Scientific electronic library. Types of enterprise management systems: linear organizational structure, linear-headquarters and linear-functional Headquarters organizational structure


Management structures on many modern enterprises were built in accordance with the principles of management formulated at the beginning of the 20th century. The most complete formulation of these principles was given by the German sociologist Max Weber (the concept of rational bureaucracy):

  • the principle of hierarchy of management levels, in which each lower level is controlled by a higher one and is subordinate to it;
  • the principle of correspondence of powers and responsibilities of management employees to their place in the hierarchy, which follows from it;
  • the principle of division of labor into separate functions and specialization of workers according to the functions performed; the principle of formalization and standardization of activities, ensuring the uniformity of the performance of their duties by employees and the coordination of various tasks;
  • the principle of impersonal performance by employees of their functions arising from it;
  • the principle of qualification selection, in accordance with which hiring and dismissal from work is carried out in strict accordance with qualification requirements.

The organizational structure, built in accordance with these principles, is called a hierarchical or bureaucratic structure. The most common type of such structure is linear - functional(linear structure).

Linear organizational structure

The basis of linear structures is the so-called "mine" principle of construction and specialization of the management process according to the functional subsystems of the organization (marketing, production, research and development, finance, personnel, etc.). For each subsystem, a hierarchy of services ("mine") is formed, penetrating the entire organization from top to bottom (see Fig.). The results of the work of each service are evaluated by indicators characterizing the fulfillment by them of their goals and objectives. Accordingly, a system of motivation and encouragement of employees is being built. At the same time, the end result (the efficiency and quality of the work of the organization as a whole) becomes, as it were, secondary, since it is believed that all services work to some extent to obtain it.

Advantages of a linear structure: a clear system of mutual relations of functions and divisions; a clear system of unity of command - one leader concentrates in his hands the management of the entire set of processes that have a common goal; clear responsibility; quick reaction of the executive departments to direct instructions from superiors.
Disadvantages of a linear structure: lack of links dealing with strategic planning; in the work of managers at almost all levels, operational problems ("churn") dominates over strategic ones; a tendency to red tape and shifting responsibility when solving problems that require the participation of several departments; low flexibility and adaptability to changing situations; criteria for the efficiency and quality of work of departments and the organization as a whole are different; the tendency to formalize the assessment of the effectiveness and quality of the work of departments usually leads to the emergence of an atmosphere of fear and disunity; a large number of "management floors" between workers producing products and the decision maker; overload of top-level managers; increased dependence of the results of the organization's work on the qualifications, personal and business qualities of top managers.
Output: in modern conditions the disadvantages of the structure outweigh its advantages. Such a structure is poorly compatible with the modern philosophy of quality.

Linear - headquarters structure

This type of organizational structure is the development of a linear one and is designed to eliminate its most important drawback associated with the lack of strategic planning links. The line-headquarters structure includes specialized units (headquarters) that do not have the right to make decisions and manage any subordinate units, but only help the relevant leader in performing certain functions, primarily the functions of strategic planning and analysis. Otherwise, this structure corresponds to a linear one.

Advantages of a linear - staff structure: deeper than in the linear, study of strategic issues; some unloading of top managers; the possibility of attracting external consultants and experts; in empowering headquarters units with functional leadership, such a structure is a good first step towards more effective organic management structures.
Disadvantages of a linear - staff structure: insufficiently clear distribution of responsibility, since the persons preparing the decision do not participate in its implementation; tendencies towards excessive centralization of management; similar to a linear structure, partially - in a weakened form.
Output: a linear - staff structure can be a good intermediate step in the transition from a linear structure to a more efficient one. The structure allows, although to a limited extent, to embody the ideas of the modern philosophy of quality.

Divisional management structure

By the end of the 20s of the last century, the need for new approaches to the organization of management became clear, associated with a sharp increase in the size of enterprises, diversification of their activities (diversification), complication technological processes in a dynamically changing environment. In this regard, divisional management structures began to emerge, primarily in large corporations, which began to provide some independence to their production units, leaving the development strategy, research and development, financial and investment policy, etc. to the management of the corporation. In this type of structures an attempt was made to combine centralized coordination and control of activities with decentralized management. The peak of the introduction of divisional management structures occurred in the 60s and 70s of the last century, but even today this type of structure remains popular, since it adequately solves the tasks set by firms.

The key figures in the management of organizations with a divisional structure are no longer the heads of functional departments, but managers who head production departments (divisions). Structuring by divisions, as a rule, is carried out according to one of the criteria: by manufactured products (products or services) - product specialization; by focusing on certain groups of consumers - consumer specialization; on served territories - regional specialization. In our country, similar management structures have been widely introduced since the 60s in the form of the creation of production associations.

Advantages of a divisional structure:
it provides management of diversified enterprises with a total number of employees of the order of hundreds of thousands and territorially remote divisions; provides greater flexibility and faster response to changes in the enterprise environment in comparison with the linear and linear - staff; when expanding the boundaries of the independence of the departments, they become "profit centers", actively working to improve the efficiency and quality of production; closer relationship between production and consumers.

Disadvantages of the divisional structure:
a large number of "floors" of the management vertical; between the workers and the production manager of the unit - 3 or more levels of management, between the workers and the company's management - 5 or more; disunity of headquarters structures of departments from company headquarters; the main connections are vertical, therefore, there are shortcomings common to hierarchical structures - red tape, overload of managers, poor interaction in resolving issues related to departments, etc.; duplication of functions on different "floors" and as a result - very high costs for the maintenance of the management structure; in departments, as a rule, a linear or linear-headquarters structure with all their shortcomings is preserved.
Output: the advantages of divisional structures outweigh their disadvantages only during periods of fairly stable existence; in an unstable environment, they risk repeating the fate of dinosaurs. With this structure, it is possible to embody most of the ideas of the modern philosophy of quality.

Organic or adaptive governance structures

These structures began to develop approximately from the end of the 70s of the last century, when, on the one hand, the creation of an international market for goods and services sharply intensified competition among enterprises and life demanded from enterprises high efficiency and quality of work and a quick response to market changes, and with on the other hand, the inability of structures of a hierarchical type to meet these conditions became obvious. The main property of organic management structures is their ability to change their form, adapting to changing conditions. Structures of this type are design, matrix (program-targeted), brigade forms of structures . When introducing these structures, it is necessary to simultaneously change the relationship between the departments of the enterprise. If, however, the system of planning, control, distribution of resources, leadership style, methods of staff motivation are preserved, and the desire of employees for self-development is not supported, the results of the introduction of such structures may be negative.

Brigade (cross-functional) management structure

The basis of this management structure is the organization of work in working groups (teams). The form of the brigade organization of work is a fairly ancient organizational form, it is enough to recall the worker artels, but only from the 80s did its active use begin as an organization management structure, in many respects directly opposite to the hierarchical type of structures. The main principles of such a management organization are:

  • autonomous work of working groups (teams);
  • independent decision-making by working groups and horizontal coordination of activities;
  • replacement of rigid managerial ties of a bureaucratic type with flexible ties;
  • involvement of employees from different departments to develop and solve problems.

These principles destroy the rigid distribution of employees by production, engineering, economic and managerial services inherent in hierarchical structures, which form isolated systems with their own goals and interests. In an organization built according to these principles, functional units may be preserved or absent. In the first case, employees are under double subordination - administrative (to the head of the functional unit in which they work) and functional (to the head of the working group or team in which they are a member). This form of organization is called cross-functional, in many ways it is close to the matrix. In the second case, there are no functional units as such; we will call it the brigade proper. This form is widely used in the organization of project management.

Cross-functional structure

The structure of the organization, consisting of working groups (brigade)

Advantages brigade (cross-functional) structure: reduction of the administrative apparatus, increase in management efficiency; flexible use of personnel, their knowledge and competence; work in groups creates conditions for self-improvement; possibility of application effective methods planning and management; reducing the need for generalists.
disadvantages brigade (cross-functional) structure: complication of interaction (especially for a cross-functional structure); difficulty in coordinating the work of individual teams; high qualification and responsibility of personnel; high communication requirements.
Output: this form of organizational structure is most effective in organizations with a high level of qualification of specialists with good technical equipment, especially in combination with project management. This is one of the types of organizational structures in which the ideas of the modern philosophy of quality are most effectively embodied.

Matrix (program-target) organizational structure.

Such a structure is a network structure built on the principle of dual subordination of executors: on the one hand, to the direct head of the functional service, which provides personnel and technical assistance to the project manager, on the other hand, to the project or target program manager, who is endowed with the necessary authority to carry out the management process. With such an organization, the project manager interacts with 2 groups of subordinates: with permanent members of the project team and with other employees of functional departments who report to him temporarily and on a limited range of issues.
At the same time, their subordination to the direct heads of subdivisions, departments, and services is maintained. For activities that have a clearly defined beginning and end, projects are formed, for ongoing activities - targeted programs. In an organization, both projects and targeted programs can coexist.

Advantages of the matrix structure: better orientation to project (or program) goals and demand; more efficient day-to-day management, the ability to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of resource use; flexible and efficient use of personnel, special knowledge and competence; the relative autonomy of project teams contributes to the development of decision-making skills, managerial culture, and professional skills among employees; improved control over individual project tasks; any work is organizationally formalized, one person is appointed - the "owner" of the process, serving as the center of concentration of all issues related to the project or target program.
Disadvantages of matrix structures: the difficulty of establishing clear responsibility for work on the instructions of the unit and on the instructions of the project (a consequence of double subordination); the need to control the ratio of resources allocated to departments and programs; high qualification requirements, business qualities workers, the need for their training; frequent conflict situations between heads of departments and projects or programs; the possibility of violating the rules and standards adopted in the functional units due to the isolation of employees participating in the project or program from their units.
Output: the introduction of a matrix structure gives a good effect in organizations with a fairly high level corporate culture and qualifications of employees.

This type of organizational structure is slightly different from the one described above - linear. The main difference, as the name implies, is the existence of a certain headquarters working under the head on some issues, for example, coordinating the activities of the organization, strategic planning and processing analytical data. Schematically, the line-staff organizational structure has the form shown in fig. 3.

Rice. 3 Schematic representation of the linear-headquarters organizational structure

The headquarters can be both temporary, convened, and permanent. A temporary headquarters may be convened to relieve the burden on an urgent issue from the head or to solve an existing problem or task; the permanent headquarters is convened to work on regularly arising issues - reporting, consulting functions, etc. Since some of the issues in this type of structure are transferred to the area of ​​​​responsibility of the headquarters, the main task of the leadership becomes, for example, coordination of the work of subordinates, control and management of current production activities which significantly increases their productivity in dealing with these issues.

The advantage of using a linear-staff management structure is the ability to quickly solve emerging problems by delegating their solution to a convened headquarters, which guarantees the efficient use of production capabilities.

The disadvantages of this type of structure include a partial violation of the principle of unity of command, which is the advantage of a linear structure, the possibility of problems in coordinating and coordinating the activities of the headquarters.

The line-staff management structure is used in small and medium-sized organizations, since it does not imply a deep division of responsibilities between elements, but allows the direct manager to interact with subordinate links.

Functional organizational structure

The meaning of the functional organizational structure is the division of responsibilities between performers according to the principle of the type of work performed, their functions in the production process. Functional subordination is due to the unification of specialists of the same profile into one organizational business unit, which allows them to qualitatively and skillfully perform functions related to a particular field of activity.

A schematic representation of the functional organizational structure is shown in Figure 4.

Rice. 4 Schematic representation of the functional organizational structure

Like any other type of structure, functional has some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include ensuring high competence in solving issues related to the professional sphere of each functional unit, since each of the managers becomes responsible for his own narrow area in which he is a specialist. In organizations with a functional organizational structure, there is no need to hire generalists.

The disadvantages of this type of organizational structure include, first of all, the difficult interaction of parallel services in terms of information exchange, which can adversely affect the organization's work on a large project, which includes the simultaneous application of the knowledge of several functional units at once. The same shortcoming leads to another negative consequence - the duration of any decisions, in which several parallel divisions must take part.

Organization management represents hard work, which cannot be performed formally or according to a template.

Organizations are created to achieve a variety of goals, to meet the various needs of people, which is why they are so diverse.

The organization has its own structure.

Organization structure - this is a logical relationship and interdependence of management levels and departments.

The structure of the organization fixes the horizontal and vertical division of labor, the placement and interconnection of personnel, the possibility of its successful operation.

Structure is given great importance in the analysis organizational system production in general

Best Structure is one that enables an organization to communicate effectively with external environment, to distribute and direct the efforts of its employees in a productive and expedient way, and thus meet the needs of customers and achieve their goals with high efficiency.

In management theory, there are several types of organizational management structures:

  • 1) linear;
  • 2) functional;
  • 3) linear-functional;
  • 4) line staff;
  • 5) divisional;
  • 6) matrix.

Essence linear structure Management consists in the fact that at the head of each team there is one leader who is accountable to a higher leader. Subordinates carry out orders only from their immediate supervisor.

Rice. 4. Linear control structure

Advantages linear type structures:

  • - Establishing clear and simple links with departments;
  • - receipt by subordinates of clear and interconnected tasks and orders;
  • - full responsibility of each leader for the results of work;
  • - Ensuring unity of action from top to bottom.

The linear control system is the simplest, works well at the lower levels of management of small enterprises, and is effective when the range of problems to be solved is small.

Lack of Linear Structure - the leader must be competent in all areas of management, which leads to an overload of the leader.

Functional structure is based on the division of functions between structural divisions with the simultaneous subordination of all lower divisions.

Rice. 5. Functional control system

Advantages of a functional management system:

  • - increasing the competence of management due to the involvement of qualified specialists in certain areas of management;
  • - increasing the flexibility of the system, which easily responds to the needs of the organization by creating new functional services.

The functional form of communication violates the unity of command and the principle of unity of command, and the responsibility for work is reduced.

Often found in research and design organizations.

Linear-functional structure is based on the observance of unity of command, the linear construction of structural units and the distribution of management functions between them. This structure is applicable to large organizations with a clear division of labor.

Rice. 6. Linear - functional management structure

Linear-functional structure is currently the main basic type of structures.

It ensures maximum stability of the organization, creates the most favorable basis for the formal regulation of powers and responsibilities.

However, it does not always have the necessary flexibility and adaptability when new tasks arise, and does not ensure the coordination of activities for the implementation of new programs.

Line-headquarters structure is a linear structure, where at each link a headquarters has been created, consisting of production, technological, planning departments; services of chief specialists; individual bureaus important for the production of specialists.

The line manager approves the decisions prepared by the headquarters and transfers them to subordinates for execution.

The advantages of a line-headquarters structure are that, if necessary, the head of the organization can make a single decision.

The line-staff structure provides for the creation of social, professional and consulting units of the head. Basically, this structure is used in medium-sized enterprises.

Large enterprises use divisional organizational structure of management , in which complex linear-functional system divided into relatively independent blocks.

With this structure, the authority to manage the production and marketing of products is transferred to one manager responsible for this species products.

Headquarters-1 - headquarters for the head of the organization

Headquarters-2 - headquarters of specialists under the head of the middle level

Performer - lower-level performers.

If the organization's activities cover different geographical (or international) zones, then it is advisable to organize the divisional structure according to the territorial principle.

Rice. 7. Linear - staff management structure

The divisional structure, while increasing the flexibility of management, has serious drawbacks. They hinder the growth of labor productivity, limit the possibility of using large high-performance equipment.

Widespread in large and international companies received matrix structure , which provides for the implementation of targeted programs (projects).

The matrix structure allows for the dual subordination of departments and individual workers.

Powers to the head of the target program (project) are delegated by the top manager. He is responsible in general for the integration of all activities and resources related to this project (program), for planning, compliance with the implementation schedule.

The advantages of the matrix structure are that it allows you to achieve flexibility, redistribute labor resources depending on the needs of each target program (project), coordinate various types of activities and use of resources.

The choice of the type of structure depends on the organization itself and the speed of change in the external environment.

Rice. 8. Divisional management structure

Rice. 9. Matrix control structure

A mixed management structure is possible.

Rice. 10. Mixed management structure

Questions for self-control.

.1. What are the basic principles of personnel management systems?

.2. Describe the organizational and administrative methods of personnel management?

.3. Give a description economic methods personnel management?

.4. What refers to the socio-psychological methods of personnel management?

.5. What is the essence of the linear management structure?

.6. What is the functional management system based on?

.7. Describe the linear-functional management structure?

.8. What is a line-staff management structure?

.9. What is the essence of the divisional organizational structure of management?

.10. What is provided when using the matrix control structure?

We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

It is formed as a result of building a management apparatus only from mutually subordinate bodies in the form of a hierarchical ladder:

At the head of each subdivision is a leader, endowed with all powers and exercising sole leadership of subordinate employees, concentrating all management functions in his hands. Himself, the leader is directly subordinate to the leader top level. The linear control structure is the simplest. In a linear structure, the division of the management system into its constituent parts is carried out according to the production line, taking into account the degree of concentration of production, technological features, the breadth of the product range, etc. With this construction, the principle of unity of command is most observed: one person concentrates in his hands the management of the entire set of operations, subordinate carry out the orders of only one leader.

The higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any performers, bypassing their immediate supervisor. The structure is used by small and medium-sized firms that carry out simple production, in the absence of broad cooperative ties between enterprises.

Advantages of a linear management structure:

Unity and clarity of command;

Consistency of actions of performers;

A clear system of mutual relations between the leader and the subordinate;

Speed ​​of reaction in response to direct instructions;

Ease of Management;

Obtaining by executors of interconnected orders and tasks provided with resources;

Personal responsibility of the head for the final results of the activities of his unit.

Simple control.

The disadvantages of a linear structure are as follows:

High requirements for the manager, who must have extensive versatile knowledge and experience in all management functions and areas of activity carried out by subordinates, which limits the manager's ability to effectively manage;

Overload of top-level managers, a huge amount of information, a flow of paperwork, multiple contacts with subordinates and superiors;

Red tape tendencies when dealing with issues related to several departments;

Lack of links for planning and training of managerial personnel;

Complex communications between performers;

Low level of specialization of managers;

The concentration of power in the top management;

A variation of the linear control structure is line-staff structure, which includes units specially created under line managers who do not have the right to make decisions and manage any subordinate unit.

The main task of the headquarters units is to assist the line manager in the performance of individual management functions. The staff structure includes staff specialists with top managers. The headquarters units include the controlling service, the coordination and analysis departments, the network planning group, sociological, and legal services. Often managers of headquarters units are given the rights of functional leadership. These include the planning and economic department, accounting, marketing department, personnel management department.

Advantages of a linear staff structure are as follows:

Deeper and meaningful preparation of management decisions;

Releasing line managers from excessive workload;

Opportunity to attract specialists and experts in certain areas;

Improved horizontal coordination;

Balance of functional and line management.

Disadvantages of a line-staff structure are as follows:

Insufficiently clear responsibility, since the one who prepares the decision does not participate in its implementation;

Tendency towards over-centralization;

Maintaining high standards for top decision-makers;

Increasing staff at the expense of regular structures;

Danger of conflicts between linear and functional structures;

The complexity of vertical communications;

Unclear decision-making procedures.

Textbook output:

Fundamentals of management. Chernyshev M. A., Korotkov E. M., Soldatova I. Yu., prof. I. Yu. Soldatova., Chernysheva M. A., Ed. prof. I. Yu. Soldatova., Soldatova I., Chernyshov M.A. - editor-compiler, Publisher: ITK "Dashkov and K", SCIENCE / INTERPERIODICS MAIK, Nauka-Press 2006

This type of organizational structure is the development of a linear one and is designed to eliminate its most important drawback associated with the lack of strategic planning links. The line-headquarters structure includes specialized units (headquarters) that do not have the right to make decisions and manage any subordinate units, but only help the relevant leader in performing certain functions, primarily the functions of strategic planning and analysis. Otherwise, this structure corresponds to a linear one (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Linear - headquarters management structure

Advantages linear - headquarters structure:

deeper than in the linear, study of strategic issues;

some unloading of top managers;

the possibility of attracting external consultants and experts;

in empowering headquarters units with functional leadership, such a structure is a good first step towards more effective organic management structures.

disadvantages linear - headquarters structure:

insufficiently clear distribution of responsibility, since the persons preparing the decision do not participate in its implementation;

tendencies towards excessive centralization of management;

similar to a linear structure, partially - in a weakened form.

Output: a linear - staff structure can be a good intermediate step in the transition from a linear structure to a more efficient one. The structure allows, although to a limited extent, to embody the ideas of the modern philosophy of quality.

Examples of compiling the organizational structure of management

Rice. 1 Functional structure of a manufacturing company

An ordered set of specific functions and their relationship to achieve the goals of the company constitute the functional structure of the enterprise. Enlarged functional structure manufacturing enterprise shown in fig. one.

The functional structure of the enterprise depends on the characteristics production process and is completely independent of the size of the firm. In small enterprises, functions can be combined (and in the limiting case can be assigned to one or several people), in large ones they are differentiated.

On the basis of the functional structure, the production structure of the enterprise is built, that is, the specific composition of workshops, divisions and services of the enterprise, depending on the type of production and the chosen organization of production (according to the technological or subject-closed principle) and the size of the enterprise.

Rice. 2 Typical organizational structure of enterprise (firm) management (organogram)

The accepted abbreviations in fig. 2.

AHO - administrative and economic department.

BREEZE - bureau of rationalization and invention.

VOHR - armed guards.

DDU - preschool institutions.

DOC - children's health center.

ZHKO - housing and communal department.

ITC - information and computing center.

Medical unit - medical sanitary unit.

OASUP - department of automated production control systems.

OVES - department of foreign economic relations.

OGK - department of the chief designer.

OGM - department of the chief mechanic.

OGMet - department of the chief metallurgist.

OGMeter - department of the chief metrologist.

OGT - department of the chief technologist.

OGE - department of the chief power engineer.

OIKh - department of tool economy.

OK - personnel department.

OKK - department of cooperation and equipment.

OKS - department of capital construction.

OMA - department of mechanization and automation.

OMTS - department of material and technical supply.

ONZIS - department for supervision of buildings and structures.

ONTI - department of scientific and technical information.

OOTB - department of labor protection and safety.

OOTiZ - department of organization of labor and wages.

OOOOS - department of environmental protection.

OPK - personnel training department.

DOS - department of standardization and normalization.

OTD - department of technical documentation.

OTK - department technical control.

PDO - planning and dispatching department.

PEO - planning and economic department.

FO - financial department.

TsZL - the central factory laboratory.

Thus, the functional structure of the enterprise is the basis for the development of the production structure, on the basis of which the organizational management structure is created, taking into account the selected system:

  • linear;
  • functional;
  • linear functional;
  • divisional;
  • matrix;
  • combined.

In industrial production, the most widespread is the linear-functional organizational structure of management. Line managers under her are single bosses and are fully responsible for the work of the unit (director, deputy director for production, shop manager, site manager, senior foreman, foreman, foreman). Functional leaders ( Chief Engineer, chief economist, chief accountant, etc.) make up the headquarters of the director and manage the functional services (OGK, OGM, OGE, etc.).

A typical organizational structure for managing an enterprise (firm) is shown in Figure 2.

Workshops, as the largest structural units, have their own internal organizational management structure (see Fig. 3). basis production activities workshops are production sites representing the grassroots level of enterprise management, which also have an organizational management structure (see Fig. 4).

The organizational structure of enterprise (firm) management can also be considered as a system that includes a set of subsystems. Such subsystems can be classified as production subsystems, functional subsystems, and target subsystems.

Production subsystems- Structural units whose activities are directly related to the production of products (production, workshops, sites).

Functional subsystems- structural units whose activities are aimed at providing various areas of the enterprise in accordance with its functional areas(production, marketing, finance, etc.).

Target subsystems- Structural units whose activities are related to the achievement of specific goals that are part of the overall goal of the enterprise.

Rice. 3 Organizational structure of shop management (example)

Rice. 4 Organizational structure of the production site management (example)

In many ways, the effectiveness of enterprise management depends on a clear delineation of the competence of individual management services (divisions), their responsibility and the provision of normal working relationships in them.

Therefore, the management skeleton - its organizational structure - must be overgrown with "management muscles". This is supported by the following regulations:

  • regulations on departments and services;
  • job instructions.

The following structure of the regulation on the department (service) has developed:

  • general provisions;
  • tasks;
  • structure;
  • functions;
  • the rights;
  • relationships with other departments;
  • responsibility.

The primary element of the management structure is the official position. Job descriptions provide a clear delineation of duties and rights between employees of the company. They contain:

  • common part;
  • main tasks and responsibilities;
  • the rights;
  • employee responsibility.

Usually job description is the basis for appraisal of an employee based on the results of his activities.


1. Create the structure of the ODU of the Middle Volga (Operational Dispatch Control)


Deputy CEO

Mode Control Director - Chief Dispatcher

Deputy chief dispatcher

Operational dispatch service

Electric mode service

Relay protection and automation service

Service of short-term and operational planning regimes

Personnel Simulator Training Service

Director for Development of Dispatch Control Technologies

Deputy Director for Development of Dispatch Control Technologies

Market support service

Service of long-term planning of regimes and balances

Development and Technological Re-equipment Service

Advanced Development Service

Technical Controlling Director

Technical Control Service

Service technical audit

Director of information technology

Operational Operation Service of Automated Control Systems

Service of automated systems and dispatch control

Service of software and hardware systems

Telecommunications Service

Department for Automation of Financial and Economic Activities

Director of Finance and Economics

Economics and Finance Service

Investment and Procurement Service

Chief Accountant

Accounting and Reporting Service

Director of General Affairs

Deputy Director for General Affairs

Service of Administrative and Economic Support

Engineering Support Service

CEO's councelor

Human Resources Service

Security and Special Programs Service

Legal Department

2.Create the structure of JSC "Grid Company"

OJSC "Grid Company"- a company engaged in the transmission and distribution of electric power from power plants to consumers in the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as creating conditions for connecting new consumers.
Grid Company is among the top ten similar companies in Russia in terms of transmitted power (about 80 in total).
OJSC "Grid Company" includes 9 branches, each of which performs the functions of transmission of electrical energy, technological connection, operation and maintenance of electric grid facilities located on a territorial basis.

  • Almetyevsk electrical networks
  • Bugulma electrical networks
  • Buinsk electrical networks
  • Yelabuga electrical networks
  • Kazan Electric Networks
  • Naberezhnye Chelny electrical networks
  • Nizhnekamsk electrical networks
  • Volga Electric Networks
  • Chistopol Electric Networks

The structure of each of the nine branches includes separate structural subdivisions: electric grid districts (RES) and urban electric grid districts (GRES).

Today, 373 35-500 kV substations are in operation in 9 branches of JSC "Grid Company". 739 power transformers (autotransformers) with a voltage of 35-500 kV with a total capacity of 16,290.2 MVA are in operation.

Structure (OKO - customer service department, RPU - district production site)

JSC "Tatenergosbyt"

Almetyevsk OKO

Aznakaevsky OKO

Muslyumovsky OKO

Sarmanovsky OKO

Bugulma OKO

Bavlinsky OKO

Leninogorsk OKO

Cheremshansky OKO

Yutazinsky OKO

Apastovsky OKO

Buinsky OKO

Verkhne-Uslonsky OKO

Drozhzhanovsky OKO

Kaibitskiy OKO

Kamsko-Ustyinsky OKO

Severo-Nurlatsky OKO

Tetyushsky OKO

Kazan city branch - branch of JSC "Tatenergosbyt"

East OKO

Western OKO

Northern OKO

Central OKO

Southern OKO

Naberezhnye Chelny branch - branch of JSC "Tatenergosbyt"

Northeast OKO

Naberezhnye Chelny OKO

Electrotechnical OKO

Southwestern OKO

Chistopol branch - branch of JSC "Tatenergosbyt"

Aksubaevsky OKO

Alekseevsky OKO

Alkeevsky OKO

Novosheshminsky OKO

Nurlat OKO

Spassky OKO

Chistopol OKO

JSC "Tatenergosbyt"
Management of JSC "Tatenergosbyt"
Almetyevsk branch - branch of JSC "Tatenergosbyt"
Bugulma branch - branch of JSC "Tatenergosbyt"
Buinsk branch - branch of JSC "Tatenergosbyt"
Apastovsky OKO
Buinsky OKO
Verkhne-Uslonsky OKO
Drozhzhanovsky OKO
Kaibitskiy OKO
Kamsko-Ustyinsky OKO
Severo-Nurlatsky OKO
Tetyushsky OKO
Yelabuga branch - branch of JSC "Tatenergosbyt"
©, 2022
Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation