How I found a good job. The most correct rule. Where to quickly find a job or a part-time job


Hello! I promised a long time ago to write a post based on the comments on my first article titled "I Just Got Fired".

It was a great experience that will be very useful to me in the future. I enjoy writing and again I would like to thank you for reading my articles. I think that some of us are too obsessed with numbers and corporate big names, forgetting that we are all human beings first and foremost. After all, it's so simple. We have feelings and hearts, aspirations and desires, and we all want to achieve success not only in our professional but also in our personal lives. So why do we complicate things so much?

I am often asked the question: How did you manage to find a new job so quickly?"

Well, I'll tell you. And I hope this will resonate with those in the this moment is in search.

Step one. Send out your resume!

Make sure you have the qualifications for the position you are applying for. The more resumes you send out, the higher your chance of getting an interview. Perhaps some of you will think: "How banal!" You will be surprised how many people don't. Also, make sure that your resumes posted on the Internet portals contain the most up-to-date information. Nowadays, job search portals offer job seekers hundreds of useful tools, and 99% of them are free. Use all possible resources!

Step two. Go for an interview.

I LOVE interviews. I have been in the recruiting industry for three years now. During this time, I acquired the ability to talk for hours about human abilities and why this or that candidate should be hired. That is why it was not difficult for me to tell about myself.

Be confident. This is what you need first. Be proud of your achievements. Is it really unpleasant for someone to talk about themselves? This is something in which each of us certainly succeeded.

Be honest. First of all, I told my potential employer why I was fired from previous place. The job market is currently crowded and competition is high. If you yourself do not believe that you can get a job, the person who will conduct the interview will not be able to believe it either.

Prepare for the interview and ask as many questions as possible. Don't be afraid to openly discuss what interests you. Both parties must be fully aware of the prospects. That's what I was missing... Well, next time I'll be smarter. I will communicate with potential employers as openly as possible and try to find out as many details as possible. Be yourself! Let the interlocutor see your personality without embellishment.

Step three. Insist that this position is yours!

It's very simple, but very effective. At the end of the interview, be sure to ask about what happens next. Be bolder! A respectful and persistent attitude will serve you well. After all, in the end, you really are selling yourself. :) Tell us why you want this job. Let the potential employer know that you really want it and they should make a decision as soon as possible. You will certainly feel much better when you realize that you did your best.

Step four. Feedback. Don't forget to write thank you letters!

Email will allow you to do this very quickly. Thank everyone who participated in the interview. This will let people know that you are serious and that you really want to work with them.

Step five. Repeat until the end.

Finding a job is not an easy task. We all know this. Sometimes hands just drop, life seems unfair, and hope melts before our eyes. And I want to give up. But you can't. You just can't, that's all! When I moved to Los Angeles, it took me three whole months to find a job. And I tried hard again and again, until finally I got the long-awaited answer.

Do not give up! Keep hoping! The more resumes you submit, the more interviews you attend, the more offers you get, the more options you have. Feel this moment. Enjoy it. Learn useful lessons.

In the end, you will succeed! Of course, there is little new in my advice. This is a tried and tested method that really works. I was just trying to remind you that perseverance and perseverance, combined with good old-fashioned methods, can help you get a new job. I also advise you to apply the above techniques when organizing interactions with colleagues. Always be available.

I know that all those readers who are currently on the lookout may find a new job. Yes, yes, you can do it. I believe in you! And you must believe in yourself. That is my opinion. Of course, it is not the only correct one. Everything that I advised above, I checked on my own experience. This may be of use to you. Or maybe not. Dare! And please don't write negative reviews. I don't read them. Spend your energy on something else.

Katy Bruce,
Translation: Airapetova Olga

The fear of staying too long in the position of an idler and the desire to adequately provide for the family make us look for a new place as soon as possible. What scheme of action to choose in order to really quickly find a job?

Here are some really helpful tips.

Gotta hurry up slowly

You should not turn the employment process into a stressful situation. It may seem to you that excitement pushes you, helps you not to waste a single minute, but in reality everything is more complicated.

Stress mobilizes the body only at first, and then the resources are depleted, leaving only unhealthy anxiety.

If you want to find a job quickly, do not rush into battle immediately after getting your hands on work book. Let yourself switch. Take a break for at least a week, completely throwing thoughts about business out of your head.

AND - do not overwork running through interviews. It is better to prepare well for one prospective interview and come to it fully armed than to appear for three conversations in one day.

A positive attitude is required

Don't see the job search as a problem and don't feel like a flawed slave. Consider this stage as a stepping stone on the way to new activities, achievements, acquaintances.

Your sense of self- an important point. People are hired by other people, and they are guided not only by rational considerations.

You need to impress the employer as a confident, prosperous person, and not a confused loser.

Everything must have a system.

Get a file on your computer "How to quickly find a job." Make a plan for yourself.

Treat your job search how to project, which you will work on daily from such and such time to such and such (including legal breaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Outline for yourself the main points of the plan with specific and observable indicators of their implementation, for example:

  1. Write a solid universal resume and post it on all major job/employee search services.
  2. View the section "Work" in the city newspaper of announcements "Everything for everyone".
  3. Familiarize yourself with the vacancies available on the major sites of HeadHunter, (as well as in our resource).
  4. Post a job search ad on your social network page and ask your friends to repost it.
  5. Register with the employment center in order to receive benefits (at least for one month, the money is not superfluous) and study the electronic database of vacancies of the Employment Center.
  6. Choose 5 organizations of the city in which you would like to work, and contact them directly with an offer of your services.

Think broadly

When considering options, don't just look for what you already know. Many professions allow you to finish your studies on the go. Think about related fields.

If, for example, you worked as a Russian language teacher, try to get a job as a journalist or proofreader.

List all your hobbies in your mind. You have a great chance to combine business with pleasure.

Maybe, after thinking, you even decide to organize a small business of your own - for the production of wooden souvenirs, sewing dresses, making interior toys ....

small own enterprise does not always require large initial investments.

So, you can be congratulated on the status of an unemployed person. Whether you planned to quit or it happened unexpectedly is no longer important now. There is only one goal ahead - quick search new work. As statistics show, more than half of the unemployed spend on finding a new place that will be completely satisfied for more than a year. And the point here is not that there are fewer employers. The reason lies in common mistakes when searching for vacancies. To prevent this from happening, we present you quick and effective ways job search.

How to quickly get a job?

Left without a livelihood, do not panic. The time allotted to find something new is a great opportunity to rethink your skills and desires. Think about what you did not like in your previous position and what you would really like to do. As the proverb says, "Find a job that you love and you won't have to work a single day." Once you're in the right mood, get to work! Job search technology is that you will not bring the coveted position on a silver platter. To get a tidbit, you need to spend certain forces on it. Our tips will help you distribute them correctly:

The last and important touch to remember is the preparation for the interview. Your appearance must produce good impression about you. Arrive on time and be confident. Don't panic if a question takes you by surprise. Consider each of your answers and do not interrupt the interlocutor. Before going to large and reputable companies, practice your conversational skills at less significant firms. Remember that it is not you who needs the job, but the employer who needs you. Successful and fruitful searches!

Don't want to work for money? Well, that's an understandable desire.

If your ambitions are supported by worthy abilities, quality education and high level self-discipline, you will definitely be able to find a suitable vacancy.

The first stage - making inquiries

Start with reflections. To find high paying job:

  1. evaluate your professional data - what are you doing really well? what are your weaknesses?
  2. write a good and truthful resume (it’s pointless to come up with non-existent virtues, because getting into a reputable company is half the battle, you still need to stay on it);
  3. make a list of companies in the city where, in your opinion, you can get a decent salary (in case of an acceptable move, think more broadly);
  4. carefully check the prepared list.

Data validation

Pay special attention to the last point. It is possible that your ideas about the life of people of a particular profession are false. Directly contact one of the ordinary employees of each company you like and specify the real salary level. With social media, this is not difficult at all.

Opravdan and reverse process. Think about which of your acquaintances lives securely, and find out about their firm. Maybe they will even help you get a job, recommend you to their superiors.

Find and carefully read the list of the highest paying professions. Here is a statistical one to help you about the average earnings of Muscovites of various professions.

Think - depending on your qualifications - about employment in a commodity company, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in an IT company, in a bank. For a man who does not have a valuable education, a good solution would be to take courses in some in-demand working specialty - for example, a logging equipment operator. Sometimes such courses are held at the expense of the enterprises themselves.

The second stage is self-presentation

Selecting multiple options good vacancies, adapt your resume for each of them. Try to get references from former managers or "senior" colleagues.

An appeal to a large company is best done in the format of a phone call, followed by sending a resume to a specific employee. If you just send an email, it may well go unnoticed.

If you were not given a decisive refusal by phone, but you do not receive a response to the submitted resume, call back in 3-4 days and remind yourself.

How to show yourself as a serious candidate?

If you have an appointment, prepare very carefully. Think over the answers to all likely questions in advance, especially to the question about the purpose of the job search (an honest answer about “I want to earn a lot” will not work).

Pay attention to the appropriate dress code for the situation. At the meeting, do not try to immediately insist on a high salary. Such people, who can immediately receive a large salary, are not hired from the street.

Try not to praise yourself, but to prove your worth. Sociability should be not only a resume item, but also an obvious feature of yours when communicating with HR employees. Instead of praising your own initiative and creativity, diversify your resume with an appendix containing ideas for solving current company problems.

Stock up on patience. Confident in their leadership and organizational skills? Get a job as an ordinary sales manager, show talent in action and become a top manager in five years. It's the same in any other profession.

Improve constantly. To understand how good an employee you are right now, you can take a test that will show your chances for rapid career growth.

Despite the revival in the labor market, job seekers do not have to count on concessions when applying for a job. They continue to go through a tough selection. The correspondent of "Moskovsky Komsomolets" found out what awaits the graduate of the crisis year at the interview, and what is the overall situation on the labor market.

The status of a graduate of a prestigious university with a red diploma and work experience in the specialty is not a pass to a highly paid job. Refusal of a place can even be motivated by the fact that the applicant has the "wrong zodiac sign." With marital status, too, not everything is simple. In some companies, a girl with an unsettled personal life may be refused because she has "wind in her head." Married but childless are "rejected" because "the crisis is not the best time to keep employees on maternity leave."

At the recruiting agency, where the journalist came for an interview for the vacancy of a legal assistant, the girl was given to fill out a questionnaire, asked in detail about thesis and tested knowledge in English. Moreover, it was proposed not only to speak it, but also to write an essay on a legal issue using specific terms and turns. Without work experience, the skills turned out to be useless - the “applicant” was standardly promised to “call”.

According to personnel officers, an applicant without experience needs to include in the questionnaire at least recommendations from the supervisor and the organization where he did his internship. Career-oriented people start working in their specialty already at the 4th or 5th year, albeit for a penny, recruiters say. Of the foreign languages, English is more valued, while German and French will cost half as much on the labor market.

Work experience is of interest only in the specialty. The employer wants to see young specialist, who, while still studying at the university, began to immerse himself in the corporate environment. Appearance will also tell about it. Few employers make allowances for the non-standard appearance of the applicant.

Some managers are only interested in employed workers, and only by luring them away for a lot of money, the company will consider that it has acquired a valuable staff. Large companies, even experiencing financial difficulties, have not given up on open days and invite students from leading universities for internships. Others flatly refuse to recruit young professionals. During a break in employment, the employer will be more satisfied if the applicant did not just wait for a suitable vacancy, but completed some courses or traveled with the accumulated money. But if a person jumped every year from company to company, then this is more likely to alert.

The employer will not like the retrained applicant either. According to personnel officers, other specialties are mastered mainly by unskilled workers. The employer may think that you were not successful in the first profession, which means that you will not succeed in the second.

Recruiters call an ideal employee a woman 30-35 years old, who graduated from a prestigious university, with experience in large multinational companies. She must speak business English, have the connections to help the business, live close to the office, and be a single mother with one school-age child. The male candidate must have the same qualities, but be married or, in extreme cases, a hardened bachelor with high credit.

However, personnel officers console that a decent job can be found by being just a good specialist, fluent in the language and with a personal life that has taken place.

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