How to find out past life date of birth. Who were you in a past life: reincarnation. Gender and place of residence in a previous life


No one can prove the existence of the soul, but almost everyone believes in the existence of karma. When you do deliberately stupid things, it seems that some higher power is trying to stop you, and later you feel remorse.

It also happens that you try to help a stranger when he does not ask you to. All this esotericists call the influence of karma.


Karmic debt

Supporters of numerology (a system in which there is a mystical connection between numbers and physical objects) are sure that the fate of each person is predetermined, and you can find out by determining your karmic number. It directly depends on the full date of birth of a person. Knowing him, you will know your karmic debt.


There is nothing complicated in such a calculation, it is enough to know the date of birth and be able to add simple numbers: add the day of the month to the number of the birthday and add each digit of the year of birth.

For example: date of birth February 11, 2001. Then karmic number it is calculated like this: 11 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 16.

In addition to determining fate, this number also means karmic period. In this case, cardinal changes will occur in a person's life every 5 years.


Using this formula, calculate karmic debt won't be difficult. But how to decipher your destiny? To do this, we turn again to numerology, which explains what this or that karmic number means. You can also roughly determine who a person was in a past life.

First level

These people are destined to engage in ordinary earthly affairs. All attempts to change the world will not lead to anything good, so avoid self-digging.

Probably in a past life you committed a crime or betrayed loved ones. There will be many obstacles along the way. Reliable people will be hard to find.

You were a noble intriguer and now you are paying for your tricks. Don't get into intrigue. Avoid participation in political organizations, because this will not bring success. There may be difficulties in the family, mutual disrespect, quarrels.

In a past life you were a poor man with many bad habits. Now you will not be left alone, and in life and career you will be lucky.


Second level

These people will become role models, so they should pay attention to intellectual and physical improvement.

In a past life, you had wealth, but you acquired it dishonestly. Now you will have to develop in yourself philanthropy and fight against the constant hardships of life.

You've worked hard before and you've been faithful to one woman all your life. You have good karma and good luck in business. You rarely rest, but if you are even less lazy, you will succeed in all your endeavors.

In a past life you were an unhappy woman from working environment and engaged in theft. Now you are characterized by gullibility and kindness, which are used by others. Be careful.

Previously, you were a beautiful but very lonely woman. Now fate favors you. You can build a good career with due diligence.


In a past life, you were an artist and part of a strong family. If you do not do evil, your life path will be easy and happy.

You were a woman of noble blood, forced into marriage. Now you know how to learn from mistakes and not repeat past mistakes.

You happened to be a doctor who made fatal mistakes. There will be many disappointments in this life. People around will try to deceive you, so be careful.

He was a scientist or a representative of local authorities, but he did not achieve much success. Was in a happy marriage. Good luck will accompany you in business. Also optimism is added by the propensity for productive work and high intelligence.

In a past life, you committed suicide because of a loved one. Now you have a troubled fate. You want to resist not only society, but everyone you meet.

Previously, you were a dishonest businessman. Now you are waiting for a lot of tests. Dishonest people will be caught at every turn. Try to find a soul mate as soon as possible, otherwise you can suffer alone all your life.


Third level

Representatives of this level are destined to teach other people, to pass on their experience to them. Therefore, they need to spend a lot of time learning.

In a past life, you suffered from a serious addiction (alcohol or drugs), while being a representative of the creative profession. Now your happiness directly depends on your actions, so think not only about yourself, but also about the people around you.

You used to be an actor or a musician, but in this life you can become a famous public figure. But it's hard to hope for happiness in your personal life.

You were a traveler who never started a family. Now you have good chances to build a successful career. You have many friends and acquaintances, but stop sharing your plans with them, otherwise there will be no chance of success.

In a past life, you were a warrior who died in battle without having time to start a family. Now, until about 35 years old, you will struggle with difficulties, but then everything will work out. You will be able to become financially secure.


In a past life, you happened to be a stage star, but without happiness in your personal life. Now you are expected to be disappointed and betrayed by potential partners. The family may have problems with alcohol and drug addiction. Also, be careful not to lend money, as there is a high probability that they will not be returned.

Previously, you were a prison guard or a convict. Now you are destined to achieve everything in life on your own. Don't expect help from loved ones. With due effort, you can build a good career.

You happened to earn a reputation as a loving mother and a wonderful housewife, so karmic debts from a past life have not been preserved for you. Now you will have happiness in love affairs and many good friends.

In a past life, you lived without a break in a remote village and were engaged in agriculture. Now on your way there will be many problems, unreliable friends and difficulties in business.

You were a swindler or a gambler who was always lucky. In this life you have a powerful intellect, but poor health.


Fourth level

These people are destined for a special role - they must become spiritual leaders and mentors for many. Knowledge of the foundations of the universe, finding the meaning of life and helping others in gaining knowledge.

You were previously engaged in literary activities and were successful in love affairs. But in this life you are less lucky: problems with others, frequent lack of money. This is largely due to selfishness and unwillingness to make contact with people.

Being a charming woman in a past life, you managed to capture the heart of many men. Now you also enjoy success in society. However, your exposure to the evil eye, coupled with your love of boasting, constantly creates problems.

In a past life, you were a loving man who adored feasts. For this you were often beaten by your wife. Now you can count on success in any business, except for relationships with the opposite sex.

You have been executed before. Now you are atoning for past sins. There will be many difficulties along the way. The more you do good, the sooner you will clear karma.

In a past life, you survived the betrayal of your wife and loved to spend money on all sorts of nonsense. Now you are prone to cheating yourself, but this will only lead to problems and troubles. You have exceptional intuition.

You had a reputation for being a loser, but you were very benevolent and accommodating. In this life, at first it will not be easy, but it all depends on diligence and the desire to develop. With the right effort, you will succeed.

In a past life, you were everyone's favorite, and a heroic death only added respect. Now you have no problems in dealing with people. However, beware of an arranged marriage. Such a move will ruin your life.

The head of a sect, a monk or a hermit - that's who you were before. Now you love noisy events and always strive to go where there are a lot of people. Insincerity and betrayal come across on every path.

You were closely associated with weapons. In this life, you have a high intellect and are drawn to money. There are leadership qualities. You can succeed both in sports and in politics.

You have often performed in public and enjoyed great fame. In this life, success is of little concern to you. You strive for a calm and measured life.

If your karmic number does not exceed 10 or more than 49, then we have good news for you - astrologers consider such people to be free from karmic debts. This means that you yourself are the creator of your own destiny. Do good, work hard on yourself and you will succeed.

At all times, people have tried to predict fate and at least a little look into the future. This is how Buddhists connect the year of birth with a certain purpose in life. But representatives of numerology insist on the dependence of a person's fate on the exact time of his birth.

But can't a person be stronger than the twists of fate? After all, we always have a choice of how to act. What if it is character, perseverance and willpower that determine our success, and what is destined by fate is realized only when we resignedly go with the flow? How do you think?

We study the history of the Earth's civilizations in order to know our national past and, learning from mistakes, try not to repeat them again.

Why is it worth studying the history of the journey of your own soul? Many people who look into this subtle other world out of curiosity change beyond recognition. Someone discovers new skills, someone becomes aware of their own details of character and taste: they are transferred to us from the experience of past lives.

In any case, a person always strives to touch something secret and inaccessible, especially if this secret concerns knowledge about oneself.

Past life: myth or reality?

In the cultures of many peoples of the world, we find a mention that real life is not the finished path of a person. But only a link in the chain of endless rebirths of the human soul.

According to these ideas, the human soul does not perish and does not go to heaven. A moves into the body of a newborn child, cleansed of the memories of a previous life. Such returns (reincarnations), according to different ideas, can be from three to infinity.

According to Buddhists, the experience of the past life, adherence to religious dogmas and norms of human relationships is reflected in reincarnation.

In other words, a sinner and a dishonorable person after death can be reborn not even in the image of another person. And to become some kind of unpleasant creature (for example, a worm). Therefore, Indians try to respect all wildlife. And suddenly, in the form of a snake, you suddenly appear before you ... A recently departed mother-in-law?

In fact, sometimes many people discover behind them inexplicably where the knowledge from previously unfamiliar fields of science came from. Most often, this is explained by intuition, or they call it “déjà vu.” But this may be the remnants of knowledge accumulated over the years of a past life.

The ability to live, being aware of your past experience, major victories and defeats, allows you to accept yourself as you are, direct this knowledge to your advantage and go through real life more successfully.

Moreover, there are many practices that allow you to remember the previous reincarnations of the soul.

How to calculate who I was in a past life?

There are several ways to find out who you were in a past life. This is meditation, hypnosis, astrology. But such practices require special knowledge, the help of specialists. If you want to touch the secret of your past life on your own, at home, try to calculate your past life using the ancient teachings of numbers -.

The first such table was discovered by Egyptian civilization researcher Howard Karte. He opened to the world the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, and with it the sacred data compiled by the ancient priests.

Their tables and lists, with the help of which it was possible to learn about the past reincarnations of the soul, are not very simple. Howard and modern researchers have made them very simple so that each person can do the calculation themselves.

Determine gender

So, to determine who you were and what you did in a past life, you need to stock up on a pen, a piece of paper and follow the following instructions.

There is a high probability that in a past life you were a man or a woman, regardless of which gender you belong to now. In order to accurately determine this, you need to start the report with your own .

For example, you were born in September 1988. To calculate, you need to divide the year of birth by this ratio: 198-8. Next, we look in the table for the intersection of these numbers. We got U.

Write it down, or memorize it.

Below are two tables - male and female. We begin to look for our letter in the "male" table. To do this, in the parallel of the month of birth (we have September), we are looking for U.

If we don’t find it, then this letter will meet us in the “female” table and will mean that in a past life you were the fair sex. Our example in a past life was a man.

Profession, occupation

Having found your letter in the table, do not lose sight of it. See what axes it intersects with - “sign of the type of profession” and “type symbol”. We get B III. With the help of two new numbers, we can determine what you did in a past life.

In our case, the example was an artisan, a blacksmith, or a large factory worker.

Place of residence, purpose of a new life

Each of us at least once thought about what his purpose in this life is. Numerology can calculate such interesting details. Continue with the next count.
In the following table on the right we find the symbol of type (III) corresponding to us. In the cell corresponding to the symbol, we find the day of our birth.

The day is at the intersection of two new concepts - a place (for men and women is different) and a planet.

The seat number corresponds to the country in which you lived in your last reincarnation.

And the planet will tell you for what purpose you came to this world again.

Please note that your purpose concerns not only the way you live and work, but also relationships with people around you.

Try to accept the new information about your previous incarnation and come to terms with the goal of this reincarnation. It is always easier and happier to move along the path drawn by higher powers, because now you know exactly which path is open to you.

You can find out what your past life was like by your date of birth using simple numerological calculations. This will help to find out if you have, and also in what earthly incarnations your soul lived before.

How to find out who I was in a past life

If you believe in reincarnation, you will be interested to know who you were in a past life. This will help to understand why in the current incarnation you live just such a life, for what mistakes you pay.

The calculation is very simple: add up all the digits of your date of birth to begin with. If you, for example, were born on October 16, 1991: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28. Then look for the corresponding value in the list:

  • 4 - you were engaged in magic or science, studied esoteric teachings
  • 5 - everything related to chemicals and their interaction. Were a chemist or a perfumer, a pharmacist or created poisons
  • 6 - activity related to the musical field
  • 7 - built or designed buildings
  • 8 - studied astrology or astronomy. May have traveled a lot, guided by the stars, helping to create a map of the globe
  • 9 - were engaged in creativity, were a prominent figure in the field of art
  • 10 - had to do with working with animals
  • 11 - sinned decently. Breaking the law: stealing, killing, cheating
  • 12 - negative karma. They committed evil on a grand scale: they were engaged in terror, were a political criminal or an enemy spy
  • 13 - were in strict submission or imprisonment. Karma of a prisoner or slave
  • 14 - a heroic person with a tragic fate. Military
  • 15 - neutral karma of an ordinary person, unremarkable
  • 16 - were a representative of an aristocratic, noble and wealthy family
  • 17 - a sick person, exhausted, with financial problems and an unsettled personal life
  • 18 - medicine man or priest
  • 19 - a man who traveled half the world for scientific purposes
  • 20 - a very rich person who achieved success through hard work, not from the nobility
  • 21 - a man engaged in heavy physical labor
  • 22 - swindler and adventurer
  • 23 - a woman who made a living by needlework
  • 23 - a person close to God, a minister of the church
  • 24 - a hermit or a monk, a person leading an ascetic lifestyle
  • 25 - powerful ruler, head of state
  • 26 - an altruistic person who gave his life to serve people
  • 27 - discoverer
  • 28 - committed suicide
  • 29 - engaged in trade
  • 30 - creative person, poet or artist
  • 31 - actor
  • 32 - traveled a lot, but died tragically all alone, there were no close people in life
  • 33 - close to the ruler of the state, gray cardinal
  • 34 - a warrior who died in an unequal battle with the enemy
  • 35 - singer
  • 36 - a killer with a personality disorder or a mad scientist who experimented on people, or a sadist who tortured his wife
  • 37 - a person who sought solace in God - a monk or a hermit
  • 38 - sold the body for money: gigolo or prostitute
  • 39 - professional money player
  • 40 - contributed to history or science
  • 41 - popular bestseller or writer
  • 42 - famous culinary specialist
  • 43 - were executed for the crime
  • 44 - a historical villain who killed a huge number of people (example: Hitler)
  • 45 - a doctor who later became a scientist and made a grandiose discovery in medicine, which mankind has been using to this day
  • 46 - a man engaged in military service, a patriot and a hero
  • 47 - lived in a hermitage, led an almost primitive way of life
  • 48 - sold or produced weapons

Finding out who you were in a previous incarnation is quite interesting. But this fact may also be the answer to the question - what sins are you paying for in your current life. For example, if in a past life you became a suicide, now you are constantly under the yoke of difficult circumstances, killing your desire to live with your own hands.

It is important to understand what karmic lessons you need to go through in order to heal your soul and save it from suffering.

Watch a video about determining past lives by date of birth:

The task of the current incarnation

In the process of earthly life, your soul must work out and fulfill its destiny. You can also define tasks in the current life using .

The calculation method is as follows:

  • Write down your date of birth. 10/16/1991. - the last digit, in our example - one
  • We look at how many times the unit occurs in the date: in our example - 4 times. This means that in past lives you have already tried 4 times to fulfill your destiny, but could not do it.
  • Next, write down the numbers that are missing in the date of birth: 234578. The fewer there are, the further your soul has advanced in development. Tasks corresponding to these figures are also desirable to work out.

The meaning of the resulting numbers:

  • 9 - develop the physical body. Sports, medicine, any physical labor - suitable professions
  • 8 - your main task is to realize yourself in the family. Engage in raising children and building relationships with relatives. Professions: teacher, Social worker, a teacher in an orphanage, etc.
  • 7 is the best option for you - own business. You must learn how to make money and increase capital. Develop control over emotions and logic
  • 6 - you need to develop mercy and compassion. Suitable professions of a psychologist, narcologist, coach
  • 5 - engage in self-development, creativity. Your goal is to decorate the world and harmonize the space around you
  • 4- develop psychic abilities and intuition
  • 3 - you need to engage in spiritual development. You strive to acquire knowledge and bring it to the masses
  • 2 - you have a strong desire for knowledge, you strive to constantly learn and look for new sources of information. Your task is to study the laws of energy and engage in spiritual practices
  • 1 - you are endowed with Divine wisdom and love. It is important for you to become a source of love, strength and wisdom that you will share with others. Don't lie to anyone and try not to have any illusions
  • 0 - your soul needs constant cleansing from negativity and faith in God

Knowledge of karmic tasks will help you figure out which direction to move in life in order to benefit others and yourself.

It is likely that all the arguments about a past life would have remained just speculation, if not for the discoveries of psychologists. So during hypnosis sessions, many people began to speak in unknown languages ​​that had long been out of use, retell in detail the biography of a long-dead person, etc. All this suggests that we do not forget who we were in a past life, it's just that these memories go to a deeper level.

Why have information about who I was in a past life? Numerology - the science of numbers, claims that this will give a unique experience, allow you to understand yourself and find harmony.

How to determine past life by date of birth

How to determine past life by date of birth? Numerology provides for this a simple technique. You need to use it, get the number and determine the interpretation. To do this, use the table below:

Table 1. Symbol of birth.

Year of birth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
189 X W O T Z Y Q V U T
190 Z Y X W O T Z Y Q V
191 U T S X W V N Z Y X
192 P U T Z R W V U M Y
193 X W O T Z Y Q V U T
194 S X W V N Z Y X P U
195 T Z R W V U M Y X W
196 O T Z Y Q V U T S X
197 W V N Z Y X P U T Z
198 R W V U M Y X W O T
199 Z Y X W O T Z Y Q V
200 U T S X W V N Z Y X

Let's say you were born in May 1985. Then your year of birth corresponds to the symbol Y.

Table 2. Man.

Prof's figure
Month Sign of prof. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jan. C V T W Z X Y U
Feb. D R P S O M N Q
March B Y W Z V T U X
Apr. A O M P S Q R N
May D W U X T Y Z V
June C M R N Q O P S
July A U Z V Y W X T
Aug. B R P S O M N O
sept. B T Y U X V W Z
oct. A P N Q M R S O
Nov. C Y W Z V T U X
dec. D N S O R P Q M

Table 3. Woman.

Prof's figure
Month Sign of prof. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jan. A O M P S Q R N
Feb. C Y W Z V T U X
March D S Q M P N O R
Apr. B U Z V Y M X T
May C Q O R N S M P
June A Z X T W U V Y
July B O M P S Q R N
Aug. D X V Y U Z T W
sept. D N S O R P Q M
oct. B V T W Z X Y U
Nov. C S Q M P N O R
dec. A T Y U X V W Z

In our case, in a past life you were a man. The symbol Y is in the first table, at the intersection of the profession code D and the number 5. How to more accurately determine the past life by date of birth? Numerology offers an interpretation that will help you with this.

Interpretation of the received encoding

Numerology provides an interpretation of the previously obtained encoding. Based on it, you can determine the type of activity that was inherent in you in a past life.

A1 - manual worker;

A2 - intellectual activity (philosopher, thinker);

A3 - engineer, scientist, discoverer;

A4 - a worker with various liquids and chemicals (pharmacist, perfumer, chemist, etc.);

A5 - activities related to food preparation;

A6 - specialist in jewelry;

A7 - a profession related to medicine;

B1 - a worker in the field of logistics;

B2 - you worked with star charts, professionally engaged in astrology;

B3 - craftsman, blacksmith, who worked in conditions of low development of productive forces;

B4 - soldier, participant in major battles;

B5 - a man of art;

B6 - ship's carpenter, traveler, compiler of nautical charts;

B7 - architect, builder of religious buildings;

C1 - forester, shepherd;

C2 - a major leader (up to the head of state), finance minister, tribal leader, etc.

C3 - an employee of a large archive or library;

C4 - a poet, musician, dancer, in general, one who entertains noble people.

C5 - navigator, merchant.

C6 - theater or film actor, director, playwright, comedian, etc.

C7 - you moved away from people and lived in seclusion;

D1 - teacher;

D2 - editor, publisher, journalist;

D3 - you are actively engaged agriculture, it is quite possible that they were a prosperous farmer;

D4 - a traveling musician or artist, an active artist;

D5 - lawyer, judge, financier, big businessman or merchant.

D6 - scientist in the field of exact sciences.

D7 - an experienced speaker, performer of folk songs and dances.

In our case, in the past, you had a craving for finance and everything connected with it, and you also knew the legal sphere very well, which made it possible to achieve significant success in capital accumulation.

A test can answer a difficult question - who was I in a past life, what did I do and what lifestyle did I lead. Below are numerological tests about past lives and reincarnation.

In the article:

Quick test - who was I in a past life

Most of the tests about reincarnation are rather complex numerological manipulations. If the answer to the question about is only needed to satisfy curiosity, a simple test may be sufficient. In order to pass it, you need to know the date, month and year of birth. These figures must be summed up among themselves, and then reduced to a single-valued form.

Suppose we need to find out everything about the past life of a person who was born on August 28, 1996:

After carrying out simple arithmetic operations, it remains only to find the value of the number that resulted. One of the nine numbers will indicate several options for the direction of activity in a past life.

  1. - in any way you were connected with the world of art. Not the fact that they were one of the outstanding artists or writers. With a high probability, you were a wealthy person who could afford a luxurious library, an art gallery, or an outstanding collection of sculptures. With regard to work responsibilities, they were related to exact sciences- construction, mechanics, invention.
  2. - most likely, you acted in the interests of the state in which you lived in a past life. Perhaps you were involved in charity in any of its forms - you built a temple with your own money, for example. Your life could also be connected with stage performances - dancing or theater. True, the craving for the performing arts could remain a dream or a hobby.
  3. - you could be a teacher or speaker, as well as a military man. In any case, your success depended on the level of intelligence, knowledge in the chosen field, as well as the charm and ability to express your opinion. If you can boast of a developed intuition, most likely you were seriously interested in esotericism and magic in a past life.
  4. - your activity was connected with the exact sciences and inventions. You could be a mechanic, a physicist who created new devices and conducted experiments with them. Activities could be related to money. By the way, luck in money matters could stay with you after the transition to a new incarnation.
  5. - most likely, you were closely connected with the law. In a past life, a person who got this number could be a lawyer, judge or other representative of the law of the state in which he lived. In addition, he could be a traveling artist, perform in a circus or engage in trade.
  6. - your past life was dedicated to serving people. You were a doctor or a clergyman. The activity brought not only benefits to others, but also a good income. It is unlikely that you were a poor person. Perhaps you were a wealthy aristocrat who had every opportunity to help others.
  7. - curiosity is not just the main feature of your character. In a past life, you secretly studied alchemy or were a scientist. Perhaps you taught at one of the educational institutions the city in which they lived. Love for luxury could make you an apprentice jeweler, and a penchant for experimentation and a passion for delicious food - a cook.
  8. - career and high income were the main goals of your past incarnation. You have been involved in politics or have held a high and prestigious position as a representative of the law, such as a judge. Selling or renting real estate is another area in which you may have been involved in a past life.
  9. - your profession was related to fashion or art. You could be a tailor or a jeweler, or maybe you were the daughter of a rich man who led a secular lifestyle. Your family was famous and rich, it owned an expensive collection of jewelry or other valuable items.

Gender and place of residence in a previous life

There are many ways to find out who you were in a past life. This is , meditation, automatic writing and many other rather complex techniques. There is an easier way - the test "Who was I in a past life." It is believed that these numerological tables were found in the East. For a long time, their meaning was kept secret, but now with their help you can easily get an answer to the question of how to find out who any person was in a past life.

In order to pass this past life test, you will need the date, year and month of a person's birth.
In addition, a piece of paper and a pen will come in handy - you will have to write a lot. This test consists of several stages of numerological calculations. The first stage is devoted to the gender and place of residence of your past incarnation.

In the first table, the first three numbers and the last digit of the year of birth should be compared. Suppose you want to know everything about the past life for a person who was born on September 9, 1997. At the intersection of the corresponding columns and rows of the table, in our case, there was the number Y. By itself, this letter does not mean anything, but it will come in handy in further calculations. Write it down to remember.

Below are two tables. Your goal is to find the letter in the first table in the row that corresponds to your birth month. In our case, the letter Y for September was found in the table of men, which means that this person was a man in a past life.

Write down on the sheet the symbol of the type that you got, the number of the profession and the sign of the type of profession. In our case, these are ll, 2 and B. These data will be useful to you if you wish to take the test further to find out about the profession in a past life.

Below are tables with numbers of places from which you need to choose the one that matches your type symbol. Find the birth number in it. It includes a planet that should be written out on a sheet - it will talk about the destination, more on that later. In our case it is the Moon. On the left there are two columns - for men and women. Our example was a man, and he corresponds to place number 58. According to the table that tells about the places of life in the last incarnation, he lived in the east of Australia.

How to find out who you were in a past life - profession

In order to find out the profession or line of activity in a past life, one should remember number and letter of profession. They were calculated in the second table, at the stage that talked about the gender of the person you were in a past life.

In our example, we got a profession under the code B-2. This means that the eastern Australian-born man in the example was an astrologer, road builder, astronomer, or map maker. In addition, he could also be a foreman.

Often, what seemed interesting in a past life could pass into a new incarnation. If you have a certain profession, think about what side of it you are interested in in this life? Perhaps this will give you some thought. For example, the person cited as an example is interested in astronomy and in this life, most likely, in the past this was her profession.

Past Incarnation - Destiny Test

Below are three tables that reveal the secret of the current incarnation and tell about its purpose. These are the lessons you didn't complete the last time you lived in this world. In order to move further on the path to the development of the soul, you must fulfill the main goal of being in this world. Such working off of karma will be useful in any case. It is believed that working on it seriously improves the quality of life.

Each of the three tables corresponds thirds of the month and planets. In our example, this is the Moon and the first table, which is intended for those born from the 1st to the 11th, inclusive. It always seemed to this person that he perceives the world differently than the people around him. In the last incarnation, he failed to deal with the cause of this sensation. So, you will have to do this in a new incarnation, and this time it is worth bringing the matter to the end.

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