labor resources are:

    the able-bodied population of the country;

    able-bodied population of working age;

    working at working age;

    working and non-working able-bodied population, as well as those working younger and older than working age;

    part of the population of the country, possessing the necessary physical development and health, mental abilities and knowledge to work in the economy of the republic.

Lesson 3 . Employment and unemployment in the Republic of Belarus

Target classes: to acquire knowledge of the structure of the labor market, problems of employment and unemployment.

The form holding: student conference.

Themes speeches(selected by students):

      The effectiveness of flexible forms of employment.

      Youth unemployment.

      Women's unemployment.

      Economic behavior of unemployed men and women depending on the duration of unemployment.

      Youth unemployment: problems, trends, prospects / Ed. Sokolova G.N. Mn., 1994. S. 17-27.

      Women's unemployment: problems, trends, prospects / Ed. Sokolova G.N. Mn., 1995. S. 9-29.

      Flexible forms of labor as a mechanism for regulating employment // Social mechanisms for regulating the labor market / Ed. Sokolova G.N. Mn., 1998. S. 174-178.

      Employment and unemployment in the Republic of Belarus // Management of labor resources: socio-economic aspect. Mn., 2002. S. 72-85.

      Economic behavior of the unemployed in the context of the duration of unemployment. Mn. 1997. S. 39-50.

Lesson 4 . Demographic aspects of formation

labor resources

Target occupations: acquisition of knowledge in the field of migration of the population in the Republic of Belarus, its territorial mobility, age and national composition.

The form conducting: problem solving.

Initial data see table. 23 and tab. 24.

Initial data(Table 48):

Table 48

Distribution of the population by age groups

Age groups

All population

including aged, years:

70 and older

Age not reported in census

younger than able-bodied


older than able-bodied

Task three: analyze the age structure of the population of Belarus.

Initial data(Table 49):

Table 49

Age structure of the population (at the beginning of the year)  

Age groups

Thousand people

As a percentage of the total

All population

including aged, years:

Continuation of the table. 49

70 and older

Of the total population aged:

younger than able-bodied


older than able-bodied

Task four: analyze the structure of the population of the Republic of Belarus by ethnic composition.

Initial data(Table 50):

Table 50

National composition of the population

(according to census data, persons)


All population





Continuation of the table. fifty

Other nationalities

Task five: analyze the dynamics of the population of the republic.

Initial data(Table 51):

Table 51

Population of the Republic of Belarus

(for the beginning of the year)

The whole population

thousand people


In total

population, %





Task six: using the given example to analyze the confrontation between the older and younger age groups of the population, the labor and social relations of the participants in the incident.

“The population of the village of Lapki, which is lost among the swamps and forests of the Stolbtsy region, has been in a state of shock for days. The bodies of collective farm pensioners, grandmothers Valya and her neighbor Efrosinya, were discovered by fellow villagers ...

It is assumed that an unknown killer entered the homes of lonely grannies through the window. As noted to a correspondent in the Atalezsky village council, on the territory of which the village of Lapki is located, Valentina Pavlovna and Efrosinya Ivanovna lived quietly and rather modestly. And, nevertheless, according to the prosecutor of the Stolbtsovsky district, Sergei Metelsky, among the motives for the crime is ... self-interest. The granny received a pension the day before, which brought a “tail” in the form of thugs to their home (7 days, No. 21, 05/26/01, p. 12). The atrocity was committed by a 23-year-old city dweller, a native of the same village.”

Ancillary questions:

      What age groups of the population are represented in the analyzed event?

      What are the age and role characteristics of these age groups?

      Why was there a conflict between them?

      What crime prevention measures can be proposed in this case?

Additional data for discussion (Table 52):

Table 52

Information about pensions

Retirement age (years)

Minimum pension (USD)

Lesson 5 . Territorial labor mobility

Target activities: to analyze the migration situation in Belarus, its main flows, trends, costs and effectiveness.

The form conduction: game situation “I choose a village for residence”.

“Nikolai Grigorievich trustingly, simply, with pleasure and in detail told that he himself was a villager, left there a long time ago, worked all his life in warehouses, and now, in his old age, he was drawn back to the village ...” (Shukshin V.M. Stories. M ., 1975, p. 30).

What country would you like to live in? The answer of the patriot will strike with his devotion: "In his." The cosmopolitan will surprise you with unheard-of cynicism: "In the one where I feel good." But well, as you know, where we are not. And so, in any case, it will seem to a person that the ideal country for life is somewhere far away... The undisputed leaders in assessing the personal understanding of Belarusians of an optimistic future are Germany and the United States. 36.8% and 17.8% of respondents would like to live the way they live in these countries. Further in this list are Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Lithuania and Latvia. Russia has not a very large percentage. But there is also a sufficient number of those to whom life in Belarus seems ideal (18.7%).

The opinion of UN experts who annually rank countries with high level development of human potential: Canada, Norway, USA, Australia, Iceland are traditionally leaders in these ratings. Germany is only in 14th place.

The unsettled life quite naturally raises the question of the potential for emigration. How many people in Belarus would like to leave their country? The indicator is quite alarming - one third of Belarusians (35%) are ready to do it. In the list of countries where the citizens of our country would like to go to live, Germany, the USA and Poland are in the lead.” (From the article by Shendrik M. Do not leave your beloved unnecessarily // 7 days. No. 24 (06/16/01). P. 2.

Help 1.

In terms of population, Belarus ranks fifth among the CIS countries after Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Among European states, Belgium, Hungary, Greece, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Yugoslavia have a population of ten million. (Population of the Republic of Belarus. Statistical collection. Mn., 2000. P. 7).

Help 2.

The index of the cost of living in various cities of the world: the first place in terms of the high cost of Tokyo (the cost of living in the capital of Japan is 140 conventional points); 7th place in the New York list - 100 conventional points; 4th place in the world and the most expensive city in Europe - Oslo; Moscow "rolled back" to 13th place. (Trud. July 10, 2001, p. 3).

Scheme 18. The algorithm of the game

Issues for discussion:

1. What country do you live in and why?

2. What country do you want to live in and why?

3. In which country would you like your children to live and why?

Lesson 6 . Sectoral mobility of labor resources

Target occupations: to define progressive tendencies of restructuring of economy.

Conduct form: scientific debate "What industry do we need?"

Functional Roles students choose:

- Prime Minister.

Representatives power ministries:

- Minister of Internal Affairs;

- Minister of Defense

- Minister of Emergency Situations.

Representatives functional ministries:

- Minister of Labor and social protection;

- Minister of Economy;

- Minister of Finance;

- Minister of Statistics and Analysis.

Representatives sectoral ministries: industry; agriculture and food; forestry; architecture and construction; transport and communications; communications and informatization; trade; housing and communal services; health care; education; culture. (The names of the sectoral ministries have been specified in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated February 12, 2004)

Industry Representatives industry: Minister of Energy; Minister of Mechanical Engineering; Minister of Chemical Industry; Minister of Light Industry; Minister of Food Industry.

Production the task: each participant selects statistical data on his industry and, on their basis, tries to defend the right of his industry to exist and develop.

Initial data see table. 38 and tab. 42, 53.

“It means you will become a car mechanic after a technical school,” Sergey Prokofiev, head of the admissions department, inquires as he examines the broken head of an 18-year-old guy. - Good profession, in a couple of hours you can earn as much as a doctor in a month ... Yes, well, - the patient is stretched in an incredulous smile.

“He doesn’t believe me,” the doctor turns to me. “Today, a novice traumatologist receives about 24 thousand a month, a head with the first qualification category - about 38. And this is for such hard labor!” (Mytko O. Why is it difficult to be a traumatologist // 7 days. No. 40. (09.30.00). P. 7.

Table 53

Distribution of the population of Belarus and Russia by sectors of the economy

(as a percentage of the total)



Total employed in the economy







trade and catering, logistics and sales, procurement

housing and communal services and non-productive types of consumer services for the population

healthcare, Physical Culture and welfare


Culture and art

science and scientific service

finance, credit and insurance


public associations

Scheme 19. Discussion algorithm

Lesson 7 . Economic and social methods and mechanisms for managing labor movements

Target classes: to learn, depending on the situation, to use and combine different methods of managing and managing the labor movements of workers.

The form conduct: game situation "If I were the director ...". Each of the students offers his own answer: “If I were the director, then in the practice of labor and labor resources management I would change the following…”.

Approximate answer options:

“If I were the director, I would replace the name “old-age pension” with the name “work pension”. After all, this pension is not assigned to every woman when she “turned” 55, but only to those who by that time had worked for at least 20 years. So old age has nothing to do with it. It's all about work experience."

