Is the staffing approved every year or not? The maximum staffing of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in the history of the department for the first time Staffing of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the year


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ORDER of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of 09/24/2008 563 (as amended on 05/05/2012 with changes that entered into force on 06/12/2012) ON THE PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL OF STAFF ... Relevant in 2018


1. staffing is compiled separately for each institution, as well as for each staffing standard and staff list, whose employees and civilian personnel are supported by the estimate of the EMERCOM of Russia and the number established by the EMERCOM of Russia.

2. In the line "Source of content" the section, subsection, target item and type of expenses of the budget classification are indicated.

3. Column 2 lists all structural units and all positions, regardless of their staffing, provided for by the staffing standard and the staffing list.

At the same time, positions of the same name, for which the same salaries are established, are indicated in the structural divisions in one line.

In cases where different salaries are established for positions of the same name, these positions in column 2 must be repeated as many times as different salaries are established for them.

4. Column 6 provides data on the number of posts actually filled on the day the staffing table was drawn up.

At the same time, positions, the duties of which are performed by employees and civilian personnel in the order of part-time employment and combination of professions (positions), expansion of service areas or increase in the volume of work performed, are among the substituted.

5. Column 7 indicates the number of employees and civilian personnel submitted for registration for the coming year, which should not exceed the staffing established by orders of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

6. Column 8 indicates the number of months of work for positions submitted for approval and registration.

According to column 8, the number of employees and civilian personnel hired for an incomplete year is displayed. To obtain the staffing level for positions provided for a partial year, the number of positions for these positions (column 7) is multiplied by the number of months of work (column 8) and divided by 12.

7. Column 9 determines the annual salary fund by multiplying official salary on the number of posts submitted for approval and on the number of months of work (columns 3, 7 and 8).

8. After recording all positions in columns 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9, the results are displayed.

In this case, the total for columns 5 and 6 is shown as a fraction, in the numerator - the total number of positions, in the denominator - the staffing (indicated according to the staffing table registered for the previous year).

The headcount for the year being registered is determined in the manner set out in paragraph 6 of these Explanations.

9. In column 9 of the staffing table, the denominator is a coefficient characterizing the size of compensation and incentive payments in the payroll fund for employees of this institution. This coefficient is determined according to the data of the current year by dividing the amount of accrued wages on the amount of the accrued salaries.

10. In columns 10 and 11 of the staffing table, responsible persons specially appointed in the Organizational and Mobilization Department of the EMERCOM of Russia and the relevant departments and services of the territorial bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia, if violations are detected in the preparation of staffing tables, appropriate changes are made.

Any topic related to downsizing is always painful. Especially when it comes to the most important departments that ensure the safety of citizens and eliminate the consequences of force majeure. For not just people, but millions of people and hectares native land. Reforms must be carefully planned and carried out gently, without detrimental consequences for the state. Will it reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia in 2017and how it will change the work of the department?

Economy mode

The Ministry of Emergency Situations pursues a strict policy of economy. Over the past two years, communication costs have been cut three times. Those officials who do not follow the rules financial policy ministries, held accountable and sanctioned for disciplinary offenses. This year, measures aimed at reducing the staff of the department have already begun. Part of the administrative staff was fired. In the coming year, the trend will continue: it is planned to reduce up to 10% of supervisory employees and up to 15% of those who are in the department in the civil service.

Besides, the priority is to provide sufficient funds to the educational institutions of the Ministry, as well as to support the Crisis Center. It is also known that that the cuts will not affect the fire departments. On the contrary, great attention will be paid to fire fighting. Due to the fact that the number of units of the administrative staff will decrease, part of the funds will be saved, which will be directed to stimulate operatives, those who directly carry out the hardest work to eliminate natural disasters and emergencies.

The head of the Ministry expresses his point of view that cutting staff will not weaken its effectiveness. There is a reduction due to the abolition of posts of auxiliary structures. Some employees will be transferred from military positions to civil service positions. This will help reduce the costs of the department and, at the same time, increase the salaries of those who remain in it. The chapter notes that young people, in particular, need to think first of all about how to overcome the fire, and not about the material basis of their family life.

Reforming the EMERCOM of Russia in 2017will not affect the units that are assigned operational tasks. On the contrary, additional support, technical equipment and material support will be organized for the fighters. The head of the Ministry notes the need for young, healthy guys who are able to quickly and efficiently cope with emerging tasks.


Indexation of salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is expected- this, again, will lead reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2017, latest news about the reduction sound quite optimistic. Part of the salary and some allowances will increase. Cash incentive will increase by more than 5%. The salary will also be increased for those whose work is associated with a mortal risk, namely, employees engaged in flight work.

Some sources report the possibility of creating the Ministry of State Security. The functions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations may be divided between the ministries of internal affairs and defense. But so far, the authorities have not commented on this version. Rumors are circulating that the inevitabledisbandment of the EMERCOM of Russia in 2017 - latest newsdo not confirm this. For such innovations, at a minimum, regulatory support is needed, but no legal basis for this has yet been published.

Center restructuring

The department includes 11 regional centers:

News affectingreduction of regional centers of the EMERCOM of Russia in 2017 have a basis. The result of innovations will be the merging of some centers. As a result, there will be only seven of them.They plan to merge the Central Regional Center with the Volga, the Siberian - with the Urals, and main departments for Sevastopol and Crimea will join South center.

The merger is supposed to be carried out in order to improve the quality of work in the field, as well as to optimize part of the management team. These changes were first proposed at the beginning of 2016. Then, in some regions, the salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were greatly delayed. All this fell on new year holidays and very saddened the mood of the employees.

At the same time, the local leadership allowed them to issue huge bonuses to themselves, completely forgetting about ordinary workers. There was complete chaos: the amount of premiums almost reached the mark of 3 billion rubles. Of course, there was a resonance. The perpetrators were punished. And to solve the problem, the idea of ​​uniting some regional departments was voiced.

Reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2016-2017actively discussed among the masses: sound and

What will be the reduction in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 in Russia: latest news.

Optimization is inevitable

Will there be a reduction in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017? Downsizing is, of course, a painful procedure.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations is a specific service, so the rule should work here: do no harm. To do no harm means not to go too far, not to deprive such a combat unit, which people need, of the opportunity to perform tasks in the required volume.

The department set the following tasks:
1. Additional funding for departments, for example, universities, the Crisis Center;
2. It was planned to solve the problem of equipping fire departments.

It turns out that due to insufficient funds, the programs will have to be reduced, or to raise funds due to the unresolved in other projects, using unused financial resources.

Optimization: who is the first? The reduction will start with the leaders. 10% of managers will be laid off in 2016, this stage will end in 2017. Reduction to 10% decrease in the staff of supervisory units, by 15% - civilian employees. The ongoing activities will provide an opportunity to save significant funds.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations says:
1. The reduction will not make the work of the agency less efficient;
2. Reduce the cost of support units;
3. Allows to strengthen the main divisions;
4. Some employees will be transferred to civilian positions;
5. These measures will optimize costs and save significant funds, part of which will go to wage increases.

Threatening change

The conversation about the upcoming shocks did not arise at all yesterday and boils down to one thing: what awaits the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017? The cuts were first announced in the fall of 2014. Assumptions took shape in an official document.

One of the most important departments among ordinary people is associated with firefighters and rescuers. Few people know that the Ministry of Emergency Situations has a complex and branched structure. There are even units consisting of senior officers. These are officials who have wide epaulettes with large stars.

The optimization process does not cause delight. To change the usual for the unusual, but also because there is an opinion: cardinal changes in the staffing table can seriously weaken the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Minister Puchkov believes that there will be no weakening: the freed up resources will be redirected to combat units, thereby strengthening them even more.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is an independent division by the nature and specifics of its activities. In case of emergency situations, the department is called upon to act promptly and there is no time to be distracted by material issues, the Ministry of Emergency Situations has a powerful support base that helps to more effectively solve the problems that have arisen.

By 2017, the number of employees of the division will reach 14.6 thousand people against 16.6 thousand in 2016. By this time, the optimization process will be completed.

What will change and how

The reorganization of the EMERCOM of Russia in 2017 will go in two directions:
1. Employees of the administrative apparatus will be reduced. Due to the planned reductions, the main units will be strengthened;
2. Some military positions will be replaced by civilian ones. This will happen in medical, technical and other subordinate institutions. The salaries of civilian employees are formed from sources other than those of combat units.

According to the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the salary will reach the required level as a result of ongoing reorganization measures.

The Minister says that the combat units will not be affected by the reorganization measures; on the contrary, they will be strengthened by financial and technical support. New people will come to the combat units.

Abbreviations in the Ministry of Emergency Situations: latest news. It is proposed to merge two departments - the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We already have experience of working together. And, as an example, let us recall the joint fight against floods in the Far East.

None of the ministers has yet expressed their consent to the merger. Perhaps the optimization will somehow move the decision to merge departments to a positive result. Perhaps this issue will cease to exist on its own.

The reduction of staff in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017, or rather, their completion, is an inevitable process dictated by the economic situation in the country. The so-called "optimization" touched all layers of Russian society.

In the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, firefighters have a status that in no way suits this structure. They consider themselves deprived. After joining the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the position of the fire departments remained in the status of a secondary or auxiliary structure. The Ministry is not satisfied with this situation of this serious and responsible structure.

In this regard, it is planned to improve the material base of the unit. Optimization will affect this unit as well. 16.6% of workers will be forced to change jobs or retire. Improving the work of the fire department is conceived through technical re-equipment, retraining of workers.

The optimization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia in 2017 is aimed more at the management and employees of support services. Some experts fear that the reduction in staff will seriously complicate the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, since with the departure of the laid-off workers, their experience will also go away. Such conclusions should not be taken as the last decisive word. There will be high-level professionals.

Puchkov stated that linear transformations had no effect. Structural transformations are needed.

About pension

What will be the pension for pensioners in the Ministry of Emergency Situations? The department has the status of a military one, therefore the nature of the pension, its size will correspond to this status.

What is required for a pension?
1. Work experience in military institutions for at least 20 years;
2. 12.5 years and if you have 25 years of civilian work behind you;
3. Service in the army, study, work in difficult conditions are counted in the length of service.

Retirement is regulated. severance pay not allowed Pension indexation is carried out regularly: in 2015 the coefficient of 66.78% is used, in 2016 the coefficient used is 69.45%. The increase was more than 2%. What is taken into account when calculating a pension:
1. Salary of the employee;
2. Salary for the title;
3. Bonuses for seniority;
4. District and regional coefficients;
5. Additional payment for each worked year over twenty years. For each year worked, the supplement is 3%;
6. With an experience of 20 years - 50% of the salary;
7. Surcharges for combat wounds.

The EMERCOM of Russia is implementing the Plan for the construction and development of forces and means of the EMERCOM of Russia for 2016-2020, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on December 22, 2015.

As part of the implementation of the plan, purposeful work is being carried out to develop the structure of the EMERCOM of Russia, taking into account modern socio-economic conditions, which are aimed at improving the management system, increasing the efficiency of control and supervision activities, improving the quality of training of fire and rescue specialists and providing comprehensive support for units of the EMERCOM of Russia.

In order to implement the decisions of the President of the Russian Federation on improving the efficiency of management in federal executive bodies and as part of the implementation of Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of January 12, 2017 N 8 and N 9, as well as instructions of the President of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2016 N Pr- 1853 and N Pr-1854, dated December 1, 2016 N 13043, the Emergencies Ministry of Russia organized a systematic development of forces and means, measures are being taken to reduce running costs and improving the efficiency of the Ministry.

The funds freed up at the same time are used for social support measures for employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, improving the efficiency of the activities of management bodies and departments, modernizing fire and rescue and other departments responding to emergencies, fires and disasters.

The decisions of the board of the EMERCOM of Russia, the regulatory and administrative documents of the EMERCOM of Russia define the tasks of increasing the readiness of the forces and means of the EMERCOM of Russia to perform tasks for their intended purpose, increasing the efficiency of spending budget funds, eliminating in 2017 a shortage of appropriations for the monetary allowance of employees of the internal service and military personnel, wages employees, improving the efficiency of state, budgetary and autonomous institutions.

There is a steady decrease in the number of emergencies (by 29.3% - from 99 to 70), fires (by 5.1% - from 57592 to 54633) and accidents at water bodies (by 36.1% - from 840 to 537) compared to the same period last year, while the number of lives saved is growing.

In order to take comprehensive measures to implement federal budget in compliance with the principles of fulfilling priority tasks in terms of increasing the social security of the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia, creating favorable conditions for the implementation official duties in places of work (service), provision of targeted assistance to personnel who find themselves in a difficult life situation, effective use Money for the acquisition of clothing property, maintenance of equipment, housing financing of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, as well as increasing the prestige of service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, I order:

1. Financial and economic department:

a) allocate budgetary funds released as a result of the transfer of the EMERCOM of Russia to a three-level management system for:

provision of social support and targeted assistance to the personnel of responding units, firefighters, rescuers and other categories of persons directly involved in the response;

providing material support to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia who have four or more children, the poor, socially unprotected or caught in a difficult life situation;

improvement of living conditions for service and jobs in responding units;

acquisition of modern, high-tech, multifunctional rescue equipment;

development of responding units;

b) ensure additional allocation of limits of budgetary obligations for the promotion of personnel of territorial bodies and state institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia in connection with the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Civil Defense of Russia and following the results of 2017;

c) together with the heads of territorial bodies and institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia:

in accordance with the decisions taken by the Government of the Russian Federation, provide monthly financial incentives for federal state civil servants with payments in the prescribed manner;

to continue work on maintaining the remuneration of civilian personnel of rescue military units (hereinafter referred to as the SVF) and employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service of state institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia of central subordination at the level of 2016.

bring to subordinate budget recipients additional limits on budget obligations to ensure payments to employees with four or more children (at the rate of 100,000 rubles per family);

d) ensure that the limits of budgetary obligations for the provision of one-time social payments to employees of the Federal Border Service of the State Fire Service for the acquisition or construction of residential premises (hereinafter referred to as the one-time social payment) to the territorial bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia;

e) together with the Federal State Institution "Financial Settlement Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia", in order to unconditionally implement the approved approaches to investment, by July 1, 2017, prepare the necessary changes to the regulatory and administrative documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia regarding planning, coordination and implementation of construction, reconstruction of facilities real estate EMERCOM of Russia.

2. In 2017, allocate additional limits of budget obligations to finance housing provision of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in the amount of 1,070.0 million rubles, namely:

a) servicemen of rescue military formations of the EMERCOM of Russia in the form of a subsidy for the purchase or construction of residential premises - 290.0 million rubles, which is 3.3 times more than in 2016;

b) military personnel participating in the accumulative mortgage system of housing provision for making payments of funds supplementing savings for housing provision - 62.5 million rubles, which is 1.2 times more than in 2016;

c) employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as the FPS SF) for the provision of lump-sum social payments for the purchase or construction of residential premises - 717.5 million rubles, which is 4.9 times more than in 2016;

d) within the framework of the federal target program "Housing" as a one-time subsidy for the purchase or construction of housing by federal state civil servants of the main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 42.1 million rubles (financing remained at the level of 2016);

e) for carrying out current urgent repairs and putting in order buildings, structures, territories and service housing stock of 1800 fire and rescue units of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service - in the amount of 179.0 million rubles;

e) to conduct overhaul fixed assets in 428 subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia - in the amount of 495.9 million rubles.

3. Allow officials The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, which has been granted the right to allow the departure of employees from the Russian Federation, to consider the relevant documents for the travel abroad of military personnel, employees of the FBS State Border Guard Service, federal civil servants and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the prescribed manner, taking into account the recommendations of the Russian Foreign Ministry on foreign countries not recommended for visiting citizens of the Russian Federation when traveling abroad.

4. To the Main Directorate of Training:

a) complete the transition from 01.09.2017 of educational institutions to a two-level system of higher education;

b) together with the head of the Academy of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the head of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" to prepare for consideration by the board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:

proposals for amending the regulatory and administrative documents of the EMERCOM of Russia, providing for the determination of the scope of the state task for higher educational institutions and institutions of additional vocational education Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for 2018-2022 in accordance with the real needs of the subdivisions of the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in graduates;

an action plan to bring the number of permanent faculty and support staff of higher educational institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia, employees of institutions of additional professional education of the EMERCOM of Russia in accordance with the standards approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Report the results by September 20, 2017.

5. Department of Civil Protection to organize:

a) by June 30, 2017, a generalization of the necessary need for financial resources for the provision of lump-sum social payments to employees of the Federal Border Guard Service of the State Fire Service and federal state civil servants of the EMERCOM of Russia, registered to receive a lump-sum payment, subsidies to military personnel who have expressed a desire to receive a subsidy for 2017;

b) by July 15, 2017, prepare an organizational order to organize the distribution between the territorial bodies and institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia of the limits of budget obligations for the provision of:

lump sum payments in proportion to the living space required to provide employees of the FPS of the State Border Service who are registered with the needy in the territorial bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, taking into account the priority right to receive lump-sum payments;

subsidies in proportion to the living space necessary to provide military personnel who have expressed a desire to receive a subsidy from the territorial body and institution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, taking into account the priority right to receive a subsidy;

c) preparation, on the basis of decisions of the collegium of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, of the distribution between the territorial bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of the limits of budgetary obligations for the provision of lump-sum payments to employees of the FPS of the State Fire Service.

6. Department of operational management:

a) organize verification of documents substantiating the right of citizens participating in the subprogram "Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation" of the federal target program "Housing" for 2015-2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Subprogram) to receive state housing certificates (hereinafter referred to as certificate), for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) ensure, by September 1, 2017, that the state customer of the Subprogram is provided with information on the required number of certificates, broken down by constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2017;

c) before June 30, 2017, check the main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the issue of substantiating the lists of citizens - recipients of state housing certificates submitted in 2106 #, and report back.

7. Department of personnel policy:

a) prepare a draft order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry to provide personnel of the Russian Emergencies Ministry with four or more children with an additional incentive payment (at the rate of 100,000 rubles per family);

b) together with the Department of readiness of forces and special fire brigade and the Financial and Economic Department to ensure in 2017 the timely dismissal and payment of severance pay to military personnel and internal service employees who have reached the age limit for military service (service), in the manner and within the time limits, established by law Russian Federation;

c) promptly submit for consideration by the Central Attestation Commission of the EMERCOM of Russia materials submitted by the territorial bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia on the transfer of young specialists to other component bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia for family reasons;

d) in order to increase the prestige of service in the EMERCOM of Russia and social support for the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia, prepare draft orders of the EMERCOM of Russia on encouraging all categories of personnel of the territorial bodies and state institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia in connection with the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Civil Defense of Russia and following the results of 2017.

8. Before June 30, 2017, the Department of Civil Defense and Population Protection should prepare a draft order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the organization of sanatorium-and-spa treatment for personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the provision of high-tech medical care and psychological rehabilitation, while paying special attention to veterans and children of employees who died in the line of duty. debt, to the personnel who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations at the federal level in 2017.

9. In order to ensure the safety of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia when traveling abroad, the Department of International Affairs shall, in accordance with the established procedure, approve, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, a list of foreign states not recommended for visiting by citizens of the Russian Federation when traveling abroad, post it on the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Russia, as well as to ensure its continuous updating.

10. Department of readiness of forces and special fire protection:

a) organize work on training (if necessary) the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia in narrow-profile and related specialties;

b) submit for approval by 07/01/2017 draft regulatory legal acts of the EMERCOM of Russia, approving:

the charter of divisions of fire protection;

combat charter of fire departments;

the procedure for conducting certification for the right to manage fire extinguishing and emergency response;

the procedure for training personnel of the fire brigade;

charter of the internal service of militarized mine rescue units;

regulation on the organization of the activities of paramilitary mine rescue units aimed at preventing the occurrence of accidents at hazardous production facilities.

11. To the Development Department during the implementation of the state defense order and state program armaments in the part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to organize the work of:

a) to comply with the principles of openness and transparency in the placement of information on procurement, the use of competitive methods for determining suppliers;

b) to ensure timely and high-quality acceptance of goods, support of contracts, as well as product quality control at industrial enterprises (organizations);

c) by concluding by June 15, 2017 state contracts for the supply of technical means and equipment in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2017 N 668.

12. Warn the heads of the Administrative and Legal Department, the General Training Department, the Personnel Policy Department, the Financial and Economic Department, the Procurement Department, the Strategic Planning Department and organizational work, FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia on the unsatisfactory preparation of draft regulatory legal acts of the EMERCOM of Russia in the framework of the implementation of the Federal Law of May 23, 2016 N 141-FZ "On Service in the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" in accordance with the plan approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2016 N 4992p-P4, and the plan approved by the decision of the board of the EMERCOM of Russia of July 12, 2016 N 14 / IV.

13. Department of strategic planning and organizational work:

a) by June 30, 2017, complete work on determining the number of employees of the EMERCOM of Russia system in the territorial bodies and institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia, as well as on preparing guidelines on the procedure for the development and approval of staffing tables;

b) starting from 07/01/2017, carry out monthly inspections of the performance of work on capital and current # work in fire and rescue units, units of search and rescue teams, main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

14. In order to increase the level of social support for employees and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Department of Provision must complete the revision of the regulatory legal framework on clothing, based on the real need for items of clothing, as well as taking into account the priorities.

15. Heads of higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia:

a) to organize work on the formation of modern approaches to education, competitive recruitment of students, control over the distribution of graduates to the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, increase the efficiency economic activity higher education institutions in 2017;

b) bring staffing tables in line with the standards approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science;

c) to ensure, from its own sources, the availability of funds in the amount of at least 30% of the total amount of funds necessary to increase wages teaching staff and researchers, in order to implement the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 597 "On measures to implement state social policy."

16. FGBU "All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine named after A.M. Nikiforov":

a) carry out an examination of documents received by the EMERCOM of Russia from military personnel of rescue military units, employees and employees of the federal fire service, in order to provide them with financial assistance in connection with expensive treatment due to a serious illness, in order to determine the appropriateness and legality of providing this assistance;

b) send the conclusion on the examination of documents confirming the treatment to the Department of Civil Defense and Population Protection, the Administrative and Legal Department and the Financial and Economic Department to determine the appropriate sources of funding and make a final decision at meetings of the Commission of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia to improve the efficiency of budget expenditures and reduce running costs.

17. FKU "Financial and Settlement Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia":

a) prepare proposals for the distribution and bringing the limits of budgetary obligations to the territorial bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the purchase of clothing items evenly based on the payroll (actual) number of personnel;

b) organize work to provide the reacting forces and units with fuel and lubricants (hereinafter - fuels and lubricants) in accordance with the allocated budget allocations in 2017;

c) carry out monthly inspections of the targeted use by managers and budget recipients of funds for the implementation in 2017 of capital and current urgent repairs of fixed assets of real estate objects of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

18. To the heads of the FKU "UKS EMERCOM of Russia", territorial bodies and institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia, the head of the Administrative and Legal Department:

a) continue, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, claims and judicial work on violations of the terms of contracts for design and survey work, construction, reconstruction of facilities committed by contractors;

b) to organize the compulsion of contractors to perform the work stipulated by the contracts in full, the termination of contracts in the event of their persistent non-fulfillment, the recovery of unearned advances, the recovery of penalties, the recovery of damages resulting from non-performance of contracts.

19. To the heads of the main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

a) exclude illegal decisions on the adoption by subordinate state institutions of new expenditure obligations for the payment of monetary allowances (wages) to employees of the Federal Border Guard Service of the State Fire Service, military personnel of rescue military units, employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in excess of the limits of budget obligations brought in 2017 for these purposes, report on the results;

b) take measures to strengthen social protection employees and employees of the Federal Border Guard Service of the State Border Guard Service, ensure the provision of time off for employees of the internal service when they are in the service on non-working weekends and holidays, exclude the accrual and payment of funds for these purposes;

c) prohibit the reduction of the personnel of responding units of the federal fire service, regional search and rescue teams, rescue military units of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, paramilitary mountain rescue units, State Inspectorate for small boats;

d) organize work to enhance the social protection of employees and to increase the efficiency of spending on procurement and logistics of contractual subdivisions of the Federal Border Guard Service of the State Border Service;

e) continue work to assist in the admission of children of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in preschool and general education organizations;

f) continue, together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, work on personal care for certain categories of citizens (veterans, children and relatives of deceased employees), as well as sanatorium and resort support for employees of the EMERCOM of Russia in departmental and other sanatorium-resort and medical institutions, adopt additional measures for medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-and-spa treatment of the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia who took part in the aftermath of emergency situations in 2017;

g) continue to work with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments aimed at providing the personnel of the responding units with living quarters provided at the expense and within the framework of the relevant programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

h) post on the official Internet portals of the main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" information on the work of territorial housing subcommittees and lists of personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia in need of improved housing conditions, and also ensure their continuous updating;

i) exclude the acceptance of additional movable and immovable property on the balance sheet in order to reduce current costs;

j) organize the purchase of machinery and equipment in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal documents, advance purchases to carry out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;

k) organize work to ensure the quality acceptance of goods, support contracts, as well as product quality control at industrial enterprises (organizations);

l) to continue work on the development of mentoring, in order to adapt graduates of educational organizations of the EMERCOM of Russia in 2017, conduct educational and methodological gatherings;

m) identify the causes of complaints, promptly take comprehensive measures to prevent them, promptly inform employees and employees of the EMERCOM of Russia about the results of consideration of complaints and organize explanatory work;

o) organize work on the timely conduct of competitive procedures for the purchase of clothing items, overhaul and current repairs of equipment and control of their quality;

o) organize work to provide personnel with the required items of clothing;

p) organize work to provide fuel and lubricants to the responding forces and units in accordance with the allocated budget allocations in 2017;

c) provide fuel in strict accordance with targeted funding, exclude the transfer of fuel and lubricants between subdivisions of territorial bodies, the write-off of fuel and lubricants for supernumerary equipment, as well as in excess of the established norms, the maintenance of which is carried out according to various codes of budget classification of expenses;

r) take additional measures for the timely payment in full of wages, allowances, incentive allowances and additional payments, a one-time monetary remuneration, bonuses, due compensation and other social payments, primarily to private, non-commissioned and civilian personnel of rescue military formations, junior commanding staff and employees of the Federal Border Service of the State Fire Service, rescuers of search and rescue teams, inspectors of the GIMS, including those related to technical personnel, in strict accordance with regulatory legal documents , decisions of the collegium of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;

s) ensure transparency and fairness in making decisions on the amount of lump-sum payments, these decisions are brought to the attention of all personnel at workshops;

t) organize explanatory work with personnel on the procedure and amounts of additional incentive payments;

u) ensure the maintenance of military personnel of rescue military formations and employees of the Federal Border Service of the State Border Guard Service, who are at their disposal, within the adjusted limits of budgetary obligations for the payment of monetary allowances;

v) not allow the adoption within its competence of positive decisions on additional provision of material assistance and (or) bonuses to personnel in the absence of limits on budgetary obligations necessary to fully provide personnel with mandatory payments social character in 2017;

w) by 15.08.2017, ensure that work is carried out to bring the expenses of federal autonomous institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia in 2017 to the amount of allocated subsidies for the implementation of the state task, as well as organize work on guaranteed receipt of funds from income-generating activities;

x) by 15.08.2017 ensure the repayment of accounts payable of previous years for public Utilities within the adjusted limits of budget obligations for 2017, as well as the implementation of additional measures to reduce the cost of utilities;

w) by November 01, 2017, complete work on the implementation of energy saving and energy efficiency measures (including the installation of metering devices) aimed at saving utility resources in natural volumes and budgetary funds for utility bills;

b) carry out additional staffing of the responding units, taking into account the adjusted limits of budget obligations;

s) when hiring for a service (job), pay special attention to whether candidates have related and narrow-profile specialties (management of robotic systems and unmanned aerial vehicles); aircraft, cynologist, diver, etc.);

b) to complete in 2017 work on the transfer to municipalities, state executive bodies of real estate and land plots that are redundant, unused, unsuitable for use by the institutions of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

20. Managers structural divisions the central office, territorial bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to ensure the implementation of the activities specified in this order, within the adjusted limits of budget obligations for 2017.

21. Not scanned.

22. To impose control over the execution of this order on the First Deputy Minister V.V. Stepanova.

Minister V.A. Puchkov

Document overview

Purposeful work is underway to develop the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, taking into account modern socio-economic conditions. Measures are being taken to reduce current costs and improve the efficiency of the Ministry.

The funds released at the same time are directed to social support measures for employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, improving the efficiency of the activities of government bodies and departments, modernizing fire and rescue and other departments responding to emergencies, fires and disasters.

Additional limits of budgetary obligations are allocated to encourage the personnel of territorial bodies and state institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia in connection with the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Civil Defense of Russia and following the results of 2017.

It is necessary to provide monthly financial incentives for civil servants. Work continues to maintain the remuneration of civilian personnel of rescue military units and employees of the Federal Border Guard Service of the State Fire Service, state institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia of central subordination. Payments are made to employees with four or more children, lump-sum social payments.

In 2017, additional limits of budgetary obligations will be allocated to finance housing provision of the EMERCOM of Russia.

From September 1, 2017, the transition of educational organizations to a two-level system of higher education should be completed.

Organizational instructions were given.

When planning reforms in relation to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the interests of society must be taken into account without fail. Reductions in staff and other innovations should not affect the efficiency of this extremely important department. The tasks must be carried out in full, so the reduction in the number of employees must be carried out very competently. The reorganization of the EMERCOM of Russia in 2017 takes into account all the nuances

The department sets itself the task of financing units, which include the highest educational establishments and a crisis center. The department also plans to solve the problem of staffing fire fighting units. Insufficient budget funds may result in program cutbacks or fundraising from funding other projects.

In 2016, measures have already begun to reduce the number of employees of the department. The management staff has been reduced. This trend will continue in 2017. There will be a 10% reduction in the number of employees of supervisory units, as well as a 15% reduction in civilian employees.

According to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Minister Puchkov Vladimir Andreevich, the reduction in staff is carried out in such a way that it will not result in a decrease in the efficiency of the department. Costs for auxiliary divisions will be reduced, the structure of the main divisions will be strengthened. Some employees will be transferred to civilian positions. Thanks to these measures, costs are optimized and funds will be saved, some of which will be used to increase salaries for employees of the department. Therefore, the news of the Russian Emergencies Ministry on staff reductions in 2017 is not as negative as one might expect.

Planned changes

The reform of the EMERCOM of Russia in 2017 implies a large-scale reduction in the number of employees. The reduction of staff is planned in order to optimize the work of departments of the department. At the same time, the reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 will have two directions:

  1. Reducing the number of management staff. Planned reductions will strengthen the main units.
  2. Replacing military posts with civilian ones. This direction of reform will be organized in a number of subordinate institutions, primarily technical and medical. At the same time, the source of funding for the payment of wages to employees of these institutions will differ from the source of wages for employees of combat units.

It is worth noting that the reorganization will not affect the combat units of the department. Regarding them, it is planned to strengthen technical and financial support. The head of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief expressed the opinion that linear changes do not bring the desired effect, so it is advisable to carry out structural reorganization.

Payment of pensions

As for the payment of pensions, no radical changes are planned here. To assign pension payments to former employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the following is required:

  • the period of work in the structures of the department is not less than 20 years;
  • the term of work in the structures of the department is 12.5 years, if there is a 25-year work experience in civilian specialties.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the time of service in the army, study and work in difficult conditions should be recorded in the total length of service. In 2017, measures to index pension payments will continue. This allows you to maintain a decent standard of living for former employees of departments of the department.

When calculating a pension, the position and rank are taken into account former employee Ministry of Emergency Situations, seniority bonus, various regional and district coefficients, additional payments for combat wounds.

Features of wage indexation

The positive side of the reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2017 is the indexation of wages for employees of the department. An increase in the amount of payments in some positions of salary and allowances is expected. There will be a review wages due to inflation. The percentage increase is approximately 5%. A full revision of the amount of earnings should be expected by the fall of 2017.

In addition, a decision was made to increase allowances for special working conditions for the flight personnel of the department. Such measures were taken in connection with the increased risk to the health and life of employees of the department, whose activities are related to the implementation of flights.

Future of EMERCOM of Russia 2017

Now the news is spreading that the disbandment of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in 2017 may occur. This message is not yet confirmed. They say that as part of the reform, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be included in the department of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You should not be sure that the liquidation of the Russian Emergencies Ministry will occur in 2017. This information has not been officially confirmed. It cannot be said that the government plans to abolish the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but in any case, such news will not go unnoticed.

On the this moment optimization affects all areas of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There is still a trend towards staff reduction, but a positive point is the increase in wages for current employees of the department. All measures taken by the government are aimed at improving the efficiency of the departments of the ministry.

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