The concept and main types of logistics. Characteristics of the functional areas of logistics


INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………. 2

1. The concept of logistics …………………………………………………………… 3

2. Types of logistics……………………………………………………………. 6

3.Logistics functions………………………………………………………… 9

4. Tasks of logistics ……………………………………………………………. fourteen

CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………… 18



Among the variety of search, ways of market development, means of production, new areas of activity of commercial intermediary organizations and enterprises, scientific research and practical innovations, united by the concept of logistics, are of considerable interest. Although logistics has been known for a long time, nevertheless, it claims to be the scientific and educational discipline of the 21st century. Logistics divisions have been created at industrial enterprises, the agro-industrial complex, transport, and in the NATO apparatus. They are included in the organizing committees for major international competitions, etc. The concept of logistics has been used and is used in various fields of scientific and economic activity, but most often it began to be used to determine the interrelated functions of the procurement, production and distribution processes. In the last 10 ... 15 years, this concept has been identified in foreign literature with the physical distribution of products and is currently interpreted by most experts as the management of commodity circulation. As can be seen, the management of commodity circulation, first of all, is inextricably linked with the real provision of saving all types of resources, reducing the cost of living and materialized labor at the junctions of various industries. The corresponding functions are directly interfaced with the mechanism of market regulation, contributing to the development of the complexity and effectiveness of this mechanism. Subjects and objects in the logistics management system constitute elements of the market infrastructure, and therefore the development of the market for the means of production largely depends on their development.

According to expert estimates of scientists and specialists, the widespread use of logistics management methods will allow:

· reduce the time of movement of products by about 25 ... 30%;

· reduce the level of product stocks at consumers by 30 ... 50%;

· provide a comprehensive accounting of all costs for the import and export of goods, and not just transportation tariffs, which are only a part of the total costs for the movement of products;

· to increase the level of transport services, which is achieved not only and not so much by improving the work of transport departments, but by the coordinated implementation of a set of works on the supply, marketing and transportation of products.

All this determines the relevance of the study of logistics in the context of the development of market relations, the popularization of practical experience, the coordination of scientific and practical activities in the field of logistics.

Concept of logistics

Logistics is the science of planning, organizing, managing, controlling and regulating the movement of material and information flows in space and time from their primary source to the end user. There are many different interpretations of logistics. Analyzing, it is easy to notice a number of aspects through the prism of which logistics is considered. The most widespread are managerial, economic and operational-financial aspects. So, Professor G. Pavellek and the staff of the US National Council for the Management of Material Distribution, defining the essence of logistics, focus on the management aspect. Logistics, in their opinion, is the planning, management and control of the flow of material products entering the enterprise, processed there and leaving this enterprise and the corresponding material flow.

Many experts in the field under study, including French ones, prefer the economic side of logistics and interpret it as "a set of various activities in order to obtain, at the lowest cost, the required amount of products at a specified time and in a specified place where there is a specific need for this product" . In the guide issued by Danzas (one of the largest German freight forwarding companies), logistics is defined as a certain system developed for each enterprise with the aim of optimally, from the point of view of making a profit, accelerating the movement of material resources and goods inside and outside the enterprise, starting from the purchase of raw materials and materials, their passage through production and ending with the supply finished products consumers, including the information system linking these tasks.

Some definitions of logistics reflect both managerial and economic aspects. The most typical in this regard is the characteristic of logistics given by Professor Pfoll (Germany), who links together the processes of planning and controlling the movement of material assets with reducing the cost of their movement and Information Support. A number of definitions of logistics emphasize its operational and financial aspect. In them, the interpretation of logistics is based on the time of calculation of partners in the transaction and activities related to the movement and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products in economic circulation from the moment the money is paid to the supplier until the moment the money is received for the delivery of the final product to the consumer. Other definitions of logistics reflect the views of specialists who focus on individual functions in the cycle under consideration.

In the above interpretations of logistics, certain aspects of it are rightly singled out, but the most important aspect of logistics is overlooked - the ability to influence the strategy of the corporation and the creation of new competitive advantage for the firm in the market, that is, for its ultimate goals, which, in essence, is reflected in the second approach to the definition of logistics.

The first to predict the practical potential of logistics were American specialists Paul Converse and Peter Drakker. They identified its potential as "the last frontier of cost savings" and "the unidentified mainland of the economy." Subsequently, their point of view was shared by many theorists of logistics. Such American researchers as M. Porter, D. Stock and some others believe that logistics has gone beyond its traditional narrow definition and is of great importance in strategic management and company planning.

The French specialists E. Mate and D. Tixier are also adherents of the broad interpretation of logistics, who mean by it the ways and methods of coordinating the relations of the company with partners, the means of coordinating the demand presented by the market and the proposal put forward by the company, the way of organizing the activities of the enterprise, which allows to combine the efforts of various units that produce goods and services, in order to optimize financial, material and labor resources used by the firm to achieve its economic goals. E. Mate and D. Tiksier believe that “logistics is at the very heart of the choice made by the company in various areas, at the center of the actions taken; undoubtedly, it is an important factor in the development of the general policy of the firm.

English scientists D. Benson and J. Whitehead also belong to the supporters of the broad interpretation of logistics. In their opinion, logistics covers market research and forecasting, production planning, the purchase of raw materials, materials and equipment, includes control over stocks and a number of successive merchandising operations, and the study of customer service.

Logistics in relation to business:

LOGISTICS is the most important area of ​​activity of any production

and trading company.

LOGISTICS - big business, which involves thousands of enterprises of various profiles: from carriers and forwarders to information companies / system integrators.

LOGISTICS is an advanced corporate strategy that allows the company to successfully compete in the market.

LOGISTICS - the most modern Information Systems and business support technologies.

LOGISTICS - career opportunities. Manager of logistick -

one of the highly paid categories of the company's personnel.

The unification and standardization of terminology in logistics abroad is currently mainly carried out by two organizations: Council

US logistics management (Council of Logistics Management, CLM) and

European Logistics Association (ELA).

Dictionary definitions of the term "logistics" (the interpretation of the term is related to the scope of economic activity).

· "Organization, planning, control and execution of the flow of goods from design and procurement, through production and distribution to the end consumer in order to meet market requirements with minimal operating and capital costs" 1 .

“The science of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and materials to manufacturing enterprise, intra-factory processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with the interests and requirements of the latter, as well as the transfer, storage and processing of relevant information” 2 .

