The concept of the organizational structure of an enterprise is its determining factors. Factors affecting the organizational structure of management. Organizational structure of enterprise management. Requirements for the construction of organizational structures of an enterprise


Management: training course Makhovikova Galina Afanasyevna

4.1. The concept of organizational structure and its elements

The organizational structure of management is understood as a set of management links located in strict subordination, providing the relationship between the management and managed systems. The organizational structure of management is usually depicted in the form of a diagram. If, in addition to management structures, the diagram also reflects structural divisions (workshop, site, etc.), then such a diagram represents the organizational structure of the enterprise. Within the framework of the organizational structure, a management process is carried out, based on the division and cooperation of labor of managerial employees.

The scheme of the organization's management structure consists of three key elements: link, connection, level. Link- a graphic representation of the unit, employee or function performed. Connection- a graphical representation of the trajectory of the interaction of employees or departments. Level- the vertical location of the link relative to the highest level of management for a given organization or official. There are upper, middle and lower levels of management.

The activities of structural divisions and executors are regulated by special provisions (instructions) that define the functions of each governing body, the distribution of rights and obligations between them, and within the division - each executor. When forming organizational structures the main attention is paid to making them dynamic so that they can adapt to constant changes in the internal environment.

Science has established that there is a limit to the number of structural units or employees that can be subordinate to one subject of management. On the way to effective management, there is an information barrier that determines the boundaries of the complexity of economic problems that can be solved with a given structure and technical means management.

To manage production, an apparatus is created, which includes various categories of employees: managers, specialists, technical performers. There are management functions and functions of structural units. Management functions are an objective necessity of an enterprise as a managed object. The functions of structural units express the specific content of management activities and the sphere of influence in production. They serve as the basis for the formation of structural divisions of the enterprise.

The structural subdivision of the administrative apparatus is an administratively separate part of the apparatus that performs one, several or many management functions. They, depending on the number, can be performed by one or more specialized structural units. Functions that are incompatible by the nature of the activity are assigned to individual employees.

Under management structure production refers to the number and composition of departments, levels of management in a single interconnected system (the more complex the structure, the more levels of management). The management structure is usually characterized by such concepts as complexity, levels of formalization and centralization, coordination mechanisms.

Complexity structure is determined by the number of departments, groups, bureaus, highly qualified specialists and levels of hierarchy. Formalization characterizes the extent of the use of norms and rules for regulating the behavior of employees. Centralization characterizes the distribution of rights, duties and responsibilities along the vertical of management, and the level of centralization shows the extent to which members of the organization are involved in making management decisions.

Coordination is based on the use of mechanisms for integrating shared resources and actions. As such a mechanism, an approach to the division of tasks along the hierarchy of management can be considered, giving the right to any manager to collect necessary information analyze it and draw up a coordinated action plan.

The following requirements are imposed on organizational management structures (OSU):

scientific- when forming the OSU, it is necessary to apply scientific methods of analysis and design;

optimality- the management structure is recognized as optimal if rational connections are established between the links and levels of management at all levels with the smallest number of levels of management and compactness, harmony, simplicity are inherent in it;

efficiency- the essence of this requirement is that during the time from the decision to its execution in the controlled system, irreversible negative changes do not have time to occur, making the implementation of the decisions made unnecessary;

reliability- the structure of the control apparatus must guarantee the reliability of information transmission, prevent distortion of control commands and other transmitted data, be trouble-free and recoverable;

economy- the task is to ensure that the desired effect of management is achieved at minimal cost to the administrative apparatus;

flexibility- the ability to change in accordance with changes external environment;

sustainability of the governance structure– stability of its basic properties under various external influences.

The formation of the OSU is influenced by:

Industry affiliation, features of the industry and sub-sector;

Volume of production (most large enterprises have a more extensive network of subdivisions);

The nature and characteristics of the production process, the level of its mechanization and automation, the technologies used, the quantity and volume of the required initial resources, as well as their availability;

The specifics of the enterprise's relations with others involved, in particular, in logistics, the provision of loans, design developments, etc.;

Region and dispersal of production;

Division of labor and management functions;

The social nature of the team, etc.

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3.2. Development of the organizational structure of the company's risk management

23. Factors that determine the organizational structure of the enterprise

The enterprise is a complex dynamic system. The enterprise management structure consists of steps and links.

Control link - This is an independent unit that performs a specific management function (planning, organization, coordination, motivation, control), its part or a combination of several functions.

Control stage - this is the level of management, the unity of the links of a certain level, the hierarchy of management (management joint stock company, oil and gas production department, workshop, site, etc.)

Organizational structure of management - an ordered set of interconnected links that are in stable relations with each other, ensuring their functioning and development as a whole.

Relationships between management levels are maintained through connections, which are subdivided into horizontal And vertical.

Horizontal links are in the nature of coordination and are, as a rule, single-level. Vertical connections- these are subordination relationships and arise when there are several levels of management.

The organizational structure of enterprise management can be considered as a form separation And cooperation management activities aimed at achieving the intended goals.

Forms of construction of the management apparatus of enterprises are different. They depend on their size, specialization, nature of the production process.

The construction of the management apparatus is based on the principles:

· hierarchy- allocation of certain levels of management, for which their own management apparatus is created;

· specializationindividual links;

· approximationoperational management bodies directly to production.

The organizational structure is built mainly on the basis of territorial production and must meet the following requirements:

§ correspond to the management structure, goals and objectives of the enterprise;

§ be subject to production and capable of transformation;

§ reflect the functional division of labor and the scope of authority of management employees;

correspond to the socio-cultural environment in which the operation takes place.

The structure of enterprise management is formed from top to bottom. The sequence of actions is as follows: the enterprise is divided horizontally into broad blocks corresponding to the most important areas of its activityà the ratio of powers of various positions is establishedà determined official duties as a set of certain tasks and functions and their distribution among specific individuals.

To perform individual management functions, each stage has a number of links, the number of which depends on the level of management, the volume and nature of work to perform a particular function.

Exists 3 levels of control: lower(manufacturing process), middle(operational production management) and upper(technical and economic planning, operational management, accounting, labor organization, improvement, etc.).

The management apparatus of the enterprise must ensure:

· continuous, reliable and optimal operation of production;

· completeness of control and management of the production process;

· continuous technical and organizational improvement of production;

· clear and coordinated work of support and maintenance services;

· rational relationship between production management bodies.

Types of enterprise management structures:

Linear- all management and subordination functions are concentrated at the head, a vertical line of control is created)

functional- it is focused on the division of labor for individual functions

Combined : linear-functional (first division by function, and in them already division by hierarchy) and linear-staff (very similar).

Divisional– a combination of centralized coordination and decentralized management ( divisional technological, divisional product, divisional-regional).

matrix – according to the principle of dual subordination (to the direct head of the functional service and the project manager)

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On discipline "Management"

"Factors that determine the characteristics of the organizational structure of the company"

Completed by a student of the group 720632 Krechetova T.S.

Checked by Assoc. cafe FIM Sorokina N.Yu.


Topic term paper- "Factors that determine the characteristics of the organizational structure of the company." The work is presented on 34 pages of typewritten text, including 5 figures, 3 tables and 2 appendices.

The first part of the work presents the basic theoretical concepts about the organizational structures of the enterprise. It reveals the essence and elements of the organizational structure.

The second part is devoted to the analysis of the organizational structure of the municipal state-owned enterprise "Tulgorelektrotrans".


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of organizational structures

1.1 Essence and elements of the organizational structure

1.2 Production structure of the organization

1.3 Organizational design

1.4 Characteristics of the main types of organizational structures

Chapter 2

2.1 Organizational structure of MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans"

2.2 Characteristics of one of the divisions of the organizational structure of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans"

3.1 Measures to change the organizational structure of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans"


List of used literature and sources


The structure of the organization is its main element, which not only characterizes the company, but also represents the very mechanism of its functioning. Right choice organizational structure - a necessary factor in the successful functioning of the enterprise.

The purpose of the course work is to study the factors that determine the characteristics of the organizational structure of the company.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks of the course work were identified: to characterize the structures of organizations, to consider and analyze the types of organizational structures, to characterize the organizational structure of a particular company and give recommendations for its improvement.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of organizational structures

1. 1 Essence and elements of the organizational structure

The organizational structure of an enterprise is understood as the composition, subordination, interaction and distribution of work among departments and management bodies, between which certain relations are established regarding the implementation of power, command flows and information.

The elements of the organizational structure are:

1. An independent structural unit is a unit that performs one or more management functions.

2. Management link - several units that perform one specific management function.

3. Control cell - a separate worker of management, performing one specific management function.

1.2 Production structure of the organization

The production structure of an organization is the composition and ratio of its internal links: workshops, departments, laboratories and other components that make up a single economic object.

In order to ensure the normal functioning of the structure manufacturing enterprise should include:

§ enterprise management bodies;

§ functional departments, laboratories, other non-production services;

§ main production shops;

§ auxiliary and service workshops, warehouses;

§ other organizations (auxiliary, social and domestic).

The profile, scale and industry affiliation of the enterprise are determined by the composition, technological specialization and size of its production departments, sections, workshops.

Each stage through which the object of labor passes in the process of its processing is a set of works characterized by technological homogeneity and creating the basis for the division of production processes into partial processes performed by workers of various professions and qualifications.

1.3 Organizational design

Organizational design is a method of formally organizing complete systems that are highly reliable, stable, and economical.

The subject of organizational design is new structures, systems, controlled processes. Organizational design is set up to create new objects, modify existing ones, and fundamentally reconstruct objects and processes.

A special case of organizational design is the project of the organizational structure of management. When developing it, it must be remembered that the organizational structure is a complex object that includes a set of interrelated goals, the distribution of tasks, functions, powers and responsibilities between departments and links of the organization, the preparation of information and documents.

1.4 Characteristics of the main types of organizational structures

Hierarchical and organic structures.

The scheme of the organizational structure of management reflects the static position of units and positions and the nature of the relationship between them.

Hierarchical organizational structures include: linear, functional, linear-functional and divisional.

1. The simplest control structure is linear. With such an organization, control actions on the object of operation can be transferred only by one person - the manager, who receives information only from his subordinates and makes decisions (and, accordingly, is responsible) on all issues related to the part of the object he manages. All management and subordination functions are concentrated at the head, a vertical line of control and a direct way of influencing subordinates are created.

Such an organization of management is possible only in small subdivisions of the operation service, for example, when a foreman or foreman directly distributes instructions to each worker in the subdivision.

Rice. 1. Linear organizational structure of management.

The main advantages of the linear management structure is the relative simplicity of the selection of leaders and the implementation of management functions. Such a management organization ensures the promptness of the adoption and implementation of managerial decisions, the unity and clarity of command and eliminates duplication of authority and inconsistency of orders. All duties and powers are clearly distributed, which provides all the necessary conditions for maintaining the necessary discipline in the team. In addition, increased responsibility of the head for the results of the activities of the unit headed by him, the receipt by the executors of interconnected orders and tasks provided with resources and personal responsibility for the final results of the activities of their unit. The linear organizational structure ensures minimal production costs.

The disadvantages of structures of this type include the disunity of horizontal connections, the possibility of excessive rigidity. When operating modern facilities equipped with a large number of various equipment and made using extraordinary materials, a high level of universal training is required from the manager, which in turn limits the scale of the department headed and the manager’s ability to good governance them. In addition, a large overload of information, multiple contacts with subordinate, higher and related organizations leads to the fact that most of the manager's time is spent on solving operational problems, and promising issues are not given sufficient attention.

The linear structure is focused on a large amount of information transmitted from one level of control to another. Its inflexibility is the reason for the restriction of initiative among workers at lower levels of management. All of these factors make it difficult for the further growth and development of the operating enterprise. Therefore, linear structures can be recommended for small organizations with up to 500 employees with a high level of technological or subject specialization, in the absence of broad cooperative ties between organizations.

2. The functional structure is based on the principle of specialization of organizational substructures according to functional characteristics (production of preventive and repair work, research and development, marketing, supply, etc., i.e. homogeneous types of activities). Each specialized functional substructure reports to the top management person responsible for that line of business. Each senior manager is delegated powers within the boundaries of the function performed. The performance of individual functions on specific issues is assigned to specialists. Specialists of the same profile are united in structural units of the management system and make decisions that are binding on production units. Thus, along with the linear, there is also a functional organization. The performers are in double subordination. So, the worker is obliged to simultaneously fulfill the instructions of his line manager and the functional specialist.

Thus, the functional organizational structure of management consists of several specialized linear structures subordinate to the first person of the company. At the same time, the fulfillment of the instructions of functional bodies (departments of planning, accounting, production maintenance, etc.) within their competence is mandatory for linear divisions.

Rice. 2. Functional organizational structure of management

With a functional management structure, the line manager has the opportunity to deal more with operational management issues, since functional specialists free him from solving special issues. But control commands come from many functional services to one production unit or to one performer, and therefore the problem of mutual coordination of these commands arises, which creates certain difficulties. In addition, the responsibility of performers for the performance of their duties is reduced, since the responsibility for the operation of the facility is actually assigned to many performers.

Areas of application of the functional management structure:

Single-product enterprises; enterprises implementing complex and long-term innovative projects; large specialized enterprises; research and design organizations; highly specialized enterprises.

3. Linear-functional organizational structure of management.
Linear-functional management structure consists of:

Linear units that carry out the main work in the organization;

specialized service functional units.

Rice. 3. Linear-functional control structure.

D - director; FN - functional chiefs; FP - functional divisions; OP - subdivisions of the main production.

Linear-functional organizational management structures are most effective in a stable environment, are designed to use existing technologies, contribute to the effective implementation of standardized operational activities, and are oriented towards price competition. They will be effective where the management apparatus performs routine, frequently recurring and rarely changing tasks and functions.

Linear-functional organizational management structures have the advantages of both linear and functional. The advantages are manifested in the management of organizations serving many of the same type of objects.

The disadvantages of a linear-functional structure are violation of the principle of unity of command, difficulties in making and implementing agreed management decisions. Rigid division of labor contributes to the strengthening of the interest of each management body in the performance of only "its" function, which is typical for functional units. Therefore, when new, complex cross-functional tasks appear, there is a need for frequent approvals of projects for highest level management. This circumstance complicates the use of the control system under consideration, since it is the least susceptible to progress in the field of science and technology.

The linear-functional structure is most applicable in medium and large enterprises, with a staff of 500 to 3000 people.

4. Divisional management structure - a set of independent units (enterprises) included in the organization, spatially separated from each other, having their own field of activity, independently solving current production and economic issues.

Scope: Diversified enterprises; Enterprises located in different regions; Enterprises carrying out complex innovative processes.

Rice. 4. Divisional organizational structure of management

The advantages of a divisional structure include a clear delineation of employee responsibilities, ease of communication, and rapid adaptation to changes in the external environment.

The disadvantages include high costs due to duplication of functions, complex coordination, and a high need for managerial personnel.

Organic organizational structures include matrix.

The creation of a matrix organizational structure for managing an organization is considered appropriate if there is a need to master a number of new complex products in a short time, introduce technological innovations and quickly respond to market fluctuations.

Rice. 5. Matrix organizational structure of management

With a matrix management structure, the program (project) manager does not work with specialists who are not directly subordinate to him, but with line managers, and basically determines what and when should be done for a specific program. Line managers decide who and how will perform this or that work.

The matrix management structure has its advantages and disadvantages:

The benefits include effective use resources (in particular labor), high professional qualifications of functional managers, a clear distinction between projects.

The disadvantages of this structure are the presence of dual subordination, the complexity of developing a company development strategy, complex implementation, and high requirements for the qualifications of the personnel involved in projects.

Matrix structures are applied in the following areas:

Diversified enterprises with a significant amount of R&D; holding companies.

Chapter 2 Characteristics of the organizational structure on the example of MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans"

The requirement for the quality of passenger transportation entails the need for transformations at all levels of management. Issues of building organizational structures of management and their further development have priority for transport companies.

MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" is the largest transport company in the city of Tula. This is a municipal state-owned enterprise that performs city transportation by buses, trolleybuses and trams, as well as custom transportation by city and intercity buses. At present, the enterprise carries out more than 90% of transportation by public transport in Tula.

During 2014, the main activity of the MCP "Tulgorelectrotrans" was the transportation of passengers and luggage by road and ground electric transport. 357 units of rolling stock were involved in transportation (buses purchased on lease are not used by the company until now), the total mileage on municipal routes amounted to 15.1 million km, 57.4 million passengers were transported, including 26.1 million .passengers entitled to reduced fares.

The property complex of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" consists of real estate, rolling stock, track facilities and a contact and cable network.

The production base of the enterprise includes:

tram depot;

Trolleybus depot;

Bus depot;

Line stations;

Traction substations.

The rolling stock consists of:

129 trams;

112 trolleybuses;

116 buses (and another 100 buses purchased on lease)

In addition, the operational management of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" is:

87.9 km. tram lines;

87.9 km. contact and cable network of the tram;

65 km. trolleybus contact-cable network;

138.8 km. cable network;

8.7 km. air lines.

organizational structure management functional

2.1 Organizational structure of MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans"

To maintain the stability of a transport company in a strategic perspective, its organizational structure must be such that all work is focused on a specific transport product and on a specific consumer. Highly qualified and responsible leaders are also needed.

The municipal enterprise "Tulgorelektrotrans" uses a linear-functional structure. The management of the transport organization is carried out simultaneously linear enterprises and functional services. With this structure, the purpose of functional services is to prepare data for line managers in order to make competent decisions or emerging production and management tasks. The role of functional bodies (services) depends on the scale economic activity and structure of enterprise management as a whole. The larger the enterprise and the more complex its management system, the more branched out the apparatus it has. In this regard, the issue of coordination of the activities of functional services is acute. The linear apparatus is responsible for the final results of the activities of each production unit.

The municipal state-owned enterprise "Tulgorelektrotrans" is headed by a director who has 2 deputies: for operation and for legal issues. In addition, the director reports directly to: Chief Engineer, Chief Accountant, chief economist, as well as heads of the following departments: capital construction, personnel, chief auditor for road safety and emergency work, internal control, head of service information technologies and communications, referent, authorized for civil defense and emergency situations.

Relationships between elements of the management structure are supported by links, which are usually divided into horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal links are in the nature of coordination and are single-level. An example is the interaction between the accounting department and the economist department. Both of them occupy a place at the same level of management. Another example is the communication of two workers who simply agree among themselves on the course of action not in the form of an order.

Vertical ties are relationships of subordination. The need for them arises when the management system is built hierarchically, since the enterprise has a hierarchical system and there are different levels of management, each of which pursues its own goals. An example is the relationship between the General Director and the head of the department, as well as the relationship between the head of the department and the worker, who directly reports to his leader, who is one step higher on the hierarchical ladder. The head of the department stands at the middle level and obeys to CEO standing at the top. And a worker from a lower level fulfills the requirements of the second level, i.e. department head.

Currently in accordance with the current staffing table headcount enterprise is 2,989.5 units with a monthly salary fund of 26,553,110 rubles. The name of the services, departments and other structural divisions of the enterprise, indicating the number of staff units and the monthly salary fund, is presented in the following table.

Table 1

Name of services, departments and other structural units

Number of staff units, people

Monthly salary fund, rub.

Medical Workers Service

Repair and construction service

Dining room

Department of Internal Control

Legal department

Manadgement Department

energy service

Motor transport service

Trolleybus depot

Bus depot

Tram depot №1

path service

2.2 Characteristics of one of the divisions of the organizational structure of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans"

One of the structural subdivisions of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" is the Track Service. Its main task is to provide effective and safe work tram transport. The main function of the Path Service is the reconstruction, overhaul, current repair, improvement and maintenance of tram tracks.

The total staffing of the track service is 203.25 units, including 14 managers, specialists and employees.

The structure of the Track Service consists of 5 main and 2 auxiliary units:

Section No. 1 for the current maintenance of the track (in the state - 38 track fitters - actually 34 track fitters);

Section No. 2 for the current maintenance of the track (in the state - 34 track fitters - actually 31 track fitters);

Brigades for the repair and improvement of tram tracks and structures (21 units in the state, in fact - 17 people);

On-duty repair team (there are 16 units in the state, in fact - 16 people);

Section for the repair and maintenance of turnouts (10.5 units according to the state, in fact - 5.5 people);

Mechanical workshops (24.75 units in the state, in fact - 9 people);

Section of mechanization (according to the state 45 units, in fact - 25 people)

Sections according to the current content of the path perform the following functions:

Current repair of tram tracks (including repair of joints, welding of joints, installation of track rods, welding of electrical connections, replacement of rail pieces, replacement of crosses, welding of crosses, replacement of turnouts);

The main activities of the brigade for the repair and improvement of tram tracks and structures is the performance of work on the average repair and improvement of the tram track, as well as, if necessary, the performance of work on the current maintenance of the track. In addition, from April to December are produced annually repair work of a capital nature, aimed at improving the technical condition and modernization of the tram track (including the use of wide-plane structures).

So, in 2013, a major overhaul of three squares with a coating of wide flat slabs was carried out in the amount of 38,751.57 thousand rubles.

As a result of these works, the following has been achieved:

Reduction of noise from the movement of rolling stock by 2 times;

A significant increase in the throughput of road transport;

Improving the comfort of movement in trams;

No stray currents;

Reducing the cost of ongoing maintenance and service;

Long operational period of both tracks and road surfaces;

Maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the city.

The on-duty repair team does everything emergency work, carries out repairs of turnouts and participates in the performance of work on sections for the current maintenance of the track (due to their understaffing).

Work areas for the repair and maintenance of turnouts carry out the repair of turnouts, the replacement of overhead and underground cables, the repair and manufacture of sleds and electric boards, the winding of the coil, the surfacing of switches, the maintenance of cabinets for electrified switches.

Mechanical workshops perform welding, carpentry, turning, painting and electrical work.

The mechanization section produces repair, management and maintenance of vehicles.

3.1 Measures to change the organizational structure of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans"

In accordance with the current legislation, the structure, number and qualification composition of the personnel of a municipal enterprise is determined by the owner, taking into account the scale of the enterprise's production and its financial capabilities. During 2012-2014, changes were made to the staff list of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" associated with an increase in the number of employees.

Summary information on the actual number and structure of personnel of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" in 2012-2014 shown in the table.

table 2

As can be seen from the presented data, the number of administrative and managerial personnel has grown to the greatest extent and, as a result, the annual fund of payments in favor of the AMS has grown, due to both an increase in the size of the average monthly wages and an increase in the number of administrative and managerial personnel by 5 units in 2013 compared to 2012 and by another 3 units in 2014 compared to 2013. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that an increase in the number of administrative and managerial personnel is not an effective management decision.

The main goal of the introduced changes is to ensure the stable operation of urban passenger transport and increase the profitability of the enterprise. In this regard, in 2014, the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" leased 100 additional buses, so 150 units of city bus drivers were introduced into the staffing table, however, to date, these drivers have not actually been hired and the newly purchased buses are not yet in operation. . It should be noted that this increase in the number of 150 drivers will entail an increase in the annual payroll by 14 million rubles.

Taking into account the unstable financial condition of the enterprise and the limitation of budgetary funds provided for the reimbursement of part of the costs of carrying out regular transportation of passengers by urban passenger transport, in 2014 workers by the profession structural unit"Bus depot".

It should be taken into account that the actual number of personnel of the enterprise is significantly lower than the regular one, and due to the need to make effective management decisions at the end of 2014, a large-scale reduction in the number of personnel of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" is planned. As a result of the planned structural changes, the headcount will decrease by 197.5 units and amount to 2,792 staff units, while the monthly salary fund will decrease by 1,342,715 rubles. excluding vacancies. Optimization of the pants headcount will have the effect of reducing payroll costs and payroll charges. The planned savings of the annual payroll fund will amount to 48,834,225 rubles. excluding payroll.

Table 3

Staffing changes

Name of services, departments and other structural units

Current SHR

SHR project, from 12/15/2014

Number of staff units

Monthly salary fund

Reduction of staff units.

Qty. regular units. after reduction

Monthly salary fund

Monthly salary savings, rub. no vacancies

Savings on salaries per year, rub. no vacancies

Payroll savings per year, rub.without vacancies

Medical Workers Service

Repair and construction service

Dining room

Information Technology and Communication Service

Department of Internal Control

Legal department

Manadgement Department

energy service

Motor transport service

Trolleybus depot

Bus depot

Tram depot №1

path service

Department of regulation of passenger traffic

Discount Ticket Sales Service

A brief analysis of the activities of the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" for the period 2013-2014. showed the following:

Compared to 2013, the total amount of income from the transportation of passengers increased by 254.5 million rubles, including due to an increase in revenue collection by 61.4 million rubles, due to an increase in the amount of financing from the city budget by 193.1 million rubles. The total increase in expenses related to the transportation of passengers compared to 2013 amounted to 303.9 million rubles, including due to an increase in costs directly related to work on the line by 107.1 million rubles, due to an increase organization, maintenance and management costs passenger traffic by 196.8 million rubles. The increase in revenue collection due to the increase in transport work, even in the face of an increase in fares, did not fully compensate for the increase in direct costs, as a result, 45.7 million rubles were uncovered. an increase in direct costs for the transportation of passengers, which subsequently leads to an increase in the size of the subsidy from the city budget for the performance of transport work.

One of the factors identified in the course of the analysis that led to the outflow of revenue from the transportation of passengers is the reduction in the use of municipal transport by passengers (-10.4 million rubles under comparable conditions of transportation compared to 2013) and the reorientation of the passenger flow to alternative modes of transport (autolines, personal transport). In order to ensure break-even transportation of passengers in 2014, the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" would have to carry an additional 4.2 million passengers who do not enjoy the right to preferential travel (+13.5% to the fact of 2013).

The revealed trend towards a reduction in passenger traffic (especially in relation to passengers who do not enjoy the right to preferential travel) makes it inappropriate to increase the volume of transport work without correcting flows public transport in the whole city. Without the flow of passengers from private to municipal transport, the introduction of each additional unit of rolling stock on the line will rather lead to dilution of revenue among a larger number of vehicles and the need to recognize additional carrier costs for each additional unit of transport by at least 3.5 million rubles. per year (in 2013 prices).

Due to the high social significance of the work on the transportation of passengers, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures to optimize the operation of public transport in the whole city, the result of which should be the achievement of a balanced operation of the rolling stock, in the optimal degree and form ensuring the movement of passengers around the city, taking into account the capacity of the streets , peaks of the greatest traffic activity and centers of formation of the largest passenger traffic. Along with this, the MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" needs to develop a program of effective measures aimed at increasing the collection of revenue and reducing costs (primarily management).

It should be noted that the executive authorities of the Tula region consider the tasks of ensuring the safety and quality of transport services provided to the population to be among the most important areas of work for the development of the passenger transport network. Wherein great attention is given to solving the issues of its availability in the face of growing costs for the operation of vehicles, based on the principles of priority of the interests of the inhabitants of the region.

At the same time, the increase in the costs of transport companies - the rise in prices for fuels and lubricants, repairs, etc., as well as bringing the wages of staff to the level provided for by the regional agreement, dictate the need to revise tariffs for public transport services.

Special attention should be paid to the issue of paying for travel by preferential categories of citizens.

All preferential categories of citizens, the list of which is established by the Decree of the Administration of the Tula Region dated February 15, 2006 No. 83 “On the introduction of a single monthly reduced-price ticket for certain categories of residents of the Tula Region”, will continue to use a single monthly ticket, the cost of which will be 500 rubles per unlimited trips.

An innovation in transport services for privileged categories of citizens is that they will exercise their right to preferential travel through a universal electronic card.

Summing up, it can be noted that the organizational structure of the MCP "Tulgorelectrotrans" expresses the form of division and cooperation of labor in the field of management and has an active impact on the process of the enterprise's functioning. The more perfect the management structure, the more effective the impact on the management object and the higher the performance of the enterprise.

When designing a control structure, the following basic rule must be observed: involve the smallest number of control levels and create the shortest chain of commands. In my opinion, in the current organizational structure of the MCP "Tulgoelektrotrans" this rule is observed.

3.2 Prospects for the development of the existing management structure

When improving organizational structures, it is advisable to adhere to the following principles:

Simplicity - ensuring the minimum possible number of hierarchical steps:

Adaptability, i.e. the ability to change within certain limits when external and internal conditions change:

Increasing independence in decision-making;

Expanding staff participation in management.

Preparation for production and production of new modern equipment is of great importance for the enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to allocate funds not only for the purchase necessary equipment but also for the training and payment of personnel working on it.

I would like to emphasize that all production is based on people, and if an enterprise wants to move forward, it needs highly qualified workers. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a system of thorough training and retraining of personnel.

In my opinion, no measures to improve the management system at the enterprise level will be perfect and complete without creating favorable working conditions that develop the industry as a whole. Therefore, not only at the MCP "Tulgoelektrotrans", but also at all modern enterprises, it is necessary first of all to create these conditions, to motivate the work of the employee, to encourage him for success.

Only then, having solved the above problems, the enterprise will be able to function calmly in the market, to cooperate harmoniously in the internal environment, with other divisions and departments.

Conclusion reading

Describing the organizational structure as a whole, the following can be noted:

1) there are no ideal, perfect structures, but each structure can be quite effective under certain circumstances, so it is necessary to constantly weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each organizational structure before using them;

2) the structure of any organization or its part must correspond to the goals of the organization, moreover, it must be formed on the basis of a tree of goals;

3) the social structures of the organization depend not only on the goals, but also on other organizational components - organizational technology, the composition of the participants in the production process, the culture of the members of the organization.

Organizational management structures are needed, because. they contribute to organizational effectiveness. The lack of an organizational management structure creates chaos in the enterprise: employees do not understand what they should do, how they should do it and with whom they should work; heads of various departments have no idea how their work is combined with the work of other departments. The organizational structure is the connecting element that allows all disparate departments to carry out their work in a coordinated manner, in a single vein of the task assigned to the organization.

The choice of the organizational management structure that best meets the goals of the enterprise and takes into account the specific conditions of activity is carried out on the basis of a thorough analysis of all the factors influencing it, an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of various types of organizational structures.

List of used literature and sources

1. Ashirov D. A. Personnel management: tutorial. - M. : Prospekt, 2009. - 432 p.

2. Bakirova G. Kh. Psychology of development and motivation of personnel: textbook. - M. : UNITI-DANA, 2009. - 439 p.

3. Balashov VG Technologies for improving financial results: practice and methods. - M. : MTsFER, 2009. - 672 p.

4. Borodushko I.V., Lukashevich V.V. Fundamentals of Management: a textbook for higher educational institutions in economic specialties. - Moscow: UNITI-DANA, 2007. - 270 p.

5. Burkov V.N., Korgin N.A., Novikov D.A.: Introduction to control theory organizational systems. Publishing house Librokom, 2009.

6. Vesnin V. R. Management: textbook. - M. : Prospekt, 2009. - 512 p.

7. Vesnin V. R. Management in schemes and definitions: a tutorial. - M. : Prospekt, 2009. - 120 p.

8. A. L. Gaponenko and A. P. Pankrukhina, Control Theory. - Moscow: Publishing house RAGS, 2010. - 557 p.

9. Gerchikova I.N. Management. 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2010. - 512 p.

10. Glukhov VV Management: for economic specialties. - St. Petersburg: Peter Press, 2009. - 600 p.

11. Gribov V.A. - Management. Tutorial. Publishing house Knorus, 2014.

12. Dorofeev VD Management: textbook. - M. : INFRA-M, 2010. - 440 p.

13. Zinoviev V. N. Management: textbook, 2010. - 477 p.

14. Zub A. T. Anti-crisis management of the organization: a tutorial. - M. ID "FORUM", INFRA-M, 2010. - 256 p.

15. Ivasenko A. G. Innovation management. - Electron. Dan. - M: KNORUS, 2009

16. Kibanov A. Ya. Personnel management of an organization: current technologies for recruitment, adaptation and certification: a textbook. - M. : KNORUS, 2010. - 368 p.

17. Konina N. Yu. Management in international companies: how to win in competition: monograph. - M. : TK Velby, 2009. - 560 p.

18. Korotkov E. M. Management: textbook for bachelors. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2012. - 640 p.

19. Kravchenko AI History of management: textbook. - M. : KNORUS, 2010. - 432 p.

20. Kruglova N. Yu. Fundamentals of management: textbook. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2009. - 499 p.

21. Kuznetsov B. T. Innovation management: textbook. - M. : UNITI-DANA, 2009. - 367 p.

22. Leonhardt Valeria - Accounting and analysis (financial and management accounting and analysis). Phoenix Publishing, 2014.

23. Lifshits A. S. Management decisions. - M.: KNORUS, 2009. - 248 p.

24. Lukicheva L. I. Management decisions [Text] / L. I. Lukicheva. - M.: Publishing house "Omega-L", 2009. - 383 p.

25. Pirogova E. V. Management decisions: textbook. Ulyanovsk, 2010.

26. Fedorenko, Parakhina, Shatskaya: Organization Theory. Textbook for bachelors. Publishing house Knorus, 2014.

27. Administrative and management portal -

28. Official site of MCP "Tulgorelektrotrans" -

29. Portal of the Government of the Tula region -

30. Electronic library -

31. Portal of Tula and the Tula region -

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The production structure of the enterprise is the internal structure of the enterprise, i.e. the totality of its constituent interconnected divisions (shops, sections, departments, services, farms, jobs) and communications. The production structure of the enterprise is created during the construction and reconstruction of the enterprise. The correct choice of its type determines the efficiency of production. However, it cannot be arbitrary, since, in turn, it is determined by the type of production, the level and form of specialization and cooperation of production.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that, regardless of the industry to which the enterprise belongs, the issue of the production structure is one of the key in the management system. The results of the economic activity of the enterprise, as well as the efficiency of all ongoing processes, depend on a correctly and clearly developed structure.

The subject of this course work is the process of creating a production structure, and the object is a set of elements of the production structure of an enterprise.

The purpose of the course work is a theoretical study of the issue. To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be highlighted:

1) Consider theoretical basis production structure;

2) Highlight the factors influencing production structure;

3) Consider the structure of the main production and indicators characterizing the structure of the enterprise;

4) Consider ways to improve the production structures of the enterprise.

The production structure of the enterprise during the creation, construction or reconstruction of the enterprise, as a rule, does not meet the new requirements. This is because during this period the range of manufactured products, the serial production of it is changing, some production facilities are expanding, the technology is changing and, consequently, the arrangement of equipment. Therefore, in order to improve the production structure and determine ways to improve it, it is necessary to periodically analyze it, compare it with advanced similar enterprises, and it is also necessary to meet the requirements of the scientific and technical process. The issues of the foundations of the formation and improvement of the production structure of the enterprise are subject to disclosure in this work.

The concept and factors that determine the production structure

The production structure of an enterprise is a form of organization of the production process, in which the size of the enterprise, composition, quantity and specific gravity production units, as well as their sites and workplaces. The production structure of enterprises is influenced by the size of the enterprise, the types and nature of products, the technology of its manufacture, the staging and degree of cooperation in production.

Depending on the processes and activities performed, they distinguish: the main production, auxiliary, service units, non-industrial facilities and management services.

The main production units determine the production profile of the enterprise. They carry out the production process, as a result of which raw materials and auxiliary materials are converted into finished products.

Auxiliary divisions are intended for the material and technical supply of the enterprise with energy different types, repair work.

Servicing - to carry out work on the transportation and storage of material resources, finished products (transport, storage facilities). The structure of non-industrial farms includes units that provide household, social, cultural services for employees of the enterprise (canteens, medical institutions, recreation centers), utility Agriculture and own trading network.

Management services organize and regulate the activities of all departments of the enterprise. The overall production structure of the enterprise should ensure a rational relationship between its divisions, the normal and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise, and the continuous growth of production efficiency.

The production structure of the enterprise includes only production units. It does not include general factory facilities and institutions for servicing workers (housing and communal services, sanitary and medical and educational institutions, social, cultural and household facilities), as well as management and security services of the plant (plant management, fire station, checkpoints, pass offices, etc.).

In practice, there are three levels of elements of the production structure of the enterprise:

1) shops, farms, services;

2) sections, departments, spans;

3) jobs.

The primary link in the organization of the production process is workplace. It is a part of the production area equipped with the necessary material and technical means (equipment, tools, instruments, industrial furniture) with the help of which a worker or a group of workers (team) performs individual operations for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process.

The nature and characteristics of the workplace largely determine the type of production structure. It can be simple (a worker serves one machine), multi-machine (a worker serves several machines) or collective (several workers work at one workplace). A set of workplaces that perform technologically homogeneous work or various manufacturing operations homogeneous products, forms a production area.

Production area is a set of jobs that carry out part of the technological process and are designed to perform technologically homogeneous work or various operations for the manufacture of homogeneous products.

Certain means of production are assigned to the production site: area, equipment, instruments; the number of employees required to perform the allocated work.

At large and medium-sized enterprises, production sites are combined into workshops.

Shop- an organizational-separate part of the enterprise, combining production and service areas, as a rule, with limited independence on issues of economic, legal and financial relations, in which products are manufactured or a certain stage of the production process is performed. The production area and property are assigned to the workshop. The shop is headed by the head, who makes independent decisions about the organization and operational management of production, the placement of personnel, remuneration, keeping records of the expenditure of material resources and the shipment of products. The head of the shop in the management of production is assisted by the heads of sections, foremen, heads of services.

In mechanical engineering and some other industries (in particular, in metallurgy), four groups of workshops are distinguished: main, auxiliary, auxiliary, secondary. In the main workshops, operations are carried out for the manufacture of products intended for sale. In mechanical engineering, these are procurement, processing and assembly shops, in metallurgy - blast furnace, steelmaking and rolling. Auxiliary workshops carry out energy, transport, repair and construction and repair and installation maintenance of the main workshops. Ancillary workshops are designed for the manufacture of material components of production: tools, equipment, containers, non-standard equipment, etc. Secondary workshops are engaged in the disposal and processing of waste from the main and auxiliary production (pressing and remelting chips, manufacturing enamelware, other consumer goods, etc.). In the production structure of the enterprise, in addition to the indicated four groups of workshops, two more farms are distinguished: warehouse and yard.

Factors that determine the production structure.

The production structure of enterprises is very diverse and is formed under the influence of the following factors:

1) the type of production, the level of its specialization and cooperation;

2) the range of manufactured products, used commodity and material resources, methods of their production and processing;

3) the scale of production;

4) the nature of the production process in the main, auxiliary, secondary and auxiliary shops;

5) the composition of the equipment and technological equipment production (universal, special or non-standard equipment, conveyor or automated lines);

6) a system for organizing maintenance of equipment and its current repair (centralized or decentralized);

7) the level of requirements for product quality;

8) the ability of production to quickly and without large losses be reorganized to produce new products;

9) the degree of structural and technological homogeneity of products.

The main task of the production structure of the enterprise is to ensure the rational organization of the production process in space. To do this, when placing individual units on the territory of the enterprise, they are guided by the following basic principles:

1) the location of workshops in the course of the production process. To ensure the principle of direct flow, the main workshops should be located on the territory of the enterprise in the course of the production process: procurement > processing > assembly;

2) the location of warehouses at the entrance / exit of the enterprise. Warehouses for raw materials and basic materials should be located on the side of the access roads for the import of goods near the procurement shops, warehouses for finished products - near the assembly shops from the side of the access roads for the export of goods; * the location of auxiliary and auxiliary shops closer to the main ones, consuming their products, without disturbing the main cargo flows;

3) location of production facilities to ensure the rationality of transportation. Workshops, warehouses and other facilities of the enterprise's production infrastructure should be located so as to ensure the shortest path for the movement of materials and the least mileage of vehicles during the production process (without reverse and oncoming traffic, unnecessary intersections);

4) location of production facilities, taking into account external factors (natural, social, man-made). Workshops serving the enterprise's facilities should be located taking into account the wind rose, the possibilities of natural lighting and ventilation, in compliance with the established architectural, construction, sanitary, fire and other standards provided for enterprises of this profile;

5) block structure of the elements of the production structure. Separate subdivisions, homogeneous in the technological process or closely interconnected in the course of the production process, should, if possible, be combined into groups (foundry, forging, woodworking, mechanical assembly) with accommodation in one building;

6) the possibility of building up and modifying the production structure. Objects on the territory of the enterprise and its divisions should be located so that there is a possibility of their further expansion and reconstruction with minimal cost time and resources;

7) maximum use of volume and area (land, building, premises). This requires dense placement and blocking of buildings, increasing their number of storeys, simplifying the configuration of buildings and land, rational use areas and spaces for driveways (passages), the use of overhead, underground and multi-tiered highways and interchanges, places of storage and cargo handling.

Organizational structure is a set of departments and services involved in building and coordinating the functioning of the management system, developing and implementing management decisions to implement a business plan, an innovative project.

The main factors that determine the type, complexity and hierarchy (number of management levels) of the organizational structure of an enterprise are:

    scale of production and sales volume;

    product range;

    complexity and level of unification of products;

    the level of specialization, concentration, combination and cooperation of production;

    degree of infrastructure development in the region;

    international integration of an enterprise (firm, organization).

Factors in the development of the structure of the enterprise include the following:

    development of specialization and cooperation of production;

    management automation;

    application of a set of scientific approaches to the design of the structure and functioning of the management system;

    adherence to the principles of rational organization production processes(proportionality, straightness, etc.);

    transfer of existing management structures to a problem-target structure.

The organizational structure regulates:

    division of tasks by departments and subdivisions;

    their competence in solving certain problems;

    the general interaction of these elements.

The structure of the organization, depending on the factors considered, can be linear, functional, linear-functional, matrix (headquarters), brigade, divisional, or problem-targeted.

1) Linear structure. It is characterized by a vertical: top manager - line manager (subdivisions) - performers. There are only vertical links. In simple organizations, there are no separate functional units. This structure is built without feature highlighting.

Advantages: simplicity, specificity of tasks and performers.

Disadvantages: high requirements for the qualifications of managers and high workload of the manager.

The linear structure is used and effective in small enterprises with simple technology and minimal specialization.

2) Line-staff organizational structure. As the enterprise grows, the linear structure is transformed into a linear staff structure. It is similar to the previous one, but management is concentrated in headquarters. A group of employees appears who do not directly give orders to the executors, but carry out consulting work and prepare management decisions.

3) Functional organizational structure. With further complication of production, there is a need for specialization of workers, sections, departments of workshops, etc., and a functional management structure is being formed. The distribution of work occurs by function. With a functional structure, the organization is divided into elements, each of which has a specific function, task. It is typical for organizations with a small nomenclature, stability of external conditions. There is a vertical here: the head - functional managers (production, marketing, finance) - performers. There are vertical and interlevel connections.

Advantages: deepening specialization, improving the quality of management decisions; the ability to manage multi-purpose and multi-profile activities.

Disadvantages: lack of flexibility; poor coordination of activities of functional units; low speed of making managerial decisions; lack of responsibility of functional managers for the final result of the enterprise, the functions of the manager are blurred.

4) Linear-functional organizational structure. With a linear-functional management structure, the main connections are linear, complementary - functional.

5) Divisional organizational structure. Responsibilities are distributed not by functions, but by products or regions. The divisional management structure is based on the allocation of divisions, or divisions. In turn, divisional departments create their own supply, production, marketing, etc. subdivisions. At the same time, prerequisites arise for unloading higher managers by freeing them from solving current tasks. The decentralized management system ensures high efficiency within individual departments.

Disadvantages: increased costs for management personnel; complexity of information links, duplication of functions.

Such a structure is effective for the geographical expansion of market areas and meeting demand; consumer oriented.

This type is currently used by most organizations, especially large corporations.

6) Matrix organizational structure. In connection with the need to accelerate the pace of product renewal, program-target management structures arose, which were called matrix. In the existing structures, temporary working groups are created, while the resources and employees of other departments are transferred to the head of the group in double subordination. This achieves flexibility in the distribution of personnel, effective implementation of projects.

Disadvantages: the complexity of the structure, the presence of dual subordination, conflicts due to dual subordination, the complexity of information links.

Advantages: flexibility, acceleration of innovations, personal responsibility of the project manager for the results of work.

An example is an aerospace enterprise, telecommunications companies that carry out large projects for customers.

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