The ratio of output to the number of employees. The formula for the average annual output of one worker. Deviation for two objects


Currently, many tools have been developed to analyze their own performance. These indicators include labor productivity. Its calculation formula is simple. And the result will show how effective the work of the staff is.


Labor productivity is an indicator of labor efficiency. It determines the result of labor in quantitative terms at a certain point in time.

ABOUT labor productivity says the following:

  • production;
  • laboriousness;
  • labor productivity index.

These indicators will reveal how many units of products can be sold (produced) in the company. Based on these data, it is possible to generate a production forecast, build a sales plan.

How to define output?

Output is the total amount of work performed by one employee. This indicator can measure the results of the sale of goods, services, production.
You can calculate the production rate by two values:

  • the average number of employees participating in manufacturing process;
  • time spent creating the product.

In the first variant, the calculation of production will be as follows: V=V/N

B - production;

V - the amount of work performed;

N is the average number of specialists directly involved in production.

The second option (based on the time spent): B = V / t

B - production;

V - volume of released works (actual release finished products);

t - actual labor costs per unit of time of interest.

How to define labor intensity?

Labor intensity - the amount of time spent by one worker on the production of one unit of service (goods). That is, it is the inverse coefficient in relation to production.

T - labor intensity;

N is the number (average) of specialists;

You can calculate the indicator per worker. Then the value of N must be equal to one.

T - labor intensity based on the time spent;

t - actual labor costs per unit of time of interest;

V - the volume of the released product (the result of work or service).

Labor productivity. Calculation formula

Several formulas have been developed for calculating labor productivity. When calculating according to any formulas, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • the volume of manufactured products should be calculated in units of manufactured goods;
  • only those personnel who are directly involved in production are taken into account (managers, lawyers, etc. are not taken into account).

The calculation of labor productivity, taking into account the factors of labor intensity and output, can be made using the formulas:

In terms of labor intensity: PT \u003d (V * (1 - Kp)) / (T1 * H)

PT - labor productivity;

T is the labor intensity of one worker;

Kp - downtime ratio;

V is the volume of output;

N is the average number of personnel.

Taking into account the production: PT \u003d [(In - Wb) / Wb] * 100%

PT - percentage performance indicator;

In - product development in the reporting period;

Wb - production output in the base period.

Labor productivity. Balance formula

To calculate labor productivity indicators, you can use the balance sheet data of the organization. For example, an indicator of the volume of production.

Balance calculation formula: PT = (V * (1 - K p)) / (T * N)

V - the volume of manufactured products according to the balance sheet (reflected in line 2130);

Kp - downtime, coefficient;

T - labor costs of one employee;

N is the average number of employees.

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The daily rate of production contributes to improving labor productivity, increasing the amount of profit received by the enterprise and reducing costs. Moreover, the type of organization is not important: production, warehouse complex or construction teams.

Typical optimization of the workflow of each department is one of the key points effective work the entire company as a whole. Failure specifications leads to lower wages for piecework. How to calculate the completion rate or percentage of overfulfillment, how many hours per month or per year are spent on the production of a unit of output.

To study issues related to the establishment of the workflow, it is customary to use certain terms.

labor standards

A specific task that an employee (or team) must complete for the allotted work time, is called the labor norm (NTr). As stated in the second article of the Labor Code, each employee is obliged to comply with this norm.

NTr can be individual and collective. In the second case, general works calculated for a group of employees united in a single team, for example, this applies to:

  • brigades;
  • production sites;
  • departments;
  • workshops.

NTr can be specified in employment contracts, but are determined by the planning departments of enterprises. If the employer has decided to change labor standards, then he is obliged to notify employees of this no later than 1 month in advance, according to article 103 part 2 of the Labor Code.

Important! Violation of this rule leads to the cancellation of the introduced changes, and the calculation wages must be produced at the old rates.

Labor legislation obliges the employer to provide employees with appropriate conditions that will allow them to fulfill the relevant NTr, namely:

  1. Provide serviceable equipment and fixtures necessary for work.
  2. Ensure timely access to up-to-date technical documentation.
  3. Deliver on time the materials and tools needed to complete the plan, of acceptable quality.
  4. Monitor the uninterrupted supply of electricity, gas, and other energy sources.
  5. Comply with the rules of technical safety at the enterprise. This includes requirements for lighting, space heating, ventilation, elimination of harmful factors (vibration, radiation).

It should be noted that with the improvement of working methods, the technical re-equipment of the enterprise, NTr can be revised. At the same time, if an employee or a team could independently achieve increased output through the use of new production methods or self-improvement of jobs, then there is no reason to increase NTr.

Norm of time

The period of time required to create one unit of production, to perform one or more specific work operations, is called the norm of time (NVR).

When calculating this parameter, the subject of development is considered(object produced by worker) as:

  • one detail;
  • one item;
  • one production operation;
  • one cycle of production operations;
  • one type of service.

For a more accurate determination of NVR, a clear timing of each operation should be used. while complying with all technological standards.

Formula for calculating the norm of time:

НВр = Вр_пз + Вр_з + Вр_rev + Вр_exc + Вр_pt
Вр_пз - preparation for the workflow;
Вр_з - main time;
Vr_ob - the period of care for the workplace;
Vr_otl - time for personal needs;
Time_pt - technological breaks.

Production rate

The number of products, operations, services performed per unit of working time is called the production rate (Nvyr). The time interval is selected depending on the characteristics of the enterprise. This can be the duration of the shift (for example, 8 or 12 hours), one working hour, and any others.

It is customary to indicate the Nvyr parameter in units specific to the industry: the number of products, liters of products, tons of goods, etc.

To determine the production rate, use the formula:

Нvyr \u003d Vr_cm x H / Hvr
Вр_см – shift duration;
H is the number of the team;
Hvr - the norm of time per unit of production, operation.

The production rate is an appropriate coefficient when it comes to constant work of the same type. For example, laying parquet, painting, etc.

population rate

Attention! The number of workers of a certain qualification, necessary for the implementation of a cycle of production or other volumes of work, is called the number norm (NChis).

Calculated according to the general formula:

NChis \u003d HBr x V / Vr_cm
НВр - the norm of time per unit of production or a cycle of operations;
B - the planned amount of work for the shift;
Vr_sm - the duration of one shift.

The parameter helps to estimate labor costs for a number of professions, specialties, individual cycles of operations throughout the enterprise or for its individual divisions (sections, workshops, etc.).

Service rate

The number of objects that an employee (a group of employees) is able to serve during one time unit (shift, hour) is called the service rate (NOb).

The calculation can be made if the norm of time (НВр) is known:

  • NOB \u003d Vr_cm x K / HBr
    Вр_см - duration of the considered time interval;
  • K - the degree of use of working time, expressed by the coefficient;
  • Nvr - service time.

Calculations are useful for evaluating the activities of repairmen, service personnel, warehouse workers, etc.

Normalized task

The amount of work that an employee or team must complete in a certain period of time is called a normalized task (NZd). Similar to the output rate (NVr), this parameter determines the estimated result of the actions of an employee or a joint group for a specific time, being essentially a more general case.

Units of measurement can be both standard hours and standard rubles. NZD should take into account the qualifications of a particular specialist, the characteristics of working conditions, the degree of harmfulness and other points.

Groups of workers should be distinguished according to the actions they perform:

  • the same cycle of work at a permanent place;
  • various work performed;
  • work carried out at different sites or objects.

The first group includes, for example, conveyor workers, their NZD is determined according to the specifics of the norms of pieceworkers.

For reference. The second type of employees is engaged, for example, in various repair or adjustment work within the enterprise. NZD must be consistent with the schedule or plan technical measures manufacturing enterprise.

The third group, whose activities may be associated with traveling, is supplied with individual NZD, for example, this may be an application for a car repair or maintenance.

Formula per worker

Calculation of NVR per person will allow you to optimally organize the workflow of the entire team. In large enterprises, timekeepers do this. At small production sites and other enterprises, the calculations fall on the shoulders of production managers.

Without NVR it is impossible to predict the output of products, which can cause a delay in the estimated delivery time, and as a result, penalties from the customer. As an example, you can use the formula Nvyr = Vr_cm x H / Nvr, where N (number of employees) will be equal to one.

If automated equipment is used in production, then a different formula should be used.

Nvyr \u003d Nvyr_ter * Kpv
Нvyr_ter – theoretical value of the indicator;
Kpv - useful factor for one change of time;

And for large mass production, you can apply the following rule:

HVr = Vr_cm / Vr_unit
Вр_см – shift duration;
Vr_ed - the period for which one product is created.

These Nvyr calculations are made every quarter in the planning and economic department of the enterprise.

Examples for different types of activities

Different industries are characterized individual features, which must be taken into account when analyzing production processes.

In agriculture

NWR are characterized by features of time intervals (seasons) for field work, as well as the climate features of the area, the availability of mechanization at the enterprise, the amount of land on which agricultural activities should be carried out.

To study the process and calculate HVr, they resort to photo timing, this is the actual fixation of the working day with the participation of photo or video equipment, further analysis of the data obtained to obtain an objective picture.

In the food industry

Features in the definition of NVp are considered to be the calculation of the balance between the capabilities of production lines and manual operations.

Important! Reducing the manipulations carried out directly by employees to the necessary minimum greatly increases the production rate. However, the complexity of the mechanisms does not eliminate the need for maintenance and adjustment of equipment, therefore, the NVr of repair teams should be optimized.

In construction

Highly specialized work is easier to calculate, but it is necessary to proceed from the qualifications of craftsmen or teams. The average value is 1 cu. m. per hour.

Also, the design complexity and requirements for SNiP II-22-81 affect the NVr.
It is believed that about 20% of the duration of the entire work shift of a bricklayer is preparatory work and cleaning at the end of the day.

Loading and unloading operations

The productivity of this type of work depends on the type of equipment, the qualifications of the driver, and the features of the working premises. The calculations made regarding road construction work also take into account the volume of buckets and the average speed of equipment for various types of objects (flat area, rough terrain)

Up and down factors

An increase or decrease in labor productivity can be associated with both the human factor and the peculiarities of the operation of equipment.

For example, the wear and tear of even high-tech equipment will cause more frequent breakdowns and an increase in the duration repair work, the same will happen with poor quality machines and production lines.

Retrofitting modern views equipment leads, as a rule, to an improvement in labor productivity at the enterprise, but this will not happen overnight. The personnel will be forced to retrain to work on more modern machines, so NVr should be increased in stages.

Proper planning and organization of the workflow also affect the value of production rates. Constant downtime associated, for example, with the poor performance of the supply departments, will negatively affect the work of the entire enterprise as a whole, as well as the purchase, for example, of materials of inadequate quality.

Training and retraining of employees - important factor practical and psychological impact on Nvyr. The employee receives skills that are useful for work, at the same time he feels like a valuable member of the team, which motivates him to further optimize the functions performed.

Fuel consumption

Fuel consumption during the operation of cars and other types of equipment is one of the key parameters affecting the profitability of production. The main factors determining the consumption:

  • engine's type;
  • the degree of deterioration of the engine;
  • weight without load;
  • the weight of the transported cargo;
  • average speed of movement;
  • fuel theft.
Attention! The need to maintain the good condition of the fleet is the basis for saving on spare parts and fuel. European cargo carriers have long reduced the life of vehicles to 3-4 years, after which they are written off. Further costs for both fuel and spare parts make the costs too high.

It is possible to improve performance with the introduction of monitoring equipment. These are devices that allow you to prevent unauthorized draining of fuel, track the position of the car (or other equipment).

It is also necessary to find the optimal speed of movement on roads (or objects), which, on the one hand, will allow the equipment to perform its functions normally and on time, on the other hand, it will prevent unreasonably high consumption.


It is impossible to imagine the work of even a small enterprise without planning department, in one form or another.

Important! The production rate is one of the most important planning parameters; the size of the profit of any company depends on it. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to increase production rates in accordance with the development of the enterprise, optimizing the number of employees, introducing new technologies and methods of organizing labor.

Production in value terms depends on the structure of work and their material consumption.

For example: The labor costs for the execution of 1 m 3 of precast concrete floor panels are almost the same, but estimated cost 1 m 3 of assembled prefabricated reinforced concrete is 20 times more than the cost of 1 m 3 of excavation. Hence, the output in value (monetary) terms for the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete will be as many times greater than for earthworks.

Task 1.5.1.

(production of 1 plasterer per month);

(daily output of the 1st worker).

Labor productivity growth Fri is determined by the formula:

where In - output (in physical terms) in the reporting year;

Wb - output in the base (preceding) year.

Task 1.5.2.

A team of erectors of structures, which in the previous (base) year reached natural output per 1 worker 3.4 m 3 of assembled reinforced concrete per shift, for next year it is planned to increase production up to 3.8 m 3 . Determine productivity improvement.

Production in value terms- a universal indicator that allows you to compare the work of organizations performing a wide variety of types of work.

Production in physical terms is the most clear and reliable indicator of the level of labor productivity. However, it is not suitable for assessing the level of labor productivity in the whole organization if it performs several types of work.

As additional indicator productivity, the indicator of fulfillment by workers of the production norms Vn is used,%, according to the formula

where Tn is the standard time to complete the task, man-days;

Tf - actually spent time, man-days.

In connection with the growth of labor productivity, labor costs are reduced:

From formula (1.1.5) we derive the formula for reducing labor costs:

where B is the growth of labor productivity,%;

T - reduction of labor costs,%.

The increase in the volume of work, in%, as a result of an increase in labor productivity is determined by the formula

where Ср is the volume of construction and installation works in the settlement (planned) period, rub.;

Sat - the same, in the base period, rubles;

Нр - the number of workers in the settlement (planned) period, people;

Nb - the same, in the base period, pers.

Along with cost and natural methods determining the level of labor productivity in construction, the method of calculation is also used for standard time - the so-called labor (normative) method. In this case, the volume of construction and installation works performed is measured in standard hours, the standard labor intensity is determined on the basis of current standards (ENiR, etc.).

The level of labor productivity is calculated as the ratio of standard labor costs (i.e., the number of standard man-hours) to the actual costs for the same amount of work.

The change in labor productivity indicators using this method is determined by comparing them for the analyzed (reporting) and base periods.

Task 1.5.3.

Task 1.5.4.

In the construction organization in the planned year, a 10% increase in labor productivity was determined against that achieved in the base year. Labor costs for the completed volume of construction and installation work in the base year amounted to 93,000 man-days. Determine the planned reduction in labor costs in percent and man-days.

Task 1.5.5.

A specialized team of 27 plasterers within a month (22 working days) performed work in the amount of 11246 m 2 of plastered surfaces. Determine the output in physical terms (per shift, per month).

Problem 1.5.6.

The brigade of erectors of structures, which reached in the previous (base) year natural output per 1 worker 3.4 m 3 of mounted reinforced concrete per shift, next year it is planned to increase the output to 3.8 m 3.

Determine productivity improvement.

Task 1.5.7.

In the base year 2000, the level of labor productivity in the assembly team was 114%, and in the reporting year 2001 it was 119%. Define labor productivity growth.

Problem 1.5.8.

In the construction organization in the planned year, an increase in labor productivity by 8% was determined against that achieved in the base year. Labor costs for the completed volume of construction and installation work in the base year amounted to 78,000 man-days. Determine the planned reduction in labor costs in percent and man-days.

Problem 1.5.9.

Determine the percentage increase in construction and installation works for two general construction trusts as a result of an increase in labor productivity in the reporting year compared to the base year.

Initial data are given in Table 1.5.

Table 1.5.

Tests for topic 1.5.:

1. Labor productivity is:

a) the totality of professions and positions;

b) compliance with the characteristics of workers and jobs;

c) an indicator of the efficiency of using the labor of workers, which is determined by the amount of production or work produced per unit of working time;

d) the placement of workers and the assignment of certain labor functions to each of them.

2. Labor intensity is:

a) labor cooperation, the choice of optimal forms of labor activity;

b) association of people within the framework of a production organization according to interests;

c) an indicator of the efficiency of using the labor of workers, which is determined by the amount of production or work produced per unit of working time.

d) is the cost of labor per unit of output.

3. Working out is:

a) the standard number of workers to perform a shift task;

b) the amount of products produced per unit of time by 1 worker or worker;

c) maintaining friendly contacts between members of the team;

d) an indicator of the efficiency of using the labor of workers, which is determined by the amount of production or work produced per unit of working time.

4. Production is measured:

a) in natural units of measurement: m 2, m 3, kg, t, pcs. etc.;

b) in value units: rubles, thousand rubles, million rubles;

c) in km and m;

d) in man-hours, man-days.

5. Labor input is measured:

a) in cost units: rubles, thousand rubles, million rubles;

b) in km and m;

c) in man-hours, man-days;

d) in natural units of measurement: m 2, m 3, kg, t, pcs. etc.

Labor productivity is characterized as one of the basic indicators reflecting the actual performance of the company's personnel.

Being a relative indicator, labor productivity allows you to compare the efficiency various groups employed in the production process and plan numerical values ​​for subsequent periods.

The concept of labor productivity

Labor productivity characterizes the effectiveness of labor costs per unit of time. For example, it shows how much output a worker will produce in an hour.

At the enterprise, productivity is determined through two basic indicators:

  • production;
  • laboriousness.

They are the most appropriate in assessing the degree of efficiency of labor costs per unit of time. Increasing productivity leads to higher production volumes and savings on wages.

Calculation algorithm

In essence, labor productivity reflects the ratio of the volume of produced and/or sold products to the number of employees.

Indicators of the number of employees are based on payroll data. Each employee is only counted once per business day.

Labor costs and time spent on the production of products are also taken into account in the reporting documentation.


The indicators of labor productivity at the enterprise include production, labor intensity and labor productivity index.

Working out(C) determines the volume of production per unit of paid labor time by one payroll employee. The indicator can be found depending on two factors - the time spent and the average number of employees.



Labor intensity(Tr) expresses the amount of labor required by one worker to produce a unit of product. The indicator of labor intensity is the opposite of the indicator of production.

Calculation depending on the time spent:


Calculation depending on the average number of employees:


  • B - production;
  • Tr - labor intensity;
  • Q is the volume of production in natural units (pieces);
  • T - the cost of paid working time for the production of this product;
  • H is the average number of staff.

There is a more detailed way to calculate performance:

PT \u003d (Q * (1 - K p)) / (T 1 * H),

  • where PT is labor productivity;
  • K p - downtime coefficient;
  • T 1 - labor costs of the employee.

If it is necessary to calculate the labor productivity of one employee, then the value of the average headcount indicator will be equal to one. Annual output per employee not only characterizes the performance of an individual, but also allows you to plan for the next period.

When calculating output, hours worked do not include downtime.

The volume of products sold can be expressed in any units - pieces, monetary or labor units.

The formula for calculating labor productivity

Based on the calculation of performance indicators for the functioning of employees at the enterprise, labor productivity index.

This indicator reflects the rate of productivity growth and is found as follows:

by production: ΔPT \u003d [(V o - V b) / V b] * 100%

in terms of labor intensity: ΔPT \u003d [(Tr about - Tr b) / Tr b] * 100%

  • where B o - production output in the reporting period;
  • C b - production output in the base period;
  • Tr about - the complexity of products in the reporting period;
  • Tr b - labor intensity of products in the base period;
  • PT - index of labor productivity in percent.

The change in productivity can be found through the planned headcount savings using the following formula:

ΔPT \u003d [E h / (Ch r - E h)] * 100%,

  • where E h is the planned savings in the number of personnel;
  • Ch p - the number of workers (employees employed in the production process).

Indicator average labor productivity necessary in the case of a large number of manufactured products with different complexity.

The formula for calculating the average labor productivity:

Vsr=ΣQ i *K i,

  • where Sun - average performance labor;
  • Q i is the volume of each type of manufactured product;
  • K i - the coefficient of labor intensity of each type of manufactured product.

To determine this coefficient, a position with minimal labor intensity is allocated. It equates to one.

To find the coefficients for other types of products, the labor intensity of each is divided by the indicator of the minimum labor intensity.

For calculation productivity of one worker the following formula is used:

PT \u003d (Q * (1 - K p)) / T 1.

To calculate the indicators of labor productivity, the data of the balance sheet of the enterprise, in particular, the volume of manufactured products, are used. This indicator is reflected in the second section of the documentation in line 2130.

The formula for calculating labor productivity according to the balance sheet is as follows:

PT \u003d (line 2130 * (1 - K p)) / (T 1 * H).


The calculated indicators allow for a comprehensive analysis of labor productivity at the enterprise.

Production and labor intensity evaluate the actual work of the staff, according to the results of the analysis, it is possible to identify resources for the development and growth of productivity, as well as for saving working time and reducing the number of employees.

The performance index reflects the change in performance in the current period compared to the previous one. It is extremely important for performance evaluation.

The level of productivity depends not only on the competence and ability of employees, but also on the level of material equipment, financial flows and other factors.

In general, labor productivity needs to be constantly improved. This can be achieved through the introduction of new equipment, training of employees and competent organization of production.

Video - how you can use new technologies to increase productivity:

Discussion (12 )

    How to calculate the average number of employees in the planned year if labor productivity increased by 9%. The number of workers in the reporting year is 280 people and the cost of marketable products in the reporting year is 650 billion rubles?

    Two teams of workers process the same kind of parts. The daily production of parts by individual workers is characterized by the following data

    Number of the worker (1 brigade) Daily output of the worker of the 1st brigade, pcs. Number of the worker (2nd brigade) Daily output of the worker of the 2nd brigade, pcs.

    Determine the average daily number of parts processed by one worker of each team and a total of two teams. Need a solution, help?

    Hope. Try to focus on the definition of labor productivity not in the way that we were drummed into the institutions, but according to K. Marx: - "labor productivity is the minimum cost of living labor with the maximum production of the product" and understand why we in the Union had giant workshops and an exorbitant number of workers, and capitalists automated lines and a minimum of workers in the production of the same volume of product.

    Labor productivity, its growth in any enterprise is the basis for the growth of the wage fund and, accordingly, the growth of wages for specific workers.

    For the proper running of a business, performance indicators are very important. With the help of them, not only the efficiency of the use of labor is analyzed, but also the level of mechanization and automation of labor. There will be no productivity with ancient tools and equipment.

    With such calculations, large companies usually bother, where there is an economist, or even a whole economic department. For small businesses, everything is easier in practice. For example: I know what minimum revenue I should have in a month so as not to go into the red. Anything above is my profit. My personal opinion, how much and how do not count, but there will be no more money. It is better to work, sell more - and there will be something to consider.

    As I understand it, a person is taken into account only as labor power and the cost of this labor power. But various force majeure situations are not included in the formula. As usual, in the absence of people, the overall productivity should not fall in any way, that is, the rest of the workers should do all the work of those absent. In general, there are many shortcomings in the workers, they need to pay bonuses, taxes, vacations and much more for them. Therefore, the installation of robots and machines is an ideal option for production.

    Knowledge of the theory is, of course, good ... But in fact, I have come across the fact that not a single business plan has yet ended as positively as planned ... Well, at least for me. There is always an action of some indefinite force that confuses all the cards. In any case, one thing is clear - if there is a sales market, and a good market that will not let you down and will pay for goods (or services) on time, then you can build a business ... If the sales market is not established, at least count. My business is based on sales of parts and accessories. There are no problems with suppliers - they are always ready to supply goods - both immediately and on order, but there are not always customers in the right quantity, since these are not essential products. Plus competition.))) Plus periodic crises ...))) How to calculate all this?

    In fact, it is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. When I was studying at the university in economics, we were literally forced to learn indicators of labor productivity, so that we would bounce off our teeth. But we didn't really want to do that. But now I have to admit that in vain. After I was lucky enough to open my own tailoring and repair workshop, I was faced with such important indicators of labor productivity as output and labor intensity. There were a lot of orders, there were 2 workers. There were difficulties with the task of orders, so I had to plan the work, calculate these indicators in order to get the result I needed, i.e. so that my workers complete at least 2 orders a day, working 8 hours. We also had to motivate employees to improve the speed and quality of work. For example, for every 3 completed orders for tailoring a product, give bonuses, then the speed of work will increase. That's all I've had so far, but I'm sure there are other ways that can help in this case and in this moment I am looking for ways to solve this problem.

    In fact, all sorts of calculations are a huge pile and you can count endlessly. But I always go from the opposite. From the result that I need. If I want to receive from a retail outlet, let's say 1000 rubles of profit per day, then the goods should be sold for 9,000 rubles, if on average I (from experience) the seller sells for 700 rubles per hour, then I need to work 11000/700 = 12.9 hours. Actually from 8 am to 9 pm. To reduce this time, you come up with different “promotions” and increase hourly revenue, as a result, according to me, the seller’s productivity can be up to 100 rubles of revenue per hour. I am working on her promotion.

Labor productivity for the year or month for the enterprise is calculated by the formula: PT \u003d B / R, where

  • PT - average annual or average monthly output;
  • B - revenue;
  • P - the average number of employees for the year or month.

For example: in a year, the same enterprise earns 10,670,000 rubles. As already mentioned, 60 people work. Thus: Fri \u003d 10,670,000/60 \u003d 177,833. 3 rubles. It turns out that for one year of work, each employee brings an average of 177,833.3 rubles of profit. Average daily calculation You can calculate the average daily or average hourly output using the following formula: PTC=W/T, where

  • T - the total cost of working time for the production of products in hours or days;
  • B is revenue.

For example, an enterprise manufactured 10,657 machine tools in 30 days. Thus, the average daily output is equal to: PST=10657/30=255. 2 machines per day.

The formula for the average annual output of one worker

The formula for calculating the output per worker Availability of resources The number of people employed in the enterprise is of great importance. In the analysis of security labor resources the actual number is compared with the planned and indicators for the previous period for each group of workers.
A positive trend is that the average annual output is growing against the background of a change (decrease) in the number of any of the groups of employed employees. The reduction in support staff is achieved by increasing the level of specialization of people involved in setting up and repairing equipment, increasing mechanization and improving labor. The number of personnel is determined according to industry standards and rational use working time required to perform certain functions: 1.
Workers: H \u003d Labor intensity: (Annual Fund of Working Time * Coefficient of Compliance with Standards).2.

Average annual output per worker

Labor intensity Labor intensity is the time spent on manufacturing a unit of production: Tr = FRVi / FRVo, where:

  • FRVi - time to create the final type of product;
  • FRVo - the general fund of working time.

The average annual output is the inverse indicator of labor intensity:

  • T \u003d Time spent / Volume of production.
  • T \u003d Number of personnel / Volume of production.

To calculate the productivity of one worker, in the above formula in the numerator you need to put one. The average annual output per worker is an inverse indicator of labor intensity.
It not only displays the performance of a particular employee, but also makes it possible to draw up a plan for the next year. With a decrease in labor intensity, labor productivity increases.
This is achieved through the introduction of scientific and technical progress, mechanization, automation, revision of production standards, etc.

Methods for calculating labor productivity

When calculating daily output, days worked by a person do not include all-day downtime and absenteeism. It depends on the average hourly production and the degree of use of the length of the working day: Vdn \u003d Hour × Psm, where Psm is the average actual length of the working day (shift).

Note that if labor costs are measured average headcount workers, then they get an indicator of the average monthly (average quarterly, average annual) production output, per one average payroll worker (depending on which period of time the volume of production and the number of workers belong to - month, quarter, year): The average monthly output depends on the average daily output and from the number of days worked on average by one average-listed worker: Vmes \u003d Vd × Tf Vmes \u003d Hours × Tf × Psm, where Tf is the average actual length of the working period, days.

Calculation of output per worker formula


The more stable it is, the more attention is paid to the development of production, therefore, the productivity is higher.

  • The general economic situation, both of the enterprise and the state, of the world as a whole. Loans, debt - all this can also reduce productivity.
  • Making changes to the structure of production.


For example, previously one employee performed 2 or 3 operations, then a separate employee was involved in each operation.

  • Application of various technologies. This includes not only the introduction of new machinery and equipment, but also methods and methods of production.
  • Change in leadership.

  • As you know, every leader tries to make his own additions to the production process.

    We calculate output in construction: 3 key indicators

    The main planned and accounting indicators of labor productivity at industrial enterprises are the volume of production in physical or value terms per employee of industrial production personnel (per worked man-day or man-hour) and the labor intensity of a unit of output or work. Labor intensity (Tr) is the cost of living labor for the production of a unit of output.


    The indicator of labor intensity has a number of advantages over the indicator of production. It establishes a direct relationship between the volume of production and labor costs and is determined by the formula: Tr = T / OP, where T is the time spent on the production of all products, standard hours or man-hours; OP - the volume of manufactured products in physical terms.

    Labor productivity, production and labor intensity

    • production volume (O);
    • production structure (C);
    • specific labor intensity of products (UT);
    • salary for one man-hour (FROM).

    FZP lane \u003d O * C * UT * FROM. Before analyzing each of the factors, it is necessary to carry out intermediate calculations. Namely: define the FZP variable:

    • according to the plan: FZP pl \u003d O * C * FROM;
    • according to the plan, taking into account the given volume of production: wage bill cond. 1 = FZP pl * K;
    • according to the plan calculated with the actual volume of production and structure: wage bill cond. 2 \u003d O * UT * FROM;
    • actual with specific labor intensity and a given level of remuneration: wage bill cond. 3 \u003d Of * Utf * OTf.

    Then you need to multiply each of the obtained values ​​by the absolute and relative deviation.

    Calculate output per worker

    Calculated as follows: R=N/V, where

    • V is the amount of the manufactured product;
    • N is the average number of employees.

    Both formulas can be used to calculate the productivity of one worker. Consider specific example: In 5 days confectionary shop made 550 cakes.

    There are 4 confectioners in the shop. The output is:

    • В=V/T=550/4=137.5 - the number of cakes made by one confectioner per week;
    • В=V/N=550/5=110 - the number of cakes made in one day.

    The labor intensity is equal to: R=N/V= 4/550=0.0073 - indicates the amount of effort that the confectioner makes to make one cake. Formulas for calculating productivity Let's consider the basic formulas for calculating labor productivity for each of the situations.

    How to calculate output per worker per shift

    The increase in labor productivity is ensured not by the stroke of a pen, but by organizational and technical measures. And only on the basis of these data it is possible to carry out staff reductions and determine the results that we can get.

    Here, everything is turned upside down. But we also need an "A" from the teacher ... Decision. Let's determine the planned number. For this (for some reason) we take the fact of the third quarter (see Fig.

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