Collective agreement of Ukrainian Railways. Ukrzaliznytsia retained all benefits for its employees. VII. Social services for workers


Collective agreement (Further collective agreement) is concluded in order to regulate production, labor and socio-economic relations and harmonize the interests of workers, owners and bodies authorized by them at enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and management, using hired labor and having the rights of a legal entity.

Mandatory norms of the aforementioned laws are established in the minimum allowable amount. It is impossible to provide in the collective agreement of the enterprise conditions that worsen the position of workers compared to the current legislation.

At the same time, there are no restrictions on the inclusion of additional guarantees and social benefits for employees in the collective agreement.

In addition, the norms and guarantees provided for by the general and sectoral agreements must be observed. As a rule, they provide for higher amounts of guarantees and compensations compared to those established by law.

The question arises: is it necessary to use such increased sizes at all enterprises without exception?

The provisions of the master agreement are binding on all entities that are within the scope of the parties that signed the agreement.

Guarantee and compensation payments to employees are established in the amount not less than that stipulated by the legislation. If the parties to the collective agreement have come to an agreement on the payment of such amounts in an increased amount, then this must be fixed in the collective agreement. Guarantee and compensation payments include payments:

  • employees elected to elective positions;
  • during the performance of state or public duties;
  • in connection with the transfer, admission or assignment to work in another locality;
  • compensation for business trips;
  • employees sent for advanced training;
  • employees sent for examination to a medical institution;
  • compensation for the wear and tear of tools belonging to employees;
  • donors.

VI. Conditions and labor protection

This section defines the obligations of the employer to create working conditions that meet regulatory requirements and to provide employees with protective equipment, overalls and special nutrition. The procedures for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions and the investigation of accidents at work and occupational diseases are being approved.

The amount of deductions for labor protection measures is established.

VII. Social services for workers

Here we agree on the procedure and amount of payments social character at the expense of the employer: material assistance, payments to families with children, transfer of contributions under voluntary medical insurance contracts, payment for vouchers for treatment and rest, payment for training and treatment of employees, assistance in building or hiring housing, etc.

The amount of funds allocated for holding cultural, recreational and sports events is determined.

If possible, the conditions and procedure for issuing interest-free loans to employees may be established.

VIII. Working conditions of certain categories of workers

This section reflects the features of the organization and remuneration of categories of workers in need of additional social protection. These include women, youth, the disabled, workers who study on the job.

IX. Monitoring the fulfillment of the terms of the collective agreement

The frequency of the report on the fulfillment of the terms of the collective agreement before general meeting. The procedure for informing the team in case of impossibility to fulfill the terms of the collective agreement for objective reasons is established.

Nadezhda Reutova

The State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine (Ukrzaliznytsia), together with the Council of the Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders of Ukraine, has extended the industry agreement for 2014-2015, retaining the corporate package of benefits and social guarantees for railway workers. This was reported to UNIAN in the press center of the department.

“The extension of the current industry agreement preserves all existing industry benefits and social guarantees for the railway workers. It is important that the norms of the industry agreement will be valid during the period of reforming the railway transport, and this will allow them to be included in the new industry agreement (collective agreement) of the future joint-stock company”, - quotes the press service of the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Transport Workers of Ukraine, the chairman of the Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders of Ukraine Vadim Tkachev.

According to Ukrzaliznytsia, the industry agreement guarantees an annual increase wages employees, compensation and benefits for industry workers, maintaining a corporate social package, consisting of various types of material assistance. In particular, Ukrzaliznytsia provides for a cash bonus for seniority, a system of medical care and voluntary medical insurance, a system vocational training and advanced training, an industry health improvement system, as well as support for sports and cultural work, veteran organizations, material support for marriage, returning from the army, recovery and retirement.

As UNIAN reported, Railway fully fulfilled all social obligations for 2012. The amount of social payments amounted to almost UAH 2.6 billion. These funds were spent on the maintenance of social infrastructure facilities, financing of medical and educational institutions, implementation of the housing program, provision of additional holidays for irregular working hours, length of service and more.

Help UNIAN. The industry agreement between Ukrzaliznytsia and trade unions is the main industry document that establishes the minimum and mandatory collective agreements at enterprises, organizations and institutions of railway transport, industry standards in remuneration and working conditions, benefits, labor and social guarantees.

There is also a separate benefit package for railroad veterans. In particular, Ukrzaliznytsia guarantees financial assistance to veteran organizations, transfer of funds charitable organizations and funds to improve medical care for single and infirm pensioners, free use of medical facilities, material and other support for non-working pensioners.

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