What is the organizational ability of a leader. Organizational abilities of a modern leader (2). You might be interested to know


Each leader must have organizational qualities and organizational talent, be able to establish joint work with a large number of people within the organization. He must have both certain knowledge in the field of organization and management of the organization, and the positive qualities of a personal property. At the heart of the psychological structure of the leader's personality are, of course, organizational skills.

In modern literature, the following three types of organizational skills are distinguished:

  • 1. Organizational insight, including: a) psychological selectivity - the ability to pay attention to the intricacies of relationships, the synchronism of the emotional states of the leader and subordinates, the ability to put oneself in the place of another: b) the practical orientation of the intellect, i.e. pragmatic orientation of the leader to use data on the psychological state of the team to solve practical problems; c) psychological tact - the ability to maintain a sense of proportion in their psychological selectivity and pragmatic orientation.
  • 2. Emotional-volitional performance - the ability to influence, the ability to influence other people with will and emotions. It consists of the following factors: a) energy, the ability to direct the activities of their subordinates in accordance with their desires, charge them with aspiration, faith and optimism in moving towards the goal; b) exactingness, the ability to achieve a solution to their problems with a psychologically competent formulation and implementation of requirements for subordinates; c) the ability to critically evaluate their activities, to detect and adequately assess deviations from the planned program in the activities of employees.
  • 3. Propensity for organizational activity, i.e. readiness for organizational activities, starting with motivational factors and ending with professional preparedness, well-being in the process of organizational activities, satisfaction and performance.

A good leader should have the following personal qualities: 1) a broad outlook, a thirst for knowledge, professionalism, innovation, creativity to work; 2) a sense of understanding the situation; 3) a creative attitude to work, perseverance, self-confidence and dedication; 4) out-of-the-box thinking, ingenuity, initiative and the ability to generate ideas; 5) readiness for change, openness, flexibility and easy adaptability to ongoing changes; 6) the desire for cooperation, communication skills and a sense of success; 7) emotional balance and stress resistance, psychological abilities to influence people; 8) situational leadership and energy of the individual in corporate structures; 9) the ability to work in a team and with a team; 10 ) the ability to foresee the result; 11) the internal need for self-development and self-organization; 12) the ability and ability to take risks; 13) the ability to act independently; 14) responsibility for activities and decisions made; 14) the ability to see, highlight the essential; 15) the art of implementing plans .

Each leader must have organizational qualities and organizational talent, be able to establish joint work with a large number of people within the organization. He must have both certain knowledge in the field of organization and management of the organization, and positive qualities of a personal property.

At the heart of the psychological structure of the leader's personality are, of course, organizational skills. In modern literature, the following three types of organizational skills are distinguished:

1. Organizational insight, including:

¨ psychological selectivity - the ability to pay attention to the intricacies of relationships, the synchronism of the emotional states of the leader and subordinates, the ability to put oneself in the place of another:

¨ practical orientation of intellect, i.e. the pragmatic orientation of the manager to use data on the psychological state of the team to solve practical problems;

¨ psychological tact - the ability to maintain a sense of proportion in their psychological selectivity and pragmatic orientation.

2. Emotional-volitional performance- the ability to influence, the ability to influence other people with will and emotions. It consists of the following factors:

¨ energy, the ability to direct the activities of their subordinates in accordance with their desires, charge them with aspiration, faith and optimism in moving towards the goal;

¨ exactingness, the ability to achieve a solution to their problems with a psychologically competent formulation and implementation of requirements for subordinates;

¨ the ability to critically evaluate their activities, to detect and adequately evaluate deviations from the planned program in the activities of employees.

3. Propensity for organizational activity, those. readiness for organizational activity, starting with motivational factors and ending with professional readiness, well-being in the process of organizational activity, satisfaction and performance.

A good leader should have the following personal qualities:

¨ broad outlook, thirst for knowledge, professionalism, innovation, creative approach to work;

¨ sense of understanding of the situation:

¨ creative attitude to work, perseverance, self-confidence and dedication:

¨ non-standard thinking, ingenuity, initiative and the ability to generate ideas;

¨ readiness for change, openness, flexibility and easy adaptability to ongoing changes;

¨ desire for cooperation, communication skills and a sense of success;

¨ emotional balance and stress resistance, psychological abilities to influence people;

¨ situational leadership and individual energy in corporate structures;

¨ the ability to work in a team and with a team;

¨ the ability to predict the result;

¨ internal need for self-development and self-organization;

¨ ability and ability to take risks;

¨ the ability to act independently;

¨ responsibility for activities and decisions made;

¨ the ability to see, highlight the essential;

¨ the art of making plans.

The organizational abilities of the leader should not diverge from his ethical standards. The word "ethics" comes from the Greek wordethos,which in translation means "habit, custom, rule of conduct." Ethics deals with the principles that determine right and wrong behavior. Ethics is divided into theoretical ethics, or philosophical, and practical ethics. The latter is one of the oldest theoretical disciplines, the object of study of which is morality. Practical or normative ethics substantiates moral principles, ideals and norms.

The ethics of the leader is focused on a wide range of options for his behavior, includes the means used by him to achieve his goals. If "ethics" is a set of norms of behavior, morality (in this case, the leader), then the basic ethical norms in relation to solving organizational and economic problems can be reduced to the following:

¨ the effectiveness of the organization, achieving the highest productivity and maximizing profits should not be achieved at the expense of environmental destruction;

¨ competition should be carried out according to fair rules, i.e. the "rules" of the market game must be followed;

¨ the distribution of the created aggregate income, the benefits obtained by labor should not lead to a sharp social stratification of society;

¨ the use of various forms of employee participation in management in order to implement the corporation's strategy should not only increase the desire to work better, but also develop a sense of responsibility;

¨ technology should serve man, not man technology.

Currently allocate the following samples leadership skills that a leader needs to form and manage an organization:

¨ the ability to take into account the behavior of subordinates when managing;

¨ the ability to establish and control discipline;

¨ the desire to flexibly use different styles of leadership, adapting them to change;

¨ awareness of the role he plays and the effective use of his position;

¨ development and maintenance of good relations with others;

¨ giving clear and unambiguous instructions and orders;

¨ regular analysis of the work of subordinates and accounting of its results;

¨ stimulating the activities of subordinates, encouraging the best examples in work;

¨ systems approach to work analysis;

¨ qualified delegation of authority;

¨ avoiding too much negative reinforcement;

¨ creating effective feedback;

¨ protection of the organization's personnel from external threats;

¨ finding ways to improve the performance of employees;

¨ establishment of a system for evaluating work and criteria for success.

To improve the efficiency of organizational activities, the manager needs:

¨ flexible organizational structure, corresponding to the characteristics of the enterprise and existing external factors:

¨ a reasonable combination of centralization and decentralization in the management system;

¨ observance of the principle of unity of command;

¨ delegation of authority;

¨ clear regulation of the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities of employees;

¨ division and specialization of labor;

¨ preparation of a reserve of managerial personnel;

¨ distribution of work with individual consideration of interests, abilities, competence, compatibility of people;

¨ training, advanced training of personnel and their re-training;

¨ clear Information system and communication, optimization of information flows, computerization of the management database;

¨ development, implementation and use of scientifically substantiated standards for the labor intensity of performing work;

¨ widespread use of the collegiate form in the adoption of managerial decisions;

¨ encouraging the initiative of employees;

¨ observance of strict labor and production discipline on the basis of an agreement between the organization and its employees;

¨ creation of a favorable psychological climate in the team;

¨ individual approach to subordinates, situational leadership style depending on the level of development of subordinates and the team;

¨ effective and flexible incentives for employees:

Fair material remuneration based on the results of labor - salary, bonuses for high results, etc.;

Social benefits - medical care, kindergartens, sports and cultural recreation, sanatoriums, soft loans etc.;

Ensuring normal working conditions and organization of work;

Moral encouragement: recognition of the value, business significance of an employee, verbal praise, public honoring:

Recognition of the personal importance of an employee - respectful, tactful, fair attitude towards subordinates:

Opportunities for personal growth and career advancement

Demanding to discipline and quality of work;

Validity, justice of punishment;

Constructiveness in resolving conflict problems;

Providing work to employees, taking into account their interests and inclinations;

Creating an atmosphere of competition, competition.

Each leader must have organizational qualities and organizational talent, be able to establish joint work with a large number of people within the organization. He must have both certain knowledge in the field of organization and management of the organization, and the positive qualities of a personal property.

At the heart of the psychological structure of the leader's personality are, of course, organizational skills. In modern literature, the following three types of organizational skills are distinguished:

1. Organizational insight, including:

 psychological selectivity - the ability to pay attention to the intricacies of relationships, the synchronism of the emotional states of the leader and subordinates, the ability to put oneself in the place of another:

 practical orientation of intellect, i.e. pragmatic orientation of the leader to use data on the psychological state of the team to solve practical problems;

 psychological tact - the ability to maintain a sense of proportion in their psychological selectivity and pragmatic orientation.

2. Emotional and volitional performance- the ability to influence, the ability to influence other people with will and emotions. It is made up of the following factors:

 energy, the ability to direct the activities of their subordinates in accordance with their desires, charge them with aspiration, faith and optimism in moving towards the goal;

 exactingness, the ability to achieve a solution to their problems with a psychologically competent formulation and implementation of requirements for subordinates;

 the ability to critically evaluate their activities, to detect and adequately evaluate deviations from the planned program in the activities of employees.

3. Propensity for organizational activity, those. readiness for organizational activities, starting with motivational factors and ending with professional preparedness, well-being in the process of organizational activities, satisfaction and performance.

A good leader should have the following personal qualities:

 broad outlook, thirst for knowledge, professionalism, innovation, creative approach to work;

 sense of understanding of the situation:

 creative attitude to work, perseverance, self-confidence and dedication:

 non-standard thinking, ingenuity, initiative and the ability to generate ideas;

 willingness to change, openness, flexibility and easy adaptability to ongoing changes;

 desire for cooperation, communication skills and a sense of success;

 emotional balance and stress resistance, psychological abilities to influence people;

 situational leadership and individual energy in corporate structures;

 ability to work in a team and with a team;

 ability to predict the result;

 internal need for self-development and self-organization;

 ability and ability to take risks;

 ability to act independently;

 responsibility for activities and decisions made;

 the ability to see, highlight the essential;

 the art of fulfilling plans.

The organizational abilities of the leader should not diverge from his ethical standards. The word "ethics" comes from the Greek word ethos, which in translation means "habit, custom, rule of conduct." Ethics deals with the principles that determine right and wrong behavior. Ethics is divided into theoretical ethics, or philosophical, and practical ethics. The latter is one of the oldest theoretical disciplines, the object of study of which is morality. Practical or normative ethics substantiates moral principles, ideals and norms.

The ethics of the leader is focused on a wide range of options for his behavior, includes the means used by him to achieve his goals. If “ethics” is a set of norms of behavior, morality (in this case, a leader), then the basic ethical norms in relation to solving organizational and economic problems can be reduced to the following:

 the effectiveness of the organization's activities, achieving the highest productivity and maximizing profits should not be achieved at the expense of environmental destruction;

 competition must be carried out according to fair rules, i.e. the "rules" of the market game must be observed;

 the distribution of the created total income, the benefits obtained by labor should not lead to a sharp social stratification of society;

 the use of various forms of employee participation in management in order to implement the corporation's strategy should not only increase the desire to work better, but also develop a sense of responsibility;

 Technology should serve man, not man technology.

Currently, the following examples of leadership skills are distinguished, which are necessary for a leader in the formation and management of an organization:

 the ability to take into account the behavior of subordinates in management;

 the ability to establish and control discipline;

 the desire to flexibly use different styles of leadership, adapting them to change;

 awareness of his role and effective use of his position;

 developing and maintaining good relationships with others;

 giving clear unambiguous instructions and orders;

 regular analysis of the work of subordinates and accounting of its results;

 stimulating the activity of subordinates, encouraging the best examples in work;

 systematic approach to work analysis;

 qualified delegation of authority;

 avoiding too frequent use of negative reinforcement;

 creation of effective feedback;

 protection of the organization's personnel from external threats;

 search for ways to improve the performance of employees;

 establishing a performance evaluation system and success criteria.

To improve the efficiency of organizational activities, the manager needs:

 flexible organizational structure, corresponding to the characteristics of the enterprise and existing external factors:

 reasonable combination of centralization and decentralization in the management system;

 observance of the principle of unity of command;

 delegation of powers;

 clear regulation of the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities of employees;

 division and specialization of labor;

 preparation of a reserve of managerial personnel;

 distribution of work with individual consideration of interests, abilities, competence, compatibility of people;

 training, advanced training of personnel and their retraining;

 a clear information system and communication, optimization of information flows, computerization of the management database;

 development, implementation and use of scientifically substantiated standards of labor intensity of work;

 widespread use of the collegial form in making managerial decisions;

 encouraging the initiative of employees;

 observance of strict labor and production discipline on the basis of an agreement between the organization and its employees;

 creating a favorable psychological climate in the team;

 individual approach to subordinates, situational leadership style depending on the level of development of subordinates and the team;

 effective and flexible incentives for employees:

Fair material remuneration based on the results of work - salary, bonuses for high results, etc.;

Social benefits - medical care, kindergartens, sports and cultural recreation, sanatoriums, preferential loans, etc.;

Ensuring normal working conditions and organization of work;

To achieve high performance in the work of the team, a modern leader needs effective organizational skills, which are combined into three types.

Organizational skills of a modern leader

Alexander Alexandrovich Ogarkov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Scientific and Educational Work of the Volgograd Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation.

To achieve high performance in the work of the team, a modern leader needs effective organizational skills, which are combined into three types:

1. Organizational insight, including:

psychological selectivity - the ability to pay attention to the intricacies of relationships, the synchronism of the emotional states of the leader and subordinates, the ability to put oneself in the place of another;

the practical orientation of the intellect, i.e., the pragmatic orientation of the leader to use data on the psychological state of the team to solve practical problems;

psychological tact - the ability to maintain a sense of proportion in their psychological selectivity and pragmatic orientation.

2. Emotional-volitional effectiveness - the ability to influence, the ability to influence other people with will and emotions. It is made up of the following factors:

energy, the ability to direct the activities of their subordinates in accordance with their desires, charge them with aspiration, faith and optimism in moving towards the goal;

exactingness, the ability to achieve a solution to their problems with a psychologically competent formulation and implementation of requirements for subordinates;

the ability to critically evaluate their activities, to detect and adequately evaluate deviations from the planned program in the activities of employees.

3. Propensity for organizational activity, i.e., readiness for organizational activity, starting with motivational factors and ending with professional preparedness.

A good leader should have the following personal qualities:

broad outlook, thirst for knowledge, professionalism, innovation, creative approach to work;

a sense of understanding the situation;

creative attitude to work, perseverance, self-confidence and dedication;

non-standard thinking, ingenuity, initiative and the ability to generate ideas;

willingness to change, openness, flexibility and easy adaptability to ongoing changes;

desire for cooperation, communication skills and a sense of success;

emotional balance and stress resistance, psychological abilities to influence people;

situational leadership and individual energy in corporate structures;

the ability to work in a team and with a team;

the ability to predict the result;

internal need for self-development and self-organization;

ability and ability to take risks;

the ability to act independently;

responsibility for activities and decisions made;

the ability to see, highlight the essential;

the art of making plans.

Currently, the following examples of leadership skills are distinguished, which are necessary for a leader in the formation and management of an organization:

the ability to take into account the behavior of subordinates in management;

the ability to establish and control discipline;

the desire to flexibly use different styles of leadership, adapting them to change;

awareness of their role and effective use your position;

developing and maintaining good relationships with others;

giving clear and unambiguous instructions and orders;

regular analysis of the work of subordinates and accounting of its results;

stimulating the activity of subordinates, encouraging the best examples in work;

a systematic approach to the analysis of work;

qualified delegation of authority;

avoiding too much negative reinforcement;

creating effective feedback;

protection of the organization's personnel from external threats;

finding ways to improve the performance of employees;

establishment of a performance evaluation system and success criteria.

Effective leadership assumes that people co-ordinate resources, define tasks, put forward and support ideas, plan activities, etc. Collective work opens up great new opportunities, a collective approach solves problems together. This generates more ideas, increases innovation capacity, and reduces opportunities for stressful situations.

The influence of the leader on the team begins with the selection and placement of personnel in various areas. The placement of personnel should help reveal the personal abilities of workers, ensure the growth of the efficiency of the total work of the entire team.

In solving this problem, a great role belongs to the leader, his ability to take into account the individual abilities, interests and psychological characteristics of people in organizing their joint work. The leader must be able to analyze and take into account the motives of the behavior of team members, apply a differentiated approach to people, taking into account their attitude to positive examples and existing shortcomings, taking into account their personal inclinations, interests and psychology. The success of management largely depends on how much the leader relies on the team, on his experience and knowledge, how much he supports and develops the business initiative.

The effectiveness of activities is greatly influenced by the psychological climate established in the team, which is understood as the nature of relations between people, the mood prevailing in the team, the satisfaction of employees with the work performed, etc. The psychological climate of the team largely depends on the psychological compatibility of workers. Psychological compatibility is the ability of group members to work together, based on the optimal combination of their psychological properties.

The role of the leader in the organization of the team largely depends on the improvement of the style and methods of his leadership, on the behavior of the leader, on the nature of his relationship with people. Numerous studies have shown that the leader is often hindered from effectively performing their functions by the inability to cooperate with people.

The result of organizational work should be only the executive organizational system. G. P. Shchedrovitsky drew attention to the fact that the organization can be considered from two perspectives:

as an artificial formation - an artificial view of the organization is characteristic of the organizer himself, since the one who constructs and creates this organization always looks at it as his own creation, which he has made and is going to use as a means, as a tool to achieve his goals (in this sense of the organization can be any, depending on the goals and objectives of the organizer, while the organization itself does not have its own goals);

as naturally living - after the completion of the creation of the organization, the organizer leaves, the manager remains, and the organization transforms into a form of life of the team and begins to live its own life, which from a natural point of view makes possible the emergence of other goals - the goals of the team that is organized.

Organizational activity synthesizes all activities in systems. It is very labor intensive and has a significant specific gravity in the work of the head (up to 60-80%). The subject of this activity is socio-economic systems, taking into account economic, aesthetic, technological, professional and other connections and relations, the formation of the team itself as an integral dynamic and stable system.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site http://www.elitarium.ru/ were used.

In order for the set goals to be achieved, and mutual understanding reigned in the team, the leader must have organizational skills, which are divided into three types:

The first type is organizational insight, which includes:

Psychological selectivity - the manager must have the qualities of care, attention, be able to set up mutual understanding with employees, synchronize the emotional state, put oneself in the place of another;

The practical orientation of the intellect, i.e. the leader must focus on the psychological state of the team, and solve practical problems; psychological tact - the ability to psychologically and pragmatically navigate;

The second type is emotional-volitional effectiveness - the leader must influence others with the help of will and emotions. This is influenced by the following factors: achievement of goals, activity, perseverance, exactingness, subjective assessment of activities, competent goal setting. When forming and managing an organization, each leader must be able to take into account the behavior of subordinates, control the discipline established by him, effectively use leadership styles, adapt to change, maintain relationships with others, stimulate subordinates, create effective feedback, give clear orders, improve employee performance, achieve success. Vesnin V.R. Management for everyone. - M.: Publishing house Knowledge, 2004 - S. 173

Effective leadership directs its activities towards teamwork, solving problems, putting forward ideas and planning activities together. Working in a team, the organization opens up new opportunities, and quickly comes to the expected and planned results. Mikhailov F.B. Personnel management: classical concepts and new approaches. - M.: Idz-vo Kazan, 2004 - S. 543

The leader influences the team, but he starts with the selection and placement of personnel, which reveal the personal abilities of employees and ensure the efficiency of work in the team. In order to solve these problems, the leader must make every effort, he must individual, psychological characteristics of people in the organization of joint work. It should take into account and characterize the skills, abilities and abilities of employees. The extent to which the leader cooperates with the team, listens to the opinion of the team, relies on its experience and knowledge, will depend on the success of the organization. Vesnin V.R. Management for everyone. - M.: Publishing house Knowledge, 2004 - S. 173 Executive organizational system is the result of organizational work. G.P. Shchedrovitsky considered the organization from two angles: the organization is an artificial formation, since the leader looks at the organization as his own creation, uses it to achieve goals; as naturally living - after the created organization is completed, the organizer leaves it, transfers all affairs to the manager, the organization begins to live its own life.

From the above, we can conclude that organizational activity combines all other activities, it is very complex, requires a lot of labor and work. A significant share in the work of the head (up to 60-80%). The subject of organizational activity is socio-economic systems, taking into account economic, aesthetic, technological, professional and other connections and relations, the formation of the team itself as an integral dynamic and stable system. Kudryashova L.D. How to be a leader. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house S. - Petersburg, 2006 - S. 91

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation