Hobbies for a resume in English. What resumes do foreign employers like. Basic requirements for writing a resume in English


Every year, while studying at a university, thousands of students begin their careers in various fields. Some students already have work experience through part-time jobs during their studies and summer holidays, while the rest are just trying their hand. In both the first and second cases, when looking for a job, a well-written one will be an important starting point for employment in an international company. However, writing a resume for a student is somewhat different from a resume for professionals with experience in a particular field.

The summary in English is called " Summary" or " CV" (short for Latin Curriculum Vitae- "biography"). AT CV you can tell in more detail about your career goals, knowledge, skills, publications and hobbies. Students should pay special attention to personal qualities, give information about the completion of courses, participation in competitions, olympiads, seminars, conferences, projects, availability of awards, certificates. If the student has informal work experience, this is also worth writing about.

When compiling a student resume, the main thing is not to focus on little or no work experience. Focus on skills and achievements, that is, write not about experience, but about what you can do. It is necessary to highlight education and personal qualities, as well as additional knowledge.

Resume structure

An effective student resume on English language offers information in a concise manner and includes 6 main blocks and 3 optional ones.

1.Personal Information

This block should contain:

  • student's name ( first name ),
  • last name ( Surname ),
  • residential address ( address ),
  • Contact phone numbers ( Phone: mobile ( cell phone )),
  • email address ( Email ).

Remember the rule of writing a full name in English: first we write the first name, then the first letter of the patronymic, and then the last name. As a rule, contact details are placed in the middle of the sheet. Full name is highlighted in a larger, bold font. You can not indicate the patronymic in English.

The block might look like this:

2. Objective (goal)

Here you need to indicate the position for which the student is applying, or the area in which he plans to develop.

There are two options for filling the block:

1) You simply indicate the position for which you are applying. All words in the job title in English are capitalized.

2) In one or two sentences, write what you would like to do for the company you are applying to and in what position. Here is a list of useful phrases in English that a student can start with:

For example:

If you are writing a CV, not a resume, then this section can be designated in English as "Career goals" (career goals). In this case, you need to determine the intended place of this position in your career. Students can describe their achievements in their future professional field. State the reasons why you consider yourself a worthy applicant for this vacancy.

To show how you are superior to other candidates, you can use English words and expressions that emphasize your activity and achievements:

    directed, managed, supervised (managed);

    achieved (achieved), generated (produced), increased (increased), initiated (undertook), established (founded) and launched (began);

    cut (shortened), reduced (reduced);

    created (created), developed (developed), performed (performed), produced (produced), etc.

In a student's resume in English clichés like this should be avoided as:

    dynamic (dynamic), people-oriented (people-oriented), results-oriented (result-oriented), self-motivated (purposeful), visionary (far-sighted).

3. Work Experience (work experience)

List your experience in reverse chronological order. Specify Dates (work period), Position (position), Title of company (company name), City (city), Major Duties or Responsibilities (duties), Special Projects (special projects), Accomplishments (achievements). Don't forget to translate companies and positions into English correctly. Please note that if an employer needs a salesperson, then indicate the work experience that is at least indirectly related to sales.

If you do not have work experience, then this block in your student resume in english you don't include. Of course, the student cannot fully present his candidacy due to lack of work experience. On the other hand, the employer understands this when he hires a student. So, strengthen your resume at the expense of other points: education and skills.

Design example:

Work experience

(LLC) “Tradecontact”, Tver, Russia

Responsibilities: answer calls; negotiations arrangement; office work; business documents; advertising.

Work experience

20013 – Present Sales Manager

ABC Company, Moscow

Responsibilities: Recommended computerized bookkeeping and supervised all data entry, improved sales projections, advertising and budget planning.

Accomplishments: Organized special holiday sales promotion, which increased sales by 15%.

4. Education (education)

This part of a student's resume is one of the most important. It is better to arrange the information in this order: Dates (period of study), Major (specialty), Department (faculty), Degree (title / academic degree), Title of educational institution(name of the educational institution), City (city), Country (country). The most important thing is to choose the right English version of the name of the specialization. Here one can mention additional education(trainings, courses). Indicate in English the name of the courses, the name of the organization, the city and the country. Years of study at the university or courses (or the year of graduation) can be indicated at the beginning or at the end.

An example of a student's education:

Additional education can be taken out as a separate block:

6. Publications (publications)

This block is also optional for students to complete. Here are indicated in English publications in newspapers or magazines, if any. The following points are important: Title (publication topic) and Type (Note, Article, etc.) (type (note, article, etc.), Publisher (in which magazine or newspaper it was published), Date (date).

7. Skills (skills)

This block is also called Special (professional) or Additional Skills (special skills). This is an important point in student resume in English.

Here is the following:

  • fluency in foreign languages ​​(level of knowledge of foreign languages),
  • knowledge of a particular computer application(PC proficiency, software knowledge),
  • driving license (the presence of a driver's license).

If desired, the "Languages" section can be highlighted as a separate block, as in the example.

  • native - native language;
  • fluent - fluent;
  • working knowledge - you can read and speak, but not fluently;
  • basic knowledge - read with a dictionary.

Sometimes there is a valid option - fluent English or expert (fluent English / expert). If you are writing a resume in English, then your level of English proficiency cannot be low.

For example:

Experience of computing:

internet, power point, Internet, Outlook Express



computer skills:

MS Office (Word, Excel), Internet, Outlook Express, 1C, Photoshop


English - working knowledge

French - basic knowledge

Driving License:

In addition to knowledge of English and other languages, a student can indicate other useful skills that he owns, depending on the desired position: knowledge of programming languages; budgeting skills; skills business communication and business correspondence; skills in working with office equipment, etc.

8. Interests / Activities (hobbies / interests)

Students may complete this resume block as they wish. Here you can list your hobbies in English. Indicate only the most important, this is not the information that interests the employer in the first place. However, if your hobby is learning languages ​​other than English, it's worth writing about!

Interests / Activities:

Member of Moscow High School Tennis Team

Learning languages: Esperanto, Japanese

Interests / Activities: Chess, volleyball, traveling, reading

There is such an option for filling this block:

1) Full name, position of a person who can give you good recommendations, name of the organization, its location, address, contact phone number, email address:

Resume sections such as honors, publications, Personal Information, References fill in at will, if the students have the relevant data.

How to strengthen a student's resume in English

In order to draw attention to the resume, students need not only to fill it competently and informatively, but also try to follow the following recommendations:

- Your resume should not exceed 1 page.

- In the upper corner of the resume, you can put your photo.

- For students with little work experience, it is better to place information about education immediately after the Objective section, and then disclose work experience.

- A resume in English should be easy to read, clearly structured. The names of sections, companies and positions are highlighted in bold.

Do not underline words or use italics.

- Use standard fonts (Times Roman, Arial, Tahoma, Garamond).

- Include in your resume only the information that is relevant to the position in question.

- And, of course, the English language in which your resume is written must be impeccable.

And most importantly: in order for a student's resume to arouse interest in a potential employer, treat it with full responsibility. Do not forget that a well-written resume in English is the first impression of you. Make it as strong as possible!

Here is a complete example of a student resume in English:


personal information

Name: Viktoria Savina

address: 33716, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Bogatyrskiy avenue 53/3, app. 160

Phone: + 8-812- 100-38-94

Email: [email protected]

Age: 20

marital status: Single

nationality: Russian


To provide advanced administrative services for your company, carry out office management and information management tasks as an Executive Secretary


2012 - present time Teacher of History and Social Studies,

Historical Department, 2nd year study,

Moscow State University, Russia

2002 - 2012 Secondary school No. 1, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Work experience

(LLC) “Tradecontact”, Moscow, Russia

Responsibilities: answer calls; negotiations arrangement; office work; business documents; advertising.

computer skills: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), 1C, Outlook Express



English - working knowledge

French - basic knowledge

Driving License: Category B


A resume in English is called the mysterious "CV". CV stands for curriculum vitae, which in Latin means "life path". A CV is a summary of your skills, experience and education.

In the USA and Canada, along with a CV, the term resume, which is more understandable to us, is also used. Technically, in English, CV and resume are the same thing, but it is generally accepted that curriculum vitae implies a more detailed story about yourself.

Resume structure

Depending on the specific case for which an English CV is being compiled, its structure may vary, but there is also a general pattern, according to which each resume should include several points.

Personal details - personal data

In this section, indicate your name, address, date of birth (in the tolerant West, this item is optional to exclude the possibility of discrimination), contact details (phone, email).

The photograph is also an optional item in the curriculum vitae, for the same reasons as the date of birth. In the UK, a resume photo is only required for actors.

Education and qualifications - education and qualifications

Here, indicate the higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in the reverse order of their graduation, that is, starting with the last one. After that, do not forget to indicate additional trainings, advanced training, etc.

Work experience - work experience

When describing work experience in English, try to use action words such as developed (developed), planned (planned), organized (organized). It is more important for the employer to know what you have achieved, not what you did.

Interests and achievements - interests and achievements

Please keep this section short and concise. Your "interests" should not be longer than your "experience" and "skills".

Achievements here refers to all your successes outside professional activity. However, try to bind them indirectly to work. For example, it would be great if you led a sports team or student council at a university, organized a hobby group, or were a volunteer. Don't list many "passive" hobbies: reading, watching TV, collecting, playing computer games.


It is assumed that you mentioned your main professional skills in the “work experience” section. If you missed something, please add it here. Do not forget other skills that are useful for work, for example, a high level of English confirmed by a certificate, knowledge of office software, driving skills.

Recommendations are understood not only as a characteristic with previous place work, but also just contacts of previous employers and colleagues who are ready to confirm your professional quality. This section is optional. In cases where the applicant submits a resume to different companies, they usually write in this section “References are available on request” - I can provide recommendations upon request.

In the case of submitting a resume to one specific company for a specific position, you can fill out this section immediately. Usually indicate no more than two contacts and recommendations.

What do English-speaking employers pay attention to first of all?

  • Write confidently and positively.
  • Focus on your accomplishments, not your responsibilities. Please provide numbers to support it if possible. For example, "increased the company's revenue by 7%."
  • In the first place, put the skills and experience that are most relevant to the desired position.
  • Focus on the quality of your accomplishments, not the quantity.
  • Expand your list of skills with those that will give you an edge over your competitors. For example, knowledge of a foreign language in addition to English or the basics of web design and layout, etc.
  • Fit all the information on one or two A4 pages.
  • Check spelling and grammar carefully. Just a few gross mistakes, and the employer already has a reason to reject your candidacy.
  • When posting your resume online, don't forget to add keywords/tags.
  • In the first sentences, write your greatest strengths and competitive advantages to immediately capture the attention of the employer.
  • Include in your resume all your achievements and awards that are directly or indirectly related to your profession. These can be prizes from university competitions, scholarship grants, participation in research competitions, conferences, etc.

Useful words when writing a resume

fluent English - fluent English
advanced level of English - advanced English
native Russian - native Russian
unemployed - unemployed
vacancy - vacancy
age - age
fee - fee
capabilities - abilities
Date of Birth - date of birth
position - position
Additional Information - extracurricular activities
achievements - accomplishments
employment - employment
wage - salary
quality - job qualification
qualified - qualified
Job - job
apply for a job in a company join the company
claim - claim
vocation - calling
skills - skills
appointment - appointment
FULL NAME - full name
goals - career goals
goal - goal
marital status - marital status
married - married
single - single
full time job - full time employment
collaborative work - part-time employment
work as - work in the capacity of
employer - employer
summary - resume, CV
recommender - referee
recommendations - reference
supervisor - head
can be provided upon request - applied upon request
make appointment - to make an appointment
find a job - find a position
education - education
announcement - advertising
responsibilities - responsibilities, duties
graduated with a red diploma - graduated with high honors
experienced - experienced
the Department - department
cancel the meeting to cancel an appointment
Until now - till present
work searches - job hunting
personal data - personal information
Place of Birth - place of birth
strengths - personal strengths
employee - employee
insurance - insurance
claim - claim
skills - skills
appointment - appointment

Example of a good resume

Sample resume for IT specialist

If you want to get a job in a foreign company, you need, first of all, to learn how to write a resume correctly in compliance with international norms and standards. Employers generally require applicants to submit applications in English. Find out how best to do it.

What to include in a resume in English?

Like an ordinary resume in Russian, a questionnaire in English consists of several main building blocks, namely:

  • 1. Hat (Heading). In this section, you need to introduce yourself, tell about the date of your birth and place of residence, as well as provide contact information.
  • 2. Purpose (Objective). Tell us what position you are applying for.
  • 3. Work experience (WorkExperience). Tell us in detail about each place of your work activity with a list of functional responsibilities.
  • 4.Education. Tell us about your education. If available, list courses and other additional education.
  • 5. Awards (Honors). List if available.
  • 6. Publications (Publications). If your work has been published in newspapers and magazines, be sure to indicate this. Mention the type of publication, the name of the newspaper or magazine, the release date, and other pertinent information.
  • 7. Professional skills (SpecialSkills). List all the skills that you think would be useful for the position in question.
  • 8. Personal information (Personal Information). If you wish, tell us about your hobbies, family, personal qualities.
  • 9.Recommendations (References). If available, provide references from previous employers or from the place of study. You can also note at the end of the application that you can provide recommendations on demand (References are available upon request).

Please attach a photo to your resume. In applications in English, the photo of the applicant is usually attached in the upper corner on the first sheet.

If you wish, you can exclude certain items from the summary at your discretion. Also, the list of sections may vary depending on the specific vacancy. Specify this point individually.

Below you can find resume templates in English that can help you create your own resume. There are many ways to write a resume, but the general form remains the same. You can also find many different online resume creators on the Internet, in which you only need to fill in certain genders and add a photo, and the generator located on the page will create a ready-made resume for you with the relevant information in it. Such generators can be found, for example, by typing in google: “resume online for free”. An example of a similar resume maker can be found.

Sample resume in English No. 1 - Driver

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Personal information:

Name: Andrey Veselov
Date of birth: 06/03/1984
Address: 000000 Kozlova Street 20, Saint-Petersburg
Nationality: Russian
Marital status: single


Phone number: 333 33 33


2002 – 2007 Saint Petersburg State University

foreign languages:



Work experience:

2006 to present driver in Taxi Saint Petersburg Corporation

Qualifications and skills

Driving license – categories B, B1, C, C1

Familiar with all types of in-car equipment, including bus, taxi, and van

Toyota professional driver training certificate

Personal Traits:

  • responsible
  • able to foresee events in a timely manner
  • punctual
  • getting along with people well
  • quick decision-making


driving, music, travelling, motorsport


Sample resume in English No. 2 - Sales manager

personal data:

Name and surname: Grigoriy Ovchinnikov
Date of birth: 11/05/1983
Address: ul. Pushkina 6, 143350 Moscow
Email: [email protected]


10/01/2002 – 06/30/2008: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation – Master’s Degree of Economics

Work experience:

06/13/2013 – present: Regional Sales Representative – company XYZ sp. z o.o., Moscow

After sales customer service
Providing trainings for customers
Offering and sale of products from the company portfolio

Advisory services concerning the use of products

09.2007 – 05.2013: Sales Representative – XYZ company, Moscow

Acquiring new customers interested in the services offered by the company
Building and maintaining long-term relationships with customers
Conducting trade negotiations
Participation in trade fairs
Creating a positive image of the company among customers in the subordinated area
Implementation of sales plans
Submitting daily/weekly reports

Courses and trainings:

"Effective Communication" Course
„Customer Value Management” Course
"Effective Sales Techniques" Conference

foreign languages:



Computer skills: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Mathcad
Driving license B category

Additional information:

Traits of character: responsibility, punctuality, stress resilience, communication skills
Interests and hobbies: golf, fitness, reading books

Example of a resume in English No. 3 - Nanny

Personal information and contact details:

Name: Viktoriya Knyazeva
Date of birth: 13.12.1990
address: Sovetskaya 2 Street, Moscow
post code: 121500
phone number: 555 55 55
E-mail address: [email protected]

Education and qualifications:

20011 – 2014 Academy of Special Education in Moscow

2006 – 2011 Lomonosov Moscow State University

Work experience:

2012 – 2014 Kindergarten apprenticeship

Children's care and support certificate

foreign languages:

English-fluent (C1 proficiency certificate)



Driving license – category B

Microsoft office suite

Linux, MacOS, Windows environments

Hobbies: music, children, books, movies


References available on request.

Sample resume in English No. 4 - Designer


personal data:

Name: Aleksandr Kornilov
Date of birth: 11/15/1979
home address
Street: any
City: Minsk
Post code: 000000
Phone number: 111-11-11

Education and qualifications:

2002-2007 Belarusian State Economic University

Work experience:

2007 to present Designer in private office

Qualifications and Additional Skills:

foreign languages:
English-fluent. Passed FCE exam on B2 level

Driving license – category B, since the year 2005

Other: Proficiency in computer programs: Microsoft Office, Autodesk AutoCAD
Hobbies: fishing, reading books


References available on request.

Sample resume in English No. 5 - Nurse

personal details

Full name: Anna Kalashnikova

Date of birth: 07/15/1982

Current home address: Lenina Street 1, Moscow

Post code: 124681

Phone number: 444 444 444

E-mail address: [email protected]

Nationality: Russian

Education and qualifications

2006 – 2009 Nurse training at The University Hospital in Moscow

2001 – 2006 Medical University in Moscow

work experience

2008 present Nurse at The University Hospital in Moscow

Additional skills

Computer literate - Microsoft Office Suite

Driving license – category B

  • English-fluent
  • German-intermediate
  • English-beginner
  • French-intermediate

reading books, attending theater performances, listening to classical music

personal traits

  • dedicated
  • hardworking
  • reliable
  • outgoing
  • keen to help people
  • open-minded
  • able to work in solitude as well as in a team
  • trustworthy


References available upon request.

Sample resume in English No. 6 - Cook

personal data:

Full Name: Anton Lobanov
Date of birth: 02/11/1988
Present address: Kievskaya 15 Street, Saint-Petersburg
Post code: 196084
Phone number: 222 22 22
email address: [email protected]

Education and qualifications:

2008 – 2013 Culinary school in Saint-Petersburg

Work experience:

2010 – 2013 culinary apprenticeship in a restaurant in Saint-Petersburg

  • performed daily activities of a chef assistant
  • worked collaboratively in a restaurant
  • acquired skills in cooking and assisting chefs

Qualifications and Additional Skills:

Foreign language proficiency:



Driving license (category B)

Other: Culinary training (I and II degree), Microsoft Office literate

Hobbies: fishing, cooking


References available on request.

A resume in English is not much different from a resume in Russian. There are certain rules for writing a resume that should be followed. Although the resume should have its own flavor, you should not change its shape and the order of individual parts 😉

A document in which a person talks about himself in a professional language is called a resume. Writing it in English is not easy. You must follow the rules of punctuation and design features. How to do it right?

How to write a resume in English: general information

The size of the document is strictly normalized - no more than 1 page. It should not contain familiarity, irony, colorful epithets. Information is presented consistently and strictly. Numbers are welcome. The clearer your resume is, the more likely you are to get a job.

The document consists of the following key points:

Each of these points is important to make correctly.

1. Personal Information - personal data

First line Name- first and last name. There is no patronymic in English. You can write your name in Cyrillic or indicate the English equivalent (Pavel - Paul, Ekaterina - Kate).

date of birth(Date of Birth). The month is indicated by letters (12 th October 1985)

Third line - address. This information is always submitted in the following order:

If you are divorced, widower (widow), but no children, you can write single (not married). If there are children, simply have a child (have children) is indicated. The concept of “civil marriage” is not indicated in the summary.

Sample of this section

Name Hanna Savina
date of birth 19th of September 1979
address 105043 13 Nosova St, Moscow, Russia
phone number +7-960-875-0951
Email [email protected]
Skype Annasavina
marital status Married

2. Objective - goal

The section reveals the purpose of writing the document - what position you would like to take. You need to justify why you should be chosen, what qualities will help you work successfully in this place.

Sample Purpose Section on a Resume

I want to obtain a position as a lawyer in company 3 Brothers. I want to get an opportunity to help the difference people in life situation. My knowledge of law, experience, character achieving company's goals.


I would like to get a position as a lawyer in the 3 Brothers company. I want to be able to help different people in life situations. My knowledge of the law, experience, character traits allow me to make a significant contribution to the development of the company.

3. Education - education

This section contains information about the education of the candidate for the position.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Law department, Master's Degree in Civil Law (1999-2004)

4. Work Experience (work experience)

From this section, a potential employer will learn about past jobs. You need to list all the places in which you worked in descending order - from the last to the first. The period of time, the full names of the companies are also indicated. Here you can write what your job responsibilities were, but briefly.

IMPORTANT! Job Responsibilities, if you mention them, write through the gerund: writing letters, reading lecturers, preparing plans (writing letters, lecturing, preparing plans).

If there is no work experience, you can indicate an informal part-time job, freelance, internship or practice.


2017-May 2018: Company 651, Moscow
Lawyer consult.
Handling the tasks of drafting various agreements.

2011-2017: Company TH, Orel
Advising clients regarding
transactions of business.


2017-May, 2018: Company 651, Moscow
Legal consultant
Drafting various agreements

2011-2017: TH Company, Orel
Advising clients in solving business problems.

5. Skills

Here the candidate indicates the skills and abilities that he owns. The information must be reliable, it will be easy to check during the interview. It could be:

  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • Computer skills;
  • ability to drive a car.

Phrases that are often used:

  • solve technical problems (I solve technical problems);
  • to conduct business in three languages: English, Spanish, French (I conduct business in three languages: English, Spanish, French);
  • in-depth knowledge of computer programs (deep knowledge in computer programs).

If you speak a foreign language, you need to indicate your level:

  • base;
  • average;
  • tall;
  • Fluency;
  • native language.

When passing an international exam, which tested the level of knowledge, the result is indicated.


In-depth knowledge of Windows 8, programs Excel, Photoshop, HTML and CSS. Driving License (Category B, C).
Native Russian
Basic Spanish and French
Intermediate English.


Deep knowledge in Excel programs, Photoshop, HTML and CSS, Windows 8. I have a driver's license (category B, C).
Native - Russian
Basic Spanish and French
Middle English.

6. Extracurricular Activities

Another name for the section is Personal Characteristics or the personal qualities of the candidate. Here are the strengths of the person who is looking for a job. Traditional key phrases:

  • Dependable - reliable;
  • and quick learner - quickly learner;
  • hardworking - industrious;
  • open to change - I'm not afraid of change;
  • able to prioritize - I can highlight the main thing;
  • have planning skills - I have planning skills;
  • keep deadlines successfully - I do the work on time;
  • detail-oriented - do not skip details;
  • natural leader - by nature a leader;
  • adapt well to new situations - I adapt well to new situations;
  • and team player - I know how to work in a team;
  • well-organized - well organized.

In English-speaking companies, great importance is attached to letters of recommendation from previous jobs, higher educational institutions, colleges. If you have a reference from a previous employer, be sure to attach it.

For example:

Kate Hromova, Director of company 096, Moscow, +78120989909
Ekaterina Gromova, director of the company 096, Moscow, contact phone number: +78120989909

Resume sample

We offer you to familiarize yourself with an example of a standard resume in English for employment.

Name Igor Titov
date of birth 25th of July 1985
address 105043 13 Pobeda St, Moscow, Russia
phone number +7-918-025-2101
Email [email protected]
Skype titovigor
marital status Single


I consider to be a part of a team company 132. My knowledge and experience give me an opportunity to take office manager.


2014 – May 2018
St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design
BA (Hons) in Theory of Business

January 2016-September 2016
Manchester School
2 A Levels: Information and Communication (A), English (A).

Work experience

July 2012-September 2015
Personal consultant in preparing business plans (remotely)
Company Y321, Kyiv, Ukraine


In-depth knowledge of Windows 8, programs Excel, Photoshop. To conduct business in two languages: Russian and English

Native Russian
Intermediate English.

Extracurricular Activities

I am a quick learner, open to change and well-organized. Able to prioritize and adapt well to new situations.


available upon request.



I plan to become a part of the 132 company team. My knowledge and experience make it possible to take the position of an office manager.


2014-May 2018
State Institute of Technology and Design, St. Petersburg
Bachelor's Degree in "Business Theory"

January 2016-September 2016
School of Manchester
2 ratings high level: Informatics and communication, English


July 2012-September 2015
Personal consultant in the preparation of business plans (remotely)
Company U321, Kyiv, Ukraine


Deep knowledge in Windows 8, Excel, Photoshop. I know how to conduct business in two languages: Russian and English

Native - Russian
English - advanced level

Personal qualities

I am a fast learner, open to change and well organised. I know how to highlight the main thing and adapt well to new situations.

Download sample resume in English


The question "How to write a resume in English" is one of the leaders in the Internet space. To make a good first impression about yourself, you need to competently and truthfully write a document that visually tells a potential employer about you.

Future Perfect in the Past - the future perfect tense in the past is used to express a completed action in the future.

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