“I would certainly introduce a dance lesson in schools (after all, singing is taught to those who have a bear stepped on their ear!). Dancing is not just entertainment. Dancing is, first of all, an excellent means of communication. So who, if not the school, should be engaged in the education of the culture of this communication.

“... On the shields that surround the construction sites, in addition to what was written - the name of the object, the name of the construction organization and the name of the foreman - I would add: the commissioning date. Then everything written on such boards would put the construction under general control.

“If I were the director,” G. Shvets, head of the public reception of the “Zabaikalsky Rabochy”, wrote to the editorial office of Literaturnaya Gazeta, “I would change the order in which adopted children are not equated with relatives” (according to the pages of Literaturnaya Gazeta).

ACTIVITY - the degree of participation of employees in the labor process.

CERTIFICATION - a procedure for determining the compliance of an employee (his qualifications, business and other qualities) with the position held.

BALANCE - a method and form of labor resources management, expressing the balance between their sources and directions of use.

UNEMPLOYMENT is a socio-economic phenomenon in which part of the able-bodied population cannot find a job, becoming a relatively surplus population, a reserve army of labor.

UNEMPLOYED - a person who wants and can work, but does not have a job.

BUSINESS - economic activity aimed at making a profit.

GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) is a generalizing economic indicator of the result of labor at the level of society; expresses the value of goods and services produced in all sectors of the economy and intended for final consumption, accumulation and export.

VERTICAL MOBILITY - promotion to positions with higher prestige, income and power (social ascent) or movement down the social ladder (social degradation).

AGE STRUCTURE OF EMPLOYED - the ratio of individual unequal age groups in the total number of employees.

REPRODUCTION OF THE POPULATION - the process of constant renewal of generations of people due to the interaction of fertility and mortality; the result of the unity of three types of population movement: natural (birth and death), spatial (emigration and immigration), social (social mobility).

DEMOGRAPHY is the science of population.

LAW is a necessary, essential, recurring interconnection between the phenomena of the real world, which determines the stages and forms of development of nature and society.

REGULARITY - an objectively existing, repetitive, significant connection of phenomena or processes.

EMPLOYMENT - the participation of workers in the labor process.

WAGES - part of the newly created product, national income, allocated to workers for their personal consumption to meet material and spiritual needs, in order to ensure the reproduction of the population and labor resources of society.

EARNINGS - money income received by an employee for his work.

COSTS - the cost of raw materials, material, energy, natural and other resources.

PRODUCTION COSTS - the sum of all costs in monetary terms for the organization of the release of goods or the provision of services.

INTEREST is the deepest reason for a person's activity to satisfy his individual needs.

CAREER - a programmed sequence of professional roles, according to which the vertical mobility of individuals is carried out in the labor process.

QUALIFICATION STRUCTURE OF EMPLOYED - the ratio of groups with different levels education in the total number of employees.

QUALIFICATION - the degree of professional work capacity of an employee.

COMPETITIVENESS in the labor market - the ability of a subject of the labor force to withstand competition from real or potential applicants for its workplace or lay claim to something else, more prestigious.

COMPETITION - rivalry between individual producers for the most favorable conditions for production and marketing.

CRISIS - a state of decline in the development of the economy.

MATERIAL INCENTIVES - conditions and forms of obtaining material benefits that encourage employees and labor collectives to actively participate in socially useful work.

MANAGER - a highly qualified specialist in the field of organization and management.

MIGRATION POLICY - the activities of the state and public organizations aimed at regulating migration processes with the help of various levers and methods.

MIGRATION is the process of moving people across the borders of certain territories with a change of permanent place of residence or with a regular return to it.

MOBILITY - movement from one social group to another.

A motive is a motive, a reason for doing something.

MOTIVATION - motivation for action.

POPULATION - a set of people, naturally historically formed and continuously renewed in the process of reproduction of immediate life.

NOMINAL WAGE - the amount of money that employees receive.

NORM - a recognized mandatory order that regulates human behavior in a certain situation.

TOOLS - ways to facilitate and improve the labor activity of a person.

INDUSTRY - homogeneous social group people, singled out on the basis of the unity of the purpose of labor, labor factors, the originality of organizational, technical and socio-economic working conditions.

Gender - a sign of assigning an employee to a female or male group of labor resources.

POLITICS is the art of government.

OBJECT - a substance of nature, the transformation of which, in relation to human needs, is directed by the expedient labor activity of people.

BONUS - one of the forms of material incentives for high performance, an important element of the organization of wages.

BONUS is a probabilistic part of earnings that can be received (or not received) by an employee depending on the performance (or non-performance) of certain additional labor tasks by him.

PROFIT - partial income of the enterprise used by the company to ensure the interest of the enterprise team in the results of its economic activities; is defined as the difference between sales revenue and production costs.

PRIVATIZATION is the process of transferring state property to private property.

PROGRESS - moving forward, changing for the better.

PRODUCTS - the result of labor in the material sphere.

LABOR PRODUCTIVITY - an indicator of labor productivity; characterized by the amount of output produced per unit of time, or the time spent on the production of a unit of output.

SIMPLE LABOR - work that does not require special training from the employee.

PROFESSION - the main type of employment, income-generating activity not prohibited by law.

LABOR PROCESS - the process of combining and consuming labor power and means of production in order to create new use values.

REAL WAGE - the amount of goods and services that can be purchased for nominal wages.

REGIONAL - relating to any district (region), territorially limited.

REGRESS - moving backward, changing for the worse.

REDUCTION - reducing the elements of complex labor to simple.

RESERVE - a stock of production resources.

RESULT - the ultimate goal of expedient labor activity.

RESOURCE - a source of production costs.

MARKET - a sphere of the economy in which the process of commodity circulation is carried out, the exchange of goods and services between sellers and buyers.

LABOR MARKET - a system of economic relations for the sale and purchase of the goods "labor force", within which the demand, supply and price of labor resources are formed.

HIDDEN UNEMPLOYMENT - this type of unemployment, when the number of workers in production exceeds the objectively necessary.

DIFFICULT LABOR - the work of an employee with a qualification is associated with significant additional costs for the training, training and education of a qualified employee.

A SOCIAL GROUP is a set of individuals who have certain common characteristics.

MEANS OF PRODUCTION - a set of means of labor and objects of labor involved in the production process and used by people to create material wealth.

STIMULUS - a reward or benefit that can encourage a person to be more active.

STIMULATION - a set of economic and social measures (levers) capable of directing people's labor activity towards the desired goal.

STRATIFICATION FEATURES - a means of separating people into layers and groups and a means of uniting them into qualitatively homogeneous structures of society.

STRUCTURE - the ratio of individual groups among themselves and in relation to the entire population as a whole.

STRUCTURE OF LABOR RESOURCES - the ratio of separate, homogeneous in terms of internal content, specific groups, identified on a certain basis, in the total number of employees.

STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT - unemployment that occurs in connection with technological changes, as a result of which the existing professional and qualification structure of the labor force does not correspond to the new structure of jobs.

TREND - the direction of development of a phenomenon or process.

A COMMODITY is a product of labor that has a value and is distributed in society through exchange.

LABOR is the purposeful activity of people to create material or spiritual goods necessary to meet the needs of people and society as a whole.

LABOR RESOURCES - a part of the country's population that has the necessary physical development and health, mental abilities and knowledge to work in the economy of the republic. It is calculated as working and non-working able-bodied population, as well as working population younger and older than working age.

YOUTH LABOR RESOURCES - a set of young people who have the ability to work and have reached the age that opens access to work (from 16 to 29 years).

WORKABLE POPULATION - a set of persons of working age who, according to their psychophysiological data, are capable of participating in the labor process.

WORKABILITY - the physical and intellectual ability of a person to work.

SATISFACTION is a subjective characteristic of the attitude to work.

MANAGEMENT - coordination of the labor efforts of individual workers in the production process.

UNEMPLOYMENT RATE - the ratio of the number of unemployed registered in the authorities public service employment to the economically active population.

STANDARD OF LIFE - the degree of provision of the population with material and spiritual benefits necessary for life.

EMPLOYMENT RATE - the proportion of the labor force currently employed in the total economically active population.

WORKING CONDITIONS - a set of factors of the working environment that affect the health and performance of a person in the process of work.

SERVICES are the result of labor in the non-productive sphere.

FACILITIES OF LABOR - the degree of equipment of labor with production fixed assets; is determined by dividing the average annual value of funds by the average annual number of employees.

FRICTIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT - some people are in the process of changing jobs, i.e. at the stage of dismissal, search for a new job, registration of employment.

FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE OF EMPLOYED - the ratio of individual groups of workers, unequal in their role in the production process.

FUNCTION - the relationship between various socio-economic processes or quantities.

PURPOSE is one of the main elements of a person's conscious activity, characterizing the mental anticipation of the result of his work.

PRICE is the monetary expression of the value of goods and services.

VALUE is a special social relationship through which the needs and interests of an individual or a social group are transferred to the world of things, objects, spiritual phenomena.

CYCLE is a time-limited process of labor activity.

CYCLICAL UNEMPLOYMENT - Unemployment caused by a decline in production and a decrease in demand for labor.

NUMBER - a quantitative characteristic of labor resources.

ECONOMY is the art of economic management.

ECONOMIC POLICY A course of action designed to correct or avoid an economic problem.

ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION - the part of the population that provides its labor for the production of goods and services. The economically active population includes the employed population and the unemployed registered with the state employment service.

ENERGY EQUIPMENT OF LABOR - the armament of labor with energy of all kinds.

EFFECT - full or partial achievement of certain technical, economic or social goals.

EFFICIENCY - the ratio of the results (effect) of human activity to the resources expended.

Scheme 17. Crossword: basic concepts about work

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CHAPTERI. Basic concepts of labor and labor resources



1.1. Classification of economic disciplines ………………………..

1.2. The place of labor resources in the production system ………….

1.3. Socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus……….

1.4. The objective need for human resource management


2.1. Labor as a purposeful activity of people …………………….

2.2. Classification of the elements of the labor process ……………….………..

2.3. The nature and content of labor. Simple and difficult work …………

2.4. The objective necessity of labor management …………………



3.1. Working-age population: concept and structure …………………

3.2. Labor resources: concept and structure ………………….……….

3.3. Quantity and quality of labor resources ……………….………..



4.1. The concept and structure of the labor market …………………………………..

4.2. Features of the labor market in the Republic of Belarus ……….………..

4.3. Analysis of labor market models (world experience) ……………………..

4.4. State regulation of the labor market ……………………..



5.1. Employment as a socio-economic category ………………

5.2. Types of employment of labor resources ……………………….……….

5.3. Efficiency of flexible forms of employment ……………………………

5.4. Unemployment: concept, forms, types, trends …………………..

CHAPTERII. Human resource management issues



6.1. The essence and content of human resource management………

6.2. Human resources management methods ………………………..

6.3. Socio-economic development of labor collectives ………....

6.4. Structure of human resources management bodies in Belarus



7.1. The concept and indicators of the structure of labor resources …………….

7.2. Structure of labor resources by gender ……………………………..

7.3. Structure of labor resources by age ……………….………..

7.4. The structure of employees by qualifications, industries, forms

property and functions ……………………………..………………..


8.1. Demographic factors of labor resources ……………………

8.2. Sex and age structure of the population as a factor in the formation of labor resources …………………………………….………………….

8.3. The balance of labor resources as a way of management ………………..


9.1. Essence and functions of migration. Main classification

migration flows …………………………………………………..

9.2. Migration situation in Belarus: main flows and trends

9.3. Migration policy of the Republic of Belarus ……………………



10.1. The concept of industry and progressive industry structure ……...

10.2. Indicators of sectoral structure of labor resources ………….

10.3. Material and non-productive spheres of the economy ………...


11.1. The peculiarity of industries in terms of the structure of labor costs ………………..

11.2. Production resources: concept and structure ……………….

11.3. Classification of the effect by types, forms and levels

manifestations in certain industries ……………………………...………..

11.4. The ratio of effects and costs as a way to evaluate

efficiency ……………………………………………………………


12.1. Wage as an economic incentive mechanism

12.2. Wages as a social control mechanism

labor resources …..………………………………………………..

12.3. Premium, price, profit, taxes, fixed payments as economic levers of labor resources management…………….

12.4. Peculiarities of stimulation of certain stratification groups of workers ……………………………………………………………

CHAPTERIII. Seminars and practical classes

Lesson 1. Basic concepts of labor …………………………………..

Lesson 2. Working-age population and labor resources …………..

Lesson 3. Employment and unemployment in the Republic of Belarus …………..

Lesson 4. Demographic aspects of the formation of labor resources

Lesson 5. Territorial labor mobility …….………..

Lesson 6. Sectoral labor mobility ………………

Session 7. Economic and social methods and mechanisms

management of labor movements ..………………………………

Concise Dictionary basic terms …………………………...

The key to the crossword …………………………………………………..

Literature ………………………………………………………...

Educational edition

Kuropyatnik Inna Ivanovna


Working age: Men 16-59, Women 16-54. This is a set of people capable of working by age and health status.

The population of working age minus non-working disabled people of this age, minus the number of pensioners at this age.

Labor resources. This is the part of the country's population that is employed in the economy or not employed, but capable of age and health. This is the working-age population of working age, working teenagers under 16 years of age, people over working age, employed in the economy or unemployed.

Also taken into account balance of pendulum migration. natural movement – change in the number without taking into account migration. Replenishment - the entry into the working age of adolescents and the involvement of disabled people. Departure - mortality, retirement, exit from working age and termination of work and disability. To characterize the intensity, the following are used: the coefficient of natural growth and the coefficient of migration growth .

Workforce balance - statistical table.

Section 1 - The number and reproduction composition of the population (the number of labor resources in total, including:

a) working-age population of working age,

b) working teenagers,

c) working pensioners.

Section 2 - Distribution of labor resources by types of employment in total, including:

a) number by industry,

b) students of working age, studying with a break from work,

c) able-bodied population of working age not employed in the economy).

Economically active population - part of the country's population that provides labor supply (employed + unemployed). busy - having an occupation that generates income. Unemployed - over 16 years old, did not have a Lately work, engaged in its search, were ready to start it. Economically inactive population - unemployed and not looking for work (children, housewives, students and others).

Distribution by age and employment.

1. Working-age population = C+D+E+F

2. Working-age population = V+D+E

3. Labor resources = B+C+D+F+W+H

4. Employed in the economy = B + C + F

5. Unemployed = G+G

6. Economically active = B+C+D+W+W

7. Economically inactive = A + D + E + I

7.1 Economically inactive working-age population = D+E

7.2 Economically inactive non-working age population = A+I

8. Labor resources \u003d 6 + 7.1 -D

1. The working capacity of the population- the share of the working-age population in the total number.

2. Employment rate of the population of working age is the proportion of the working-age population in the working-age population.

3. Employment rate of the total population– the share of employed people in the total number.

4. Employment rate of the population of working age.

5. Total load factor is the number of people of working age per 1,000 people of working age.

6. Labor force replacement rate- the number of children, adolescents per 1000 people of working age.

7. Pension load ratio- the number of pensioners per 1000 people of working age.

8. Unemployment rate is the share of the unemployed among the economically active.

9. Economic activity rate is the share of economically active people among the total population.


Manufacturing enterprise- this is a separate specialized unit, the basis of which is a professionally organized labor collective, capable of using the means of production at its disposal to produce the products (perform work, provide services) of the appropriate purpose, profile and assortment that consumers need (perform work, provide services). Manufacturing enterprises include plants, factories, combines, mines, quarries, ports, roads, bases and other economic organizations for industrial purposes.

Rice. 1.1. Manufacturing enterprise

Internal environment of the enterprise These are people, means of production, information and money. The result of the interaction of the components of the internal environment is finished products(work performed, services rendered) (Fig. 1.1).

External environment, which directly determines the efficiency of the enterprise, is, first of all, consumers of products, suppliers of production components, as well as government agencies and the population living in the vicinity of the enterprise (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.2 The external environment of the manufacturing enterprise

From a purely legal side according to the law Russian Federation enterprise is an an independent economic entity created in the manner prescribed by law for the production of products and the provision of services in order to meet public needs and make a profit.

The most important tasks of the operating enterprise are:

Getting income by the owner of the enterprise;

Providing consumers with the company's products;

Ensuring the personnel of the enterprise salary, normal working conditions and the possibility of professional growth;

Creation of jobs for the population living in the vicinity of the enterprise;

Environmental protection: land, air and water basins;

Prevention of failures in the work of the enterprise (disruption of delivery, production of defective products, a sharp reduction in volumes and a decrease in the profitability of production).

The tasks of the enterprise are determined by:

interests of the owner;

The amount of capital;

The situation within the enterprise;

external environment(Fig. 1.3).

The right to set a task for the personnel of the enterprise remains with the owner, regardless of his status - a private person, government agencies or shareholders.

The owner, based on his own interests, goals, priorities, not only has the right, but is forced to formulate and set tasks for the enterprise team - otherwise, someone else will do it instead of him in his own interests.

Rice. 1.3. Enterprise Formation

The most important task of the enterprise in all cases is to generate income through the sale of manufactured products (work performed, services rendered) to consumers. Based on the income received, the social and economic needs of the labor collective and the owners of the means of production are satisfied.

The body that formulates and specifies any economic task is obliged to take into account the real conditions for its implementation, taking into account the functions that the enterprise performs.

Regardless of the form of ownership, the enterprise operates, as a rule, on the basis of full cost accounting, self-sufficiency and self-financing. It independently concludes contracts with consumers of products, including receiving state orders, and also concludes contracts and makes settlements with suppliers of the necessary production resources.

The main functions of the manufacturing enterprise include:

Manufacture of products for industrial and personal consumption;

Sale and delivery of products to the consumer;

After-sales service of products;

Material and technical support of production at the enterprise;

Management and organization of personnel work at the enterprise;

Comprehensive development and growth of production volumes at the enterprise;


Payment of taxes, implementation of mandatory and voluntary contributions and payments to the budget and other financial authorities;

Compliance with applicable standards, regulations, state laws.

The functions of the enterprise are specified and refined depending on:

The size of the enterprise;

Industry affiliation;

Degrees of specialization and cooperation;

Availability of social infrastructure;

Forms of ownership;

Relationships with local authorities.

The enterprise is fully responsible to the financial authorities for the timely transfer of taxes and other payments, covers all losses and losses from its own income. At the expense of proceeds from the sale of products (services), it pays for the costs of organizing and developing production, as well as for the purchase of raw materials, materials, and payment for labor.

The administration and personnel of the enterprise are obliged to constantly ensure that the products they produce are of sufficient quality and not too expensive. Both are necessary for the conquest and retention of the sales market. Low-quality products, as well as products that are too expensive, force the consumer to look for a supplier from whom they can purchase the same products with better quality indicators or at a lower price. In order not to lose customers, the company's specialists study the product sales markets, take measures to accelerate scientific and technological progress, improve product quality, and reduce its cost. In fact, the fate of the state and development of the economy and politics of the country is decided in the labor collectives of industrial enterprises.


Enterprises specializing in the production of homogeneous products form the corresponding branches of material production, industry, Agriculture, construction, transport, etc. They make up the structure of industries, determine their profile and scale.

In addition, enterprises and organizations form the size and territorial specialization of cities, towns, regions, territories in which they are located. Ensuring normal living, working and living conditions of the population is decided jointly with local authorities.

Consequently, enterprises and their teams are the main elements from which both sectoral and territorial complexes are formed at the same time - ministries, departments, as well as territories, regions, cities are formed. Therefore, in all state documents, enterprises are considered as the main links of the national economic complex. The structure and procedure for managing the country's economy are built in such a way that they reflect the activities of almost all the main functional divisions of enterprises.

The task of the economic management system at all levels- from the cabinet of ministers to the director of the plant, the head of the shop, the foreman - one and the same: productive work personnel of each enterprise, i.e., each employee at his workplace every minute must do exactly what the enterprise team, product consumer, country needs.

Any undertaking by state bodies or scientific, commercial and other organizations is determined by the availability of material resources; any economic or technical solution acquires a real form only on manufacturing plant, at the workplace of a factory specialist, employee, worker. All the previous work of the administration, scientists, engineers outside the enterprises is work with various information: scientific, technical, economic, social.

The foregoing does not mean that economic management bodies, scientific and intermediary organizations are not needed outside the enterprises. On the contrary, they are necessary. Without the presence of such bodies, enterprises would not always be able to independently give a correct assessment technical level production; determine the preferred directions for the development of production; to balance the demand of consumers of products with its release at enterprises; balance own needs for raw materials, materials, tools with the possibility of obtaining them from suppliers. Not all enterprises, especially small ones, can improve production and improve product quality without outside help.

The question, therefore, is not about completely depriving state bodies of the right to interfere in the internal affairs of enterprises. With regard to state enterprises, this cannot be done at all. The property of such enterprises remains state property and is transferred to labor collectives only for self-supporting use, and not for private ownership. Therefore, the operation of enterprises, the effectiveness of their activities is established operational state control, carried out by the relevant authorities.

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