· “In a manufacturing context, the art and science of securing, producing and distributing materials and products in the right place and in the right quantities. In military affairs (where the term is more common) it may also include the movement of troops. 3

The most famous definition, cited by most foreign university textbooks, is the definition of logistics given by CLM in 1985: “Logistics is the process of planning, executing and controlling the cost-effective flow of stocks of raw materials, materials, work in progress, finished products, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption (including imports, exports, internal and external movements) to fully meet the requirements of consumers.” There are three important points in this definition. First, what logistics activities has an integrated character and covers the process from the place of origin to the place of consumption of the flow of material resources and finished products. Secondly, the importance of managing related information is emphasized. And, finally, thirdly, for the first time, service fell into the sphere of interests of logistics, i.e. intangible activity. This is of fundamental importance for the development of logistics approaches in the service industry. So, earlier, only material flows were the object of study and optimization in logistics.

So, logistics in the broad sense of the word is the science of managing material flows, related information, finances and services in a certain micro-, meso- or macroeconomic system in order to achieve its goals with optimal resource costs.

1 Terminology in Logistics. ANNEX Dictionary. European Logistics Association, 1994.

2 Rodnikov A.N. Logistics: Terminological dictionary. M.: Economics, 1995. (2nd edition M.: INFRA-M,

3 Source: APICS Dictionary. 8th Ed American Production and Inventory Control Society, Inc., 1995.

In a narrow sense (i.e. from a business perspective), logistics is a toolkit

integrated management of material and related information, financial flows, as well as related services that contribute to the achievement of business organization goals with optimal resource costs.

Types of logistics

AT modern conditions Western experts distinguish several types of logistics: logistics associated with the provision of production with materials (purchasing logistics); production logistics, sales (marketing, or distribution, logistics). There is also transport logistics, which, in essence, is an integral part of each of the three types of logistics. An integral part of all types of logistics is also the mandatory presence of a logistics information flow, which includes the collection of data on the flow of goods, their transfer, processing and systematization, followed by the issuance of ready-made information. This subsystem of logistics is often called information logistics. If we follow the logic of Western experts, then the number of types of logistics could be continued. It seems that the operation of such concepts has not only a purely terminological meaning. It is reflected in the expansion of the scope of logistics, in the creation of appropriate new organizational structures for managing firms, special units to manage the movement of goods in the warehouses of the enterprise, marketing and material distribution in the sale of finished products. Therefore, it would probably be more correct to talk not about the types of logistics, but about its functional areas.

Between the specified objects of logistics there is a connection and interdependence. For example, if a technology is used in the main production that does not require the presence of significant intermediate stocks of raw materials and materials, then, in accordance with the logistics, it is planned to carry out deliveries at a strictly defined time at short intervals.

In order to fulfill irregular orders in the shortest possible time, when the main production is characterized by a spatial concentration of equipment, the creation of reserves of production capacities (the so-called systems of "production islands"), in the field of procurement, appropriate methods are used to purchase a variety of material resources in order to fulfill individual orders. In the logistics chain, that is, the chain along which the commodity and information flows from the supplier to the consumer pass, the following main links are distinguished:

supply of materials, raw materials and semi-finished products;

storage of products and raw materials;

· Production of goods;

Distribution, including the dispatch of goods from the warehouse of finished products;

consumption of finished products.

Each link in the logistics chain includes its own elements, which together form the material basis of logistics.

The material elements of logistics include:

vehicles and facilities;

· storage facilities;

means of communication and control;

The logistics system, of course, also includes personnel, that is, those workers who perform all sequential operations.

At the macro level, a number of fundamental scientific problems of an interdisciplinary nature are posed in logistics, including:

· optimization of technical and technological structures of automated complexes based on flexible and robotic systems;

· forecasting the demand and supply of products in the strategic planning of the activities of logistics systems;

analysis of models of logistics systems and the study of the stability of their functioning;

· comprehensive optimization of transportation and distribution of products, involving the justification and creation of networks of storage systems, and the identification of trade areas.

Micrologistics solves local issues within the framework of individual links and elements of logistics from the standpoint of the strategic goals of firms and optimization of the main operational processes. An example is intra-production logistics, when various logistics operations are planned within the enterprise, such as transport and storage, loading and unloading, etc. Micrologistics provides operations for the planning, preparation, implementation and control of the movement of goods within industrial enterprises. The complication of production and the aggravation of competition in the 80-90s of our century required a more accurate linkage of logistics with strategic goals firms, as well as enhancing the role of logistics in increasing the flexibility of firms, their ability to quickly respond to market signals. In this regard, the main task of logistics was to develop a carefully balanced and reasonable proposal that would help achieve the greatest efficiency of the company, increase its market share and gain advantages over competitors. As practice has shown, underestimation of the close connection between the concept of logistics and an active market strategy has often led and leads to the fact that the purchase of raw materials, semi-finished products and components in itself becomes an incentive to start the production of a particular product without proper demand for it. In the current market situation, such an approach to product release is fraught with commercial failure. Of course, the focus on minimizing costs remains valid, but only if the optimal level of combination of costs and profitability of fixed and working capital involved in the market strategy is found.

Logistics functions

One of the main tasks of logistics is also to create an integrated effective system of regulation and control of material and information flows, which ensures high quality of product delivery. This task is most closely associated with the solution of such problems as:

Correspondence of material and information flows to each other;

Control over the material flow and transfer of data about it to a single center;

Definition of strategy and technology for the physical movement of goods;

Development of ways to manage the operations of the movement of goods;

Establishment of norms for standardization of semi-finished products and packaging;

Determining the volume of production, transportation and warehousing;

The discrepancy between the intended goals and the possibilities of procurement and production.

In accordance with the modern tasks of logistics, two types of its functions are distinguished: operational and coordination. The operational nature of the functions is associated with the direct management of the movement of material assets in the field of supply, production and distribution and, in essence, differs little from the functions of logistics. Purchasing functions include managing the movement of raw materials, individual parts, or stocks of finished products from a supplier or point of purchase to manufacturing plants, warehouses, or retail stores. In the production phase, inventory management becomes a logistics function, including control of the movement of semi-finished products and components through all stages of the production process, as well as the movement of finished products to wholesale warehouses and retail markets. The functions of managing the distribution of products cover the operational organization of the flow of final products from the manufacturing enterprise to consumers.

Logistics coordination functions include:

Identification and analysis of the needs for material resources of various phases and parts of production;

Analysis of the markets in which the company operates;

Predicting the behavior of other participants in these markets;

Processing of data relating to orders and customer needs.

The listed functions of logistics are to coordinate supply and demand for goods. In this sense, marketing and logistics are closely interrelated, and the established formula - "marketing creates demand, and logistics realizes it" - has a weighty basis.

1. The relationship between the functions of logistics and marketing in business structures

Marketing Functions General functions of marketing and logistics

Logistics functions

Market research

Study of


Consumer Forecast


production and marketing

Informational -


for production


marketing with




Market research





marketing, commodity-transport)

inventory and WIP

Conducting business

negotiations and


(contracts, contracts,

agreements, etc.)



(service) services in

delivery process



best options

production and supply

products according to needs and requirements


Determining the need for material resources

Calculation of funds for the acquisition of material resources

Choice of business relationship with suppliers

Channel Definition

commodity circulation

The choice of different modes of transport and their rational combinations

Determining the terms of delivery and payment

Choice of ex-price

Determination of optimal

lot sizes and delivery interval

The choice of containers and packaging

Minimization and optimization of production and commodity stocks

Determination of methods and modes of warehousing and storage

Management of the movement of external (commodity) and internal (material) flows of funds


To a certain extent, the formula is applicable to the coordination of the relationship between logistics and production. Thus, logistics is engaged in the "docking" of two areas: the demand presented by the market and the proposal put forward by the company, based on the relevant information. As part of the coordinating function of logistics, another of its areas has emerged - operational planning, dictated by the desire to reduce stocks without reducing the efficiency of the company's production and marketing activities. Its essence lies in the fact that, based on the forecast of demand, adjusted later when actual orders are received, transportation schedules and, in general, the procedure for managing stocks of finished products are developed, which ultimately determines production planning, the development of programs for supplying it with raw materials and components.

The logistic function is an enlarged group of LOs that are homogeneous in terms of the purpose of these operations and differ markedly from another set of operations. The classification of the main functions of logistics is given in Table. 2.

The following organizations implement the LF:
transport companies;
trading companies;
commercial and intermediary organizations;
specialized external logistics organizations.

2. Classification of logistics functions

Classification sign View Description
The nature of the tasks performed Operational Organization of work, direct management, flow control
Coordinating Identification and comparison of the needs and capacity of drugs, coordination of goals and coordination of actions of various departments within the enterprise and various parts of the drug center
Content Basic Supply, production, sales
Key Maintenance of service standards, procurement management, determination of volumes and directions of MT, demand forecasting, inventory management, physical distribution of products, determination of the sequence of movement of goods through storage areas, transportation and all necessary operations with cargo along the way, management of production procedures, formation of economic relations supply of goods or provision of services
Supportive Management of warehouse operations, development, placement and organization of warehouse management, delivery and acceptance of goods, storage, sorting, preparation of the necessary assortment, packaging, marking, preparation for loading, loading and unloading operations, cargo handling, protective packaging, ensuring the return of goods, providing spare parts and service maintenance, information and computer support
From a conceptual standpoint Backbone Organization of a management system for all resources
Integrating Consolidation, coordination, coordination of actions of participants in the logistics process within the enterprise and within the LC
Regulatory Saving resources, minimizing waste of all kinds (loss of time, inefficient operations, MP waste), minimizing costs
Resultant Aimed at achieving the ultimate goal of logistics management - the implementation of the six rules of logistics

The above classification of LF allows us to distinguish the following functional areas (spheres) of logistics management: procurement logistics; production logistics; distribution logistics; transport logistics; inventory logistics; warehousing logistics; service logistics; information logistics.

In the process of material flow management, logistics solves such problems as:

1. forecasting traffic volumes;

2. determination of optimal volumes and directions of material flows;

3. organization of warehousing;

4. organization of packaging, transportation.

The tasks of logistics are very diverse and are determined by the ultimate goal of logistics management given below. Their classification and examples are given in Table. 3

There are so-called "six rules of logistics", which describe the ultimate goal of logistics management:
1. Cargo - the right product.
2. Quality - the required quality.
3. Quantity - in the required quantity.
4. Time - must be delivered at the right time.
5. Place - to the right place.
6. Costs - from minimal cost.

Table 3

Classification and examples of tasks solved in logistics

Global General Private
1. Achieving the maximum effect of the functioning of drugs with minimal costs 1. Creation of an integrated system of regulation of MP and IP 1. Reducing the level of insurance stocks
2. Development of ways to control the movement of goods 2. Reducing the time of storage of products in stocks
2. Modeling of drugs and conditions for their reliable operation 3. Definition of strategy and technology for the physical movement of goods 3.Shorten transportation time
4. Development of a system for accounting and analysis of logistics costs 4. Determination of the optimal number of warehouses in the served area
5. Implementation of a quality system at the enterprise 5.Search, selection of suppliers
6. Forecasting the volume of production, transportation, demand, etc. 6.Organization of acceptance, unloading, storage of MP
7.Identification of the imbalance between needs and opportunities 7. Increasing the current level of customer service
8.Organization of pre-sales and after-sales customer service 8.Choose the location of the outlet
9.Design and optimization of the structure of automated warehouse complexes 9.Short-term increase in LAN power
10. Introduction of MRP, JIT motion control systems and their modifications 10. Elimination of unproductive areas
11. LC capacity planning 11.Place orders
12. MP control 12.Selecting the type of reseller
13. Coordination of activities of various departments of enterprises 13. Choice of mode of transport for the carriage of goods
14.External and internal integration 14. Choice of transportation route
15. Development of a logistics strategy 15. Registration of a foreign trade transaction

The main tasks of the logistics service:
1. Development, formation, reorganization of drugs.
2. Development and implementation of the logistics strategy of the enterprise.
3. Internal and external logistics integration:
1) the formation of interactions, harmonious and productive working relationships between employees of various functional units that would ensure the achievement of the goal of the LS, the organization of their joint work;
2) coordination of activities in the functional areas of logistics at the enterprise and in the LC.
4. Management of MP and associated flows, starting from the formation of contractual relations with the supplier and ending with delivery to the buyer of the MP.
5. Logistics reengineering.

On fig. 4 shows one of the possible options for implementing the logistics approach to the organization of the MP management system.

Rice. 4 A possible variant of the implementation of the logistics approach to the organization of the MP management system at the enterprise

Basically, to build organizational structure logistics management at an enterprise, one of the typical management structures can be used: linear, functional, matrix, divisional, etc. In fact, there are a wide variety of options for organizing a logistics service at an enterprise, depending on the scale and specifics of the activities of specific companies (product range, technical complexity, the level of costs for the functional areas of logistics, etc.), on the degree of internal logistics integration achieved at the enterprise, on the market environment. They differ in the level of internal integration in the enterprise, the degree of centralization of logistics management, the organizational structure of the logistics service itself, the distribution and nature of powers between it and other departments, etc.


