What does the finance department do? The financial department is a “litmus test” of enterprise efficiency. Financial planning methods


Financial work in enterprises is organized and carried out by financial services. At large domestic enterprises, special financial departments or departments are created for this. At medium-sized enterprises, financial departments or financial groups can be created as part of other departments (accounting, departments, services for analysis and forecasting, labor and wages, pricing).

In small enterprises, financial work is assigned to the chief accountant.

Financial services are given the right to receive the necessary information from all other services of enterprises (these are balance sheets, reports, plans, summary cost calculations, etc.)

The head of the financial department (department), as a rule, reports to the head of the enterprise or his deputy for economics and, together with them, is responsible for the financial condition of the enterprise, the safety of its own working capital, for the implementation of the implementation plan, and the provision of funds for financing the costs provided for by the plans.

Main tasks financial service is an:

1. providing cash for current costs and investments;

2. fulfillment of obligations to the budget, banks, other business entities and employed workers.

The financial service of the enterprise determines the ways and methods of financing costs. They can be self-financing, attracting bank and commercial (commodity) loans, raising equity capital, obtaining budgetary funds, leasing.

For the timely fulfillment of monetary obligations, financial services create operational cash funds, form reserves, use financial instruments to attract cash into the turnover of the enterprise.

The tasks of the financial service are also:

1. promoting the most efficient use of fixed production assets, investments, inventory items;

2. implementation of measures to accelerate the turnover of working capital, ensuring their safety, bringing the size of own working capital to the economy of reasonable standards;

3. control over the correct organization of financial relations.

The functions of the financial service are determined by the content itself financial work at enterprises. This is:

1. planning;

2. financing;

3. investment;

4. organization of settlements with suppliers and contractors, customers and buyers;

5. organization of material incentives, development of bonus systems;

6. fulfillment of obligations to the budget, optimization of taxation;

7. insurance.

The functions of the financial department (service) and accounting are closely intertwined and may overlap. However, there are significant differences between them. Accounting records and reflects the facts that have already happened, and the financial service analyzes information, is engaged in planning and forecasting financial activities, provides the management of the enterprise with conclusions, justifications, calculations for making management decisions, develops and implements financial policy.

The following functions are assigned to the financial department:

    Development of the financial strategy of the organization.

    Development of promising and current projects financial plans, forecast balances and budgets Money.

    Preparation of draft plans for the sale of products (works, services), capital investments, research and development, planning the cost of production and profitability of production - participates in the preparation.

    Calculation of profit and income tax.

    Determination of sources of financing for the production and economic activities of the organization, attraction of borrowed funds and use of own funds, research and analysis of financial markets, assessment of possible financial risk in relation to each source of funds and development of proposals for its reduction.

    Implementation of the investment policy and asset management of the organization, determination of their optimal structure, preparation of proposals for the replacement, liquidation of assets, analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of financial investments.

    Development of working capital standards and measures to accelerate their turnover.

    Ensuring the timely receipt of income, registration of financial settlement and banking operations in a timely manner, payment of invoices of suppliers and contractors, repayment of loans, payment of interest, wages workers and employees, transfer of taxes and fees to the republican and local budgets, to state off-budget social funds, payments to banking institutions.

    Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the organization.

    Monitoring the implementation of the financial plan, product sales plan, profit plan and other financial indicators, the termination production, not having a market, the correct expenditure of funds and the targeted use of own and borrowed working capital.

    Keeping records of the movement of funds and reporting on the results of financial activities in accordance with the standards of financial accounting and reporting, the reliability of financial information, control over the correctness of the preparation and execution of reporting documentation, the timeliness of its provision to external and internal users.

The fundamental differences between the financial service and accounting are not only in the approaches to the definition of funds, but also in the area of ​​decision-making. Accounting is working on collecting and presenting data. The financial department (management), getting acquainted with the accounting data and analyzing all these materials, makes specific decisions regarding enterprise activities.

head Department of Finance and Credit, Faculty of Economics, Voronezh State University

Pletnev Yu.M.,
Competitor of the Department of Finance and Credit, Faculty of Economics, Voronezh State University,
Head of Department, ZAO Voronezhstalmost

AT modern conditions increasingly significant in terms of their impact on business enterprises decisions become financial managers and analysts. Pricing and dividend policy, capital management are of fundamental importance for the results of its activities. Russian transition economy to market relations raised a large number of questions and presented new requirements for management finance enterprises. Studying the laws of the market and organizing financial relations took place "as they went along", and the automatic transfer of the concepts of the West to domestic soil led to the rejection of quite viable ideas by Russian practitioners. The above reasons partly influenced the economic situation Russian enterprises. In this regard, it seems necessary to discuss the problems organizations and functioning financially-economic services enterprises. Undoubtedly, this service should meet his interests, depending on the goals and tasks facing him. We propose to discuss these problems using the example of CJSC Voronezhstalmost, other enterprises of Mostostroyindustriya JSC and some industrial enterprises of the city of Voronezh, which have a single, non-serial nature of production. The article discusses and analyzes organizational structures financially-economic services enterprises, recommendations on the composition of their functions have been developed.

A peculiar subject of labor of the financial and economic service is money and cash flows that arise within the enterprise itself and outside it, connecting it with other enterprises, the credit and banking system, business entities that are in the association. To manage the finances of enterprises, a financial mechanism is used - a system for managing financial resources with the aim of effectively influencing the final results of production. The financial mechanism is designed to ensure the implementation of finance functions related to:

  • providing the enterprise with cash;
  • distribution and control of the use of funds.

The first function implies the optimal security of the enterprise with cash. Cash flow optimization is one of the main tasks of the financial service.

The distribution function is associated with the reimbursement of production costs and the formation of income. This income, in turn, is distributed between the enterprise and external organizations with which it is bound by obligations, as well as between the enterprise and the state. The control function involves the use of various indicators and the establishment of economic incentives or sanctions.

The main goal of the financial service is the most complete implementation of the functions of finance by strengthening the financial position of the enterprise by increasing its profitability, profit, increasing labor productivity, reducing costs, improving product quality and introducing new advanced technologies and scientific achievements.

Among the most important tasks assigned to the financial and economic service, in our opinion, should include:

  • mobilization financial resources to ensure simple and expanded reproduction for profit;
  • fulfillment of financial obligations and organization of payroll settlements with suppliers, banks, budget;
  • promoting the efficient use of production assets and investments;
  • development and implementation of the financial plan, budget of the enterprise;
  • ensuring an optimal capital structure;
  • control over the rational use of financial resources, compliance with financial and economic indicators production activities.

The organizational structure of the financial service reflects the composition of numerous functional divisions of the enterprise and determines the coordination of their joint activities towards achieving the goals set for the enterprise. This coordination is the basis organizational structure, which is usually defined as the set of stable relationships in an organization. Relationships are here treated as expressions of relationships, not as any specific action. Through structural links, coordination relations between the divisions of the enterprise are realized, interaction of functional services is carried out, in which two important components are distinguished: the rights of a structural unit and its Information Support. Unfortunately, in the economic literature, including in the literature on financial management, not enough attention is paid to the composition, interaction of individual functional units of the financial and economic service of the enterprise.

Financial and economic management is part of the overall management of an enterprise, so management in this area can be built according to management schemes that are traditionally attributed to the enterprise as a whole. These can be linear-functional management schemes that have proven themselves in conditions of stability, or flexible and adaptive schemes oriented to changing market conditions, or matrix, product management schemes. The main condition for choosing a control scheme is that it must meet the conditions of production and the type of organization.

Let us consider as an example the organizational structure of the financial and economic service at the enterprises of Mostostroyindustriya JSC. On fig. 1 shows the organizational structure of the economic service of Ulan-Udestalmost CJSC. Enterprises in Kurgan and Ulan-Ude were built on the model of the Voronezh plant, repeating its organizational structure. Over time, it began to change in all enterprises.

Rice. one. Organizational structure of the financial and economic service of Ulan-Udestalmost CJSC

The organizational structure of the financial and economic service of the Ulan-Ude plant has undergone the least changes to date. This management scheme can be considered the original, preserved from the time of the planned economy. It includes traditional groups that are part of the accounting and economic departments.

On fig. Figures 2 and 3 show the schemes of financial and economic services of the Voronezhstalmost and Kurganstalmost enterprises.

Rice. 2. Organizational structure of the financial and economic service of ZAO Voronezhstalmost

Rice. 3. Organizational structure of the financial and economic service of Kurganstalmost CJSC

There are many similarities in the organizational structures of the financial and economic services of these enterprises. The highest management level is the CEO. The second level is the deputy general director (at the Kurgan enterprise it is traditionally - "for economics and finance", at the Voronezh plant - "for long-term development"). At the same time, the chief accountant and his department, according to the schemes of the organizational structure, report directly to the director. To a greater extent, this is appropriate for the Voronezh enterprise, since the main activity of the deputy director is related to long-term planning, work with customers and justification of product prices. The same functions are typical for the Deputy Director for Economics and Finance of the plant in Kurgan. It is in his subordination that the department of foreign economic relations is located, the work of which is primarily aimed at providing production with orders. Subordination of the chief accountant and his department directly to CEO is explained by the correspondence of the organizational structure to the essence of the planned economy, as well as the right of the chief accountant to manage the funds on the current account based on the requirement of a second signature on payment documents. The personal responsibility of the chief accountant for the use of funds is also retained. To date, the subordination of the chief accountant directly to the general director is enshrined in the statutory and official documents enterprises.

One of the elements of the organizational structure of the Kurgan plant deserves special attention - the subordination of the legal department to the deputy director for economics. The work of this service is largely connected with the preparation of contracts with external organizations, with the assessment of the legality of decisions made by economic services, with the fulfillment of the obligations of the enterprise to the state and contractors. Therefore, such a position of the legal service in the organizational structure, in our opinion, is natural. Also, in our opinion, the direct subordination of the department of foreign economic relations (OVES) to the deputy director for economics of the Kurgan plant or the deputy director for the prospective development of the Voronezh plant is completely justified. The main activity of OVES is aimed at providing production with orders, which is closely related to the economic analysis of a potential order. It is inexpedient and expensive to have a group of economists both in the planning department and in the OVES. The unification of these services under the leadership of the Deputy Director is quite justified. Evidence confirming the expediency of the provisions of the OVES and the planning and economic service are the changes in the organizational structure of the Voronezh plant over the past few years.

After the creation of the foreign economic relations service at the plant, the price bureau, responsible for the calculation of products and subordinate to the chief economist, was transferred to the structure of the foreign relations department. Later, he was again returned to the direct subordination of the chief economist. At present, the organizational structure looks more complete: both economists and marketing specialists are united under a single leadership (at the Voronezh plant - the deputy director for long-term planning, in Kurgan - the deputy director for economics and finance). The Bureau of Prices remains under the jurisdiction of the Chief Economist, works in the structure of the Financial and Economic Service and ultimately reports to the Deputy Director for Economic Affairs.

As part of the economic services of the plants there is a department of labor and wages (OTiZ), which is traditional for the structure of the financial and economic service.

A feature of the structure of the economic service of the Kurgan plant is the allocation of an independent financial department in its composition. His position and reporting directly to the Deputy Director for Economics and Finance is responsible modern requirements. The Voronezh plant does not have an independent financial department. Its functions are performed by the financial group as part of the accounting department. There is no doubt that the role of the financial service has increased and is intensifying with the development of market relations in Russia. Currently, financial departments are needed, which are charged with the task of forming a rational capital structure, assessing the availability of working capital for an enterprise, managing cash flows, conducting financial analysis, search for sources of financing, budgeting, etc. In this regard, the experience of the Kurgan plant in separating the functions of the accounting department and the financial department seems to meet the requirements of the time. At the Voronezh plant, the financial group is part of the accounting department. In this regard, the main functional responsibilities of accounting include: financial management, accounting for materials and other property, depreciation, financial reporting and taxes. At the same time, there is no analytical service in the accounting department that would assess the current financial and economic state of the enterprise, sources of financing, and investment flows. There is no such service in the structure of the planning and economic department. The calculation of the cost of new orders, the comparison of planned and actual indicators are carried out by the economic service, financial activity is controlled by the accounting department, which ascertains the movement of financial resources, manages them and sums up. Thus, there is no forecasting of the financial and economic state of the enterprise, an operational analysis of its production activities. The assessment of the economic condition is carried out on the basis of actual data, when it is no longer possible to influence them. In order to improve the organization of work and coordinate the activities of the financial and economic service, each of the analyzed enterprises can and should optimize the organizational structure of this service. It is no coincidence that the size of the accounting department has grown significantly at the Voronezh plant in recent years. Increasing the number functional duties within one department negatively affects the results and efficiency of its work. To change the situation, it is necessary to streamline and clearly delineate the functional tasks of the financial and economic service and reflect this in its organizational structure. Today, it is important, in our opinion, to include in the composition of the financial and economic service the positions of specialists in financial planning, conducting current operational analysis, evaluating the attractiveness investment projects, preparation of the budget of the enterprise, evaluation of various sources of financing, i.e. positions of financiers or financial managers.

Along with the enterprises of JSC Mostostroyindustriya, the organizational structures of other enterprises of Voronezh were analyzed: OJSC Rudgormash and the Voronezh Carriage Repair Plant named after Telman (VVRZ). Schemes of organizational structures of economic services of these enterprises are given below in fig. 4 and 5.

Rice. 4. Organizational structure of the financial and economic service of JSC "Rudgormash"

It should be noted that if the first three enterprises are commensurate in terms of production volumes, then the Rudgormash plant and VVRZ are almost twice as large both in terms of production capacity and the number of employees. The structure of the financial and economic service of the Rudgormash enterprise is focused on modern requirements for managing the finances of a commercial organization and, in our opinion, is quite complex. The entire service is headed by the Deputy Director for Economics and is divided into departments: economic planning and accounting and analysis (which includes accounting and financial departments). The service also includes a department of taxation.

The planning and economic management includes traditional divisions: economic, organization of labor and wages. The accounting and finance management structure includes services that meet modern requirements. Here, in addition to the traditional sectors, separate services are distinguished in the accounting department: management accounting and analysis, budgeting, mutual settlements and work with banks. However, the subordination of the financial department to the chief accountant seems unjustified. The head of the financial department has no direct access to the head of the economic service. It is more expedient, in our opinion, to leave for each of the services only their inherent functions and bring each of them to direct subordination to the deputy director for economics: accounting, planning and economic and financial departments. The tax department is removed from the accounting department, although it builds its activities on the basis of accounting data and, therefore, should be part of the accounting department.

The organizational structure of the economic service of the VVRZ named after Telman, on the contrary, is not complicated by the modern division of functions and is similar to the organizational structure of CJSC Ulan-Udestalmost. The difference between the financial and economic service of the Telman plant is that it is headed by the deputy director for economics. The service itself is divided into the economic department and accounting. Each of the divisions includes traditional functional groups and bureaus. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the economic department of this enterprise has a sector of accounting and analysis. Typically, such a sector is present in the accounting structure (in its financial part).

Rice. 5.

From conversations with heads of economic services, one gets the impression that practical economists see the analytical group either in financial or in economic departments, least of all linking its activities with purely accounting departments of accounting. The same opinion about the position of this group in the organizational structure is shared by the authors of the work.

At the time of the survey of the activities of the financial and economic service of VVRZ, an additional specialist in taxation was introduced into the accounting department. In our opinion, in the current situation, the presence of such specialists as part of the economic service of the enterprise has become a necessity.

From the analysis of the considered organizational structures of financial and economic services, the identified patterns of their change and the requirements for them, we can draw conclusions about the conditions that the financial management scheme should meet at an enterprise with a nature of production similar to production at the enterprises of Mostostroyindustriya JSC:

  • management of the financial and economic service of the enterprise should be headed by the deputy general director for economics and finance - a person who is fully responsible for managing the cash flows of the enterprise;
  • separation from the structure of the accounting service into an independent division of the financial department, the functions of which are: cash flow management; analysis and assessment of the state of the enterprise; financial planning and forecasting; evaluation of investment projects;
  • organization within the framework of the financial or planning and economic departments of an analytical service to conduct a periodic comparable analysis of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise, comparing planned indicators with actual ones;
  • inclusion in the economic service of the OVES, since the planning of promising activities and the provision of production with orders require an economic justification;
  • since the activity of the economic service of the enterprise is designed both to meet the internal needs of production and to provide a very wide range of external relations, it is quite justified to include the legal service in this structure.

The main role in the process of managing the finances of an enterprise is assigned to the deputy director for economics and finance (otherwise: director of economics, vice president of the company for finance), who is directly subordinate to the general director. This is a key figure responsible for the development of strategies and tactics of financial management, their implementation to achieve the goals of the enterprise. The duties of the Deputy Director for Economics and Finance include solving problems that determine the financial policy and implement the economic goals of the enterprise. Let us name some of them: the choice of service management schemes, ways and means of their improvement, the organization of the effective work of the economic service, the selection and placement of personnel, management structural divisions services, providing interested parties with financial and economic indicators of the enterprise, working with the banking system and business partners, forming and developing relations with owners.

The next level of management of the financial and economic service is the chief specialists and heads of departments who head the functional services under the direct supervision of the deputy director for economics and finance. This is the accounting department headed by the chief accountant; financial department headed by the head of the department; the planning and economic department, the department of labor and wages and the price bureau under the unified leadership of the chief economist. The organizational structure of financial management, which allows optimizing financial flows arising from the production and financial activities of an enterprise, may look like a diagram shown in Fig. 6.

In the proposed structure, the accounting department is mainly responsible for the choice of accounting policies and the organization of accounting activities. She is also responsible for the reliable reflection of business transactions in the accounting, the provision of accounting data to internal and external users, the correctness of tax accounting. In addition to traditional functional divisions, sectors can be included in its structure internal audit, management and tax accounting. The tax service is part of the accounting department for the following reasons: firstly, due to the fact that all forms of financial reporting - balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, etc. - are formed in the accounting department. Secondly, by the nature of its activities, the tax service is an accounting unit. Thirdly, rational restrictions on the number of individual units in the economic service are necessary. The accounting department also collects information on costs and posting them by type for further presentation in the format of "fixed - variable costs" within the framework of management accounting. Cost differentiation is important for conducting operational analysis, calculating the "break-even point". The location of such an analysis should be noted. Traditionally, it is referred to as management accounting, which is a part of accounting activities. In practice, the conduct of operational analysis is more often attributed to the functions of economists-analysts, linking it with the activities of the financial or economic planning department. It can be noted that the analysis "costs - volume - profit" is an integral part of financial management, therefore, in the presented organizational structure, cost accounting should be singled out as a function of accounting, and the analysis should be assigned to the analysts of the economic service. In our opinion, this approach to the division of functions seems to be more correct, since the planning of production activity indicators, the comparison of their planned and actual values ​​should be carried out by one service.

Rice. 6.

In the recommended organizational structure, the financial service, headed by the head of the department, is separated into a separate structural unit. The Financial Department is directly subordinate to the Deputy Director for Economics and Finance. This position of the department is dictated by the requirements that are imposed on this service by the modern nature. economic relations. AT market economy the tasks solved by the financial department are of high importance for the enterprise. The competence of the department includes: searching for sources of financing for production, managing the capital structure of an enterprise, assessing the availability and sufficiency of working capital, tracking revenue, managing accounts receivable and payable, analyzing the compliance of the company’s funds with its financial obligations, financial planning and forecasting, attracting and control briefly
term loans and financial investments, participation in the preparation of the company's budget, financial analysis, evaluation economic efficiency investment projects. The listed tasks are complex in content, and therefore require highly qualified personnel of the financial department. For example, the evaluation of investment projects requires high level knowledge of financial management, accounting, production planning, cost justification, knowledge of methods of analysis and calculation of cash flows. That is why it is so important to have a separate service specializing in financial management. Some semblance of such a service as part of the accounting department, as is the case in most enterprises, is now unacceptable.

The economic service, headed by the chief economist, includes a planning and economic department and a department for organizing labor and wages. The activity of the planning department is connected with the solution of the following tasks: planning of production activities and related costs, analysis of actual data on the volume and costs of production, identification and analysis of the causes of deviations from planned indicators and standards. This service develops ways and methods to reduce costs, prepares pricing decisions for various types of products, together with other structural divisions is the developer of business plans for the enterprise, collects and maintains reporting documents on its production activities, determines and monitors the profit received from production and sales products. Planned and actual profit is the object of close attention of the planning department. This implies the expediency of conducting an analysis of the current economic state of the enterprise in this department. The service in which plans were developed and the actual results of production activities were monitored should be the place for conducting operational analysis, analytical work to evaluate the final indicators in comparison with the planned ones.

In direct connection with planning department Department of organization of labor and wages. Its functional purpose is the organization, regulation and accounting of labor costs in the enterprise. The department conducts justification of prices for production operations, takes into account and analyzes labor costs.

Of course, the economic service is not able to separately carry out production planning or prepare reports. In this work, it is important to connect with production departments, marketing and technical services of the enterprise. In the process of preparing reports and conducting analysis, economists need to interact with the accounting department and the financial department, the sales department.

As noted in the analysis of the organizational structures of enterprises included in Mostostroyindustriya JSC, it is advisable to introduce a department of foreign economic relations and a legal service into their economic services. This proposal was reflected in the organizational structure, which is recommended for implementation in CJSC Voronezhstalmost (Fig. 7).

The activities of the OVES are related to the economic feasibility of projects that are supposed to be put into production. In our opinion, to have a group economic analysis in OVES is prohibitively expensive for such enterprises. The inclusion of OVES in the structure of the economic service, as it was done in Kurgan, is, in our opinion, a good decision. A similar situation exists with the legal service. Her activities are closely related to the work economic structures. Consolidation of the OVES, legal service and economic structures under the control of the Deputy Director for Economics and Finance seems to be rational from the point of view of coordinating their joint activities.

The recommended organizational structure of the financial and economic service, in our opinion, most fully reflects the requirements for this service. However, it is indicative. It can be adjusted depending on the company. With a particular situational approach to building an organizational structure, it is important to maintain functionality, that is, the ability to effective management financial and economic activities. At large-scale enterprises, the service may contain a large number of groups, bureaus, departments. A small enterprise may have a service where the functions and responsibilities of sectors or groups can be combined and carried out by a smaller number.
workers, but nevertheless, in this case, it is necessary to maintain the functionality of this service. It is designed to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of enterprise management, the implementation of management decisions at any level. Another requirement for the organizational structure of the economic service, in our opinion, is its adaptability to the constantly changing internal and external environment. The structure should be timely modified into a system that reflects new trends in the development of the enterprise. The success of its activities in the future is largely related to the correspondence of the organizational structure to the goals and objectives facing it.


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  2. Zaitsev N.L. Economy industrial enterprise. — M.: INFRA-M, 1998. — 336 p.
  3. Samsonov N.F., Barannikova N.P., Volodin A.A. Financial management. — M.: UNITI, 1999. — 495 p.
  4. Enterprise economy. / Ed. prof. Volkova O.I.: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional — M.: INFRA-M, 2001. — 520 p.
  5. Dvoretskaya A.E. Organization of financial management in the enterprise. // Management in Russia and abroad. - 2002. - No. 4. - P. 96.

Also on this topic.


(Company name,

(head of the enterprise

organizations, institutions)

organizations, institutions)



№ 00


(surname, initials)


I. General provisions

The financial department is an independent structural subdivision of the enterprise and reports directly to the Deputy Director for Economic Affairs.

II. Tasks

Organization of the financial activities of the enterprise, aimed at providing financial resources for the tasks of the plan, safety and effective use fixed assets and working capital, labor and financial resources of the enterprise, timeliness of payments for obligations to the state budget, suppliers and banking institutions.

III. Structure

1. The structure and staff are approved by the director of the enterprise in accordance with the standard structures of the management apparatus and the norms for the number of specialists and employees, taking into account the volume of work and production features.

2. The department may include subdivisions (sector, bureau, group) financial planning, financial analysis economic activity, organization of settlements with suppliers, cash collection, cash transactions and etc.

IV. Functions

1. In the field of financial and credit planning

1.1. Drawing up in due time draft financial plans of the enterprise with all the necessary calculations, taking into account the maximum mobilization of on-farm reserves, the most rational use fixed and working capital.

1.2. Compilation and submission of loan applications and quarterly cash plans to the higher organization and institutions of banks in a timely manner and participation in their consideration.

1.3. Participation in the preparation of a plan for the sale of products in monetary terms. Determination of the planned amount of balance sheet profit for the year and by quarters and profitability indicators.

1.4. Drawing up, together with the planning and economic department, planned calculations for the formation of economic incentive funds and participation in the preparation of estimates for their spending.

1.5. Determination of the planned amount of depreciation deductions divided into full restoration (renovation) of fixed assets a overhaul.

1.6. Participation in determining the need for own working capital by elements and calculation of working capital standards.

1.7. Drawing up a plan for financing centralized capital investments and a plan for financing the overhaul of fixed assets.

1.8. Drawing up plans for the distribution of balance sheet profit and depreciation.

1.9. Participation in the preparation of plans for financing research work on the basis of the envisaged scope of these works, as well as determining the sources of financing for plans for organizational and technical measures, taking into account the calculations of economic efficiency.

1.10. Planning the average annual cost of fixed production assets and fixed assets exempted from payment for funds.

1.11. Making settlements for filing claims with suppliers and contractors and for transferring export premiums.

1.12. Distribution of quarterly financial indicators by months.

1.13. Participation in the preparation of the VAT plan.

1.14. Bringing the indicators of the approved financial plan and the tasks arising from it, limits, norms and standards of working capital to the departments, services, workshops of the enterprise and systematic monitoring of their observance and implementation.

1.15. Drawing up operational financial plans for the coming month and for intra-month periods.

1.16. Drawing up operational plans for the sale of products in monetary terms and plans for profit.

1.17. Participation in the preparation of operational schedules for the shipment of marketable products.

1.18. Implementation of control over the delivery of inventory items in order to prevent the accumulation of excess stocks.

1.19. Ensuring the implementation of financial, credit and cash plans.

2. In the field of financial and operational work

2.1. Ensuring on time:

payments to the state budget - for turnover tax, for production assets and other payments

interest payments on short-term and long-term loans;

contributions from own funds from profits, depreciation and other sources to finance centralized and non-centralized capital investments;

transfers of funds to special accounts (under the production development fund), etc.;

transfer of funds in the order of intradepartmental redistribution of profits; working capital, depreciation deductions, as well as funds for financing scientific research, development of new technology and other purposes provided for in the financial plan;

transfers of funds to centralized funds and reserves of a higher organization;

the issuance of wages to employees of the enterprise and the implementation of other cash transactions;

payment of invoices of suppliers and contractors for shipped material assets, services rendered and work performed in accordance with the concluded agreements;

payment of interest on credit on long-term and short-term bank loans.

2.2. Providing financing for the costs provided for by the plan.

2.3. Registration of requested loans in accordance with the current lending rules and ensuring the return of loans received in a timely manner.

2.4. Carrying out operations on the accounts of the association and the parent company in banking institutions.

2.5. Presentation to bank institutions of duly executed payment requests, other settlement documents for shipped products, services rendered and work performed; ensuring timely receipt of documents for the shipment of products, issuing invoices and taking measures to timely receive funds due from buyers.

2.6. Maintaining daily business records:

sales of products, profits from the sale of other financial indicators;

refusals of buyers to accept payment requests for shipped products, services rendered and work performed due to the reasons for refusals and taking appropriate measures on them;

fulfillment of other indicators of the financial plan.

2.7. Drawing up and submission to the management of the enterprise of information and certificates on the progress of the implementation of the main indicators of the financial plan and on the financial condition.

2.8. Drawing up and timely submission of the parent organization, financial authorities and institutions of banks of the established operational financial statements.

2.9. Implementation of measures that contribute to the acceleration of the turnover of funds in settlements.

2.10. Together with departments and services of the association:

consideration of claims and sanctions filed by buyers and customers, and development of proposals to eliminate the shortcomings that cause these claims;

Claims (together with the Legal Department) and enforcement of sanctions against buyers, suppliers and customers; taking measures (together with the legal department and the main accounting department) for the timely and complete collection of receivables from buyers, tenants and other debtors.

2.11. Implementation of the most appropriate forms of settlements with buyers and suppliers that contribute to the timeliness of payments, and ensuring compliance with the rules for conducting these settlements.

2.12. Receipt, storage, operational accounting and issuance of cash, securities and forms of strict reporting in accordance with the Regulations on the conduct of cash transactions.

2.13. Compliance with the limit of cash balance in the cash desks of the enterprise established by the relevant bank and ensuring the complete safety of banknotes.

3. In the field of control and analytical work

3.1. Implementation of control:

for the implementation of indicators of financial, cash and credit plans, as well as plans for profit and profitability;

for the state of shipment and sale of products;

for the use for the intended purpose of own and borrowed working capital in general for the association and for individual structural divisions, for which the heads of the relevant enterprises of the enterprise are responsible for compliance with the working capital standards;

to prevent the diversion by departments, services and workshops of working capital of the main activity for capital construction and overhaul;

for timely consideration by the relevant departments, services and workshops of buyers' claims and reasons for refusing to pay payment requirements for shipped products and services rendered; compliance by departments, services and workshops with the established deadlines for checking the acceptance of payment requirements of suppliers, contractors and other organizations and their timely and proper execution in appropriate cases, complete or partial refusals to pay payment requirements in strict accordance with the bank instruction;

for the implementation of plans and estimates of income and expenses of housing and communal services and other similar services;

for compliance with the targeted use of non-centralized sources of financing for the costs of non-centralized state capital investments provided for in the plan;

for receiving cash in banking institutions for the payment of wages and other expenses strictly within the amounts due, determined on the basis of

established rules and cash plans approved by the enterprises of the association, and for the observance of cash discipline.

On all issues related to the implementation of these functions, the financial department makes its proposals to the management of the enterprise.

3.2. Together with the main accounting department and the capital construction department, check:

compliance of the cost of equipment under orders and concluded contracts with appropriations for these purposes, provided for at the expense of centralized and non-centralized sources of financing capital investments;

the correctness of the preparation, execution and approval of estimates, calculations of the payback of capital investments for the introduction of new technology and the expansion of the production of consumer goods, carried out at the expense of the production development fund and bank loans, as well as estimates for the expenditure of incentive funds and other special-purpose funds.

3.3. Implementation of a systematic analysis of accounting, statistical and operational reporting on issues related to the implementation of financial, cash and credit plans, compliance with financial and payment discipline; forecasting the results of economic and financial activities; improving the use of fixed assets and working capital; identification and mobilization of intra-industrial reserves and additional sources of financing.

3.4. Participation in the organization of work on the analysis of the production and economic activities of the association and the determination of the impact of this activity on financial indicators. .

3.5. Participation in the consideration of cost estimates for production, for the development of new equipment, for future expenses, for the maintenance of management apparatus, for the maintenance of buildings, structures, clubs, parks, children's camps transferred to the free use of trade union organizations.

3.6. Participation, together with the planning and economic department, in the development and consideration of draft prices approved in accordance with the current legislation for new products manufactured by the enterprise, as well as tariffs for works and services performed by the enterprise.

3.7. Participation in the conclusion of business contracts and acceptance of financial conditions.

3.8. Participation in the work to improve the organization and planning of working capital and in the implementation of measures aimed at accelerating the turnover of working capital of the enterprise.

3.9. Participation in the development and implementation of measures to improve the internal cost accounting in the structural divisions of the enterprise.

V. The relationship of the financial department with other departments of the enterprise

1. With the planning and economic department and the main accounting department.

Receives: production plan according to the nomenclature for the year, quarter, month; production plan according to the nomenclature and volume of marketable products by workshops.

Represents: financial plan; reports on the implementation of the financial plan; copies of assignments to workshops and departments to reduce working capital stocks; daily information on the implementation of the implementation plan by the shops and the enterprise as a whole.

2. With logistics departments, external cooperation

Receives: conclusion on claims made by suppliers; reporting data on the movement of materials and their balances at the end of the month.

Represents: invoices for acceptance; information about materials in transit; information about unpaid invoices, indicating the reasons.

3. With technical departments

Receives: estimates and financial calculations for financing capital investments at the expense of bank loans for the introduction of new technology, for expanding the production of consumer goods; cost estimates approved by the management of the enterprise for research, development and other work and calculations of their effectiveness.

Represents: a plan for financing research and development work on the basis of approved estimates, as well as providing the necessary funds for floating organizational and technical measures; correctly compiled, executed and approved in the prescribed manner, estimated and estimated financial calculations for the costs of introducing new equipment, estimates for spending funds from special funds and special-purpose funds, checked together with the main accounting department.

4. With capital construction department

Receives: the planned volume, the structure of capital investments, the balance of material assets and the state of settlements in capital construction.

Represents: a plan for financing capital investments according to the state plan, drawn up jointly with the department of capital construction, taking into account the mobilization of internal resources in construction.

5. With sales department

Represents: notification of bank institutions about letters of credit issued by buyers and customers, information about buyers who have delayed payment of invoices or refused to accept them, as well as notifications about the application of banking sanctions to buyers and customers.

6. With legal department

Receives: the decision of the management on the transfer of funds based on the results of consideration of claims and lawsuits; notes on bank documents on the receipt of funds on considered and satisfied claims and claims; instructions for the listed state fees on arbitration claims.

Represents: completed claim materials and executed for filing claims with arbitration bodies; conclusions on claims and lawsuits in connection with refusals to pay bills, errors in their presentation, etc.; certificates on the transfer of funds in connection with the consideration of claims and arbitration claims; documents on the transfer of state duty; conclusions on contracts to establish the form of payment.

1. Require the divisions of the enterprise to submit materials (data from the analysis of economic activities of accounting, statistical and operational accounting, etc.) necessary for the implementation of work that is within the competence of the financial department.

2. Control the financial activities of the enterprise's divisions and give their leaders recommendations on the organization and conduct of financial work.

3. Based on the results of economic activity, make proposals to the management of the enterprise on the application of sanctions and incentives in relation to individual employees and divisions of the enterprise.

By authorization of the management of the enterprise, manage financial resources and sign (with the first signature) monetary, payment, settlement, credit and other financial documents, in compliance with current legislation, rules of contracts, instructions, as well as approved plans and estimates.

5. Represent the company in financial, credit and other organizations on financial matters.

6. Approval of all documents related to the financial activities of the enterprise (plans, estimates, reports, contracts, orders, orders, etc.).

7. Instructions of the financial department, within the limits of the functions provided for by this Regulation, are mandatory for management and execution by the divisions of the enterprise.

VII. Responsibility

1. Full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the implementation of the tasks and functions assigned by this Regulation to the department is borne by the head of the department.

2. The degree of responsibility of other employees is established by job descriptions.

(head of structural


(surname, initials)




(executive, which

Regulation is agreed)


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


The formation of the financial department at the enterprise is a responsible task. The functions of the financial department are constantly expanding and are formed based on the tasks that the financial director will have to solve.

Functions of the financial service

  • Financial controlling is one of the main functions of the financial department, which consists in the formation of plans and control over their execution. The performance of this function is associated not only with accounting and analysis, but also with monitoring the execution of business processes of the enterprise.
  • Treasury Department. Cash management of the company, the formation of a payment calendar, control over the status of mutual settlements - all these are the functions of the treasury and it is impossible to underestimate their importance.
  • Organization and maintenance of accounting and tax accounting. This function does not require much explanation.

The only thing I want to focus on is the separation of the functions of the chief accountant and financial director. The responsibility of the chief accountant is the maintenance of regulated and tax accounting in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, the timely formation of accounting and tax reporting, the reflection of the facts of the company's economic activity on accounting registers. The functions of the financial director are to plan the activities of the company, its financial results, including in the context of constantly changing legislation. The function of tax planning is the direct responsibility of the financial director of the company. The subordination structure of the chief accountant is a topic for a separate discussion. On the one hand, the chief accountant is within the area of ​​responsibility of the financial director and must report to him, on the other hand, in accordance with the law "on accounting", the chief accountant reports directly to the general director of the organization. The easiest way out in this situation is the dual subordination of the chief accountant.

It should be understood that in a particular company, the functions of the financial service may not limit the tasks facing the financial director in the process of organizing the financial department.

The structure of the financial service

After the functions of the financial department are defined, you can begin to form its structure.

The structure of the financial department can be represented in the following diagram:

At the same time, the Contracting Department and IT Department are not part of the FEO, but are strategically subordinate to the Financial Director.

The simplest thing is to allocate a separate service to implement each function.

But no one bothers to split the function into several services or, conversely, combine several functions into one service.

Having determined the tasks and structure of the financial service, it is necessary to start developing internal regulations.

Financial Service Regulations

Financial service regulations are a set of provisions, rules, instructions governing business processes owned by financial director, and both basic (budgeting, accounting, raising finance, making payments; regulated, respectively, by the budgetary, accounting, credit policies, the procedure for making payments, preparing financial statements), and directly related to the management of personnel of the financial service of the enterprise. The latter are often referred to as HR processes.

In the process of developing, coordinating and approving the documents regulating these processes, many issues related to the number of employees of the financial service, the requirements for their qualifications, and the wage fund are removed. If the requirements for the functional duties of employees are changed by the company's management, the regulatory documents approved earlier will minimize potential conflicts, change the staffing level and revise wages.

Regulations on the financial service of the enterprise

The set of tasks of the financial department, its regulations and structure form the basis for the formation of the final document - the Regulations on the financial service of the enterprise.

This provision is an internal regulatory document, which has the following structure:

  1. Organizational and functional structure of the financial service. Typically, the organizational structure is an organizational chart with the allocation of departments and a description of their functions. For the purposes of HR planning, it is useful to display information on the number of staff positions (existing and planned) on the diagram.
  2. Structural and headcount financial service. Usually, this information is formed in the form of a table with the obligatory indication of the names of departments, positions, the number of active and vacant staff positions.
  3. The main goals and objectives of the financial service. This section of the regulation describes the goals formulated taking into account the company's development strategy, and the tasks that need to be solved to achieve them. Tasks are defined for each department.
  4. Function matrix. This is a table in which the functions of the financial service are located vertically, and organizational links are located horizontally, that is, managers and key employees of service departments. At the intersection of the lines and the graph, a mark is made (who is responsible for what). The function matrix gives an idea of ​​the possible workload of departments and allows you to optimally group functions by department.
  5. The order of interaction of employees of the financial service. Usually, an internal order of interaction is distinguished - between individual employees and (or) structural divisions of the company and external - with individuals (for example, especially large clients) or state (commercial) organizations. The order of interaction is developed taking into account the organizational structure of the company as a whole, the functions and tasks of its other divisions, established principles and traditions.
  6. This section details the procedure for filing an appeal or expressing disagreement along the chain "CEO - CFO - Head of Department - ordinary employee." This applies to any questions and proposals (the task received, the decision being made, disproportionate compensation, encouragement or punishment), including innovative ones that may arise both for the employee and his immediate supervisor.
  7. A system of indicators to evaluate the work of the financial director and the financial service.
  8. Final provisions.

If the head of the financial service is the financial director, then his activities are regulated by the job description of the financial director, and if the financial department is separated into a separate unit, then when developing the job description of the head of the financial department, the general rules for the formation of job descriptions must be applied.

Detailed job description usually includes the following items:

  1. General provisions
  2. Qualification requirements. The requirements for the level of education of a specialist in this position are formulated, as well as a set of skills and abilities necessary to perform official duties.
  3. Job responsibilities. The more detailed this section is filled out, the less questions the specialist will then have about the need to perform certain tasks. Therefore, this section should be the most complete summary of all possible tasks performed by a specialist.
  4. Specialist rights.
  5. specialist responsibility.

It should be noted that the effective operation of the financial department is impossible without a high-quality information system.

Regulations on the Treasury

The importance of the work of the Treasury Department cannot be overestimated. The timeliness and correctness of payments, the execution of the cash flow budget depend on the efficiency of the functioning of this unit.

Formalization of the department's work regulations is the basis for effective functioning. As a result, it is necessary to develop internal regulations for the work of the department.

The approximate composition of the regulations of the Treasury Department:

  • Regulations for the formation of budgets;
  • Regulations for coordinating payments;
  • Job description of the head of the treasury department;
  • Job description of a specialist in the treasury department.

All these regulations are described or included in the form of annexes to the document "Regulations on the Treasury".

This provision is an internal regulatory document that has the following structure:

  1. Organizational and functional structure of the Treasury Department. Usually, the organizational structure is an organizational chart with the allocation of positions and a description of their functions. For the purposes of HR planning, it is useful to display information on the number of staff positions (existing and planned) on the diagram.
  2. Structural and staffing of the Treasury Department. As a rule, this information is formed in the form of a table with the obligatory indication of names, positions, the number of active and vacant positions.
  3. The main goals and objectives of the Treasury Department. This section of the regulation describes the goals formulated taking into account the company's development strategy, and the tasks that need to be solved to achieve them.
  4. The order of interaction of employees of the Treasury Department. Usually, an internal order of interaction is distinguished - between individual employees and (or) structural divisions of the company and an external one - with individuals (for example, especially large clients) or state (commercial) organizations. The order of interaction is developed taking into account the organizational structure of the company as a whole, the functions and tasks of its other divisions, established principles and traditions.
  5. The procedure for resolving conflict situations. The procedure for filing an appeal or expressing disagreement along the chain “general director - financial director - head of department - ordinary employee” is prescribed in detail. This applies to any questions and proposals (the task received, the decision being made, disproportionate compensation, encouragement or punishment), including innovative ones that may arise both for the employee and his immediate supervisor.
  6. A system of indicators that allows you to evaluate the work of the head of the department and the treasury department. This section includes lists and descriptions of indicators, upon fulfillment of which the work of the financial director and his subordinates is recognized as successful. Indicators should be specific and measurable.
  7. Final provisions. This part establishes the procedure for agreeing and approving the Regulations, its validity period, the procedure for making changes, familiarizing employees with the Regulations and the procedure for storing it.

Responsibilities of a financial manager

Today, financial management is a system of principles and methods for developing and implementing management decisions related to the formation, distribution and use of financial resources, cash flow. As a result, the role of the financial manager in the company's management system may vary depending on the specific tasks facing the financial service.

The financial manager, whose duties are limited to participating in the activities of the treasury and the budget process, monitoring and analyzing the activities of the enterprise, studying the applicability of certain financial instruments, plays an important role in ensuring the current activities and development of the company.

To effectively solve various problems in current activities, various tools and regulations are used, ranging from spreadsheets Excel, and ending with modern specialized software products with the widest functionality, which allow you to expand the functionality simply and "painlessly" for the user.

Depending on the specialization and activities, the list of job responsibilities of a financial manager may vary from cash flow management functions to a system for monitoring the company's financial condition, and performing the function of managing relationships with counterparties. Accordingly, the job description should include full list duties and powers, ensuring the completeness of the function performed by a specific financial manager in a given organization.

Drive specific example the job description does not make sense, since it is impossible to provide for the entire list of duties, just as it is impossible to describe the entire range of tasks of enterprise management accounting. In each particular company, management accounting is individual, and, accordingly, the set of functions of the employee who provides this accounting is individual within each company.

However, one can bring overall structure job description. In general, it should consist of the following sections:

  1. General provisions- description of the document, position, who appoints the employee to this position, and so on.
  2. Qualification requirements.
  3. Job responsibilities. This section should be the most complete summary of all possible tasks performed by a specialist.
  4. Criteria for the success of the performance of labor duties. The section is quite difficult to fill in, since it is not always possible to formulate these criteria. In this section, it makes sense to describe only those criteria, the fulfillment of which can be monitored and objectively assessed.
  5. Specialist rights. The section describes the company's obligations to the specialist. These are timely payment of wages, organization of the workplace and technological infrastructure, compliance with sanitary standards, etc.
  6. Rights and obligations of the leader. This paragraph complements the previous one, it contains an explanation of the duties and powers of the immediate supervisor of the specialist.
  7. specialist responsibility. A paragraph that describes what the employee is directly responsible for and contains information about possible penalties for failure to perform official duties.

The key to a high-quality job description for a financial manager is the most clear and complete prescribing of all points, which will reduce the possibility of maneuvers for unscrupulous employees. Only such instructions will provide efficient work employee, his interaction with the manager, with other employees and departments of the company, and the company's activities as a whole.

Responsibilities of the financial director

The financial director not only manages the relevant service, but also manages the company's cash flows, forms an investment policy, provides the top management of the company with prompt and reliable information about the organization's cash flow. The duties of this manager largely depend on the specifics of both the business itself and the features of the company's management system.

Duties include the following functions:

  • The organization of the management of the movement of the enterprise's cash resources and the regulation of the relevant relations that arise between economic entities in the market, in order to most effectively use all types of resources in the process of production and sale of products (works, services) and maximize profits.
  • Ensuring the capital stability of the enterprise through the development of a monetary strategy for the enterprise.
  • Management of the budget process of the company, participation in the development of projects and financial plans of the company.
  • Monitoring the performance by the units of the approved above indicators.
  • Selection of the optimal sources of financing for the company's activities, by analyzing the financial market and the effectiveness of the applicability of a particular source for certain types of activities.
  • Formation of the company's investment policy, analysis of the effectiveness of capital investments.
  • Conducting an analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, developing methods aimed at ensuring the efficiency of the company's activities (optimization of trade turnover, increasing profitability, cost management, etc.).
  • Accounting for cash flows and reporting on the results of the state of operations in accordance with the standards of financial accounting and reporting, the reliability of financial information, controls the correctness of the preparation and execution of reporting documentation, the timeliness of its provision to external and internal users.
  • Managing financial department employees.

The understanding by the performer of his rights and obligations will depend on the completeness of the instructions. The presence of instructions will help to avoid problematic situations associated with different interpretations of their duties by the employee and his management. The job description may include the following sections:

  1. General provisions- description of the document, position, who appoints the employee to this position, etc.
  2. Qualification requirements. This section formulates the requirements for the level of education of a specialist in this position, and also describes the set of skills and abilities necessary to perform job duties.
  3. Job responsibilities. This section should be the most complete statement of all possible tasks performed by a specialist.
  4. Criteria for the success of the performance of labor duties. The section is quite difficult to fill in, since it is not always possible to formulate these criteria. It makes sense to describe only those criteria, the fulfillment of which can be controlled.
  5. Specialist rights. The duties of the company to the specialist are described. These are timely payment of wages, organization of the workplace and technological infrastructure, compliance with sanitary standards, etc.
  6. Rights and obligations of the leader. This paragraph complements the previous one. It contains an explanation of the duties and powers of the immediate supervisor of the specialist.
  7. specialist responsibility. A paragraph that describes what the employee is directly responsible for and contains information about possible penalties for failure to perform official duties.

Let us give as an example one of the options for the job description of a financial director, but we want to note that the instructions for each manager must be adapted to the specifics of the enterprise.

Job description of financial director



Surname I.O. ________________

"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. Responsibilities of the financial director. General provisions.

1. This job description describes the duties, rights and responsibilities of the CFO.

1.1. This position is in the leadership category.

1.2. Appointed only by order of the General Director.

1.3. Reports directly to the General Manager.

1.4. In his absence, the functional duties are performed by the head authorized to perform the duties of the financial director by the general director.

1.5. For the position of leader this direction a person who has a higher economic education, as well as at least 5 years of experience in managerial positions, can be appointed.

1.6. The CFO must know:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the enterprise, the regulatory legal acts of the enterprise, as well as other regulatory legal acts regulating its activities;
  • safety precautions, fire safety rules, as well as industrial hygiene and sanitation, labor protection, orders and instructions of the management, as well as guidelines organizing their own work;
  • methodology for organizing the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, as well as drawing up plans, projected balance sheets, budget planning, drawing up and developing sales and production plans, profit and loss planning;
  • tools, the procedure for evaluating and analyzing financial assets, the forecast of profitability and risks, the procedure for lending to an enterprise, the search for funds and investments for a loan;
  • forecasting the efficiency of investments and distribution of capital-forming resources of the enterprise;
  • financial reporting methods, tax system Russian Federation, as well as the procedure for preparing accounting and financial reports.

1.7. In his absence, the duties of this director are shifted to a person authorized by the general director.

2. Responsibilities of the financial director

The job description assumes job responsibilities:

2.1. Management of the financial resources of the enterprise, as well as the redistribution of the budget in order to obtain maximum efficiency in production, marketing processes for goods and services, as well as reduce costs, identify the main sources of financing for production and maintenance of the enterprise;

2.2. Negotiating, correspondence and the necessary document flow with commercial structures, banks, credit and investment institutions, as well as various third organizations in order to identify potential sources of lending, financing, co-financing and investment.

2.3. Conducting an analysis of the enterprise in terms of the above and economic condition, audit, vertical-horizontal analysis, trend analysis, calculation financial ratios and indicators.

2.4. Study of all types of expenses of the enterprise, including energy costs, public utilities, the purchase of raw materials or goods, as well as commissions, transport and production costs.

2.5. Development of a business plan for the enterprise jointly with other managers and employees or independently, as well as ensuring budget planning, distribution of budget funds, control over the implementation of budget prescriptions.

2.6. Control over the implementation of plans and budget, spending borrowed and budgetary funds.

2.7. Analysis of the main indicators of the enterprise: cash receipts to the settlement account and cash payments for all types of products of the enterprise, income from the enterprise's own financial activities, interest on loans, payment or receipt of dividends, expenses associated with investments and investments of the enterprise's financial resources.

2.8. Development of proposals for improving the performance of the enterprise, reducing the costs of the enterprise, as well as preventing the appearance of unnecessary costs and costs, increasing the effectiveness of the policy direction.

2.9. Formation of the investment policy of the enterprise based on the study of the state of the market, analysis of supply and demand, the effectiveness of investment investments, as well as profitability and potential income from various enterprises, taking into account risk insurance, various payment and political conditions for the investor.

2.10. Control over the timely receipt of funds from revenue items of the budget, as well as the execution of banking and reporting operations within the specified time limits, payment of bills and interest rates on loans, over the payment of funds to employees on account of wages, transfer of taxes to established by law RF is ok.

2.11. Development and determination of directions of the tax policy of the enterprise.

2.12. Complete guide over the development of various financial and accounting documents at the enterprise, including documents that are not established in the regulatory legal order.

2.13. Control over the preparation and execution of reporting documentation, as well as the preparation of financial statements for management and relevant authorities, preliminary verification of documents with the actual state of affairs.

3. Rights of the financial director

The job description guarantees him the right to:

3.1. Require the CEO to provide all conditions for the effective performance of their own duties.

3.2. Propose and submit proposals for improvement to the Board of Directors production process, as well as document flow within its competence.

3.3. Identify the shortcomings of the production process, as well as, included in the scope of his duties, the activities of the enterprise and offer management methods and ways to eliminate or prevent them.

3.4. Sign and issue orders, instructions and other internal documents of the enterprise within its own competence.

3.5. Obtain the necessary documents for the successful performance of official duties.

3.6. Represent employees for promotion or punishment in cases where their own powers are not enough to encourage and collect them.

3.8. Take an active part in the development of all relevant documents, plans and other documents related to the direct activities of the enterprise.

3.9. Coordinate and approve the job responsibilities of subordinates within their own powers.

3.10. Engage in improving your own skills.

4. Responsibility of the financial director

The job description defines his responsibility for:

4.1. Disclosure of trade secrets, transfer of financial information to third parties, resulting in material and image losses of the enterprise.

4.2. Failure to perform or negligent performance of their official duties, as well as inaction in the event of failure to perform or negligent performance of official duties by subordinates.

4.3. Causing material damage or damage to the image of the enterprise as a result of the performance of official duties.

4.4. Violations of the laws of the Russian Federation that were committed during the performance of official duties.

4.5. Failure to comply with the rules of labor protection, labor regulations and discipline, industrial hygiene and sanitation rules, fire safety rules and industrial safety.


Director: __(signature)____ _______(full name)___________

Legal Department: __(signature)____ _______(full name)___________

Familiarized with the instruction: __ (signature) ____ _______ (full name) ___________

The structure of the financial and economic service, the most typical for Russian enterprises, is presented in

In addition to the listed units, the financial and economic service of an enterprise can be structurally separated into an analytical department, a tax planning department, a labor and wages department, etc.

It should be noted that this structure is typical for many, but not for all enterprises, so it may be different at a particular enterprise. It is not the units themselves that are important, but the functions they perform. The main functions performed by the financial and economic service of the enterprise are presented on.

Accounting keeps track of "fact". Its activity is oriented “to the past” (which is reflected by the arrow to the left). The main task of accounting is the most accurate reflection of the "fact", bringing it to the user units.

By its nature, accounting is not focused on managing processes in an enterprise. The main documents - reporting: balance sheet and income statement (financial results of the enterprise).

Planning and Economic Department (PEO) plans the volume of production (based on sales volume) as a whole and by departments, as well as income, costs and the use of profits, coordinates the pricing process at the enterprise. The main resulting document is a profit and loss plan and an analysis of its implementation.

Finance Department (FD) develops and implements a plan for the movement of cash and other means of payment, analyzes its implementation, consolidates (plans) cash receipts and payments on the basis of the data of the marketing department and other departments.

Which department is in charge of wealth management? Accounting?- No, its main function is tracking the fact.
PEO?- Only one of the components of liabilities - profit.
FO? - Only the movement of cash (payment) funds, sometimes - the management of receivables and payables.

According to some experts, most Russian enterprises lack capital management (in particular, there are no divisions for which this task is the main one). Of course, the absence of a special unit does not mean that the function is not being fulfilled. However, the assignment of a significant function to other units with a different range of responsibilities, as a rule, leads to the displacement of less "burning" tasks. A typical result of this approach to the distribution of functional responsibilities is "seven nannies have a child without an eye."

If the company does not manage the most important factor(indicator), and the aggressive "capitalist" environment is watching it (and looking for where to make money), will the capital of the enterprise increase or decrease?
if it increases, it will be by chance or due to an extremely profitable market niche.

Rational structure of FES. Any of the main functions performed by the financial and economic service, whether it is profit management, cash flow (CFD) or capital management, requires significant time and intellectual costs. In this regard, as part of the FES, it is advisable to single out structurally separate divisions specializing in the performance of one or another basic function of managing the finances of an enterprise ().

A possible structure of the financial and economic service of an enterprise, rational from the point of view of the division of functional responsibilities, is presented in. Naturally, this is just one of the possible options, which should be linked with other functions performed by the financial and economic service, its divisions and personnel.

It is more expedient to subordinate the department of labor and wages to the personnel management service. Chief Accountant often reports directly to the general director, but in practice it is more expedient to report operationally to one person - the financial director or to introduce the position of "financial director - chief accountant".

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation