Read the trading rules. National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus. Features of the sale of various groups


Taking into account the very difficult economic situation in the country, the Russian Government was forced to introduce a number of amendments and additions to the articles of laws that in one way or another affect small and big business. Government Decree in latest edition entered into force in January 2016. The main changes affected:

  • concessions in the form tax holidays for IP;
  • tightening the rules for the sale of tobacco and alcoholic beverages, etc.

We propose to dwell on the topic of trade and its rules for individual entrepreneurs in food and non-food groups of goods.

Trade Rules 2018: Government Decree

The main changes affected the implementation rules for IP of some groups of non-food and food products by any means: remote/travelling, indoors, at trading floors, in stores, at public catering establishments, etc. New rules have been introduced for individual entrepreneurs on the design of price tags, according to which the buyer will have access to complete information on all products.

The new rules affected retail and wholesale sales. It is planned to develop similar standards for other types of services. Also changed the rules for the registration of new entrepreneurs (IP) and taxation standards.

Food products: criteria

By a decree of the Government of Russia dated the end of last year 2017, changes were made to the rules for the sale of food, as well as certain groups of non-food products (for individual entrepreneurs). The same Decree, which entered into force in January 2018, established a list of long-term products for which there is no replacement for the buyer (consumer), as well as a non-food group of goods of the wrong type that are not subject to return and exchange.

A commission fee has been established, rules for complying with epidemiological standards, etc. have been prescribed in retail trade organizations and enterprises Catering. The full list can be found on the official thematic resources or download the full text for free online on our page.

Trade in non-food products in Russia 2018

The updated rules are designed to improve the quality of customer service by entrepreneurs (IEs). They have established special regulations for regulatory authorities. But the basic rules, including preparatory work remained unchanged:

  • products must be of the proper type and enter the shelves only after sorting and a thorough quality check;
  • products must be marked with price tags;
  • the seller must have a sanitary book, a headdress and overalls;
  • in the presence of weight products at the workplace, there must be scales; for some groups, the obligatory presence of a cash register is provided.

The rules for the implementation in the store oblige sellers / managers to equip a buyer's corner, which must have a book of complaints and suggestions, licenses for groups of goods subject to licensing, and must also contain information about the work outlet and consumer protection. Upon request, the seller is obliged to provide sanitary documents for any goods.

Calculation of UTII in 2018 for individual entrepreneurs example retail trade

The calculation of UTII (Single tax on imputed income) for retail trade for individual entrepreneurs consists of five indicators that are correctly multiplied among themselves:

  • BD - basic yield, is 1.8 thousand per sq.m, provided the area exceeds the size of 5 sq.m.;
  • FP is a physical indicator, the size of the usable area (shopping space) is used as it;
  • NB - in this option is equal to 15%;
  • K1 - the deflator coefficient is set by the Government Decree on an annual basis, for 2017-2018 it is 1.798;
  • K2 - the correction factor has a regional reference, it can range from 0.05 to a whole unit.

The formula for calculating the tax for one month is as follows: DB*FP*NB*K1*K2=UTII.

Rules for the sale of alcoholic products from January 1, 2018

These rules for the sale of alcoholic products dictate their own rules from delivery/reception to its sale. When accepting goods of alcoholic and low-alcohol products, the seller / other person responsible for receiving the goods is obliged to check the products for their compliance with the invoice (quality, quantity, integrity of excises, condition, etc. parameters). Goods must be provided with price tags with complete and accessible information for the buyer, stored in appropriate conditions, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, etc.

Alcoholic and low-alcohol products can only be sold in stationary premises intended for retail or wholesale trade. When selling goods in this group, mandatory scanning is provided (all bar codes must be available) and receipts must be issued to consumers (i.e., mandatory sale through cash register). The sale of alcohol from January 1, 2018, the sale time is also limited: retail sales are prohibited from 23.00 to 8.00.

EGAIS is prescribed to control and regulate compliance with the rules and requirements in accordance with the Government Decree, which began to take effect from January of this year (responsibility for monitoring lies). In order to simplify the tasks set, entrepreneurs (IE) were obliged to connect to public access through a special program that connects through a computer (cash register). These rules are an innovation not only for Russian Federation, similar norms are contained in the legislation of the countries of the former CIS: in the Republic of Belarus, in Ukraine, etc.

Beer Law Sale of Beer in 2018 Beer Trade Rules

33. Goods prior to their submission to the trading floor or other place of sale must be freed from containers, wrapping and binding materials, metal clips. Contaminated surfaces or parts of the product must be removed. The seller is also obliged to check the quality of the goods (by external signs), the availability of the necessary documentation and information on them, to carry out the rejection and sorting of the goods.

Food products of non-industrial manufacture, sold in food markets, are subject to sale after a veterinary and sanitary examination with the issuance of a veterinary certificate (certificate) of the established form in accordance with the established procedure, which must be presented to the buyer at his request.

Organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic products, prior to the supply of alcoholic products to the trading floor, verify the authenticity of federal special stamps and excise stamps visually, as well as using access to information resources of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market.

Information about changes:

The rules were supplemented by clause 33.1 from July 1, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of January 28, 2019 N 50

33.1. In the trading floor or other place of sale, the placement (layout) of dairy, dairy compound and milk-containing products must be carried out in a way that allows you to visually separate these products from other food products, and be accompanied by the informational inscription "Products without milk fat substitute".

34. In the case of pre-sale packing and packaging of loose goods produced by the seller, the volume of packed goods with short shelf life must not exceed the volume of their sale during one trading day.

The packaged goods shall be marked with their name, weight, price per kilogram, cost of plumb line, date of packaging, expiration date, number or surname of the weigher.

When selling food products packaged and packaged by the manufacturer with an indication of the weight on the package, their additional weighting is not performed.

Bulk and unpackaged food products are not subject to sale, with the exception of certain types of goods, the list of which is approved in accordance with the procedure established by federal law.

35. Bulk food products are transferred to the buyer in a packaged form without charging an additional fee for packaging.

For packaging, materials are used that meet the mandatory requirements established by law.

36. The price of food products sold by weight is determined by net weight.

37. At the request of the buyer, gastronomic products may be sold to him in sliced ​​form.

Bread and bakery products weighing 0.4 kg or more (except for products in the manufacturer's packaging) can be cut into 2 or 4 equal parts and sold without weighing.

Bread and bakery products are sold in small retail outlets only in packaged form.

38. Food outlets may sell related non-food items and provide catering services. At the same time, trade in related products and the provision of public catering services should not lead to a deterioration in the quality and safety of food products and the conditions for their sale established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

III. Features of the sale of textile, knitwear, clothing and fur goods and footwear

39. Textile goods (fabrics and non-woven materials and products made from them), knitwear, garments (clothing, underwear, hats), fur products and footwear must undergo pre-sale preparation before being submitted to the trading floor, which includes: unpacking, sorting and inspection of the goods; checking the quality of the goods (by external signs) and the availability necessary information about the product and its manufacturer; if necessary, cleaning and ironing products and their minor repairs.

40. Goods offered for sale must be grouped by types, models, sizes, heights and displayed on the trading floor. Taking into account the peculiarities of trade, samples of goods offered for sale may be exhibited on the trading floor, for which the buyer is given the opportunity to choose and purchase the goods he needs.

Knitwear, clothing, fur goods and footwear for men, women and children should be placed separately on the trading floor.

Fabrics are grouped according to the type and type of fiber from which they are made, fur goods - according to the type of fur.

Each fabric sample must also be accompanied by information about the percentage of fibers from which it is made, and fur products - information about the type of fur.

54. Prior to submission to the trading floor, perfumery and cosmetic products are unpacked and inspected, the quality (by external signs) of each unit of the product and the availability of the necessary information about it is checked.

55. The buyer should be given the opportunity to get acquainted with the smell of perfumes, colognes, toilet water using litmus papers, impregnated with a fragrant liquid, snuff samples submitted by manufacturers of goods, as well as with other properties and characteristics of goods offered for sale.

56. When transferring goods in a package with cellophane wrapping or branded tape, the buyer should be asked to check the contents of the package by removing the cellophane or branded tape. The aerosol packaging of the product is checked by the person carrying out the sale for the functioning of the packaging in the presence of the buyer.

VI. Features of the sale of cars, motorcycles, trailers and numbered units

57. Automobiles, motorcycles and other types of motor vehicles, trailers and numbered units for them must undergo pre-sale preparation, the types and volumes of which are determined by the product manufacturers. In the service book for the goods or another document replacing it, the seller is obliged to make a note about such preparation.

58. When demonstrating the goods offered for sale, the buyer shall have free access to them.

VII. Features of the sale of jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) precious stones

Information about changes:

61. Sale of jewelry and other products made of precious metals produced in the Russian Federation, imported into its territory, subject to hallmarking in the manner established by law Russian Federation, is carried out only if these products have imprints of state assay hallmarks, as well as imprints of names (for products of domestic production).

It is allowed to sell jewelry and other products made of silver of domestic production weighing up to 3 grams inclusive (excluding inserts) without an imprint of the state hallmark.

Sale of cut diamonds made from natural diamonds and cut emeralds is carried out only if there is a certificate for each such stone or set (lot) of precious stones sold.

Information about changes:

62. Information on jewelry and other products offered for sale made of precious metals and (or) precious stones, cut emeralds and diamonds, in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, must contain extracts from regulatory legal acts establishing the procedure for testing, analysis and hallmarking of jewelry and other products made of precious metals and certification of precious stones.

Information about changes:

63. Jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) precious stones must undergo pre-sale preparation before being submitted to the trading floor, which includes inspection and sorting of such products, checking for the presence of imprints of the state assay mark and name (for products of domestic production) ), as well as the safety of seals and labels, sorting by size.

Information about changes:

64. Jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) precious stones offered for sale must be grouped according to their purpose and have sealed labels indicating the name of the product and its manufacturer, type of precious metal, article number, sample, weight, type and characteristics of the inserts, including the processing method that changed the quality, color and cost characteristics of the gemstone, as well as the price of the product (prices per 1 gram of the product without inserts).

When using as inserts materials of artificial origin with the characteristics (properties) of precious stones, the labels must contain information that this stone is not precious.

Information about changes:

65. Jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) precious stones, as well as cut precious stones, must be individually packaged.

Information about changes:

66. When transferring the purchased goods to the buyer, the person carrying out the sale checks for the presence of an imprint of the state hallmark and its quality, the presence of an imprint of the personal name (for domestic products), as well as a certificate for a cut gemstone.

Information about changes:

67. At the request of the buyer, in his presence, the purchased jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) precious stones without a label weighing up to 1 kg are weighed on scales with an error in determining the mass of not more than 0.01 g, and weighing from 1 kg to 10 kg - on scales with a determination error of not more than 0.1 g.

Information about changes:

68. In the case when, in order to verify the correctness of the labeling of the product, including the mass, the removal of the label is required, an act is drawn up with the subsequent indication of the number of the act on the duplicate label of the store. The manufacturer's label is saved and attached to the product along with the duplicate.

69. If cash receipt the goods do not contain the name of the goods, sample, type and characteristics of the precious stone, article, along with the goods, the buyer is given a sales receipt, which indicates this information, the name of the seller, the date of sale and the price of the goods, and the person directly selling the goods is signed.

VIII. Features of the sale of medicines and medical devices

70. The sale of medicinal products (metered medicinal products, ready for use and intended for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human and animal diseases, prevention of pregnancy, increase in animal productivity) is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines" and taking into account the specifics defined by these Rules.

71. Information about medicinal products, in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 of Article 46 of the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines", must contain information on the state registration of the medicinal product, indicating the number and date of its state registration (except for medicinal products manufactured by the seller ( pharmacy) according to doctor's prescriptions).

72. Information about medical products (instruments, devices, devices, equipment, materials and other products used for medical purposes separately or in combination with each other, as well as together with other accessories necessary for the use of these products for their intended purpose, including special software , and intended by the manufacturer for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation of diseases, monitoring the state of the human body, conducting medical research, restoring, replacing, changing the anatomical structure or physiological functions of the body, preventing or terminating pregnancy, the functional purpose of which is not realized through pharmacological, immunological , genetic or metabolic effects on the human body) in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, must contain information about the number and date of the registration certificate for a medical device issued by Federal Service on supervision in the field of healthcare in the prescribed manner, as well as taking into account the characteristics of a particular type of product, information about its purpose, method and conditions of use, action and effect, restrictions (contraindications) for use.

73. The seller must provide the buyer with information about the rules for dispensing medicinal products.

74. The seller is obliged to ensure the sale of medicines of the minimum range necessary for the provision of medical care, the list of which is established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

75. Medicinal preparations and medical products must undergo pre-sale preparation before being submitted to the trading floor, which includes unpacking, sorting and inspection of goods; checking the quality of the goods (by external signs) and the availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer (supplier).

Pre-sales preparation of medical devices also includes, if necessary, the removal of factory grease, checking the completeness, assembly and commissioning.

76. The sale of medicines and medical devices is carried out on the basis of the prescriptions of doctors presented by the buyers, issued in the prescribed manner, as well as without prescriptions in accordance with the instructions for the use of medicines and medical devices.

IX. Features of selling animals and plants

78. Information about animals and plants offered for sale, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules, must contain their species name, information about the features of keeping and breeding.

The seller must also provide information about:

date and number of the technical certificate (for goods for which mandatory requirements have been established to confirm their suitability for use in construction);

storage conditions (for goods for which mandatory requirements for storage conditions are established).

82. Household chemical goods, prior to their supply to the trading floor (placement at the point of sale), must undergo pre-sale preparation, which includes the release of shipping containers, sorting of goods, checking the integrity of the package (including the functioning of the aerosol package) and the quality of the goods (by external signs ), the availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer, instructions for the use of goods, the correctness of prices.

83. Household chemical goods offered for sale should be grouped by type depending on the purpose of the products in order to ensure the convenience of their selection.

84. When transferring household chemicals in aerosol packaging to the buyer, the functioning of the packaging in the sales area shall not be checked.

XI. Features of the sale of pesticides and agrochemicals

86. Information on pesticides and agrochemicals, in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, as well as provided for in Article 17 of the Federal Law "On the Safe Handling of Pesticides and Agrochemicals", must contain information about the state registration number of the pesticide or agrochemical, its hazard class, concentration of the active substance, net weight or volume, date of manufacture, first aid in case of poisoning.

At the request of the buyer, the seller is obliged to familiarize him with a copy of the certificate of state registration of the pesticide or agrochemical.

87. Pesticides and agrochemicals must undergo pre-sale preparation before they are submitted to the trading floor, which includes unpacking and checking the quality of the packaging; sorting; checking the availability of the necessary information, instructions for use, the correctness of prices.

88. On the trading floor, pesticides and agrochemicals should be grouped according to their purpose (insecticides for plant protection, insecticides for animal protection, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers, soil, ameliorants, feed additives).

The seller is obliged to ensure compliance with mandatory safety requirements for the storage, placement on the trading floor and sale of pesticides and agrochemicals.

89. Sale of pesticides and agrochemicals is carried out only in the manufacturer's packaging.

XII. Features of the sale of copies of audiovisual works and phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases

90. It is not allowed to sell copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases in retail trade using stalls and tents.

When selling copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases, the seller is obliged to provide the buyer, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules, the following information about the product offered for sale, the presence of which on each copy (packaging) is mandatory:

name, location of the manufacturer of the copy of the audiovisual work, phonogram, program for electronic computers and database;

technical characteristics of the media, as well as recordings of an audiovisual work, phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases;

registration number of the program for electronic computers or database, if they have been registered.

With regard to copies of films, the seller must also provide the buyer with the following information:

number and date of the rental certificate issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

the name of the film, the country and studio where the film was shot, the year of its release;

basic filmographic data (genre, annotation, information about the script author, director, composer, leading actors, etc.);

movie length (in minutes);

91. Copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases must undergo pre-sale preparation, including inspection and verification of the integrity of the packaging of each unit of goods, as well as the availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer, the absence of which prevents the seller from fully complying with the requirements provided for in paragraph 90 of these Rules.

92. When transferring the paid goods to the buyer, the seller checks the integrity of its packaging, and, at the request of the buyer, provides him with the opportunity to familiarize himself with fragments of an audiovisual work, phonogram, program for electronic computers and a database. Trading floors must be technically equipped in order to provide the buyer with the opportunity to check the quality of purchased copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases.

93. Sale of copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases is carried out only in the manufacturer's packaging.

XIII. Features of the sale of weapons and ammunition for it

94. Sale of civilian weapons intended for use by citizens in self-defense, for sports and hunting, the main parts (barrel, bolt, drum, frame, receiver) of civilian and service (if their buyers are citizens awarded with service weapons) firearms (hereinafter referred to as weapons), as well as cartridges for civilian weapons, is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Weapons", the Rules for the Circulation of Civil and Service Weapons and Cartridges for It on the Territory of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 No. N 814, as well as the features defined by these Rules.

95. Each unit of weapons offered for sale (with the exception of mechanical dispensers, aerosols and other devices filled with tear or irritant substances) must have an individual number, weapons manufactured since January 1, 1994, in addition, a brand, and each primary packaging of cartridges - sign of conformity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

96. Information about weapons, in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, should, taking into account the characteristics of a particular weapon, contain information about the content of precious metals and precious stones in artistically designed models of weapons; order of return to the seller for destruction of technically defective mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices, cartridges filled with tear or irritant substances, or specified goods, the expiration date or shelf life of which has expired.

97. Pre-sale preparation of weapons and ammunition may include unpacking, depreservation, cleaning and lubrication of weapons; opening hermetic packages of cartridges; external examination of weapons and cartridges, checking the presence of the manufacturer’s mark and individual number on the weapon and their compliance with established samples and passport data; verification of the availability of information on the conduct, in accordance with the established procedure, of the control shooting of firearms with a rifled barrel, on the type, sample and mass of precious metals, the type, quantity and characteristics of inserts made of precious stones used in artistically designed weapons; checking the completeness, technical condition of the weapon, the availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer, the correctness of the price; if necessary, assembly and adjustment of weapons.

98. Weapons and ammunition offered for sale must be placed on the trading floor, have labels indicating the name, brand, model, price of the product, as well as brief annotations containing its main technical characteristics.

99. At the request of the buyer, he must be acquainted with the mechanism of the mechanism of the weapon, which must be demonstrated in an assembled and technically sound condition.

100. The sale of weapons and ammunition is carried out upon presentation by the buyer of the following documents:

passport or other document proving the identity of the buyer;

a license to purchase a certain type and type of weapon;

a license or permit for the storage, storage and carrying of weapons (for the purchase of main and spare parts and ammunition for weapons owned by the buyer);

a document certifying the right of the buyer to hunt, and a permit to store and carry weapons used for hunting (for the acquisition of hunting edged weapons).

101. Together with the goods, the buyer is given a sales receipt signed by the person directly carrying out the sale, which indicates the name of the goods and the seller, brand, type, individual weapon number, date of sale and price of the goods, information about precious metals and precious stones used in artistic issued weapons, information on the control shots of firearms with a rifled barrel (in the absence of such information in the weapon passport); a set of accessories and documents installed by the manufacturer, as well as a license (permit) of the buyer filled in by the seller to acquire (carry, carry and store) weapons or a document certifying the buyer's right to hunt.

102. Upon receipt of the goods, the buyer checks the correctness of the seller filling out the license (permit) of the buyer for the acquisition (carrying, carrying and storing) weapons or a document certifying the buyer's right to hunt (in relation to hunting cold bladed weapons), signs the license, as well as in the book seller's account.

103. The buyer, when replacing weapons, cartridges of inadequate quality, or in case of their return upon termination of the contract, is obliged to present to the seller a document proving his identity, as well as a license (permission) to acquire (carry, carry and store) weapons, the owner of which he is, or a document certifying his right to hunt.

The replacement of weapons, cartridges of inadequate quality is carried out with models corresponding to the type and type specified in the license (permit) of the buyer for the acquisition (carrying, carrying and storing) of weapons, the owner of which he is, or in a document certifying his right to hunt.

The replacement of weapons, cartridges of inadequate quality or their return upon termination of the contract is formalized by an act in the prescribed manner.

XIV. Features of the sale of building materials and products

104. Timber and sawn timber (round timber, beams, boards, business slabs, etc.), products made of wood and wood materials (wooden parts, door and window blocks, kits for building garden houses, outbuildings, etc.), construction materials (brick, cement, crushed stone, sand, foundation and sidewalk blocks, reinforced concrete pillars, roofing, hydro- and heat-insulating materials, glass, etc.), metal products (pipes, fasteners, rolled profile materials, wire, metal mesh, etc. ), tools (hand tools for working metal, wood, measuring tools, for painting, etc.), building products(sanitary equipment, lock hardware, wallpaper, linoleum, artificial finishing materials, etc.) must undergo pre-sale preparation, which includes inspection of the goods, their sorting and sorting, checking the completeness, the availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer.

105. Building materials and products are placed separately by size, brand, grade and other characteristics that determine their scope and consumer properties.

106. The selection by the buyer of building materials and products can be carried out both on the trading floor and directly at the places of their storage.

107. Information about building materials and products offered for sale, in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, must contain, taking into account the characteristics of a particular product, information about the material, finish, brand, type, size, grade and other key indicators that characterize this product .

When selling building materials in a certain completeness (garden houses, outbuildings, etc.), the consumer must be provided with information containing information about the name and number of products included in the kit, the degree and methods of their processing (presence and method of impregnation, humidity and drying method and etc.).

108. Sheet glass is sold in whole sheets or cut into sizes specified by the buyer.

Remains of glass up to 20 centimeters wide inclusive are paid by the buyer and are given to him along with the main purchase.

109. Bulk fasteners sold by weight are sold at a specially equipped point of issue of goods equipped with weight measuring instruments.

110. The seller is obliged to provide the buyer with the opportunity to check the correctness of the weight, measure and grade of the purchased goods. For this purpose, at a place accessible to the buyer, information is posted indicating the coefficients for converting round timber and sawn timber into dense cubic mass, cubic capacity of sawn timber, and the rules for their measurement. At the request of the buyer, the seller is obliged to familiarize him with the procedure for measuring building materials and products established by the standards.

111. Together with the goods, the manufacturer's documentation related to the goods is transferred to the buyer. If the cash receipt does not contain the name of the product, the main indicators characterizing this product, and the quantity of the product, the buyer is also given a sales receipt, which indicates this information, the name of the seller, the date of sale and the price of the product, and the person directly selling the product is signed.

112. When transferring building materials and products in a certain completeness, the person carrying out the transfer checks, in the presence of the buyer, the presence of the products included in the kit, as well as the availability of documentation attached to this product, including an inventory of the building materials and products included in the kit, instructions for assembly.

113. The seller must provide conditions for the removal of timber and building materials by the buyer's transport.

XV. Features of selling furniture

114. Information about furniture in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11

about the functional purpose;

about the materials from which the furniture is made and which are used in its decoration;

on the methods, terms, conditions of delivery and transfer of goods to the buyer.

115. Samples of furniture offered for sale must be displayed on the trading floor in such a way as to provide free access for buyers to view them.

116. The seller is obliged to carry out pre-sale preparation of furniture, including checking the completeness, availability of parts necessary for assembly, furniture assembly schemes (if the furniture is collapsible), as well as checking the availability of all items included in the set (sets) of furniture.

XVI. Features of the sale of liquefied petroleum gas

119. Cylinders filled with liquefied hydrocarbon gas (hereinafter referred to as gas) that have passed a technical examination and are in good condition are subject to sale.

120. Information about gas and gas cylinders, in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, must contain information:

about the brand of gas and its physical and chemical parameters;

on the technical condition of the cylinder (number of the cylinder, the mass of the empty cylinder, the date of its manufacture and the date of the next technical examination, working and test pressure, capacity), which are indicated on the surface of the cylinder or a plate attached to it.

121. Cylinders filled with gas must undergo pre-sale preparation, which includes inspection of the cylinder, checking its technical condition for tightness and mechanical damage (by external signs), checking the level of filling with gas by weighing or another method that ensures the specified control, as well as availability of necessary information about the product.

122. The buyer has the right to demand a control weighing of the gas cylinder.

123. The seller is obliged to familiarize the buyer, who independently transports the purchased gas cylinder, with the safety rules for its transportation, as well as when replacing an empty cylinder.

124. Together with the cylinder filled with gas, the buyer is given a sales receipt, which indicates the name of the seller, the number of the cylinder, the mass of gas in the cylinder, the price of the goods, the date of sale, and also the signature of the person directly carrying out the sale.

Simultaneously with the goods, the text of the rules for the safe use of gas in everyday life is transferred to the buyer.

XVII. Features of the sale of non-periodicals

125. Information about non-periodical publications offered for sale (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and musical publications, sheet art publications, calendars, booklets, publications reproduced on technical media), in addition to the information specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules, must contain:

output information in accordance with the requirements of standards;

information on the procedure for making a preliminary order for the purchase of non-periodical publications, if such a form of trade is used by the seller.

At the request of the buyer, the seller provides reference and bibliographic information at his disposal about the issued non-periodicals.

126. Non-periodical publications, prior to being placed at points of sale, must undergo pre-sale preparation, which includes inspection of the goods in order to check for external signs of the absence of defects (printing defects, damage) and the availability of the necessary information about the publication, as well as completeness with the required appendices and dust jacket. For publications reproduced on technical media, the integrity of the packaging of each unit of goods and the presence of the publisher's (manufacturer's) trademark are additionally checked.

127. Non-periodical publications available for sale are exhibited on the trading floor or entered into catalogs of publications available.

Instead of price tags drawn up in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 19 of these Rules, it is allowed to indicate the price on each copy of the publication put up for sale.

The buyer should be given the opportunity to freely familiarize himself with the content of non-periodical publications offered for sale and check the quality of the goods paid for. For this purpose, when selling publications reproduced on technical media, the seller must have the appropriate audio, video or computer equipment.

128. The sale by subscription of a multi-volume non-periodical publication published in separate volumes is carried out on the basis of a written contract, which must include the trade name (name), location (legal address) of the seller, surname, name, patronymic and place of residence of the buyer, name of the multi-volume publication, number of volumes included in the publication, price of the publication, deadline for the transfer of the publication as a whole, payment procedure, procedure for notifying the buyer about the volumes that have gone on sale, the deadline for receiving the next volume after notification. A condition on a deposit may be included in the contract.

XVIII. Features of the sale of non-food products that were in use

129. Information about used goods, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules, must contain information about the condition of the goods, the shortcomings in it, the sanitary and anti-epidemic measures taken in relation to the goods, technical specifications(for technically complex goods), the purpose of the goods and the possibility of using it for its intended purpose or for other purposes.

Information characterizing the condition of a used product, including its shortcomings, is indicated on the product label.

If a used product is offered for sale, in respect of which information must be provided on confirmation of its compliance with the established requirements, expiration date or service life, but such information is not available, the seller, when selling the specified product, is obliged to inform the buyer that the conformity of the product the established requirements must be confirmed, it must have an expiration date or service life, but there is no information about this.

130. Used medical products, medicines, personal hygiene items, perfumes and cosmetics, household chemicals, underwear, sewing and knitwear, hosiery, disposable tableware are not subject to sale.

131. Used goods must undergo pre-sale preparation, which includes inspection of goods, sorting them by type and degree of loss of consumer properties, checking quality (by external signs), product performance, completeness, as well as the availability of necessary documentation.

If used goods are offered for sale, in respect of which, in accordance with sanitary rules, sanitary and anti-epidemic measures (cleaning, washing, disinfection, disinsection) must be carried out, but there are no documents confirming their implementation, the seller is obliged to carry out these measures in the process of pre-sale preparation of goods.

132. Used goods offered for sale should be grouped by type.

133. When transferring technically complex household goods that were in use, the buyer is simultaneously transferred (if the seller has it) the corresponding technical papers(technical passport or other document replacing it, operating instructions), as well as a warranty card for the product, confirming the buyer's right to use the remaining warranty period.

134. The buyer, to whom a used product of inadequate quality was sold, if its shortcomings were not specified by the seller, has the right, at his choice, to present the requirements provided for in paragraph 27 of these Rules.

The claims specified in paragraphs two and five of paragraph 27 of these Rules may be presented by the buyer, unless otherwise follows from the nature of the goods or the nature of the obligation.

1. Cars, motorcycles and other types of motor vehicles, trailers and numbered units for them, except for goods intended for use by the disabled, pleasure craft and watercraft

3. Electrical household appliances used as toiletry items and for medical purposes (electric shavers, electric hair dryers, electric hair curlers, medical electric reflectors, electric heating pads, electric bandages, electric blankets, electric blankets, electric brush hair dryers, electric curlers, electric toothbrushes, electric hair clippers and other devices that come into contact with the mucous membranes and skin)

4. Electrical appliances used for thermal processing of food and food preparation (household microwave ovens, electric ovens, toasters, electric boilers, electric kettles, electric heaters and other goods)

5. Civil weapons, the main parts of civil and service firearms.

non-food products of good quality that are not subject to return or exchange for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55)

With changes and additions from:

1. Products for the prevention and treatment of diseases at home (sanitary and hygiene items made of metal, rubber, textiles and other materials, medical instruments, appliances and equipment, oral hygiene products, spectacle lenses, child care items, medicines)

2. Personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, combs, hair clips, hair curlers, wigs, hairpieces and other similar products)

3. Perfumes and cosmetics

4. Textile goods (cotton, linen, silk, woolen and synthetic fabrics, goods made of nonwovens type of fabrics - ribbons, braid, lace, etc.); cable products (wires, cords, cables); building and finishing materials (linoleum, film, carpets, etc.) and other goods sold per meter

6. Products and materials made entirely or partially of polymeric materials and in contact with food products(crockery and tableware and kitchenware, containers and packaging materials for storage and transportation of food products, including those for single use)

11. Technically complex household goods, for which warranty periods are established (household metal-cutting and woodworking machines; electrical household machines and appliances; household electronic equipment; household computing and copying equipment; photo and film equipment; telephone sets and facsimile equipment; electromusical instruments; electronic toys; household gas equipment and devices; wrist and pocket watches (mechanical, electronic-mechanical and electronic, with two or more functions)

12. Civil weapons, main parts of civil and service firearms, cartridges for them

13. Animals and plants

14. Non-periodical publications (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and musical publications, sheet art publications, calendars, booklets, publications reproduced on technical media)

Trading Rules

Compiled by M. Yu. Rogozhin

© Piter Publishing House LLC, 2017

Rules for the sale of certain types of goods

I. General provisions

1. These Rules are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and govern relations between buyers and sellers in the sale of certain types of food and non-food products.

2. Under buyer means a citizen who intends to order or purchase or ordering, acquiring or using goods exclusively for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation entrepreneurial activity.

Under seller means an organization, regardless of its legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur selling goods under a retail sale and purchase agreement (hereinafter referred to as the agreement).

3. Seller's working hours- a state or municipal organization is established by decision of the relevant executive authorities or local governments.

Seller's working hours- organizations of a different organizational and legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur, are established by them independently.

In the event of a temporary suspension of its activities (for scheduled sanitary days, repairs and in other cases), the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with information on the date and timing of the suspension of activities in a timely manner.

4. The range of goods offered for sale, the list of services provided, as well as the forms of service are determined by the seller independently in accordance with the profile and specialization of their activities.

When carrying out retail trade at the location of the buyer outside stationary places of trade: at home, at the place of work and study, on transport, on the street and in other places (hereinafter referred to as peddling trade), it is not allowed to sell food products (with the exception of ice cream, soft drinks , confectionery and bakery products in the packaging of the manufacturer of the goods), medicines, medical products, jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) precious stones, weapons and cartridges for them, copies of audiovisual works and phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases.

5. The seller, in carrying out his activities, is obliged to comply with the mandatory requirements for the organization and implementation of trading activities established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

6. The seller must have necessary premises, equipment and inventory, ensuring, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, the preservation of the quality and safety of goods during their storage and sale at the point of sale, appropriate trading conditions, as well as the possibility right choice buyers of goods.

7. The seller is obliged to have and maintain measuring instruments in good condition, to carry out their metrological verification in a timely manner and in the prescribed manner.

In order for the buyer to check the correctness of the price, measure and weight of the purchased goods, appropriate measuring equipment must be installed on the trading floor at an accessible place.

8. The seller is obliged to have a book of reviews and offers, which is provided to the buyer at his request.

9. These Rules are brought to the attention of buyers by the seller in a clear and accessible form.

10. The seller is obliged to bring to the attention of the buyer the company name (name) of his organization, its location (address) and mode of operation, placing the specified information on the signboard of the organization.

The seller - an individual entrepreneur must provide the buyer with information on state registration and the name of the body that registered it.

If the activity carried out by the seller is subject to licensing, then he is obliged to provide information on the number and validity of the license, as well as on the authority that issued it.

The specified information is placed in places convenient for familiarization of the buyer.

Similar information should also be brought to the attention of buyers when trading in temporary premises, at fairs, from stalls and in other cases, if trading is carried out outside the permanent location of the seller.

When carrying out retail trade, the seller's representative must have a personal card certified by the signature of the person responsible for its execution and the seller's seal (if there is a seal), with a photograph, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of the seller's representative, as well as information about the seller.

11. The seller is obliged to promptly bring to the attention of the buyer the necessary and reliable information about the goods and their manufacturers in a clear and accessible form, which ensures the possibility of the correct choice of goods.

The information must contain:

Name of product;

Location (address), trade name (name) of the manufacturer (seller), location (address) of the organization (organizations) authorized by the manufacturer (seller) to accept claims from buyers and perform repairs and Maintenance goods, for imported goods - the name of the country of origin of the goods;

Information on the mandatory confirmation of the conformity of goods in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation;

Information about the main consumer properties of the goods;

Information on the energy efficiency of goods in respect of which the requirement for the availability of such information is determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on energy saving and on improving energy efficiency;

Rules and conditions for the effective and safe use of the goods;

Warranty period, if it is established for a specific product;

The service life (shelf life), if it is set for a particular product, as well as information about the necessary actions of the buyer after the specified period and possible consequences if such actions are not taken, if the goods after the specified period pose a danger to the life, health and property of the buyer or become unsuitable for its intended use;

The price in rubles and the conditions for the purchase of goods, including when providing a loan - the amount of the loan, the full amount payable by the consumer, and the repayment schedule for this amount. If the product purchased by the buyer was in use or a defect (shortcomings) was eliminated in it, the buyer must be provided with information about this.

The seller must warn the buyer about the shortcomings in the product not only orally, but also in writing (on the product label, sales receipt or otherwise).

12. The seller is obliged, at the request of the consumer, to acquaint him with the shipping documentation for the goods, containing for each item of goods information on the mandatory confirmation of conformity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (certificate of conformity, its number, its validity period, the authority that issued the certificate, or information about the declaration of conformity, including its registration number, its validity period, the name of the person who accepted the declaration, and the body that registered it). These documents must be certified by the signature and seal of the supplier or seller (if there is a seal) indicating its location (address) and telephone number.

13. The sale of goods made from objects of the animal world (fur and leather garments, haberdashery, decorative items, shoes, food products) belonging to species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation is carried out if there is appropriate documentation for the goods confirming that these objects of the animal world were obtained in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of a permit (administrative license) issued by the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection. Sale of goods imported into the Russian Federation, made from objects of the animal world falling under the Convention on international trade endangered species of wild fauna and flora is carried out on the basis of the permission of the competent authority of the exporting country, and goods confiscated as a result of violation of this Convention - on the basis of the permission of the authorized body.

When selling such goods, the seller is obliged to provide the buyer, at his request, with information about the documents confirming the availability of the relevant permit.

It is not surprising that with such a large volume, some trading rules were enshrined at the legislative level.

Basic Rules

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The sale of any product involves the creation of a contract between two parties: one side purchases the product and gives money, the other sells the product and makes a profit.

Paying for the purchase, the buyer hopes to purchase a quality product - not expired and not dangerous.

The store itself should monitor the shelf life and quality of products: write off goods with an expired shelf life, follow the rules of storage and transportation.

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It is especially important to follow certain rules when retailing food products, as failure to follow them can lead to serious health consequences.

For example, when buying poor-quality clothes, the buyer may be disappointed due to rapid fading or holes that appear, and due to poisoning with expired food, he will easily end up in the hospital.

Food products include products of the following classifications:

  1. Natural and processed food products (for example, meat and minced meat, meat products).
  2. Food raw materials (for example, meat for factories that make ready meals).
  3. Drinking bottled water and soft drinks.
  4. Alcohol, including non-alcoholic beer.
  5. Chewing gum.
  6. dietary supplements and other nutritional supplements.

The sale of the groups listed above is subject to several laws of the Russian Federation at once:

  1. Civil Code.
  2. "Consumer Protection".
  3. Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food products".
  4. SanPin - Sanitary standards.
  5. Some other rules governing the implementation of individual groups, as well as the supervision of RosPotrebNadzor.

Point of sale information

The seller is obliged to provide the buyer with all the basic legal information about himself - the full name, address, mode of operation.

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If a license is required to sell the product, a copy must also be shown. This information should be posted on a separate stand, in a conspicuous place next to the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". If the store is an individual entrepreneur, he will need to hang a copy of the State Registration Certificate.

All copies must be legible, legible and current. this moment, without erased or smeared numbers and letters. The buyer must have the opportunity at any time to get acquainted with the information about the enterprise.

Store Requirements

For the sale of food products, the seller must have a suitable place for this and equipment, the use of which will ensure the preservation of the quality of the product and its freshness.

For example, for the sale of products that require a low temperature, it is necessary to purchase refrigeration units into which the goods are loaded. All equipment used must be in good working order.

Products sold must comply with all regulations and have the necessary certificates. Certain requirements for the main pavilions and storage facilities, as well as possible proximity, must be implemented during the design.

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  1. Poor quality spoiled (for example, moldy) products of non-marketable appearance.
  2. Expired or unspecified expiration date: the seller is obliged to keep track of the dates and remove the goods from the windows in time.
  3. counterfeit goods.
  4. Does not correspond to documents or information on the price tag, does not have any identification marks: for example, canned food with a torn off label or with a worn barcode.

Such goods must be confiscated and may under no circumstances be sold.

Also in the store should be:

  1. "Book of reviews and suggestions": it must be provided to the buyer upon request.
  2. Scales or other measuring instruments, if it is intended to sell products by weight: they must be in the access area of ​​\u200b\u200bcustomers for control. Scales must be checked regularly to avoid errors.
  3. All necessary certificates for goods, certificates and certificates: they must be presented to the buyer upon request.

Requirements for price tags and products

A separate price tag must be made for each product, on the back of which the seller’s seal and the manager’s signature are affixed.

On the front side, you must indicate:

  1. The full official name of the product and its variety or type, if any.
  2. The price per kilogram or piece is also indicated.
  3. Date of issue of the price tag. If the price changes, the price tag must be replaced with a new date.

All price tags must be in the same style, handwritten or computer printed. All information must be clearly visible and readable.

The product packaging must indicate:

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  1. Full product name.
  2. Official name and address of the manufacturer.
  3. Information about weight or volume.
  4. Nutritional information and composition of the product.
  5. Conditions and periods of storage, methods of preparation.
  6. Recommendations for use (for example, for children over three years old) and contraindications for use, if any (for example, not intended for pregnant women).
  7. Date of manufacture and packaging, expiration date.

If state registration is required for the sale of goods, information about it must also be indicated. If the product is intended for dietary or baby food, it is necessary to indicate its scope.

On the packaged goods indicate:

  • Name of product;
  • packing weight;
  • cost per kilogram of the product and separately - for a separate weight;
  • packing date and expiration date;
  • the name of the packer.

Before placing the goods in the store, the seller must remove the outer packaging from it and remove the ropes and other materials. It is also required to check the goods externally (it is impossible to sell an initially damaged product) and to verify the presence of all necessary documents. It is impossible to sell defective products under the guise of normal ones - this is a deception of the buyer.

The employee must have a neat appearance and comply with sanitary standards: have special clothes, gloves, a hairnet, be regularly checked at sanitation stations.

The sale of food products is a serious and responsible business, since it is about the health of the buyer.

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To protect citizens from unscrupulous sellers, the state adopted certain laws that severely punish non-compliance with the conditions of sale and storage.

Watch the video in which the specialist explains the features of product display for successful sales:

Often in shops and supermarkets there is a violation of the law. More than once I met alcohol with a torn excise tax and goods packaged where more than once the date of manufacture was sealed. But the worst thing for me is when they erase the date of manufacture on children's products or when they interrupt it on milk.

Hello! In the grocery store, the price tags on vegetables are scattered around, and it is not clear which product they refer to. Can you please tell me the article of the law, which says where and how price tags should be located?

Hello! This issue is regulated by Art. 10 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". Violation of the established rules for the sale of certain types of goods (in particular, the absence of price tags or incomplete information on it) is an administrative offense under Art. 14.15 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

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Rules for the trade in food products in the Russian Federation in 2017

Enterprises that trade in food products are considered the most difficult in terms of operation.

The reason for this is various problems in the organization of entrepreneurial activity from a legal point of view, because significant requirements and compliance parameters are put forward for such stores and points.

In this material, we will consider the rules for the trade in food products in the Russian Federation in 2017, what regulations and standards should guide the owners of such stores.

Key Aspects

Food products are in demand types of goods, so many organizations and private entrepreneurs are trying to work in this niche, where there is always demand and income.

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However, in their activities, enterprises must comply with the requirements for quality, storage conditions for various groups of goods, sanitary and hygienic standards, since many products require special storage conditions, temperature regimes, and strict observance of sales deadlines.

Consider the rules of retail food products in Russia and the basic requirements.

What you need to know

Selling goods in stores and small outlets is the most common type of commercial activities, however, the sale of food products is characterized by separate rules and specifics.

Legislatively at the state level, requirements and norms are approved, which all sellers are required to know and comply with.

The rules for the sale of food products in 2017 by retail outlets assume that there is a pre-sale preparation process before the actual sale.

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Here are the key rules for the sale of goods that must be observed throughout the entire food sale process:

These are the main parameters that must be observed by sellers. We will consider the rest of the requirements for sanitary conditions, premises and others later in the material.

What are they needed for

The rules for the sale of food products are aimed at regulating the relationship between sellers and consumers.

For each type of food product, sales requirements may vary.

However, standard provisions and rules have been developed that govern the functioning of all organizations that retail food products throughout the Russian Federation.

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Unified food retail rules are needed to standardize the process of storing and selling food to the public.

The rules prescribe for each group of goods, what conditions, regimes and norms must be observed so that in the end the consumer receives a high-quality and usable product.

The control and supervision of the functioning of all retail grocery stores is performed by government agencies Rospotrebnadzor, fire control, tax service and others.

Legal regulation

Legislative norms and rules regarding food products are regularly changing, we will talk about the current regulations for 2017.

The key documents regulating retail trade are Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55, the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” and GOST R9, which regulate the requirements for the quality of goods, their safety for consumption.

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An important point is the fact that the entrepreneur must provide consumers with certain information in the public domain:

The scales in the store must always be in good condition and comply with the standards of the federal metrological service

Emerging nuances

Provisions on the procedures for the sale of food products are spelled out in many regulations and are subject to mandatory implementation by all sellers.

In this section, we will tell you what sanitary standards, requirements for premises must be strictly observed by organizations and private entrepreneurs who trade in food products.

How to legally not pay a loan to a bank, read here.

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We will also describe the rules for the trade in food products in the Russian Federation and the penalties for non-compliance with them, and what it threatens violators.

Sanitary standards

Strict observance of sanitary and hygienic standards is an indispensable condition for conducting commercial activities in the field of food products.

These standards regulate the placement of commercial enterprises, the layout of areas and trading floors, the availability technical equipment, relevant working conditions for sellers, product storage, food sales and other nuances.

Particular attention is paid to stores that sell raw materials and food products, they are subject to more stringent requirements in accordance with the rules and regulations of SP 2.3.6..

The main act regulating the rules for shops and facilities for the sale of food products is SanPiN No. 2.3.5., which contains standardized norms of other regulatory documents in this area.

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Norms and requirements have been developed for all enterprises engaged in the trade in food products - warehouses, sales bases, storage facilities, retail and wholesale stores.

New facilities can be put into operation only in agreement with Rospotrebnadzor.

Consider the main prohibitions for food stores:

Object Requirements

Requirements for the maintenance and equipment of premises, storage areas and trading floors are also put forward for food retailers.

For example, all equipment and equipment complexes in a store must be accompanied by certificates of conformity, and the store itself must be equipped with convenient driveways for trucks and walkways for customers.

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Also, the store should create conditions for the disabled and inactive persons, because they should also be able to get into the store with a minimum of effort.

For this purpose, ramps, convenient stairs or ramps for wheelchairs should be equipped at the entrance.

The main task for stores in the conduct of food trade is to ensure the safety of the presence of consumers inside the premises.

It is for this reason that all organizations and entrepreneurs must strictly comply with the requirements and norms regarding the equipment of retail premises in the process of retailing food products.

Video: product display rules

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There should also be a price list and price tags for goods in each department of the store. There should be a consumer corner with basic information that the buyer may need.

If raw meat is sold in the pavilion, then a poster on the cutting of meat carcasses by grade should be hung in a visible place.

Every store should also have cash register equipment with the possibility of issuing a check to customers, which will serve as proof of the purchase of goods in a particular store.

In 2017, the following requirements are put forward for price tags for products:

By following all the requirements and standards for retail stores, the company can prevent unscheduled inspections by Rospotrebnadzor and the identification of oversights that can lead to serious consequences, including significant fines and the termination of the store.

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Features of the sale of various groups

Stores selling food products are obliged to provide appropriate conditions for consumers so that they have the opportunity to choose the necessary and suitable product in all respects.

Therefore, there are different requirements for the sale different groups and food categories.

The consumer must receive comprehensive and truthful information regarding the following parameters:

  • correct and complete product name;
  • manufacturer with his address;
  • documentation as confirmation of product compliance with quality standards;
  • information about the properties and characteristics of products;
  • rules for storage and use;
  • expiration date;
  • product price;
  • information about defects or expiration dates.

At the first request, the buyer must be provided with accompanying documentation for the goods, that is, certificates, regulatory and technical papers, documents on the quality of the goods.

For excisable or licensed goods, appropriate licenses must be present.

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For certain groups of food products and products on the trading floor, certain conditions must be created, temperature conditions storage, refrigeration equipment, etc.

This is done to ensure that each product is in proper storage conditions until it is sold.

Rules for the sale of food products for individual entrepreneurs

Depending on the groups of food products that the entrepreneur sells, certain legal requirements must be observed.

So, if fresh food products are traded, then the store should be equipped with a ventilation system, storage facilities, appropriate temperature and humidity conditions, lack of natural light, direct sunlight.

Food products should be divided into departments depending on the rules of placement.

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It is forbidden to store some products nearby, therefore, when arranging a store, it is necessary to think through all the smallest nuances.

Responsibility for violations

In case of violations of regulatory documentation, enterprises face administrative liability or criminal liability in some cases.

How to draw up a power of attorney from a legal entity to an individual, read here.

Can IP work without printing, see here.

So, for non-compliance with sanitary standards, an entrepreneur must pay a fine of 500 rubles, and an organization - from 10 thousand rubles.

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In case of violation of sanitary and hygienic standards in the food trade, a fine for an entrepreneur is up to 3 thousand rubles, and for a company - up to 30 thousand rubles.

So, we have considered the key rules for enterprises whose specialization is the trade in food and food products.

They must comply with sanitary standards, requirements for equipment of premises and warehouses and other points in their activities.

Only if all legal requirements are observed, one can not be afraid of inspections by regulatory authorities and the payment of significant fines.

Features of the sale of food products

Any business has its own rules and other features. Trade in food products is a field of activity, the clients of which are all without exception. And, of course, the rules of doing such a business should be taken seriously.

General trading rules

The buyer is a citizen who purchases products for his own personal purposes.

Seller - an organization or individual entrepreneur who makes a sale.

If the store is located in the department of administration, the regime of its operation is established by the authorities.

If he is private - the owner of the business.

The seller himself sets the assortment, the list of services, self-service or counter method of trade.

Outside the store - at home, at work, in public transport and on the street - it is forbidden to sell products. With some exceptions.

  • ice cream;
  • any drinks that do not contain alcohol;
  • beer;
  • candies;
  • pastries, only in the manufacturer's packaging.

IN grocery stores you can also sell inedible related products if they do not degrade the quality of the main assortment and are safe.

Sanitary rules for trade in food products

  • Products must be delivered to the trading floor without containers, wrappers and metal fasteners. They must also be clean.
  • If the products are manufactured non-industrially, they must be checked by a veterinary and sanitary examination, and laid out on the counter only if the relevant documents are available.
  • Cleaners and auxiliary workers of the store are not entitled to pack, pack and lay out goods.
  • Raw and ready-to-eat products are only hung and packaged separately.
  • Raw meat and semi-finished products should be laid out separately from ready-to-eat.
  • Weigh bulk goods only when using a spatula, scoop or other special device.
  • For all types of products - separate cutting boards and knives.
  • It is forbidden to place unpacked products on the scales.
  • It is forbidden to sell goods that have been accidentally dropped, soiled or damaged.
  • Only special employees can cut bread.
  • Cakes are not allowed to be cut and sold in pieces.
  • Perishable products that are difficult to sell quickly can be sold by weight.
  • Eggs must not be placed in the bulk ready-to-eat section.
  • There should be a special section for vegetables.
  • Pickles, sauerkraut, and the like cannot be sold by weight in the same department as raw vegetables.
  • The store does not allow vacuum packaging.
  1. products without documents confirming the quality;
  2. in damaged packaging, without labels;
  3. if the store has unsuitable conditions for temperature and humidity;
  4. raw meat without a corresponding stamp;
  5. ungutted poultry, if it is not game;
  6. dirty eggs, as well as duck and goose;
  7. damaged and spoiled canned food;
  8. rotten and damaged vegetables and fruits;
  9. products subjected to repeated freezing;
  10. homemade food;
  11. expired goods;
  12. without packaging, except for some products;
  13. should not be released into dirty containers or newspapers.

Goods that do not meet the standards must be immediately withdrawn from sale.

Product Requirements

Information about the product, in addition to the main one, should also contain the following information:

  1. composition, including food additives;
  2. nutritional value, weight and volume;
  3. conditions of use and for which category of people the product is intended;
  4. cooking methods, if it is a semi-finished product;
  5. storage conditions;
  6. the day of manufacture and the day of packaging;
  7. to whom this product is contraindicated;
  8. registration information.

Each product must have a certificate of quality and safety, and any buyer is free to familiarize himself with this document.

  1. comply with sanitary and fire safety requirements and other standards established by law;
  2. have necessary equipment, inventory, the ability to use the appropriate premises, and should also provide the buyer with the conditions for a full choice;
  3. have measuring instruments, properly care for them and check them in a timely manner, as well as provide customers with the opportunity to verify the correct weight of the goods they purchase;
  4. provide customers with free access to the book of complaints and suggestions;
  5. the buyer must know his rights and obligations of the seller, this information must also be freely available;
  6. the sign must indicate the name of the store, address and opening hours;
  7. information on the registration of an individual entrepreneur, on all necessary licenses, should also be located in a conspicuous place.

And also the seller must provide the customer with the following information about the product:

  1. Name;
  2. manufacturer and its address;
  3. standard requirements for this product;
  4. properties;
  5. conditions of use and storage;
  6. warranty period, if any;
  7. best before date;
  8. price;
  9. the presence of defects;
  10. certificate of conformity and other documents confirming the quality of the goods.

Features of the sale of various groups of food products

If the product has a limited shelf life during which it must be sold, it should be packaged only in the amount that is actually released during the day, no more.

Such products must indicate the name, weight, cost of one kilogram, the cost of a given volume, the day of packaging, until which day it is good, as well as the data of the person who packaged them.

If the products are packaged by the manufacturer, they do not need to be weighed.

There is no additional charge for packaging.

If bread and other products in this category do not have factory packaging, they can be sold in halves and quarters, without weighing.

Responsibility for violation of the rules of trade in food products

This area of ​​activity is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. And, accordingly, such violations are equated to administrative ones, and entail appropriate punishment.

It is forbidden to include in the cost of the product a supplier's remuneration of more than 10% of the purchase price for a number of goods that are socially significant and have a shelf life of less than ten days, namely:

  • carcasses of chickens, chickens and broilers;
  • pasteurized milk with a fat content of 2.5 - 3.2%;
  • bread and other products made from wheat flour.

The discrepancy between the terms of payment for the goods in the contract between the supplier and the store with those established by law is punished.

  • goods fit for less than ten days must be paid for no later than the expiration of this period;
  • products with a shelf life of ten days to a month - no later than thirty days from the date of their acceptance;
  • if the expiration date exceeds a month, payment must be made no later than the expiration of forty-five days.

Such violations invalidate this part of the contract.

Also, it is impossible to include conditions on the laying out of goods in the contract. Both parties will be held accountable for this. Penalty for officials will be from twenty to forty thousand rubles, for legal entities - from one to five million rubles.

Responsibility for violation of sanitary requirements

Administrative liability provides for both a warning and a fine, which will be:

  • for citizens - from one to five minimum wages;
  • for officials - from five to ten;
  • for legal entities from one hundred to two hundred.

Such violations in the preparation and sale of food and drinks entail an even more serious punishment, namely:

  • for individuals- a fine in the minimum wage;
  • for officials - 20-30;
  • for legal - minimum wage.

For violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements, criminal liability can also be applied if it caused mass poisoning of people.

Such an act is punished by one of the options:

  • doruble fine;
  • prohibition to hold a position / perform duties;
  • compulsory work up to 80 hours;
  • correctional - up to twelve months;
  • restraint of liberty for up to thirty-six months.

The same crime that caused the death of a person is punished:

  • or obligatory hours of work;
  • or correctional - for 6-24 months;
  • or restriction of freedom up to five years;
  • or deprivation - up to five years.

Profit is the goal of any business and, of course, one of the main criteria for success. However, it is worth remembering in the weather behind the result that not only demand, but also the health of customers directly depends on the quality of goods and services.

Food trade rules since 2017

Organizations specializing in the sale of food products are the most difficult in the field of trade. This is due to various difficulties in organizing a business on the part of the law, which makes high demands on retail stores. This direction is actively developing and, according to experts, in the near future those stores that are focused on the middle and lower price segment will become the most stable.

Any trading activity is subject to the rules of trade, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Qualified lawyers of our portal have the opportunity, free of charge, to provide advice and explain what trading rules exist and about the changes made in 2017.

Basic Rules

The sale of goods is the most popular view businesses chosen by entrepreneurs. Each category of goods (food, non-food) has its own rules and characteristics. At the legislative level, the Government adopts and publishes requirements that every seller must know and use in their work activities.

The rules for the sale of food products for retail stores in 2017 imply the order of the preparatory process before sale. The following are the 2017 requirements that must be met throughout the entire process of selling goods to retail stores:

  1. Retail pavilions are required to have a legal form, have an address, a name, a sign with a mode of operation and a profile of activity.
  2. Training. All products must be put on the counter before the start of sales. The goods must be sorted by type, type and department, observing the storage mode. Availability of prices and short description goods is a must.
  3. Sellers. The employees of the food products department are required to have a medical book, uniforms, a neat appearance and the presence of a headdress. Each employee is required to wear an information plate indicating the organization, position held and full name of the employee.
  4. Goods. The main requirements include - expiration date, storage conditions, sales procedure, price, etc.
  5. Other requirements. Basically, they include those conditions that are aimed at observing the rights of consumers - scales, a cash register, the presence of a book of complaints and a consumer corner.

Rules for the sale of certain types of goods in accordance with Decree No. 55 can be downloaded here

These are just the basic rules and requirements that are put forward for the sale of food products. retail stores. Next, the sanitary rules, norms, standards and changes that came into force in 2017 will be considered.

Trading pavilion rules

Separately, it is necessary to note the rules and regulations that apply to the organization of the work of the trade pavilion. Based on the foregoing, the store must have an external sign, which must contain information about the organization. Regarding the rules internal organization, the store manager is obliged to place landmarks by the department for the consumer, namely:

  • pointers about the location of sections or groups of goods;
  • Name of employees of the sales department;
  • Price list for services provided in the store (if any).

Also, in the consumer's corner, it is necessary to provide customers with information about the rules for the retail sale of products and contact information about organizations that regulate the activities of the store.

The rules for the sale of food products can be downloaded here

It should be noted that if the pavilion sells raw meat, then in a place visible to the buyer, you need to place an information poster about cutting the meat by its grades.

It is worth considering in detail the design of price tags for products. So, in 2017, the following requirements apply to the design of price tags:

  1. Products packaged in the store must have an insert indicating the name, weight and price. The packaging must contain the same standards.
  2. The details of the organization indicated on the price tag must be easy to read and be certified by the seal of the company and the signature of the employee who is financially responsible.
  3. The presence of scales in the store is a must. Any measuring equipment must be in good working order and have marks of inspection by the proper authority.
  4. Goods that have some kind of defect or defect must be equipped with an information plate. When purchasing this product, the customer must also be informed of its defect orally.

Thus, observing all the standards for the sale of food products in 2017, you can protect yourself from unscheduled inspections Rospotrebnadzor, and always keep on high level reputation of the organization.

Sanitary standards and requirements

The main act that regulates the rules for facilities where goods are sold is SanPiN No. 2.3.5. “Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises”. It contains generalized rules of other legislative documents: SNiPs, GOSTs, resolutions, etc. These standards are still valid in 2017. Rospotrebnadzor exercises control over the fulfillment of all the requirements of SanPiN.

Download SanPiN No. 2.3.5.

There are rules that apply to all firms engaged in food trade: warehouses, sales bases, storage facilities, retail and wholesale stores, etc. In the case of designing a new facility or reconstructing old retail premises, it is necessary to adhere to SanPiN. Only in agreement with Rosprotrebnadzor can new facilities be put into operation.

All standards of the above document are divided into the norms of "cut-off" and "compliance". From a legal standpoint, "cut-offs" make it difficult for retail stores to open. And the "compliance standards" allow for proper completion of the premises in order to fulfill all the requirements and open a trading pavilion.

  1. Placement of fish shops, the total area of ​​which is more than one thousand square meters, in residential buildings on the ground or second floors.
  2. It is forbidden to load and unload goods near windows or entrances to the house. It is necessary to carry out these actions only from the end of a residential building that does not have window openings, from the side of the road, if the store has special premises equipped for this.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to carry out night delivery, loading and unloading of goods to stores located in a residential building. If claims are received from the tenants, this will be the reason for the visit of the inspection body.

If violations are detected, penalties may be imposed on the organization, which range from five minimum wages and more. In the event that serious or repeated violations are found, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to suspend the work of a retail outlet for three months or close the store altogether.

Most of the requirements and rules of SanPiN and SNiPs refer to "compliance standards". The fulfillment of all of them depends on the knowledge, experience and integrity of the organization.

You can get complete information about all the rules for the sale of food products in force in 2017 from qualified lawyers of our portal. Employees will answer all your questions around the clock online free of charge.

Norms and standards in the choice of land

When building a new retail pavilion, it is necessary to check with SanPiN for 2017 at the stage of selecting a land plot. The main requirements include:

  • the area under the site is selected not swampy;
  • lack of nearby garbage dumps;
  • the absence of a number of animal breeding organizations and processing enterprises, etc.

SNiP 2.04.01-85 regulates the premises of the pavilion of food products in the area of ​​​​the water supply system. On the basis of this act, the construction of a new building without an internal sewerage system is prohibited. In the event that the store is located, for example, in a residential facility, then its sewerage should not be combined with the sewerage system of the house. Thus, it is necessary to equip a separate branch. This is due to the fact that food pavilions carry a large load on the central drainage system.

In addition, the rules of this SNiP-a spell out other additional requirements that must be taken into account when selecting premises for a grocery store.

Additional requirements

Regarding the ventilation system, when choosing an object for a food pavilion, Rospotrbnadzor does not make so many requirements. Basically, the autonomy of the system is checked.

Norms of lighting fixtures, at the moment, are not a problem, because. All modern lighting devices are manufactured on the basis of SNiP-a “Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards".

You should also familiarize yourself with the norms and standards that relate to the equipment and decoration of food pavilions. Much attention is paid to the characteristics of the premises. So, refrigeration equipment or showcases must fit into the overall layout and at the same time comply with fire regulations. Also, on the basis of SNiP-a No., standards and requirements for the arrangement of "change houses" for employees should be observed. Often they are easily observed during the construction of the object. In 2017, these norms and standards continue to operate without changes.

In the event that the store belongs to a specific category, for example, selling fresh food products, then such a retail outlet is required to have a warehouse equipped with ventilation, temperature and humidity conditions and lack of natural light.

Those heads of organizations who do not find time to study the requirements, norms and standards for the arrangement of trade pavilions can contact qualified lawyers on our website who can advise for free and around the clock.

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Trade is the most important branch of the economy. The turnover of goods, carried out both within the state and on the international market, is the main component of the state economy. And yet, trade is not an economically sustainable industry. Given the rapidly changing economic environment in the country, the trade law requires regular updates.

Federal Law No. 381-FZ “On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Trade Activities in the Russian Federation” was adopted by the State Duma on December 18 and approved by the Federation Council on December 25, 2009. The law in question came into force on December 28 of the same year.

The current regulation consists of 5 chapters and 22 articles. Like other federal laws of the Russian Federation, FZ-381 regularly undergoes a series of necessary amendments. Last amendments to the actual document introduced July 3, 2016. Changes introduced in this way to the Federal Law on Trade, with January 1, 2017 years entered into force.

The provisions of the normative act under consideration govern the financial, economic, legal and social relations arising in the field of trade. This Federal Law establishes the basis for the federal regulation of trading activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

This Federal Law on Trade has the following objectives:

  • Ensuring the synthesis of subjects of the economic space of the Russian Federation by establishing a set of rules in the field of trade;
  • Promoting the expansion of economic ties to meet the needs of economic sectors;
  • Guarantee of observance of the legal rights of participants in trading activities;
  • Separation of powers of state and regional authorities in relation to trade.

The standards established by the valid law on trade do not apply to relationships formed as a result of:

  • Foreign trade;
  • Trading organizations;
  • Sales of products in retail markets;
  • Acquisition and sale of shares, real estate, heat and electricity.

In addition, we suggest studying the norms of Federal Law 208 on joint-stock companies. Last revision

Basic concepts

The list of basic terminology used in this Federal Law on Trade includes the following concepts:

  • Trading activity (trade)- the type of activity consisting in the purchase and sale of goods;
  • Wholesale- buying or selling goods in bulk;
  • Retail- sale or purchase of goods in a single copy or in small lots for personal purposes;
  • Trade facility- a place intended for the demonstration and sale of products sold;
  • Stationary trade facility- TO, located in the building;
  • Non-stationary trade facility- mobile or mobile TO;
  • Commercial network- a complex of two or more TOs belonging to a certain subject or subjects, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition";
  • Foodstuffs- food, alcohol and drinks;
  • Services for the promotion of goods- services in the field of advertising in order to promote a particular product in the market conditions.

A complete list of the terminology used in Federal Law 381 is provided in Art. 2 of this Federal Law.

In order to study in detail the provisions of the law under consideration, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its text. The current text of the Federal Law "On the basics of state regulation of trading activities in the Russian Federation" N 381-FZ latest version can be downloaded

Amendments to the law on trade

The last significant amendments to the Federal Law on Trade were made on July 3, 2016. The Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Basics of State Regulation of Trading Activities in the Russian Federation” and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses” N 273-FZ became the amending document.

According to the current amendments, the text article 9, paragraph 4 states that an economic entity may be credited with a monetary reward for carrying out the necessary operations to provide food products. The amount of remuneration is determined and agreed upon by the trading parties.

The amendments made to article 13 of the current Federal Law, the prohibitions imposed on the host subject are clarified. An economic enterprise supplying food products is not authorized to:

  • Violate the provisions of the current regulatory act "On Protection of Competition";
  • It is unlawful to overestimate or underestimate prices;
  • Prohibit the counterparty from cooperating with other suppliers;
  • Block other suppliers from entering the market.

Deferment of payment under the law on trade

According to the amendments made to part 7 of the article under consideration, its text decides that the term of payment for food products is determined as follows:

  • Goods with a short shelf life (up to 10 days) paid no later than 8 working days from the date of their delivery;
  • Food with an average shelf life (from 10 to 30 days) paid within 25 calendar days;
  • Products with an expiration date exceeds 30 days, must be paid within 40 calendar days from the date of receipt.

In comparison with the indicators of last year, the maximum installment terms for already delivered goods are reduced by 5-10 calendar days.

The main criterion for the installment plan is the period of acceptable storage of the supplied products. Thus, the relationship between the supplier and the recipient becomes more transparent, which makes it possible to improve the quality of the trading process itself.

Outbound trade

Outbound trade is an activity strictly regulated by this regulatory act. First of all, the mobile structure on which the goods are located should not interfere with vehicular traffic and pose a danger to the health and lives of buyers.

The seller-realizer must have a certificate of conformity or a declaration that allows him to engage in trading activities. In most cases, all the necessary documentation is provided to the distributor by the supplier of goods or the owner of the mobile shop.

The mobile structure must comply with technical and sanitary standards. In case of violations, the person carrying out activities in the area in question will be called to account in accordance with the provisions of the valid law.

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