Is it possible to dye natural fur. Tips and methods for dyeing fur at home: how to dye a fur coat at home? What hair dyes can be used


About painting

Dyeing fur with hair dye at home is now very common. The fur of mink, khanorik, kolinsky, marten, muskrat and other animals can be dyed with persistent household cream paints. Currently, there are a large number of different cream paints on the market, prices range from several hundred to tens of rubles.

For painting fur, it is desirable to choose a paint that is not expensive, light-resistant and resistant to the aquatic environment. It is very convenient to dye small skins, pieces and ready-made sewn caps for hats with such paints. One or two packs are required per skin, depending on the size of the fur and on the pubescence. Paint is the contents of two tubes: a tube of paint and a tube of oxidant (peroxide). After mixing the contents of two tubes in a separate bowl, the paint is applied by spreading and rubbed into the fur with a swab.

When dyeing fur with oxidizing or acid dyes, there are many inconveniences. For example, when painting with oxidative dyes, it is not advisable to dye one or two skins or a sewn fur cap for a hat, since several components are required: black urzol for fur D, catechol or resorcinol, ammonia 25%, salt and oxidizing agent (perhydrol 30%). Before dyeing, the fur must be etched in chromic acid in an acidic environment. The processes of etching and painting are long, take almost the entire daylight hours, painting is carried out by the dipping method in separate baths at a temperature of 35-38 degrees.

When dyeing fur with acid dyes, the skins need to be tanned with an increased amount of chrome tanning agent so that the skins do not boil. The temperature of the dye solution is 60 - 65 degrees.

It is not advisable to dye fur in small quantities; it is more economical to prepare a batch of skins and spend the whole daylight hours on dyeing.

When painting fur with hair dyes, everything is much simpler, you can dye one or two skins in 1 - 2 hours, using a spread method, rubbing the paint into the fur. In this case, one or two packs of paint are spent. The costs are small.

What hair dyes can be used

From a large number of household cream paints, you need to choose those paints that provide the dyed fur with good resistance to light, water and mechanical stress. When painting mink fur, depending on whether the fur is old or new, the paint consumption is small. If we need to dye skins with long-haired fur (arctic fox, fox, silver fox or sable), the dye consumption increases significantly, especially when dyeing light skins in dark colors and new fur. In this case, the question of price is acute.

For painting mink, muskrat and other fur skins, such stable household hair dye creams have proven themselves well: FARA, IMPRESION +, PRESTIGE. Dyed things retain their color for 2-3 years, are not washed off with water, almost do not differ in color from natural undyed skins.

Paints Fara, Impression, Prestige

Selection of shades for different colors of fur

You need to paint the fur in a tone that will be an order of magnitude darker than the existing one. For example, if you need to dye brown mink fur, be sure to take the paint darker. FARA - dark brown No. 502 is suitable for natural brown mink. Mink fur, like any other, is dyed differently. New fur that has not been exposed to the sun (new skins) dyes very poorly, you have to increase the concentration of paint by adding a darker one.

So, for example: in the dark brown paint FARA No. 502, you can add half a tube of black paint No. 501. You can increase the concentration even more by adding half a tube of dark brown #502 to a tube of black #501.

New mink or muskrat fur is poorly dyed, so after drying, it is often necessary to re-dye it in the same way in order to achieve dark shades. Old (worn) fur of mink, muskrat and other animals that has been exposed to the sun dyes much better and the longer the fur was worn, the more intense the color. Within 30 minutes or an hour, the hide is dyed completely with dark brown FARA No. 502 or No. 501.

Shampoo IRIDA

Light colors of fur, for example: it is better to tint a gray or blue mink in the same tone with hair dye - IRIDA. For yellow or white mink, it is also better to choose a paint to match. After dyeing, the fur is updated, the color becomes brighter and richer. Light new skins are dyed in dark colors with difficulty, often it is necessary to repaint, increasing the concentration according to the above method. There are no such problems with old light fur, it is well dyed black or brown.

It is better to tint long-haired fur (arctic fox, fox) in a natural color, choosing paint according to color. When painting in dark colors, and even when new skins, the paint goes many times more.

Preparing the item for painting

Worn and moth-eaten places

Fur skins, separate pieces or a ready-made sewn fur cap for a hat must be prepared for painting. First, fur skins need to be tested for exposure to water. Fur, before being dyed, must be degreased, cleaned of contaminants by washing. Then it is thoroughly washed in water, dyed, washed and washed again. Skins, due to long-term storage or wear, new skins due to improper dressing, can lose their strength and swell and tear when they get into the water. That is why all skins must be tested for water before dyeing. Separate pieces or thin places of the skin are wetted or thrown into a bowl with warm water and observed for 10-15 minutes, if nothing happens to the skins, they remain strong, such skins can be dyed. It happens the other way around, the skins swell, with a slight stretch they tear, and even worse they become limp, like blotting paper. Such skins must be discarded, otherwise there will be big problems.

Before painting on the skins, defects are eliminated: bald spots, worn and moth-beaten places, bites and tears. These places are cut out in the form of a fish, inserts are sewn in, or simply cut out and sewn together. Weak skins, especially at the seams, are strengthened by gluing strips of nonwoven fabric spunbond or non-woven fabric, glue MOMENT 1. Glue MOMENT 1 is ideal for skins.

The process of dyeing natural fur with hair dye

Before dyeing, the fur skin or fur cap for the hat, which you cut out and sewn from whole skins or worn fur (an old hat or collar), must be degreased by washing, since greasy and dirty hair is poorly dyed. There are not stained places, spots.

Preparing water in a cup room temperature, add a small amount of washing powder and wash gently. The skins should already be tested for water, as sometimes the skins swell and tear from the water. So that the skins do not tear, they wash them without sudden movements and try not to twist them when wringing out. After washing, the skin is rinsed in clean warm water, squeezed lightly and prepared for dyeing.

Paint preparation process

The paint is prepared according to the instructions enclosed in the box. Hair dye and an oxidizing agent (peroxide) are squeezed out of the tube into a separate bowl, everything is mixed well. The paint is smeared with a sponge on the skin or a sewn fur cap and rubbed into the fur. The skin is rolled up and placed in a bowl. After 10 - 15 minutes they come up, and again the paint is well rubbed into the fur. Constantly watch how the skin is dyed. After half an hour, darkening of the fur appears (in the case of painting the mink brown), the longer the painting, the darker the color. Worn fur is dyed faster.

At the end of dyeing, the skin is rinsed in clean warm water, and then washed with powder in warm water, rinsed several times until clean water. The skin is wrapped in a towel and gently squeezed without twisting, so as not to tear. Then the skin must be dried.

How to dry fur

To dry dyed fur, you need to use a hair dryer, it is best and more efficient to use an old-style vacuum cleaner with a reverse draft. Under the influence of an air jet, the fur dries quickly and fluffs up. If these are new skins and not cut along the tummy, they can be pulled over the rules with the fur outward and dried. The cut ones are stretched with nails on the shield with the fur outward, after drying they are removed and crumpled. Such dyed skins can later be used for sewing new hats or for repairing fur coats. Ready-made sewn and dyed fur caps for hats made by molding are dried with an air jet and pulled on a block in a half-moist form.

When repairing mink coats, sometimes you have to tint brown fur right on the coats. The paint is rubbed with a swab into the burnt place, after staining it is quickly washed off with water and dried with an air stream.

A few secrets...

In the manufacture fur hats using the molding method, when stitching fur caps, sometimes you have to insert light fur. After dyeing, pulling on a fur cap and drying, it turns out that light fur is different in color. In this case, you can tint the skin right on the deck by pulling out the nails. High concentration paint is reapplied to the unpainted area. After dyeing, the paint is washed off, the fur is quickly dried with an air jet.

As a result of prolonged wear and strong exposure to sunlight, mink fur becomes hard to the touch, such fur must be checked before cutting. A piece of such fur is dyed separately, after drying the fur turns disgusting, the ends of the hair turn gray, the color is very bad. Sometimes in a hurry, such fur appears already on the finished cap, then you need to cut this piece out and replace it with a good one.

Often relying on the quality of the skin, it turns out that after dyeing the skin begins to tear. You can get out of the situation, pull the dried cap onto the finished block and glue the entire cap with pieces of spunbond using glue MOMENT 1. When pulled on the finished block, the skin will no longer tear.

When sewing a fur cap for a hat made by molding, you need to remember that the skins decrease in size after dyeing and drying, so the cap is cut out more in the beom.

Other staining methods

Fur can be dyed in many ways. For these purposes, there are oxidizing, direct, active, acid and a number of other dyes, including natural preparations. When painting, the dipping method is mainly used and less often the smear method. All these methods are time-consuming, require, in addition to the use of basic dyes, a whole range of additional preparations.

When painting fur at home, it takes all daylight hours. The finished fur product (hat, fur coat, vest) cannot be dyed using the dipping method, it is necessary to separate the fur skin from the lining material, and during dyeing, shrinkage of the skins is possible, the skins decrease in size when dried. You can tint some defective places (worn or burnt out), for example, on a fur coat or hat, rubbing the paint into the fur with a brush, and then quickly rinse with water and dry. With this method, household cream hair dyes have proven themselves well. Sometimes such problem areas are tinted with aerosols, by spraying paint.

Spray for dyeing fur

Often, finished fur products (hats, fur coats) look excellent when worn for a long time, but burnt spots appear in some places. In this case, there is no need to paint the whole thing, it is enough to tint problem areas with a spray.

For dyeing fur, you can use paint - an aerosol for suede care. It is a metal can of spray paint.

Aerosol for suede care

You need to choose the right shade correctly, otherwise the dyed fur will differ sharply from the main one. The area to be tinted is cleaned of dirt, can be degreased with alcohol, wiping with a swab. It is desirable to cover the fur with any material, except for tinted spots. We spray the paint at a distance of 30-40 cm so that the fur does not stick together and a uniform color is obtained. In this way, you can get an excellent result, the painted places will not differ much from natural fur, the paint will last for several months.

Care for dyed fur

As a result of dyeing fur skins, individual pieces, fur caps for hats with persistent household cream hair dyes, carried out by spreading, by rubbing the dye into the fur, we get a stable color. The paint for a long time when wearing the fur is resistant to light, water and mechanical stress. Such things do not require special care, the same requirements as for any fur product.

For fur dyed by spraying, the requirements are completely different. The color is not particularly resistant, so it is better to protect such a product from the influence of light, water, mechanical stress and elevated temperature.

In order for the paint to hold better and the fur to shine, it can be treated with a special balm for the care of dyed hair. After such processing, the fur becomes softer and fluffier.

Fur products require daily care, comb more often, require thorough cleaning. Much depends on proper storage. Fur should be covered and stored in a dark place.

Fur products have always been distinguished by their invulnerability to high temperature differences and other factors. external environment However, sooner or later, the fur on them may fade, lose its former luster, become stained or simply shed. However, the loss of color in a fur coat is not a sentence at all, and it is possible to restore its former brightness without resorting to specialists. And today we will look at how to dye natural fur (for example, mink and arctic fox) and artificial fur in the most effective ways.

We paint fox fur products

In case of very strong contamination or discoloration, it is necessary to treat its surface with some kind of alkaline solution. Coloring elements do not get into the structure of oily or dirty hair. Therefore, to achieve an impeccable result, you need to make an appropriate solution. The cleaner is prepared as follows:

  1. 2 teaspoons of salt are added to 1 liter of water.
  2. 1 teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount of detergent.
  3. 2 teaspoons baking soda

The resulting substance should be applied to the fur with a brush. This product dries naturally.

When processing the inside of the fur coat, it should first be treated with glycerin or a fat cream. This is done to prevent it from drying out.

What color is better to choose?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. In any case, the final choice is yours. However, experts recommend painting the arctic fox in dark colors. If you want to dye your fur coat a lighter shade, pre-treat it with hydrogen peroxide.

Before dyeing the fur at home, you need to thoroughly moisten the fur coat in water. The usual hair dye is applied to the surface of the fur. It is not worth delaying the application of this substance. Do not forget about safety measures - use rubber medical gloves when working. They can be purchased at almost any pharmacy individually or in a package of 100 pcs. When applying paint to the fur, smooth the fur coat with your hand - so the substance will spread more evenly over the surface. After that, it is necessary to withstand the product for several minutes (as indicated on the paint instructions). Next, rinse the fur in warm water. It is best to add vinegar there. Now you can move on to drying. So that the fur does not “sit down” in the future, gently stretch it. Pin it with pins if necessary.

How to dye mink fur?

Mink fur is very similar in structure and appearance to human hair, so it should only be dyed with an aerosol or a spray gun at a distance of at least 50 and no more than 80 centimeters from the surface. In order for the paint to be well absorbed into the material, it is necessary to carefully comb it after each application of a new layer. With the help of a comb, the paint is more evenly distributed over the surface of a fur coat and other fur products, as a result of which they will look fresh and attractive. As we noted earlier, mink is very similar in structure to human hair. Because of this, it is necessary to select a paint for it that would not harm its qualities. It is best to use a material that has been tested on your curls, that is, ordinary hair dye. This is sold in almost every supermarket and market. The range and variety of colors will satisfy even the most capricious fashionista, so choose the appropriate option, and then feel free to apply paint on a fur coat.


As for drying, such restored products can be processed with an ordinary home hair dryer. In this case, you should periodically comb the fur so that in the future it does not fall off. To add shine to the coat, use a hair balm. It will soften the fur well and make its color more saturated.

How to dye faux fur?

First of all, you need to decide what color you will paint this fur. Although, in general, the principle of work does not differ from whether you repaint the fur coat radically or process its surface only partially. The difference is only in time.

How to dye faux fur? As in the case of natural, hair dye will be the best remedy. If you want to make the color of your fur coat dark or light (that is, one that is very different in shade from the true one), use resistant options. If you are going to process the fur only partially, a regular tinting shampoo is quite suitable for such purposes.

So, you bought the right paint. What to do next? Before dyeing the fur at home, you need to thoroughly degrease the surface of the fur coat and remove all dirt from it. To do this, use a cotton swab pre-moistened with detergent or shampoo. And one more thing - before staining, it is better to check the color of the paint in advance on a piece of paper. Sometimes it happens that the bottle does not match the specified shade. Or you just don't like it. Then you will have the opportunity to change it, and meanwhile the fur coat will not suffer from double "torture".

How to dye fur at home? When applying the material to the fibers, make sure that the fur is evenly placed on the surface. To avoid unpainted areas, use a comb (same as with natural products). The material itself is applied with a brush in the direction of the fibers. Thus, the paint will capture not only the upper part of the fur coat, but also its fabric base.

Wait a few minutes until all the pigment is absorbed. The exact time of each paint is different, so always follow the application instructions. After the paint is well absorbed into the fur, rinse it off with water, shampoo if necessary. If the coat is washable, you can place it in washing machine. After that, comb the fibers with a comb and let the product dry. Comb again after drying. If the fabric base of the fur coat is not washable, remove the remaining paint from it with pieces of a cotton swab soaked in warm water.


So, we found out how to dye fur at home, as well as what tools you need to have available for this.

Girls, I will share my experience of coloring fur. She dyed a mink (a blue-gray fur coat made of ponytails) and an arctic fox (it was once white, but turned yellow and gray in the process of wearing).
Mink: I decided to alter it, but before that, paint it. The details of the fur coat were painted with the cheapest paint by Impression (I chose blue-black color, because the fur coat itself was blue-gray and had already darkened in the sock). I chose cheap paint for the simplest reason: I once wanted to tone my hair into a light pinkish tint, paints of this color were only cheap, I dyed it myself at home, after some time I decided to do highlighting at the hairdresser and got pink strands, the master was very surprised to such an effect, after that I highlighted the hair several more times, but the shade remained until the hair grew and I gradually cut it off.
Let's get back to the coat. She painted with a hairdressing brush, they are usually sold where hair dyes or in salons (20 - 40 rubles). For example, the sleeve was painted for about two hours, because. I painted over almost every hair, it’s good that the brush is hard, it paints better, I immediately combed it with a plastic comb so that the paint is better distributed. After painting, I waited the prescribed time according to the instructions, then washed it in the shower, smeared it with a fixative balm (sold with paint), washed it off, dried it with a sheet, fixed it with needles on the ceiling panels according to the drawn detail (60x60 squares remained from the repair, the foam ceiling, but first I folded the squares into the surface of the desired area and traced the detail), very convenient, no need to beat the carnations.
All this dried for some time, during drying it combed several times so that the fur dries faster and evenly.
The effect is shocking. From the gray shabby skin, shiny blue-black ones were obtained.
Before that, I tried to paint in the way that was once proposed in this thread, i.e. smear without staining and wash off with a sponge, it turned out to be a complete disgrace in some kind of stains. Therefore, I did everything as with hair, painting over each strand of fur.
after drying, the mezra remained soft, because. Before painting, I smeared it with glycerin.
Arctic fox: I didn’t smear the mezdra with glycerin, I painted it as I wrote above gold fish, smeared, massaged, without any brushes, because the arctic fox has too thick down, no brush will paint over. The paint is again blue-black, on a white scribe it turned out bright blue. She dried, hanging on a hanger, did not pull anywhere, the mezra remained soft, the fur did not sit down.
Mink, if not smeared with glycerin, dubeet.
Sprays are good only for tinting and masking defects, I didn’t succeed in painting, because. downs are not dyed. Maybe sprays are like that, or maybe there is no skill.
It is still difficult to find the right color if the spray is for fur, we have only 3 colors in our city: gray, brown, black, gray is very light.
Shoe paints can be used, but also for tinting, i.e. tinting.
I also noticed that with cheap paints you can sometimes find colors in the palette that expensive ones do not have.
Maybe I forgot something, just ask.

The portal contains addresses and phone numbers of studios in Moscow, where you can order fur dyeing. Prices for the service are presented in tables convenient for comparison. Thus, you can compare the cost of the service in different studios and find the best option. The portal contains reviews of visitors who have already applied to the atelier or salon. This will help you find really worthy seamstresses and tailors.

Which atelier in Moscow is best for fur dyeing?

Fur dyeing helps to restore the former beauty of hats, fur coats and fur capes, eliminates yellowing and fading, and renews the look of the product. If the fur on an old fur coat has a good finish, but the color has already become ugly, it is better to contact a good craftsman and carry out restoration, rather than throwing it away or putting it away in a distant closet. Where can I dye the fur with high quality, and how much will it cost?

Prices for dyeing fur and terms of work

In the atelier, dyeing of a fur product is carried out in different ways, the most expensive is a gradient, and the cheapest is tinting. In the first case, there is a two-color staining; not every master can make a beautiful transition between colors. For hard work don't skimp on a specialist. A simple option is toning, the fur is simply given a more saturated shade, the shine is restored. Such restoration can be ordered at any specialized studio for working with fur products.

Average prices are:

  • Toning: from 1700 rubles. for hats, from 1500 r. for collars and cuffs, from 3500 r. for vests and capes, from 5000 r. for fur coats
  • Coloring is calculated individually, but if there is no color change, then the price is about 100-200 rubles. more expensive than toning.

Dyeing natural or artificial fur takes a little time, on average 1-2 hours, it depends on the skills of the master and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. Dye a small hat faster than a large voluminous fur coat.

Unfortunately, in many studios in Moscow there are queues of customers, especially for competent furriers, so it’s better to sign up in advance. In the table you can find the nearest company to you, its opening hours and contact phone number.

What is important for the customer to know

There are a number of cases when companies refuse to paint a client, and this is due to compliance with technological standards. Restoration goes like this:

  • The lining is ripped, the condition of the fur is checked. If the reaction is normal when moistened, then the thing will be taken to work, if the subcutaneous part of the skin begins to exfoliate, deform, then the master will refuse. Most often, products that are more than 15 years old are not taken into work.
  • It happens that after painting there is shrinkage, and you need to cut it to fit. The specialist should warn about such things, since for the client this is from 2 to 10 thousand additional expenses.

Have you ever thought about how to dye fur at home. But surely every modern fashionista has a vest, a sheepskin coat or a fur coat made of natural or faux fur in her wardrobe. During operation, the fur can change its original appearance, burn out in the sun, and maybe you will come up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchanging the look of an old little thing. Today, service organizations, represented in sufficient numbers, provide a full range of fur dyeing services, but, unfortunately, at an impressive cost, they do not always meet the expectations of customers. That is why the question of how to dye fur at home, whether it is possible, in general, to carry out this procedure on your own, is very common today. We will talk about it in the framework of this material.

Preparatory activities

The success of the "operation" largely depends on how well the preparatory measures will be carried out. Having decided to update the shade of the fur or radically change it, do not forget to clean it, because the dirt prevents the deep penetration of the dye, respectively, the result of dyeing affects.

For cleaning, you will need an alkaline solution made from a liter of water, 2 teaspoons of soda, 1 teaspoon of any dishwashing detergent and 1 teaspoon of ammonia, which can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy. All components must be thoroughly mixed with each other until a homogeneous mass is obtained. On the mezdra (bottom layer of the skin), to prevent drying out, apply fat cream, for example, children. Then, armed with a brush with hard bristles, you should apply an alkaline solution to the fur, distributing it over the entire surface, then rinse the product thoroughly under running water and lay it in a horizontal position to dry.

What to paint?

If you do not know how to dye fur at home, what means to use for this, you have come to the right place. To date, there are enough professional paints and compositions in specialized stores, but hair dye is still no less effective and affordable. You can find it in any supermarket at an affordable price, and the variety of shades allows you to satisfy the taste preferences of every fashionista.

So, for dyeing, you will need paint, a brush with which you will apply the composition to the fur and, of course, rubber gloves - an indispensable means of protection. When choosing a brush, give preference to the option with hard bristles.

fox fur

How to dye fox fur at home? Luxurious vests made of fox skins have been a trend of the last few years. They will be relevant in the near future, which is why the owners of such luxury need to properly care for it: update the shade of fur every season, clean it. In addition, modern dyes allow, if necessary, to radically change the color of the fur product. So why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Deciding on a shade

If you do not know how to dye natural fur at home, in particular fox fur, it is important to get acquainted with some of the nuances of the procedure. They are primarily associated with the structural features of the fur. Of course, the choice of shade lies on the shoulders of the owner of the fur product, but professionals strongly recommend dyeing the fox fur in dark shades. If, on the contrary, you want to lighten the product, you will have to pre-treat the fur with hydrogen peroxide.

Let's start coloring

For maximum results, wet the fox fur with water, and then proceed to apply the coloring composition, paying attention to each area. After the entire composition has been applied, it is necessary to withstand the time indicated on the package. After that, it is enough to rinse the product under running water and dry it, placing it in a natural horizontal position.


Mink hair is identical in structure to human hair, which is why the choice of dye for mink should be approached more demandingly. The same hair dye is perfect, but it is better to give preference to a professional series that will give the most natural natural shade, and it will last much longer than budget counterparts. But some recommend using spray paint. In this case, it is necessary to apply paint from a distance of 60-70 cm in several layers. Do not be afraid to layer paint - this technology will allow you to achieve an expressive and deep noble shade.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to dye mink fur at home, use the general rules that work with any fur. In everything, the dyeing procedure completely repeats the procedure for transforming fox fur, described above.

Mouton fur

This once the most popular view fur is relevant today. Its popularity is largely due to the warmth and comfort that a product made of mouton fur gives. But not everyone knows how to properly care for the fur, which is why, with time of operation, there is a need for additional dyeing.

Mouton products are rightfully one of the most unpretentious, but speaking of staining, you should be patient, be extremely careful and accurate. Since how to paint fur at home with paint in the case of a muton. The pile of such fur is quite thick, dense, which is why it is so important to evenly distribute the coloring composition over the entire surface.

And one more thing: before dyeing, test a small amount of pigment on a small section of the fur product - in case of spots and bald spots, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bself-dyeing and entrust it to professionals.

Artificial fur

Do you think only natural fur causes admiration and admiring glances of others? For several years, faux fur products: bright, sometimes extravagant and quite affordable models, have turned the whole idea of ​​fashion, beauty and luxury upside down. If you have a jacket or bag made from this material in your wardrobe, update it with dyeing. Want to know how to dye faux fur at home? We will tell you about it.

For dyeing, the same hair dye is suitable - in the case of faux fur you can experiment, give preference to brighter, more acidic shades. For preliminary preparation, an ordinary soap solution is suitable, which is applied with a sponge over the entire surface of the product.

In order to get the perfect result, before painting, do not just lay the product in a horizontal position, but also stretch it well. This will help avoid the formation of bald spots.

Summing up

We tried to figure out how to dye fur at home, gave some of the most effective ways. With the proper approach to the procedure, the use of high-quality materials and tools, you can achieve amazing results. In addition, dyeing fur, both natural and artificial, at home will not take you much time and, most importantly, money. We hope that you will appreciate the information provided and be sure to use our advice and recommendations.

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