Most scientists and practitioners associate the successful implementation of economic reforms in Russia and other CIS countries with the possibilities and results of using classical market instruments at all levels of national economy management, among which logistics is not the last. However, as the experience of reforming the domestic economy has shown, these scientific disciplines, which have proven themselves in a stable economy to overcome periodic recessions, are not always successfully applied in our economy. Even where the mentioned tools receive limited

use, they are significantly modified in our conditions and in most cases do not provide the expected growth in production efficiency, which is contrary to the intention of the ongoing reforms.

The results of a study of real functions and tasks in structures of different levels in Russia, which form the basis of logistics systems, showed that the complexity of setting and solving such problems increases in proportion to the level and degree of integration of trade and intermediary structures, and sharply decreases as the informal management structure grows, and also the use of unproductive and anti-social, especially criminal, factors and sources of income and profit. Thus, it is expedient to use logistics, firstly, in a civilized, that is, socially efficient market economy, which develops mainly due to system-forming factors and in compliance with the state-legalized "rules of the game"; secondly, in large aggregated structures. Therefore, it can be argued that the use of logistics is most effective in a mixed economy, which most countries are guided by in the next century and which can serve as a basic model for the post-reform development of Russia and other CIS countries.

The use of logistics, even at the micro level, should focus mainly on a productive market with a creative, rather than destructive direction, then any solution to the problem of its effective use in the national economy in transition requires a critical assessment of ongoing reforms and the determination of a set of socio-economic, organizational and technical prerequisites in the process of such reform, without which the use of logistics in the national economy of Russia and the CIS countries is impossible or unproductive, that is, inappropriate. One group of such prerequisites is associated with the improvement of the environment, the other with the identification and use of adaptive reserves of the logistics systems themselves, depending on the state of the external environment, which for the normal functioning and development of logistics systems at all levels should be improved in three main directions:

With the help of recommendatory norms and methods, mainly of an indicative nature (rational models of organization and planning of material and financial flows, preparation teaching materials advisory and informational nature, etc.);

· through state regulation using an arsenal of indirect methods of managing the spheres of production and circulation;

· using a science-based privatization policy of structures through which the state can directly manage individual infrastructure elements in order to create a healthy competitive environment for logistics systems.

The improvement of the socio-economic background is considered to be the development of industries and activities of the production infrastructure, non-tariff regulation of foreign trade, the development of normal directions of cargo flows based on optimal schemes for attaching consumers to suppliers and the establishment of rental relations for their compliance by supply counterparties, the development of standards and specifications on product quality, strict state control over compliance with the rules of the "market game" by all participants, the creation of a single information space with the widespread use of modern computer technology and information technology.

To the socio-economic and organizational and technical prerequisites that identify and use the internal reserves of local logistics systems different levels and degree of integration include:

1) development and implementation of capable indicators and criteria that allow an objective assessment of the state of commodity and material flows at various stages of their movement;

2) restructuring of the internal organizational structure of logistics systems;

3) increasing the level of customer service of logistics systems by reorienting them from a limited function of meeting the demand for labor tools to a new form of activity to meet the specific needs of consumers;

4) more efficient internal use of modern computer facilities and modern information technologies;

5) the use of more advanced methods for assessing the economic efficiency of logistics systems, including using the efficiency coefficients of the autonomous effect of any innovations.


Meshkova L. L., Belous I. I., Frolov N. M. Logistics in the field of material services. 2002.

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There are many definitions of the concept of "logistics", which indicates the ignorance of all sides and depths of its concept. On the other hand, the simultaneous existence of several definitions provides a more complete understanding of the nature, content and importance of this field of activity. In this connection Let's take a look at the most used her concepts.

Logistics is the supply to a specific consumer of the required product of the appropriate quality in the required quantity at the specified place and at exactly the appointed time at an affordable price.

Logistics is an effective organization, planning, management and control over stocks of primary material resources (raw materials), semi-finished products, components, final finished products and spare parts for these finished products.

This definition focuses on the formation of inventories of material and technical resources.

Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and monitoring the efficiency of the flow and storage of inventory and inventory.

The emphasis, as we see, is on the movement and storage of resources. Movement requires the choice of modes of transport, methods of transportation, the direction of goods flows, including our own vehicles. Moreover, often the choice between one's own capabilities and hiring a transport is a very difficult task that requires taking into account various economic factors.

In turn, the organization of storage involves accounting for the number of goods, their size, volume, design, type. Accordingly, warehouses are created that have the necessary equipment and handling vehicles, taking into account the volume of orders for material resources and final finished products, the timing of orders and other circumstances.

These concepts of logistics refer to Western terminology. In our country, a slightly different interpretation of logistics has been adopted.

Logistics is the planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and materials to a manufacturing enterprise, in-plant processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with his interests and requirements, and as well as the transmission, storage and processing of relevant information.

Purpose of logistics: achieving the greatest efficiency of the company, increasing its competitiveness.

Main tasks: improvement of goods circulation management, creation of an integrated effective system of regulation and control of material and information flows, ensuring high quality of product delivery.

Object of study and management in logistics are the material flows that are the main ones. Accompanying flows are informational, financial and service.

Subject the study of logistics is the optimization of resources in a particular economic system while managing the main and associated flows.

Logistics includes: purchasing logistics associated with the provision of production with materials; production logistics; marketing logistics (marketing or distribution). Transport logistics and information logistics are associated with each of the listed logistics.

Objects of study

The main objects of research in logistics are:

  • chain;
  • system;
  • function;
  • information flow;
logistics operation

This is a separate set of actions aimed at transforming the material and information flow. Such an operation is specified by a set of initial conditions, environmental parameters, alternative strategies, characteristics of the objective function.

Logistics chain

This is a linearly ordered set of physical and legal entities(manufacturers, distributors, warehouse managers, etc.) who carry out logistics operations, including those with added value, to bring the material flow from the supplier to the consumer.

Logistics system

This is an adaptive feedback system that performs certain logistics operations and has developed links with the external environment. It is considered as physical objects - industrial enterprises, territorial production complexes, trading enterprises, infrastructure of the economy of a particular country. At the same time, a logistics system is distinguished with direct connections (material flow is brought to the consumer without the participation of intermediaries on the basis of long-term economic relations) and echeloned (multi-cascode, multi-level system in which the material flow on the way from the manufacturer to the consumer passes through at least one intermediary).

Logistic function

This is an enlarged group of operations, but directed towards the implementation of the goals of the logistics system, with the values ​​of indicators being its output variables. The logistics function includes: procurement, supply, production, marketing, distribution, transportation, warehousing, storage, inventory.

material flow

These are products subjected to various logistics operations - transportation, warehousing, storage, loading and unloading. The material flow has a dimension in the form of volume, quantity, mass and is characterized by rhythm, determinism and intensity.

Information flow

This is a set of messages circulating in the logistics system, between it and the external environment, necessary for management and control. The information flow can exist in the form of a workflow or an electronic document and is characterized by the direction, frequency, volume and speed of transmission. In logistics, horizontal, vertical, external, internal, input and output information flows are distinguished.

Logistics costs

This is the cost of doing logistics operations(warehousing, transportation, collection, storage and transfer of data on orders, stocks, deliveries). In terms of their economic content, such costs partially coincide with the costs of production, transportation, delivery of products, storage, costs of sending goods, packaging, etc.

Supply chain and service logistics

Based on the practice of industrial and economic activities of industrial enterprises and intermediary organizations, we can conclude that any company manufactures goods and at the same time provides various kinds of services. In this regard, a two-part definition of logistics has been adopted, reflecting the two main types of its activities - supply chain logistics and service logistics.

Supply chain logistics. This is a traditional process that reflects the organization of accumulation (warehousing, storage, stockpiling) and distribution (transportation, distribution channels, sales networks) of industrial and consumer goods.

It is the main organizational element in manufacturing process and in the distribution of products. The classical supply chain can be represented as following form: source of primary material resources (raw materials) - transportation (loading and unloading) - production of products (industrial enterprises) - transportation (loading and unloading) - warehousing (storage) - sellers (distribution centers) - end consumers (organizations and individuals).

Service logistics. It is the process of coordinating the intangible activities necessary to carry out the service. Its effectiveness is determined by the level of satisfaction of the requirements of the buyer, the cost of it.

Service logistics is a decisive factor in the activities of organizations providing various kinds of services. A service infrastructure must be established to coordinate and meet customer requirements. In manufacturing industries, service logistics is a relatively minor factor that has a limited impact on profits and competitiveness.

Comparative characteristics of supply chain logistics and service logistics

Supply Chain Logistics Service logistics
Sales forecasting Service forecasting
Determination of sources of raw materials and materials Establishment potential clients and partners
Planning and organization of production Organization of work of personnel and equipment
Delivery of materials Collection of information
Inventory Management Data processing
Storage of raw materials and materials Training
Processing orders of various consumers Determining the requirements of potential customers
Choosing a Rational Distribution System Formation of a network of service channels
Warehousing of goods Data storage
Distribution control Communication control
Implementation of transportation Planning and regulation of time
Formation of an acceptable product price Formation of an acceptable cost of services

The main thing that distinguishes services from tangible goods is that the service itself does not exist. Material resources in the form of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products can be consumed or be inactive. A service, on the other hand, needs an object as a source of work. It can be a person or a technical device. Services do not have specifications, they are intangible, and their quality is assessed based on the results of the work carried out.

At the same time, services are classified according to several criteria: source of work - using technical means(various repairs) and the lack of tools (for example, consultations); relationship with the consumer - mandatory presence (for example, medical care) or absence (the same repair); type of consumer - organizations or individual consumers.

Distribution levels

Before considering global systems, let's dwell on the levels (positions) of distribution in logistics (on the example of consumer goods). These are suppliers of primary material resources (raw materials), manufacturers of semi-finished products, final finished product, information Center, logistics platforms (warehouses), wholesalers or retailers, final individual consumers. Let's take a closer look at each level (position).

Suppliers supply various types of raw materials (mineral, artificial, agricultural), fuel and energy resources, a certain range of basic and auxiliary materials, i.e. processed or partially processed raw materials.

Manufacturers of semi-finished products produce basic and auxiliary materials, forgings, stampings, castings, components. Manufacturers of the final finished product manufacture, including assembly, goods for industrial or consumer purposes.

The data center is the only level in the distribution where there is no physical movement of resources and products. It processes customer orders for goods and conducts office work, collects reference information, monitors regulatory data governing logistics processes, analyzes operational information on the movement of products in the distribution system, and on the basis of this, goods movement processes are adjusted.

Logistic platforms are divided into intermediate (sorting), transport and warehouses at points of sale of goods. Wholesalers or retailers sell products through a chain of stores. The final individual consumer purchases finished products for home, family or personal consumption.

Global Systems

American system

The basis of the American system is the relationship "resources - production." The opinion of the individual consumer about the product (quantity, quality, design, reasonable price) is clarified by the manufacturer of the finished product. He collects data by mail, telephone, questionnaires and observation at the point of sale. At the same time, the information and production logistics chain looks like in the following way: an individual consumer - a manufacturer of a finished product - a manufacturer of semi-finished products - a supplier of raw materials (feedback in the logistics chain). Further, a direct production connection is carried out: from the supplier of raw materials to the individual consumer.

The advantage of the American system is that an efficient balance is reached when the number of goods produced matches the number of potential consumers—supply and demand match. Another advantage is that the option of storing large stocks of finished products and, accordingly, stocks of intermediate products - semi-finished products and primary material resources - is excluded.

The disadvantage is that the manufacturer's forecast, despite the marketing research potential consumers may not be justified, since due to certain circumstances (changes in fashion, increased competition), it is possible to change the opinion of an individual consumer. Then the supply-demand balance is disturbed, and the produced goods may not find a consumer.

European system

Stocks are the backbone of the European system. Here the trader finds out the opinion of individual consumers about the product. Otherwise, the production procedure and information-production relations (both direct and reverse) are identical to the American system (the wholesaler and retailer acts as the initial position of the reverse logistics relationship, instead of the manufacturer of the finished product).

The advantage of the European system is that it allows the individual consumer to purchase the necessary goods (from the offered choice) in practically unlimited quantities, since the system is built on stocks of finished products in a wide range of each manufactured type.

The disadvantage of the European system is the presence of significant stocks of products, which leads to the cost of their storage (preservation and re-preservation, maintaining a strict regime of specified temperature values, compliance with humidity standards, various kinds of preventive maintenance), and hence additional storage costs. In this regard, it should be noted that experts have long come to the conclusion that the freezing of financial resources in material and technical resources is unprofitable.

To meet the various needs of intermediate and final consumers of products, the American system provides for the production of goods based on predicted demand. The European system is based on providing the consumer with a certain choice of products in the presence of significant storage volumes.

Japanese system

The Japanese system is fundamentally different from the American and European both in the approach to the problem of production and in its implementation. Its basis is the order. Neither the manufacturer nor the seller find out the opinion of the end consumer about the product. Thus, there is no relationship “manufacturer-seller”. The end consumer himself appears at the seller, and the order for the goods comes from him. In this case, the seller must satisfy the buyer's requests by providing him with exactly the goods that he requested.

It is noteworthy that in the Japanese system, the information and production chain of logistics “end consumer - supplier of raw materials” is completely opposite: “supplier of raw materials - end consumer”. Its distinguishing feature is that the manufacturer of the final finished product is constantly in a state of waiting for an order from the consumer. There is no production forecast in the system, and the manufacturer of the finished product is based on the opinion of the end user expressed in the order.

The advantage of the Japanese logistics system is maximum flexibility both when ordering a finished product, and when ordering semi-finished products and primary material resources. The end consumer does not choose a product from the proposed range, but orders an individual product in accordance with his taste and requirements.

The disadvantage of the Japanese system is that the manufacturer is constantly waiting for an order for the manufacture of a specific product and, having received it, proceeds to its implementation, which takes a certain time. If in the USA and Europe the end consumer does not expect the product, but quickly acquires it (although not always the one that is required by the individual buyer), then in Japan he expects an order, moreover, he additionally pays for the urgency of execution. Nevertheless, Western experts believe that the future of logistics is in the Japanese system.

Main tasks

Merchandising is complicated by the choice of means of transport. Marine vessels of significant displacement, road, rail, aviation, and pipeline transport are used. The choice of options for warehousing and storage of material and technical resources in ports, at regional bases and points of sale, systems for distributing goods to small shops, organizing sales, managing merchandise distribution, the ratio of optimal stocks of raw materials, semi-finished products, components, finished products and spare parts depends on the transport used. parts in warehouses of various levels. All this puts before producers and transport companies certain tasks.

Ultimately, all operations for the transportation, warehousing and storage of products and raw materials should be reduced from the standpoint of logistics to minimizing costs at each of these stages. Cost minimization involves taking into account the entire complex of information flows (normative, reference, operational and analytical data) that provide the solution of specific problems with the help of computerization.

The infrastructure in the economic sphere, which is developing at a fairly significant pace, in turn gives rise to new tasks and problems that need to be solved at minimal cost at all levels of commodity circulation. Therefore, a whole scientific direction of logistics has arisen, including macrologistics (optimization of goods movement on the scale of the regional, international and other markets) and micrologistics (organization of goods movement at a separate enterprise).

Logistics in this sense is considered as mathematical logic, which has a number of applied areas that implement tasks in certain areas of the economy, technology, management and marketing.

Logistics, developing methods of minimization and optimization in each of its links in the overall chain, forms specific provisions, programs and standards for production, transportation, shipment, warehousing and storage, distribution. These developments are prepared for each distribution system: manufacturer, intermediary, various service providers, retailers and wholesalers.

It can be said that logistics currently acts both as a science and as a practice covering all areas of activity in the production, distribution, distribution and consumption of products. The main goal of logistics is the uninterrupted provision of the growing needs of the population at minimal cost.

Industrial enterprises producing goods for industrial and consumer purposes, and enterprises providing services, as a rule, solve the following main tasks in the field of logistics that ensure their business: formation of a goal (goals); planning and forecasting; formation of capacities and stocks; acceptance of orders and responsibility for its implementation; equipment operation and inventory turnover, optimal use of the distribution network to comply with the law.

Successful management of logistics in an enterprise requires careful coordination of the movement and storage of material resources, an interest in the development and industrial packaging of materials. These two areas deserve special attention. The processing of material resources prior to warehousing and storage operations requires not only special equipment, but also significant financial costs. For example, deep freezing of food products, a special mode of their storage are associated with high energy costs. Accordingly, strategic stocks of material and technical resources are needed, the shelf life of which is calculated in years, as well as funds for their preservation and conservation.

Industrial packaging of materials, as well as their processing, also requires significant material (packaging materials), technical (special equipment), labor and financial costs. In addition, the type and type of packaging (containers, refrigerators) have a significant impact on further transportation and storage operations, loading and unloading. Depending on the type of packaging, the area and height of storage facilities, as well as storage equipment, etc. are used to the maximum.

Topic 1. general characteristics logistics and factors of its development

“Suggested material study guide divided into 11 topics and dedicated to logistics - the science of managing flow processes in a market economy. The sequence of presentation of the material allows you to get an idea of ​​the main functional

areas of logistics, logistics methods of "consolidated" management of material flows.

In the planning of logistics systems, the main thing is the creation of new business opportunities that provide the possibility of an organization / enterprise, taking into account the constant search for the optimal development strategy based on special mechanisms for its implementation.

Logistics objects - material, financial, information flows and service flows on the way from the primary

source to the end consumer. The main objectives of the discipline: the study of the conceptual apparatus; mastering the principles and methods of logistical knowledge of organizations / enterprises as complex artificial systems; consideration of possibilities

application of the theory and methodology of logistics in enterprises, etc.

Logistics as a discipline in the system of training economists and managers is associated with the following disciplines: philosophy,

economic theory, management, organization theory, development of managerial decisions, enterprise economics, marketing, statistics, computer science, etc.”

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Topic 3 The concept of logistics 3.1. The concept of logistics and its main provisions The concept of logistics (CL) is a system of views on improving the economic activity of an enterprise or group of enterprises by rationalizing the management of material flows. CL

Question 1. "Development of logistics as a science and its practical implementation"

Logistics (from the Greek “logistike”) is the art of calculating, reasoning.

The history of the emergence and development of logistics goes back to the distant past. During the period of the Roman Empire, there were servants who bore the title of "logists" or "logistics" - they were engaged in the distribution of food.

According to a number of Western scientists, logistics has grown into a science thanks to military affairs. So the French specialist of the beginning of the 9th century. Antoine Jomini argued that logistics includes such a wide range of issues as planning, management, supply, determining the location of troops, as well as the construction of bridges, roads, etc.

There is also a mathematical direction of logistics. So in 1904, at a philosophical conference in Geneva, the term "logistics" was assigned to mathematical logic.

Under the influence of various factors, logistics gradually began to move from the military field to the sphere of economic practice. Initially, logistics was formed as a theory of inventory management in the sphere of circulation, and then production.

Logistics also developed in Russia. As early as the beginning of the 20th century. Petersburg professors of communications published a work called " Transport logistics"- on its basis, models for the transportation of troops, their provision and supply were built, these models received practical use when planning and conducting a number of companies of the Russian army during the First World War.

In the 60s. 20th century The economic direction of logistics begins to develop.

At the end of the 70s. in Leningrad, a logical technology for the interaction of various modes of transport within the transport hub was developed. The concepts of domestic scientists were studied by Western experts. At present, they form the basis for the development of the Unified European Transport System of the EU countries.

Question 2. "Logistics in the economy"

In economics, logistics means Practical activities associated with the organization, management and optimization of the movement of material flows (raw materials, goods, semi-finished products) and related flows (information and financial) from the source of raw materials to the end consumer.

Let's trace the movement of the material flow from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer. To do this, consider a scheme for the movement of raw materials, and then the goods, from the mining enterprise through its processing, a network of wholesale depots and stores to the end consumer (see the figure below).

To control the movement of the material flow, it is necessary first of all to consider various ways of influencing the material flow.

1) Choice of vehicle for the transport of goods.

2) Selection of the optimal route for the transportation of raw materials from the mining enterprise to the processing enterprise, and from there to the wholesale warehouse and stores.

3) Determination of the optimal level of stocks in the warehouse of raw materials and finished products.

4) Choice of quantity and territorial location of wholesale depots.

5) Determination of the optimal size of packaging of finished products, etc.

main goal optimal control of the movement of material flow is to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise due to:

1) Reducing the cost of moving goods

2) Optimization of stocks along the entire route

3) Reducing the time it takes for goods to pass from the primary source to the consumer

4) Improving the quality of customer service

Question 3. "Factors that determined the development of logistics as an economic science"

The need to use logistics is explained by a number of reasons, among which two main ones can be distinguished:

1) Reaching the limit of production efficiency - before the beginning of the 60s. 20th century in developed countries market economy manufacturers and consumers did not attach much importance to the creation of a special system to optimize the management of material flows. Such a lack of attention to this important area of ​​material production was explained by the fact that the main potential for competitiveness was created during this period by expanding and improving production itself.

However, by the early 1960s the reserves for increasing this potential were practically exhausted, which necessitated the search for non-traditional ways to create competitive advantages. Entrepreneurs began to pay attention not to the product itself, but to the quality of its delivery. Cash invested in the sphere of distribution began to influence the position of the supplier in the market much more than the same funds invested in the means of production. In logically organized in material-carrying chains, the s/s of the goods delivered to the final consumer turned out to be lower than the s/s of the same product that passed along the traditional path.

2) The energy crisis of the 70s. - the increase in the cost of energy carriers forced entrepreneurs to look for ways to increase the efficiency of transportation, and it is impossible to effectively solve this problem only by rationalizing the work of transport. Here, coordinated actions of all participants in the logical process are necessary.

Conclusion: the use of logistics became possible due to the introduction of computer technologies that made it possible to monitor and manage material flows at all stages of movement.

Question 4. "Stages in the development of logistics as an economic discipline"

In the modern economy, there are three stages of improving logistics:

1) 60s - characterized by the use of logistics to manage material flows in the sphere of circulation

For this period, it is possible to understand two key provisions:

A) Separate material flows during storage, reloading from one mode of transport to another, transportation, can be linked by a single control system.

B) Such integration can give a significant economic effect.

At the first stage of development of logistics, transport, a transshipment terminal, a warehouse began to work according to a single schedule, using a single technology, for a single economic result. The container in which the cargo is shipped is selected taking into account the transport used, in turn, the characteristics of the transported cargo determine the choice of transport, etc. An example of such integration is the development of transport technological systems. In maritime transport, this is due to the emergence of specialized vessels (container carriers, timber carriers, packet carriers; specialized transshipment complexes, warehouse equipment).

2) 80s. – during this period, logistics spread in the same way and to the production process.

From the point of view of the development of logistics, the 80s. are characterized by:

Centralization of physical distribution

· Long-term planning in the field of logistics

Sharp reduction of stocks in material-carrying chains

A clear definition of distribution costs

Identification and implementation of measures to reduce the cost of promoting goods

The use of logistics in production allowed to reduce stocks, improved the quality of service due to the timely fulfillment of orders, and improved the use of equipment.

3) It is currently being implemented and is characterized by the full integration of all elements of the logical material flow.

An important factor which made it possible to combine all stages of the material flow from raw materials to finished products and beyond, is the development of communication technologies based on global computer systems. Currently, the area engaged in the provision of services in the field of logistics is developing.

Topic 2 "Basic concepts and terms of logistics"

Question 5: "Material flow, its meters"

The main object of research, management and optimization of the logistics process is the material flow.

Material flow - goods, goods considered in the process of applying various operations to them and related to a time interval.

Operations - unloading, transportation, sorting, storage, etc.

The dimension of the material flow is a fraction, in the numerator of which the unit of measurement of the cargo is indicated (pieces, tons), and in the denominator the unit of measurement of time (day, month, year)

The qualitative composition of the flow changes as it moves along the chain. At the beginning between the source of raw materials and the I processing enterprise, as a rule, mass homogeneous cargoes move:

Raw oil;

Iron ore;

Grain, etc.

At the end of the chain, the material flow is provided by goods ready for consumption: gasoline, sugar, flour, etc.

Between individual industries, shops move various parts, semi-finished products.

In order to control the material flow, it is necessary to know its characteristics and dimensions.

Material flow meters:

Weight of cargo or number of pieces, volume, type of cargo;

Transport distance (km, miles)

Direction of travel (place of departure and destination)

Partionality - the mass or number of pieces of cargo to be sent at a time, on one vehicle, in one direction (for example, material flow during transportation on a given sea vessel when working between certain points = 60 thousand tons / year);

Time of movement and time of parking at transshipment points or stocks in production.

Question 6: “Macro and micro logistics. Logistics chain and logistics costs»

Logistics as well as the economy is divided into macro and micro levels.

Macrologistics - solves the issues of managing material flows belonging to several industrial, commercial, transport enterprises located in different regions or countries.

Micrologistics - affects local issues within a single enterprise.

An important concept of logistics is the concept of "logistics chain" - a sequence of stages in the passage of the material flow from the source of raw materials to the consumption of finished products.

The logistics chain consists of links. The main links of the logistics chain include:

Supply of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products;

Storage of raw materials and products;

Production of goods;

Sending goods from the warehouse of finished products to the consumer, etc.

Each operation to promote the material flow corresponds to certain costs that are incurred by specific links in the logistics chain - the enterprise. Because these costs are referred to the sphere of logistics, they are called logistics costs. These include:

Shipment / unloading operations;

Transportation and forwarding of goods;

Cargo storage;

Collection, storage and transfer of information about the cargo;

Settlements with suppliers and buyers;

Cargo insurance;

Customs clearance cargo, etc.

The size of logistics costs depends on the field of activity:

In industry, 10-15% of the total cost of production and sales of products;

In trade 25% and above.

Question 7: "Classification of material flows"

Material flows are formed as a result of the activities of various enterprises and organizations. At the same time, the following enterprises and organizations play a key role in their management:

1. Transport enterprises and forwarding companies;

2. Wholesalers;

3. Intermediary organizations;

4. Manufacturers (including warehouses of raw materials and finished products, which perform a variety of logistics operations).

Material flows can be classified according to several criteria:

I. In relation to the logistics system:




Day off.

External- takes place in an environment external to the enterprise. At the same time, not all flows are meant, but only those that have something to do with this organization. For example, the flow of raw materials to the processing plant will be external until it is delivered to its warehouse. Upon receipt at the warehouse and movement within the enterprise, this flow will be internal for this enterprise. When entering the enterprise, it will be called incoming, and after processing and delivery from the warehouse of finished products - going out.

II. Quantitative sign:




Mass flow- when it is transported by several vehicles (railway train, several dozen cars)

Large streams- several wagons, cars.

Average flows- single wagons, cars.

shallow streams- the amount of cargo is insufficient to load one vehicle.

III. By specific gravity:

Heavy (metals, ore, etc.);

Lightweight (woods, tobacco, etc.).

IV. By cargo consistency:

Bulk cargo flows;

Liquid cargo flows;

General cargo flows.

Bulk - transported without containers (timber, grain, coal, etc.)

Bulk - oil and oil products, liquefied gas, wine, etc.

General - in containers, containers, boxes. Metals and technology also belong to them.

Question 8: "Methods for predicting the volume of material flow"

It is often necessary to determine the volume of material flow in the coming period in order to make a decision on expanding or curtailing activities, forecasting the income / expenses of an enterprise.

The simplest and most common is the method of extrapolating the volume of the material flow.

Suppose we know the volume of the flow of goods passing through the wholesale warehouse over the past few years. Based on these data, it is possible to determine the development of cargo traffic for a short period.

There are several extrapolation methods. Two of them:

1. According to the average level of the series of dynamics.

2. According to the average growth rate of the series.

Known data on the scope of supply with wholesale warehouse tiles and ceiling tiles in eight months, determine the area (S) of tiles and ceiling tiles to be ordered for the next month. See the data in the table.

The dynamic series of tile sales does not have a sufficiently pronounced trend of change, its levels fluctuate around the average value. Therefore, the forecast will be equal to this average value. This method is an extrapolation by the average level of the series of dynamics.

Yk= (2320+2370+2400+2340+2320+2350+2370+2360)/8=2353.75 m^2

The time series of ceiling tile sales has a steady upward trend, so its extrapolation can be determined by the average rate of change:

Where Yn+1 is the predicted volume of material flow, Yn is the volume of material flow for the last period, K is the average rate of change in the volume of material flow.

K=n-1√Yn/Yo (2)

Yo - initial volume of material flow

n is the number of periods.

For ceiling tiles K=1.033. Therefore, the S of the ceiling tiles to be ordered next month is:

Y=Y8*1.033=1510*1.033=1560 m^2

After determining the forecast values, it is necessary to calculate the possible forecast error:

µ=±t√ D/n (3)

where D is the dispersion of the material flow volume:

D=∑(Yn – Yalign)²/n (4)

t is a coefficient, which for this case is equal to two.

For tiles, the possible forecast error is ±51, i.e. the confidence interval is 2353.75±51 and for the ceiling tiles the confidence interval was 1560±77.

Thus, using the methods discussed above, it is possible to determine the volume of material flow in the next period. These methods are the simplest. Their accuracy is not high enough, but they can be used for forecasting in the short term. More difficult is the creation of economic and mathematical models, with the help of which, based on statistical data, the factors influencing the change in the volume of material flow are analyzed.

Question 9: "The concept of a logistics system"

Before giving the definition of "logistics system", consider the general scientific concept of the system.

A system is an interconnected organized set of elements that has qualities that are not characteristic of its individual elements.

It follows from this definition that a certain set of objects will be a system only if the following properties are present:

1. Integrity and divisibility: the system consists of elements that act as a single whole, but at the same time it can be divided into subsystems and individual elements.

2. The presence of links between elements.

3. Organization. The system must be structured in a certain way.

4. Integrative qualities. The presence in the system of such qualities that are not characteristic of any of its elements.

To represent an object as a system, use systems approach. A distinction is made between internal and external environment systems, as well as input and output.

If there are material flows, then there is always some kind of commodity distribution (logistics) system.

Features and properties:

A) Elements of the logistics system:

transport companies;

Wholesale and retail;

Handling and transportation equipment, etc.

Moreover, the elements of the logistics system can be considered at the macro and micro levels.

B) Qualified personnel providing communications between individual elements.

At the macro level, the basis of communication is the contract, and at the micro level, the elements are connected by intra-production relations.

C) Relationships between elements are more or less ordered.

D) Qualities that no single element possesses individually: the ability to deliver the goods at the right time and place of the required quality and at minimal cost. Ability to adapt to changing conditions of the internal environment.

Question 10: "Types of logistics systems"

Logistics systems are divided into macro and micro logistics.

Macrologistic systems are formed at the state level (interstate relations).

Micrologistics systems are created at the level of enterprises (organizations) and are subsystems of macrologistics systems.

At the same time, the optimization criteria for macro and micrologistics systems are different: for an enterprise, the following are used as criteria for organizing its functioning in a market environment:

Minimum costs;

Maximum sales;

Gaining maximum market share and more.

In macrologistics systems, the optimization criteria are often:

Environmental goals;

Social Goals;

military targets.

Although the minimum cost criterion is used.

Depending on intermediaries (their presence) in the system for promoting goods, there are:

1. System with direct links: the material flow passes directly from the producer to the consumer, bypassing intermediaries. Rarely seen at present.

2. Layered system: has at least one intermediary.

3. Flexible logistics systems: the movement of material flow from the producer to the consumer can be carried out both directly and through an intermediary.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation